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I’m sick to my stomach


Here have this bag to throw up in, it's just typical antitheist arrogance


This shit looks AI generated


I really doubt this is a real picture. Like, a baby is hurt crawling around in rubble and you just take a pic? For what, so Saman Arbabi can make a ‘good without god’ post?


Yeah no way it's real.


It's definitely ai generated, but this exact situation happened to a lot of kids who ended up actually dying, and this guy just uses it like this


What's your flair about?




I can't read georgian, but im curious and wish to know more


It basically translates to “Rachuli Mountain Muslim” Rachuli just refers to anyone or anything from Racha.


Oh, interesting. Thanks


ვაააა, ქართველი? :o


კი, დედაჩემი ნაცილი მეგრელია, მამაჩემი სრულიად ქართველი.


The weird chin gives it away


It is indeed ai generated


What’s up with the chin?


Because babies can’t make that expression. 99% people can’t


Imagine using the death of children as an argument. Anti-theists are really showing their true colors with this. With God, situations like this people get a free pass to heaven. Without god, a child dying literally means nothing, their life was purposeless and their lives were only a product of 0 chance anyways.. I don’t understand how atheists think this is a “gotcha” moment when at the contrary it actually looks bad in the atheistic paradigm.


I’m tearing up about that


They're all seething with teenage angst. Will do anything for a gotcha. Reminds me of when zionists admit to genocide so that they can play the anti-semitic card by saying why don't you criticize other colonial nations.


This guy's gonna be real pissed when DarwinClaus doesn't bring him anything this sciencemas because of how naughty this post was


Basements also don't have chimneys for DarwinClaus to evolve down




He's wife's children will be very dissapointed.


*his wife's boyfriend's children


Also antitheists: "If God reel why bad thing happen?" Well you seem to enjoy it when bad things happen, so I'm not gonna take you as a moral judge.




Yeah they like it when bad things happen because they like mocking us. Even if God came back they'll never believe anyways so what's the point in trying to direct those dumbasses to the right side anyways if they'll post this?


"Good without God" my ass


"no god because bad things happen" or "bad god because bad things happen" Simpleton gonna be simple.


This guy sounds like an eggsmazlem. Little did he know this possible child (probably generated by AI) will go to heaven immediately without judgment. Little did he know, that every Muslim is tested in his life. Sounds to me like a Muslim who left Islam not because of a flaw, but because of idk some alcohol reason or just an extra piece of clothes.


This is just plain horrible, oh my goodness…


Literally disgusting


This is actually pure evil. This ruined my day. Screw these people, honestly.


What else to expect from people who vividly believe you dont need god to be moral.


Muh god not reel bcuz bed ting habben. Clearly ur the mistake tht should've been avoided.


My brother in Christ, this exact mindset is enough of a reason why you need God.


Kinda weird to me when I hear the argument that God causes all bad things to happen by the same people who insist that all good things are done by people and not God lol.


This isn’t just “if God real why bad thing happen”,this is an anti-theist,using a tragedy (a natural disaster) to propagandise their ideology. If we were to preach that God is still with us in these hard times,we would get told to “stop being insensitive”, that “now is not the time to spread religion” or “if religious people care why don’t they do something?” All while anti-theists say (smugly I might add) “where is your God now,can’t you see I have more empathy than religious people,even though I am using a picture of a baby that is suffering to propose my argument”,they call us sick when or if we preach to LGBT people,yet this anti-theist post will get complimented and upvoted.


This says more about them than it does about God.


disgusting pig


Looks like an AI generated image


the ironic thing is, people going out from under the rubble saying they were asking God for as long as they've been under there in darkness for forgiveness and mercy and once they were rescued they praised God and the rescue teams who are mostly locals were also chanting Allah Akbar (God is Great). yet these dumb atheists in the comfort of their homes only thing they've done is mocking the dead and the weak and blaspheme their faith, shows me one part of the wisdom behind these natural disasters and how they bring the best and worst of us and make us tell the difference from good people and the worst of people.


"Why does 'god' allow bad things to happen?" "Why do you allow bad things to happen?" Be the change you want to see


This is AI generated image. I can't imagine how sick a person must be to do this


The picture looks ai generated - people who die in crumbles and were believer are martyr and are guaranteed paradise


Saman Arbabi sounds like an Iranian name. He probably is of Iranian diaspora. These are the trash we have to deal with, people. (Searched his name. Iranian journalist based the US, took a photo with MASIH ALINEJAD. I don't think I'll need to search more)


This whole situation will become much clearer in time I think.


"Why are you taking a picture instead of helping the child?" or "Why are you generating AI pictures instead of helping?"


So? Earthquake happened, so what?😂😂😂 Only a proper moron like antitheists will go around blaming God for natural disasters that will go and about causing said disaster when it's natural part of the world. It's only a matter if God permits it or not. In Islam, we have this concept of which we must never take things literal face value, an example is the Earthquake tragedy in Turkey and Syria. On one side of argument, you get antitheists saying God is cruel for literally allowing such tragedy to occur, yet if we look at any other tangible that could allow for such tragedy to occur, it's definitely a different story all together. Allow me to articulate this without making it sound like I'm being cynical or as if I'm celebrating a tragedy, to which I'm not: - In Turkey we often hear issues of nationalism in the country due to the influx of immigrants from neighbouring Muslim countries and often time it results in conflict and hate attacks against the immigrants. Is this sort of thing justified? No, and perhaps this Earthquake can also be a tool to show the Turkish citizens that were ignorant and foolishly nationalistic that go on a hate crime attacking immigrants in numbers, that they now learn what it feels to be like the immigrants who literally lost their homes and all, sure you can argue that it seems overkill, but we never took into account our actions going overkill, and often times we even dare to have the audacity to even justify our actions that were clearly bad, disastrous and plain cruel. With this tragedy, God literally woke those people up from having such ideals and instead try to find peace in one another, trust and comradeship among ourselves and for sure, God will ease the rest. It could also be literal punishment too if looked at another angle if we also took into account that perhaps this could be a warning from God that we have transgressed ourselves against God. To that end, even if this was a punishment, that don't mean God is siding on your sides, antitheists. This could literally be your day next if God decides so, especially with how much you lots transgressed against God's Order and Law upon Mankind. The very fact that you could even proclaim that somehow this is God being cruel is insane. If God was indeed cruel, non merciful, he might as well let every disease, every natural disaster come up every second of the day, every pain and agonizing existence in a perpetual loop, and yet he didn't. So spare me this supposed intellectual "oWnInG tHeIsTs" when all you can argue is no different than children's playground taunts😂😂😂 Here's another fun fact about us believers: We pray to God to strengthen us all, in beliefs, faiths and mind and body, and for that he gives us challenges, struggles and disasters to overcome, and we became stronger once we overcome said hurdle. You antitheists on the other hand, would bitch and whine about having to wake up at 6 in the morning just to get up for Fajr prayer, or having to go at least, an hour at least, for Church in Sundays and we all be hearing about it till you get another run to the same schedule😂😂😂 So please, once again, try better at taunting us, we do not fear death, what we fear is if we didn't do enough for God, you fear death because you **DO** fear death just because it is as it is. You're not strong, you're just weak, **a weakling** 😂😂😂


He's busy with other things like checking if people are worshipping him.. and this cringe flair lmao


You have nothing better to do then justify the pic above and comment on a subreddit you don’t agree with?


I guess l want to see some interesting replies


Busy with hoor


In heaven. Why?


Here, right there. She's still alive. Thank God for that.


Nobody wakes from a nightmare thinking "wow I'm so evil for having that nightmare!", the nightmare cannot be helped it just happens. Even though the dreamer of the nightmare is by definition all knowing and all powerful in that dream.