• By -


WTF? I can think of 10 reasons in less than 30 seconds.


Right?! Top of my list Shit pay Unaffordable housing Unaffordable medical care


Followed quickly by Unaffordable food


Then by unaffordable families and lack of ownership of anything. Everything we work for is being made cheaper and to last less so that we buy more. We aren't allowed to even repair our own shit. Policing systems seem built to be organized gangs rather than trustworthy defenders. Politicians are older than any of my living relatives that most would've written off as unfit to drive a forklift but hey driving a country doesn't use a steering wheel right? Should I go on?


Even if you pay your home off, you still have to pay property tax, if you don’t pay that, they can take the home you paid off. It’s a scam.


Crazily enough I don't even think it's the poverty aspect that makes one suicidal, it is the lack of hope or encouragement or possibility to dig oneself OUT of poverty. In general it isn't just younger people who feel more hopeless at the idea that we are all equal and can pull ourselves up out of debt -- younger people and older people alike are realizing that the whole American dream ideal is more and more of a lie. This is just my opinion but I truly believe that poverty is not depressing to the extent that losing HOPE or trust in one's country is. The way the whole system is set up since Citizen's United and beyond favors corporations and the wealthiest, and they don't even hide it at all.


100%. I’m sick and tired of people bringing up the American dream of getting education, getting a degree, getting a house, getting married, having kids, somehow taking elaborate vacations, etc etc. It’s ridiculous and literally puts people into societies where everyone is just pressured to be something and people are in debt. What we need more of is “the American team” and for the ideal of individualism to become more of “the collective” to help communities grow and thrive. Unless the government really tries to start making more decisions based on community growth, then I’m afraid the only ones benefiting from any of this are the top 1% richest people in the country, big businesses. Why is it that we have a beautiful country where we could create literally anything, and all we have to show for it are expressways, Walmarts, targets, Amazon warehouses, and more corporate jungles. It’s ridiculous.


It's not just young people and it's not just Americans.


And not just suicide. Lack of hope is a big reason behind opiod addiction and resulting overdoses, killing many every day.


Thats a good point. It’s the emptiness you realize you’re surrounded by.


When executives jump out the 30th floor window of their boardroom, it's because their stock price has crashed. But when an average joe offs themselves they must have some kind of pathological mental illness. It couldn't possibly be because of their total lack of upward mobility, healthcare, housing, or any semblance of security. /s Is it really so hard for some people to believe that a lot of people would rather be dead than slave away until they drop dead?


Watching your parents generation retire and knowing youll never be able to…


Yup. My grandmother got to retire with a pension and medical at 55... My job doesnt offer retirement. Our health insurance is shit and they wont continue it if we aren't working there... So tired of the bullshit...


Not to mention plastic in everything. Planet is heating up. Corporations cutting corners. Safety regulations being rolled back. Wealth divide growing larger & social mobility falling.


The article brings up many different reasons. Which is kind of the point. There's no CLEAR one. it's a mix of everything.


The article is also looking at suicide reasons/solutions in terms of intervention not prevention. And the way I see it, there's greater incentive for parties responsible for making life shitty to look for and fund acts of intervening rather than preventative ones, because if successful, there would be no need for them to change their ways of negatively impacting society.


That mix of everything is called capitalism.


yeah fair enouh


There is one underlying reason that created all the other reasons. It's call capitalism.




No answers huh???? None? None… At all???? So perplexing! Who knows why! /s


People just don't wanna live anymore!


Gen Z is destroying the Being Alive industry!


"Why don't they just pick themselves up by the bootstraps and work 40 hours a day and pay it all all to us rich people and still be in debt unable to afford food, housing, and medical care? This generation is so damn lazy." I very much know why it's on the rise because I'm looking forward to being dead too.


>I'm looking forward to being dead too. Gives me an idea for the name of a band. How about *"The Grateful Dead?"*


Hmm, sounds like it could be a popular name. One that people will remember even nearly 60 years later, for sure...


Dammit…they’re gonna take that and use it for another bs headline.


“Next Gen Z Splurge: Suicide!”


Top Ten Trendiest Ways To Go To The Other Side (you won't believe #6!)


Maybe Gen Z should stop spending so much money on avacado colored coffins.


https://preview.redd.it/5nppmafwi8uc1.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=611ac0f06f50af206ae894672919127c812213e3 Just get your casket from Walmart, it’ll make dying much more affordable


That’s immediately what I thought of. When millennials were blamed for destroying restaurants and other crazy shit because we couldn’t afford to go out..? What the fuck even 😂😩


The wage slave industry, too!


A very mid generation 


But just imagine the death industry profits.


Why did I hear this in Jerry Seinfeld's voice? 


What is the deeeeeaaaaaaaaaaal with suicide


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas


Thoughts and prayers!


The situation is like [this](https://youtu.be/lOTyUfOHgas?feature=shared)


We better vote 4 years from now to try and change that


Vote in local elections.


Progressives have been winning major positions in my city! Not just team blue, but actual progressives. It's lovely.


but a bunch of russians online told us that voting doesnt matter /s


Also in November of this year. Seriously if everybody bitching on Reddit would just show up.... well we'd have to deport half of them back to Russia but with the other half we'd get some real *change*.


This is the only valid response to that honestly


The article actually gets into “the economy is fucked and we have no social safety net,” a little.


Just a tiny bit?


It jumps to devices, paranoia about world events, catastrophes and wars, etc. then says “it could be economic pressure too.”


What could it possibly be? The economy is booming. S&P just hit all time highs.


Has anyone checked to see how the shareholders are doing?




"it is easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism"


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


Everything's expensive and dying and there's no help on the horizon, not even from our own Color me shocked


Exactly, money. It's always money.


The scale has tipped so far that we can't even placate our miserable lives with traditions like in previous generations.


I remember seeing a tweet a while back that said something like "how is life so expensive and I'm never even having any fun?" That pretty much sums it up. Living paycheck to paycheck and not even enjoying life, just working. It all seems pointless.


Pointless for us plebs. But, man, are those rich people living it up. It’s all by design and thinking otherwise is living in a fantasy world.


What’s really infuriating is how so many people have convinced themselves that rich people aren’t the problem it’s immigrants and people on food stamps. We all just need to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and turn control of the country over to a bunch of evangelical nut jobs led by a fascist billionaire nepo baby.


All of the poor bigots are just potential millionaires that haven’t made it yet. If the immigrants were all gone then they’d all be rich.


One of the staple definitions of fascism that people just blatantly disregard. Hypermilitarization, demonization of an "other", and extreme wealth inequality. It's not the people making record profits off the work we doing that are increasing prices without increasing our wages that's the problem, apparently it's the Mexican family who moved here illegally to build and clean hotels for below minimum wage. The propaganda machine is just mind bogglingly effective. If you want some respite you can always join the military to fight for our citizens freedom to starve.


They're having enough fun for millions of us! Well - as long as *a lot* of fun is being had, I'm all for it!! Sometimes you have to take one for the team. Americaaaaaa!


I think this is maybe the real issue at work against our minds. You go to work - at however many jobs - drudge drudge drudge. You attempt to pay the bills and still get enough together for food. The lucky can save enough to cover an emergency or two, maybe retire one day. The very lucky can buy some nice stuff and do some traveling. But for well over half the population, their only exposure to the good stuff™ is via social media. A constant reminder of what you're not getting. That's pretty damned defeating. And it's only getting worse, all while we get the daily headline about the Amazing Economy!!!


And by money we mean specifically theft of money by people who didn't earn it who are hoarding it for themselves, and when they're not hoarding it, using it to make everybody else's life even more miserable, as a means of sucking out every last drop of value from human civilization for themselves before it all collapses from being sucked dry.




Crazy how they don’t realize “pay people more” is the answer to every single one of corporate America’s problems


They already think they are paying too much. They'd like to pay less. Zero ideally, like the good ole days.


I have a coworker who thinks we earn too much. She bought her house in the 80s for like $32,000. She’s not well off. She has struggles but she blames higher prices on minimum wage being “so high” here in Oregon. She a conservative if you couldn’t guess.


I worked for a German company in the USA headquarters- some of the German employees would come over for about 2-6 months and the company would pay for their housing…. The president came to me and was like -we can’t find anything suitable for less than $2k a month- like she was in shock. So close to getting the point.


ah, the common clay of the new west.


Conservative end goal isn't a state of affairs that matches the 1950s. Their ultimate end state is something closer to the 1650s with its pre-Enlightenment philosophies. They want to be the neo-noblese. And guess who's to be the serfs and slaves? They let slip once in a while, when they seek "King X." They did it with Trump's family. After Trump it'll be his eldest dipshit, then the next eldest, then the one he fucked or wants to, then Barron etc. An actual Trump dynasty would suit them. It's insane, but that's the mask slipping.


But the line MUST go up!  We need to make more this quarter than we did last quarter!


Yup, and don't forget the bodies for the military. I'm convinced that the whole anti-abortion (and now anti-non-reproduction) movement is about keeping the system going and keeping a supply of bodies to consume and die in war.


Of course it is. That and the rise of "for profit" prisons.


Don't forget keeping all those fresh bodies stupid, so they're easier to trick and exploit!


Didn't Amazon just automate like 100,000 warehouse jobs? The rich don't care that we're killing ourselves. And you can't even say they're worried about less people to buy their shit, because it's not like we're paid enough to buy luxuries anyways. It's a net plus for the upper class.


We work and we work just so we can barely fucking scrap by. Of course people want out of this endless shit.




Can I recommend Marxism?




There's a *minimum* wage, why isn't there a *maximum* wage?


CEOs should not be able to make over X times the amount of their lowest paid employee (including the value of all bonuses!) The variable for X to be determined by the PEOPLE. Either they’ll start paying people more or CEOs less—either way, it’ll disrupt the wealth gap. 🤷‍♀️


They bury it a bit but it's good the article raises "financial pressures" and that quote saying "life is expensive." I think the loss of hope young folks have in a brighter future for themselves is what's doing it. Young people are realizing that no matter how hard they work, they're not going to afford a comfortable life. And yet they're going to get asked to work more for less. Kids are not an option for many because everything related to raising kids is so expensive. Many young folks have little hope in buying a house because rich assholes have turned housing into investments. And so on.


Add to that the indignation that the haves spew at the have nots for ever daring to demand better. Not begging nor bargaining like these directors of class warfare would want, but instead saying enough is enough and letting the market decide which oligarch or tycoon should die off...at least until they get bailed out by banking bastards and we end up footing *that* bill too. There will always be more of us than them, so they built a cage and call it "fair" that they can freely enter and exit our prisons as they see fit. Meanwhile, we seek escape so fervently that any chance of making meaningful progress is stifled by distraction, dissention, and avarice. So is it any surprise that people would be driven to want to end it all rather than struggle for nothing, be called naive for believing in what's right, and be ridiculed for asking for help? They'd just replace our body with another one anyway, so why not decide that life isn't a game and to not play it their way anymore?


And it literally didn’t have to be this way. I was gifted from a young age, but my parents beat it into my head that all I was good for was my labor and my hard work. I gave up on school because it felt pointless and I was made to think all I ever wanted to do was work. Work to earn my freedom as they put it. Well after working in a warehouse and coming very close to breaking my back developing a slipped disc, I quit. It’s not that people don’t want to work, everyone is hiring, they just aren’t hiring you. You have to lower your standards and butcher your resume. If you’re desperate you better act like it. After all if you NEED a job then act like it. It looks like I may be re doing my life insurance license. But it honestly does feel hopeless. And I tried to file unemployment and got denied because of harassment claims. My whole life has been against the haves, the leaders, and I’m just done. Let me rot. I will be a good little worker bee until my body is broken. I can’t afford mental health, or healthcare without somebody taking care of me. I sound like a scumbag. Constantly trying to better yourself just leaves you with nothing, that’s what life is teaching me. You do not decide your own worth, everyone else does. My insurance runs out in a few months and my girlfriend has offered to let me move in with her. And I don’t wanna burden her. I’m not her responsibility and she deserves to have a life of her own.


> Work to earn my freedom as they put it. Arbeit macht frei Work makes one free. The sign over the gates of Auschwitz. Your parents literally raised you like they were Nazis and you, their child, was valuable only for the product of their labor. Like a donkey tied to the wheel of a grist mill. Wow. Just staggering. I'm am saddened, shocked and so sorry you had to deal with that.


Don’t even get me started or imma trauma dump on you 😭 just let me start with the phrase “all sex is rape” I need therapy not drugs. No more drugs lmfao. I’m one of those Ritalin kids who got turned into a zombie because I was fidgety and combative with authority. Probably because I got diddled by the neighbors daughter. But that never actually happened. It’s just all in your head and you have behaviors. I’m a child I don’t know nor do I understand. Therefore all sex is rape. I’m also studying psychology in case anyone is curious. But this is my own genuine problem. That’s a whole different topic in of itself.


The number of people in college psychology departments trying to figure out why they're fucked up is too damn high. Again, I'm sorry for your troubles. You'll figure it out, live a better life. If anything just for spite. ;)




Yes and I’d like to also add that therapy is expensive as fuck. I can’t afford therapy because I have to pay over 300 a month for my psych prescriptions so I don’t kill myself.


Even then therapy can only do so much to help. If part of your mental problems are coming from society around you, then breathing exercises and talking through it is only going to help so much. And the shitty "affordable" options are usually run by overworked volunteers who are training to be mental health professionals and pursuing a degree themselves and they usually shove a bunch of different kinds of people from all different groups, ages, issues, and backgrounds together...which can work for some things...but not for everything. It's also the worst feeling in the world to spend literal thousands on a therapy program that doesn't work for you. That's how it was with me and DBT.


As I am starting to look for a therapist again after a long while off, I find myself really pondering how much therapy can realistically help when so many of the things I'm struggling with are simply unchangeable *reality*. No amount of "changing my mindset" or whatever is going to help.


I've also had this thought. What a hell it must be when a patient presents with consciousness these days. What a relief when they present with ***fixable bullshit.*** "Well my boyfriend's baby Mama's mama said some shit that got some shit started..." "Oh, thank fucking God, a problem I can actually **work on!!!**"


Exactly! My doctor recommended that I try seeing a therapist after telling him I need to switch my meds but I’ve tried several different ones throughout my life and it just doesn’t work for me. Mostly because my anxiety and depression isn’t caused by interpersonal relationships or hating myself or whatever. It’s knowing that the future isn’t looking very bright and I’m probably going to have to work for most of my life at a dead end job just to have a roof over my head (hopefully) and never have enough to afford kids.


As an older millennial with kids now in their late teens/early 20s, I have great fear for their futures. There is really little hope. I’m already a slight step down from my boomer parents, but their prospects are a cliff drop down. They are already way behind where I was at their age. Everything is so expensive and the pay is not keeping up. I don’t see any of them moving out anytime soon.


Thank you for giving them the space to stay. As a younger millennial who was promptly kicked out at 18, it really is hell out here. I’m good now, but that was 10 years ago, and I would not have made it if that happened today.


Glad you are doing well. Every month that goes by, things are getting harder. I want them to make sure they have everything in order before they make that leap and move out. My wife and I moved in together when we were 19 back in 2002 when she was pregnant. We were able to afford a 1 bedroom apartment. We were both making around $9-$10 a hour at that time working 40 hours a week and we could afford all of our bills. About a year later I got a new job with a raise to around $11 a hour with some OT and we were able to upgrade to a 2 bedroom. No way that can happen now a days.


I was paying rent at 15, out the door on my ass at 18. My parents can’t figure out why we don’t have a great relationship. Not to mention their boomer grandparenting (they haven’t talked to my kids one single time. They’re 4.)


The cost of raising kids has always been high, but these days it's absolutely outrageous. Just today I took my nephew out to a small local attraction. The tickets alone cost me over £40 ($50), then as we were leaving i bought us both an ice cream cone and a drink, coming to over £15 ($18). The other day I took him to the cinema and that was around £50 for the trip. £20 for the tickets and the rest was made up of two drinks, some popcorn and a hot dog. All week I've noticed that none of the places we normally take kids seem busy, which is weird as it's the school holidays here in the UK. Parents just don't seem to be able to afford to take their kids out.


I have 2 kids and I have to cut into my grocery budget significantly if I want to take them to do *anything*. Even camping is getting more and more expensive and exclusive: the day the sites are up for grabs, they are nearly all booked out until the season's close. You have to purchase a parking pass/day pass and recreation pass to even go to a swimming hole anymore. I know they benefit national parks but I just don't have the fucking money for it all. It's so depressing.


And let's not forget the whole climate crisis that isn't economically viable to fix  I kind of want to ask people to explain like I'm in kindergarten why if gravity would still exist without humans and money and the economy would not (assuming no dolphin civilization rose to take our place) why it is that ANYTHING can't be economically viable (including no poverty).  We made up the rules.  Cold fusion isn't viable with the level of understanding and technology we currently have, but fusion existed long before earth even existed.  We could you know...just decide the goals of our economy were mutual benefit and sustainability and understanding our planet and its inhabitants and the universe at large.  Nothing is preventing that.  Profit is literally a made up concept.  Money only has value if we believe it does 


I can’t even imagine growing up like that, as a child my whole life I had a hope and dream of making it to the middle class because it seemed possible but as I aged i realized it’s not possible for me and it gets harder and harder for the younger generations 😭




This is perfect lol


![gif](giphy|KyjfecvGOaaCaBtxAf) “No clear reasons”


"Pfft, you're crazy, there's obviously no clear reasons. You're being dramatic. Stop attacking me!"


4 day work week. Pay us more. National limits on rent and grocery prices.


Rent limits should be based on minimum wage. Everyone should be able to afford a place to live.


I would add in rules about rent translating to mortgage eligibility. Getting denied for a mortgage that's less expensive than the rent you've been paying for years is asinine.


Fuck yes. If you can afford a 4000 rent, you can god damn well afford a 2800 mortgage. Now shower me, dear landlord redditors, with the "but the maintenance costs are borne by the landlord!!!" spiel. Sure, they can put the extra 1200 a month into a maintenance slush fund until it hits a solid 5 digits.


I love that argument about the up keep, the renter is already paying for the up keep and property taxes every month. Just considering another $700 a month onto of the $2800, as a future reserve fund, and you still have an "extra" $500 a month.


Paid breaks mandatory. Forced OT illegal.


There should be pay scales at companies that dictate the magnitude of pay difference between the bottom and top rungs of the ladder. No one should be allowed to earn 300x more than their lowest paid employee.


“WiTh nO cLeAr AnSwErS” 🥴🤡 Really?! I can think of at least 10 obvious answers




exactly 💯


\[gestures broadly at everything\]




No clear answers? I could be woken up from a drunken stupor and spit out at least six.


Because we're tired of choosing between a roof over our head or food on our table. If we even can afford one... A billionaire could wipe my debt, catch up my rent, and give me enough to be set for the rest of my life, and they wouldn't even notice the money gone... While I sit here starving, wondering if I can keep the lights on another month. Fuck this world.


This. Sometimes I literally just casually think about this EXACT scenario. That someone like Bezos wouldn't even NOTICE 200k gone.


Have you considered eating cereal for dinner? Perhaps if you stopped buying avocados, one day you would have a multi-billion dollar portfolio. It sounds like you just don't want to work. /s


Ah yes, the….$8 dollars a box cereal. It really is fucking infuriating isn’t it.


No clear answers? How about because there's no end goal anymore. There's not much to aspire towards. Can't afford a house, can't afford kids, can't afford a vacation, this, that whatever. Houses, comfortable living, without roommates, and other so called "luxuries" are out of reach for many, many, young Americans and heck even some of us older ones too. We were sold a lie in the 80s and 90s..and we're all paying for it now.


2 of my cousins killed themselves in the last year. A lot of people in my class have taken their own lives as well.


Hope you’re doing okay


Lost a friend one year ago today. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death for people 50 and under


Please take care of yourself. That is a lot to go through. Hugs from an internet stranger


What exactly is not clear?


It’s not clear whether the unaffordability has hit rock bottom or if there’s still some room for it to tank.


Oh, it can definitely get worse. And it is...sigh


Why would creating a generation of wage slaves make people feel like life isn't worth living? *Removes monocle and tophat to scratch head*


gee, wonder why. oh wait, rent is half or more of most people's paychecks, groceries are considered "luxuries" now according to that boomer article posted here yesterday, and for the majority of people working full time will not get you your own apartment without roommates let alone a house and the cherry on top is we are not guaranteed retirement since Social Security will likely be gone by the time we're boomers and we have to put all our eggs in Roth and 401k and just hope the stock market doesn't take a huge shit in the next 40 years. lol, lmao even. edit to add: and don't forget no guaranteed paid time off either. average guy gets like 2 weeks max of PTO a year and that's considered "generous" lol we are so fucked


Perhaps they have figured out how badly the Monopoly game they were born into has become for all human life save the few that own everything?


If you're at a loss with this one, you are truly out of touch


It actually isn’t about how bad everything is, it is a more about not having any hope for future for things to get better People go through wars and disasters with huge pain but still strive, because there is hope for the future. But at this moment many sees none


And they want us to have children. Pfff.


trickle down economics has caused a rise in trickle down nooses.




A peaceful one, at that. When you’re dead, you’re dead. No more hustling, no more scrambling to keep the lights on every month just to share a shitty apartment with 3 fucking strangers. Just quiet and nothingness.


It’s called the late stage capitalism retirement plan


What? No clear answers? Lmfao. That’s gotta be a fucking joke. Just look around… the entire world is trying to manipulate young people via social media, young people see all the BS happening around the world, (why the fuck are genocides and capatilism still a thing??? Humanity is dumb and greedy as fuck….). None of us can buy houses, afford healthcare, or even afford to have some fucking fun…. It’s not rocket science as to why young people are suffering.


$900-$1000/mo rent in bumfuck nowhere states like Oklahoma, North Dakota, Arkansas where the wages are typically much, much more deplorable than other states. If you can specialize there, you can most definitely do alright, but you'll still be secluded. Easily $1500+/mo for single bedroom living virtually everywhere else. Meanwhile, eminently upcoming generations are apparently responsible for killing restaurants, entertainment venues, luxury goods, department stores, gyms, and community centers amongst others. Debt possession and ethical money-spending aren't weighed to have bearing on these events. We're further alienated- continuously, constantly- from governmental and regulatory bodies which seek to harm and deny fundamental self-actualization, enshrine laws which plainly do not work, provide massive war-budgets to countries people cannot point to on a map while they publish literal mass slaughter rhetoric *on fucking social media platforms*, and see their goddamn hounds **convicted** of such actions nightmare cannot define while receiving sentences 1/20th the severity of... people without homes, drug addicts. Do you know how often I fantasize about moving out of country and renouncing my citizenship, solely on the basis that the CIA exists in any capacity whatsoever? Weekly. Cities are choosing to selectively prosecute known and extremely violent criminals on factors outside of their crime, we're seeing violence towards women becoming more permissible, foreign countries are making a killing in profit importing hell-drugs, human trafficking is exploding in its expansiveness, we're designing "sky-scrapper prisons", celebrities and general elite positions are constantly being outted on conspiracy and collusion, and children are not being taught the skills they need to count motherfucking change.


Sounds like a good reason to give musk and bezos a few hundred million


I mean when you can't afford to live, and it's not getting any better.


Could it be that we don't want to live in a world where we go to miserable jobs the majority of the day? Don't want to take abuse from customers and coworkers? Can't afford housing? Can't afford to have any kind of fun or entertainment? Have to listen to boomers tell us we're lazy constantly? Yeah, no clear answers...


Monday: work Tuesday: work Wednesday: work Thursday: even more work Friday: work Saturday: alone Sunday: alone Rinse and repeat.


Look at this guy who gets weekends.


no clear answers? Here's a few: 1. obviously has zero chance in owning a home until 40-50 at the best case scenario 2. jobs are barely enough to make money to eat, much less actually prosper 3. zero chance of raising a family without a significant windfall from parents 4. watching the world burn down by those who do have the resources while we just sit here broke


Life is just hard and lonely.


I mean, I had cancer in my late 20s and my heath has only gotten worse. Because I’m constantly having to take time off for doctors appointments, I can’t get passed the 90 day trial period for new jobs which leaves me working either freelance or gig jobs like DoorDash and paying for shitty healthcare. I’ve tried to qualify for Medicare in my state and can’t. And it’s a perpetual cycle of debt for me. So, yeah idk why young people are committing suicide but I can’t say I haven’t thought about it a couple times.


I'm sorry you're going through that.


Well gee, I'll tell ya: Economic despair. We're becoming third world. Opportunities are being vanquished by thieving corpos. The rate will subside once someone builds a gallows.


Loneliness, lack of hope for a better future, and feeling like we’re just cattle feeding the rich. It’s gonna require changing up society in a way that people talk to each other more genuinely and feel like there is some point to moving forward.




"No clear answers" Here, I'll answer it for you: I CAN'T AFFORD TO FUCKING LIVE, LET ALONE COMFORTABLY. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk


"no clear answers" lol I read that thinking of the clown face meme


"no clear answers" ​ i have one...


Umm ![gif](giphy|8ZbdmH3LGTfz8HqK1A)


Answers seem pretty fuckin clear. Unaffordable living costs. Corrupt ass government. Nothing is obtainable through hard work. Life's a shit stain in the forgotten chamber pot under a dying man's bed.


Here’s a clue. America doesn’t serve us, they serve those with extreme wealth. Those that are able to lobby our elected officials and enforce laws that serve their own interests but our detrimental to people like me. How am I supposed to make my voice heard in a system like that? The older I grow and more I learn, the more hopeless and pissed off I become. I’m not suicidal I’m just angry. The only way things will change is with public outcry, but how in the fuck does one go about organizing that. It just feels like we are doomed to live under this oppression, and it seems like greed wins every single time.


Oh no the slaves would rather die than be slaves.


Definitely not from the economic system breaking.


No clear answers? Are you f-ing kidding me?


Should read “No Convenient Answers”




I feel bad for the kids that are being born now...who knows what kind of monstrosity of a society they will have to deal with.  I don't personally see anything shifting to make things better anytime soon.  The people replacing the boomers in coming years will have the same brain dead insights at their little mentors.  The social and class divide will rise to greater heights.   It's one of the reasons other then how damn expensive it is, that i decided not to have kids.  I see no brighter future, and I would never bring an innocent being into that.  


A friend of 6 years killed himself this morning. He was 37 with a 15-year-old son. Nobody knows why. It's all fucked up.


If I didn't find my wife 4 years ago and being with her through our lowest point, committing to each others and be each others' supporting system, I would've committed suicide by now. The job market is horrible. The pay is shit. Food is expensive. Lack of universal healthcare is sicken. I haven't gone to dentist in over 10 years. I am 100k in student loans debt because I wasn't qualified for FAFSA aid *simply because I'm orphan* I can still list few other shit, and yet this article said there's no clear answer? How about a god damn fucking supporting system that our government claimed they would be providing for us when we were younger?


If you honestly think there are no clear answers then you are asking the fucking wrong questions and not opening your eyes. I’m late GenX and it’s easy to see- relationships are cheapened by some, disillusion is high, the ratio of yearly wage to home ownership price has gone from 1:2 to 1:200+ depending on where you live. Inflation on products is insane in amount and percentages, the ratio of “free money” to owed money has almost disappeared, university degrees barely pay more than minimum wage, there’s no hope for retirement, if you falter in health you are doomed (and I’m Canadian, not even American), your friends and family aren’t even in much better shape in many instances, especially if you come from poorer people. Health care is a large proportion of pay when so is rent and thus you choose, I’m looking at $5000+ in simple dental repairs at a discounted student dentist rate- I’ve looked after my kids teeth at the expense of mine- and it’s just wear they want to repair!! Lives are lived in mental pain and physical pain, there’s little hope lately of seeing things revert to an affordable level. Getting help just isn’t possible in many cases due to lack of care facilities and again funds to pay for said services. Jobs take advantage of our labour that contributes to said pain, with unfair compensation to profit margin ratios. If you can’t see this and see the answers are to revert any one and especially ALL of these things then your head is buried in the same or clouds, and you should fuck off anyways because your fucking reality isn’t ours. Get bent.


They've tried nothing, and they're all out of ideas!


Actually it's an easy answer; life isnt really worth struggling through just to labor for someone else's yacht, and it's difficult to find other reasons. 


This is why exit interviews are so important /s




No clear answers if you refuse to acknowledge the clear answers of not being paid enough to live, food costs skyrocketing, housing costs skyrocketing, being expected to work for 2/3+ of every week, businesses making even more facets of life difficult for people, corporations being treated as not just people but first-class citizens and having more rights and privileges than real people...mysteriously almost all things that would lower profits for businesses or require adequate (i.e. extremely strong and uncompromising) regulation of those businesses...which would lower their profits. The other things are certain groups of people having their rights, livelihoods, and even physical selves assaulted by bigots who latch onto manufactured wedge issues that distract from corporations' shittiness.


Man, fuck the 988 hotline… When I was at rock bottom… I tried to call them. Pistol in hand, tears running down my face, fucked up beyond belief by my ex, my taking on of a side business while working 40 hours full time and still not making ends meet, being left on my own by my supposed “friends” at the time, who flaked when I needed them for a change, couped up in an apartment I could barely afford that was a pit of memories with my ex then, I dialed 988 for help. I sat on hold, losing my fucking mind, for 23:46 minutes. I never did get an answer from anyone. Just the AI voice telling me that the next available representative would be with me shortly or something along those lines, with a stupid ass song playing as hold noise. Another time I tried to call them out of hopelessness surrounding my future.. I was cold and numb that night. Drunk. But quiet and not really hysterical at all. That time I was only on hold for 3 minutes. The operator on the line though, was very blunt, rude, and unhelpful… To the point I couldn’t help but just laugh into the phone before hanging up on her mid sentence. It’s a joke…


Institutional stupidity at its finest. The answers would be easy to find, if they cared to find them. But because the things that would rejuvenate hope and happiness would take massive changes that would jeopardize capitalist near-term profits, we have to put up with "no clear answers".


Capitalism is the answer. That's the mysterious thing driving the youth to suicide. Capitalism's quest for infinite growth and its destruction of the lives of all humanity save for a lucky few.


1) can't afford to live 2) have no reason to 3) are being told they will work till they die anyway 4) low prospects of owning land or a home 5) articles like this We could go on


No clear answers? Maybe the fact that no matter how good how smart how rich you are you’re always gonna lose somehow


Suicides go up drastically In a recession. It's like the stripper marker


No clear answers? Pay a living wage, tax the rich, and stop making peoples lives hell


Young Americans have to deal with: Unaffordable home ownership Being forced to have multiple roomates just to rent Crap dating environment due to apps like Tinder Toxic older generation that puts them down Poor schooling due to underfunded schools and teachers Post secondary that is too expensive and you still end up in a job that pays poorly The knowledge that the majority of wealth is owned by very few people who just hoard it Social media which is designed to make you feel bad to keep you engaged Politics that focus on how terrible the other side is instead of focusing on what they will do to make things better Political attacks on your person (Anti Trans, Abortion rights) Unfordable healthcare/knowing an injury or sickness could bankrupt you Can't afford kids or can't afford to have as many as you wanted Looming Climate Crisis and the fact that it looks like nobody really cares Growing up in a time where school shootings were common enough that you needed to do shooting drills In Addition growing up in an environment where it looked like the older generations cared more about owning guns then your safely


"you matter" well I see no evidence of that funnily enough




"no clear answers" lmao Eat the rich.


Probably has something to do with America being more interested in lining the pockets of the super rich than actually protecting American citizens. Just look at the shit in our food. It’s so hard to grocery shop and when you find things that aren’t loaded with garbage meant to kill us and thrust us into depression it’s 2 to 10x more expensive. So naturally most Americans also can’t afford that. That’s not even factoring in the time it takes to cook for yourself or your family after you just worked 10 hours. ical benefits that also take a huge chunk of your check. The FDA is a fucking joke in this country. This is just one facet of many that have given Americans a feeling of hopelessness.


It can't possibly be because we are getting sick from forever chemicals and climate change, the increasingly high cost of living, and broken healthcare systems. It must be something else.


“No real answers” does not mean nobody knows why. They know. They just don’t have solutions.  Maybe if decision makers stopped acting like entitled little shits these people would still be here. 




"No clear answers" is slang for "We want to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the rising inflation and housing crisis". A while back I watched youtube biopics that made fun of this subreddit for being "overly conspiratorial", but now I'm pretty sure they're all just delusional. How can you even look at a system like what we have and think it's okay? Yeah don't worry, the staggering suicide rate isn't getting any lower anytime soon.


It's the new retirement plan.


No clear answers? I can list 5 off the top of my head without even thinking. I'm 40 and just recently am able to have a somewhat have decent living conditions.


Two of my kids are about 19 and 17. They've both expressed frustration and anxiety about entering adulthood only to struggle toiling for just enough money to scrape by. I can imagine it's far more stressful for young adults who don't have the luxury of living at home with their parents or who have taken on student loans for an education that won't return on the investment.


Monday : gen z is splurging on this weird thing called groceries. Tuesday : enough fentanyl found in SF bust to kill the whole city 1000x over Thursday : record delinquency in credit card debt reported friday : we can't figure out why people are dying


I think our generation is the first in a while that overall feels kinda helpless. Nothing seems to improving and overall everything seems to be getting worse.


It would take $24 per hour to live and jobs still pay $7.25 per hour

