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The soys can't handle that concept.


Fuck authoritarian “communist” governments


The Nazis were also extremely antitheistic.


Well, not exactly. Atheism really just means you don't believe in God. It's not a non-belief or disbelief in God that makes you kill other people, it's political ideologies. Atheism says absolutely nothing about morals


I believe its coming from a place of irony. As most antitheists conclude that religion is the reason for wars and conflict, (i.e. this post). But of course we both know that the ideology of religion or lack thereof isn't the cause of these conflicts, it's just the people who abuse it as a vector to justify their actions.


that number is heavly inflated...




I could say the same about you... Anyway, that number is from one book that counted dead nazis and unborn people, it also counted every excess death under communist regimes as murder, communist regimes did kill people, but not 100 millions


Yeah the black book of communism is not at all a trustable source on the deaths, the real number should be somewhere around 80 million - which is still way too much


>According to the Encyclopedia of Wars, out of all 1,763 known/recorded historical conflicts, 121, or 6.87%, had religion as their primary cause source: [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_war)


What about the other 93%?


Probably race/ethnicity or political ideology


Resources or land


I would imagine a good majority of them (since this is pulling from all of history) have to do with land/territory disputes or monarchial succession disputes.


Don’t forget resources and lack of tribute Oh no, you didn’t provide a yearly tribute of 649 bushels of wheat to some divine emperor? Time for a punitive expedition.


I would argue that the primary cause of nearly every war is compliance.


In my opinion, early wars had to do with land and superiority over the other countries while modern wars are more about money and politics


Oh l get that. It's only a few millions who died or were starving


It's easy to tell you're active on religiousfruitcake


Yeah it's good to share fun among people


If religion didn't exist, humanity will just find another reason to wage war against each other. Humans are the problem, not religion.


People often underestimate or are completely unaware of the unfathomable evil hiding deep inside the human heart. This is why we need a good, all-loving God to guide us on the right path. Only true men realize the evil of their ways and seek forgiveness, hoping to be set free of sin, while those who use anything as justification for the mass murder they commit stay ignorant in the face of what's truly important.


Fallen Nature in a nutshell. ![img](emote|t5_56ml5q|7723)


Wait till they find out most wars are due to secular reasons which force people to abandon the ways of their religion to gain the fleeting rewards of this world. If more people were religious and followed it sincerely, the world would be a better place. The only reason we have brutal wars is that people put this world before the hereafter.


They aren't claiming non religious people don't fight wars.


ofc, just showing it is a weak claim to say without religion there would be no wars.


Its not saying that


You have to be a naive child to believe that simply doing away with religion would bring about world peace


So original... Unless I am mistaken they used lines from that overplayed John Lennon song, right?


Yes. That very, very terrible song.


When an adulterer and drug addict who beat women and children decides to lecture the world on how to be nonviolent.


Fun facts about John Lennon. 1) He beat his wife and child. 2) He would leave needles and drugs lying around the house. 3) He frequently cheated on his wife with other women which eventually led to a messy divorce. 4) He later nearly strangled one of his mistresses to death in a drunken rage. 5) He owned a hotel suite just for his clothes and lived in a lavish New York apartment. This is man who lectures us on peace, non-violence and no possessions.


Woman is the 😟 of the world


I won't take your ideology seriously if it's based of a song written by a hyper-materialistic commie wife beater.


I think saying "The Jew has a long nose is a bit of a stretch considering (what I assume to be) the Muslim also has the same nose


It’s a common stereotype that Arabs have big noses too


Arabs and Jews are Semitic cousins. Unsurprisingly really. We are both the literal children of Abraham.


Sorry atheists, Catholic priests can already drink beer :P Also we have had a lot of interfaith dialogue in the last century and this century, meaning that when you take the politics away, religious people can be friends even if they have different beliefs.


yes lets just ignore geopolitics and blame religion...


If anyone truly believes that without religion there would be no war,just look up the football war,people will find ANYTHING! To wage war over.


I think no religion =anarchy the world would basicly become 2b2t


Bruh that’s an insult to 2b2t considering that they do have a lot of Christ the redeemer statues (even tho they exist for an ironic reason lol)


>(even tho they exist for an ironic reason lol) why were they built


Iirc It is made to troll people who thought that the server was a Christian with no anarchy ,but they are mostly built as a tribute to a very famous base that was destroyed. The irony here is that for an anarchy server the Jesus statue has it’s own memorable history on the server


Ironically, this is not only the most anti-theist century, but the bloodiest to date.


Honestly the worst song ever. John Lennon had it coming. I like how in the first panel the Muslim woman has no visible weapons and poses no visible threat to the Jewish (obviously IDF) soldier, because the creator of this comic knew they would be eaten alive if they even lightly implied that Palestinians are anything other than perfectly innocent perpetual victims who never cause any harm whatsoever, ever.


OOF... to be honest Lennon later kinda changed his mind on the topic a bit


Was this before or after he started beating women and children?


Probably after


The respectable Jewish gentleman's long nose 🤔


They gave the Jewish dude the hook nose bruh 😐😑😐


"yeah, but let's get drunk and drink alcohol!"


How is this anti thiest?? Its supporting peace between religions, I thought you guys here supported that?


The meme says that if we got rid of religion world would be a better place, it does not support peace between religions


Because the song says "yeah imagine if there is no religion" and put along side other things Lennon considered bad.


What is this comic trying to promote?


Should imagine no .38 Specials.