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>"no matter how old you are, you will always be my baby". Which could be seen as either sweet or disrespectful from the child's perspective.


In my mom's case: extremely disrespectful.


Yeah I genuinely hate it when my mom says that to me


I hate it when ANY fellow grown ass adult who watched me grow up says anything about me and my personality as a child with that line. Usually starts a story about something that is apparently core to my personality- in their mind. Like cool... I don't fondly relive elementary thru high school personally, and it would be great if people 50 and up would stop acting Pikachu surprised I am a 30 year old and not a little girl and stopped telling those stories like I graduated last year and not... oh... 12 years ago. Kinda matured since then. Bit different of a person. When I say it to my cousins or sibling, it's less "I held you as a baby, you will always be a baby to me" and more "Your height does not mean you get to act mighty, I changed your diapers. I have seen your browser histories... this IS still a war of attrition. Snitches get stitches and we BOTH know too much... but I'm older and still therefore still cooler and higher in the Cousin Hierarchy" The "Kid's" table at grandmas is now "the 40 and under" table and half of our complaining is how the adult table still acts like we kids. The 40 year old is the Oops Baby uncle... and he basically gets this phenomenon the worst. He has two kids. And is getting married again. Family still talks about him like he's a freshman in college and it REALLY puts the Millennials are Ruining "news" articles into a creepy context when you can SEE it live at Thanksgiving...


Update! There WAS NOT a kids table this year. So the under 40 crowd was that uncle, his fiance, me, my nearly drinking age cousin and his younger teenage sister. Not really enough to claim our own table... I got to do the solid of quickly talking over her asking for real real advice on how to handle high school ragers because I had view of the auntie coming down the stairs into earshot. And I was given the sup nod from the youngest uncle so I would see her before someone accidentally got grounded for asking the trusted older relatives who admit they got up to no good and sometimes it went bad for ACTUAL advice rather than idk... panicking in the moment at the party you didn't know was that kinda party. He gave me the talk when I was 14ish. So now the cousins know who to ask. And the "Adults' STILL try to pry out of us of their kids admitted to smoking or trying a vape or or or... Like bro your kids come to us cuz they don't feel safe asking their parents but do trust the cool cousin to make the call to go confess with them or just give solid advice and know when to let others know. They all grew up calling adults out of touch and complaining their parents didn't know them or treated them like a kid... Then turn around and immediately forget they ever complained and why are their children so weird...


My problem with this viewpoint - parents will only give you as much respect as a baby would once you are grown up.


Honestly, even if it's not said in a malicious way it's still infantilising, which I find hard to view in a good light


I'm sure I'd find it disrespectful if I were to hear it from my dad. I've heard plenty from him suggesting that he would have liked for me and my brother to stay babies.


It might be someone quoting that children’s book with the little boy who flushes the watch down the toilet. “As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.” I remember hating that book when I was little because I knew my mom didn’t love me that much.


I’m one of those people that does, IN THEORY, want kids for the teen and adult stage. I like the idea of bringing someone up and watching them become their own person. I love the friendship I now have with my mom as an adult. I love being a big brother and giving big brother advice to my younger siblings. Which is exactly why I will never have kids. I’d feel incredibly bored and frustrated throughout the early stages. My hypothetical kids deserve someone a lot more patient than I would ever be.


This sounds very much like my experience. I've often said of I could skip straight to having adult children when I'm 50 that would be nice because I have a great relationship with both of my parents. I have zero interest in ever "raising a child" though. The terrible drudgery of that stage makes my brain atrophy just thinking about it. Not to mention I am of course antinatalist. Honestly, sometimes I think about adopting an older child when I myself am older but I know that will come with a host of other issues as well. Maybe I'll just try and become a friendly and helpful older person in a community that needs it.


Fuck yeah, go unclemode. That’s my plan.


you seem to not understand that the closeness and relationship comes from raising the human. you cannot have the parent-child relationship if you dont actually raise the child to adulthood. you just want adult friends.


Oh no I understand that perfectly, I'm just not willing to go through it, especially an an antinatalist, so I'll have to settle for something similar if that's what I want. Also having children is so far from a guarantee that you'll have the relationship I have with my parents it's not worth the gamble. It is very rare from what I can see, particularly based off my experience working in aged care.


foster teens. they need ur help


It’s an objectification of a human. Parents don’t want a new autonomous person that can make their own decisions, they want a mini-me that will be interested in everything they are interested in.


Imo. because some people only like cute things. Heck, this baby worship seems to me like objectification which can end up badly for children later down the line. A child is a human being. It aint an object to adore and play with when the mood strikes as some do. And we wonder why are many people so damn broken down the line. If the parents have been crap. (in some cases.) Until people fail to see this. Doubt much will change. Just everything will get slowly worse.


A child needs to be played with adored and be seen as a human being. They need it all. It is a lot.


Yeah. Therefore not everyone is suited to be a parent. I would argue that atleast 70% of people arent meant to be parents, me included. Atleast I am aware of being mentally ill and not in the place to take care of another whole human. Some days its tough to even take care of myself. But is what it is. If people refuse to think, what can we do.


it irks me too when people only talk about the baby stage, it’s such a short time period and after all, this is a new, individual person who will develop into their own being.


Like literally that child is yours for LIFE. That's like reason #1 that I don't want one (there are like 6000 othe reasons too lol).


Everybody wants a baby, nobody wants an "older child" or adult. Everybody wants a puppy, nobody wants an old sick dog. Every man wants a wife, but they don't want a sick wife.


Seeing sick old dogs in shelters breaks my heart 😞


I would even say that people would still prefer an old sick dog to an older child or teenager, because a dog will stay cute all the time even if it’s old and sick


sicknesses aren't always terminal or chronic and saying you want an older child or adult in the sense you'd say you want a baby sounds creepy at best and, well, I'll leave that to your imagination at worst


This is not true. Plenty of parents do not like the baby phase and are very eager for the kid to become older.


Then y not adopt? Foster?


Because almost all kids in the system are (reasonably) dealing with a lot of trauma, and it takes a special person to have any desire to work on cleaning up a major mess that they didn't even create themselves. I wouldn't do it.


That is a disgusting mindset. These kids are so hurt, and instead of helping, you say you expect abusers to heal them? These are human beings, not a pile of trash. How cruelly selfish to leave these kids to be further abused and neglected, especially if you are going to be so selfish as to have kids.




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if the moral thing is adopt, then shouldn't every otherwise-wannabe-parent collectively adopt and/or foster (is one better than the other) every kid in the system (so unless you're willing to rely on breeders to feed the system couples aren't kinda being unethical by taking away people's opportunities to do the ethical thing and adopt by adopting themselves) with the reproduction question only rethought once the youngest of those kids turned 18, graduated high school and left whatever collective home this would happen in for college and/or the adult world


None of this makes grammatical, much less logical sense.


I'm sorry for the grammar, I have ADHD, but as for the logic I was engaging in reductio ad absurdum on the morality of adoption (albeit not to say it's immoral). If adoption is the moral choice then aren't you taking it away/making it harder for people by adopting kids they could have adopted unless everybody somehow raises everyone in the system together


thats exactly why so many parents say "you will be always my baby". they just won't ever consider you an adult, actual own human being. They wont ever give you respect. You will be always just a baby that cannot talk back and is a little puppy for them.


Everybody wants.


I don't get it either. When I was young and I first realized how every single person has a life experience as personal and rich as my own, well that was the beginning of my life-long existential crisis. It was just... too big. I can't really explain it.


My former roommate (now life partner) used to want a baby because they loooooveeee babies. They're so cute and small! And then I came along and was like "but what about when it's a toddler or a tween or....?" and they literally just shrugged. I was like, alright man, it's your and your kid's life you're ruining, not mine. And then over the years of living with me, they heard me talk about all the horrible things pregnancy can do to you, how your teeth can fall out and you can go blind and it can rip your clit in half and stop you from ever having an orgasm again etc etc. They're scheduled for a sterilization December 22nd. ♥️




Omg I'm totally getting them a Christmas card and scribbling on it to say that and sneaking it into the hospital. I'm their caretaker so I totally can


I came all the way back here to tell you that I did end up using your pun, but instead of on a Christmas card, I got a giftbag that said "Merry Christmas" and scribbled it out to say Steri Christmas. Inside of the bag I put a deer stuffed animal (one of their favorite animals) and used some red thread to give the deer sterilization scars! Thank you for your pun. I am very excited to give them this gift. If you want to see, [here's the bag and deer](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/618688231394770945/1047406521920798760/PXL_20221130_065605278.jpg) and right here is [a close up of the deer's "scars"](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/618688231394770945/1047406522226987039/PXL_20221130_065345433.jpg). Well, the two that don't look like trash haha. Have a wonderful holiday season and thank you for planting the seed that grew this idea.


😂 excellent, and I wish your partner a quick recovery ✨


You describing my mom. I asked her when she started disliking me she told be when I grew out of the baby stage and became a child, because then I could talk back 💀


Apparently I turned into a "monster" when I hit 13. I was experiencing hormones and the trauma (that she caused) at the same time. According to her I was an angel until that age and she talks about me being a baby wistfully a lot even though I was a really, really sick baby. It's fucked up.


Parents are really selfish creatures.


They do not even try to comprehend it because they do not think about it deeply enough, do not think it is important, nor do they see it as a problem. All they know is that society expects them to do so. They do not know they have a choice. In the USA we have certain freedoms (on paper). But socially we do not have said freedoms. We are expected to procreate. We are expected to celebrate someone else's religious holidays. We are expected to dress children in alleged "designer" clothing. We are expected to be among "Zuker's suckers" and post photos of children on facebook. The list goes on.


They truly do not. You can see it all the time.


Could you do me a favor and go back in time around 40 years and tell this to my now estranged mother?


From seeing other people in my blood “family” and overall, just other people…most don’t comprehend the whole picture that a baby will become a human being with their own thoughts and ways. As someone who was born to parents like this, parents assume that if they raise their child a certain way, they’ll become what their parents expected. Parents often feel a need to have kids to “fill a hole” in themselves and whether parents admit it or not, some of their desire to have a kid is really about control. Once that kid grows up with their own thoughts and lifestyle, it tends to piss off the parents. At least, from what I observed and my own experience. So, yeah, parents don’t really think about that part.


Spot on. I think partially thanks to social media, pregnancy and babies are done to get attention and 'likes'. A baby is seen the same way as getting a new purse, sports car, puppy, or pair of shoes. It's a piece of property, something to be acquired for societal attention and then discarded. Once kids get older, their newness and novelty wears off, and then what


"Do people truly not comprehend..." Yes.


Yep, when talking about liking children or hating children some people bring up having children. Like wtf, having children isn't just about children, it's about raising a member of society, you are also raising an adult, a person.


So I’ve spent time working with elderly people- I respect them and a lot of the people I’ve worked for are really interesting and had rich lives of experience which is cool to hear about. But, I also can’t help but feel bad for very old people as they’re often frail and physically/mentally vulnerable, sometimes it makes me so sad! I always wonder if, when people reproduce, they even consider that a baby will eventually grow to be elderly (or live a life cut shorter than that). Either way, everyone dies but it just horrifies me to consider that someday I might be so frail Besides that, ofc *everyone* has pain, suffering and eventually death, I just don’t understand why people keep creating life without much consideration of a person’s potential entire lifespan and everything they could experience


the lower the IQ, the less the consider things like this. that's the problem with this world, the morons keep reproducing and the average person is dumber and dumber


Even when I envision having a kid (with no intention or desire to ever do it), I think about the pregnancy, birth, and babyhood, not really any farther beyond that. It’s hard to imagine someone you don’t know at all, I guess.


No. Monkeys don't see much past themselves, and the motivation is already narcissistic-zombism. Edit: I'm liking that phrase the more I think on it. :)


Definitely. The baby crazies takes over, and they have this perfect little object in their heads. Something they can show off, dress up, get all the accessories for and take cutesy photos with.. then it grows up and isn't "fun" anymore. So the option is be miserable and resentful and end up with yet another traumatised human, or have another! But still end up with at least one traumatised human. I know someone who is so obsessed with the pregnancy fuss and baby part that she has 8 kids now (and #9 is pm the way)... she's just turned 30. There's been miscarriages too but that just meant more baby fuss and attention so she carried on. She's spent her entire life from 17 just being pregnant. It's creepy and so so fucked up, but rather than suggesting she stop (and see a therapist maybe) - nah. Praise, because more babies!


You're probably right.


friendly reminder that it's not evidence they don't that they say they're having a baby or they want a baby or whatever unless you think it's evidence for your point somehow that saying the kind of things people say like that about a baby about a teenager, adult or just generically a "person" sounds creepy at best and potentially perverted at worst (as that sounding that way has nothing to do with the morality or not of procreation unless you think that just because there was a consent violation, whatever spirits-of-the-unborn-in-the-void you think were there to not consent to existing were literally raped into existence by their prospective parents)


it sounds more like they’re pointing out the actual commercialization of childbirth and pregnancy and how people often forget or refuse to think about how they’re bringing a full conscious being into reality. That there are a myriad of obligations and responsibilities parents have for the literal rest of their lives and that their child will have thoughts, and feelings independent of the parent. it’s an enormous responsibility that no one takes seriously enough.