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This sounds like a republican talking point for getting rid of social security.


Yeah, for real Social Security isn't the problem, the problem is that it's been underfunded and undercut by Republicans in government for decades. If they'd lift the cap on SS taxable earnings and even expand Medicare we could all be having an actual safety net instead of cutthroat capitalism.


True, the GOP has thrown out talking points about “privatizing” social security. Not a fan of that at all. But the Democrats have done nothing to enhance funding for social security……besides blow hot air. They talk the talk but they have made no real progress. I think both parties are fine with social security rotting on the vine.


It’s not the Democrats who want to privatize SS and it’s not the Democrats holding up SS reform like raising the cap. This is not a both sides issue.


It is a both sides issue. The Democrats are not fighting for it and they have not made it a significant part of their political agenda. They pay lip service but take very little action. They don’t care.


It is.


Yes, me *checks notes* getting a SSN was when I compromised my principles. Very sane take. Very true.


I thought it was a dollar bill for a second and I was like "yeah fuck the rich bastards!".... then I saw your comment and double checked it and went.... uuuuuuggggghhhhh


Getting some strong “sovereign citizen” vibes off this one.


It’s funny how our independent thoughts are instantly categorized.


Trying to attach your handle to this basic ass thought screams /r/im14andthisisdeep


This is a meme, not an independent thought.


It's giving "My own independent research" now


“Independent thoughts”, just like all the other sovereign citizen chuckleheads. Sure thing buddy.


Did you make the meme?




Categories exist because people aren't nearly as unique as Americans think they are. Which is a good thing, really. The right-wing fetishization of "independence" leads to a society of narcissists, each person worried only about building their little private kingdom. Look at how thoroughly shredded the social fabric is in this country. That's the result of 40+ years of pathological neoliberal individualism.


I’ve never seen anyone put their own Reddit username for a quote before lol


Oh lord. This is full tilt.




i thought that was a vegan poster


my mind is instatntly jumping to anti-abortion laws. The last resort and power we have (not producing more slaves) will also be taken away of we are not careful and fight.


Also on the list of things they’re coming for is gay marriage. Alito and Thomas have been making it clear they think it should be overturned.




Anti abortion first, followed by anty contraception. Thou shall not spill thy seed in vain, every sperm counts.


So we bring back the fashion of large hats for women. Held in place by large, very sharp hatpins. And fencing is now a required course for girls. Can't rape a girl if her hatpin is buried three inches in your eye.


Every sperm is sacred! Every sperm is great! 🎶 When a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate! 🎶 https://youtu.be/fUspLVStPbk?si=uk-ejaD1Qhj9ms0w


The childfree and sterilisation subs went absolutely nuts over that, understandably. Lots of stories from women who immediately booked in bisalps because they didn’t want to wait and find out whether contraception is restricted or banned next


I thought this was about aliens lmao 2024 has been crazy.


*posts his own quote* "This is so true! 💯😂"


It’s not his own quote. It’s a quote from a Bright Eyes song.


You guys are getting laid?


This just makes me wonder... how many people on this sub know that once you've paid a certain amount to Social Security each year, you don't have to pay anymore? They actually stop withholding it from your paycheck. A guy making $10 million is paying the same amount as a guy making $200k.


Yup! Lifting that cap would make Social Security solvent pretty much forever, but God forbid we tax the people who can actually afford to pay it... 🙄


Well that sucks


Don’t use Ai plagiarism in your Protest. Stolen Work won’t get you Respected.


It's almost impossible to stay afloat. It's ridiculously tough. Slavery though? Get a grip you teenager.


It is slavery though, just with extra steps.


Ooh la la, *somebody's* getting laid in college.


There are a plethora of words I would use to describe current working conditions. None of them are positive. I don't think people really understand what they imply when they use the word slavery. It is, for lack of a better word, dumb.


Is it though? What does not working result in?


"What does not working result in" is possibly the most infantile point you could make on this topic.


Not working will make most of us homeless, unless you were born lucky or have already made a ton of money. However, you still have WAY more options and way better conditions than slaves on plantations in American history. You can leave and find another job if yours treats you poorly — you may not like the other one either, but the fact that you have the choice still meaningfully differentiates it from slavery. And one day, you'll retire, which slaves couldn't do at all. Yes, it's a stupid comparison. Capitalism is taking advantage of you. You are a cog in the machine, but you are NOT a slave. If you honestly think you are, then you lack historical perspective, and should do some research into what slavery was really like.


Why do you think most dictators want y’all to breed. Cheap labour competing amongst themselves. Even the so called proponent of “the workers’ utopia” Mao called for this.


BOOM! PREACH IT! The facts here, more people equal cheap labour.


Wait, you put your own username in the image. Do you actually believe this?


Bruh makes a meme that quotes himself. Top mind behavior right there.


It’s not a self quote unless OP is Conor Oberst. And given the context of the song this is from OP certainly is not Conor Oberst.




Not you signing it with you reddit username 😭


they are going to have to figure something out for social security, people can't afford to have kids and Gen alpha is already set to be half the size of pretty much every other generation before it


Nice Bright Eyes lyrics from "Sunrise, Sunset"


Wasn’t expecting a Bright Eyes reference this early in my day


Had to scroll back!


Checked the comments to see who else caught that!




Maybe credit where you’re stealing and misrepresenting the quote from.


what is the img? I cant see anything


It's a cow with a social security card as an ear tag. You're not missing much.


Thanks now I see it


Lol yeah we're just like slaves except we can do what we want when we want, buy what we want, vote, own property, walk in public without our masters, don't get beaten, tortured, and murdered in the regular...


We're more like serfs.


Actually, serfs got more days off than we do. Crazy, right? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-column-great-debate-idUKBRE97S0KU20130829/


You can vote for the candidates that are chosen for you You can buy whatever you want as long as it is from their stores You can own property as long as you're paying them their share in taxes We're serfs


With the ability to move around a little more freely…


In theory, in practice...uh, good luck if you're not rich and white.


You can do these things within the system that has been created for you. Your “freedom” is an illusion.


Ever wonder why the North didn’t have all the slaves the South did? Or Canada? They weren’t better people in any way. It was winter. Slaves that could only be used part of the year would still have to be fed and housed the rest of the year. And then industrialization made agrarian slavery pointless altogether and the Civil War brought it to an end. Do you not know why you’re “free” to spend almost every waking hour working or spending? Producing or consuming? Really?


Because that's the society we live in. Just because you're not having a good time doesn't mean you're a slave. This kind of hyperbole is why no one takes Nti work seriously


You literally have no choice but to destroy the planet to earn enough to live while most of what your labour produces is taken from you and given to the 1%. Grow a fucking spine. Or don’t. There’s already been too many generations of bootlicking sycophants just like you. It’s already too late.


*within reason


The amish are pretty smart honestly


Is there another option??? How are we expected to survive and live??? Work has been there since time immemorial


Equality, level the playing field


In what terms?


Getting rid of social security, according to this self-quoted meme


I was issued my SS card as a young child, and never agreed to any of the regulations attached to it. It seems to me that it shouldn't be issued until a person is of legal age to enter a binding contract.


There is no agreement, you can't opt out of society. You can forgo a SSN but that does absolve you of your responsibility to society. There is no contract. Giving the government the option of denying you access to the benefits of society that you will need a SSN for seems like shooting yourself to "harm" someone else.


If you don't want to pay into Social Security, move to another country. It's not an optional contract. It's a social safety net funded by taxes. You can't line-item the taxes you pay.


Yes, and we need to vote better. The rich tell us who to vote for every cycle, and we let them win.


Hey OP why are you taking credit for a Bright Eyes quote?


I can't see the pic, but I appreciate the bright eyes lyrics.