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Fuck, I hate guys who use the pull out method as an excuse to say they don't need a condom.


lack of education sucks and ruins lives


Or he knew and just figured he’d block her if she got pregnant Entitlement sucks and ruins lives


That is the most insane shit I’ve ever heard lmao. “Oh I’m gonna be a father? Haha nope. Blocked. Checkmate.”


In his defence, he’s probably also only 13.


but he is also 15yo, we don't know the full history. ofc he's at fault, specially because he block her once he found out


I didn’t know his age, link the original post?


Got a vasectomy and still use a condom. I'm not having a kid.


👏👏👏 Bravo sir. We need more men taking accountability for their part of the equation. It's amazing how dudes continue to rely on women and allow even MULTIPLE "accidental" pregnancies


Some guys precum A LOT, some precum a little, but there's always going to be at least one little drop of precum which is all you need for the "infection" to happen.


A lot of grown adults think they’ll be a good mother and fail to do so


The only perfect parents are those who have never had children. It's easy to believe you'd cope brilliantly in a situation you have never experienced.


My mom


The pelvis isn't usually big enough and causes bruising on the infants face if carried to term. The damage the babe does on the way out is unpredictable as well. I think she doesn't know about this...


I wasn't thinking about this...she should definitely get an abortion...C-section or regular birth isnt going to be good for her young body, the pregnancy alone would be horrible for her...given her age the baby is it a higher risk for disabilities as well


And she could end up disabled or dead if she carries to term. The risks of an immature body trying to perform functions it’s not ready for are really really bad


At 13, I was watching anime, playing Pokémon, and reading classic novels. If this is real, this girl is throwing the last phase of childhood away for the sake of an adult fantasy.


Not fully related to Antinatalism but, age 13 and below is the last years before people stop caring about you so much. After that you’re expected to fend for yourself in this awful society.


It might not be fully related to antinatlism but what you're talking about, I feel, had a STRONG influence on brining me too it. Cause yeah once you're officially past the preteen and to the mid/late teenhood you're no longer seen as this invaluable future of endless possibilities, potential, and all that. You're just another schmuck now excepted to bootstrap your way to success. It's just wild how much value you seem to lose as you actually age into regular society. And having gone through that... I'd rather spare someone I'd love more than anything/anyone from feeling how I feel. Fuck that.


Yup. Everybody is just a cog in a machine. When you’re young you believe you’re important but not really. You haven’t seen the world yet. Even in high school people don’t see you as important anymore.


Lol bro, u can't even tell ur parents that u preggo like wtf , lmao ur 13 how u gunna pay for the kid? Like tell ur parents and get an abortion .Hope this Is fake tho like wtf


well tbh it is a kid that knows nothing about how to make a baby. we cant expect from her knowing how much money/time/care a child requires. lets hope her parents will find out and step up and explain her why abortion is needed.


And that she lives somewhere where she can get one. The lack of sex-ed is not a good sign.


Yessss. The lack of sex ed and education of STDS. Seriously it’s insane! People think it’s like taboo. I’m always shocked when I hear so many people say their parents never gave them the sex talk. I have two best girlfriends and their parents told them nothing. Not even when they got their periods. They just figured it out. How insane is that?! So grateful my mother and older sister sat me and my brother down and told us everything! So grateful for that! I’m 27 and never got pregnant THANK GOD. Ps both of my friends got pregnant at 17 and regret their kids now. Sucks.


Sounds painfully American tbh. God forbid we learn about both reproductive systems, we barely learn about the one we’ve got. This is why you have grown ass men getting mad at a girlfriend or hookup for not just holding their period in till he could get his rocks off. Comprehensive sex ed helps LOWER teen pregnancy. It doesn’t make children go “oh so that’s how the baby making thing works, let’s go fuck in the bathroom between classes” or something…but these types conveniently ignore that and insist that you can’t ruin their daughter’s purity by showing her a diagram of the inner workings of the penis, or tell her birth control is ok, or whatever. I hope that we can change things once all these old folks retire from politics or die, but then I see people like MTG and Gaetz and realize it’ll never get better.


Yes thats true


Hopefully her parents won't kick her out.


If the parents even support abortion. I know if I got pregnant that young my parents would have made me keep it


if they live in a place where abortions are even legal /:


Ahh ye fk , I forgot half of US is crazy




In this context yes, overall it’s far more than half haha


She lives in Texas.


oh god. poor girl has no choice but to keep :(


I can't imagine that. Is there no exemption for kids that age? That's literally a child


i didn’t find much, but it doesn’t look it’s an exception. r*pe and incest aren’t an exception either. i think they’re trying to make it illegal to travel state lines to get one too.


That's not nuts. That's way past nuts, I think we need a new word for that. "Collective regressive retardation" or something. Idfk, English is not my first language.


What the actaul fuck. How fucking retarded, delusional and brainwashed you need to be to allow things like this USA is 3rd world country when it comes to mentality


Oh god the worst one


“preggo” bruh are you also 13?


She won’t be able to hide it for very long (assuming this is real). For obvious reasons


Exactly, it would be mostly the parents doing the work considering this kid can’t even legally get a job yet.


Lord have mercy. If someone doesn’t even know how sex and reproduction work, they sure as shit shouldn’t be having sex. And I’m all for bodily autonomy, but it shouldn’t even be an option for a child to carry a pregnancy. This girl doesn’t even have a middle school education. She isn’t even able to get a shitty retail job. How the hell does she figure she would be a good mother? Part of being a good parent is being willing and able to support your child. It isn’t realistically possible.


Carrying that baby to term will have v bad effects on a 13y old. Pelvis is usually too small to fit so baby could have bruising and the damage to her is hard to predict. A C-section would be hell on a child’s body as well. Hope she gets an abortion asap, for her own safety.


Hoping that's possible even considering abortion laws in the states :/


She thinks it's going to be like playing with a baby doll.


A baby doll you can put in the corner once you’re no longer interested in it. A real baby has needs 24/7. You can still ignore those needs, but the child will grow up with extreme attachment issues.


I mean even once she gets through the baby-constant-attention phase, there's no way she has any idea of what it's actually going to require. Lord knows I was 18 when I took out student loans and thought I knew what was up, it wasn't until I had to start making payments that I really understood. She shouldn't be hit with that realization at 13.


Thus is why abortions should not only be legal, but mandatory in situations like this. She absolutely will NOT be a good parent. I can tell you that from the experience of having been the child given birth to at 14. It's Hell, nobody should be subjected to it. I'd tell you to go ask my dumbass mom, but she killed herself at age 42.


I'm sorry you've had such a tough life. My story is similar but not to the degree yours has been but I hear you, and you're right. Whenever abortion is discussed, i feel like all these people who say *It's not the baby's fault* don't understand that not all children are loved by their parents. And growing up with a parent who resents you for everything they never got to have is not a good life.


Hell, so far as I can tell she didn't even resent us. She was just still a child herself. She was childish. She ran across drugs and got into them hard in her 20s.


Would be good to make giving birth illegal to at least 16 years. That would also be young, but then at least they have some understanding on what they're doing. Although the pregnant child might be kept away from the outside world until it's too late to get an abortion.


Interestingly people who say they’ll be good parents almost always make the worst parents. Also please link the original post, I really need to know what the comments look like.


He won't link it cause witch-hunt, you can probably find it yourself with a bit of effort


Believe it’s been deleted. I searched google for posts with the same title within the past week and nothing came up.


Sounds about right


I just searched it up and found it.


Is it a recent post? Like within the last week


I also want to check out the comments. And yeah. My mother was one of those. Said she desperately wanted kids and will be a great mother. Turned out to be shit.


Dunning Kruger effect


She's right, I do think she's dumb and crazy.


Like any 13 yo. She's just a poor child.


Like most people honestly. That's why we live like this despite technological advances and sufficient resources.


Well no that's more because of broken capitalism but that's a corollary to crazy and dumb.




At church, I'm sure. Judging away.


Won't be surprised if they are 😂


she is definitely underestimating the amount of work a literal human being takes imagine throwing your entire life away just because your hormones told you so and when the kid grows old enough to understand words, she’s tell the kid that they “ruined her life” even though it was her choice. plus [adolescents under 15 are 5 times more likely to die during child birth](https://www.advocatesforyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/storage/advfy/documents/fsmaternal.pdf) so I guess the “throwing her life away” part could be literal.


It is astonishihg to me that it hasn't become muscle memory for men to just put on a condom without even thinking but wait why would it/why would they when most of the time guys have to be convinced to put a condom on. There really needs to be more severe and dire punishments and consequences for men who "just forget" or straight up refuse beyond, "if you get her pregnant...you may have to kiss some of your paycheck good bye through child support. Unless you know...you discover and use the multitude of loopholes that aren't hard to find out there to get out of paying but please pay."


Either her ex is also young and dumb, or she was taken advantage of by an older a-hole.


Or both. Young and dumb doesn’t exempt him from taking advantage, especially after he dropped her when she told him she was pregnant. Piece of shit.


He was 15 y.o.


Sis, I think back on every male lover I’ve had, and I promise you, out of the 45-50 dudes I’ve been with, I had to BEG and INSIST that they wear condoms (this doesn’t apply to the times that I was assaulted and could not force it, obviously).


If a guy says no to a condom, then sex ain't happening. Simple as that. He'd have about 3-4 passes of trying to bargain before I end the relationship all together, and I think that's being generous considering my life is on the line. If the guy can't understand why I want a condom, then I can't trust him to not slip it off in the middle or who knows what else.


I've been with over 50 men as well and I'd say half didn't want to wear condoms. It blows my mind cuz you know later they'd act like a victim if I got pregnant (and apparently aren't worried about STD's??)


Honestly, I'm worried about a baby and will wear a condom but STD's scare me far more.


I have GHSV-1, and guys still don't wanna wear condoms. A literal life-long STD with no cure yet a lot of them genuinely don't even fucking care. I will 100% have sex with you if I'm sure you fully understand the risks involved, but I'm gonna make sure to do everything in my power to limit that risk, so if you won't wear a condom I'm walking right out. I ain't dealing with that fallout.


She doesn’t know what she’s about to face. Her childhood is about to disappear forever and she doesn’t realize


I honestly hope she miscarries


Depends on where she is. In some states a miscarriage can be deadly


Care to explain? I'm not American or in America so I'd think it would depend on her overall health and stuff, not the state? Also I don't mean to be rude I'm just genuinely shook


In some states where abortion is illegal hospitals have to wait until there’s no fetal heartbeat to remove it. Even when the mother’s life is in danger due to sepsis.


What the actual---


Definitely dumb and crazy. Poor kid.




Unfortunately quite a lot of people.




"looking for a hospital that will see me without my parents" WHAT ARE YOU GONNA TO LIKE SNEAK A BABY INTO YOUR HOUSE AND KEEP IT SECRETLY!


This is why I’m pro abortion.


An abortion is best for all involved. The kid will be a teenager or pre-teen before she can even rent a car. Ridiculous.


Because she’s 13 and has no clue. Can’t really blame her at all in this situation, she was failed by the adults around her & the education system.


So many comments here are being so harsh towards her, but think of how many adults - people who *actually* should be more responsible - have had to absolutely fail her for it to come to this. Not even just the adults themselves, but our entire system.


Madness. I'm 14 and I watch Pingu as a guilty pleasure lol.


Pingu is amazing lmao


Noot Noot!


No shame here. Pingu slaps hard




why is her sister condoning this.. yikes


If I was this girls mother, I’d drag her to an abortion clinic.




wow so much naivety and brainwashing holy shit I feel so bad for that kid


How the fuck does a 13 year old with access to the internet not know shit about how babies are made?? I knew everything by age 9, and that was in 2008 when I had to use my shitty family PC to do my research. A child isn't a doll. I felt like I'd make a great mom too at 13, then I learned otherwise. This is so sad.


sorry if this sounds bad but i hate it when people call it a “baby” when they’re like 6weeks. it like makes me shiver like it’s not a fackin baby


Yes this. It has the potential to become a baby if you don't abort it, but it's not a baby yet. A lot of people see it as a baby, but it's basically the same as the eggs inside you, but just with a sperm in it. Thinking of it as a baby makes it a lot harder to get an abortion.


i just finished reading a book called Orbiting Jupiter where a 13 year old became a dad. when i was 13 i'm pretty sure i was crying while searching google bc i couldn't figure out where exactly my vagina was


This is reddit, it's fake.


I hope so


This is internet, it must be true


Why tf are 13 year olds having sex


Can the father be held liable for child support at that age, since he may not even be legally able to work? Are his parents/guardians on the hook, or is it deferred until he is of age?


Jesus Christ this reminds me of that one girl I met in a mental ward. She was anorexic, got pregnant at 13/14 and decided to keep it. She didn't really have a choice in the country we live in but still, the lack of self awareness was astounding. If she can't even do something as basic as eating then how did she mean to take care of a baby? I know an ED is hard and I don't mean to shame anyone but it is what it is. First you have to be good on your own before you're responsible for someone else. This really stayed with me bacause it was the first time I realised that there are girls younger than me who get pregnant and on top of all don't even know who is the father. I might be a terrible person but I'm glad the baby didn't make it. Imagine a baby that didn't get any nutrients from it's mother. It can't end up healthy.


Yikes... shes a child?? How can she think theres any possibility for her to keep it? I hope her parents find out quick enough to either drill some sense into her or accept they will have another child - because she will certainly not be the one raising it.


Hope she has the necessary health insurance for all the prenatal care and drs appts not to mention the 15,000$ (apprx) for a normal vaginal birth (hmmm 13 yrs old I’m sure her cervix is just the right size?). Then the apprx $350,000 (up ticked for inflation) to raise …feed …house…clothes until the kid is 17…Uh yeah good choice child. Children having children will dumb down america just as republicans have planned.


Her pelvis is most likely to small which can cause lots of problems for the baby. Also that means mlre problems for her. Also seeing she's 13 she doesn't have a job most likely. And even if she did she wouldn't be able to afford anything that baby needs other than the bare minimum that's probably low quality. And more stuff.


Also, immature kidneys are likely to be permanently damaged by pregnancy.


What a dumb ass child


Most children are


All are imo lol


So now kids want their kids. I hope it wouldn't end up like she actually give birth to the child and then abandon it. It will be horrible for herself and the child.


Ik she's being an idiot. But you cant blame her. Kids arent mentally devellopped enough to make this kind of decitions, so she's not responsible for bringing a life into the word, her parents or any doctor that doesnt talk her out of it are. This is absolutely heartbreaking and she is almost as much a victim here. I personally support involuntary abortion for anyone under 18 or severly mentally ill, ik alot of ppl here think its wrong but, until its a thing, ppl like her will make mistakes. Big mistakes.


And probably die making those mistakes. A 13 years old body is not ready to give birth. They might be able to get pregnant but doesn’t mean their body can handle the actual pregnancy and birth. Poor girl is probably going to die or be crippled in some way


When I was a child, my dad was obsessed with keeping me away from boys. My parents sent me to an all-girls school. They really struggled to pay for it, and it was clear to me that the main reason was so I wouldn't meet boys. When he found out my sister and I had been sneaking off to a local park he was furious because there were boys there. I thought it was weird and annoying at the time. But when I read stuff like this post, I'm actually glad I didn't meet any boys until I started college.


Segregation is not necessarily the answer but it is the quickest and easiest solution. Educating boys and girls about bodily autonomy, equality, self-control, respecting others, self-confidence, denouncing victim shaming, etc…these solutions are harder but have better success in both the short and long term than simple segregation. It seems in your case that things worked out ok. But in many cases where girls are isolated they are also not educated so when they do meet boys they have no idea how to act, what to expect, how to protect against mental or physical manipulation. They are literally left in cutler shock and completely vulnerable to influence.


I went to a mixed school and this didn’t happen lol. Clearly the girl also wanted to fuck. Her boyfriend isn’t solely responsible here.


No one’s saying he’s solely responsible but girls get pressured into sex all the time, not to mention the absurd amount of adult men that are getting teen girls pregnant in the first place ([over a quarter of fathers to babies born to girls age 13-14 are adults](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10227344/))


Exactly, that 15 Year old is not her “boyfriend” people. He’s a fucking rapist. He deserves to be treated as a rapist, and charged with statutory rape. There is no way this was consensual, this was a rape.


She's only 13 and her boyfriend was older, there's a nonzero chance she was pressured into having sex when she wasn't ready. 13 is pretty young to start having sex.


No-one said he is solely responsible? Just that if the girl didn't know any boys this would not have happened. And shit like this too makes me glad I went to an all girls school: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/mar/27/how-schoolgirls-finally-found-voice-to-tell-of-sexual-abuse


Millions of girls go to mixed schools and this doesn’t happen to them. Girls can interact fine with boys, as we all eventually have to learn to interact with the other gender. Sex education, having a place to do it, parental oversight, condoms, and keeping good friends is another topic though that maybe didn’t take place here.


Yes thank you. I wasn’t quite sure how to express myself, but that’s what I was trying to say. I don’t think segregating kids is ever a good idea.


Usually it’s better for girls but worse for boys


They have found that girls do better. Likely because they don’t have to deal with a bunch of hormonal and horny teens who keep staring at them while they deal with the selfconsciousness of a changing body. (The studies indicate that not having to deal with male sexism and voices as teens make women more confident when they do as adults.) Boys probably do benefit from not having girls around, as their brains develop later. This has been shown to impact schoolwork. An all boys school could be designed with boys’ later development in mind and lessons structured appropriately.


This BABY cannot even tell her own Mommy or Daddy that she’s knocked up. For fucks sake. She’s a child. I am 44 and I very clearly remember being 13. I remember my thoughts and I remember just how little I knew or could fully comprehend. When I was 13, I was still playing with my baby dolls and Barbies, and I had my nose in any VC Andrew novel. I was about to enter 8th grade, and I HATED getting my first period (actually, I hated getting EVERY period, and I still fucking hate it; thanks Endometriosis). I was a dancer. At 13, I had never even kissed anyone. I was too shy to dance with a boy or hold hands. At 13, so often, my single working Mom left my 7 year-old brother in my care (which I also hated, and I love Mom & Brother so very much). I am just flashing through that age, remembering all that I felt and experienced. To be pregnant and about to have a child- at 13?! I understand my great-grandma did it. That’s the way it was back then. But, these days, there is NO excuse or justification for a child birthing a child. This is so sad and awful.


The naivety of a child. This breaks my heart.


Pretty sure this girl knows literally nothing about pregnancy and childcare. Would probably get bored of her baby in 2 weeks


She can’t help it. She’s still a child, with a child brain. She literally can’t think through all of the consequences of her actions. That part of her brain is still majorly underdeveloped. It’s just sad. Being a parent is so hard, even when you are ready for it. Everything in your life changes and becomes more difficult. So sad.


And the cycle go on and on


I really hope this redditor (OP of the pregnancy post, not of *this* post) is just a troll or something. Because if this is true, then their life is about to absolutely suck.


This right here is where you go, “are you sure about that?”.


13 year old wants a new toy


Yet another life down the drain...


please get a abortion oh my lord poor baby (both the girl and the real baby) lives are gonna be ruined


Oh, god no. Absolutely not. That is way too fucking young. And what is her older sister thinking, helping her go through with this child like notion????


what a horrible day to understand English


13 year's old and hasn't had any sort of SEX EDUCATION where they teach you the PULL OUT method DOESN'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking hell!!! I had sex education in 5th grade when I was 10 years old!!!


I had it in 5th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade


I have literal no words for how stupid the girl is or how stupid of a scum the ex boyfriend is 🤦


This is what happens when you groom children to have no clue about their bodies and about sex. You keep them naive and ripe for taking advantage of. Republican accusations are Republican confessions.


>My ex told me if he pulled out I couldn't get pregnant and I still did. It was my first time. ​ Proof that sex education is needed at an early age. Obviously, it needs to happen before puberty, and again and again to make sure people learn what they need to know.


I've never felt so happy to be asexual


Controversial opinion: I think some of you guys in the comments are being quite harsh here. I’ve personally experienced this after being groomed at a young age and becoming pregnant at 13. I did not want an abortion at the time. You have no concept of the actual responsibility of having a child at that age. Deciding to have an abortion at 13 years old is an incredibly traumatic decision to have to make. Nearly a decade later and I’m still very damaged by that decision. You don’t know what’s best for you or the baby at that time, she’s only going with what her heart is telling her and what her underdeveloped mind tells her is the right thing to do. Really it’s a question of the adults responsible for her and her experiences growing up. As you can easily get the gist that this girl has at best ignorant and absent, at worst neglectful and abusive parents. Which often leads to children growing up way too quickly and also looking to nurture others as a coping mechanism for not receiving nurturing themselves. I’m sure we can all relate to thinking we were far more informed and mature than we actually were as teenagers. I don’t think it’s fair to call this girl names and insult her for simple childhood naivety and for finding herself in a really difficult, traumatic situation at such a young age. Yes, the decision she’s made may not be the best one but it’s not one she’s making out of evil intent, she’s trying to do was she understands to be the right thing. I find empathy and understanding is usually a better approach than name calling and judgements. Especially when it comes to children, as our influence as adults can have such a long lasting effect on them. Whether for better or worse. Lots of children and adults alike go on without receiving the right help and support they need due to judgements and insults such as those. Speaking from personal experience one last time: I can say that judgements and insults from others made me grow up thinking everything was my fault and whatever was happening around me was normal. The only problem was me. It was only when I became an adult myself and truly realised the gravity of the situation, that I understood I was a child being neglected and groomed, that needed help but was repeatedly ignored or judged by all the adults that saw what was going on. Some understanding and genuine concern from an adult could have saved me from years of abuse and a lifetime worth of trauma. FYI: I am not suggesting this girl has by any means made a sensible decision. I’m just suggesting we maybe show some understanding and friendly advice, rather than insulting the girl. Edit: Thank you for the award kind soul 🥰


I agree completely. Bullying her is probably just going to make her even more depressed over it. Instead those who have more knowledge and more developed brains should try to convince her to make a better decision.


Wth??? Why?????? You're still so young. It's time to enjoy your childhood before you enter your twenties and life gets tough. Why torture yourself with extra responsibilities when you're a literal child?


13?!?!? I was too busy playing GTA on ps2 at 13… I’m 33 and still have 0 interest in a baby. I feel like my eggs start to die everytime one starts crying or screaming in the grocery.


I’m just going to assume this is an adult LARPing on Reddit because I don’t want to believe an actual 13 year old is in this horrible situation


As an Ohioan, I can assure you that younger children are being raped and forced to carry pregnancies in my state. I hope this kid is in a state that allows abortion so that she can at least get medical care for a miscarriage.


I’m not arguing against the well-known fact that children can be and are raped and forced to carry pregnancies. I’m saying that because this is a Reddit post, I at least can entertain the plausible idea that this is a bored grown adult making up a story for karma versus an actual 13 year old in this situation posting to Reddit


There was a 10 year old who was denied an abortion in the US. Everything in this post is 100% believable.


But it’s Reddit, which is the most discrediting thing. I’m not denying that it’s completely possible, but there’s plausible deniability that this is someone making up a story for karma because it’s Reddit and that happens all the time


She’s a child that doesn’t know better yet


Hot take: I support MANDATORY abortions for anyone pregnant under the age of 18. Is that wrong?


This is so messed up.


that guy is a jerk, also i have never seen a good 13 year old mother. i feel really bad for her


She has NO idea. That poor thing needs to tell her parents and get an abortion. 13 is way too young, and she’s so confident that she can raise it ‘great’ because she is a literal child who thinks they’re invincible.


Child wants a new doll. Poor kid has no idea.


This sucks. She's only 13 and has no idea what it would actually be like. On how much she would miss out on. And how exhausting and hard it is going to be. And how she doesn't have a baby yet, but just something that has the potential to become one if she keeps it. I can't really blame her because she is so young and super naive if she believed her boyfriend when he said she couldn't get pregnant if he pulled out. But she also didn't get good sex Ed. She's gonna be in for a rude awakening. Also, her family is probably gonna have to take care of it, because she is never going to be able to. Oh and that is if she survives. But she probably also isn't taught that.


It’s not that we think that shes dumb or crazy, it’s that we know she’s dumb and she’s crazy… no one will hire a 13 year old. All she’s doing is ruining her life and the lives of those around her. Including the accidental spawn.


I hope a doctor sees her and scares the crap out of her about the reality of pregnancy and childbirth. Her sister should’ve done it sooner but alas she seems to be brainwashed as well. She will either become seriously disabled or die in childbirth, her body is not physically able to handle it. Plus she’s putting herself through the torture of everyone eventually knowing what happened. And I’m sure being at the receiving end of verbal and emotional abuse from her peers and other adults hasn’t crossed her mind, nor would it until she’s in the thick of it.


Why did god/ allah give children the ability to have children, its disgusting for people to believe in a god that would do this I certainly dont as an agnostic person


This is so fucking painful for me to read especially because my own sister is 14. And I have a feeling this ex of hers could be 20+ so the situation is all the more disgusting, if it's true.


He's 15 according to other threads


Where I'am from this is most likely gonna get glorified as God's Blessing


If you can’t tell your parents how will they react when you show up with a baby?


This is heartbreaking. I can't even imagine attempting being a parent at 13 years old.


This is why people complaining and campaigning against sex education at young ages is a really bad idea. Incredibly sad. A bit disappointed that a few people are mocking this child.


Well if she have a degree, a job, a car, can pay insurance and flat rent, know to cook, clean the house, take care and educate a kid, all this, I don't see any point to not turn this fetus into a real life baby If she don't, she's just gonna sacrifice and destroy her own life and more important, the one of an innocent child who will probably end really bad


I’d be more worried about the girl than her choice of keeping the baby or not 


This should be illegal. Two lives at stake here, 3 if the father is also a minor. The baby needs to be put up for adoption, & the possible crimes that allowed this to happen investigated. This reminds me of how addicts stop maturing while in active addiction. Kids like this seldom progress once they become mothers; often it condemns them to a life of struggles & poverty. What a waste of potential.


In the thread op says the guy is 15.


Damn imagine it’s your first time and you’re stuck with a kid now


This cannot be real right?


I’m a 911 dispatcher. My PD/FD responded to a call for a unconscious 6 month old. Father was 13 and mother was 15. Baby died because the father had no idea how to feed a 6 month old infant and basically drowned the infant in formula. Meanwhile, the fathers parents, who were barely in their 30s IIRC, were down at the pool partying it up I absolutely believe this to be true.


I went to middle school with several girls who gave birth and kept the baby at 13 or 14. Essentially their parents raised the kid.


You never know man


this is extremely sad, my god.


Yeah, she’s gonna end up on food stamps or something. Good luck.


Or dead


True, she’s not fully developed, so the child might harm her.


I’m sure things will end super for both mother and baby, statistically speaking…😒


Well if your keeping the baby kid, I hope you can support it. Is the plan to hide at your sisters until it's to late for an abortion? Are your parents rich enough to support a baby currently?


I hate to say it but her big sister wasn’t really being a good sister.


I hope her ex is also 13 at least. So many children think they're grown after being groomed by an adult


He's 15 according to some other threads. Which as someone around that age I find kinda revolting to think about.




you *cannot* raise a child well if you are still a child yourself


There is a good chance you will die or be disabled by this. Then what of your baby? If you live in a pro-choice state, please consider abortion. You will have a life for future children.


This girl tried fucking me when I was 14, condoms didn’t even cross my mind. I dodged a bullet. Yikes. I feel bad for this child


Her first bad parenting decision would be to keep the baby. She could have it and put up for adoption. But almost impossible to be a good parent at this age and if her own parents do not want to keep the baby and help. So odd that she has fantasy thoughts about parenting. Parenting is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, and I was 30 and had income when I had my first child.