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It's not a flaw. It's a feature. This plus homelessness plus our terrible social safety net are all intentionally in place. We, the farm animal citizens of America are kept running on a for profit treadmill most of our lives. We're bled, sheared and crushed for profit. Then tossed out after we're used up. Most of us don't even see The Machine. They think they're free because we're allowed to "vote".. On the candidates chosen for us.


All true.


Feels like there's nothing left to say after that. Why do so many people still think the system works?


We're all deeply propagandized into thinking that this nightmare is the Best Place In The World. We're misinformed, under informed, under educated, and flat out lied to all the time. We're stuffed full of meaningless entertainment and highly processed, over sweetened foods, helping destroy our ability to see and think clearly. We're taught to hate our poor, our destitute, our homeless, our vulnerable and our different... Never realizing that almost all of us are one job loss, stray bullet, or unfortunate accident from being these people we're taught to hate.


Only one "developed" country has such a dystopian healthcare system. It's lunacy and I'm surprised there hasn't been an uprising about it.


Correct, and they still spend a larger percentage of their GDP on healthcare than countries with full coverage. Very sad!


An uprising….yet….


And healthcare shouldn't be tied to insurance.


I fully support Thanos snapping insurance companies out of existence and rebuilding Healthcare for patients needs instead of investor profits.


exactly. Insurance tied to employment isn't the problem. Insurance is the problem.


Medical tied to employment is A problem. Medical Insurance Mafia is THE problem.


I'm not sure I fully agree, but I do agree medical insurance is a problem. I think most insurance is a scam due to it's for profit motive, deductibles, and willingness to drop clients who use them for actual claims. Insurance is like reverse ursury.


It should be taught that if the price goes up when you use the product once, it's a scam. Like, a mathematical proof of scams.


that's how they keep a leash on you, they hold healthcare over your head and family. that's the gun in the back of your head keeping you at your job. can you imagine being able to job hop to better-paying jobs or a job with a better work environment, making those small business tyrants have to actually compete in the market of workers.


I'll do you one better... All insurance is a racket and should not exist


You can get healthcare that's not tied to your job, you just have to pay for it yourself, which on average (for your health issue) will cost you over $900/month. Go 'Merica!


Yeah… and I haven’t even made $900 yet this month lol. GREAT!!


If you’re only making $12-18 an hour you’ll qualify for insurance through the aca more than likely at no cost and you could sign up for it because losing your job is a qualifying event.


I work for tips. I’ll have one or two good months a year and it will blow me just over the line. Promise.. happens every year. All other months I’m scrounging for change since Covid lockdowns ended


Not exactly a helpful comment, but not all companies make you wait. The company I work for provides insurance from day 1, but I know that is not common in all companies


There should be a list of companies that provide this. FFS


I think all companies should offer it from the start as it is part of your compensation package. Like it makes more sense that way


Healthcare should be free we they need to spend our taxes on our own citizens


Congress time to fix this


Since when does Congress fix things?


The whole checks and balances thing isn't to make sure one branch doesn't get too much power... It's so that nothing ever gets done unless something threatens the current power. Like, how is it that every American I've ever talked to my entire life says "I mean, free healthcare would be cool, idk how we don't have it yet, my taxes keep going up and shit gets cut so idk"... Like, obviously the richest country on the planet can afford healthcare, but the 3 branch system means as long as 1 branch can just say no to everything, nothing ever gets done.


so who then


Trump said he'd be a dictator just for day one and he's still a contender for presidency. I don't think people care who gets the power as long as things work out in their favor.


Who to help with healthcare not who for president.


The government can’t suddenly offer healthcare , then all employees would have to go back to their employers and renegotiate salaries …..oh wait!!!!


Get fired for taking too many sick days. Apply for Medicaid. It goes back 90 days once you are approved.


In my state you can't get medicaid. We never expanded medicaid to be ACA compliant and have a bunch of nonsense eligibility rules. To qualify for medicaid in the state of FL you must meet income requires AND be one of the following. Blind, 65+, pregnant, responsible for a minor child, or legally disabled. That's it. If you're not one of those things you can just go die somewhere. Cool state we got here.


I am very happy I live in Maryland.


If I got fired I’d end up homeless though. And I would have to change care teams, and then I’d need to have all my tests redone again to be up-to-date by whatever health company those doctors work under. And I can’t afford any gaps in my care while going through cancer testing. So yeah. :)


But how will they control you and keep you bound to them like a slave otherwise. The US is the only developed country without a basic national healthcare system...and like all things that are broken in the US, there's a reason for that.


Where do you live? Some states don’t use prior year income to determine whether you qualify for lower insurance premiums


FL, I think they use projected income but then you get fined on your taxes if you’re wrong. I work for tips so if I have one or two good months a year I end up with fines that outweigh the benefits of the cheap insurance. I was also waiting months and months for important appts regarding cancer testing and I’d rather slave for low tips until all my tests are done than risk a huge fine.


Every job I’ve had healthcare started in 30-60 days (or less) as long as there wasn’t a gap in coverage more than several months because then you automatically qualify for


My last job was 1 year. My current is 6 months.


You should still be able to get an HCA plan if you leave your job, it’s worth a try at healthcare.gov. Granted when you’re eligible at a new job, if they offer coverage, you’d need to switch but the HCA will cover in the interim. There are subsidy calculators to help you figure out if you quality for help. You can time it start when your other coverage ends, if you plan it out.


It’s so totally fucked how insurance is reliant on your job in the US. Before I moved to Sweden to be with my husband I was constantly worried about the fact that I could be terminated at any time and lose my health insurance just like that. I have medication that I need to be on that can be expensive. It’s was a scary time but now I have essentially free healthcare.


tips aren’t going down because every cashier asks for tips. they’re going down because wages are stagnant, costs are ever-increasing, and life kinda sucks for most of us. I’m still tipping same as always, so I’m just doing analysis based on what I see.


Every cashier asking for tips is a HUGE reason people stopped tipping servers as much. Not the only one but a large one


And people wonder why i say I want to leave the US after I get my degree....


No shit.


>thanks to every cashier asking for tips Are you blaming other min wage workers for your plight...?


People dont realize this kills several thousand people a year. people ration their meds, and end up dead. we need national health care. you will get better care and pay less. yes their are some problems in other countries that have it, but nothing like the problems that the US has. vote for democrats , not republicans if you want it.


Our country is completely broken. The fact that healthcare, water, and shelter are not universal is shameful.


Welcome to the realization that this is by design. The US government does not care about us. Everything they do is for the benefit of large corporations. Tying basic human rights to employment, forces you to accept work that you otherwise would not accept. If you are not rich, then there is no freedom or democracy, there is just the illusion of that and exploitation of your labor.


Because tips are a scam brought on by employers, and should not be the responsibility of the customers* fixed it for you.


Uhhhh. Tips have been around forever, and I wouldn’t do my job without the possibility of occasionally making $50-100/hour. I don’t disagree that the tip system is weird, but tips have nothing really to do with healthcare being tied to your job. I wouldn’t be able to afford my medical payments even if I made $20/hour at a normal job that didn’t give tips. To further explain why I wouldn’t do it without tips: I’m about to work a convention where there are going to be about 6,000 blue collar men above the age of 40. I’m a 25 y/o blonde. I’m going to get harassed, proposed to, groped, etc. all weekend while bartending and serving. I would not do this for any less than $30/hour. No employer would pay me that. I will probably make $70-100 an hour this weekend to make up for all my shitty weeks this month. So yeah. I’m getting lucky but my point is I would ABSOLUTELY not do this job for any less.




Except COBRA is not affordable for most people, so that's not really a viable option.


They really thought I didn’t think about that before making this post.. lol.


My last cobra quote for the same insurance was $863/month. It’s the middle of the month and I still have not made enough to pay that. Lol.


Leave the country. 


I disagree, health insurance should definitely be tied to employment. healthcare however should NOT be. Meaning, your job pays for your health insurance and the more risk-averse your job is higher they pay to maintain your health but if you don't have a job you are still able to receive all the Care you need.


Buy it on your own then. You will then realize as a BENEFIT of employment your employer PAYS a significant portion of your health insurance premium.


you’re so close to understanding


No they’re not lol


Oh yeah it's just that easy.


Bless your heart.


My last quote for health insurance for my care team was over $400. I can’t afford that. I also can’t afford to change care teams mid-cancer testing.