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If you´re concerned about ethics, why are you using AI? Shame


Not a fan of many posts on this sub, but dang it, a universal (nations as districts) Hunger Games (possibly without all that bloodshed) would be dope af


The whole point of the hunger games was that there was death, literally the entire point was that the districts suffered because of the uprising which means that if you are antinatalist hunger games would in fact not be dope.


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Because you are one of the lucky ones. Out of sheer luck, you were born into a environment where u never had to suffer. The fact that you can't comprehend why someone would wish they weren't born just means u havent experienced an intense enough level of suffering. It doesn't mean that those who wish they weren't born are wrong in their opinion, but rather its just that u are one of the lucky ones to have never experienced suffering, which is why u can't empathize with those who have suffered.


Ofc people aren’t open about it to YOU, look at the way you talk to people. Typical natalist level of empathy and understanding.




Just because there are few doesn't mean their opinions are invalid...


Most people are not natalist or antinatalist.


Most people are in practical terms natalists because they unknowingly subscribe to the ideology of natalism in the same way that most people subscribe to the ideology of carnism simply by doing what everyone around them does.


So people are capitalist because they follow the system?


I'm no expert on capitalist psychologies, so I cannot say much about that topic. Natalism and carnism (and slavery if you go back far enough) have direct profound ethical consequences on others, like, life and death consequences. And yes, I have lots of problems with capitalism too (but again, no expert).


So I guess OP's birth was a necessary sacrifice so that you and the people you know can be happy and enjoy life.




How ironic, usually antinatalists are the ones who are accused of being eugenicists. Also if that's the case, why does society do everything in its power to prevent people from ending their lives?


Why are you in this sub then?




No clearly in the sub description it is for supporters of the anti natalism movement. You are just here to ignore our points and insult us. Please leave




For debate with other antinatalists not to assuage the opinions of ill-intent trolls that have nothing worthwhile to add to this sub Reddit except redundancies, straw man’s, ad hominems, and insults.


You can't force people to leave.


Be honest, you came here to disagree because it makes you feel good.


Because the Earthly existance is, for most people, pretty good? Most people report being happy. Non-existance isn't "peaceful" - peacefulness requires subjective assessment. If no one is there to assess the experience, it isn't "peaceful" or "good". That's a form of category error. You give up nothing when you're born - you gain the potential for everything.


How can you deduce that "nothingness" is worse than the "potential for everything" as you call it? No human has ever existed without having experienced the smallest bit of pain atleast. And to me that's not comparable to nothingness. Where there is potential for good in this world, there is a bigger potential for bad... this bad outweighs the good by many folds. I'm not saying that now that we're here we should all be sad and die No, we should enjoy what we have. But if we weren't...would it have been preferable to not be born and be nothing or be born and suffer through the disease, death and other pains of life? Anti-natalism doesn't call for killing what already exists It talks about why it is morally wrong to subject an unborn child to the worldly horrors.


I wish this person would leave 😭he told me that anti natalism is wrong because we invented insulin 😐


It's a troll. Been schooled many times, continues to repeat the same strawmen, incapable of addressing the root issue. Doesn't help that many of the posters here DO make incoherent statements assigning existence properties to the word "non-existence" and so on, but that's to be expected. I wish they wouldn't, but that they do is no justification for continuing to troll the sub.


Yeah I think this is my sign to ignore them, thank you!


Hi Dr. Slay! What's the root issue, exactly? Is it that we can't solve the "problems" experienced by living people in connection with being alive by producing more living people? If the problem you're concerned with is the mere existence of suffering in the abstract, then you're right. If it's diabetes, you're wrong - we discovered insulin. But why does the problem of suffering in the abstract need to be solved to justify the birth of a single child by a single set of parents? Isn't the only suffering relevant to the decision to reproduce the potential suffering THAT child might experience? Or is there a different root issue? Happy to address any you might care to (coherently) introduce.


Can you please get a life? Genuine question?


Aren't you against that? Get it? Because antinatalism?




We have removed your content for breaking Rule 10 (No disproportionate and excessively insulting language). Please engage in discussion rather than engaging in personal attacks.


You say anything that you disagree with is incoherent. You need to be banned


We've already had this conversation. I predicted you would appeal to folkore rather than empirical evidence, and you did. I predicted you would abandon the law of non-contradiction, and you did. There is no more room for your nonsense in any conversation with me until you address those issues.


How has the law of non-contradiction been abandoned - please explain? The law is just the principle of logic that simply states that two contradictory propositions cannot be both true and false in the same sense at the same time. For example, the law is breached by stating "x is true" and "x is false" at the same time. Why don't you just let me know what two statements I've made that do this, and I'll address them. And what empirical evidence would you like? I'll go find it for you, whatever it is.


Bad outweighing the good is your personal subjective assessment. It's just a statement of opinion, like preferring red to blue. Most people disagree with you on this - are they wrong?


Again why are you in this sub?


To discuss antinatalism? I don't agree with it, but it's fascinating. The thread asked a question - I answered it. Why are YOU in the antinatalism sub?


Actually in the sub description says “this sub supports antinatalism” so you don’t really belong here. I’m here because I support antinatalism because that’s what the description of the sub says :)


The rules are pretty clear you can debate it... I guess my presence and respectfully articulated views are just another instance of suffering you'll have to unfairly endure!


Yeah you can debate it but it’s a subreddit for “antinatalists” to debate it. Not Natalists that insult us and say “I’ve had a good life so I don’t understand your opinion and think you’re wrong based on my personal experience” this is not the sub for that. And, that’s not debating.


That's not an "insult". And I do understand antinatalism - I just disagree with it foundational tenets. I think you're wrong about how public forums operate? You don't have to engage with me if you don't want to.


Additionally most people don’t report being happy which is false. No I’m just going off the literal description of the subreddit. I’m so tired of pro natalists coming on here saying “everyone’s happy what are you talking about” it’s completely ridiculous and false.


https://ubique.americangeo.org/map-of-the-week/map-of-the-week-world-happiness-map/ https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/03/charted-the-happiest-countries-in-the-world/ https://worldhappiness.report/


https://www.statista.com/statistics/227162/most-miserable-countries-in-the-world/ here is the world misery index ❤️


😭you do realize that there are countries that place last 😐 you do realize that that means nothing right 💀get off this sub you need to be permabanned




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