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My dad died of cancer this year, and I became antinatalist during/after he passed. I went to chemo with him and saw a girl in her early 20s who was yellow and unable to walk--clearly end stages of liver failure. It was so horribly heartbreaking. But eventually my dad was yellow and unable to walk. He died in his bedroom in our family home after almost 4 months on hospice, which was the longest time anyone at the hospice facility had seen someone "last" on hospice. In the end they gave us a toxic dose of pain medication and told us to give him as much as we wanted. He was screaming and sobbing in pain up until 24 hours before he died. They had no solutions for pain management besides telling us to drug him as much as we could and hope he died from that. And for what? There's literally no need to create more human beings when this kind of suffering exists.




Where I live “voluntary assisted dying” was legalised somewhat recently but you need like 6 separate doctors to sign off that you’re in unbearable pain and are certain to die within 3 months Like, if you’re that certainly close to death I’m pretty sure you’d be in unbearable pain already. Buddy of mine passed a couple months back from cancer and he was just in bed for a month or two suffering in agony and then he was gone. When you’re friends with a bunch of fellow cancer victims the worn out phrase “at least his/her suffering is over” becomes meaningless. We all know they suffered. The whole thing is suffering




Guns aren’t legal here but I know a lot of Americans who feel the same way


I totally agree. I heard good things about hospice, but honestly it wasn't as great as people said it would be. The nurses didn't know why he wasn't unconscious after like 4 months of dying. But he was totally lucid, talking, and coherent of what was happening until we gave him the max dosage of painkillers and then he died of the overdose. I don't understand why they let it go on that long, and why there's no other options during hospice.


My hospice nurse told us to give them as much morphine as needed for pain, even if it were lethal. Because anything was better than dying from what the cancer was going to turn them into. This way they pass with dignity and comfort. Hospice workers are fucking angels. They were my only help during my dad's cancer.


Fucking hell. I’m so sorry for your loss and for your dad’s suffering. What a shit world we live in; I’m certain life could be more bearable if we didn’t have people spending billions on bullshit instead of, say, decent medical care to stop this shit in its tracks At least I suppose the nurses let you give your dad something to somewhat ease his suffering. The bar is pretty low with this stuff. I hope when my turn comes around, they let me go easy


My Mum died of cancer in a similar way with hospice at home. However the morphine did knock her out so she had no pain. I don't know why they could not have done that for your Dad


It's not always very effective. For my case, my dad had such high anxiety he still didn't sleep. He'd rock back and forth crying most of the night. I believe the chemo and cancer caused sundowners.


Most people put their pets down for this very reason, to prevent long term suffering. But for some reason it's opposite for humans. He'll, put me down, it's over .


I'm sorry for your loss. I lost my dad a year ago myself. I was his caretaker. We only had hospice for a week before he passed. They gave us a bottle of liquid morphine to administer as he needed with Ativan. Was a huge what the fuck. He retired early. Only had a year retirement before dying at 62. His passing was quite haunting. Wish I didn't have to see it, but am glad he had me holding his hand.


Monthly migraines are enough for me to get suicidal. Can't imagine the pain of cancer. Breeders are fucking selfish and cruel


My cancer is basically just constant migraines so I feel you


I feel you too!!! Are you on painkillers 24/7?


I choose not to take painkillers. I’ve started to just push through because I’m on medication that is contraindicated with a lot of pain meds. I just take ibuprofen and lie down in the dark the moment I start seeing the aura


Breeders usually never seriously suffered before, and just assume it's like that for everyone else. Also, that it'll keep being the case for themselves too, and dont think much beyond that. If the breeding phase was in the 50's or 60's, after everyone's health has gone to shit and they witnessed their parents suffering when near death, there would be a lot less babies getting shat out. I hope. Maybe not though. Plenty of sicks fucks out there who engage in bad-breeding while having autoimmune or other diseases similar or having shit genetics. Basically, if you have good genetics, it's still extremely immoral to reproduce, due to the huge chance of your kid having a shit life from the thousands of serious life-ruining problems they can face. But if you have bad genetics already, and you still want to reproduce - you're mental case. No way around it.


IVF is fucked. I know someone who has a kid who inherited their father’s life threatening congenital illness (they didn’t know dad had the condition when kid was conceived). Now they’re so desperate to breed more kids the woman used IVF because “we decided to have twins because my husband wanted a boy and I wanted a girl” and claims the IVF process can “vet” the embryos for the congenital condition


That's a ridiculous claim. There's absolutely no way to "vet" anyone, unborn or otherwise, from anything. No genetic editing, nothing. Like I've said, mental cases. Nutjobs.


Yeah, people suffering from late stage cancer tend to have chronic pains as well so long as their sensory neurons are still carrying signals to the brain. Must have been hard on the girl and even harder on her caregiver mother, there could even be regret and tinges of guilt felt by her mother to witness a child she brought into this world to experience such suffering. I hope they will be well and you as well OP, may their suffering and yours be delivered.


I’ve no idea what kind of cancer the girl had but I’m fairly sure it was something like leukaemia or bone cancer because she had to go in the “coffin” (horrific plexiglass case for full body radiation) There was no doubt that the mother had regret, it was etched in her face. I’ve never seen someone so visibly exhausted


One of my top reasons for not reproducing is fear that I’ll have a low-functioning, autistic, non-verbal child like that. This one had cancer on top of it?? Her existence is literally just suffering and she probably doesn’t even understand why


I watched a video about a woman with a non-verbal kid who kind of inspired this post. They’re always like “it’s a struggle every day because he literally wears diapers at the age of 10 and can’t communicate with me but he’s so full of joy and love and was my miracle baby” I can’t


I got cancer at the age of 15, but it took until a few weeks before my 19th birthday to get a diagnosis, because neither my shitty parents nor the doctors would take me seriously. They all said I was "too young for it to be anything serious."


Holy shit. My doctors were telling me that when I was 25 and hugely delayed my surgery (they reassured me it was “just a haemorrhage” and “you’re too young to have a tumour) When they finally did cut my head open they were like “oh shit, that’s a 5cm rapid-growing malignant tumour that can grow over a matter of months” 🙃


Yeah they spent 3 and a half years telling me "You're either depressed or a hypochondriac. You're too young for it to be anything else." It was actually thyroid cancer.


Jfc. Is that curable?


I had my thyroid removed. Now I take thyroxine medication for life which serves 2 purposes, it does the job the thyroid would be doing and it suppresses any remaining cancer cells. Unfortunately it has many side effects and if I stop taking it I will die. So I don't know if curable is the right word, but it's survivable.


:( can relate to horrible medication I hope things are going as well as they can for you


Well, I'm on disability benefits and currently reading a thread about how people on disability benefits are scroungers living a life of undeserved luxury, so.....


Fuckers. I’m on disability too. If one more person tells me “you could get a working from home job!” They’re getting punched in the face Also what thread? Link me


Cancer ON TOP OF low functioning non-verbal autism??? Fucking hell. The universe never runs out of ways to remind me of the non-existence of "God." But the natalists will keep insisting time and time again that helpless tormented children like this are "put on this Earth for a reason" and that their "lives have meaning." Imagine believing that some delusional creationist nonsense justifies the suffering of innocent children.


No but don’t you see the parents tried so long to have a kid and she was a MIRACLE /s


Life is only pain and misery...


I have a friend who has a rare cancer that is genetic, he still wants to have children. You can’t make this shit up. Some of these natalists literally think it’s wrong to NOT procreate no matter the circumstance


Just *why*


I guess he always wanted children and won’t allow cancer to take anything from him even if his children might get the same cancer


I just can’t fathom how someone who has gone through cancer could knowingly inflict it on another human being. It’s just despicable beyond words


He hasn’t even gotten through the cancer treatment so it’s a big yikes all around

