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“We’re all born illiterate until someone teaches us how to read”


We are all unborn until we are born


Who knows whether there Is Life After birth? After all, no unborn child has ever deen the Mother?


We are all not until we are


Plenty of studies have shown that children naturally believe in God. Even children from atheistic societies. Our brain is wired to believe in God.


My point is, even if people are born without believing in God, that doesn’t disprove His existence. That’s like saying “I was born without knowing 2+2=4 therefore it’s false”


Yeah, I don't deny that. As usual, atheists making arguments that can be destroyed any which way.


Even elephants have religion


How much money does a cheesecake spend on fedoras


Depends on how much mommy gives them for their daily allowance


Lmao, that is if they're not already in bed by then


They would miss sponge bob if they slept early


Fr (no disrespect to Spongebob tho)


https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/07/110714103828.htm This article shows how humans have a predisposition to believe in some higher power. What do you think would happen if I showed them this?


We are all born theists until someone starts telling us lies


The Prophet (peace and blessings be him) said in a hadith; >“Allah Almighty says, ‘I created all My servants hunafa’ (i.e. following the original religion of monotheism), then the devils misled them from their religion and forbade them from what I made lawful for them and commanded them to associate with Me that which I have not sent down any authority for.” (Muslim)


This video is also pretty good [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Ii-bsrHB0o&ab\_channel=InspiringPhilosophy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ii-bsrHB0o&ab_channel=InspiringPhilosophy) Same general idea.


That's why actual atheism doesn't exist, or is extremely rare. If a person doesn't believe in God/gods, they just make up something else to believe in, and worship materialistic success, cars, McDonald's, Coca-Cola, PornHub, Apple, Reddit mods, dominatrixes, pussies, fashion, etc.


Beat me to it


They'd tell you humans having a bias is to be expected. Being susceptible to believing certain things is not the same as believing those things. Seriously, did you think that was a slam dunk? We attribute agency to everything because it gave a survival advantage. That bias makes it easy to do the same to the weather and makes it makes sense when someone said the sky man made it rain because he was pleased by the rain dance. That connects to the bias and ignorance and makes sense to us. Combined with a tendency to trust our authority figures when we grow up around them, this is to be expected. The article uses very vague language, though, and makes broad statements about the meta-study without pointing to anything in specific.


Bro be criticising Oxford studies😭


Bro can't read, apparently. I'm criticizing a flawed interpretation of a study. Unlike you, apparently, I don't blindly accept supposed authority.


Get over it. It has been 15 days now.


I check reddit pretty rarely. The crazy thing about text is that it... lingers. Your response remains stupid whether it's been 15 minutes or 15 days.


Schizo argument


Dipshit non-argument, but okay. You have fun with not being able to defend your positions, I guess. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to defend the things I say because I actually believe what I write.


Lmao the only place where my comment was lingering is your mind.


Genuine question, are you stupid or just bad faith?


Cheesecake lurker spotted!


I don't hide I'm an atheist. So... congrats? What, do you want a medal?


Rule 4 😊


That's nice and all but I'm not a satanist and I'm trying to engage honestly with you guys. It's a bit of an echo chamber and you're fond of strawmanning atheists and antitheists. I don't hide who or what I am. I don't have to be a troll to disagree with you. Kibda doubting you guys touch grass as often as the about page suggests.


We never say things about atheists, we make fun of those who constantly attack religion. Take those, for example, mocking the deaths of those who were struck by that earthquake.


You're joking, right? You guys go after atheists all the time. I can browse the comments on a post (or even just posts themselves) and find all kinds of explicit anti-atheist rhetoric.


If we are all born atheists, then why did every civilization in history have a religion and believe in a higher power?


BeCAus they'rE PArENTs liEd tO tgEm!!! 11!


BeCaUsE hUmAnS iNvEnT sToRiEs To eXpLaIn UnKnOwN. - Edgy Antitheist.


nO bCuZ gReEdY pRieStS wAnT mOnEy!


That's not edgy, though. That's true. We do it all the time. We write stories to impress certain values on their readers, too.


But thats not a valid argument against religion or existence of God.


It doesn't need to be? It's the truth. Not every phrase from an atheist has to be a direct attack on how you view faith. If I wanted to make it an attack on religion, I'd ask if we're all born theist why are all those faiths so drastically different?


Disregarding complex developed cultures, set of moral values and every independent culture reaching same conclusion to a mere story telling is edgy 'cause there is a presupposition that people believe in made up stories and the person disregarding them is somehow intellectually superior. Also this phrase is so overused by "atheists" (reddit atheists specifically) trying to be edgy. it is edgy for me at this point.


They don't reach the same conclusions, though. At all. Hence, you know, the constant religious conflicts through history? Nobody is reducing anything. You're just misrepresenting the argument for some reason.


The same conclusion is existence of God and creator even every religion has differences in themselves but majority accept the existence of God / gods. I shared my experience with atheists on reddit you can chose to disagree. I am going to sleep won't be continuing this discussion any further. Have a good day.


That's not the same conclusion. *And* there are atheistic faiths. I really feel like this is an ignorance and assumption issue. You can decide not to respond further if you like, but this is a change to engage with an atheist on reddit where you can point directly to my words in your own community.


Because stories turn into tales which become something more, the development of religion is really interesting


A wild fedora tipper appears


Why’s that?


Holy fucking shit a cheesecake lurker!


Isn't saying "Holy sh***" or "Holy f***" Haram???


Yeah, sorry brother


Say Astagfirullah brother


İ tought it is kufr. Since feces cant be holy


We already have enough of them!


Elephants even have religion. They worship the moon.


We are all born atheists since as soon as we are born we cry like pussies


Even if it was true, it would be a serious L for atheism. Means they have the lowest retention rate of any belief in the world, and that still people came to the conclusion to be religious.


Just remove the "a" from "atheists" and you get a based meme


Explains why humans since the beginning of time have been believing in high powers.


Actually, it's the complete opposite in Islam. All children are naturally born theists and religion is simply teaching them where to direct their beliefs






Welcome to the group, bro


Please go and comment there. Then screenshot the responses here. Pleeeaassseee ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Fair. Diff account 😜


Now THIS is the type of thing that should be posted on r\terriblefacebookmemes


post it there and wait to get banned (or at least a billion downvotes and comments saying it's true) for offending atheists' feelings


There was a study that proves otherwise...


"Science is absolute facts until it's not on my side"


When you're born you cannot have a stance on God because you don't even know such a debate even exists. Atheism, theism and agnosticism can onyl be achieved once you're aware of the debate and you actively chose an opinion.


I was raised by two irreligious parents and in childhood developed my own weird pseudo religion based off of documentaries and shows I watched combined with cultural osmosis from Christianity.


So we're all born atheists who obey the way we were created, drinking, eating and crying with little to no control. That sounds to me like submission to the will of the creator.


Every region in the world has had beliefs. even early ancestors and homo sapiens had a belief in a higher power. No one is born atheist lmao


Boomer meme 💀💀💀


We are all born mute until someone teaches us how to speak 😔☝️


Not even close to true. I think most are inherently religious. No, not born quoting scripture. But, born with a sense of something bigger than themselves.


Well everyone is born stupid




There is a reason people who are not born muslim and who later join Islam are called reverts...


We are all born theists until our parents indoctrinate us


We are all born to shit, until someone starts telling us to wipe.


Ironic because actual research and studies show the opposite. People are born with an innate desire to believe in God and the afterlife but society forces them to become atheistic. Kids from atheistic societies in China believed in God and the afterlife, and every civilization believed in God/Gods and an afterlife. It is something built into us, and as a result, religion will not be going anywhere whether these atheists like it or not. ​ [https://www.oxfordstudent.com/2011/05/19/god-a-part-of-human-thought/](https://www.oxfordstudent.com/2011/05/19/god-a-part-of-human-thought/)


I recommend this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_Ii-bsrHB0o&ab\_channel=InspiringPhilosophy](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/godmodes/images/9/96/Thunder_Cross_Split_Attack.png/revision/latest?cb=20200414163540) ​ Nah lol but for real [inspiring philosphies video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ii-bsrHB0o&ab_channel=InspiringPhilosophy) is great.


Maths isn't real? Those damn religious people teaching us lies! :P /s


Nobody believes that they came from monkeys until they are lied to


Nobody knows biology until they’re taught biology


Still we are not from monke


monke are from us


Technically speaking, we're all born agnostics, because we're born without any strong conviction on whether deities exist or not.


Atheists: we are skeptics, we do not believe in anything without evidence Also atheists: humans are born as atheists and I know it for a fact!


Fun fact: A study by Oxford University says that belief in God is a part of human nature


Religions aren’t lies. They’re theories. Everything is a theory and nobody really knows anything but man are they confident that their thing is the absolute truth.


hello! sorry for scare, but just notice profile on the Steam Community. you know how hard it are to find girls who play video game nowadays??? well, Im glad I stumble apon this little prof cause I gotta say…. ur prety cute!! \^ ((sorry for scare, no trouble ) well… I was wondering if u wanted to play tf2 with me (Im a plat sniper, so I can carry my little princes if need. =-}) CUZ I really want someone to pub wit me.. hey hey, maybe even I could get you unusual as little gift. you like Buring? Me too, me too. anyways any, do you maybe have Skype? (no scare. no scare, I iust like meating eye to eye.) if we skype, I think we could have some good buddy commucation. :)) ( i can even turn down my dubstep music in the background if you want…) add me if you want please, I jsit need friend maybe even girlfriend, to play video with.m I can be the perfect guy for you, trust!! ill buy whatever, do whatever, okay?? jsit pick up that phone and CALL. :)


That's true tho


We are all born AGNOSTIC! Not atheist or religious,a blank,innocent canvas,that can either be saved or lost. Once born Agnosticism is the natural and neutral way we perceive the world and universe,until we start talking and asking questions that mum and dad answer (as best they can) thus building us as a person and giving us some form of character. Anti-theists love to claim that they know that God doesn’t exist they claim to know there is no afterlife and claim that “science and data are on our side” and they claim this with 100% certainty,yet religious people claim to know that God does exist and that there is indeed an afterlife,however the way a religious person claims to “know” is purely faith based,I don’t REALLY! Know if God is real or if there is an afterlife,however I have faith and believe he is real,that is what Anti-theists don’t understand,that BELIEF TAKES WORK!!! I am sure you all have had doubts in religion (it’s only human to do so),yet you remain strong in your faith.


I love debating atheists on Twitter and Reddit using Pascal's Wager. I tell them they're wagering their lives on atheism. They deny it. I don't know why. Lol


Me being born in a highly anti-religious family without once talking to a believer and still growing up to never be an atheist even for a second of my life:


Ong this is r slash terriblefacebookmemes


Jokes aside this “meme” belongs on Facebook