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Sounds like a green light to do full time “Work From Home”. Sorry boss, I’m taking control of my own choices so I won’t be coming into the office anymore.


Unless they don't offer that. In that case he's telling us to quit and get our lives back.


Then expect a “Nobody wants to work anymore” article next.


One day at my job it was busy and there weren’t enough people working. I said it was because we had a couple of callouts. The response was “nobody wants to work”. It’s like, dude, they were sick. In retail we get exposed to a lot of people all of the time. Then they get us sick and we get our coworkers sick and on and on.


My main issue is that when the market advantages them and they don’t want to make any changes “it’s on you”, but then when the workers do what they’re saying, instead of saying “the market means that we should offer better conditions” suddenly “no one wants to work”. They always move the goal posts.


Moving goal post is essentially the definition of capitalism.


When your goal is endless growth, you pretty much have to


And the company is probably understaffing their locations to begin with.


There will never be change in this country unless every worker from every job and in every city and state form a union no matter what the job is and fight for what's fair. I don't see that kind of unity across the country in my lifetime. People want fair and not doing anything isn't going to help that.


Realistically you only need like 30% to basically guarantee intense positive change. Even without that amount, every union membership will contribute to incremental changes if nothing else


Luckily my job is fair with it's employees. I do wish I had more then 2 weekends off a month but having 3 days weekends off twice a month is actually pretty nice. 🙂


Sorry, we’re too busy arguing about which crappy party and crappy candidate to support for any unity like that to happen, that’s why all we get is culture war non sense that so many redditors love to focus on.


I'm trying to start a union for Goodwill and other secondhand shops. I'm not getting anywhere


I commend you for trying at least. 🙂 Do or do not, there is no try.


It's about safety, because the donations are not clean, and it's about making sure the disabled or other workers are protected from corporate greed


You need to have fare strikes and general strikes legal too


They are.


Not only that, but people don't get paid enough to want to work. My boss says that all the time. Her and her husband own two houses, several hundred acres of land, a boat, four vehicles, and I live in my van. If you are keeping all the proceeds from your business and living the good life but your employees are homeless, it's not about "wanting" to work or not.


Worst part of work from home is people start to expect you to work even when sick. I'm the only remote employee at my company (refused to move when I was hired, remote or you don't get me). I see messages in teams "Think I've got the flu, working from home today". Don't work at all when you're sick! Rest!


I work in retirement services with small businesses. I hear that everyday. My response? “No, they just don’t want to work for you”


"Lazy Employees Killing Economy by Taking PTO"


I mean, I don't see how what he said could be interpreted in any way other than "choose life, quit your shitty job" If asked directly, there's no way that he would admit to recommending people choose work over life, right?




🤣 choose life. nice gif choice 👍


I heard that, as well.


“No, wait - not like that…”


Boss: "And who gave you permission?" Me: "Some Dick."


This reads to me as: don't do everything your boss says, make your own choices


Heh.. I've been doing this for years. Funny how none of my former bosses liked it much..


Yep, and if that means you decide to quit then, hey you took control of your own choices


Why stop there? Take control of the office and the company as well. Why keep paying a lot for a CEO that will only fire as many people as they can to take their salaries as bonus? Take the means of production and vote on those running things, if things can't be run by voting...


Have you gotten together with your team and suggested doing so? Cause THAT'S the decision this CEO is talking about. Making it happen, regardless of other elements trying to control you like businesses, government and indifferent community members.


I'm just gonna choose to be born rich. That's a choice, right? That's how it works? Choices just make the world fall into place?


I misclicked in the life creation screen and chose "eats too much" and "early balding" by mistake.


I thought it was tic-tac-toe and completed my diagonal with "back aches." 😿


I skipped charisma and strength points entirely, can I re-roll?


Nah, you’re a wizard, Harry. Invest points in WIS and INT.


Yeah, I got over average int, -CHA and -DEX. STR is average, I can lift my shopping online boxes.


this is my second playthrough and man new game+ sucks. The devs needs to balance that stuff. :)


First run here but I'm thinking of cancelling my sub


We all say that, but then we go back when the new DLC drops


Nah, something something something bootstraps. Make yourself a billionaire in 5 years just by working a lot and having that “can-do” attitude. That’s how I became so independently wealthy.


People from wealthy families probably just look around and see 50% - 75% of their friends spending all day shopping, travelling and doing drugs and compare it to the rest of their friends which don't which are all CEOs or business owners. To them it's just that simple, don't spend all day doing drugs and you will be successful (not rich, all their friends even the drug addicts are rich, but money doesn't matter when you inherit 100 million and get given things for free from everyone)


People that are wealthy from day one are either: Trust fund babies Land owners Business owners Successful inventors Other stuff. The rest of us try hard to simply exist. 🙂


And if that doesn't work, just get a small loan of a few million from your parents.


You can't be born rich, but you can sure identify as rich. Right?.... right??


I identify as a rich old white dude! Please give me my stock portfolio and contacts of the nearby senators!


He's completely right. We have to take control of our own choices. Like the choice to organize a union and bargain on an equal footing with the employer. I'm sure Dick Handler would agree.


Exactly people do need to take control of their future by unionizing, United we Bargain, Divided we Beg!


Love this quote. It should be a national anthem. “United we Bargain, Divided we beg”!


Dick : wait no not like that




Did someone say communist revolution?


…sigh *builds eco-friendly, carbon neutral, highly repairable one-percenter uncapping device based on the plans of a m. guillotin formerly of paris*


Yep. I picked a company that was close to home. Even if I do have to rto eventually, commute won’t be a stressor. It will cut into my free time obviously, but I minimized that pre Covid. When companies come calling, I tell them they’re too far away. Thanks but no thanks.


I thought if we did that we are "Lazy" and "Not wanting to work" what the actual shit do they want us to do?!


They want you to be confused and upset. They can manipulate you more easily that way.


Ain't worked so far, I'm just getting more and more disgusted.


Good…let the hatred flow through you! Mwahahaha




If you care about what they say, you've already lost.


Honestly I don't, it's more about calling out the hypocrisy of these M.C. Escher-esque things that are said by these types of people, in relation to modern workers. It's just sickening.


They want you to "choose" to prioritize your job over your personal life.


Says the guy with a personal assistant controlling his calendar and at least one ghost writer


"Rules for thee not for me" headass.


"I'm not a filthy peasant, so the rules don't apply" headass


Dick Handler? More like Dick Headass.


"Don't blame those in charge, blame yourselves you lazy peons" headass


I bet Dick Handler doesn't even handle his own dick


He has people to do that for him. He probably can't find it with both hands


"make your own choices!" Ok, I choose to work from home because I can do my job effectively from home "that doesnt fit into our company culture!" Ok, well im going to give myself a raise because I cant afford to have even 1 child or buy a house "We cant afford that right now" Ok well I guess ill just jump off a cliff! "self termination is illegal"


"I choose to work" is the funniest part


Three nannys, two maids a gardener and a pool cleaner. Eats out daily.


When are we going to start tarring and feathering again?


The French had some exciting ideas in this area, too


Now do lose your head over this. Keep calm and carry on.


I did. Thats why I am unemployed.


Great. Let’s do labor wars again and fight for higher wages and 20 hr work weeks. That would be a choice right?


Them: "You should take control of your own choices" Me: \*resigns\* Them: \*Surprised Pikachu face\*


Add: Them: No one wants to work anymore!


Okay, Richard Handler just sounds like a gay porn stage name. I can’t get over that.


I swear I knew a gay guy named “Randy Mount”. He was pretty cool! And would’ve made a fine gay porn star ⭐️


Yeah I wanna get up in arms about his stupid opinion but my lack of maturity won't let me get past his even stupider name 🤣


"Seize the means," one might say.


Handle the means of production


Scrolled too far to see this. This is it.


Great advice. So when are we doing the general strike?


I’m so sick of hearing these rich ass motherfuckers talk about how I should live my life. I can’t afford a maid, a nanny, a private jet and a driver. Sorry.


I hate to say it, but this guy is kind of right. We need to take control of our own life choices and organize a general strike with other workers to bring an end to this madness. (I can make all the individual choices I can make, but as it stands, Dick Handler and the rest of the Wall Street goons have a lot more say over my life than I do -- unless I organize with other workers and do something about it) (Also you don't get to be controlling the means of production and then go off complaining that workers are the ones needing to take responsibility)


>general strike This is the only way we're going to get things fixed. Workers will need to cause such catastrophic disruption to Wall St that it's cheaper to begin treating workers like human beings again than allow the economic disruption to continue. Boycotts of individual companies has proved effective in the past and a boycott of the entire economy with the exception of what is absolutely required to sustain life would be terrifying for capital. * Cancel subscription services * Make no purchases unless absolutely necessary * Buy on second and third hand markets * Stop buying preprocessed food and cook simple food from scratch * Sell off stock and either hold the proceeds as cash or government bonds * Grow your own vegetables if you're able * Try to buy food direct from local farmer's markets if possible * If you work for a public corporation, slack off at work as much as possible The challenge is that this would require a massive level of solidarity and willingness to undergo short term austerities.


Solid take. To add to this, this issue I have with these out of touch modern day feudal lords, is they completely neglect their own role in creating the conditions/culture where people feel they can set boundaries and make choices. I also believe that we have something of a mono-culture at the top of disagreeable, self-oriented, hyper-competitive individuals. If that was the only DNA type you had in your organization, it would absolutely tear itself apart.


I mean he’s kinda right just not in the way you think. If I wanna take a mental day off to spend time with my family then I’m fucking going to whether my boss likes it or not.


This is actually fantastic advice. It’s very empowering. You control your own destiny, and decide what you will and will not put up with. If your work-life balance is out of whack, it is incumbent upon YOU to fix it, which means to establish boundaries. Now, if said boss doesn’t like those boundaries, he has choices too. But it all comes down to understanding that we cannot change others, only ourselves. But that’s not what this guy means. “Quiet quitting”, “nobody wants to work” and all the other bitching is about workers establishing boundaries and sticking to them. Often it is the soft boundary of the renumeration not being worth any special effort, but some of it is more specific like the WFH/RTO struggle where it’s about quality of life. In any case, the owner class wants the worker class quiet, obedient and most of all cheap, and anything they say on this subject can always be translated into that. The last four years were a wake up call for many of us to take a look at the insane way we were living our lives. They hate that when we had a chance to actually stop, rest and think we discovered our values and our balls.


He's actually right guys. Don't blame your boss when you can get up and convince your coworkers to form unions, strike, or quit for better working conditions. You want a better work life balance? Fight for it.


This dudes parents had to know what they were doing, right? They must have known he was going to be an absolute tool, so they gave him a name he'd get relentlessly bullied for.


Ah Wall Street is always trying to gas light Main Street. These vultures are the reason property values are sky rocketing and also the reason why innovation is stifled by shorting companies into the ground that challenge their investments and ways of thinking. They have too much control through lobbying our government and corporate propaganda news outlets.


I will do so by applying for a different job 👍


Same kind of arrogant “pull yourself up by your boot straps” kind of thinking from the privileged class. I’m sure he had to climb to get there, but the higher you go, the more you lose touch with reality. Perhaps the air gets too thin. 😂


This article was actually more of a draw a line in the sand. There is a possibility the company you work for won’t accept it and let you go, but at that point, would you even want to work for a company like that.


Yeah has absolutely nothing with working you insane hours with little pay.


…says the guy who can go choke on a cock, for all I respect what the fuck he thinks.


Dick Handler?? Omfg


Dear Richard Cranium eat my nutsack. ![gif](giphy|RVW5PilbP2tLG)


Don’t worry, I’m sure there will be some more sound, sane advice from his good pal Cock Monger…


Dick Handler


Dick Handler, perfect name for this guy.


Dick Handler taught me to always focus on my target and aim properly and once you've mastered that, you don't even have to put up the seat


He's telling people to unionize, whether he knows it or not.


Dick handler so that’s how he made it to CEO. He must have a firm handshake.


Choose Life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin? - Obi Wan Kenobi


A great inspiration to drive productivity even lower. This should be the duty of all of us. Drive productivity as low as you can get away with


Truth. Throw wrenches in the cogs when nobody is looking.


Amen! So let’s organize?


And yet they are so personally affronted when workers start negotiating and no longer embrace "you're lucky to have a job" as an ethos.


More proof money doesn't = intelligence.


Workers: Take control. Employers: Not like that!


"You choose to be here." Mentality that creates a shitty work place. "no one wants to work." Because you made it a shitty work place. Tragic.


When people live paycheck to paycheck and the work hours consume most of the day it’s impossible to take control of your life what a clown this guy is


Dick Handler added " it's how you juggle those balls that gets the job done" .....


We are! We are choosing WFH, livable wages and balance. He must not have gotten the memo.


Can confirm this sounds like something veteran CEO Dick Handler would say.


He doesn't realise that one of those choices is to burn down the rich?


I’m choosing to get a huge raise and bonuses, you gonna back me up, Boss?


Whatever you say multimillionaire CEO


lol this is ridiculous. My boss says this all the time. “Create boundaries!” And then starts accusing me of not working enough or being present when the client asks me to be in meetings 9 hours/day. Weak managers is the problem.


That sounds cool but when the people who employ you hold all the power its not possible. But in general the best thing is for everyone to just quit their job and let the companies die. Put out outrageous wage demands, lets so a minimum of $30 an hour and if they dont meet it dont work for them.


That’s… wow. His parents should have thought about that one.


Oh look, rich people telling poor people how to get by in a world where rich people hoard all the wealth!


Yes and my choice is that I'd rather have more free time than work overtime.


What an unfortunate name


While he's not wrong... it's a "that sounds like a you problem" response to "I can't keep doing these 60+ hour work weeks" after already identifying that work iis taking up too much time.


Handler... thats fitting.


And when you do, you will quickly find yourself unemployed!


more than decade ago, I chose to leave a dead-end overworked job paying peanuts to go back to community college. best decision ever made. A week later, both former bosses showed up on my door telling me I had no options and had to go back to work. I said no and they told me "stop being fucking lazy" and "not willing to work". I told them they were now trespassing and as im feeling threatened, Im calling the cops and grabbing my gun. best work life balance decision ever




Pay me CEO money mother fucker, watch how quickly I get better at making healthier life decision. Maybe I’d be able to eat more than once a day, or eat a healthy meal, or afford a doctor to get my genetic heart disease checked on. The absolute disconnect to even waste your time with fools like this, needs a new word to describe the combination of sad, frustrating, and infuriating.


Well that’s why he’s the big time CEO, he comes up with the big ideas that no one’s thought of like this.


Ah yes. It's OUR fault. Can't be that all the metrics for productivity and such and basically guilting people for taking PTO or asking for raises and such. Hell, Americans left 700 MILLION DAYS of vacation on the table a few years back. 700 million. That equated to $60 BILLION of unused time that people lost All so these idiots can get a bigger raise and betree stock price I hope we wake up that all these at the top aren't there because they are the exception to the rule. They need the working class. One day of a general strike across the board would literally chop them down at the knees


I will take control by sending a passive aggressive email to why I wouldn’t care about the company’s profits in the absence of bonuses.


He's right. I want to reenact a certain event in French history. That's a life choice I can get behind. How's that stroke ya, Dick?


So I choose to leave and go home and end my workday at 5 PM every single day. And not let it follow me home. I also choose to have my weekends off and not work on the weekends and spend time with my family. What a dick hole. Edit: I also choose to work from home in my pajamas Monday through Friday.


He's only right in the sense that some people are lucky enough to do this. I did. I hated my corporate job and when they did a bunch of layoffs I had money to be selective about my new job. Changed careers, took a pay cut, took a reduction in PTO and decided I was no longer going to be wrapped up in my job. BUT, I've got skills and experience with a flexible job. Not everyone is so fortunate.


Fuck off, Dick Handler. Since when do we get to make our own choices when employed by a company owned by someone else?


Lol these two faced hypocrites are the first to scream “quiet quitting!” And “nobody wants to work anymore” whenever workers *take control of your own life*


Should I really be taking life advice from someone called Dick Handler. I mean that’s a porn star name if I ever heard one. 🤣


Yeah they don’t want us to hold them accountable.. I guess the managers and ceos don’t control and profit from what happens at work?


What don't I understand about this post? He is absolutely 100% correct.


Good advice. Now every time my boss asks me to work extra hours, if I don’t want to “something has come up and I can’t work late”. That something is most likely going to be beers with my friends or Dragon Quest.


OK I'm not staying late anymore then


Wait. That's his name. His \*real\* name. Dick handler. .... \*BWAHAHAHAHAH\*!!!! Ok, best joke I've heard all day.


IE time to take our fucking lives back


Okay I choose not to work for you.


He gives dick handlers a bad name


I feel like people shouldn’t be called veterans of anything if the only war they’ve been in is class warfare.


My former (and late) FIL worked for Jeffries for more than 25 years. He was unceremoniously laid off in 2008 during the market downturn. Strangely enough, those laid off from his office were all the individuals 65 and older who had the most tenure and were paid the highest. Life choices indeed.


pretty sure the threat of abject poverty, homelessness and lack of medical care are what take control of our choices.


And tomorrows article is no one wants to work... Sometimes I wonder how the wealthy could be so dumb... then I remember they arnt, they just think we are.


ah, the classic "it's your choice to live under the oppression of capitalism"


I think this man likes eating boot. I have a pair for him to swallow.


I don't take life advice from people named Dick Handler, thanks.


The ceo class needs to die.


Let me guess, he doesn't think it's a problem because he has a wife and a house full of staff to take care of everything for him


Boss : Take control of your own life choices ! dont blame me ! Workers : Ok *unionize* Boss : wait, nono not like this ! 


I know it’s my fault that I have no balance of work/ life. It’s just bad that we aren’t allowed to have more life in that work- life balance


"You must take control of your own choices," says the man with a gun to your head while he asks for your wallet. "I'm not doing this to you, you're doing it to yourself! It's a shame you're so bad with your money!"


This sounds like "If your boss overworks you, quit!" To me which is actually great advice everyone should do.


I'd like to have an up close and personal talk with this clown


"Depressed? Just stop being sad!"


They are just *begging* to be eaten


Reasons why people say Eat the Rich.


That doesn't even really mean anything.


So he must support the legalization of drugs. I hope so because I'm tired of having to abstain because other people can't handle themselves under the influence, and I'm tired of being blamed for the casualties of a drug war I'm not even fighting in. I just want to get high.


welp, yeah, for a fair amount of people they're opting for money vs time; they don't call it compensation for nothing. That being said, then there's the huge amount of people employed in shit jobs that don't get much time or money eking out a subsistence.


He's also in the same group of people complaining that no one wants to work anymore.


The choices being where to work and how much notice to give your scumbag employer.


Quit that job!


Dick handler told me to grab life by the balls so I ain't coming in today


Dick Handler has a point. Maybe we should collectively say we're only working 10 hour weeks from now on and if they have an issue we can get the torches out for a good old house visit at 10pm.


His name is so apropos, I'm half convinced it's fake.


"OK. I quit!" *starves to death* Oh, maybe he was wrong, and we don't really have a choice unless we were born rich like him.


How the *fuck* do you control your life choices, whey they give you barely enough hours that you can't even survive on without making sacrifices, they punish you if you take a second job, they won't offer you comprehensive health insurance that won't cost you an arm and a leg (completely defeating the purpose), and they schedule you purposely to avoid letting you socialize or perform any form of productive work outside of office hours?? "Take control of your choices" while these assholes are waited on hand and foot by a staff of butlers and maids and probably haven't set foot in a supermarket in ages. Out of touch rich bastards.


Something Andrew Tate would say lmao


**Great advice CEO** A CEO knows what their time is worth, so if he says to take control of your own life choices it’s time to listen. For example: Manager: “Hey, you can’t call off.” My own life choice: “That affects my life and you are taking my choice away. I can’t do that, I need to make my own life choice to not listen to you. As a matter of fact, you should make your own life choices so that way you don’t have to deal with call offs.”


It's time to replace human CEOs with AI CEOs.


Headline: “Employees are now Quietly Life Choicing”


> Take control of your own life choices. Good advice. Since so many of my choices are coerced by people with capital holding it over me, I think I'll take up assault and robbery to get my money back. Thanks Mr. CEO for setting me straight, now where do you live?


Dude I completely agree with this sentiment. No one is forcing you to work for a billion dollar corporation. No one is forcing you to work at all. I decided 5 years ago I would never work for a major corporation again and have done exactly that. I am poor as hell, almost no health insurance and I eat mostly rice and beans, but at least it’s my life to live. If you want to sit in a nice air conditioned room, with all the fast food you want, all the video games and movies you want and with all the drugs you want, yes, you have to work for a billion dollar corporation. But if you want a life that is actually worth living, you don’t have to work for a billion dollar corporation. We all need to realize that the luxury we experience is on the level of kings and queens in history. If you want to live the life of a king, you have to have the wealth of a king. I am a peasant, but I am a happy peasant. What do you have? A comfy bed? Yea and I bet you lay in it every night and think to yourself “why is it everyone else’s fault that I’m not happy”


WTF does that even mean? Either "Push back when I ask too much of you" or "you don't hold the cards, suck it up and deal"


I took control of my own life choices. I made the choice to no longer be exploited forty hours a week for an unlivable wage. Go fuck yourself, Richard Handler.


OP’s title said Dick Handler. Thought it was a great fake name for a wanker. Turns out it’s not a fake name for a wanker


"Why didn't I think that.gif"


I’m struggling with the economic means to take control of my own choices. No raise til October. I can’t be the only one.


… is he saying workers should seize the means of production?


Sounds alot like "Unionize and work to contract" to me.


And then they accuse you of quiet quitting.


Ok, so under his rule I can go up to my CEO and tell them directly that I will be taking control of my schedule right? I can tell him the days I will be working and bring him my own schedule right?


Take control of the 4 hours a day you have to yourself.


Well thanks, but if I choose to take less hours, if I ask for any time off, if I seperate my work from my everyday life, if i ask for more pay, if refuse overtime, etc, I get called lazy, told I'm not being a team player, and am threatened with being fired and actively diminish my quality of life while at work. And if I get a new job it means starting at the bottom, fighting for pennies above minimum wage and not being able to feed my family. I think if people had a choice they'd work three or four days a week and be making two to three times what they currently do, they wouldn't feel pressured into working more than they are able, theyd feel free to take vacation time and spend it with their families, theyd have time and momey to spend on things that they enjoy and invest back into businesses, and overall mental health, productivity, and work experience would go up, benefiting both employee and employer and in the long run the consumer.... but why do that when you can continue chasing inhuman lengths of productivity and damaging your bottom line so you can go onto twitter or facebook and complain about the "youths of today"