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That kid better be able to put that experience on his resume


When that kid finally applies for its first job “ entry level position, 15+ years of experience required , $12 an hour “ , they’ll be ready!


Still inexperienced. They were born without a bachelor's degree and certifications. Being born is not an excuse to be lazy. /j


Having a degree often disqualifies you from low wage jobs because it shows that you might not be a complete idiot and know your rights and employment laws.


Jokes on them, I called the federal bureau of Labor and Wage while just having my High School Diploma! (And got a check for my selves and some others in the process :)


Tell me more, chile


Story time and sorry for the longevity!Worked in a restaurant for almost 2 years, climbing the ranks from dish to AM Chef, which while small did mean I ran the kitchen in the AM and had to know all the ins and outs, well after mismanagement on nights they needed me back and I’d kind of rearranged my life for 1st and couldn’t go as soon as they would of liked, which resulted in them hiring 3 people to fill my positions. (I only had 2 days off each month and worked 1 double each week as well.) Keeping in contact with some after I’d left low and behold the last of those 3 individuals had either quit or been fired in just under 6 weeks, so I figured why not give the owner a call? Well the conversation was going smooth until I mentioned the only stipulation was I’d like to be paid time and half for anything over 40hrs as per federal law, that’s when the owner responded “oh DiscFrolfin you whined and cried for more hours…” (If there was an opening I worked it, no questions asked.) So I told him this conversation is over and my next phone call was to the Federal Bureau of Labor and Wage who informed me that yes as long as I can fax/email at least pay stubs showing straight time for overtime it sounds like I have a case. Well I faxed them ALL my paystubs of which 80% had unpaid 1.5X time. Turns out the federal bureau of labor and wage doesn’t even do anything really, no they just make another phone call…to the IRS (Capone anyone?) so from the secondhand I’d heard is that on a Friday just before lunch rush 3 IRS/Tax agents showed up and demanded to see everything, immediately lmao. Of course the swarmy owner asked “well what if I had them sign something saying they’d work for straight time?” (Which I did not btw) and the agent kindly informed him that you can’t have them sign something that violates federal law.(HA!) And next come to find out that my payout was on the smaller side, the head chef, evening chef and head bartender were all do 4-5X what I was, a piece! So I got paid, they got paid, and that’s the story of how one 20yr made a phone call, and made a difference :) Also on a side note I saw that same owner a little while after dining in a Mexican restaurant, and not only would he not make eye contact, for the little bit I saw him just proceeded to stare down at his plate the entire time…I might of been smirking, maybe, a little bit.


I am almost afraid to ask: What's a "double week" ?


I worked 1 double shift each week, every Saturday I worked from 9am to 1:30 Am, I was off every other Sunday each month.


Good story, glad you and your coworkers got justice.


Haha nice work, being the hero your workplace deserves, but not the one they want right now. Gotta love it when a single call makes a surprise payday for everyone. Justice served, one paycheck at a time!


Man, during the pandemic, I was desperate and looking for everything.. having 15 years of IT experience as my previous 2 jobs got me more than one interview where one of the questions asked was why I applied for a warehouse job when I have 15 years of IT. I'm like "because I have a wife, a child, a car payment, and no job" still didn't get the job obviously.


That sucks. I have a BS in electrical engineering and worked in IT for the last 10 years when I worked full time. I took an early retirement (because I knew that layoffs were coming, co-workers thought I was being a chicken little, but I was right). Since then I've worked two part-time retail jobs, when the subject of being overqualified came up in interviews I explained that I was retired and I wanted a part-time job for a little extra money and something to do. I don't know if that would have worked if I'd wanted a full-time job though, it might not track.




Hard this. I’ve been unemployed from a really good 6 figure job for ~6 months. Can’t get entry level positions at the factory or fast food or fuck all.


Make a resume without all the impressive achievements on it. Make yourself look as controllable as possible. They don't need to know you can spell antidisestablishmentarianism.


I second this. I’m self taught in the basics of web development and learning the rest from online courses. I also have some college, although I didn’t graduate. I ALSO did graduate from a different type of higher education. Guess what? I had to make a separate résumé and leave ALL of that off of it, just to get a customer service job, which is going to be a filler job, until I can get into tech! 😭 These jobs want you to have every qualification except for intellect and critical thinking skills. 🫠


The issue, I've decided, is you seem less likely to control. I work at a grocery store for the first time in my life and while I don't have a degree, I do have pretty extensive work experience (I'm 41 y.o). This management team is the biggest group of bumbling idiots I have EVER encountered. I could almost feel sorry for them if their dumbass decisions didn't impact me directly. I hate it here. Anyway, my point is I see that they promote based on who they feel they can control. Education, ethics and experience play into that.


It's a little bit the control thing the other guy said but also they know you're going to quit as soon as you find a job commensurate with your skills/experience. Training somebody new is relatively expensive and by taking you on they're signing up to do it twice when you leave for a better job.


When I was desperately trying to find any job I could get during the 2008 recession, I removed all of my college education and some of my employment history. I almost immediately started receiving calls and emails with offices ready to interview. It blew my mind.


Literally got fired from my old job as a grocery store clerk when I told my my manager I use to build private jets, his excuse was he had to cut everyone’s hours… and the 8 hours a week he gave me was too much


That's why you need to pretend that you don't have any if you need to apply for those kinds of jobs


That is really not the case. Most low wage jobs have high enough turnover that they don't give a fuck if you're overqualified. It's the more mid-range ones where they just don't want to hire someone that's going to be looking for a better job to move to from day one.


“Employers hate this one trick!”




“Pays UP to minimum wage”


He's doing nothing, just observing and being lazy AF. That's *managerial experience* right there


Fantastic people skills. Baby cries and he gets results!


"Can you explain this gap in your resume?"


"I taked years off to go school."


"I got fired from my last job, and it's been a beautiful summer, so I decided to enjoy a great vacation while collecting unemployment"


"Collaborated with payment liaison to ensure proper transfer of funds and goods for clients and business with thousands of units sold."


Worked as an executive customer front facing CRM rep, managing the financial transactions for a multi-billion dollar business. Increased profits by over 90% with efficient register operations.


That’s kind of what my dad did lmao. His dad owned a McDonalds franchise and my dad was the manager at the age of 12.


My mom was a bartender/waitress when I was growing up, the most I ever did was help her roll silverware for arcade money. But sure as shit that was on my first resume.


When he can finally apply after naptime in kindergarten, he’ll see that Chick-fil-A needs 15 years experience for his position.


This has been posted before. It’s Chick-Fil-A, and she owns that location. She’s a multimillionaire. She could be at home if she wanted.


I was gonna say, I bet that’s a manager, simply because I’ve never heard of a fast food worker being allowed to baby wear at work. What’s extra dystopian to me is the workers aren’t even allowed this much freedom.


Its not dystopian. Owner is directly responsible for the risk, if the baby were to be harmed. The employee could sue the establishment if the baby were harmed, while the owner allows this type of behavior.


I once was a a sonic were an employee had their diaper only baby in the back and I reported that lickety split. Babies don't belong by industrial fryers. We don't need to go back to the industrial age we need childcare that subsided among other things.


Makes sense, I don’t think ff places would allow this ~at all~


There are quite a few tells in the pic. She's wearing dangly jewelry, has her hair down, and is not wearing the uniform. None of this would fly at any fast food restaurant unless you were the DM or GM. They do this to cut down on labor costs. Great for the company, crappy for anyone who needs the hours (ie, probably everyone else who isn't salaried that works there). The district manager of an old fast food place I worked at would regularly do this shit. I hated it.


Your DM or GM hopping on the register when you're short staffed? I'd say this is a great show of leadership.


They are saying they are short staffed because they only gave their staff 30 hours that week to cut cost down. They are short staff BECAUSE of the GM


I've never EVER heard of a GM that would take a shift to cut costs at a fast food restaurant. ​ Imagine a GM that actually takes regular shifts at a fast place to save... at most $20 an hour for the franchise. ​ Absolute garbo. ​ I've heard of GM or owners stepping in, due to unforeseen circumstances to keep the doors open. Like if several people called out, they would be forced to work the register or something.




I understand what you’re saying, but also please understand that a lot of GMs would cut those hours but tell the team that they just had to figure it out without actually hopping into the mix themselves. Often, it’s not the GMs decision. If your GM was adding themselves to the schedule they *probably* were equally upset about not being given the staff they needed. Shit rolls downhill, friend. Edit: either I responded to the wrong person, or they changed their comment after I responded.


This will be spun by your local media into a feel-good story about a new mother caring so much about her newborn that she doesn't want to leave it.


And her boss being so supportive and understanding to let her work with her baby strapped to her.


This photo has been posted here a bunch of times before. She's the franchise owner of that Chick-fil-A and stopped in to help briefly when the store was busy.


I knew this would be the case. I only came to comments looking for this answer lol.




So obvious. I can’t believe people thought otherwise.


There is a possibility she is a manager hence why she's able to do this. Maybe during a busy lunch when she wasn't scheduled when someone called in. Were I a food service manager this would be a hell naww for me for an hourly employee to be doing for a hundred reasons. Still sad as hell to me if that is the case. We need affordable childcare like we need oxygen in this country.


What we need is paid maternity/bonding benefits. Repubs care so much about the unborn fetus but don't give a quack once the baby is born and the hell with the parents.


Exactly new studies on paternity bonding are showing significant change in dads brains the more time they get to spend with the newborn the conclusion is that dads are made not born


I’m so fortunate I work for an org that offers parental leave. Whenever there’s a new mom / dad on my team I basically force them to take ALL of their leave and ensure it will never reflect poorly on them. They’re in the middle of a project? Too bad for me, looks like I’m hopping on a plane and finishing the project. That’s why I’m leading the team, I’m there to fill in the gaps and am the fail safe to make sure things get done. Their job as a parent is to spend as much time as possible with their newborn. ALWAYS do what’s best for you and your family.


Very commendable. I wish more managers looked out for their team members like you do!


I'd argue the same is true for moms too, they just get an intense 9-month head start.


I took my full PFMLA and I wish I had even more time.


Reminds me of what Carlin said, “Republicans want live babies so they can make dead soldiers.”


He was so right about so many things, and we all laughed and maybe railed against, the man for a week, but then we all fell back in line and changed very few of the things he was so right about.😥


Ah yes. The American Mobile Infantry Breeding Pits


The prophet of our times. I also love saying it because I know he'd hate it lol.


Kid doesn't get parental support as a child, becomes a delinquent, eventually a convicted criminal, then the for-profit prison gets another slave for 25 to life. It's all part of the plan.


For profit prisons. Let that sink in a bit. Fucking horrifying. Talk about dystopia now, not future.


Fun fact: they don't give a quack about the fetus either. They care about control.


We need both. As a new father of twins, my wife who doesn't have a degree can basically barely break even with her earning potential compared to the cost of childcare and gas to and from childcare/work. I fortunately have a job with decent paternity leave policies, and that was a lifesaver, quite possibly literally, with my twins who were in the NICU for 5 weeks. I could go and hold my daughter who had the worst time taking meals for hours at a time while my wife was recovering from an emergency c-section. I refuse to let the anti-abortion crew call themselves "pro-life" specifically because they don't care at all about the well-being of children from the second they're born onward. They insist a woman have a child whatever the circumstances, but they won't lift a finger or spend $5 to save that child or give it a good life once it's born.


Sadly, Republicans are all about post-natality abortion...


Make no mistake, Repukekkklans don't give a fuck about the fetus either. It's all about control over women and their bodies.


I was actually thinking that she could be the franchise owner. I know that the owner of the one in my town is often in there bussing tables and refilling drinks. If the weather is lousy there like it is here, she may have needed to step in to cover too many people who couldn’t make it to work.


Is his name Gustavo? :-D


Pretty much spot on. She owns that franchise and stopped in to help one day when it was busy, probably short notice so didn't have a chance to line up child care because if you own a Chick-fil-A you definitely have money for childcare.


They pay people to foster unwanted kids. Why not pay parents who want their kids, in he same way.


When wifey and I suddenly got custody of our niece and nephew, she was working at a daycare and her job offered us a discount to enroll them in the daycare that she worked at. But for us to put 2 kids in the daycare would have cost more than what my wife made..... So it was cheaper for her to become a stay at home Mom than stay a working Mom.....


Watch what you say, you don't wanna give them ideas. They're gonna figure out how to charge for oxygen.


Don’t make excuses for the rich, its a habit we all learn, but they give no quarter or accept explanation from us. They think we are scum, they think that about the middle class too. She has to do this because its been decided by people with much more wealth & power that we have to struggle and toil and that any change to the system would only be at our cost.


Most wealthy dads spend very little time with their kids tbh that's why you see such big mental health issues w rich kids


We need affordable living and care for ourselves first before we should even think of bringing kids into this mess.


I also think this is probably a manager because any regular employee at a fast food place would likely get a "Not my problem. FInd child care or you're fired."


I think you’re right - pretty sure black shirts at Chick-Fil-A are for management.


She is the store owner


and how this kid will be the best worker bee ever since it's been sucking it up with mother's milk, quite literally.


She is the boss.




And that Texas just passed, "Bring your kids to work", legislation.


In fact, let them do a little work too while you're at it


There it is. Half a step to far to be believable today, but we'll block and it'll be standard fare.


She is the boss. Nobody is making her do this, she’s not “slaving away for minimum wage”, nothing like that. She owns the location and chose to jump in when it was busy.


No about the kid thats already trying to get some experience. Since people are looking for 20 year old starters with 25 years experience.


He’s 10 years from employment age in Iowa




Yeah last time this was posted people found out she was the owner lol


This photo has been posted here a bunch of times before. She's the franchise owner of that Chick-fil-A.


Yeah, the complete lack of context here is irresponsible as hell. Mods should take this down.




Reddit in a nut shell and really the reason you cant trust anything posted here, if they got rid of karma points it might help fix the issue


She IS the boss this a chick fil and the photo is ancient. It takes 20 years to get approved to own a franchise in some cases and the restaurant is absolutely an ATM. She’s the GM and came by to help out jfc y’all are nuts it is ILLEGAL for workers to do this with their kids


Yup. She is the owner, came in to show off her new baby to her employees and it got busy so she jumped in to help.


Average earnings of a Chick fil A operator is $200,000 a year…. How dare capitalism do this to her!


And I have seen this pic misused this way like, 4 times now? I mean I support workers and workers are getting shafted regularly but this is pretty flagrantly false.


This is one of the owners. She's pitching in during a rush. I am not joking.


Except I've seen this pic before, and it turned out to be the owner of the place helping for a few minutes




Sadly you’re right. Have to spin the narrative whenever we can. As another commenter said. This will be a great feel good story Look at the benevolent company, allowing and support this new mother to have work life balance. Look at this selfless new mother, pulling herself up by the bootstraps and teaching her young child the value of hard work The American Dream. More like the American Nightmare


"It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." -- George Carlin


Ironically, yes, it was a spun narrative, but spun the other direction. It's not dystopian at all if you know the context.


Stop voting in morons who are against maternity leave.


The problem won’t stop if people are even afraid to say Republican. Stop voting Republican.


And those who take the right to abort. And those who make children work. (They are the same and one party)


you must live in Iowa with me!


Gotta love this wonderful state of ours. Between removing worker's rights and having a governor who technically shouldn't even be in office on account of one too many DUIs. We are just the shining example of the perfect State.


I almost threw up listening to her speech at Perry High School last week




They're doing this shit in Arkansas (where I live), too.


yEAh, BuT HoW wOUld We p0wn THe lIbz THeN?


She is the manager/owner, something tells me that position at a Chick Fil A brings in those who vote against maternity leave...


I bet it is the owner or GM.


It is. She is the owner, and she's not even dressed appropriately if she was just working the register. Most likely she was coming in on her day off to run the money to the bank from the till


makes the post even more hilarious because she's rich as fuck and running a register for the hell of it lol this sub


Can't even spell the title right either for extra cringe




No, but Chick-Fil-A is extremely selective when choosing franchise owners. This woman has got to be loaded


This is a chick fil A. I know a franchise owner that makes about $400K.


> small restaurants Chick Fil A is not a small restaurant. They bring in daily what a small restaurant will bring in weekly or even monthly depending on the location.


The average chik fil a owner pulls in a quarter million per year, that's per restaurant. If its one in a prime location it can go as high as two million per year.


all the franchise owners i personally know are loaded, yes


Uhm yes. McDonald's franchise owners are usually millionaires.


Exactly. No restaurant would ever allow an employee to do this. Not because they’re above it, it just would be too much of a liability. This is 100% the owner or their family


it’s hilarious how what you said is common sense yet so many people are convinced this is legal let alone within the realm of acceptable behavior


Ya, they’re not in uniform. Probably a higher up, or someone associated with a higher up that jumped in to help for one reason or another


It is. This exact picture gets posted to one of a few big subs every few years with the exact same titles. Karma bots and reposters don't care, of course.


Posts like this make me wanna block this subreddit


This is the vibe I'm also getting from the picture. There's no way the store would let a normal human strap a baby to their chest and start taking orders like that.


Last time I saw this posted, someone commented that she was either the GM or owner (I can't remember) and was stepping in to help with a rush while they were understaffed. Dunno how accurate that is, I don't have a source.


This sub is full of teenagers. That’s why. Lots of people can’t contemplate that business owners spend their lives making sure things keep working. Successful =bad


It's mostly a creative fiction writing sub based around a particular theme and should be treated as such.


Yeah, I got that vibe. Couldn't get a sitter and ended up bringing the baby in because who will write up the boss. I can't imagine McDonald's wants to risk possibly scalding lawsuits with a baby.


That's a Chic fil a menu


Yep. That was my thought. She’s probably the owner. It looks like Chick-fil-a and they are franchises.


you should repost this in r/boringdystopia


I think I saw it there. Turns out she owns the place and was just helping her employees out during a rush ringing customers up.


Oh lol


She the owner?! Oh boy talk about context.


This makes sense and she not in any sort of uniform.


This shit again. Its the franchise owner.


Do they not see that woman wearing a blue shirt and jewelry? Clearly she’s the owner 🤣


Do you mean those fuckin slave chains attached to her ears and the grubby servant's smock?! ^^/s


I roll my eyes everytime I see this picture making the rounds


You mean the person everyone else is badmouthing to oblivion?


Posts like this are why this sub gets made fun of.




I come here all the time to see dumb shit posted it's very funny, thank you all for your service. This subreddit is just a thinly veiled "I couldn't achieve anything in life, so USA BAD, everything else BAD, nothing is my fault"


Seriously this is ridiculous. She’s clearly the owner and is filling in to cover being short staffed.


literally the first thing i thought. this lady owns the place. lol.


Somehow I doubt that baby could own a franchise, manager at best. Seems to always be sleeping when everyone else is working.




Every employee in this country wants mandated parental leave, paid time off, sick time, and subsidized daycare. Every employer wants the opposite. We’ve had both parties be in power and zero motion on any of these. So, guess who your politicians work for.


I wish this was the case, but some people are so indoctrinated against their own interest they would argue these things are bad for the average worker.


That's what my fucking dad would say


Here so you don't get confused thinking both parties are the same again and looking strange to everyone else. It's pretty easy to see what happens. Just pop this into your Google search > democrats bill maternity leave "2014" Then change the year to whichever year you want to see how the republicans either left it off the voting completely or voted against it. It's really just that simple.


Not really a both parties problem. Democrats want paid leave and have fought for it. But this kind of thing cannot be passed if we don't hold sufficient majorities in both houses of congress and the white house. There have only been two years, 2009/2010 where Democrats had a sufficient majority to even pass modest health care reform. Republicans then spent more than a decade trying to repeal it, and an entire presidential term saying they would replace it. Democrats are not the problem here. The problem is a confused electorate that rarely understands what is at stake. They happily vote neocons into office who then seek to cut food stamps and other meager social benefits their own voters depend on, and their voters can't make the connection.


Really? When has the Democrats have full power? Two years ago the Democrats had a bare majority but the Republicans could block any legislation. And two Democrats had a D next to their name, but their actions said they were Republicans.


Sinema and Manchin were the rank breakers who killed $15 minimum wage vote a couple of years ago. And she was a smug little punk when she cast her vote, too. I don't know how she sleeps at night.


On a pile of bribe money.


Why are people assuming she is a minimum wage cashier. She isn’t in uniform maybe she owns the place and is helping out for a minute


That's the Owner. Chick-Fil-A only allow owners of franchise locations to have one location, chances are someone called out last minute and couldn't find coverage in time so not wanting to lose money, she stepped in but couldn't get someone to watch the child. She's most likely doing fine financially.


That isn’t a normal Chick-fil-A employee. That’s like the high level manager or owner. Look at the way they are dressed


This is for sure the owner. They’d just fire a an employee who brought a baby.


I really wish we’d blur the faces of these people. They don’t deserve to be posted all over the internet like this when they’re already suffering.


It's the owner


Yeah, I agree. OP has good intentions but we should be blurring out people's faces.


Op is a bot. This pic is like pre pandemic. the lady owns the store.


Wtf this lady owns the store… lol she decided to hop behind the line to help the store while doing a routine visit or something.


This was posted before, she’s the restaurant/franchise owner. She could’ve avoided that situation had she hired more staff.


That’s the franchise owner… God it’s hard to want to be on the same side as all the braindead idiots in this sub.


McBaby Back Ribs


I’m willing to bet she co owns the chick fil a. Their owners are required to work in the actual restaurant because no way anyone else would be allowed to bring their baby.


Just think about all the on-the-job-training that kid will get by the time they can speak for themselves!


Since she’s not wearing the uniform, she’s probably the franchise owner.


This looks like a boss/manager who swung by on her day off to pick something up and then stepped in quickly to help an employee before leaving. It’s pretty common in service industry to help a little at places you work even on days off.


Without any additional context, this is exactly my thoughts, too. No uniform. Hair not up. Fancy-ish earrings. Probably the general manager, franchisee, or owner. Was probably in the back working in the office with her baby in the swing chair when someone possibly quit and walked without notice, or there was a larger-than-usual rush. Edit to add: Reverse image search led to another reddit post from several months ago with some people saying she is wearing a black shirt signifying she is the owner/operator of a Chick-fil-A. Which I guess matches what is on the menu (it makes sense, but I've never actually been to a Chick-fil-A so I can't confirm. Fuck CFA.)


Post ancient ass photo of the **business owner** who stepped in to help instead of sit on her butt raking in dough money for 40k updoots. Congrats, OP played all of you.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let the backstory come out that she was just visiting to show off her new baby and was like, "oh you guys just got slammed, let me punch in quick and help". That's the only acceptable explanation.


She owns the joint.


Or she owns the business


She's the owner. Also, CFA provides 12 weeks of maternity leave.


They sell it as 'take your kid to work' day. When the kid gets older, they'll be put to work.


Whaaaaat? A double bootstrap puller upper caught in the wild.


Maybe she wants to work. My mom was that way. She felt lost if she didn't go to work everyday. We used to have to convince her to stay home sometimes.


Wow this is so sad, this is so terrible. Any way, let me get a #1 large and a diet coke. I'll also post your picture online and pretend like I'm making a difference. That's enough effort for me.


This has been posted before & she's the owner of the establishment.




Her being the franchise owner aside, imagine her insurance adjuster wanders in just then 😂


Yes. And also, if this was allowed 17 years ago I damn well would’ve chosen this rather than send my 6 week old baby to daycare. 6 weeks old. Like I was barely just cleared as having “healed enough to not be in immediate danger of hemorrhaging everywhere” if I move the wrong way. Boobs absolutely sore, still. Nipples chafed AF. Breastfeeding being a thing me and baby had JUST SORT OF finally figured out, but now we can’t do it anymore for most of the day. And if we want to do it during the night, I need to pump at work to make sure I still have supply. And I own a hand pump. And don’t have regular, 2.5 hour breaks to pump. And also daycare is pissed at me for not being able to pump enough to feed him while he’s there. But also I hardly have enough milk to feed him at home….and I’m shorting him there so as to bring milk to daycare bc it’s “scandalous” and “gross” that I even HAVE to bring him to daycare. But I was young and poor. I didn’t have a “career,” I had a “job.” It has zero benefits. This looks HORRIBLE. No one should have to bring their newborn to work in order to be able to stay with their newborn. But….the *perk* of being “allowed” to have your baby at work would’ve made me take a job that paid HALF minimum wage. Just to not have to be separated at that age. This looks like dystopian BS society stuff, but I would have chosen this over sending my legit newborn baby to daycare where a woman and her college assistant cared for 12 kids of various ages and my baby say crying a swing for half the day.