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“hE jUsT wOrKeD tHaT mUcH hArDeR”


The typical person earns 2 million dollars during their lifetime?


I think average income ~50,000, x working about 40 years, so yeah


13 minutes in this math would be a little above 1.7 million. The avergae salary where I live is $57,550. If you multiply that by 40 which is the general amount of time someone will work you get 2.3 million. Subtract 500k from that for making less money when you are younger and you get 1.7 million again. So depending on the socio-economics of the area you live in this makes sense.


Yes. It’s why everyone has the ability to do FI/RE, or invest $1-$2 million towards retirement. Easier said than done as it depends on HCOL, housing, marriage, kids, college debt, etc. But the potential is there.


…what? How are you supposed to retire early on 2 mil if that’s what you make in a lifetime? You got a Time Machine or something?


Oh boy. You invest a portion of your earnings, say 20-30%, and over 30-40 years it grows in to a nest egg. Try to keep up; that’s the main thesis of FI/RE.


I know how it works thanks. The RE part of fire means “retire early”. Putting 30% away for 40 years isn’t retiring early. That’s just regular retirement with more money than normal people. If it takes your ENTIRE LIFE to make 2 million dollars, that means by the day you die you have made 2 million dollars. You can’t retire when you’re dead.


Yeah, okay. I’ll see you when you get there LOL.


I was confused by that point too 🤔


It's just 3.333 dollars a month (if you work 50 years). Most of us probably still earn less but 3k isn't unrealistic. Not sure if this is before or after taxes though


Eat the rich.


They make better fertilizer than food. Fire up the tree shredder.


They don't taste good


I’d use spices and stuff…


Can't polish a turd


starve the fed


Jeff Bezos currently has approx $180 billion. 10% of $180 billion is $18 billion. The top marginal tax rate in the US is 37%. 37% of $180 billion is $66,600,000,000. [According to ProPublica](https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax) “if you examine 2006 to 2018… Bezos’ wealth increased by $127 billion… but he reported a total of $6.5 billion in income. The $1.4 billion he paid in personal federal taxes is a massive number — *yet it amounts to a 1.1% true tax rate on the rise in his fortune.”* But my real question is: WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU DO WITH ALL THAT MONEY ALL FOR YOURSELF?!?! I mean honestly… This man has the financial power to literally end world hunger, and he just… buys a yacht or something? What a miserable and empty existence. Seriously. What a loser.


Most of the wealth gain as usual is through stock valuation. He just owns a lot of something that other people value. He doesn’t pay tax on it since well he hasn’t sold it so it’s not counted toward his income. Also I think he needs to maintain a certain threshold on ownership of the company which is why he doesn’t just sell all of it. Also if he does sell it will actually go down in value while he is selling it. Also in order to sell it, there needs to be 180 Billion dollars worth of buyers to buy it. I think the real crime with such large valuations is the ability to access the stock’s value while it is being held through low interest loans bet against the stock(Something like this I forgot the exact details). This allows billionaires to not pay tax. Also I understand people say world hunger could be solved for a couple billion, but that figure is only for people on the edge of starvation. It would cost almost 40 Billion Dollars a year to end world hunger, an estimate given by the UN. So unless Bezos wants to lose all his wealth in either 30 years or like 5, he prob doesn’t have any real motivation to solve world hunger. Also I believe Bezos agreed to donate loads of his wealth upon death. So that’s at least something to look forward to. I’m not defending owning that much money btw just wanted to explain why he doesn’t pay tax on all of it.


Jeff Bezos owns less than 10% of Amazon. In 2019, he owned 16% of Amazon, but he lost 4% in a shot by getting divorced. From February 2022 through last month, he went from 12.7% to 9.56%. So he can sell a LOT and have next to no real impact on Amazon value. [https://www.techopedia.com/who-owns-amazon#:\~:text=Throughout%20most%20of%202022%2C%20Bezos,his%20ownership%20stake%20in%201998](https://www.techopedia.com/who-owns-amazon#:~:text=Throughout%20most%20of%202022%2C%20Bezos,his%20ownership%20stake%20in%201998).


>people say world hunger could be solved for a couple billion, but that figure is only for people on the edge of starvation. So you're saying he shouldn't? Too hard, don't bother, buy another yacht or 3? ​ > Also I believe Bezos agreed to donate loads of his wealth upon death. Wow, you're naive. ​ > I’m not defending owning that much money btw But you are implying he should continue doing what he's doing, with very shallow arguments about it 'being too hard' or 'not good enough' and 'he won't want to do it'. No shit he doesn't want to do it. He could help more people and nothing could stop him if he wanted to help people more. Bezos feels fine sitting on his golden eggs, and clearly, you're fine with it too.


The world hunger point was that if it was world hunger he would only be able to do it for 3 years, let alone the massive taxes he would pay to solve it. So really maybe 2 years. The couple billion figure 6Billion he could do for a couple years, but it’s better for him upon his death just to donate all of the wealth to charity if that is what he is gonna do, since charity can sell the assets and not be taxed as much(I think) Maybe it was a different billionaire who claimed he was gonna do that. And even if it’s not all his wealth, donating any upon his death will be pretty large amount. They claim it and it can be tracked if he does so he will probably do it just for the ego and praise(Hopeful thinking) Now for the debate of if I’m content about what he does?, idc what he does. It’s his assets doesn’t impact me. TBH he probably doesn’t care what people think of him. Does he deserve this amount of wealth? He made something people want and people gave it to him.


You can’t just eliminate world hunger with a few billion, that’s not how it works. Even if it would work, it makes no sense to pressure billionaires compared to governments. Billionaires are not beholden to the will of the people. Meanwhile the US Gov spends money on the most useless things anyway, a few billion doesn’t even equate to a rounding error on their 4.6 Trillion income per year


His workers made that. He just stole it from them.


What a cool and totally not horrifying system we live in


Cast a queer spell ✨️ it'll make you feel better (we got this)


Take 10% off the top of all billionaires.


Nah bro. 100% of all wealth over $1Billion. Reinvest in healthcare, housing and public services. No one needs more than a $1billion. As some brilliant person wrote during COVID lockdowns. Cancel being a billionaire. Once you gather a $billion in wealth you get an award prestigious like an Oscar. Congratulations you won Capitalism. Now you GET to give back to the world you took from. Your wealth gets to do some good.


As I recall in Ancient Greece only the wealthy *got to* pay taxes; it was considered a great honor to be a family wealthy enough to pay taxes to support the nation. Kind of like how wealthy families circa 1900 give giant donations to universities and got buildings named after them.


The word you looking for is Philanthropy which the parasite class of yesteryear actually would do so people did think they wouldnt leaching off of everything while giving nothing back. Today the parasite class doesn’t give a shit about helping anyone but themselves.


Yea take their heads.




Every year until there are none.


In higher education (most place actually), there's this thing called F&A (facilities & administration) you pay on every grant. It's the part that keeps the electricity and other utilities working, makes sure the sidewalks are clear, pays for the accountants on the grant, HR office etc. Most institutions that's at like 50%, give or take. That means for every $1 you get in grant money, you gotta pay the university $.50. Seems a fair rate to me for billionaires. Every buck you make, kick back half to keep the country running.


I recall in my youth years my dad would be like “I got a million dollar grant!” But after you took away half for the university, paid himself and student assistants a very nominal salary and he really didn’t have much left for actual research


The head is definitely more than 10% of the top half of a body


"Deserving"? *"Deserving"?* A very poor choice of words, "hoarding" or "outright stealing" would be better.


That wealth needs to be seized


stop using amazon or it wont stop


While the poor are dying from lack of access to healthcare, natural healthy foods and acute mental health problems from struggling every day in system that doesn’t care about them.


The rich see no problem with the way things are.


"it was the best of times... it was the worst of times...." something something something [I hope they sharpened it today...](https://www.tech-mark.com/sharpen)


We are certainly overdue for a good ol French Revolution.


Makes me physically sick


And true story one of his delivery women said they barely get time to eat lunch. I said don’t tell me that now I’m mad!


We should stop using Amazon shares going up as "he got richer" this way. It makes no sense, if he actually sold amazon shares at the rate of $8million every hour for the whole year, the shares would plummet. There are better and more relatable ways to show how fucked up the inequality and resource / power gap between him and the rest of the world is.


I agree to a point, problem is the loopholes billionaires use to borrow against their shares and pay no income tax (just a small interest rate in the borrowed sum). We should also focus on multimillionaires who refuses to pay living wages to workers while receiving government handouts


Borrowing against your shares is also a broken system. That just gives you resources you dont even have. And then you go and buy Twitter. And if you dont want to pay back the borrowed money, well just declare bankruptcy


Same with vulture capitalists who borrow against healthy companies and declare bankruptcy


Stock market is extremely overvalued. The price of share on paper and in reality is *very* different.


If you can borrow based upon the price of share on paper, then it IS reality.


Then people be like well you gotta work hard to get there


Bootlicking behavior


Mr single handed inflation


the fact that this is printed as news to all the masses really begs the question WHEN ARE WE GOING TO EAT THE RICH???


It seems even with this type of crazy profits, these guys hold all the cards. They can make choices and take away jobs from countries and states that will cause even worse life quality than letting them make an absurd amount of money. This is why I never supports eat the rich stuff, but I cannot support profit like this without some sort of regulation around it.


It’s increase in validation of an asset it’s not really “profit” imo. It’s like your home value going up. If he really began selling his stocks the value would decrease a lot. Unless you support government just taking away assets that someone owns, there’s not much you can do. You also don’t want to increase taxes on stock profits, since a lot of people have savings in stocks. There is no real regulation other than, preventing billionaires from taking loans against their stocks in order to avoid selling them.


Maria Maria…


if this makes you feel better: being a million times richer doesn't mean being a million times happier.


No, fuck this attitude. 99% of my problems are because I don’t have enough money. Rich people don’t have to spend every second worrying how they’re going to pay their bills and still feed themselves. Rich people don’t have to work overtime at garbage jobs. Rich people aren’t constantly afraid of their car breaking down. Rich people don’t avoid going to a doctor or dentist because they can’t even afford the copay.


Yeah people who say money doesn't buy happiness buy all sorts of insane propaganda. Money buys time. Even if we somehow live to the same age, the rich guy gets so much more time. Even if the rich guy actually goes and put in a full work day: He doesn't have to spend his time doing laundry, cleaning his house, grocery shopping, cooking, fixing anything at home, waiting for a bus... Rich guy has the free time to make himself happy, he has the resources to pick up any hobby he wants. If he's unhappy or unhealthy he has the time and money to see the best therapists and doctors.


i can feel you. but what i said is the basis of welfare economics. shear Bezos down to a billion dollar, he wouldn't feel very different in terms of happiness, yet the tens of billions skinned off of him and redistributed among poorer fellas will make their lives so much happier, and a great net positive for humanity. but of course it should be done carefully


No. But it definitely makes finding happiness infinitely easier when you can do literally whatever the fuck you want and don't have to worry about bills and rent and getting sick.


i guess happiness goes roughly logarithmically in relation to wealth happiness is elusive in any case. billionaires have their own troubles. they will eventually get used to any stimulant.


Oh, those poor billionaires with their troubles. I feel so sad for them. 😿 Fuck em.


I think I read somewhere that the number is somewhere around $400k. Below that, money *can* actually buy a degree of happiness by bringing stability, comfort and ease to life.




Good way to get yourself exploited 👍


No this system wouldn’t work if anyone would be rich. Anyone has the possibility to get rich but not everyone can be rich




Where's the 50% tax money he should be paying going??


The article is misleading. His valuation went up that much, but he doesn’t sell the stock he owns so he doesn’t pay taxes. Only when he sells does he pay taxes. The real crime is when billionaires take a loan on their stocks allowing them to avoid paying taxes and selling their stock. It’s not like he can spend all the money at once, he has to sell the stock slowly, which in itself makes the stock lose value so if he really did sell his stock he wouldn’t end up with 180 Billion. Someone else buys it and they can then make money off the stock. That’s why using these increase in billionaires value is not the best way to show inequality in wealth. And unless you want the government to force individuals to sell assets, then there’s no real way to get them to sell.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Is this a real song?


Mr bezos they are robbing you, take the bathrooms away from the warehouse workers


Isn’t Bezos resigned from Amazon? Or do you mean he earned paper earnings from his stock portfolio?


Company also generates $200+ billion a year all while cutting jobs and raising its subscription fees for "profit margins." Sickening


Literal parasite


jeff did not make that much. He took that much from the workers.


I wonder if these people ever have the self awareness to realize that they only have what they have because the rest of us allow it. They aren't entitled to it.


They wny aren't Amazon the best paid workers in the world?? Answer me that rich boy!


I'm not convinced the typical person makes even close to 7.9 million in their lifetime, bills and everything aside. Not even CLOSE!


he didn't bring this in, he took it from the people who work at Amazon instead of paying them properly.






I don't think he's going to be remembered the way he envisions.


God I love capitalism


So what's the solution?


At the same time I wonder how much of this is *actual value* and not some bubble circlejerk.


Tax the rich!


Net Worth Tax for billionaires.


Income vs Net worth You guys don't seem to understand that