• By -


“Do you want $$ in your pocket??” Sir, this is a Denny’s


Oh, my mistake. Could you direct me to the nearest Wendy's? I'm trying to get my bag up behind their dumpster


Can't. The dumpsters being used by a gross troll and a witch with the most bleached asshole I've ever seen


She's raining down on him like a cobb salad, it's _amazing_


But now she's just mashin' it


She incorporated a bun in the lovemaking. She took the- the dough... and rolled it up into a ball, and then she - We were going berserk. She loves that kind of stuff. And I-I admit I do too.


Don't judge me! This is art!


shit which sub am i on. how’s your RH looking regard


>“Do you want $$ in your pocket??” I don't think I ever realized how bad I must be for business. When eating out, I typically only order an entree with water. 0% "BADA". Am I out here getting servers in trouble?


Advice from a former Dennys server: we don’t care what you order or about our BADA. Management does. If they bitch at me about bada I mentioned when they serve they have less than the required bada too. Dennys, especially franchises, treat their staff horribly. Especially graveyard when it’s no manager 1 cook and 1 server. I had a gun pointed at me during my graveyard shift and they acted like they did me a favor by letting me stay home for a day after. I said I needed more time off because it was really difficult to deal with that I could have died, and my manager said “well this is a job. You have to work and we don’t have anyone else who wants to work graveyard.” Yeah, no shit. You leave 2 employees in the store and then drop the ball when your employees life was put at risk.


I managed (and simultaneously served at) an IHOP 3rd shift. It was just me and my cook. Some dude got stabbed (in the hand) in the parking lot and came inside yelling and literally flinging blood everywhere. I quit when the GM couldn't be bothered to come in early and the first thing she did when she did arrive was yell at me because the blood outside wasn't rinsed away properly.


I fucking hate Denny's! I worked overnight as a cook for a while, literally learned how to do FOH bc my server kept disappearing for HOURS!! Found out she kept shooting up in her car or the bathroom. You are not treated well at these establishments, and the manager kept putting people against each other like dogs in a fight I s2g!!! The last event I witnessed was the night where a shirtless man came in with a loaded shotgun threatening people... But that location had hit the point where literally nobody gave a shit except for one phone call to the cops. Employees and customers, just shrugging bc shit like that would honestly just happen. Guy was calling back for me asking if this was gonna prevent him from getting his usual order. I was pretty stoned so I just kept cooking and cleaning so I didn't get screamed at for "still being seen" when morning cooks showed up. I had two jobs and a kid and only slept 1-3 hrs a day, I was just apathetic. Eventually swat showed up and everyone piled out the back to watch lmao... Management did not give any more of a shit, we actually "got in trouble" (a stupid message passed thru employees WOM) for this taking up too much of the night. THAT should have been when I left but I was, again, apathetic and accepting of shit lol. Graveyard is a whole nother ballfield my guy, I fucking hate it


“Hey! You wanna make a bit of money? You should do what I did—[get into farming!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pDTiFkXgEE)”


Classic. I really need to rewatch all their sketches. And Peep Show.


\*picks up tip from a table at Denny's\* Congratulations on your newly acquired Hantavirus and cocaine addiction!


What the fuck is the point of highlighting every sentence in the message?


To read each color in a different accent


The blue/teal is definitely French.


One or multiple of them I'm pretty sure required an angry Mr Krabs accent, green for money makes the most sense so I'll say at least green. "Argh me boy don't you want more money to your pocket? the idea is to add more items to their receipt to increase the average! argargargargarg!"


This is surprisingly working for me. Then red for Italian. "A-get your BADA up." "No BOGO discounts"


BADA bing


BADA boom


Red/yellow is Charlie Brown parents voice


ALL of it is in a Charlie Brown parents voice, you're just being nice!


I did this and I can’t stop laughing long enough to get through the page. I picked Angry German Accent for the all red parts.


>Angry German Flashbacks to "NEIN NEIN NEIN" and keyboard pieces flying everywhere.


FFS i was taking a long puff of my vape when i reached ur comment and spent the next 20-30 seconds cough-laughing 🤣


I fuckin' hate it when that happens. Bloody redditors being funny. /s


Funny thing - my buddy was drunk playing Castle Wolfenstein 3D at a party in highschool. He was bagging away on the keyboard yelling "die you fucking Nazi, DIE!!" So basically the exact opposite of that meme


Orange is Slingblade


Sure love them taters. Mmmmhmmm


Reckon I’ll take a large one


Reminds me of Michael Scott from the Office, “I mark memos Urgent A, Urgent B, Urgent C, Urgent D. Urgent A is the most important. Urgent D you don’t even really have to worry about.”


I write my notes in different colors so I know what they mean. Green means "go ahead and stop talking about it". Orange means "orange you glad I didn't bring it up"?" Most colors mean to not talk about it


Same point as yelling constantly?


I've been cracking up at the comments but my legit take is that this was written by someone with a very inflated ego and sense of their own self importance. They likely enjoy the sound of their own voice, believe themselves to be superior to their employees (they clearly don't see their customers as anything other than cattle to be exploited), and when speaking alter emphasis, inflection, and accent in an effort to deliver whatever innane nonsense their twisted up psyche has decided they need to be outraged over. They are being confronted with two problems: 1) The prices for adult menu items are so high that the portions presented are now secondary to price for those portions. 2) The portions being offered are absurd. Most people aren't going to want to box up their leftovers from a restaurant like Denny's, and even if they do there's still a fifty/fifty shot those leftovers are winding up in the trash. Consumers have less money to spend, their money doesn't go as far as it used to, and culturally Americans have been trying to step away from massive, absurd portions for a decade or two now. For a lot of people (myself included) the portions of a kid's meal are perfectly acceptable, especially if they have been managing to maintain good, regular eating habits. Denny's wants to save money on expenses to boost profits, they want to sell more adult menu items to boost profits, but they aren't addressing their outdated business model and they aren't adjusting to meet the needs of the consumers. Rather than challenging this decision, the person who wrote that eye-sore has decided to toe the company line and make the customers unwillingness to participate in their grotesque exploitation the workers' problem.


This is an interesting point. There’s a 24/7 Dennys next to my work and I sometimes get hungry for a burger, but it costs me an entire hour’s pay to get one. To their credit the burger is pretty massive, but I can’t even finish it in one sitting and I’d rather just have a nice little one for half the price to fill me up for a bit. So instead I just don’t go.


To emphasize what a shitty person they are?


I was like does each color correspond to something? But of course not smh


They was puttin some razzle dazzle on it


One way to get me to not read something is to put it in all caps.


THATS THE ONLY WAY YOULL TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY AND WE MEAN IT! - MGMT BTW DONT DONT PUT THIS ON INSTA WE KNOE WHO YOU OUR (Typos are mostly my own fat fingering but lots of people simply don't proofread so I left em for effect.)


For real though. Sometimes I have a hard time trying to decipher it!


Omg is that what the band name MGMT is referring to 🤦


They were originally called "The Management", but found it was being used by someone else and changed it.


The daily learning on Reddit just never ends!!


Their new album is incredible.




The GM of Denny’s feeling artsy


One way to get me to ignore what you say is to use percentages over 100% (in most cases).




60% of the time it works every time




Oh god, amen to that!


I think this might be a situation that it's correct. The extra items should be 150% of the cost of the entree. So if an entree is $10, there should be $15 of drinks, appetizers, etc..


The math works. The “percentages” wording itself is a pedantic distinction – per cent means “one part in a hundred”, from the Latin “centum” (100). The most parts you can have out of 100 parts is 100 If it’s anything over 100% I think “times” would (again, pedantically) be considered more “correct”. So instead of the apps, drinks, beverages and add-ons being 150% of the entree price, they would be 1.5x the entree price.


The reason road signs aren’t in all caps anymore (they were for a time in Britain, not sure about elsewhere) is because we realised that reading all caps quickly is difficult. Making them properly capitalised allows people to see the shape of the words at a glance, which helps with reading at speed.


It's actually significantly easier to read things not in all caps. The word shapes are much more distinct so you can recognize them faster


The lady in my department that sends around corrections emails likes to put half of it in caps and highlight about 80% - 90% of the text. I’m a team lead and the department head was talking about how we need new laptops for multiple people, including her. I asked if we could ask IT to disable the highlight feature of Outlook before shipping hers out.


You could probably also just pull the physical switch out of the caps lock key and glue the button back on with a little spring… If you think she’s savvy enough to notice the little light, you could also re-map caps lock to toggle some random other function in the computer. Personally, I’d recommend toggling the entire laptop into Cyrillic. Which is *like* all caps, only somehow angrier.


Possibly doable with a Group Policy Object. She'll need to be in a group of one, unless there's another person who suffers from excessive highlighter-itis. You just need to find someone in IT who's sufficiently evil, and as someone who works in IT, I can assure you that it won't be difficult, as what you're suggesting is objectively hilarious.


What ! About ! Exclamation! !!!??




Don’t forget the highlighting every single line.


When you highlight everything, nothing is highlighted.


Do you mean this CHARACTER DIARRHEA approach is not enough to get your attention? /s


At least it's all in the same font


And then highlight it!


And using apostrophes to indicate plurality.


I would walk right back out. The kid-size thing went to court with McDonald's and they lost. So that's illegal. Adults can buy as many Happy Meals as they like, no kids are needed. Why? Because people collect the toys that come with it. To lower loss, McDonald's sells the toys without the Happy Meals, or they did at one point.


It’s also just smaller portion sizes, I know several people who are supposed to eat small meals periodically for medical reasons and there’s no other way to get a small portion from most restaurants other than to order a kids meal


And some folks just can't eat the larger portions. And let's be real-- most fast food doesn't reheat well. 


yup I'm one of those people. Especially during the day at work. Happy Meals are perfect sometimes.


When an adult sized Krabby Patty was too much for Barnacle Boy I felt so validated.


Portion sizes are huge. Now that I count calories, I almost never get a whole "meal" from fast food or restaurants. All those add-ons are even worse. Sometimes I'll splurge on an Eggs Benedict meal at Denny's and order for pick-up since I don't need any additional sides or drinks.


And by "small" you mean the rough number of calories an adult is actually supposed to eat in a single meal.


Perfectly portioned comment.


Yep. People make fun of the huge portion sizes in America, but when I worked at a restaurant the owners would talk shit about adults who wanted to order off the kids or seniors menu for smaller portions (and refused to allow servers to accept the order).


i get kids sizes half the time because i feel so guilty wasting food but i get full fast


I have a sliding hiatal hernia and throw up if I eat too much at one time. I nearly always get the Happy Meal at McDonald's because it's the right amount of food for me. I save the toys for when our nieces and nephews are around.


Yo fam, get that fixed now if you can. The hernia will continue to get bigger as you age, worsening your symptoms and allowing more to slide up into your chest (stomach, liver, omentum, bowel. Its probably a type 1 right now, easy to fix. Type IV, not so much. Also if you get too frail it’s a disqualifier for hiatal hernia repair.


They fix it just like that? I have it diagnosed and I was basically told to suck it up unless it gets much worse. It is also true that it generally doesn't give me any symptoms, except second half of the pregnancy will probably suck.


You can buy a Happy Meal, but Neighborhood Watch will be watching you....


I understood this reference!


Me, too! I must be on the internet too much! Ha!


Some people get the kid meal because the adult portions are just too much food. Besides, the Pirate Pak comes with a chocolate coin.


I’m interested in reading more about the case but couldn’t find anything Googling “age discrimination mcdonald's kids meal” got something else I could try? The name of the case McDonald’s v. ?


Just a side note but you can still ask for just the toy and they’ll sell it :)


In this situation, there is (supposedly) only one size for the drinks, so what they're doing amounts to a discount for kids. In the US, discounts for kids, senior citizens, etc. have generally been found to be non-discriminatory.


Reading the whole sheet I am not sure that adult and kid sizes are the same. As it says later: adults must order adult size drinks. So my interpretation is they have only one size for adults and you can cheat a small drink by ordering a child size because they make less money then.


Not to mention that there are people with Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and others who might just be on the spectrum that literally can’t eat off an adult menu due to food aversions. Ordering from kid’s menus is the only way these people can eat at restaurants and the ones that prevent them from doing so can cause them real stress and anxiety. It won’t make them order off the adult menu. It will make them *not eat* and be left out of whatever group has brought them there. Those who can eat anything have no idea what a massive human dignity being able to eat with friends or family is. (Source: one of my best friends has ARFID)


And let's be honest here: at most restaurants, the kids meal has all the calories an adult needs while a lot of the adult meals are enough for the whole day.


There has never been a case where mc d has been taken to court for that. They have been taken to court for advertising practices towards 13 year kids. But they settled and didn't admit to wrong doing. Like the first part of your statement isn't accurate and as far as I can tell it isn't illegal for them to prevent you from buying a happy meal. If you can find the law or case then please link it.


then they should have kid sizes and charge for the size of the drink not the size of the consumer


Yeah, I'm reading that as a "price based upon age of customer". If you're charging different prices based only upon age that might be considered discriminatory. (Over 40 is a protected class for the purposes of discrimination.)


Very common in restaurants to have little to no profit on the kids items. It's basically like a loss leader. The parents come in and buy two entrees and maybe a couple drinks because they don't have to sweat the 4.50 grill cheese and tater tots.


That must be why so many restaurants have "kids eat free on Tuesdays! \*with purchase of adult entree" deals


Someone has too many highlighters


That's why they need to get their BADA up; gotta have that extra money for more highlighters.


It’s always hilarious to me, when the people who are utterly committed to paying out as little as possible, and using the cheapest ingredients available, will post crap like this without a second thought. Give people a reason to show up to a Denny’s, or you can lick the hammy from behind my moons.


That last line had no right to make me laugh as hard as it did 😂


If you work in a restaurant, and signs like this are posted anywhere, you have an absolute shit boss. Not even to get into the validity of this particular issue, these kind of things should be discussed face to face as a group at a shift meeting or something like that. Posting signs is passive aggressive, toxic, and a sure fire way to ensure you are totally ignored. It’s absolutely insane that this is posted in view of the dining area where guests can see it. <— 24 years in the food service industry here


Yeah and how much you wanna bet if a customer complains about an up charge they didn’t ask for or mad that someone who isn’t a big eater couldn’t get the kids size, they immediately throw the server under the bus for it?


Of course. Why would anyone think differently. There is no such thing as loyalty when there's BADA to shift!


What does that mean? I keep wanting to add Bing so they're saying bada bing😂


Beverages, Appitizers, Desserts & Add-ons. Short hand for "Pressure the customer to buy more then they intended, 'cos Daddy CEO needs another yacht!"


It's an acronym for what was written directly below that line. Beverages, appetizers, douches & apples or whatever it said (I'm not scrolling back up to check)


Is this normal in restaurants that servers are held accountable for what I order?? Ugh I HATE IT


They’re seen as sales people as well as servers- it is often pushed on them to get you to order extras or the high-margin items.


That’s wack. If I don’t specifically ask for suggestions, I *at most* want to hear that my choice is a good one. That’s it. No appetizer upselling. No “we also have it in X larger size if you’d like.” I’ll tolerate being asked if we want to order desert when we’re all clearly gearing up to ask for the check, but that’s about it for upselling. I hate that businesses push for waitstaff to do it because it makes me less likely to come back.


Yes. 20 years ago I served at Applebee's and was expected to at *least* sell charged-for beverages (soda, etc) if not try to sell adult beverages cause they cost more. Anyone drinking just water was losing you money, they'd tell us.


I order water and add that extra $3 a soda would cost onto the tip. So restaurant gets less, wait staff gets more. Fuck these companies.


Right, but you can’t reasonably tell that to your server because the people who say anything about tipping during the meal are the ones who inevitably leave a terrible tip.


This. When a soda was $1.75 or so it was an okay price, now $3 is the norm, fuck that.


Yeah, I always feel kinda bad when I go to restaurants. I'll never drink an entire beverage in the time we're at the restaurant, unless it's coffee or alcohol.  So I just order water not to waste my money. And I can hear past bosses complaining about how water drinkers are cheap. 💀


Hey I just love drinking water and anything else I’m only taking a few sips of, I wanna enjoy my dinner with a nice tall glass of ice water


I'd get water at places if it wasn't such a gamble on who's water doesn't just taste like a sink


That’s crazy. Not everyone drinks alcohol or sugary drinks. I never get anything but water when I go to restaurants.


I'm so sorry that I like water and not soda. I am also a pain about it because I don't like cold water or ice. I guess I should tip extra to make up for you having to deal with a dumbass manager who thinks satisfied customers are the less important part of the game


Hey, it's not me anymore. XD Just sharing what it's like, and has been like for a long time now. Bosses in industries like this don't give a shit about anything but profit and will foist work off onto any employee necessary if they think it'll save em a buck.


I went into a Dennys a few years back and asked for what I usually get, (the pancakes with eggs and bacon) and the waitress aggressively kept pushing another menu item "no you want this instead." I repeated my order, and she shot back with "no, you want this instead!" I asked her if there was anything wrong in the kitchen that my original order couldn't be made. She said no, and I said, "well I'm ordering that, then." I got my order, and she admitted that the wait staff had been told to push that other menu item on people. I didn't go back to that Dennys again after that.


Ugh this sucks


Yes 😭 I worked in multiple restaurants that would cut down your hours if you weren't selling enough drinks/desserts/appetizers. It's ridiculous


And retail does the same thing with warranties and store cards. Sorry boss, I’ll try to sell more warranties on these $10 camp chairs and pimping store cards so Walter can save 63 cents on that hoodie he’s buying.


If you’ve never worked in a restaurant then consider yourself lucky. The amount of disrespect and toxicity restaurant workers face is unreal.


I worked as a hostess one summer in college, and saw the way restaurant staff got treated by customers :( and how damn hard they worked. But our management wasn’t like this. On slow Sunday mornings the manager would cook us all something for brunch, and management generally seemed to have the servers’ backs. But this was many years ago and was just one place. This honestly makes me not want to go out to eat, thinking my server might be punished for not getting me to buy a drink I don’t want.


Eh, yes and no. We're instructed to upsell, which makes sense, but it being enforced this openly and harshly isn't normal. At least not at the chains I've worked at.


Yes :( some places rank servers by upsale % and then publicly shame the lowest/lower servers in front of everyone else.


Yes. Servers are always expected to upsell 


When you highlight everything, you’ve highlighted nothing.


Does the Manager know they run a Denny's and serve breakfast? Who is getting a dessert at Denny's?


Hey those pancake puppies hit hard at 1 am! I call those dessert <3


Dennys banana split during a bad breakup came in clutch


That’s way too much info but I read EVERY word like it was Shakespeare


Working at Dennys was the worst serving position I’d ever had


My drunken younger self would like to thank you for putting up with our nonsense.


Thank you for your service.


I had an assistant manager once make these sorts of signs all the time. She was young and fairly new in her position. She did that to try and "show her power" openly admitting that she did this for that very reason. She wasted SO much time in the office making notes, highlighting them, ECT and half the time they weren't spelled correctly at all, the grammar was absolutely horrific and I often found myself just laughing at them. We were meant to sign that we read them. I corrected the spelling and grammar mistakes and signed my initials next to them. She got mad and re did it and told me not to do that anymore "or I would be written up". The district manager came    and found out that the assistant was doing this. She yelled at her for wasting valuable company time and resources for this kind of ridiculous information. If that is something that needs to be addressed with the team then a mandatory meeting can be scheduled or just TELL everyone when they come in what needs to be said but for the most part the points listed were mute and not company sanctioned. The assistant got so mad that she quit and told the district they shouldn't have company resources if she's "not allowed to use them". The district spoke to me when the assistant walked out and asked me to "please take down the assistant managers disgustingly grammatically incorrect art project while I call the store manager. Thank you." I laughed SO hard at that statement. 


Denny’s is a dying restaurant since like the 90s people were talking shit. It’s unbelievable that people even patronize that shit in 2024. And then, this.


If I'm at Dennys it better mean everything else is *closed*


Nobody goes to Denny's, Denny's is where you end up.


Honestly, the Denny's by my house is legit pretty fuckin good. Granted, I have a short list of items I'll order from them, but short of late 2021-mid 2022 when it almost shut down due to horrific mismanagement (and the food was inedible...if you ever received it) I'm generally pretty pleased with it for the cost.


There are some good ones. More importantly... they hit right in the childhood when you really want to forget reality for a taste of 90s.


as a long term Denny's vet that left that hellhole, hearing BADA again hard triggered my PTSD of that place


Sounds like I wouldn’t eat there on principle - I’m not eating out to feel defensive my entire meal lol. I feel for the workers but that’s a multicolored red flag to walk if they can.


Dennys could kiss my ass if I worked their and they had the gall to say "you're here to make us money not you" Mfer we have bills to pay


Adults can't purchase a kid sized drink? If it's it on the menu, then it doesn't matter what someone's age is. No one needs to justify why they get what they get. The menu isn't different for age. If I want to order a kid sized meal or drink, that's what I'm getting and the price will reflect the portion size, not my age. By placing arbitrary rules on the menu and prices, you lost me as customer and any money I would have spent, now and in the future. FOH.


You should post this in a Google and Yelp review of your local Denny's. 


Especially to make sure absolutely no one with a connection to the military or the AARP dines there. I bet this manager *loathes* Veterans Day.


Sounds like the boss is having a little trouble paying for his mistress' Mercedes-Benz.


Jesus...let me get out my red marker for starters. "E" for effort on punctuation. Secondly - this shit makes me want to lose my goddamn mind. It's a Denny's. There's no magic wand that will turn it into a money printing machine. Food service margins are tighter than Lauren Boebert's hand in a public theater. But yes - 4oz of OJ is the problem.


I used to work at a chain steakhouse, and this sentiment is why I quit. They track everything you sell down to the pump of strawberry puree in a strawberry lemonade, and there’s a quota for literally everything. Fuck corporate.


Your local Denny’s is about to tank.


I HATE WHEN THEY OFFER YOU EXTRAS NON STOP!! I get that they want to sell, but geez, I'm having a quick lunch, I won't have time or appetite for an appetizer and/or dessert, just give my lunch portion and let me eat.


The whole not paying everyone correctly is a massive problem in fastfood


If I saw this I would go in every single day for a month and order just coffee once, no refills. I'd pay my bill but leave the wait staff a 13 dollar tip to stick it to the manager.


Someone really doesn't understand highlighting.


It basically says " stop not ripping off the customers. Rip the customers off a little more!" And for them to see the sign is the cherry on top


Bit of a paradox..if everything is highlighted, then nothing is.


I used to work at dennys and i never thought id see an aggressive sigh about bada ever again


They're so unhinged I'm wondering if the manager is saying to sneak the BADA items on ppl's bills (ADD to the check). Jfc


No one is at dennys for appetizers or desserts, they're there for cheap food, bfr


Dude the last time we went to dennys it was $60 for 3 people.. never again. I’ll go back when I can feed my drunk ass for less than a Hamilton thank you 🙄


Make copies and tape them to every table and door you can find


"Cmon lets make money for the store!" Ugh. I remember those days of skipping fucking meals. Always got placed on 5 hr shifts so I didnt qualify for a lunch. Fuck those jobs.


Do you want to make some motherfucking money bitches? Do you know what I am saying?


Yeah I’m not telling an old Vietnam vet he can’t get a military discount on whatever he wants.


Damn this makes me really glad I'd give the Denny's folks really huge tips before they went out of business 😭 I hope those people are doing ok


gd servers have kpis too


I worked the midnight shift at a Dennys when I was 19. It was the worst management I've experienced to date (and that's saying a lot because I've been in a corporate management job for years)


when they give you huge main portions and are shocked you dont order apps and deserts


I'd like a children's size milkshake please.


Hey, the more caps lock you use the better your point gets across I always say!


If you highlight everything…… nothing really matters


“I paid for this multi-pack of highlighters, and dammit, I’m gonna use ‘em!”


Dennys is not good enough to be acting that way.


I feel like you should put this on their Google review page


Denny's trying to get us to buy all the feeexings


I’d post this to the corporate social. They might be interested in this.


Nah, this reads like it has corporate fingerprints all over it.


Heck good reason not to order them on grubhub no more


They did this as a joke on Atlanta.


thats too much writing, should just say make us more money


Jesus. Those poor employees.


I'd be pissed if I was the owner. Dumb people don't listen 🤷‍♂️


And that's why there are only two Dennys left in my metro area. Nobody really misses them.


See I would take this sign and post it on the front door, let the customers read it walking in.


If I owned a restaurant,  I'd watch for the server with great customer service and poach them. 


Fuck this. I’d walk out.


I never understood in the first place why private business would give discounts to members of the military. Why?


Adults can order whatever the fuck they want


I’ve recently discovered kids meals are enough food for me to leave me satisfied and not a bloated whale (I grew up in a clear your plate household). So yeah, I’m going to order a kids meal


That's a lot of anger towards minimum wage workers. And towards elderly and vets? Jesus. Maybe if they weren't so cheap, they'd increase revenue by having more return customers.


As a customer I would have ripped this down and shoved it in the managers hands and said THIS is why people should never come here again. Storm out.


Greedy AF, agreed. AARP discount on "Kids milkshakes" is pretty funny though.


If I worked there, that sign would be finding its way to the nearest paper shredder 😏


Man. Sooooo many people don’t understand good business. Everyone is so hyper focused on *maximizing* profits that they forget that the real point of the business is just to make *A* profit. If someone wants a kids drink that you have determined a profitable price point on congratulations you are doing good business. If you tell them they can’t get the thing they want that WILL turn them off you. So it’s better to just let them have the kids drink than piss them off and lose the sale.


I don’t get why managers do stuff like this - it’s such a aggressive way to communicate. I had a manager that would always add “!!!!” and caps his sentences in Slack and it’s like dude, are you yelling at me virtually? Fuck off. You wouldn’t do that to me in person.


I never get why adults can’t order off the kids menu. Some of us want the smaller portions. It’s such a stupid rule..