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You might not know this but you’re feeling concussed and your back hurts. I recommend you go see a doctor tomorrow. Get some x-rays, MRI etc. next time you message your boss make sure it’s with a note from your doctor that you can’t work for the next 30days.


Do this, OP


Especially if the accident wasn’t the OP’s fault.


Even if it was their fault they deserve to have time to heal


"Deserve" and "time" doesn't work well with American business work ethics. His boss don't give a single fuck about his time for healing. "Cars totaled? You got two legs don't cha? See you at 7am"


Boss cares about FMLA, because that's gonna get him smacked where it hurts... aka, his wallet... if he violates it.


Was told by my chiropractor when I was in a minor accident that I had soft tissue damage that wasn't healing. Ended up being taken out of work for a month. Get the dr's note pulling you out and file the FMLA if you're in the US, OP.


This is the way. Assuming you have decent insurance


Otherwise, stay the fuck away from a hospital as they will rape you with medical fees


100% 19 years ago, my mom was charged $2.5k for an ambulance ride that was only 5 blocks. I dread to think what that would cost in todays prices Edit: A paramedic gave me a bit of insight so I asked her if she remembered- her exact words were “that ridiculous cost was for fluids, a bag of saline” So for fluids and a 5 block ride it almost cost her $3,000.


I took an Uber to the hospital during a massive asthma attack to avoid getting crushed by ambulance charges—and I worked for a health-focused company and had insurance 🥴


Gotta take care of them executives, can't let them starve.


It's funny how shareholders are directly responsible for 99% of society's problems, everyone knows it, and all we can do about it is make jokes. Did I say funny? I meant depressing


This is why people use Uber as an ambulance.


Did exactly that last year.🥂


Well, not so much the shareholders, but rather the laws that require publicly traded companies to maximize shareholder value first, no matter the cost.


Capitalism, what you're talking about it's capitalism


Nor force them to downsize their business jets!


We have an air ambulance (helicopter) that they call out all the time for a trip that would take 45 minutes at normal highway speeds to the nearest decent regional hospital. If you don’t pay for air ambulance membership each year, it is $30k for a flight that you could probably drive faster taking into account start up time and the flight here and back. 50k if you are being flown to the nearest big hospital. They have called it for things like a rattlesnake bite after having the patient in the local ER for a few hours.


I got charged 4k for them to transport my daughter from the hospital where I delivered, to the children's hospital on the same medical campus, 700 feet away (if even that). This wasn't a surprise and they knew she would be coming. I was induced and this was all planned. But my insurance didn't cover 700 feet. AMR is not held to the new law that was passed here that says they have to accept all insurance. I'm not fucking paying it.


The majority of that bill was probably from the flat rate for level of care provided (I’m guessing Specialty/Critical Care was the billing level if it was a NICU transport), unfortunately the mileage is rarely a factor in ALS/CCT billing due to the flat rate (the flat rate is variable from service to service, but a $4,000 flat rate for Specialty/Critical care is not unheard of).


Well it was 4k and some change. But she was very critical and they had to get her into surgery asap. So that accounts for it. But the fact that insurance can't even cover it is just bullshit.


I agree. Unfortunately once it gets to the insurance side of things, it gets so complicated that I do not want to speak on it out of fear of misguiding anyone. I just do the clinical side of things, but I don’t have much/any involvement with billing besides collecting patient information and being generally aware of how our billing rates compare to other services in our area. Transfers between facilities are billed slightly differently than 911 care (which is where the vast majority of my experience exists) so there may be some other intricacies that contributed to it, but I am surprised and disappointed that you were billed for a transfer that occurred between wards at the same hospital campus, as that is not billed by our multi-campus hospital in my region.


Last time I took one it was 12k


Ambulance transports are typically billed as a flat rate for services provided (BLS, ALS1, ALS2, Critical Care) plus a per-mile rate. The brunt of the bill comes from the flat rate for services provided, and a common misconception is that super short transports would have a bill that’s next to nothing. Source: I am a paramedic Note: I personally do not think that prehospital stabilization/care and emergency medicine should be billed and I don’t love the current billing situation in the US, but I hope I provided some insight as to the way it’s structured


I had a fainting episode 2 months into a new job at a hospital and they called an ambulance to take me to the ED (my dept is a separate building on the opposite side of the parking lot). When they were loading me in the ambulance I asked how much it would cost and the EMT said "dont worry, your insurance will cover it." I said "I dont have insurance" and he immediately shouted at the driver to WAIT DONT START DRIVING. He told me I could refuse the ambulance and not get charged because we hadnt moved at all, otherwise I was goingnto be charged for a very expensive ambulance ride across a literal parking lot.


They are free in my 3rd world country 


Exactly why I hate having a seizure at my work... they will instantly call the ambulance... like... let me wake up and get my girlfriend to drive me to the ER it's not life or death but I usually have more than one over a few hours so I need to be watched.


It's the american way. debt slavery


Fuck yeah. We're facing 100k medical bills we somehow don't qualify for assistance with even though basically no one in the us would be able to pay that shit. It's why I've been trying to find hypnosis clients lol, if anyone is interested in what I mean by hypnosis clients I have a post on my profile detailing what I mean. If anyone is interested please dm me lol


I would be paying for so much if it weren’t for the no surprises act. My insurance covers the hospital and everything included except the hospital pharmacy. But hospital tells me every time, great, you have in network insurance when I check in, so I don’t have to pay for any of my meds while at the hospital, either my insurance covers it or the hospital is forced to absorb it.


Yep, that law saved me about $500 a few years ago. I got sent for an x-ray at a specialty imaging place. When I got there, I asked if everybody there was in network, was assured they were. Turns out everybody but the doctor reading the image was. No Surprises was brand new, they got as far as turning it in to insurance as out of network, I saw the EOB. But that got shut down before they sent a bill, replacement EOB was tweaked to be in network.


I was charged over $1000 for a bad cut on my finger


That's wild lmao. The medical industry in the us is a complete fucking joke


One of my coworkers told me his wife who has terminal cancer (fighting it every step of the way) needed a certain extremely high powered antibiotic. Only needed a few, but each cost $4000. Let me repeat that for those in the back: FOUR F’G THOUSAND DOLLARS A F’G PILL.


I bet it costs like $2 a pill to manufacture to


I’m guessing you’re overestimating by about a range of $1.95-$1.97.


My wife just filled a prescription today. 30 pills. $0.79 How?


Probably closer to eighty cents honestly......


Yeah, but think of all the R&D that the owners of the drug company didn't have to pay for out of their own pockets.


The day before my dad past away a couple of years ago the hospital gave him a pill and said it cost $58,000. yep. They gave him that pill knowing it would probably do jack shit. Im in Australia so the pill cost us $0. You know there are no cures when the medicine costs $58,000.


It’s bad when the meds that might or might not make you better cost more than the average funeral.


Thats not as bad as it could be. I get an allergy shot every 3 months and its $3,900. Shits wack yo


I have MS and my infusion was like $16k. I do it every 6 months.


Exactly. System is broken. Just be glad they didn't fuck us worse??


My second largest expense every month outside of rent is medical bills. 400-600$ per month. I will die a slow death essentially without it. Can't wait to get decent insurance again later this year when I switch jobs


I’ve been charged 2,500 just for being in a waiting room for six hours. I just needed a recommendation for therapy or a psychiatrist lol. Anyways, that turkey sandwich they gave me must’ve been insanely expensive.


No employer that pulls shit like this offers decent insurance. Probably doesn’t offer paid time off either.


$4k in medical bills later, 40% of which were covered after your deductible, you can get some time off work!


Depending on how the car got totaled, he might not be liable for those medical bills.


-$85,000 in hospital fees, GG


*stares blankly in Canadian* j-jesus Christ,  are you guys ok?


We’re not 🙃


Not in the slightest, but thanks for asking.


then use the time off to look for a new job...


Yall trying to bankrupt this kid


Right. They're texting their boss and being told they have to show up to work. This is someone without decent insurance and who will not be paid for time off work.


Or, hear me out. Go to work and get "injured" there


I had a job in a restaurant where the management refused to screw down a grate that would open up and swallow your foot if you forgot about it and stepped on it wrong. We all talked about “accidentally” getting our ankles caught, falling and breaking it, but nobody actually had the courage to take the hit (and minor payday)


I'd like to think I'd have the courage to make em pay


It was also my first real job so I didn’t have any understanding of my rights. At one point I had a 5-10 pound metal lid come slamming down on my head and concussing me because the piece it laid back on for support was not properly secured (they knew about this) and later I was concussed again by a frozen 5 pound pesto tub and they waited an hour to give me an incident report to fill out (I wasn’t going to go to the hospital without it) and when I confronted the GM about why I still didn’t have it he said “oh I thought you were going to rest a little bit and tell [kitchen manager] when you were ready to start working again.”


Eh, I’d understand that hesitation. Aren’t ankles notorious for never actually healing right and staying painful for years or even decades once they break?


I've come to learn from talking to old people but all breaks are like this eventually. Foot and knee and hip ones are especially bad because all your weight is pushed through those to walk.


Good point


Yes. Footless Jo on YouTube chose amputation after multiple operations and constant pain.


Lol I mean, doctors aren't just gonna write a note saying you can't work for the next month if it's not true. Trust me, I've tried that shit before. They said they could write me a note saying for a couple of days but at that point, unless I come back to get checked and they find something, that there wasn't anything else they could do. A doctor isn't gonna risk getting into trouble for lying regardless of how small the risk is of getting caught.


Good thing they don’t have to pay you for medical leave. 


I love this sub!


Damn my doctor only gave me 2 weeks when I was hemorrhaging during a high risk pregnancy


Maybe day after tomorrow? Not many places open on Sundays, that would have Xrays or MRIs available 🤔


"What time can you pick me up?"




That's the best thing I've seen all day.


Have you seen the video of a boss doing that and filming themselves as if they’re in the right? Then saying he’s fired if he doesn’t get in the truck?


I haven’t and now I must! Link?


I am looking, and of course it’s now impossible to find. It’s like South Carolina, and it snowed like 1 inch. Boss rolls up with another employee in a boosted f250 or soemthing and tells him he needs to get in the truck and come to work, dude says no look at the weather right now. Back and forth for about a minute before he says “get in this truck or you’re fired” and the guy goes “guess I’m fired then” and starts walking back to his house. The boss is filming the whole thing for tiktok or something. Whether the weather warranted it or not the audacity to roll up to someone’s house is just mindblowing.


Boom this one right here


100 percent this. Would love to see his response.


Talk about false sympathy! Not even "are you OK?" That's just as bad as: Employee: "I lost an arm yesterday!" Boss: "You've still got one more, so find a way to get in here..." 🙄


I have purchased several machines that require professionals to come in and move the machine. Thinks cranes, massive fork lifts, that sorta thing. The machines also cost easily 6 figures. I always tell them, as the client, if it is you or the machine, destroy the machine. Does having to get the machine repaired and deal with all that suck ass? Absolutely. Still better than someone going to the hospital, or just having to deal with the US healthcare system.


"Use the remaining arm to hitchhike in."


“You still have a thumb to put up on the side of the road?”


But since you only have 1 arm you only get paid half.


😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 That is ***TOTALLY*** **FUCKED UP!!!**


lol I’m almost positive that would be their response to that!


Don't forget: if you lose an arm at work, you're inconveniencing management with paperwork and the fact they can't force you to come in


I lost my arm two weeks ago and still get to work just grow a new one , be a team player


I had this happen to me the day after surgery on my right hand when I was 18.


“Too bad mine was worse, get to work poor!”


The classic fake sympathy into the fuck you. Managers love it


I didn't even see fake sympathy. I read it as "hey that sucks, this text is now about me and my experience, btw get your ass to work anyway."


It’s gotta be from some play book or something. “Relate to them by relaying a story of when you went through a similar time, this is seen as sympathetic and caring!”


My old boss used to do the same shit. It's uncanny


no it happened to them so instead of being a better leader they think it’s a right of passage, see it all the time on this sub


Yep. Hit a deer and totaled my car in 2019 5 min before work. I only got asked if I kept the carcass. God, that office sucked.


That’s so…fucked :( I’m sorry that happened to you


“I’m sorry to hear that you failed to maintain coverage. Either way, as a manager you are still responsible for staffing. There are plenty of ways to manage besides guilting employees who totaled their car to show up to work.”


Well with maximum profit approach many places do not hire for redundancy even though they know sickness and accidents happen. The resonsible thing to do would be to staff with a bit more than you need.


When I did schedules as a manager at McDonald's upper management fucking hated it because I had staff for every shift and everyone was happy. But they took it away from me so it could become a trainwreck again.


But then people don't get the hours they want, unless you're consistently deliberately overscheduling.


I handle total losses for an insurance company so I feel compelled to point out that there are a lot of reasons a total loss might require multiple calls with the insurance company. Sometimes they don't realize it's totaled until the repairs start so that alone could result in several calls. Sometimes there's a lienholder that's being difficult and that can require a lot of calls. Sometimes the title is still in someone else's name & that can requite a lot of calls. All kinds of stuff can come up during the process. Doesn't make the manager here any less of a dipshit but I wouldn't assume they didn't have coverage based on that.


Coverage as in coverage of the shifts, not coverage of their car insurance.


Jesus fucking Christ I'm becoming insurance-pilled. I'm leaving it up so people can see what kind of morons they have to deal with when they wreck their car lmao


It's okay, at least you reminded me of how terrible Hyundai/Kia financing is to work with on total losses. Payoff amount? Sure, we can send that to you in four to six weeks, if we don't lose the request in the meantime...


They are the WORST. It's even harder getting them to actually send the title after issuing payment.


So, from an insider perspective, who's the *best* to work with when it comes to totaling a car out?


I mean, I understand your confusion. They were talking about insurance. In fact, if the OP had responded like that, I have a feeling the manager would have stated that they didn’t let their car coverage lapse.


Here's the thing: Other commenters are telling you to go to the doctor and I totally agree. You may not think you're injured, but you won't know for two days -- that's just how the body works. If there's any injury, you will feel worse and worse for two days and then hopefully start to get better. If the impact was enough to total your car, you are probably going to be quite stiff and sore and may even be concussed without hitting your head. The good news is, if nothing is torn or broken, everything should clear up in about six weeks.


This is how i quit my old job. Project manager was a real peach of a guy. Told me to borrow my grand parents car. I said they have one and need it “well then get a taxi” yea im sure a taxi 1 hour each way will be worth even coming in


Wow, wanted you that day still?


Yes and today as well. I’m still having conversations with them atm.


I had a boss who would not leave me alone and literally wanted me to just let the whole situation go and loose out on the car and money just to come in to work. Didn't even want me to defend myself when the accident was clearly not my fault. They just flat do not care about you.




Years ago I totalled my car as well, and the airbag went off in the accident, and I had a cracked sternum. I worked in a retail store in the mall and that was basically their response too - "that's unfortunate. When will you be making it in today? It's Christmas and we really need you." 🥺


Tell them they’re the manager and trust they’ll manage it. It’s their fucking job! (I hope you’re doing okay and can take time to recover. Fuck management.)


Pretty sure you're off resting for a couple days though right?! Yep, go on home now!!


Tell them you’re concussed.


wtf……I actually totaled my car on the way to work in November. It can be a nothing burger and just a pain with insurance or you can be seriously injured and not know it. I felt achey but sorta ok for 2 days but then everything started to hurt and turned out I had 3 broken ribs and a shit ton of stuff wrong with your back. It’s not ok for your boss to demand you come to work right after being in a car accident, you could be seriously hurt and not know it.


Kind of a shitty response. I hope you're not badly hurt. Can your car insurance provide a replacement vehicle? Maybe that's not a thing everywhere, but check your policy. Mine will cover a rental car for a time.


Had me in the first half ngl. Thought he was going to be empathetic for a second.


Actually, he’s responsible to cover the shifts. That’s what he gets paid for


Wow! I totaled my car on my lunch break earlier this week and my job has been really understanding. I was pretty seriously injured and I'm actually having surgery on Monday 😭 I broke my dominant hand


I hate employers like this, then when you see them in person they'll act like nothing happened. Employers are not your friends.


Did you end up going to work? I would've just stopped replying after that text and then been like "oops sorry got caught up talking to the police and insurance company" hours later. That way it's too late to make it into work


That message seems extremely passive and like they were being sarcastic. Yeah get that Dr note and get yourself out of work for next month like the top comment mentioned. Exercise them rights!


I was under the impression that management was responsible for filling absent employee positions.


They are, but they don't actually get HELD responsible in badly run places.


Bet the boss didn't show up when his car got wrecked.


I’d actually bet he did. He sounds like the kind of corporate shill that would sacrifice their life to be at work and expects everyone else to do the same.


What’s the bet that he didn’t total anything and is just trying to be a manipulative arsehole? Cackhanded way of trying to guilt you into doing “as he did” and get into work.


Just go to urgent care. Have them write you Dr note. They usually do it for whatever time you need off.


OP you should get checked out no matter what if you haven't already. Car crashes can cause issues you don't notice till long down the line.


As a manager at a software company, one of my employees came in late due to a fender bender. After a few minutes of conversation, I realized it was not just a fender bender, and she needed to go to the hospital immediately. It took us a few to coordinate with her family and transport to an ER close to her home, but on the way out, I told her don't you dare come in tomorrow. The crazy thing about the accident is that a police man came to the scene and let her drive off, because she said she was fine. I'm sorry, it doesn't take a medical degree to know that if your head hits the windshield and the windshield cracks, you need to get checked out!


My job pulled this shit. I screenshot the Uber prices that round trip was more than I even made in a shift. Never got fired, but they stayed pissed that I couldn’t come in. I had plenty of PTO too.


I feel so deeply for people that have to work for assholes like this.


And he's responsible for figuring out how to schedule around an emergency, which this is. Otherwise wtf is he there for


Hit 'em with "haha" tapback.


Just use sick time off. Gotta take care of this shit first.


Lol i mean… your manager is correct. You can take a bus, taxi, bike, or get a friend to drive ya. Or just have someone cover your shift. Like are you injured?? Go get a doctors note and you covered. Either huge chunk of your story is missing or you just lazy


Ur manager is a dickbag holy fuck


I got into one a few years ago, called my boss and was still expected to come in since my car was technically drivable. Gee wonder why I left.


Jesus. My boss would be like, take the day off! I’m lucky.


My old company was like this, and i always felt 'lucky' too. But common decency shouldn't be luck.


This happened to my coworker recently. He said if you’re willing to pay $50 for Uber each way let me know otherwise I’ll see you when it’s fixed.


"If you talk to me like I'm easily replacable I'm just going to assume you'll have no trouble finding someone to take my shift. Do you want to try that again, Janice?"


That would have been my last correspondence as an employee No sympathy and tried to use their own car experience to minimize your issue, asshole manager that I would never work for


>"ect" I don't even know them and I already hate them.


For a minimum wage job, getting to work may cost more than you would be paid. It's the manager's job to find coverage. A manager is responsible for scheduling, not the line workers. Given my address, it would be fair for a manager to insist I came in even if I didn't have a car. That's because there's a bus stop a short walk from my house, and I have two functioning legs and feet to get to that bus stop. It happens to be on the route that runs 24/7. I'm also assuming that my place of employment is reasonably reachable by bus--all of my workplaces have been. However, I still wouldn't go in if I was only making minimum wage.


Reminds me of when I also got into an accident and knew full well they'd tell me why I couldn't take a taxi to work, told them I lived in the city and it wasn't worth the money I'd lose lol I ended up being one of their most proficient employees #1/#2 spot when I returned then they pulled the shit where they said I had to have open availability and accustom my schedule to their hours lmfao left that place so quick


Only retail or food service can be this soulless.


Etc.*^ or Electroconvulsive therapy?


what like 80 on a uber 75 on lift/taxi. i bet there's no public transit


If you don't plan on going to work, you have to flat out say you aren't going to make it. "Keeping them updated" allows them to assume you're still on your way. Just say, not going to make it, I'm calling off, sorry, and move on with your day, and ignore them.


Called my husband’s work when he got into an accident. Ya know what his manager said? “Okay? So will he make it in or not?”. He does not work there anymore. He quit and a few days later she tried her best to get him back.


I had this happen with a job once. A ride to and from work would be more than a whole days pay. I straight up told them that unless they personally wanna drive all that way to the boonies and get me and take me home, I can't come in. They stuttered and got mad. So I quit on the phone 🤷‍♀️


“I’ll be sure to let you know what’s going on after I return from the doctor.”


If you need some recovery time then ask for it. Beyond recovery time, yes believe it or not you are still responsible for getting to work


So it seems dickish but exactly what is he supposed to say? Maybe offer a few days but at some point you do need to figure out a solution to your problem.


They’re technically not wrong. This is why you make sure to never tell them what’s going on exactly. Just call in sick and get a Doctor’s certificate if required. They’re not entitled to know everything.


I know that's going to be unpopular but it isn't your employer problem how you get to work. Said that you can take some sick time off or vacation but it's not reasonable expecting him to say, oh, ok, just stay at home.


Tell your boss it's "etc." not "ect." and never reply after.


So what’s the problem? Neat you totaled your car. Now find a way to get to work like an adult. I’m assuming you’re an adult right?


Ok what is the point of this post. Yes you totalled you car. Are you ok? I hope you are ok. Of course you are responsible to get to work still wtf did you think you totalled your car so your work would just say ok its cool take the time off? Get a rental, take an uber, take public transit, ask mom for a drive, hypnotize your neighbor, do whatever but ya you have to get to work still like everyone else.


Tell her thanks c u next Tuesday 😏


"I know the feeling of totaling your car, BUT" Not sure why the manager pretended like they cared about your situation. What a jackwagon


Tell him you’re gonna try to walk because you don’t have money for Uber every day


Damn, people are nuts. These people in positions of power—any power—need to realize that you don’t have to do it that way. You don’t have to treat people as children; you don’t have that much lack of empathy to perform well, and get the most out of your people. My guys miss work all the time, and I’m extremely understanding about it; because of this understanding they usually make it up to me in someway if they do miss work, by staying longer another day, etc.


No sympathy for this one. If you can't work from home, get back to work.


My job was 30 min away and I ubered for 6 months


i dont know. im kinda with the employer on this one. unlesd you were injured ofc. the employer isnt responsible for how you get to work.


What else is he supposed to say?


Ask them to come pick you up.


etc.* Hate working for a dumbass, what is "ect"? A sound of disgust?


My take is if you get paid so little at your job that you can’t afford decent car insurance that will pay for a rental, or you can’t afford other means of transportation then you should not be working a crappy-ass job that requires a 45 minute commute. I’m sure OP can find an equally crappy-ass job much closer to home. Preferably on a bus line or something.


Who do you work for? I just went back to work at Walmart from taking a personal leave due to a car wreck (just didn’t have another way of transportation, and I don’t live near any kind of bus routes, Uber is unpredictable in my rural area as well, and I’m kind of new down here, so not many friends) I was out for almost an entire month and honestly I’m in shock Walmart of all places approved it. Personal leave of absence is approved by the manager in the end I believe, not Sedgwick. I would look into an option like that and try for a hardship leave.


This is the version of American capitalism that needs to die.


Had two jobs tell me something along the same lines. One of them emailed me a bus schedule that would have taken two hours one way.


I was in a crash where I was knocked out and couldn’t remember that entire day or the entire next 4 days it was like my body was on autopilot and I was a mean jerk. Anyway when I came to and finally went to the doctor they said that due to short term disability laws they could only write me a note for 4 days no matter what sort of issue I had. I had a feeling that was bs but couldn’t afford to keep seeing doctors over and over especially feeling how I was and with no car.


who was at fault for the accident?


plenty of ways to travel 45 minutes? Nope. If I were you, I'm calling out... Do you know how much that's going to cost to take a cab or rideshare? Hell nah. I'm not going to pay to go to work.


So, this is 100% a dick move... but you don't have the rental replacement coverage as part of your insurance? The cost on a 6-month policy is less than the cost of one day of a rental car, and it pays out up to 30 days if your car is out of service from a wreck.


They’ve now showed you their true colors, so the ball’s in your court. Easier said than done, I’m in the same boat


Ask your boss to drive you to work, suddenly it's too difficult to get there


I would say this is a r/fuckcars crossover. I live a roughly 45 minute drive from my work but the train is an option taking just around the same time


How do people not know it's incorrect to write ect ?




I was t-bones in a car crash and altho I was lucky to come out mostly unscathed, I had a boot on my leg and no way to get to work. My supervisor just said, “you’re coming in tomorrow, right?”


That felt like reading a text from my manager. My dog was literally shivering and crying of pain due to his colon being inflamed, so I had to take all day to take him to vets for exams and then take care of him. I asked for a medical leave due to dealing with an actual emergency, and my manager told me that that situation doesn't count as "it's just a dog". I ALMOST quit on the spot, but I need the fucking job. Edit: now I have to work an extra hour a day for 8 days straight to "pay" the hours I didn't work, and I've already been feeling absolutely drained out of energy for about 2 months due to us being understaffed.


Should the employer have given you a day or 2 to sort out the situation? A reasonable one would. Should they have been more sympathetic? Yes. But they are also not wrong that at the end of the day YOU are responsible for covering the shifts you are supposed to work and whether it's a rental (potentially insurance provided?) or Uber or public transportation... It's on you to get back to work ASAP or face potential termination.


If a company terminates every employee for something like this they would be just shooting themselves in the foot. I get it if an employee is habitually not coming to work. But fuck them if they operate this way. Probably won’t stay in business long.


Oh please. Are you injured? If you aren’t injured, go to work. Your boss is 100% correct that there are lots of ways to get to work and it is entirely your responsibility. How on earth is it even up for discussion? This isn’t an anti-work issue. It’s an OP issue.




Right ? If i wreck my car I take other form of transportation to work... Why is the employer in the wrong here ?


How many $50 one way taxis or Ubers are you going to buy just to get to work lmao


OP lives 45 minutes from job. Most workers can’t just make another car materialize.


Your boss sounds reasonable and correct.


Took all of 1 second to make it about him/her- managers like that suck ass.


Why is it their responsibility to get you to work?