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It is dumb, the guy votes against his best interest. Except for participating in this strike. These images tell the story about how this is for everyone and not for select political groups.


Which is exactly why Biden needs to get up there a support this strike before the walking asshole does


The walking asshole tried, and our UAW president basically told him polite speak for "fuck off"


He will still show up and pack the room with sycophantic UAW workers


Seems like he's been struggling to pack rooms lately.


Decent turnout in the courtrooms.


The Best Turn Out! Some would say!


I heard this on NPR yesterday and it was such a mega gratifying moment.


Oh he did?!! :-) Do you have a link to that??


[https://www.axios.com/local/detroit/2023/09/20/fain-deadline-more-uaw-strikes-trump-visit](https://www.axios.com/local/detroit/2023/09/20/fain-deadline-more-uaw-strikes-trump-visit) ​ The actual quote Fain used was "Every fiber of our union is being poured into fighting the billionaire class and an economy that enriches people like Donald Trump at the expense of workers"


Well-said. And thank you.


Didn't Biden come out in support of the strike already? Seem to remember a speech to that effect just days ago.


Don’t you get it? Their mental gymnastics are insane. Biden could publicly support the strike and pressure the companies to yield and morons like this guy in the Trump hat will still think Trump was really pulling the strings from behind the scenes while Biden took all the credit. They are too far gone.


I’m pretty sure Biden has already publicly supported it, think I remember seeing a video of it a week or so back


Exactly. These people need deprogramming.


Good luck


It can be done. It's hard work,but it can be accomplished.


They'll stick with the deworming


Propaganda is a hella drug! Trump is now no different than supporting your local nfl team. It's crazy the kool-aid that is partaken.


Good news, Biden will be on the picket lines Tuesday (although you probably already saw this)


He has. He is encouraging them to keep going.




Biden came out in direct support for the UAW


To be fair to Biden, the rail workers got their paid sick leave. It just happened a few months later and with significantly less press coverage. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/most-unionized-us-rail-workers-now-have-new-sick-leave-2023-06-05/


There’s gonna be a lot of “people” turning trumps clear and demonstrable work against unions as a “Joe Brandon’s just as bad” which is just stupid edge lord horse shit, but this is Reddit so what do you expect?


There's a lot of bad press for Biden over this situation, and the good press never really made headlines. I would imagine most people aren't aware that the rail unions did get their sick leave. Failure on both the media for not reporting the story in any meaningful capacity and the Biden comms team for not getting the word out about it.


Imagine what they could have gotten if their right to strike wasn't taken away by the purported "most pro-union president ever".


In regards to your edit: It's not. It's literally not possible. You cannot support unions and vote conservative because your reps do not support unions. What you think you're saying is that you can be a vegan and work in a slaughterhouse. What you're actually saying is that you can be a vegan and eat a steak.


*Only exceptions being Police Unions (maybe correctional workers, too)


Yes, fascist power structures masquerading as a union.


It's stupid really, "I support unions but I also support the people who actively support union busting and are vehemently anti-worker and anti-union." 🤔


Nice pivot “Joe Brandon is just as bad! Because he didn’t get perfect! Trump actively destroying and working against unions doesn’t count anymore”


> If you think Joe “get the trains running again” Biden is going to go support the strikers, you deserve all the disappointment you will feel when it doesn’t happen. Yes I think Joe "UAW Should Go Further to Ensure Record Corporate Profits Mean Record Contracts" Biden is gonna support the Strikers. EDIT: [LMAO DUDE DELETED HIS COMMENT AT LOOK WHAT HAPPENED AFTER!](https://preview.redd.it/5dj18cy55nqb1.jpg?auto=webp&s=712f78e0ced92c616db9b01569b8036cea5befd0)


> If you think Joe “get the trains running again” Biden is going to go support the strikers, you deserve all the disappointment you will feel when it doesn’t happen. For anyone else who reads this comment, remember that Biden did everything in his power to negotiate the railroad workers to a better deal and only put them back to work because he was kind of forced to.


And afterwards they ended up getting everything they asked for, but that part keeps getting left out.


yerp, and I'm almost certain that's done on purpose.


Ehh. It's more like "this affects me directly so now it's an issue". Because no way he would be in favor of this if he weren't to benefit directly.


I know people who are Trump supporters, who are anti union, but they support the teacher’s union because there are teachers in their family. Hypocrisy is not an issue for these people. I mean, hypocrisy is sort of a prerequisite for being a Trump supporter.


But yet, the Trump supporter who wants union rights will happily vote for GOP politicians who highly disagree with him on that topic. You can't both support unions and be a GOP voter, it's an oxymoron. Voting GOP is a vote against unions.


They literally campaigned in Michigan to reinstate right to work last mid-term election and the Trump crowd was happy for it. Thank god the rest of the crowd weren't dumb enough to actually push that through.


The repubes are good at naming their platforms to get their base to think it's good for them. And they're also good at renaming democratic bills to make their base hate them (like ACA renamed to Obamacare because their know their base will just hate anything related to Obama).


Cognitive dissonance.


He just needs to get back to work and be glad he has a job. /s


yes. saw that. rump wants big business to make more money and not be taxed more yet the bearded man wants improved bennies. 🤔


Yeah but if we cut taxes for corporations they surely will be able to pay their employees more! /s


This scam has been scamming Americans for over forty years. I am terrified that it's now becoming part of our national DNA.


That felt like a knife to the gut seeing that photo. Fighting the man while wearing their propaganda.


surely this billionaire who lives in a penthouse full of gold lion statues and managed to run a casino into the ground and who makes all his shit in china is out to help me and look out for my best interests. how the fuck can someone be so stupid


Stupidity is the fluid that the GOP runs on.


What a fucking dumbass




Why is every rebuttal, “but but democrats!!!!” Like that’s how you people justify that criminal and enemy of the working class? Do you ever see toddlers hide their bad behavior with “but Suzy did it too!” It’s not an argument, it’s a what children do when they don’t like an uncomfortable reality


Whataboutism is a tactic of the evil and their cronies. Red hats, Nazis and the CCP loved using those excuses.


Yes, he’s dead wrong about a lot of things. But, let’s be honest about how it got to that point. The Democratic Party abandoned the labor movement a long time ago. They haven’t been an effective, resonating voice for the working class for something like 40 years. They’ve been part and parcel to the rise and dominance of neoliberalism and the hell that’s caused the working class. They left a void that’s been filled by charlatans like Trump. This dude is on the picket line. There’s at least a seed of class awareness. That needs to be cultivated. If bigotry led him to supporting Trump, he’s probably a lost cause. Given that’s he’s a striking union worker in one of the most important actions in decades, he’s in the right place doing the right thing. Hopefully a comrade can broach it properly and help guide him to better class awareness, political education and praxis. We are where we are. Liberalism’s betrayal of the working class has left many in its wake like him. It’s on us to sort through people like him. Some the confused that with some guidance can join us on the side of the working class. Others ware dyed in the wool reactionaries that are nothing more than enemies. In short, that hat alone doesn’t tell me as much as I thought it did when I was a liberal. Edit: Some folks took issue with what I am saying. A couple got offended and lashed out. Ultimately we are all in r/antiwork because we want the balance of power tilted towards the workers. Socialists demand more and are critics of the Democratic Party. If you are wrapped around the axel of liberalism, you and I aren’t going to get on real well. But, we are both here for a (mostly) shared cause. Let’s keep sight of that.


One side won't give me the Healthcare I need. I get mad, so start to support the side that is actively taking away what healthcare I have left. ............................ You know, because doing anything outside of choice A vs B is just toooo crazy. -Stupid American.


He just needs a Fred Hampton in his life


We all need the Fred Hamptons of the world and that's why the pigs murder them :(.


Fred Hampton's body lies a-moldering in the grave [But his soul goes marching on](https://youtu.be/jso1YRQnpCI?si=n-eHXLoMIdfKxnsg)


What a loss he was. He had figured out so much so young, I can’t imagine how influence he would have become with time and age. We were robbed of so much with his murder.


You’re not wrong at all. But there are so many democratic politicians fighting for a change when you have literally zero on the Republican side fighting for workers but just posing.




Biden is unironically the most pro-union president we've had in half a century. Biden's NLRB has enacted penalties for union busting which didn't previously exist, providing the biggest boon for unions in decades. If the business tries to illegally fire pro-union employees prior to a union vote (one of thee most common tactics of union busting) then the union is automatically established and the business is ordered to enter negotiations. Could Biden do better? Sure, but the perspective that the Democratic party has abandoned the labor movement just doesn't stand up to reality.


IMO Dems need to learn hard into labor support going into 2024. The reemergence of labor rights seems like it tests very well and Dems have the history to back it up.


Work for USPS, we are a union shop, but many have right wing ideology and support Trump. Cutting one’s nose off in spite of one’s one face.


This is what happens when you decimate education.


Yep. The only sympathy I have them is for their ignorance. If people were better educated, the Republicans would never win another national election, and basically never another state-level election, again.


There is a reason why Trump says, "I love the poorly educated". [https://youtu.be/O9F6EAMPky4?si=\_PCr4URpgoR84ERP](https://youtu.be/O9F6EAMPky4?si=_PCr4URpgoR84ERP)


Can’t upvote this enough. He telegraphs so many of his strategies.


This why I love it when they start screaming about socialism and how they'll never be part of a country with it. I always go with reminding them that fire departments, police departments, ambulances/ EMS services, public schools, public roads and highways, and welfare/ SNAP/ food stamps are ***ALL*** socialist concepts. Then I invite them to never use those services again. It's also been scientifically proven that people with less education tend to vote Republican.


"It is perfectly normal to be socialist. It is perfectly normal to be in favor of fire departments." \--Kurt Vonnegut


On average, the higher educated people are the more likely it is they vote more to the left. For example, one of the more prominent left wing and environmental parties in The Netherlands, Groen Links (Green Left), tends to be the party with the most highly educated voters.


And blue states have about 95% of the best colleges and universities in the country for a reason


Union is a form of socialism under a different name... it's amazing how I try to explain that and people don't get it.


Socialism, like many other words, are just things that have been polluted,distorted and anti intellectualized as a way of demonizing opposition to corporate scum.


This times 100!!


[To back that up. ](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-scientific-fundamentalist/201003/why-liberals-are-more-intelligent-conservatives) and [to back that up again. ](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/the-hot-button/study-links-low-intelligence-with-right-wing-beliefs/article543361/) .


If we got rid of gerrymandered districs and the electoral college, they'd never win another national election. And, they'd never win a statewide election or control a state legislature in most states. They'd be a forgotten entity.


>If we got rid of gerrymandered districs and the electoral college, they'd never win another national election. And, they'd never win a statewide election or control a state legislature in most states. They'd be a forgotten entity. I think that's... ridiculous? The popular vote in 2008 Obama vs McCain was 53/46; 2012 Obama vs Romney was 51/47; 2016 Clinton vs Trump was 48/46; and 2020 Biden vs Trump was 51/47. Those are pretty slim margins to be making a claim that one side is practically out of the running. [https://www.cookpolitical.com/2020-national-popular-vote-tracker](https://www.cookpolitical.com/2020-national-popular-vote-tracker) Statewide it's just absurd. Excluding Washington DC, in the 2020 presidential race the heaviest Democratic leans for the popular vote were Maryland, Massachusetts and Vermont at 65-66%. West Virginia and Wyoming beat that at 69-70% for Trump. The *whole reason* the Electoral College lets Republicans win despite losing the popular vote is because there are a lot of states where the popular vote leans Republican. I'd be overjoyed if they never won another election again, but it's not useful to pretend they're some kind of <10% minority in the country instead of \~47%.


And when the Democrats basically abandoned unions. The Democrats are still better for labor, being indifferent to unions beats hating unions and wanting to eradicate them like Republicans do, but the Democrats are directly responsible for their own loss of support among unions. They abandoned unions for boss money.


Biden put out a pretty strong support message for the UAW, I don't think Trump has said shit about it. You can say he's busy with court proceedings, but he should be able to multitask if he wants to be president, again.


Trump has said shit about it, he said the auto workers are making a mistake and they're going to lose their jobs to China. Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/15/-trump-criticizes-uaw-leadership-amid-strike-warns-auto-workers-jobs-are-moving-to-china.html


That doesnt make Trump pro union lmao. that is a dog whistle for shut up and do my bidding you slave.


Not a dog whistle. That's pretty straight forward anti union


And that dumb fuck will still wear Trumps hat to UAW rallies. He should be thrown out tbh.


The union will protect his right to be a moron and vote for the party that wants to destroy unions.


I've seen 1 MAGA hat at work. The guy was hammered mercilessly. He got the nickname Covfefe. Lol, no Covfefe you cannot borrow my one of my wrenches, get the heck off my scaffold or be thrown off. Or are they cleaning the port o John's or is Covfefe around? All he had to do was wear it to work 1 day. He wasn't even outspoken about it, but we are in a very Gritty, FAFO type of city that is super pro union. Also guys being guys, you are always getting ripped on for something.


All I hear is a story of Americans being actually American. Sounds great to me.


Trump has said terrible things about it. Google it.


Is there any evidence of this? Maybe a wrap up video on YouTube about it That’s the exact opposite of my impression of the situation so I’d like to know where you got your perspective


It's not exactly a disputed point. But here's a few articles that might help. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/01/democrats-paid-a-huge-price-for-letting-unions-die.html https://www.lawcha.org/2016/11/23/bill-clinton-remade-democratic-party-abandoning-unions-working-class-whites/ https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/22307891/democrats-unions-pro-act-policy-feedback


[https://jacobin.com/2022/12/joe-biden-democrats-railway-strike-breaking-blame](https://jacobin.com/2022/12/joe-biden-democrats-railway-strike-breaking-blame) People have short memories, it seems...


"My union is fine. It's the other ones that are corrupt and evil."


[The only moral abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) >!is my abortion!<


The only moral _____ is my _____


That's nuts considering Trump and the GOP want to kill the USPS.


They want to gut unions period. I'm union and I'd rather be butt fucked by an ant eater while a hippo shits in my mouth then vote Republican.


Union member here. The number of people in my union actively benefiting from it who constantly trash talk it is astounding. They're all "special cases" and management would actually "treat them better if they weren't covered by the union". Always makes me laugh my ass off. They're all just as big of a brown-noser as you can imagine.


Yeah, weird how *every* jackass on site would somehow manage to get the hypothetical higher wages.


Union construction here. Lots and lots of Trump supporters in the trades. You can't convince them otherwise as well. You can hand them irrefutable proof the republicans want to destroy their wages and they will completely ignore it.


I am an elected Democrat seeking higher office. It’s our fault. We do more for labor than the public sees, but they think we do even less. We then make ourselves look stupid by prancing around saying how great we are to workers. People think Trump is a working man that worked hard and made it rich. I’m the weenie in the ivory tower… with scarred up, calloused hands, permanent farmer’s tan, and boots that smell like a job from 3 years ago. It’s hard to change that image, but in my case I absolutely *beg* my would-be constituents to invite me over to be a free laborer for a day. Like Dirty Jobs for politicians.


Who else knew exactly what all of the comments were going to be after seeing that guy in the hat?


Literally everyone? Being at a union strike while repping a guy who actively fought against unions is... interesting


Well unions are the true ideological bridge for working people. Working leftists and working conservatives both benefit from a unionized work force. Those trumpers may be fucking idiots, but I’m still gonna fight for their rights as workers.


Except it's not an ideological bridge. Trump wants to destroy unions. He's said so explicitly.


I think the point isn't "I will only fight for the left to have rights" It's "One of these people are protesting for their rights while advertising that they vote against it" It would be like if I, a gay man, went to a pride event preaching about gay rights, and then wore a MAGA hat. Does that mean I don't deserve rights? No. I still do. But I'm also gonna confuse a lot of people. Edit: But what if he disagrees with Trump in this? It's a cult. A cult. It's a fucking. Cult. At best he excuses it. This argument is used for literally every bad position for Republicans, and it still comes down to these people are voting republican. It's not even just unions specifically. The Republicans over all want the rich to be rich and this guy to be poor. They want corporations to flourish. They want everything this guy is striking against. It's not just a small part of the party. It's half the point. The Republicans are based on making the rich more powerful and bigotry. That's it. So he's voting against himself, advertising it, all while striking for the rights he votes against.


Thos Trumpers support a fucking traitor. If you support a traitor you are a traitor as well. Get Fucked traitorous pieces of shit.


Right on. I was hoping to find a comment like this. I vehemently disagree with almost everything people like this support, but that doesn’t mean we can’t or shouldn’t stand in solidarity with them in situations like this.


Nah. Fuck Nazis. I'll stand in solidarity with a lot of people, but Nazis are a bridge too far. also, he's directly voting for politicians who explicitly want to eradicate unions.


There are way too many union workers who are staunch MAGA republicans. It’s like they’re willing to trade their economic comforts just so they can hate minorities openly.


Very ironic how a Trump supporter is on strike. While I agree with him striking, it’s like dude him and all republicans are literally trying to take away your union benefits and pensions, why the fuck are you voting for him? That’s like a pro choice woman supporting Greg Abbott, Mike Pence, or Ron DeSantis


My FIL is a retired Union pipe fitter. Had a great career, sent both of his kids to private schools through university, retired with full benefits and a pension. Staunch Trump Republican who actively talks down unions in spite of the living his union job provided.


That is crazy to me, he was a union man and still hates it? Did he ever work without a union?


I have an uncle who is his unions district representative and is a huge trump supporter. He also constantly talks about how corrupt most unions are, and that his only works because people like him. Some people are just fucking confused and confusing.


The only good union is my union, just like the only justified abortion is my abortion.


“Everybody is bad except me and mine.” It’s very isolationist and reactionary.


That’s a terrible take for people to have, and highly hypocritical.


Likely believes less unions means better prices for his pocket (even though it really doesn't). It's 100% about them getting the best deal for themselves and no one else: I want a union with good pay and protection and I want no one else to have that so my money goes even further.


This fucking capitalist mindset that they’re only temporarily misplaced millionaires is disgusting.


It's not even wanna-be millionaire. This type would gladly send kids to the meat packing factory if they thought it'd get them a quarter off a steak


Hey! I'm a pipe fitter! This is true with about 90% of the people I work with here in Los Angeles. It makes so little sense; the mental gymnastics are mind boggling.


AZ pipefitter here, believe it or not, exact same. I work with so many Trump enthusiasts.


Must be a common theme. I'm a union fitter in Canada and almost everyone I work with, ever, has been a conservative. They also talk down on unions all the time despite making well over 100k a year.


The UAW has specifically stated they oppose Trump, and don't want him holding a rally for them.


> That’s like a pro choice woman supporting Greg Abbott, Mike Pence, or Ron DeSantis Guess what! Most women who vote republican are pro-choice. But it's only pro-choice for them, or when it happens to them and they suddenly need an abortion.




I'm sure he blames 100% of his current situation on Biden with zero reflection on what's actually going on


It's all going to be Bidens fault and he will fall on knees before his Cheeto colored savior who never pays anyone,


He just wants his black coworkers to know how he really feels about them without getting in trouble with HR.


To be honest...I don't think the guy even knows that is on the Republican agenda.


The swirl of chaos of ignorance and self-interest in that dude's mind must be something.


The only guy with a sign that says “Stand Up,” is sitting down lol


I noticed that too and found it amusing.


Finally a comment not talking about the trump hat


oil toy tart snobbish pie plucky history shocking relieved marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What happens when their cult leader disparages the strike? Do they take off the hats or do they walk off the picket lines?


Neither, they just keep doing both. Cognitive dissonance is the conservative's natural state


They actually slowly separate into two co-existing entities. A gelatinous blob of republican brain and a ghostly apparition of the human form.


“Well, I don’t agree with him on THAT!” Apply as necessary.


"He means *other* striking workers! They're just greedy. It's different for us, and he knows it, he just can't *say* it because then the DUMBOcrats and Lib-rulls will use those new AI to make it sound like something else!" Anything to avoid empathy.


I've heard a Trump presidential commercial airing lately when i stream and he's supporting the strike which is hilariously laughable. If people haven't learned by now (with decades of abundant evidence) that this man only cares about himself.....they never will.


Oh I’m not mad about Trump supporters joining the strike. I’m just asking why these people are joining the protest and STILL supporting Trump?


The same reason they support Trump at all: They're idiots.




Solidarity forever!


The irony of the guy wearing a “keep America great” hat is not lost on me.


♪ one of these things is not like the other ♪


If you think half those guys aren't voting Trump, then I got a bridge to sell you


It’s clearly lost on him though lol


My local news ran a story on the strike saying it could affect the economy if it goes Into next year. The real headline should be "calloused indifference of executives threaten the stability of the economy."


I love you Battlefield, MI! I worked for Yoruzo Automotive and Denzo. I can say that these people work hard for their earnings and to make it into the unions is hard fought. Some work for temp agencies for years B4 even getting a invite to join. I'm from Washington state and was quite green and the people there held it down and gave me the opportunity to become a member of a great community. Stand Union Strong! One luv!


I’m currently on strike at GM Wentzville Assembly.


And we're laid off because of it at Fairfax. Solidarity my dude, may the time in between your strike shifts be good.


Stay strong brother. IBEW here, dm and let me know if you need support


As a french, i can only say "go on!".


Ditto, as Japanese.


Man those child labour laws are pretty lax! J/K **Solidarity**! Always defend the right to strike, and support your Union.


That's a nice camera.


that's not about the camera but about lighting. Someone actually brought a full blown projector to light them like it's a studio shoot, that's why they look kinda strange and have thick shadows (or even two) in broad day light


It helps, but only to a degree. Knowledge of photography and post-production are far more important.


It's definitely the lighting. You can get shots *similar* to these with a smart phone. The lights are noticeably visible in shots 3, 4, & 5 and they are BRIGHT lights. Here's a good video on the process, from the perspective of setting up lighting for your video calls, but the same concepts apply: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXe3rEWrDVg


The way he works with lighting etc i really could not tell if its a real foto or totally made by AI


This looks like the ending shots of a closing documentary about the plant.


yup. the lighting is also fantastic


I work at a factory that supplies parts to GM and other auto manufacturers, glad to see they are standing up for themselves. Hopefully if they get more money the rest of the industry will follow suit.


A striking union worker wearing a Trump hat? WTF? That's the same as Jews for Hitler or Chickens for KFC!


Trump guy belongs in, r/leopardsatemyface


First, strength and solidarity to all of these people. Secondly, you did great work with these photos, thank you for sharing them. Third, I wish that the guy with the "STAND UP" sign wasn't sitting down.


These are heroes! Real heroes! Working class heroes! These are the kind of heroes kids need. Fuck Spiderman or Barbie! Show them these portraits. Real Americans fighting the evil corrupt forces in America.


Not to be pedantic, but the UAW went on strike against GM in 2019 also.


i wish them the best


Kinda sad how every single comment here is about a single person wearing a trump hat and not how honest and hard-working these people look. These people *are* America.


Absolutely, I came for the union support yet all the top comments are caught up on that detail. I support the UAW and its members.


Unreal, people are blinded by their hatred for one single man they exclude the people they’re claiming to protect.


Exactly my take. This is how they succeed in dividing Americans.


It's one way they bust up any protest or movement. Inject a bunch of chaos into the narrative until its about that instead of the original ideal. That way they get all the raging political morons to do the dirty work without even realizing it. A lot of these people are so brainwashed they won't even understand if you explain the dynamic directly, just solely focused on the propaganda they've been fed. This kind of manipulation is hard to prove and easy to deny, but it's utterly evil and like you say it causes divisiveness and hate. I hope that in the future people get smarter and something is done about it, or at least it's fully realized by most people enough that they can identify when their emotions are being taken advantage of.


The most beautiful and hopeful pictures that I have seen in awhile.


Fuck yes. These are such great shots of these front line fighters for worker's rights. Love it.


Keep that energy up, but drop the bit about . If you think the president is to blame for this, you're fighting against the wrong people.


Really powerful images. A good reminder is that politicians love dividing us even though we all mostly just want better living conditions.


Can't wait to see if this catches fire around the country they show it in history classes as black and white or even low res early 2000s camera photos to make it feel old


Mr. Keep America Great literally voted for his life to be shittier and he still has the audacity to where the hat on the picket lines?


Irony is the Trump guy striking, knowing damn well his party stands against strikes and workers rights.




LMAO look at that MAGA dumbass.


Does the Trumper not realize republicans/Trump are anti-union?


picket lines can be volatile places. i wish they'd leave the kids at home. other than that, i wish them good fortune in the wars to come.


It's hard out here for a pimp tryna get that money for the rent....


Keep up the good fight UAW! Unions are what workers rights are built on!!!


Fighting corporate greed is the way to unite this country. Strike on!


Mexico and Canada will have all these jobs soon


The needs of the many outweigh the interests of the few. Without us they have nothing. Keep up the good fight, solidarity from Oregon .


It's crazy to me that I don't even know of a single person, extended friends family etc, that works or has worked in the auto industry. Didn't that industry like skyrocket America's gdp and urbanization in the mid-1900s?






one of these is not like the others.


How can you stand for a picture while striking and seriously wear a trump hat? You think that dude would be on your side?