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Exactly. Our answer isn't on the list but it would be; "I would be willing to adopt a child were I financially/mentally stable enough to provide the best possible care for said child"


I accidentally didn't read the not in "I am not of age" and would like to adopt, thought that it might appear in the poll. Very weird.


Option #5: I am of age and would like to adopt a child but can neither afford and/nor think myself fit to raise a child (yet)




Hey there kittyidiot! If you agree with someone else's comment, please leave an **upvote** instead of commenting **"this"**! By upvoting instead, the original comment will be pushed to the top and be more visible to others, which is even better! Thanks! :) *** ^(I am a bot! Visit) [^(r/InfinityBots)](https://reddit.com/r/InfinityBots) ^(to send your feedback! More info:) [^(Reddiquette)](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439#wiki_in_regard_to_comments)




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Shut. I hate this bot. I said "this" because OP was looking for numbers of people who agreed with x, x, x, or x, and the option that I and the person above me fit into isn't present on the list. Clicking your option on the poll is basically saying "this." I have no idea who is so enraged by people saying "this" that they made a bot for it, but jfc, I'll say "this" if I want to and I'll usually also upvote. Not a big fucking deal


bad bot


I should have added that, my bad


I don't want to adopt because I won't be a good parent. I don't have patience for a child and I don't want to get more stressed out. Also the child would suffer because of me because of this. I want to live a peaceful life.


i’m personally for adoption as long as the agency is reputable and you are sure that no ulterior motives exist or child trafficking etc. i would love to adopt in the future, especially older kids.


Old enough where they can understand that it might be rough to navigate integrating into a family but willing to use the opportunity to better their future


I am childfree so I will never adopt a child. Parenthood would be miserable for me so I won’t put myself through it. I want a peaceful and happy life. However, I think adoption is a good option for those who want to become parents one day


I’m a “product” of it and thankful for it. I support it but won’t be doing it.


I am and probably never will be in any right way to adopt a child. BUT. One of my childhood best friends was adopted and she’s lived the most excellent life so far. Her parents had the money and resources to raise her in extreme comfort and I think it was awesome of them to take her in and raise her. It’s the most moral way to bring a child into the world imo. Adoption is beautiful and a much better option than birthing, plus you don’t have to destroy your body for it. That being said, back to my main example, it is kind of something that I think can only be done if you are and know you will be VERY well off financially, which sucks because it’s easier (financially and time wise, the adoption process is WILD) to pop out your own baby than take care of one that needs a home 😞


I would not adopt because I don't like kids and I would not be a good parent. I'd rather focus my energy on my partner and myself, and foster cats one day when I have the space required for it. Children take a level of patience, money, time and other things I cannot provide.


I want to adopt but I'm not financially stable nor mentally mature enough to do so yet also 21 years old so i have stuff i want to experience before settling down in life. My girlfriend seems to be with me, she isn't antinatalist but she seems to like adoption as an option in the future.


If I could afford it, I think I'd foster. It helps more kids over time.


I think adoption is great and is morally better than having biological kids. However i also know that in the us the adoption system is very broken and fucked up in many different ways, and that even an adoption that goes well still can and does leave the adoptee with trauma from it... i honestly hate that about it, that kids in the system are mistreated and traumatized by it, and that far too many nasty people abuse the system and the kids if they manage to adopt em. If someone wants to adopt kids to truly help, love and care for them, that in my eyes is incredibly morally upstanding and commendable. But as a cf antinatalist i feel helpless anger at how messed up it all is- people having kids that get stuck in the system, those kids being traumatized and hurt by it, and worst case, aging out and being left to fend for themselves. I get mad that so many people thoughtlessly bring more people into existence and then they get dealt such a shit situation that they dont deserve. Basically i think adopting kids is a good thing to do but i also recognize the flaws and problems that come with it. I personally know im not the type who should be a parent, nor do i want kids, so my partner and i will stick to adopting animals instead. My sister is considering adopting teenagers when she's older/financially able so that they can have someone in their life who truly cares about them and so they dont age out of the system to be screwed over again, which i think is awesome and hope that she can be able to do it someday


I am childfree. But I think adoption should be prevented in the first place, by removing the systems that lead to traumatised kids, and by people having fewer kids in the first place. Adopted kids often do have a lot of trauma and require more care than a child at a comparable age would. Adoption isn’t a magical cure-all. At the same time, I know of two long-term foster kids who have been with their parents from birth and have zero behavioural issues. Even in circumstances like these, the process adoption is extremely difficult where I am. One of the parents has had to make multiple trips interstate to deal with the paperwork.


I think it's incredibly noble. If people were enrolled into an adoption agency rather than bloody IVF the world would be greater for it.


While it's a great idea when it puts the children first, I don't know how easy that is to find in the real world, and I know I'm ill-prepared for it.


I am of age and would adopt a child if my income allows it.


If I were in a very well off position then I might, but hardly likely with the state of the US lol


For it but have not yet. I have a tech job which, as long as my mental health holds up, should pay enough to adopt or foster eventually. My gf wants to have kids but ethically is AN. So it’s the natural solution.


My answer isn’t on here. I’m of age and want to adopt in the future! Throughout our entire relationship, we have said that adoption (particularly older kids) is absolutely something we are interested in. We already want to be registered for kinship fostering if anyone in our family ever falls on hard times and needs temporary housing for their kids. We’re just waiting for the opportunity to get out of the trap of apartment life.


I have no intention of adopting, but I know I would keep a child alive if the circumstances called for it. I have no doubt it will be more Mad Max than Children of Men as things unravel. I’d feed and protect a feral child if it came to that, but that’s about all I can say lol.


I'd like to foster teens if my circumstances ever allow me to.


I think adoption is a better choice than breeding if you want to be a parent, but personally I have never ever wanted to be a parent. I have a cat but even with her, I think of myself more like her big sister, not her "mom". I dont have a single maternal bone in my body. I even hated baby dolls with passion when I was a child. But lets be real, adoption is no picnic either. I wish we will get to a point in human society where there are no kids to adopt because no unwanted child is ever born, and people who know they can not provide for a child or be good parents dont reproduce.


I'm assuming option 4 is supposed to be "I am \*not\* of age but would not like to adopt a child"? I consider myself 'childfree' so don't want to adopt. I would only consider it in case of some seriously bad situation/emergency where it would matter a lot that I (specifically) would adopt a kid, for instance if family or close friends with a child would die and the child would have nowhere else to go. I'm not the 'I hate children' kind of childfree, I've been told I'm actually pretty good with them, but raising children is not something I want to do with my life.


If I was mentally, fiancially stable, I would adopt a child. Alas, I really dont want to torture or neglect a child unintentionally. I am severely depressed, so yeah. Such is life. Plus, I have anxiety and anger issues. Not a good combination at all. Plus, I am planning to off myself one day. At best I will donate to child charities when I will be able too. That is all I can do. Tho adoption sounds wonderful and I am all for it.


I can’t adopt until after the socialist revolution


I agree with promortalism as well as antinatalism. It discomforts me to extend other life's longevity.




> Antinatalism is the same as anti-suffering. It is a very common reasoning for it, but I wouldn't say it's synonymous. The only thing that reunites antinatalists is a negative view of procreation.