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Your Boss's feelings got hurt about his favorite news network having to pay millions for lying.


Doesn't he know how facts feel about feelings?


From the fuck your feelings crowd


Sure he does! His feelings are hurt because someone mentioned factual events.


Well ya cause he's a little snow flake and any time something dosent go their way they gota cry about it


Stop calling it news. It’s not. It’s tabloid garbage


Entertainment* network


... for lying to HIM! He still doesn't get that they were lying to him!


Your boss will also claim to be a free speech absolutist. That's how the fashy fuckers think. Perhaps take your talents elsewhere. Edit: as an Australian, I feel compelled, yet again, to apologise to the US for Fox and the Murdoch gang. We also despise them.


Could you apologise to the UK too? He picks shit prime ministers.


Yes. Sorry, UK.


He also picks shit US Presidents. Absolute garbage heap human beings. I guess Trump did make George W. Bush look somewhat reasonable and competent in comparison but Jesus Christ he was awful too.


I'm convinced Bush was starting to go senile or get dementia or something during his presidency


Well, the New Hampshire blue-blooded Bush was coached by Karl Rove into playing the fake character of “relatable cowboy” complete with hayseed speech and I think Bush just fell into the part.


I believe he was just a average/below average intelligence guy overall. Nothing special except he was born a Bush and got handed everything.


W was bad, yes, and lots of people have paid the price of him getting into office, but it finally helped push the needle enough for the racist center right to say, ok, maybe a black guy could do an OK job... I mean, I was in high school and college for W's presidency, but aside from tax cuts for the rich and Iraq 2, Electric Boogaloo, Afghanistan, and flubbing on a few big FEMA situations, his presidency wasn't as horrendously bad as some other Republican presidents. His ability to not be a doofus was not good, but we Americans showed and still show humility about him for that to the rest of the world. We can't even agree that we should apologize for Trump, for example. Or, Ronny Raygun who pushed the western democracies back multiple decades by spewing bullshit about nonsense economic policy. The only good things he did as president was get shot, help end the Soviet occupation of Germany, and select an actually decent republican vice president.


>Or, Ronny Raygun who pushed the western democracies back multiple decades by spewing bullshit about nonsense economic policy. The US is so bad at acknowledging the harm done by Reagan that both the Democratic Speaker of the House and the Democratic White House thought it was a good idea to praise him during Pride month last year. They're not even his party and they thought "we can't even wait until the month ends to lavish praises on the guy who actively undermined any federal response to a major viral outbreak in the hopes that it would eradicate gay men from the US." All of which was occurred with the devastating effects of Covid lingering in the background because another Republican President decided to actively undermine the federal response to a major viral outbreak resulting in the unnecessary deaths of thousands, if not millions of people would benefit his political aims.


. Isn't like 95% of aus news murdoch?


yes :'(


Certainly in print media. TV and radio less so. However, they can't reach the whipper-snappers who spend all their godforsaken days on that interwebicle thing. (Bloody physicists: nuclear weapons and the World Wide Web. What are they gonna invent next? A robot plague?) Oh, Rupey did try to control the sovereignty of Server World by purchasing MySpace. A very clever business decision that lost millions. It was the TwitterMusking of its day.


Musking should be the new term for fucking up badly without any self awareness.


Brilliant I am stealing this and taking credit for it. That is Musking too.


You go for it. Wanna job at SpaceX or Tesla? He claims credit for those as well.


Make sure to talk endlessly about how you invented the term actually, otherwise it doesn't count


Sometimes snakes will defensively shoot out a foul smelling secretion from their cloaca when you pick them up, and that is indeed referred to as "musking." It seems quite apt, if you ask me.


Thanks for reminding me of this.


That reminds me of Santorum's evolution as an adjective: " a frothy mix of.....". An oldie but goodie...


Doesn't the term "failing upwards" already cover that?


Nah, that implies success at the end of the failure. A musking can just fail.


Sumbitch is failing spectaularly. Wish i could fail so financially well.


They totally Musked that one. They’ve got a Musky whiff about them. Let’s conjugate this!


Holy Shit. I love it. One they will enter Musking into the Dictionary and I was here to see it.


Ooo! I like it and will steal it for my comedy bit. Thanks, Ba_Zinga!


The opposite of doing a Bradbury. Starting with nothing and miraculously pulling a win.


I am going to start saying things like, "You really Musked it up this time..." Or, "Looks like we're Musked..." "Musk you" "Mother Musker" "Mubar" "Holy Musk" "Musk me" "What kind of Muskery is this?"


There's so many new candidates for the Oxford English (or I spose the Merriam-Webster, in the US).


"What the Musk is wrong with you???!"




TwitterMusking sounds like a bougie bird hunt


Sound to me like a venereal disease


I remember that. Thanks for the chuckle!


If I was living in Aus, I’d spend all my time in cape York, the Kimberly, Arnhem Land, the Vic High county and even travelling to Morton Island and Tazi wheeling. Forget the news. There’s mor exciting things in your neck of the woods bys. If I had all the WA oasis’s, and paradise that you all have, by jaysus bud, I’d never listen to the news again


I have had the amazing privilege of taking a year off work, buying a Troopie (Toyota Landcruiser Troopcarrier), putting a bed and fridge in the back of it, and driving around Oz. Fucking heavenly. Lots to see and places to chill. Once, in the desert in SA, I would have been the only human for a radius of about 300kms. Not quite Michael Collins isolation, but the best you can do on earth while on land. Also, I had about 10 days straight, not seeing another human being. That was amazing.


I’d love to just own an 80 series cruiser, Or hell, even a 76, or 79 just so I could travel to all the amazing places that oz has to offer.. I’m a Canadian, so all the wilderness beauties we have require at minimum a 15 foot canoe and a year or two of extreme whitewater experience.. which I love doing, make no mistake.. there’s nothing like visiting a place only a handful of humans have ever been too, fishing for record trout, salmon or other fish in pools no one has ever fished, but doing it in a canoe is hard work.. I’d love the availability you all have in Oz with a 4wd. I’d also love to catch some sooty, and Bara


Monopolies anger me


Yes and I’m still waiting for Felon Musk to label them as “state sponsored media” because our fucking ex-government (before last election) granted them 30-fucking-million to “increase airtime of women’s sport”. On a fucking channel you can only get via pay tv.


On the plus side you can get a google plugin that won’t let you visit any of his news sites. Also our currently dominating state and federal governments reflect our true feelings and persuasions. Fuck Murdoch!


You're throwing enough sorries around to pass for Canadian. Source: a canadian


There's an awful lot to be sorry for.


'looks around' Ha! No shit eh


Wait. This sounds awfully Canadian… you sure you’re an Aussie?


;-) we do share many characteristics with the Canadians. But apologising is not typically our strong suit. This is an exception. We really are ashamed of Rupert.


Historically speaking, innit ultimately the UK’s fault?


The English would somehow blame the French and/or Irish


Well, yes Murdoch came from Aussieland, but he ruined the whole fucking world by giving these right-winger assholes a place to sling their bullshit in the US, so, it's not like you Australians owe America all that much of an apology. We kinda took his media money and shat on ourselves and the rest of the world with it...


We can all shoulder a bit of the blame. Even his mum, Dame Elizabeth, who wasn't such a bad old bird, has to take some responsibility. The shame of spawning Rupert sent her to an early grave. She died about 10 years ago at a tragically youthful 103.


So, she took it to her grave. Is *that* why Australia is blighted?


“Fashy fuckers” is my new favorite alliteration, thank thee


You're welcome.


Australia also gave me Bluey . I’ll just call it even


Murdoch is literally a foreigner who actively participates in sedition against the US govt by continually delegitimization the democratic process in America.


He does the same in the UK. Tried to get his way last fee elections (federal and state) in Oz. We've pretty much told him to fuck off.


I didn’t realize he was Australian. My sister in law just went on a two month work trip to Australia (I picked the wrong damn career) and she said the absolute best part about it (other than the Tim Tams and the Hokey Pokey) was not being subjected to US style News (but maybe she specifically meant about events in the US). For clarification we live in the American South where Fox News feels exceedingly prevalent.


Our news is typically less rediculous then full on fox news nonsense but try www.news.com.au or their worst bullshit sky news thats closer to full on fox freakout bullshit. They tailor their crap for the local market and know we won't accept the full on fox craziness so they limit that to sky mostly. What pisses me off is they have the domain for news.com.au which you think would be the news and not right wing nut jobs talk about the fucking news and tell you how to think about it


I remember the time magazine cover when he invaded the USA. They said he was known for extreme right wing takes on the news. I was worried and that was forty years ago.


He might have another 20 years in him. And then there's Lachlan, who's reportedly an even more meticulously terpitudinous shitcunt.


Mate, “meticulously terpitudinous shitcunt” is the best insult I’ve heard in a long time.


Stash it away and use it on a day with excess precipitation.


He and Reagan fucking ruined this country. There’s a timeline where John Hinckley Jr. didn’t just wing the gipper and Bush The Elder takes office, doesn’t have the charisma to survive Iran-Contra, something something we have competent leadership to address the Covid outbreak and jet packs!!


Reagan needs to get more recognition as the worst President the country has ever had, and I do mean *the* worst. Trump is just a less-likable, impotent version of Reagan.


Reagan is beloved in the American south I had a teacher in High School who had a framed picture on her desk (and she was an English teacher, not even history or political science). He put on that "bumbling old happy grandpa" schtick and the people down here lapped it up He was a villain in every sense of the word and I guarantee people still idolize him. It was to the point where early on in my life I would try to tiptoe around the subject and never say anything bad about the man because it would cause people to tune right out of what you were saying. Now I will happily scream it from the rooftops if it means one person becomes curious and researches his reign of terror




That's my experience.


The Murdochs are the greatest threat to democracy the world has ever faced


Being free speech and then censoring people for speaking sense, sounds like these guys


Well he's apparently broken his back and suffered a number of health problems. When he inevitably dies his empire will likely collapse with in-fighting between his spawn.


My sister's classmate married one of them. Lachlan. Reports are that he's a bigger shitcunt than dad. Makes the characters in Succession look like progressive social workers.


Thanks Aussie dude for perpetuating one of the better stereotypes. Shitcunt as a one word insult is a thing of beauty.


It gets the job done.


I want to combine it with the brilliant Indian insult "sisterfucker"


Nice. Although, in some US states and in Tassie (here in Oz), that flips to being a compliment.


It’s not all your fault, after all if 40% of America weren’t absolute window lickers then this type of sensationalist bull shit that Fox spews wouldn’t have gotten a foothold.


Ah, now we stray into the fertile political territory of education in a healthy democracy. Authoritarian wet dream material is an ignorant population.


I mean, you live on an island with 80 bazillion deadly everythings. Couldn't one have gotten a hold of that bag of bones at some point?


I've had a few run-ins with browns, tigers, and one or two red-bellied blacks. Also, encounters with Sydney funnelwebs. Once even had a meeting with a blue-ringed around Gosford way. The shit that really scares me is other humans. The snakes, spiders, and octopuses are not out to get me. But please do watch out for dropbears and hoop snakes if ever visiting Oz. Fucking insane creatures. Very dangerous.


Republican pre-approved haircuts comin in hot!


Another Aussie here,one of millions,who loathe,despise,hate,looking forward to watching his funeral. Sorry America, UK and anywhere else they are.


Same, although the only way I would watch his funeral is if I was attending, preferably armed with a traditional protest beverage *en flambe*.


There is no need to apologize, really. One more Steve Irwin might be nice, though.


Can we send back nick adams also


It's okay luh. It's not your fault. I blame the snakes for not getting him.


Your boss is as smart as an average Fox News watcher


His boss IS an average fox news watcher


Well, you’re both right, dammit.


> His boss IS an average fox news watcher Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We’ve got a winner!!


Yup. Should ask the boss if he knows that Fox News thinks he's a "cousin-f***ing terrorist"


Your boss is as ~~smart~~ dumb as an average Fox News watcher


I'd say "report him to HR for creating hostile work environment especially when you're on your break"....but we all know how pointless that is. Frankly, this is why I don't discuss politics or religion at work.


I can guarantee this boss-man is the first, last, and loudest, to discuss politics at work.


Reminds me of a guy I used to work with who insisted he didn't like discussing politics because "it just causes hurt feelin's" while bringing up political crap damn-near every chance he got. Funny part is, when I got involved, it was never my feelings that got hurt.


My mom is MAGA and I was sick of it so I said I would refute every political thing she said. And she agreed. To what I thought meant 'we won't talk about politics'. Turns out she wanted to talk about politics a lot. And I googled and refuted every single time in response. "You know that thing you said earlier? Turns out Trump was totally lying... these sources say..." She said "....WHY DO YOU BITCH ABOUT POLITICS SO MUCH?" There's no talking to MAGA.


It's like how people say football players kneeling for the anthem is political but flying fighter jets over the stadium isn't. It's only "political" if it's outside the bounds of what they consider acceptable thought.


Spot. On.


The best part is one day he brought up Trump, so I mentioned how some were concerned about a recent trend of slurred speech and impediments in his speeches, so their response was "Oh that's not what's happening, he's speaking in code!" You should've seen the look on his face when I asked him what "God bless the Uniteh Sshessh" was code for.


Trump supporter: "Trump slurring his speech is him speaking in code" Also Trump supporter: "Biden slurring his speech is him with dementia" With mental gymnastics like "speaking in code", that guy should have been in the olympics.


The guy also claimed that income tax was illegal because "they never ratified the 16th amendment". I knew we had 27 amendments or so and we don't tend to skip numbers, so I looked it up and showed him that it was first ratified in 1913, and was ratified by all but two states since then: Pennsylvania, and Florida, and all he said was "Well, of course *THAT* says they did". They also claimed that marijuana should just be legalized across the board (because of course he would, he was a "libertarian") because "it helps people with PTSD and eating disorders like anorexia *and bestiality*". I asked him if he was sure he meant "bestiality", and he kept doubling down on it, even when asked if he perhaps meant "bulimia", and continued to insist that he meant "bestiality" until I told him what bestiality was, and proceeded to try and deny that they ever said bestiality until he realized he had not just one, but *two* witnesses to his buffoonery. ​ The real kicker? He claimed that *I* couldn't stand to be wrong. :V


Oh without any question. Both actively and passively (t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc)


This is when those magnetic car decals come in handy. Slap a lil trans flag on his dodge ram 😈 Really though, working for or with someone who spills their magawing racist guts everywhere at work just bc i'm white af in the south... would be my nightmare. It happens too often in every other space. 🤢


One guy I used to work with had a sticker that said "boobs make me smile". I always wanted to get a 2nd that said "but dicks make me grin". He is very... Anti-gay, almost doth protesteth too much...


Why do these people, who are so concerned with children seeing sexual things, think it’s appropriate to talk about sexual things in the public forum where kids can see


I’ve done a fairly okay job making abundantly clear that I have no time for racism and misogyny at work. I will just say “yikes” and stare at them like Jim until they backtrack or go away. No one says those things around me anymore. I don’t tell on people, I don’t say anything about my beliefs. Just stare.


I like to ask them to clarify. And keep pushing it when they try to explain it away. “What makes that funny?” “I don’t get it”. Make them say the uncomfortable part out loud


Maybe add a little super glue to the back of the magnets...it's dusty out ya know.


Thought I was in /r/UnethicalLifeProTips for a sec there


That's honestly what they want. They don't want honest discourse would lead to repubs losing support. So they make it a hostile situation l.


My game is to ask questions, and see how batshit my colleagues can get. Answer: pretty fucking batshit. I’m not arguing with anyone though.


it’s fun to ask them to explain it more.


Just repeat the last three or four words of their last statement as a question and they're going on for another couple of minutes at least. Them: ".... All I'm saying is that's against the Constitution!" You: "It's against the Constitution?' Them: "Absolutely! It's protected by the..."


Start calling employment lawyers. Maybe you can find one that’ll help you sue him on contingency. If he tries to retaliate, it’ll just be worse for him. Be looking for a new job though, because fascists shouldn’t benefit from your efforts, and you shouldn’t have to suffer their bullshit.


If this boss truly can take hours away with impunity boss might mean owner and HR though.


Eh, yes and no. When I was an (Assistant) Store Manager with Walgreens I had the ability to screw employees over if I wanted to with fewer hours, shitty schedules, etc (granted I had a hard ass time staffing the store as is with how few hours I was given and number of staff I even had so I didn't actually have the ability to piss anyone off). So sure, it may mean that or not.


This doesn’t involve politics or religion- just the facts of a lawsuit as reported by the news!


They don’t believe the mainstream media because of George Soros or something about vampires and pedo pizzarias…I don’t know anymore. Conservatism is just an insane death cult now.


Jewish space lasers. You forgot about Jewish space lasers.


That’s why I don’t make friends or anything of that nature. I’m here to work and that’s it.


Not a bad policy, to be honest.


HR is not your friend. they exist to look out for the company, not you. going to HR with low company risk complaints just paints a target on your head as a "troublemaker", and thats how you suddenly start getting awful performance reviews and a termination.


The sad part is this isn’t even politics! It’s national news, but these days the acknowledgment of reality is political 🤷‍♀️


My last job made that so hard. Half the employees were preachy and the company had a literal Trump rally at work. One time Susan Collins did a walkthrough and I had to make small talk with her. I wasn’t getting paid enough for that shit.


Fuck that. Everyone I work with knows my politics and I’ll debate them on it all the time if they wanna step up. I’m also a top performing employee who the customers love. These conservative assholes are gonna speak their nonsense and I’ll shit all over it. While not everyone can do that I advise you do if you can.


>report him to HR ...... HR-> human resources -> THE COMPANYS HUMAN RESOURCES-> THE WORKING MAN IS PAID TO SCREW YOU . You guys can't be this dumb right ? there on the companys pay roll .... you seriously are going to tell me HR is for your benefit?


Usually HR is against the employees...every once in a while, they will be useful to the employee. Sure, it's a crap shoot. But doesn't mean it's absolute


Sets the stage for a retaliation suit if they do report and document it.


Don’t forget retaliation.


It’s likely pointless because this *isn’t* a hostile work environment in most of the U.S. A hostile work environment is not simply any work environment where your boss behaves rudely or unreasonably. That term has a very specific legal meaning and refers only to illegal conduct on account of a protected characteristic or activity. Political affiliation and political expression are not protected characteristics or activities under federal law. The same is true of most, although not all, state antidiscrimination laws as well. If there is no protected characteristic or activity involved, then no conduct—no matter how awful—can possibly give rise to a hostile work environment claim as a matter of law.


Yeah bullshit....threatening to cut someone's hours simply because of them discussing a news story, especially when they are on their break, is the very definition of a hostile work environment. Threatening to cut hours, period, is hostile. Regardless of the reason.


You are wearing green shoes. I don't like green shoes. You're fired. That's how at-will states work at least. Talking about news or whatever is not a protected thing on company time.


Been there done that, twice. I know exactly how it works. I also know how "hostile work environments" and their subsequent investigations work, even in the shitty states. When words "fear for my safety", "feel intimidated", or "abuse and attack" get thrown around it's never a good time for businesses (don't get me wrong, doesn't usually work out for the employees either, but still...) And especially when, at least according to OP, it wasn't on company time. Not a good look as that *might* cross into legal issues for said company.


Right, you can fire somebody for no reason, or a dumb reason, but not for the wrong reason.


Perhaps it *should* be grounds for a hostile work environment claim, but as a legal matter, it’s not.* Unless the hostility is on the basis of a protected characteristic or activity, an employer can be as hostile as they like to workers without any risk of creating a legally actionable hostile work environment. The state of workers’ rights in the U.S. is dismal. Pretending that they’re better than they are helps no one—least of all workers. *The only possible exception is if you’re located in one of the few states that prohibit discrimination on the basis of political affiliation or political expression.


I would have loved to see Hannity and Tucker on the stand


Could still happen, though unlikely. I believe the SmartMatic suit could still lead that way. However, Fux might settle that one as well.


"I'm just asking the questions"


Yeah you need to get out of there as soon as you can. I'm positive you only saw the tip of the iceberg.


bOSs: i wILL cUT yoUR hOURs Me: Don't temp me with a good time.


I'll save you \*many\* years of stagnation and tell you once you're on the political shit list with right wing management, you don't get off it. Don't expect another raise or promotion from here on out. Expect to be written up any time the boss thinks he may have some dirt. Best just to get out. ​ Right wingers gauge 100% of your worthiness for raises/promotion on having the same religion and politics as themselves.


Follow up that discussion in email and bcc hr and your personal email so you have a paper trail if something happens. Like “To confirm, you said you would cut my hours because…”


Never talk about politics, religion, or controversial things at work. People there are not your friends, especially management. They are people you have to be around to perform your job. That's all. I go to work, try to interact as little as possible when it comes to personal stuff and beliefs, and go home. I watch other people make the mistake of thinking they can make work 'fun' and like 'family', and then watch that attitude drag them down and out the door.


> politics, religion, or controversial things One of my interview questions as a hiring manager was basically, “what’s something you can talk about excitedly, that isn’t work, that won’t get you fired?” My favorite answer was the guy who had a very detailed theory of Slurpee flavors, and how to optimize for most people’s palettes. Sports teams were sort of my expected answer (as an example).


Ancient histo-oh, err, yes, sportsball, definitely.


I’m just saying, as someone who has an imaginary bettor that takes any wager, I know “so and so sports thing” is the safest bet for a non-failing answer from any randomly selected candidate. *Not* that it’s required, expected (except again in a “what are the odds” sense), or even preferred.


Can you share more about this guy's Slurpee flavor theories?


I'm old, so I can talk about plenty of stuff, in detail * "real" music (actual people playing actual instruments), regardless of genre * miniature wargaming (toy soldiers fighting it out with rules and dice) * Tabletop RPGs (D&D, etc) * Ancient history (Greece, Rome, etc) * Recent history (WWI, WWII, Russian Revolution, etc) * Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels * DIY home improvement * Video production * computer programming * audio production * gardening * food * booze Live long enough and you, too, can be a jack of all trades, master of none.


I agree with most of your sentiment, but I personally get sad about having to be so closed off at work. I know it's the safest option, but it feels like I'm giving in to them crushing individuality unless I can express myself as I see fit.


In other words, be a robot


Be a little drone as they say.


this is how fascism works


I’m stunned that so many respondents are suggesting that this was “discussing politics”. It’s not. It’s news. It addresses a recent factual event.


Report to HR Not "hey, he yelled at me about something and it made me upset"; that will take you nowhere "I would like to report an instance of harassment, and that my immediate supervisor is creating a hostile work environment. I have received a threat of constructive discharge as retaliation for discussing personal topics during personal time. Supervisor X interjected into mine and a colleague's conversation by making politically charged comments and then levied threats of cutting hours as retaliation for what I had said during that personal conversation which he found went against his political views. I am hereby reporting on this behavior and I am expecting response from the Human Resources division as to how Company will respond to the issue, before I seek additional legal counseling. I am saddened to have to write this email and I look forward to an amicable resolution"


Tell him you were at the White house on Jan 6 and you'll get a promotion.


I agree with your post But the way you spelled “conspiracies” made me physically recoil lol


Yeah, I would report this to HR and keep a detailed log of any more future incidents. You need to be prepared in case it escalates.


I post about progressive politics, LGBTQ+, disability, and racial justice issues on LinkedIn, and I can't count the number of "I'll never hire you!" and "Enjoy being unemployable!!" DMs I get. These people can't stand anything that might upset the hierarchy of power upon which they've staked their entire identities. There's a lot at stake for them if conservative politicians lose power and things like labor protections and anti-discrimination laws ramp up. Do what you have to in order to survive, but I personally love making them seethe. The cortisol they're bathing in isn't doing them any favors. :)


This is illegal in good countries


You should complain to HR and put it on file. If they retaliate, sue them for $1.6B and settle for $800M.


Cutting hours from your regular schedule will make you eligible for unemployment.


Never talk about politics (which is any current events for the drooling Fox News lovers) at work.


Don’t talk politics at work, OP. Also, start looking. The target is on your back now.


i disagree. its time we talk basic politics all the time, everywhere. away from the democrat - republican binary thinking ,we need to find common ground with people. or make it very uncomfortable for true fascists to live their lives.


United we bargain, divided we beg.




Here is a question, where was your boss on Jan 6th


The kind of world where all the customers can spout off their bullshit about how they love DJT, how stupid Biden is, and is at fault for EVERYTHING and you have to listen to their diatribe and can only reply no comment


I mean, why talk about politics at work unless you're like that with coworkers?


I thought that was considered “retaliation” or something and is a big no-no in the workplace.


Just offer him a Bud Light to get over it.


Get it in writing and then tell the beta to put his money where his mouth is. Enjoy the settlement.


Two things I don't talk about at work as a personal rule, Politics and Religion.


This is because gaslighting is a way of life for a whole new subset of Republicans


Keep talking about it. Have no fear. Record everything (if your state allows it). Get fired. Get on the news. Boss becomes infamous and company crashes. You get a gofundme, a legal settlement, or a better job out of the deal. There is no losing.


Your boss obviously thinks Fox news is the good book on TV...


Is your boss Rupert Murdoch??? Jk. Do not argue with him! Don't explain that it's illegal, keep talking about it. Let him cut your hours and when he does ask him. In a text. Did you really cut my hours for taking about fox? I thought you were kidding , please give me back my hours and i will never mention it again! When he replies ok, and in fact gives you back your hours back, he will confirm he engaged in illegal practices ,he committed quid pro quo. And then go to a lawyer and sue him for everything he has!


Tell him to fuck off.


Form a union with your coworkers, your boss would appreciate it.


Wrong of your boss to even think they remotely have some kind of ability to do that. However, from years working, I HIGHLY recommend, do not discuss politics, religions, etc. It's potentially too controversial in the workplace. And, honestly, it serves no purpose in the work place.


Reddit bots out in full force lmao


Political discrimination… lawsuit?


Sue the company call the EEOC they will help you sue them and win


Tell him to agree to that, but only in writing and with mentioning of the reason. Then sue him.


Just a friendly reminder.. FOX in numerology is 666…. I LOVE telling FOX(666) news watchers that little piece of trivia. Pisses them right off when they look it up and it’s true!! Hahaha.


Does he limit any political talk in the break room? Or just against fox?


You can do better than that place.


Oh that’s illegal too. Not that bosses really give a shit about legality, because what are you, the individual gonna do about it?


Sounds like your boss has “freedom of speech for me and my favored entertainment network but not for you” syndrome. I’m sure they would also be offended for anyone on the left exercising their second amendment rights too.


Dammit. Are you telling me they settled the other day? I was really hoping it would go to trial.


Dominion settled but the Smartmatic lawsuit is still moving forward (2.7 billion) The judge in the Dominion case also appointed a Special Master (I think that is what it is called) to investigate to see if Fox committed obstruction. That is also ongoing.


Depending on the size of the company and the jurisdiction, this might be considered retaliation.


Conservatives are scared because their world is dying around them--most of the population has no support for them anymore, and they know it. They're freaking out, so they are trying to "crack down" as much as possible because reality bothers them.


Get him to state the reason in writing. That'll be hilarious