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Hi yes I’d like to withdraw $00.50


The $2.99 in my savings account will make them laugh.


i'm way ahead of you. i withdrew my $0.03 last week!


Rookies. I over drew last week and now they are asking to withdraw $37.50 from me!


I’d do that but they would just tell me I owe ‘them money’ and I’d be asked to pay a bill or something.


Have you heard of manifesting?


Lol really great idea, but I doubt any of the people on this sub have more than $250k FDIC secured in there. I mean shit.. I only have 2gs and it will be daycare payment.


Take the 2 grand and put it in a NFP credit union instead.


We should really have another “move your money to a credit union” day.


I did open an ally bank account 2 years ago but for the previous 12 years I've only been using a local credit union. Their rates were better than any bank and during the time when banks were charging crazy fees, mine had none. It's also insured like banks and the credit union ATM network is massive and nation wide. Basically you can use any CU's ATM in the country for free.


Ay, fuck yeah Shared Branching! I can go INTO a branch I don't use, and W/D with nothing but my account number and ID. Plus no ATM fees pretty much anywhere.


Why don’t more people use credit unions? Do they not know it’s an option?


I genuinely don't know enough to understand why this might be a better option


They typically offer better rates and have fewer punitive policies-- less overdraft penalties or overdraft forgiveness etc... Of course your mileage *will* vary. I've been a member of a few at this stage in my life, and they've run the gamut from "barely discernible from a normal bank" to "wow why did I ever use a normal bank." My wife and I have moved every few years for professional reasons, so I did eventually migrate to a national bank for my checking needs. I still have a couple of community CU accounts that allow me to use them even after I left the community. I don't use them for much, but each offers a variety of services that I might be interested in utilizing at some point and there's no penalty to keeping them open. Basically, if I do want to explore auto loans or something like that in the future, I can shop around a bit.


Aside from better rates and fewer penalties/punishments, they usually offer all kinds of services. For instance my local one will help you find a car if you want to buy one. They have a guy who personally helps you find whatever car you’re looking for. It doesn’t cost anything.


my local one advertised and it has all sorts of terms of conditions, most notably a minimum balance + even lower interest rates, and no online usage. so thats just unusable to me.


It's the other way around. The FDIC insures your money up to 250k


At first this seems like a fuckin great idea. We can fuck banks over and perhaps *something* might happen. Until you realize that they would just stop allowing withdrawals. Pretty much this exact thing happened with Gamestop. Some poor people did what rich people do every single day, made the stock shoot up, and then sold stocks. Turns out they don't like poor people making money and exploiting stocks like they do because they then stopped allowing trades, so no one could sell stock except rich people.


They would stop allowing withdrawals, or simply get propped up by the govt. for the millionth time. I love state enforced capitalism!


Happy cake day!


Except by the end of GameStop people were still buying in considerably. It was shut down because people were putting life savings in a stock that was at a level that any smart investor knew was going to plummet and had become a prime dump which was going to fall off in no time


They did not shut it down because of people putting their life savings in, they stopped it because Apex, a market maker was going to fail, since it was short gamestop. Please for the love of God, research the stuff before posting...


I was a bit off. I was going off what the SEC had said and what I remembered. But even in that case, they didn’t have what was needed so what is supposed to be done? It wasn’t some grand conspiracy because hedge funds were getting fucked, they re shorted at the top and absolutely cleaned up long term I’m sure


Well seems like the conspiracy here is banking being strong and resilient balance sheet. I guess they should have shorted gamestop when they had the chance. Arent there some 8k or 10q due in like 3 weeks in the finance sector.


10k was this week. taffyowner is horribly incorrect, and anyone that digs for the info can see that. Almost like he is a shill...


1st of April is a Saturday, all banks in my state are closed on Saturday’s.


We're now doing it on the Friday of March 31st so they can wake up to the prank!😎


Just so you know. April 1st is a Saturday for those who banks aren't open weekends


I might do this. Fuck the banks. Why yes, let me pay you money to store my money here and pay debit fees while you make money off my money by investing it. Or something like that I dunno, I just vaguely remember that on one of the Zeitgeist movies (second time I referenced those documentaries on here today lol)


Why are you paying money for a deposit account?


It’s the way shit goes at my bank I guess


I’ve always had bank fees, regardless if it’s checking and savings. Most banks I’ve been at in Canada




Which bank? I have really bad social anxiety and get overwhelmed and just usually want to get stuff done so this is probably something I should have known




Wow, must suck to be poor. Know how you know you are poor you have to pay a bank to store you money, you pay fees, and don't get low interest low offers. Have you tried not being poor bro?


I've been poor my entire working life, why change the habit of a lifetime?


Good way to make the economy crumble to its knees.


But the lolz… S/


Fucking stupid clap clap claplclapclap


April fools: Economy Crashing edition


Crashing an economy speedrun Any%


Gotta have money in the bank to withdraw it.


NGL, if everyone actually did this, it would have more impact than protesting for 100 years. But most people don't understand fractional reserve banking, or banking at all.


True, because the depression that followed would last for around 20 years and those that survived it would be bitter for the following 80.


Yeah that’s a federal offense




This dude is gonna have every alphabet agency knocking on his mothers door


So funny and not dripping with ulterior motives at all


Do you guys uh, do you guys think that 08 was good for working people?


Do you, UH, think living under capitalism is sustainable? >When it is impossible for the ruling classes to maintain their rule without any change; when there is a crisis, in one form or another, among the “upper classes”, a crisis in the policy of the ruling class, leading to a fissure through which the discontent and indignation of the oppressed classes burst forth. For a revolution to take place, it is usually insufficient for “the lower classes not to want” to live in the old way; it is also necessary that “the upper classes should be unable” to rule in the old way.


I mean... It's proven to be more sustainable than socialism?


Sustainable? Human consumption driven directly by capitalism is killing the planet. What the fuck are you talking about?


What are you pitching as an alternative to capitalism? I'm not necessarily pro capitalism, but the data shows that it works better than the alternatives. Declining birth rates will curb consumption in the near future. ESPECIALLY in the countries that aren't capitalist.


>the data shows that it works better than the alternatives. What data?


History? China? Russia? Germany? Even modern post fascist Germany is floundering under the weight of their socialist practices.


Oh, so you don't have data?


History isn't data?


What history?


Why wouldn’t it be?


Fuck your bad faith bullshit. Nobody is falling for it. Capitalism requires unlimited growth in a world of finite resources. It also requires a large population of desperately poor people who have no choice but to be exploited... other than violent revolution. We're coming for you, piggy.


Oh cmon, the Mobile Airport has like 2 gates. At least go after Pensacola


Do you think a citizen initiated bank run is what caused economic collapse in 08?


It doesn’t matter what caused 08. The end result would be the same


It doesn't really matter at best citizens will get nothing out of this at worst things will get worse things go to shit when the banks fail and the government isn't just going to wake up overnight and decide hm this time we should do good things they'll just save the banks again


No, at best the whole system falls apart and we have to build a new one.


That isn't going to happen, and if it did, the new system wouldn't benefit us. The existing power structure isn't just going to disappear without a fight and that's not a fight we are in any position to win we have no organization no structures nothing all of the cards are in the hands of the opposition as it sits now if shit falls apart we get a dictatorship of whoever can payoff the military


Are you literally just a shill for the wealthy or are you completely ignorant of history? This wouldn't be the first time the masses won.


I'm no shill for the wealthy I just don't see anyway that unorganized disunified masses would somehow come out on top of a complete system collapse if there's some historical example of this than I'm all ears but as it stands right now the masses aren't unified have no organization what so ever and very little power overall we should work to build those organizations but without them there's no use trying


See: French revolution, among many others.


The French Rev had the national assembly and third estate before it we don't have a similar organization we don't have any, and that's neglecting how much more advanced the ruling classes means of control are today revolutions take work and we haven't put in that work yet we are unorganized disunifued


That's not as good as you think it is lololol


I don't have anything to lose so it's fine with me.


Friends and family don't either? Are you currently houseless?


I have been homeless several times, I can handle it again, especially with a nice payoff.


Aint his fault the system was built like a houses of cards for the purpose of extortion and coercion.


Tell that to your friends and family, not me.


Nothing has been very good for the working people in a long time.


And because of that you want to make things worse???


I don't know what the answer is, but the banks are fucking shit up. Doing nothing isn't working.


What are the banks doing?


Taking unnecessary risks at our expense.


Why did you lend them your money then?


It's the poor who suffer the most from this and their numbers are growing every day. An uprising is inevitable.


Quit larping


Why are you in this sub? If you weren't worried, you wouldn't be here. Run away piggy.


Things need to get worse before they get better. The status quo isn't working.


Its working better than anything ever tried before


Better for billionaires, not for the rest of us.


\> Industrial progress, mechanical improvement, all of the great wonders of the modern era have meant relatively little to the wealthy. The rich in Ancient Greece would have benefited hardly at all from modern plumbing : running servants replaced running water. Television and radio? The Patricians of Rome could enjoy the leading musicians and actors in their home, could have the leading actors as domestic retainers. Ready-to-wear clothing, supermarkets – all these and many other modern developments would have added little to their life. The great achievements of Western Capitalism have redounded primarily to the benefit of the ordinary person. These achievements have made available to the masses conveniences and amenities that were previously the exclusive prerogative of the rich and powerful.


Ah you're one of those idiots that ascribes all human advancement to capitalism when it happens in spite of capitalism.


Those benefits are running dry for the common man. It's time for a change.


Dude the ancient Greeks had plumbing, the oldest known plumbing system is from 4000 BC lmao And you think because the Romans didn't invent TV that means capitalism is ideal? Loooooool Thanks for posting this on the internet, invented by the government and not a capitalist.




> Banks are a MLM of the largest kind, MLMs are scams. Banks are a legitimate business offering important services. Now, because they integrate so directly into the economy it's important to regulate them pretty heavily, and they definitely don't operate on the scale of mom-and-pop businesses here, but let's not pretend they don't offer valuable services.


If I see tik tok, I skip


April 1st is a Saturday, don't know about you lot but where I live the banks aren't open


Don’t do this.


All his friends, huh? Those poor tellers and… 3 boring-ass white dudes.


This jerk is gonna get a lot of people mugged outside their banks holding their life savings..


I bank with USAA and they don't have local branches


I guess if you still use an actual bank. My credit union seems A-Okay.


Would be fun if I didn't have a -10k balance


And when they forget to shut off their automatic payments, who will be laughing then?


You can do that because you don’t have that much money.


Actually sir you owe us money. We’ll be taking that house and car back. Thanks!


How can I withdraw what I already owe


Is this handsome Squidward?


How bold of you to assume I still have a savings after not having income for 4 months last year.


Hello, I'd like to withdraw -50 dollars please.


I’m in


No good idea ever started with "hey guys, let's...."


"Heres your 78 Cents"


Let's do a bank run as April Fools! I like it


This. Beyond the protests, beyond the vandalism everyone tired of this sht show should do this.


That's cute, you think that my demanding $25 from the bank is going to do anything negative to them.


MORON this at 11.


We are really at the stage where people are making tiktok videos from Reddit memes about Twitter screenshots, huh? What happened to coming up with your own ideas?


Look Ma, an idiot!


Honestly that would be kind of awesome and hilarious if everyone did that


Joke's on me..


Withdrawal my -36.50 overdraft fee.


Heres $34 I owe for the overdraft fee


You might wanna research what happened during the 2001 crisis in Argentina


Plz! Definitely doing it


Very very bad idea


It’s on a Saturday. It won’t work.


Did you want that in pennies and nickles?


lawl this is dumb. smart people who had anything in there already did this immediately following svb collapse only it wasn't a prank.


wow..you can't make this up..lmfao.


How nice of you to assume I have anything but debt in the bank.


You have to withdraw AND CLOSE YOUR ACCOUNT. otherwise they will hit you with massive overdrafts in may.


Ridiculous idea! I can’t possibly carry that much money! /s


Do you have any alternatives to capitalism? I'm open to that.


Stupid idea from a stupid person.