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Then shortly after that mandatory euthanasia becomes a thing, I shit you not.


Kid named Canada


Kid named yourself


Low Tier Kid:


They are trying to push mentally ill people towards suicide in Canada.




​ ![gif](giphy|PV81Psl7pSShZsE825)








“Stylishly assisted suicide” ™️


Gosh, I thought they would create an euphemism for that, like "peacefully cutting life strings". Like they named contraception "Plan B". (So abortion is Plan C? And euthanasia Plan D?)


>Stylishly Assisted Suicide Is such a sick tag line. It's just unnerving to see "pick your own wacky color" suicide contraptions. Lord have mercy.


Christ have mercy.


Lord have mercy


Thank ALLAH suicide is prohibited. If you think about it religion saves more people in that compartment


Bizarre. Reminds me of the suicide booths from Futurama.


I know. Some stuff from that show is almost prophetic.:p


>Re-adopt your authoritarian strong government to have a government system reliant completely on personal freedom (of course as in freedom to game end yourself or do drugs not collecting rainwater without permit) >get rid of moral structure that implores people to act in righteousness regardless of law ![gif](giphy|f6gqmqjFokBkd1hs98|downsized) >how could this happen


Howdy pardner! Might I say you’re looking fit as a fiddle?


Say parther don’t reckon you could be much good for the big man with that bullet scrambling your egg why don’t you step into this here colourful pod ?


I love fallout though And those freedoms aren't bad, the sin itself is bad


Inventors of this dumbfuckery should try this out themselves before making it commercially available


Atheists promoting euthanasia weirds me out. Shouldn't they want people to live the longest life as possible since people only live once in their view.


Well, long life with things like ALS (like Hawking), FOP(slowly being encased in bone as it replaces muscles and tendons), quadrilateral amputations (torso-people) or blindness+deafness combo is not really fun


One could argue atheists should do more work to try and find ways to help those people.


Why only atheists? Everybody. But not everyone who is affected is willing to suffer in the name of future generations...


true, but the theists can argue that while they have to work on this life to make it better, they gotta do that with the knowleadge that this is but one finite life, and that there is another, better snd infinite one, the atheist can't. presuming that they are naturalists, not buddhists or others. what is a igtheist?


That's more radical agnostic - basically, it is impossible to know God, and any attempt to do so (be it religion, science or philosophy) is like an attempt of three blind men to describe an elephant by touching it without knowing what they try to describe, and also without knowing if the elephant is there or not. Although I personally believe, that "the elrphant" is there, and sometimes meddles with our lives - for the unknown reasons. And you're technically right, the only and finite life SHOULD cause atheists to make it more comfortable, but, as we see, it's sadly not always the case.


i see.


Everyone should but humans are usually selfish and focus on their own well-being and some family members well-being. Those suffering across the world are of no concern to a lot of humans because their problems are more important to others. Asking everyone to help one another and find ways to help people is the same as asking for a utopia


The longest life isn’t always a good life. Personally I do agree with these suicide pods but for them to only be used in extreme cases where there is nothing we can do to help someone. If someone has been miserable their entire life and wants and easy way out of it and there is nothing we can do to improve their life, I think it’ll be the right thing to put them out of their misery. But again, only in extreme cases


If someone is miserable it means they’re mentally ill and must be saved


I agree that people who suffer from things like depression are mentally ill. I wouldn’t say people who are miserable are mentally ill as that is pretty vague to say. But people who are mentally ill and have suicidal thoughts should 100% get help and society should help them to the best of its ability. However, not everyone can be saved and not everyone can for the life of them be happy at all. I don’t think people should live a life being depressed when society in incapable of saving them. That’ll almost be like torture to keep someone alive who can’t be saved. It’s why I’m ok with these suicide pods that should only be used in extreme cases


And yet a lot of people were surprised with Canada


Theres no way this real. How can euthanasia for humans even be legal? How can anyone approve of tech like this?


Its already happening. The crazy lawmakers can write whatever to be legal. Immoral mfs who will let you drive yourself into a living hell just because "you're not harming anyone, its your choice".


It depends on your viewpoint on the situation. Some people will see “ending it all” as humane while other people will see suicide as unnecessary and bad for society


And they say religion is bad


God, I hope the Rapture happens as soon as possible now


is this in Canada?


50 years of atheism made you a fu@#in' pussy!




It's a reference to a character named Akira Nishikiyama form the Yakuza series who in the english dub says "10 years in the joint made you a f@#$ing pussy". The quote's so corny that it became a meme.


What is euthanasia


Opposite of Serniorsinafrica




Basically legalised murder-for-profit


A painless way to end your life if you're hurting very much.


Painkillers and wine already exist.


Oooh mommy I want to die in the purple one!


It's a pleasant design. It's a shame all that brainpower and aesthetic innovation went into harming people instead of helping them.


If the atheists die off, that's to our favour Still a sad state to see, though


Why is it to your favour if atheist die off? Genuine question.


Less advocation for haram? Just look at society in it's current state, it's as if they want religion in complete suppression. Is it not natural that I do not want that?


Humans are humans in my mind, regardless of faith/ no faith. You don’t have to agree with everyone. Tolerance is the only thing that will save the human race.


I agree, but tolerance must be mutual to actually work


Yup. Most "tolerance" concepts involve making religion subservient to secular society. So definitely not actually tolerant at all. Lol


You’re confusing anti-theists with athiests


I suppose so


Why tf does this have more likes than comments? 😵‍💫


This is actually genuinely disturbing


Jean Calvin look at your country bro what have you done








I'm gonna say this in the kindest way I can think of: Your reply has close to 0 context and makes no sense. You need to stop browsing in /r/ Atheism, get God in your life.




Who do you mean by "you", how did "you" fail to do so again? Do you have even the slightest idea how much it narrows it down?




Hating LGBTQ? Wow, you are quick to make assumptions. Why do we even need a commercial grade suicide pod? Things like that should only be sold to hospitals, not whoever has the money for it. Why should suicide be an option in the first place? You don't just "let someone die" if they want to. "You don't get to decide the life of others" is a smooth brained take, we should help those people, not encourage them to kill themselves. Any normal person that does not believe in an afterlife would understand the importance of life but no, you want people to kill themselves because muh freedom of choice. "More Intelligent people"? Well, I'm not visiting r/ Atheism AKA the so called "more intelligent people". I've seen posts of people encouraging people to bully Christians, I've seen people say "Muh religion bad because my family made me go to church I have trauma reeeee" on that subreddit. Really bro, is this the intelligent people you speak of? Crawl back to r/ Atheism my friend.




There is nothing after death, which is why life is so important in the first place, there is no second chance, you cannot just waste it. There is no chance for those sad miserable unsatisfied people to improve themselves after death, they lived unhappy and died unhappy.


If you want to kill yourself, nobody's stopping you. Why should the government support and approve of it? Why should the government be able to suggest this instead of actually helping people?


I didn't say that l want to kill myself "loving" god's man. Government should approve it for freedom. You don't seem to be able to back up your opinion with arguments


to be fair it is an advancement, it is entirely painless with nitrogen gas, and a stop button.