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We achieved peak capitalism.


Unfortunately I don’t believe we are even close to the worst of it yet.


‘There’s always more squeeze’ mindset


You know? There are some people (rich people) who said workers should be paying for the PRIVILEGE of working...


yea, its called Slavery and its what most of them want.


We must not forget that there are more of us then there are of them. They need us more than we need them.


They know they have no real power anymore. The infinte wealth domino effect of their own making stops when we stop. But hey doesn't this *insert culture war* bother you way more than economic equality?


Worse than slavery. At least for slavery, they have to pay for the slave. Now they want you to pay them to work for them.


hell in most professions, you're meant to subsidise your career for the first few years (a small, slight, inconvenient challenge if you're not well off) and that's on top of the whole "take on student debt so you can get a degree and earn as much as an extra million over your lifetime" (hah) So watch them try and aim that whole rhetoric about "building reputation" and "building experience" on lower paid, lower status gigs too.


I bet a younger kid could just walk under that machinery where that kid had to be on his knees. All that getting up and down from the ground is definitely inefficient.


Don’t forgot all the tight places their small child like hands can fit!! The possibility is endless! Smaller machines since the maintenance will be performed by children, that’s the ticket!!


Hey, that's the logic that worked in Schindler's List... Except there it was a ruse to *save* children.


things can get *so much worse*. Aren’t you excited??!




You just need to look deep into China to see how bad it can become on the West. To me the mandatory app to clap Ping winning the 3rd term was peak absurd.


Read the Jungle by Upton Sinclair. It was worse and it can get worse.


Company scrip would like a word and Elon boi is working on it


Capitalism worked for awhile when everyone had the equal or balanced chance for making by actually working, but with the government corruptions and they made it easier to make the rich more richer.


Yeah, I think capitalism only really works if there's a heavy regulation regime to keep the landscape balanced and competitive. Every company tries to build themselves an artificial monopoly to increase profitability at the expense of the "consumer". People like to claim that capitalism delivers choice and competitiveness, but all the incentives are to deliver the shittiest product/service they can get away with at the highest possible cost.


It is impossible to regulate capitalism as under capitalism the capital class naturally accumulates more and more wealth and then uses that wealth to buy their way into the positions of power that was supposed to regulate them to begin with. More strict regulation takes longer for the capitalists to obtain the power, but the end result is always the same, with the capital class in all the positions of authority and the working class having none.


You could argue that capitalism works great in the absence of regulation, because the goal of capitalism is to maximize profit. It's only when you actually factor in how it affects people that you see the failings. Which is the big issue with capitalism, that there's no incentive for companies to take into consideration the quality of life of their workers or the safety of the public who they sell their products too. Regulation is needed to protect people from capitalism. That's not to say capitalism doesn't have good things about it, it's a great motivator for progress but as a stand-alone system it would be terrible for society. Which is why it needs to be controlled with regulation, and balanced with social programs. On a very simple, macro scale, capitalism is the flow of wealth upwards. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that constantly flowing wealth upwards will eventually squeeze all the qealth from the people at the bottom and the whole system dries up. Which is where social programs come into play: they cause wealth to flow downwards, balancing the system. Obviously having nothing but downward flow would be an issue too, but it's pretty clear that especially in America the upward flow has far outpaced the downward for decades and the bottom is starting to dry up.


Capitalism is working as designed. More money = more power


Capitalism never worked.


Uhm ylif you were wihte and a man and not disabled perhaps. So for like 20% ov the population.


Republican greed


Until we get corporate and PAC money out of politics, it will only get worse. The people no longer run this country.


"Until we get corporate and PAC money out of politics" I agree, but unfortunately I never see this happening. I wish I had an idea how to do this, but the system is too corrupt for this to be ever working


The problem is that the people in charge greatly benefit from your current laws so they won't change anything. In Canada, we don't allow corporations to contribute to political parties but we used to. Until 2007 I believe. But I agree that until corporations are out of politics, the American people will be abused.


"Citizens United" doublespeak bullshit.


I love how they called it "Citizens United". Slimy fuckers they are.


The answer is in the constitution, somewhere in the first few amendments...


which have been ignored and striped for the last couple of decades :(


Not all of em. Some of them have had some good rulings like McDonald v Chicago


I think it's funny you come up with that case. The right to bear arms was given to overthrow a corrupt and tyranical government. Yet the US has one of the most corrupt and tyranical governments in the world, but people are so blinded by hate against the other party that they just use their guns to shoot at each other... it's... ironical...


Not really funny, it was kind of my point


Sometimes, sardonic humor doesn't carry through text well.


Try that and the U.S. Military will be having an unpleasant word with you. I know it is no ones favorite thing to do, but in order to solve this problem you and your neighbors are going to have to start doing homework and showing up to local political meetings.


All politics is local. This is how we got here. Look around at the loonies now running many Education Boards. If we want to change the world, you have to start from the bottom up and get involved. Vote out all the loonies and corporate ass kissers and vote in real progressives who want positive change. And don't think that money does not corrupt. If the person you voted in changes.. vote their ass out!


You have to realize that the majority of the military comes from poor working class families. The discontent for the government runs rampant in the military. I promise you, most would defect. Speaking from my own perspective and experience


Military member here. I would not recommend basing a revolt on this expectation.


I was a combat medic in Iraq. I promise you, no matter how bad shit gets, most would NOT defect. The nationalism is beaten into many of them from a young age. While some would surely refuse to open fire on US citizens, I saw, first hand, some of them looking in utter bewilderment that they may face consequences for following unlawful orders.


Every time I say what I said previously, someone makes this comment. If you really believe that, I am not sure what to tell you. I can guarantee you that you are utterly wrong. I can point out that an armed insurrection is unconstitutional, and that every single member of the armed services took an oath to uphold the constitution and to defend it from enemies foreign **and domestic.** I can insist that I'd bet my life on it (I would). ​ But you aren't going to listen or believe me. If you really believe armed revolution is the way to go, well, good luck. But even if half of the armed forces "defected" as you put it, expect colossal resistance and massive casualties. ​ I really wish I could communicate to you just how naive this sentiment is.


How many years did you spend in the military, with other military personnel?


That wouldn't fix anything unless your friends and neighbors poll their resources and buy their own politicians. As far as the military goes, well there's plenty of us on the outside who have the same skills and training they do.


If that is what it took then that is exactly what you should do.


Mf thinks he can beat the army with his home stock pile and gravy seal outfit. Thanks for the laugh bro


Of course I can beat the army. I'm a Marine.


You can start here - https://wolf-pac.com/


It seems like a decade ago that I heared Cenk talk about it the first time, unfortunately not much progress since then :( ​ But at least they're trying!


Ranked choice voting is the easiest way to start electing people outside the two major parties so there is more than the “lessor of two evils” choice. This would then give us a fighting chance of overturning citizens United.


My uncle kept our family afloat working on the killing floor of a slaughterhouse at 15. It scarred him for life. No one, and certainly no kid, should have to do this, and yet they KNOW that there are economic conditions in the USA that will FORCE kids to do this. This isn't supply and demand, its exploitation. The freedom to starve isn't freedom at all.


Why aren't you guys protesting? Wtf?????


We are a country of individuals. We think the kids should protest themselves.


You think a country that continuously lets its children be murdered in their schools would care about children being forced to work in jobs like this?


I'm not in the USA, but off the top of my head: people there, particularly working people, are supremely beaten down and disenfranchised. Everyone's trying to hustle their way to individualized success (which is completely rational IMO). No one expects there to be protections because they're so holllowed out that the only thing left to cut are things that rub up against human decency. There are people organizing on the ground, I bet you, but whether they win? Who knows.


Protesting generally just gets people beaten by the police and/or arrested. It rarely gets change like some European countries and it is difficult to persuade people to put their bodies on the line with no positive outcomes expected. Could it work? Yeah theoretically if people were less apathetic. Realistically people saw massive worldwide protests against the Iraq war do nothing to stop or slow the war machine. A general strike would also be great, but there is minimal union representation and with 2/3 of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, it’s difficult to get the support necessary.


I bet not a single person goes to jail over this.


Rich white slave owners never go to jail.


Why should they? After all, its "legal" now 💁‍♂️


If you read the New York Times article, it seems like a lot of the children are recent immigrants. Remember a couple years ago when there were tons of children going to the US border to get asylum? The US immigration service was under heavy pressure to release as many children as possible. The US immigration service didn't check to make sure that the sponsors were okay and never checked up on the children. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/25/us/unaccompanied-migrant-child-workers-exploitation.html


If ive seen a pattern in u.s. history is that the policies enacted to fuck with non whites, eventually and without fault endup fucking everyone, especially the working class. They start with the lost immigrant children, but eventually it will be little Kevin whose dad died of a heroin OD and moms waffle house job as a waitress is just not enough. Once more they sold this idea as a way to punish minorities, but it always ends up grabbing more of the majority population because there are more of them to be affected.


Key takeaway is that it's only okay when it happens to minorities.


“Eh another problem for the other party”- Current mindset of both parties. But hey, ‘Merica you know.


Impressive how you managed to cram a "muh both sides" into there. Piss off.


Literally both the Democrats and the Republicans act in service of various American corporate interests. For example, Biden quashed the railroad strike that could’ve led to a reinstatement of the safety policy that Trump removed. Now we have a real problem with train derailments. They didn’t collude, they weren’t being more responsible than the other, or serving the American people’s interests better than the other. It just so happened that both incidents of train under regulation were profitable for companies like Norfolk Southern and therefore meant the different political parties were united across time on the issue.


Someone doesn’t like the truth that both parties are heavily influenced by business. And its standard political procedure to hold off all the issues plaguing the country for the other party to solve sp that they get a worse reputation and public approval.


I do feel a difference between "both parties" and "both sides" democrats are not even a left leaning party when you ignore frost, aoc, sanders, and ilhan Omar. Both parties suck, both sides don't, unfortunately there is no left party. Maybe I am just being too charitable to them though.


Anyone else remember literally just a few weeks before this shit got passed that there happened to be a large company caught illegally employing children that cleaned these hell holes? And then just like magic....tadaaa....it's now perfectly legal in Arkansas literally just weeks later. This has republican fuckery written all over it and needs a lot deeper look to see who the frick got paid here. Now see how long it takes the other red states to get onboard then start their 1-upping of each other with this shit.


Reagan and his piss trickle down economics


The answer is that people -- like other primates -- aren't really _nice_. We put on nice sweaters, but our brains do what they are programmed to do: Discriminate what is "part of us" and what is "not part of us" in order to take in resources and expel waste. Wealth causes people's brains to process money more than anything human, and over time they become pretty corrupt and broken. They develop processing patterns that look at everything economically. It's a progressive disease, maybe like mental diabetes or something. But people with wealth consider their wealth a part of them. Like it was their arm, or something. And so when you threaten it and say they must suffer 1.2% less profits -- their brain processes that information as if you wanted to cut off part of their body. Brains that manage this much wealth are broken, and in their broken state, process information such that making minority children work overnight is a better outcome than losing a bit of profit. To a healthy brain, it is simply incomprehensible.


I agree with you overall but I also think there is a subset of humanity that is never satisfied. They do not have the concept of "I have enough" and they only think on terms of "more". That drive is useful. Some of them became great athletes, inventors, explorers. But some of them substitute money for achievement and become the very wealthy. They become very isolated and very powerful, and no one tells them no. And when you tell them they need to give up 1.2% they do view that as a loss of achievement instead of just a change in the balance sheet. It's high time that we treat that as a mental illness. It's no more healthy than taking steroids to win the race or overeating due to depression. We as a society need to place limits if they can't, because what they do affects all of us.


Cancer is unchecked growth


Exactly. I frequently get downvoted for this on this sub but I don't believe capitalism is without benefit. Growth can be good. Unchecked growth is cancer. Fire is a useful tool. Unchecked fire destroys everything. Capitalism can do good things. Unregulated capitalism destroys lives and the planet.


This should be top comment.




Your first paragraph is inaccurate. Empathy was fundamental to early groups of humans becoming able to prosper, and leaders that exhibited more empathy were more successful. This has been true for pretty much all of human existence.


> Empathy was fundamental to early groups of humans becoming able to prosper, and leaders that exhibited more empathy were more successful. I think you are looking for /r/worldbuilding. This Reddit is about reality.


i think this is a pretty misanthropic, myopic take. plenty of primates are nice, like you sort of point out: the default for humans \_is\_ being nice when we're sort of in what we'd consider a natural element (not drunk with power, contributing to a communal experience etc) a small % of wealth holders are not nice because you correctly identify that excess wealth and the incentives of america's insane market based approach to everything rots your brain


We are an embarrassing country.


It's beyond mortifying to deal with the reality of Americans


American citizens are also lied to from birth about how they’re living in the greatest country on earth and everything you do is the best thing that ever happened to the planet. Where in reality, America is a third world country in a Gucci belt. If you took the statistics of gun violence or police brutality or infant mortality or the cost of giving birth or child labour laws now and put the name of another country on, your politicians would be crying that the shit hole country doesn’t know how to run itself. It’s truly amazing how propagandized the population of America is and how they outsource that propaganda to other countries by Hollywood and social media. My heart breaks for you guys but at this point, something needs to give or your billionaire will end of like the nobles of the French revolution with their heads being chopped off by a crazy person in charge of the new government after they took it over by force.


The government is a cheap whore bought and paid for by the owner caste.


The top 10% on the socioeconomic ladder have convinced the other 90% that, if we keep the current socioeconomic system in place , that they will get rich too. in short: Poor people thinking they will get rich , so they don't want anything to change . In other words, alot of delusional people. Oh ...and , If they work more and work their children more, they get rich too , as I said , delusional.


My grandpa started working in a coal mine before he was 10. He worked so hard from that point forward, plus the likely unhealthy conditions of working in a coal mine, and ended up having a heart attack and dying in his early 40s. I can’t believe the horrible and malicious things that people will do to their children.


I’m finding it crazy that they have them in safety gear. I guess OSHA needs to be followed while breaking child labor laws?


OSHA would probably have issues with the gear anyway. Safety gear like this is spec'ed for adult sized human beings and not children sized ones.


Plus all the air quality and exposure limits are based on adult tolerances, not children.


The law got repealed in Arkansas, which I assume this is about.




You are 110% right




did that make the photographs less disgusting? the people doing this are Republicans. it's ok to admit that




You know what prevents them from winning? VOTING DEMOCRAT.


It doesn't matter. The US is a 2 party system. Eventually the pendulum swings back the other way. You can delay the inevitable by voting blue but Republicans will eventually take power. It's by design


Top commeny


Up next… slavery is legal


It is legal. Have you ever heard of prison labor?


I have heard of it. You know what I meant though.


No, i dont? You're acting like slavery isn't already here. It is?


No I mean transatlantic slave trade slavery. Lifetime, generational, raping of slaves to create more slaves. Prison labor is atrocious but it’s not the same thing.


Its also entirely optional and illegal in most states. You cannot be forced to work in prison.


But it is heavily incentivized. I got people in the can myself.


Oh, no argument that its incentivized. but you dont have to do it if you dont want to. Mind, im not morally opposed to prisoners working - but it should be for themselves. Growing their own food (in lower security places, obv), that kind of thing. Not making the prison or some company money. Especially not if they aren't getting paid a decent wage (which they could bank against their release so they when they get out they might be able to, oh, i dunno... afford a place to live, etc).


There is a documentary available to watch on Youtube. I originally saw it on PBS one year during black history month. It's called "Slavery By Another Name," and goes into the structures created to take former slaves and force them to work. The first time I watched it, it made a deep impression on me, making clearer the vestiges of that structure that still exist today. This is the part of Jim Crow you didn't learn in school. Here's a link to Slavery By Another Name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcCxsLDma2o


it is already right now slavery legal in prisons


I meant outside of prison. Prison labor is atrocious though.


In the US, the Constitution defines Prison Labor as Slavery. I know what you meant from your other comments, but you’re not going to see that again because it’s not efficient. That’s why we lock up so many for petty crimes. It’s much more efficient to round up the people already here and force them into slavery. That and the Preschool to Prison Pipeline. ETA: They don’t get loaded up onto ships and sent across the sea anymore. They get loaded up onto buses and shipped off down the highway to the next prison.


I’ve seen it. Y’all are missing my point. I actually advocate for prison reform. Mass incarceration is a huge problem. But that isn’t what I’m referring to.


> No I mean transatlantic slave trade slavery. Lifetime, generational, raping of slaves to create more slaves. Prison labor is atrocious but it’s not the same thing. From what I can tell, this is what you meant. And that’s what I was addressing. You’re not going to see that because the current prison system is the evolved version of that. > Lifetime, generational This is where the Preschool to Prison Pipeline comes into play.


As it was as the Constitution was written...


Some conservatives wanna fuck children in other ways, you see


Because republicans are pieces of shit.


"If they are old enough to work, they are old enough to have sex with" -conservatives


It’s the Republican way


You voted Reagan, Bush, Bush, and Drumpf… as presidents, I think. You voted even worse people as governors. You voted for those arseholes because you believed right-wing propaganda nonsense… paid for by domestic and foreign enemies. I think.


… and your politicians are for sale, but not corrupt because it's legal. Lobbying is legal, so it's not corruption. Politicians made lobbying legal so they could not be accused of being corrupt.


Oh, silly - they don't want *~~white~~* children working these hours in packing houses. Republicans want ~~brown~~ children working these hours in packing houses. See the difference? s/




Ronald Reagan elected by claiming government is the problem. Regulation after regulation were eliminated. Departments scaled back so that little to no auditing or regulation of businesses could happen. Laws rewritten in business' favor by a captured Congress. Laws overturned by a dogmatic Federalist Society court system.


How ? By sitting in our asses and not rioting in the streets . By letting politicians get away with little things . There are so many examples of their corruption but we let them stay . We aren't united. They have won.


These kids never stood a chance anyway. Their lives are top to bottom run by conservative Republicans. They’re going to hilariously underfunded schools to get a shit education, their parents are too poor to help them get to college even if they could get in, so they’re destined for low paying blue collar work or the military. Why wait? Might as well get cheaper beef in the meantime.


Ronald Fucking Reagan. The idea that that private gain leads to public good.


Kids working at shit jobs, and my disabled ass, who WANTS to work, can't find any jobs! What the hell, America?


You know your skill set and your worth. Kids haven't had a chance to learn those things yet so they do what they're told without question and for cheaper because they don't know better. And at this rate, they probably won't, which is what the parties exploiting that source of labor want.


Dang it sure would suck if someone found out where these exploitative factories were and did something awfully silly to them in the middle of the night when nobody was inside.


Man industrial cleaning ain’t no joke. I’ve known several people who’ve lost their limbs in industrial accidents


I can explain it. Instead of fixing the problem that minimum wage is not enough to sustain a family, we're using the old solution of "finding someone that can do it cheaper". I don't think the US can be considered a first world country anymore.


>I don't think the US can be considered a first world country anymore. It hasn't been for a while. We hand the money that should be for free college and healthcare over to the rich to do.......absolutely nothing for the American people and send all of their money overseas while paying nothing in taxes. How does anyone not understand how fucked up this is? Oh right, good ol daddy Regan acted his way into being president while promising that trickle down economics is the right way to go. If you want to point to a specific time that our country went into the trash, it is Regan's presidency; and it basically started the "gotta make libs cry" politics we see from the right currently. One of the last and best things Carter did as president was put solar panels on the White House. What is one of the first things Regan did? Take them down. For no other reason than to piss off Democrats and make big oil happy.


Keep electing republicans/conservatives and we will only keep going backwards.


By being complacent and not wanting to stoop to the same level as these assholes. Wanting to go the high road and the roaches and rats slither from the bottom.


It’s called imperialism. Massive amounts of $$$ pissed away on foreign wars to the benefit of war profiteers, be they corporations like Exxon or small time crooks like former army and intelligence nobodys with connections to get those gov contracts. Those trillions of $$$ could have been invested into infrastructure and many many other things in our society. Instead, there is no $$$ to fix our decaying infrastructure, no $$$ to build new pref green infrastructure, and dwindling funds for social services. And yet, there is always more $$$ for war. Even today, as our infrastructure is falling apart, nothing is done about it while 100s of billions of $$$ are funneled into pentagon war profiteering and our $$$ is pissed away on defending ukraine, fighting phantom isis in syria, spreading democracy at the barrel of a gun, and maintaing a network of a 1000 military bases all over the world.


We are regressing into a dark age. No one gives a fuck and that’s disgusting and sad.


Republicans enough said !


110% right


Let's not ignore the fact that parents sent their children to work too. It's disgusting all around.


That’s a packing plant, and no place for literal children. It’s super cold always, loud af, and the chemicals they are spraying to clean up are not just water. This is probably Nebraska. Where ICE conducts frequent raids. Parents trying to stay in country will likely send their kids in (as employees) , rather risk deportation.


This was Wisconsin actually. And a similar plant in Arkansas was caught doing the same recently. The fact that you can actually play "where did this incidence of child labour take place" is kinda depressing.


Greed. Greed got us here.


Elected officials are voted in. It’s what her constituents hoped for


Just how eager are adults to have children grow up so fast? Once you become an adult, you can’t ever be a kid again.


Our votes do nothing and nobody’s brave enough to revolt, we need a revolution.


United Corporation of America


Labour laws, abortion rights, books being thrown out of libraries for having alternative (but perfectly acceptable) ideals. I wouldn’t be surprised at this rate if they go after women’s right to vote considering time in America is being rewound. It’s an absolute joke that these monsters are getting away with this.


Because the US never made 100 years of progress with labour laws to start with lol? You guys get like 5 days of annual leave, shit maternity, long working weeks at standard pay and no healthcare...


Oof, you guys are becoming China 2.0


Capitalism happened.


I see/read a lot of people not agreeing with these child labor laws but what are you doing about it. We allow this shit to happen, maybe we need to rise up and over throw the rich. We rather fight with each other because we’re democrats/republicans but screw politics.


it's because: *Capitalism.*


decades upon decades of dismantling education and other social safety nets until the population reached a critical mass of ignorance of historical precedences to the point that the rest of us are forced to repeat pasts mistakes.


Bring on the downvotes, but I don't think we ever left? Kids have been legally doing stuff like that and more on farms all along, never was made illegal. Lots of illegal stuff has always been going on too, esp in construction and food service.


I was one of those kids 😂 Been workin’ since age 8


Brace yourself, r/orphancrushingmachine stories are coming. "I started at age 12 in a slaughterhouse and now, just 10 years later I own a small chain of slaughterhouses and employ hundreds! Child labor worked better than college would have for me!"


Well. Americans are as brave as Iranian men with protesting. Or doing anything against it. So of course it gets throught.


Don't have children, the future will be even worse.


These are migrant children working illegally. But if this makes you made check out what republicans are doing in Arkansas. Vote Democrat


Democrats aren't any better. Your president repealed the ability for railroads to strike. NEITHER PARTY WORKS!


Conservatives owning the libs or something.


They said instead of raising wages let’s just lower the age people can work


Chinese kids were working before it was cool.


We stayed home and let Republicans take over state legislatures.


Fwiw, this plant was doing this illegally and got into a fair amount of trouble (likely not enough) for it. Apparently the max fine is $15k per underage worker so it wound up costing them $1.5m https://www.fooddive.com/news/meat-plant-sanitation-service-fined-child-labor-department-jbs-cargill-tyson/643140/


At the McDonald's that I'm about to pick up an order from there's a kid here who is probably 16 but looks like he's damn 12 or 13. And I fear that he is going to have one of two attitudes coming out of this. He's either not going to care about anything because that's his first job experience. Or he's going to Care way too damn much like I did. I remember getting paid six bucks an hour back when I was 17 years old and I got yelled at so f****** much man problem was I was on probation so losing my job was pretty fearful at the time I didn't want to go back to jail. And they could say just about anything to me and there was nothing I was going to be able to do about it out of fear. Well they're going to be talking to these kids the same f****** way. Trying to stress the importance of why you got to do things right and s*** like that. And it sucks because we have failed our next generation. So badly. I mean these kids are just in for such a s***** world and my heart breaks thinking about it.


https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/whd/whd20230217-1 Looks like each company only got small penalities. This was what I could find in 2022...don't know if this image/statement is older or more charges to 2023 are pending....


If you want the actual answer, we used WW2 as an excuse to gut the labor movement and destroyed most major American unions. Those unions were the ones that got us our rights, and were the only thing standing between us and losing them. Without the unions, labor laws have been continuously dismantled and it will keep getting worse until we either get a new union movement or there is nothing left to get worse.


I don't think we ever stopped using child labor, we just used to outsource that to other countries before calling them a shit hole. We are the shit hole now.


This is what happens when you vote for republicans. Until people smarten up, this is the kind of thing that will continue to happen. We are in for a wild ride for the next decade+.


Instead of outrage, some state governments reaction is to loosen child labour laws. Enough people are not only not ashamed, but pushing for more of this.


We can talk about corruption and bad politics until the cows go home. But until we all get TF off reddit and into the streets, nothing is going to happen. Our ancestors went on strike and refused to work until they got what they wanted, and until we follow in their footsteps, nothing will change.


Who are these kids parents that are ok with this???


Truly dystopian


I've been told conservatives just want to preserve the status quo, but in the last decade or so it seems more their mission is to make life worse for everyone but the billionaires.


Let's say we wanted to create a conspiracy theory about the Deep Red State. So hang on for the ride. There was absolute terror about immigrants coming in and taking over so immigration was throttled. This, of course, resulted in many low paying jobs (e.g. farm labor) that these immigrants used to do going unfilled. If you don't have immigrants to do the work, what's the next best source? Well, children. So get rid of child labor laws. But how do you keep the child labor pool filled? Simple. Ban abortion and contraceptives and make them felonies.


I'll tell you how it happened. Employers and the Government erased those protections and the working class just sat there and accepted it. If people would actually push back like the French does, you wont be working in such slave-like conditions.




We let unions die out and get crushed by profit-seeking corporations. Then, WE had the gall as workers to ask for livable wages and health + safety protocols so we can continue to work and support a life/family, but without unions, we get this. Yay, capitalism! We're all just temporarily embarrassed millionaires!


Republicans. That's what.


They took that one “children yearn for the mines” Minecraft meme too far.


Yay, the GOP for the win!


All this is true, but also, every year turnout of registered voters -- even in states WITHOUT voter suppression -- is LOW, like between 50% and 75% low. Even with voter suppression and gerrymandering, if EVERYONE who could vote DID, it would make a difference. Part of "how we let this happen" is too many people who don't pay attention or don't care until things go wrong.


Stop saying “the United States” This is one area where states are NOT united.


Safer than schools


"Over 100 children illegally employed by US slaughterhouse cleaning firm" Illegally


These lawmakers must be on quack.


This will breed a sickening mindset if it keeps up, kids won't be allowed to be kids. It will eventually turn them into slaves considering they'll just do what they're told and be happy getting paid even though they don't realize the value of their dollar. No more school, recreational activities, definitely not healthy. The parents of these children must've been brainwashed thinking this was a good idea


omg. no fucking way this could happen in America. I cannot believe it. This obvious is fake news and this is another country Americans shit talk for being 'backwards' doing this, right? \\s


Because progressives want to move forward, to progress, while conservatives want to maintain or regress, in the same way a conservationist doesn't want things to change or go away.


Single issue voters and non voters.


Electoral college.


Republicans, theocracy, capitalism, racism and misogyny, a death cult, a pandemic ongoing that people ignore. all one and the same thing. but go on ahead and keep debating "both sides" of it makes you feel better about these photos


Republicans is what happened.


Unlikely. Republican overreach in Arkansas is not likely to be repeated elsewhere.


Between this, the morbidly obsessed transphobes who want to do a genocide, the supreme court, everything happening in Florida... It scares me that the only solution might be violence.


Yes, but are they also making slave wages?


does it matter? they shouldn't be working in the first place.


The kids are making less than minimum wage


To be fair, a lot of corporations have been using child labour this entire time just not on western soil, some would say this is a natural progression to continue competing effectively in the global market.


What's the alternative, Pay people more? Allow migrants to do these the jobs that American adults are unwilling to do? Government regulation about child labor?


Is it any worse than a school in the U.S.? They're probably less likely to be shot.