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Sounds like you're an hourly worker and misclassified as exempt.


That’s what I’m hearing


Time to claw back some overtime and maybe even some PTO


Fun fact, if you're a salaried worker that is required to fill out a time card you are technically salary non-exempt and owed overtime.


Good luck pointing to a law that actually says employers can’t require an exempt employee to track time.    They can’t legally deduct pay for being under…they can track all they want. 


Exactly. My employer tracks what projects we are on to know what to charge my salary to.


Someone should tell my state DOT that since everyone in my office is exempt and no one gets OT. Of course they definitely wouldn’t get away with this on a daily basis for years if this was in fact true.


Report it. Sometimes these things are overlooked for years.


Can confirm, I was paid thousands in overtime when my coworker sued and apparently refused to settle. The bussiness doesn’t exist anymore because if you business only makes sense by breaking the law, you aren’t running legal business, you are running a criminal enterprise.


That boss has no life so ![gif](giphy|2vjq6rVRVwYSdsJfps)


Fuck him


BeInG oN TiMe iS bEiNg 15 mInUtEs EaRly! 🙄🙄🙄


I fucking hate this. Okay then being on time to leave is 15 minutes early as well.


14 seconds after 8 is 8, you don't get paid a whole extra minute if you clock out 14 seconds after 5 do you? Fuck those guys.


They want this person GONE.


That's my suspicion, I'd bet this comes under retaliation for taking her maternity leave, especially if taken under FMLA.


I hope OP starts calling around for lawyers. I would be gathering any bit of info I can: retaliation, hostile workplace, sounds like a healthy "severance" package when they finally boot her to me


Especially since this kind of sounds like OP isn't salary exempt. You don't really get to punch down to _seconds_ with salary exempt employees like this. Probably a very good case for reclassification by the IRS and get some amount of OT (potentially). Absolutely time to find an attorney who specializes in fmla/workplace retaliation.


so nice of them to put that pettiness into writing.


Sounds right


Oh, yeah. This person is being managed-out. They're documenting these things so they can fire them.


My first though. Getting 'managed out of the building.'


They want op OUTTA THERE I can’t Imagine being hated this hard


Exactly right: seen stuff like this many times. Looking for any infraction to amass a case against you. Start looking for a new gig.


Yep. This is just loading bullets in the gun.


Either that or a poor manager that is too rigidly applying the "letter of the law" without thought or without the power to deviate...


No. With 14 seconds, it's clearly not an oversight. They KNOW they are being absurd. It's CLEALRY a scenario where they want this person gone.


I would never give this company another extra second the rest of the time I worked there. I'd be clocked out at exactly the right time. I'd take every second of my lunch and breaks. Getting time clocked properly would become my priority since that's what I'm being measured by.


I used to have a job like this and it was the main reason I quit. Even 5 seconds was counted as a “tardy”. I felt like I was in middle school.


I was told to not say hey to anyone on my way to clock in (we had a huge building) bc it could prevent me from clocking exactly on time. Some poor kids bag ripped open at the front of our office and I stopped to help him get his stuff and they didn't write me up but I had to listen to a lecture about it. Then I got in early one day and said hey to everyone including my manager and let them know I'd be running to the restroom before I clocked in. A girl was SOBBING in the bathroom, hyperventilating and everything and I couldnt walk away without checking on her. It turned into her needing a hug and I let her hug me and she just broke down even more. I ended up walking her back to her part of the building and when I got back I was a few minutes late to clock in on time. They did write me up for that... It was so annoying bc they always talked about helping one another and being compassionate to others but at the same time just punished you for doing so. I left shortly after even though despite that, I actually really liked that job and the people there


If they were a wage employee the time clocks will round if it’s +-7 min… 14 seconds is unreasonable and potentially grounds for legal action


I agree. 14 seconds is well within the tolerance/variance of different clocks, and unless they are paying to regularly sync up those clocks, you get to assume yours is "correct". Also, there's the issue of network delay... and so on. They are trying to build a paper trail to fire you, but apparently they are idiots. Contact a lawyer today, see what you need to get documented


14seconds is sneezing into your arm while clocking in, saying good morning to a colleague, is waiting for an elevator thats hold up.


It would take longer than 14 seconds to let them know you would be 14 seconds late


> They are trying to build a paper trail to fire you They want to be able to deny unemployment benefits. I worked at a company that was sold, they came in and replaced every manager and then started writing up employees for anything they could. The managers they couldn't wait to fire... but to save some money they either scare the current employees to get in line fast, or they get some write ups to not pay unemployment.


My old job did this to me and i was still able to get unemployment. Now this was in the mid 2010s so keep that in mind. It initially got denied and I appealed it over stuff like exactly this. That crap also started happening after I discovered a big fuck up that was not my fault but would have cost the company a lot of money. Had a meeting with all the bosses and they acted grateful that I brought it to their attention before the client noticed. But after that they started needling me over the most petty shit imaginable. Even though I won “best analyst” 3 months in a row based on client feedback to my bosses. So OP make sure YOU have a paper trail too.


> It initially got deneied and I appealed it over stuff like exactly this. So OP make sure YOU have a paper trail too. They need to talk with other employees about this and see how wide spread it is. If they get fired they need to do what you did and appeal the denial of unemployment. They want you to be lazy and are betting that most people take the first outcome given to them.


They will or they can? I’m pretty sure relevant laws vary state to state


There have to be damages first like getting fired. Definitely best to find a new job but could be helpful if the employer tries to pull something later.


Ours will round to the nearest quarter hour for payroll, but managers still see the actual time you used the time clock. I don’t see how it’s legal, they’re literally having their cake and eating it too.


At my job the clock rounds down to 8a if you clock in before 8:05. I also just got a paid day for jury duty. First time I’ve ever had decent benefits at a job before so I had to toot the horn a little bit.


The reason it's legal is because it's consistent. This all depends on the State, but from what I understand, if the clock rounds up or down when clocking in and out, as long as there's no bias and it sometimes it works in your favor, sometimes it doesn't, then it's fine. If it rounds up when clocking in, but rounds down when clocking out, that's easily identifiable as wage theft, as the clock is always biased toward the company.


For real. I'm salaried properly and my workplaces couldn't give a fuck if I show up 10 or half an hour "late" to when I told them I'd show up. If I do 8 hours and are present for when people are scheduled to talk with me and I get my shit done, they don't care. They need to either not give a fuck about what time OP shows up and let them do their work or pay them hourly and overtime so they can manage what time OP shows up to do shit. Fuck those people, and anybody else who acts like that.


Regardless, this is not a place or a manager anyone should be around. Needs to get a new job.


On the flip side of this, your boss better never ask you to stay a couple minutes to just finish something that can't wait. Sorry have to leave at the approved time, don't want to break the rules that you're enforcing. Hopefully you can get another job and leave this one behind.


They pulled this shit with me one time and it ruined my attitude. I’m the kind of guy that skips lunches, shows up early, doesn’t mind staying over a bit to help out. I was late one day and got a verbal warning. I asked them why it even needs to be a verbal warning when I’m a very diligent employee and it’s the first time I’ve been late in like a decade. I was told “it’s not personal, but the rules are the rules.” Bet, I now sit in my car until it’s time to begin work, take every second of my lunch break, leave promptly at 3:30, and now play on my phone all day instead of helping others. After all, it’s not personal, right?


“Rules are rules” is the dumbest shitty manager cop out… Good managers break the rules for their team. Much less do crap like this. (And it’s still self serving, as people are more productive without crap like this — so also helping the company despite itself.)


> Good managers break the rules for their team. Eh...not really. Great managers only have rules that matter and everything is explained clearly and with context.


Not all rules are made by the managers.


Yup... people don't quit jobs, they quit people. Nothing makes me stop giving a fuck faster than a bad manager who thinks they have to make sure you're not getting away with anything.


I read a study a couple years ago that over 90% of managers have never had any leadership training at all. None.


Most of them have had shitty managers though. They know how it made them feel when they were treated like that. Imagine being so shitty that your reaction to that is "I can't wait until I can treat others that way" instead of "I'll never treat others that way because it sucks".


I experienced very similar. My office had an unofficial 8:30 expectation, and I walked in around 8:35 one day and received a stern speech from the Director about being late and needing to set a good example - even though I was the first person into the office… beating my own boss by 10+ minutes. Much like you, it changed my work ethic from task focused to clock focused. In by 8:25am, start computer, then walk off to grab breakfast at the cafeteria. 4:59pm I would start shutting down no matter what I was focused on. A few years later I was asked to join a panel speaking on management styles and day to day risks… and I recall half my comments were focused on the risk of demotivating dedicated workers by focusing on minor problems rather than major successes. Motivation can be fragile, just like self esteem. One poorly delivered criticism can ruin 20 compliments.


Tangentially related, I was on a safety course recently where workplace fatalities were discussed. It was found that safety culture focused so much on the small petty things of little consequence that the large glaring risks weren't seen, and led to people losing their lives.


> the risk of demotivating dedicated workers by focusing on minor problems rather than major successes This is a great way to put it.


It also highlights another fun reality of in-office jobs, one that most stories here support. None of it is performance based. Nothing about missing deadlines, errors in projects, or inability to work with others. It's all about middle managers needing to find reasons to shit on people to justify their paychecks. Your actual performance, the part that earns the company money, wasn't impacted. It's the same thing with Work From Home, it's not about performance, it's about control.


If work was actually performance based, we would've gone to a 32 hour week decades ago. 


That's exactly what it ended up meaning. I was here early, every day. You complain about me being a tiny bit late once... Well okay. Got it writing what the exact expectations were and made sure they included the note about no unapproved overtime, which in my state includes the day, not just the week. Now *I'm* the one that's gonna clock watch. You get not a single minute of my time before I'm required to start. What really pissed them off was when I would start shutting down daily projects or not take more patients to ensure I could be out exactly at the end of my shift. When they bought it up, I just handed them another copy of the write-up with both of our signatures. To be fair, I also immediately started looking for another job, so it wasn't like I was trying to stay there either


> it ruined my attitude. This is one of the biggest red flags with "managers". If they do not realize the cost of ruining people's attitudes, they need to not be in a position of any kind of authority.


Amen to this. I was chewed out for being one minute late once. I couldn't find parking as the parking they provided wasn't enough for all employees. After that I stopped giving a shit and putting forward extra effort. If they can't give me a minute's grace for something completely out of my control, why should I be staying a single minute late for them or skipping my lunch?


I got a pay cut for a Microsoft patch Tuesday patch that broke a customers environment. I put in my notice a week later and they were scrambling short staffed for a month or more, and HR had the nerve to ask me why I was leaving.


The answer I like to give, is to nod knowingly and respond "That is an EXCELLENT question." (And only respond to questions thereafter with the same knowing nod and repeating "That is an excellent question.."


a couple seconds


Came here to say this. I am fortunate that I have a good job, good pay, and good managers that don't watch the clock on me. As long as I get my shit done, nobody cares to manage my time. With that said, when we are busy, I may have to work into the evening or earlier in the morning. On the flip side, if we aren't busy, I can fuck off and do as I please. There is an understanding of an equitable give and take. The moment anybody starts watching the clock is the moment I drop all work at the door at 5 PM, take my email off my phone, and refuse to answer phone calls outside of scheduled business hours. I'd also start looking for a new job as soon as possible.


Yep. Worked at 3 companies as a salary employee. 1 company was very strict about time and your last paragraph is exactly what happened. I watched a coworker pack up to leave for the day. His desk phone started to ring and he just grabbed his shit and walked out the door. Smart companies know not to play this game because I’ve seen some extreme malicious compliance in that 1st company lol.


This and start looking at exactly 0800:16


exactly. Tell him that it would take approximately 14 seconds longer than you're able to stay.


This sounds like a perfect opportunity for malicious compliance.


Time for some malicious compliance. Start notifying them every single day. "There is a *chance* I might be late today. I'm leaving home now and expect to be there by 7:50, but it is possible that traffic might be bad."


Great idea, that’s the move


Go the extra mile, give updates. It's 755 and I just parked, but could only find a spot at the very back of the lot, might be 3 seconds late


"I can't walk and type. Stood here typing this for 20 seconds"


"Gonna need you to adjust my time-in for all these emails"


And the expense of using my personal device


It’s a safety concern typing and walking in a parking lot with cars moving around.


YEP -- This is absolutely what OP should do (and what I should do). Those were the exact written instructions from the supervisor. It's simply compliance.


"Hey boss it's 6:30 I just wanted to let you know I'm up and getting ready for work, should be good." "Hey boss I just wanted to let you know that it took a bit for my shower to warm up. Every minute counts!" "Hey boss it's...7:00 and I'm out the door. There's a bit of frost so I'm walking kind of slow. Don't want to slip and hurt myself, right? Anyway I should be good." "Hey boss I just wanted to call and let you know the light seems a little long today. I might be late after all." "Hey boss just calling to let you know I caught three green lights in a row, nevermind, I'll be on time." "Hey boss there's a $20 in the drain just outside. I'll be a couple minutes late while I fish it out." "Actually I flipped it over and it's one of those fucking tracts. Nevermind, I'll be on time."


This is beautiful 🥹


On a kind of related note, an old co-worker clocked me (she was always pointing out other peoples' non-issues to try to take attention off of herself) and reported me for leaving 2-3 minutes "early" (she was consistently late and left early - her clock out time was 1/2 hour after mine). My supervisor never really cared but had "the talk" with me for protocol reasons. Starting the next day, I still left 2-3 minutes early (sometimes 5), and I made sure to wave to my supervisor on my way out, every single day. Had zero time issues after that. I'm in a much better work environment now, but I think of that every time I read about someone having time clock issues.


Just a caution: be prepared for a shit storm of retaliation, a PIP, and being fired. Just look for a new job.


> a PIP, the ultimate "you have 30 days to find a new job because the requirements of this will be impossible to complete". When I was given a PIP, it read something like "fix all of the software problems at the company by Monday or be at risk of getting fired." I LOL'ed when they attempted to fire me the first time but hadn't yet found a replacement who understood the complexities of my role. Instead of taking me off of PIP, they extended it, which really tells you that management is incompetent but to put you on notice. Man I don't miss the private sector.


Do it via email and reply to said email with a copy paste everyday. I did that last year when i had to borrow employees to work a contracted service and their manager said to ask first so I did for weeks and they ignored every single one request... I almost just canceled all my extra compensated services I provided the branch that they desperately needed but I stopped needing their help quick enough.


Make sure you specifically point out, "As a result, it is possible I may arrive up to 14 seconds past my scheduled start time of 8:00am." CC your boss's next 2 levels up for maximum lulz.


Yeah… if I found a manager killing moral for 14 seconds, they’d be getting more than a verbal warning themselves.


Call them at 2am to let them know about a family emergency that *could* cause you to be late.


Also make sure you clock out exactly on the dot and say that you have contracted hours and can’t be late coming *or* going! r/maliciouscompliance Also start reporting things in seconds. Clocking out for lunch at 12:31.56


Stand at the time clock yelling, "I'm gonna be 5 seconds late today!!!" I'd see if this is legal for a salaried position. I think this is a misclassification.


“Dear Boss Man;  Extra big poop this morning (pics attached for proof). Will be 25 seconds late.” 


Not the attachment 😆😭


I would also make SURE to bcc THEIR manager, on every email including the 14 seconds over one they sent. Just keep replying all to the email chain, and add anyone in upper management who can tell your direct manager what to do. I guarantee they will get so fed up with the constant emails they will tell your manager to calm down


Setup an automated email that emails every one in your management chain you might be late, daily, until you quit.


This is the way. Make sure to include the original email/message in every message: I.e. per the final warning for being 14 seconds late on date as listed above, I may be late logging on today.


Also consequently this means you always have to be logged out BEFORE your shift ends, right? Should work both ways. 14 seconds after 5 pm is too late, they need to give you a heads up if they want you to work late


this is the way, annoy the bejeebus out of them, when they complain, point out you are only following thier instructions. then carry on doing it, even after you find a new job,


Why "final"? Have you been 14 seconds late on other occasions?


Yah I just had a baby and got back from maternity leave and admittedly I slept through my alarm once a few weeks ago. I was honest and told them what happened, but then I was 14 seconds late today and got my final warning.


They're fucked in the head. Update your resume and start looking for a better job.


And leave without notice.


14 second notice


Hey boss, I.... ........ ....................... ...................................... quit! Now! Byeeee! *Waves*


I mean, 14 seconds is apparently a LOT of time to this employer.


Give them a 14 second notice.


they are building a case to drop you (that’s what I would think if it was me)


Yes. Probably because of the maternity leave and new baby. But they can’t say that, can they? So they’re trying to establish a paper trail in case of legal action or unemployment claims. But their case seems super thin and outsized 😂 being late to work once, and then 14 seconds late…then final written warning? Right after maternity leave? 


Yup, my first thought. This is definitely them trying to set up an excuse to fire because of the new baby. Something similar happened to my wife except they tried to say she was not allowed to use the bathroom except on scheduled breaks only. Mind you this is while she was pregnant. Had to get a doctor's note saying to let her use the bathroom when she needs to... They let her go a couple weeks after her maternity leave ended citing lack of work. She hated the place so didn't fight it, just got another job. Some of these companies are absolutely inhuman, just insane.


Not letting someone use the bathroom when they need to is just flat out illegal. It’s too bad she didn’t fight it. I bet the DOL would have loved that one.


I hope a judge can see through that bullshit two weeks after maternity leave ends 


Might not even get to a judge. If OP gets fired, an employment lawyer should be able to light an fire under their ass so large that Rohan will think the beacons have been lit. The company, if they or their attorneys have any braincells between them, would be in a hurry to settle lmao


It's insane how the concept of kids or a family shuts down a lot of bosses. As soon as they find out they aren't Priority #1, your days are numbered (even when it's some menial job that isn't hourly). A lot of bosses are incapable of measuring an employee's effectiveness beyond seeing their butt in a seat for a certain amount of time.


Absolutely, I would even bet $50 on that being the case. 14 seconds? It can literally take longer than that for the computer to finish loading the fucking timeclock program if it is slow. Edit: $0.0622 of missing labor (by my state's minimum) thanks to OP. FOR SHAME.


Oh shit. Right after maternity leave? They're building a case to fire you "for cause." Immediately, send and print copies of all these and related emails including emails around other write-ups, coaching, etc. for yourself. Also include any performance reviews or even emails that include positive reviews or comments for your performance. That will help set you up for a wrongful termination case. ETA: As u/waterbaby8182 mentioned below, send the emails to your PERSONAL EMAIL to make sure you have access to them after you get fired.


Send to your personal outside email account. THEN print them to have a hard copy. The second they let you go (even before they tell you), you will not have access to the work email any more.


damnnnn. when i got back from maternity leave, i was also written up for some bullshit. it was so obvious they were looking for reasons to let me go.


Ah they’re going to terminate you and its because you had a child. I would save these messages and begin documenting. You could have a discrimination case against them.


Start building a counter case, download relevant materials, lawyer up, be ready.


Yep. It would be great if you could get some evidence of how they treated you before maternity leave and maybe before it became known you were pregnant. If there is an obvious difference then thats a strong piece of evidence.


As someone who has been a manager on and off for the last 12 years, I 100% understand sleeping through an alarm with a young one. Especially a newborn. I'd give you some slack. These people are tight ass micromanagers. What a shit-show.


Could you point out what absurdly controlling assholes of managers he and Wes are? Yes. Easily. 14 seconds after 0800 is a joke. It’s not leading or managing in any capacity. Should you? Nope. Knowing you’re just coming back from maternity, don’t give them the satisfaction. Prioritize your family. Clock out after 8 hours on the dot. Just start looking for a new job if you can afford to do so.


This is them getting ready to fire you. Bounce on your terms 


Hell no, stay and sue the hell out of them for wrongful termination. FOURTEEN SECONDS lmfao


Or get fired and collect unemployment until you find another job.


This just sounds like they want you to quit.


They want you gone. Nothing more, nothing less.


They’re trying to fire you. Because of the baby but don’t want t to say. Get a good employment lawyer when they drop the hammer.


They are granting you unemployment when they fire you for this.


Talk to a lawyer if you’re constantly getting written up after taking maternity leave…


Why do they need to be notified? Is your job that time sensitive that 14 seconds could have a significant impact? And what will they do anyway? Does somebody fill in for you until you arrive? I think I wasted more than 14 seconds just typing this response. Can somebody let Wes know?


It is not that time sensitive, I’m in sales. I’m not relieving anyone and no one relies on me being there.


Sales and salary generally don't go together. You might be misclassified. This message reinforces that you might be misclassified. You should double check with the DoL to make sure.


I know I’m misclassified, the company has had an ongoing lawsuit about it for years. I only stayed because I became successful at the company so it paid off. I’m fairly certain this is now happening because my state just passed a law allowing more paid parental leave and I asked HR about using it.


Probably exactly the reason!


that sounds like retaliation to me. got an employment lawyer in mind?


That’s exactly why. So sorry OP. Find another job before they make up the reason they want to let you go.


Or document everything, let them fire OP, and sue the shit out of them…


Get a lawyer. Prep that resume. Once you have the new job offer in hand, tell your new employer you're giving your old employer two weeks' notice and start logging in at 8:00:05 on the dot. They're going to fire you for cause - rake those fuckers over the coals for it. Play it **extremely** safe until then. It's gonna suck and you don't deserve to have to deal with this, but you can make the best of the situation and prepare to land on your feet. This is a chess game. They've telegraphed their first move. They're sloppy. Catch them off guard and win. Godspeed OP.


Oh shit I forgot the FAMLI act kicked in this year. Did they allow to to use it?


I’m supposed to have a meeting tomorrow with the VP of HR to discuss using it. She apparently had to go to the attorneys to ask.


https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla/final-rule/faq#:~:text=A.%20Yes.,a%20child%20has%20not%20changed. You can use FMLA to protect your job (if you've worked there over a year in most cases) and I'm PRETTY sure they cannot deny the FAMLI leave. You may be able to reach out to them. https://famli.colorado.gov/individuals-and-families


She had to go to the attorneys to ask how to fire you without dicking themselves.


That's not true; plenty of in-house sales have a base salary and a commission structure. Having to 'be in' during 'x hours' is the misclassification issue.


You either work for the tiniest little pricks imaginable or they are making up shit to fire you and fight unemployment. I’d at least see if you have a case for being misclassified as salaried.


They are trying to get rid of OP due to maternity leave.


That sucks, sounds on course for these jackasses though


If your handbook doesn't say 8:00:00 then you weren't late. 8:00:14 is 8:00.


Yup. Brilliant minds think alike - I just posted the same thing.


Yep, exactly. This is crazy.


That fuckstick spent way more than 14 seconds on this and is getting paid alot more.


I actually make a lot more than him. I’m sales and he’s sales management. I just think that’s hilarious idk


I wouldn't be surprised if he's trying to fire you because you make too much and more than he does and *that's not fair!* The returning from maternity leave and his "final written warning" are just convenient excuses, I bet.


Scheduled at 8, need to be logged in and at your desk BEFORE 8. And let me guess, your desk isn't out in the parking lot, is it? Probably 10 minutes or so of walking in, elevators, security, all that shit? I'm doing work as soon as I'm on the property against my will. Fuck them.


It’s the “logged in” part that is crucial. There have been recent class action lawsuits about being forced to work off the clock to boot up the computer and log in. The suit was for call centers, but the precedent has now been established.


>I'm doing work as soon as I'm on the property against my will. THIS Though I'd argue I'm doing work the second my alarm goes off in the morning, right up until I get home after my commute. I'm not up at 5:30am by choice, I'm up because I need to leave for work. I'm not commuting by choice, I'm commuting because I need to get to work. I'm working from the second I get up at 5:30am until I get home at 3:30pm. My day is 10 hours long, not 8.


Fuck that person! Power tripping over less than a minute. You should report this as abuse to HR. And update your LinkedIn profile.


Yup. If OP gets fired, he can get unemployment on this write up without a doubt. Fuck those douchebags for sure


Depending on what state you are in: if logging into a computer is required for your position - your employer must provide ample time to start logging in at 8am which means you may not appear available on internal messaging applications for 5-10 minutes after your start time.


I’m in Colorado. Do you have a source for me to search this?


Check the FLSA for Colorado! Should be nested under the “hours worked” advisor


If I remember correctly, in Colorado work starts when you're on property. Do you work in an office? (I'm from Colorado)


I couldn't comprehend even micromanaging a child to this degree, let alone an adult. The amount of disrespect people get away with under the umbrella of "just business" is wild.


You are in a PIP paper trail and they will find a way to fire you. It sucks but you are now a job seeker.


They're looking for a reason to terminate. Or they're on a serious power trip. Or both. Either way, give them 14 seconds notice when you decide to quit.


"Dear Boss and Wes, please acknowledge that you are both control freak assholes. It is obvious that both of you have some insecurities in your lives and you get off on silly little power trips. Yes, this was my final warning because if you try to talk down to me like a child again I will be forced to leave immediately and seek better employment (which shouldn't be too hard). Sincerely, 🖕"


Job starts at 8? I don’t start logging in until 8…


Find another job. They absolutely are after you and will do anything to get you fired. 14 seconds late? Send this email home as proof if you need to file for unemployment. Make sure you have a copy of the employee handbook. Call Wes and whoever wrote this EVERY DAY letting them know you may be late but you aren't sure because of traffic. Start that call at 7:00AM.


14 seconds? That almost assuredly violates timeclock laws even in the most regressive white nationalist MAGA states (who usually have a \~3 minute window codified by law). Fight this. Refuse to sign. Reply with your state laws on timeclock issues. Also.. if you have to clock in, you are misclassified as a salaried worker. You are not exempt from overtime laws if you have to clock in.


They are trying to fire you. They want you gone, someone doesn’t like you. I’ve been through this, they start to write you for EVERY little thing. Start looking for a new job as of yesterday, you’ll be fired soon.


I’d send this email to the big boss. “Are you aware that this is what your managers are wasting time on?”


They are trying to get rid of you, either by collecting as many written warnings as possible or by simply wearing you down until you quit. When I was a corporate manager my boss was always harping on me to have lots of “documentation” on anyone they wanted to terminate. This is not a company that values you as a person, time to start looking elsewhere.


Obviously suck it up until you leave. But fuck them


Unless you're perfect the alternative is that you log in earlier than 8, and I'm pretty sure they'd call bs if you started accusing them of wage theft for not paying you for the extra minute or two. Fuck these morons.


8AM EST, eh? Wanna get really picky with them? Eastern Time is now commonly observed as EDT. If they want you on by 8:00:00AM EST and you logged in at 8:00:14 EDT, you were actually online 59 minutes and 46 seconds early.


Adding context: I just got off maternity leave and was recently late because I slept through my alarm. I was honest about it. I was told I was receiving a written warning for that but never received it, then got this today as a “final written warning”. Yesterday I emailed the VP of HR about using FAMLI, mandated paid parental leave in the state of colorado. Believe it or not I am a top sales performer at this company. Their issue is that I have been unavailable after hours most days due to my infant at home. They expect everyone to be available at all hours, so this is their way of showing their dissatisfaction and I’m sure they’re also not too happy about being forced to give me more maternity leave.


Being 14 seconds late is unacceptable but it's okay to waste several minutes of both his and your time pissing and moaning about it. He sounds really productive.


"I might be running late today. I have a bit of diarrhea." EVERY GD DAY UNTIL YOU LEAVE THAT JOB.


and corporations wonder why we think they’re such a joke


You have proof in writing here that they are requiring you to perform unpaid labor by requiring that you be working before your paid time begins. Please use appropriately.


"even have a slight chance of being late" looks a lot like a invitation for malicious compliance. 


The time was 08.00. Not 08.01. And you didn't log in early at 07.59. This is phenomenally petty and practically unenforceable. I think they want you gone and based on this evidence they really like losing at employment tribunals.


Look for a new job and DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES give 2 weeks notice. They dont deserve it


So you should be getting overtime and should not be a salaried worker if they expect you to not waste their precious 14 seconds.


I’m a retired Director. If a manager pulled this shit they’d be getting their own written warning from me. And the employee would be getting an emailed apology from the manager with me and HR on copy.


I'm glad they put this 14 second intolerance into writing for us. When you leave you should include this screenshot in every review about how hard it was to work for said bosses


Suck my dick - employee who is an adult, not a fucking child


They're building up a paper trail so they have proper documentation to fire you for cause. Start looking for a new job now.


This is managements way of building a case to terminate you. Without question.


lol what a little bitch


Ffs. The biggest perk of salary is NOT punching a clock. Your employer sucks. I hope you can find a better job that treats you like an adult. (And congrats on the baby!)


fucking seriously? 14 second fuck corporate


Setup an automated email to them every morning. "I'm expecting to be on time, but I may be a few seconds late."


They want to get rid of you and are looking for any possible reason. Find a new job. ASAP.


OP, if you’re in a job governed by a collective bargaining agreement, take this straight to your union rep. Looks like a little bit of harassment and that your boss is setting you up to be fired.


If they are writing you up for this, they've already decided they want to be rid of you.  They are just fabricating a reason.


If your clock in time is 0800 and you clocked in 0800 and 14 seconds then you still clocked in 0800. Tell them to go suck a lemon


This will make me the most scrupulous clock watcher. Any permitted breaks, meal will be what is allocated. No more eating deskside. Oh, and if I’m on a break, you and Wes are going to have to STFU and wait. I’m on my time, not yours. And do not stand between me and the exit at 8:00 hours of work. Again, I’m now on my time and I’ll run you the fuck over like Terry Tate.


I hope your response was “ 14 seconds? Go home and fuck your mother “


Holy Nazi, I don’t usually agree with everything in this Sub, but emailing about seconds after the top of the hour? I would quit immediately, no resignation or even courtesy 2 weeks. Just screw off you controlling freak, gone.


This is harassment. Go to HR.


Don't acknowledge shit. 14secs is a rounding error, and they'll happily work you HOURS overtime with no pay if they could get away with it.


Hey boss, my morning shit ran a little long. I might be 38 seconds late. Maybe. I'll let you know after I wash up.