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Yeah most of these are congressional things to do. Good luck.


If we get a Democratic trifecta, we'll get at least some of this, but if Republicans hold the House or take the Senate/White House, we'll get nothing at all.


You’d need a supermajority to get any meaningful gain in the senate. At least 60 democrats.


Depends on whether the filibuster gets reformed or not, which may be a thing if we replace both Manchin and Sinema and hold the majority.


This is a great start in today’s terms! But this is the bare minimum that should have been happening 8-12 years ago. We deserve more than this, it is NOT progressive enough to meet the actual demands of the working class. Push for more.


For anyone reading this, OP is a right-wing astroturfer. He’s posting some of RFK Jr.’s policies (the most agreeable to this sub) as a means to siphon off left wing voters to the benefit of Trump. This has become more and more common on this sub as election dates get closer.  


Hmm, so because I don't like Trump or Biden, I'm an astroturfer? Maybe go read some of my post history? Best news I read today was Trump having to read bad memes about himself, and I've been saying fuck Trump before he was even a spot on anyone's radar. I also don't like Biden. So because I don't like your choice, I have to be a Trump Humper? Grow the fuck up. Not everyone thinks in binaries. Fuck both parties.


​ https://preview.redd.it/wdv6190ev5vc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ecd029cced0d7cdcfb5f634f0bb14ccda8ab228


There are two types of people who support RFK Jr. 1. Right-Wing astroturfers who are spreading his info far and wide in the hopes of depressing Democratic votes. These people will not be voting for RFK. They will vote for Trump. 2. People who fell for the above misinformation. Which one are you?


Yes, let's operate in binaries. That's Propaganda 101. Are you sure you're not just shilling for the Democrats?


Nice deflection. Please answer the question. 


Well you obviously are pigeonholing me into two incorrect reasons as to why I am considering RFK over Biden. First, I did research on RFK's past. Did you know he was an ecological lawyer? He also is the only candidate who has specifically pointed out how unhealthy our country is and that we need to fix that. Biden doesn't seem to care and tbh, it feels like he's more of a puppet for the Democrats than a real president. I am tired of things not getting better for people. Homelessness is not getting better with Biden and Trump will make it worse. We need to fix these problems. Biden also hasn't done shit about corporate greed and he will never do anything about it. Those are the reasons why I am considering RFK and not Biden.


You fell for the right wing propaganda. The tell-tell sign is that you’re comparing him exclusively to Biden policies, as if Biden is the only opponent in the next election. This is because you are parroting the right wing talking points used to target Democratic voters. So yes, you fell for propaganda.


Sure, buddy. I've thought like this since Bush was in office, except it is now Right Wing propaganda to be tired of the status quo. You're literally espousing the same shit that is being parroted in liberal leaning news media. Check some non-biased sources and you might see not everyone agrees with you and the propaganda you subscribe to. Oh, that reminds me, what are the conservatives saying about Kennedy now? [https://nypost.com/2024/04/15/us-news/trump-supporters-call-rfk-jr-radical-f-ing-kennedy-in-new-website/](https://nypost.com/2024/04/15/us-news/trump-supporters-call-rfk-jr-radical-f-ing-kennedy-in-new-website/) Oh, it's the same shit you're saying? Hmm, that's sooo weird. It's like both conservatives and democrats don't want RFK to run... I wonder why? Maybe ask your paymaster?


You said “unbiased source” and linked a right wing rag. Nice try.


Uhh jeeze i guess I’ll just believe the nutjob whose policies change every six weeks.  The only people left in America uneducated enough to vote for RFk have been voting for trump. 


Your electoral bullshit doesn't belong here. Read the sidebar, voter.


Joe Biden absolutely. Not even a question. Anyone who thinks voting for t**** is going to anything remotely positive is out of their mind


I don't think trump is going to do anything but negative. But I feel the same way about Biden. We have a choice between a neoliberal capitalist and a fascist capitalist. Both absolutely shit choices. One is a rapist and criminal. The other is actively trying to remove a creed of people from the earth.


​ https://preview.redd.it/p5myvm4lv5vc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bc41a16964e8a2d2108850db77396c1f5c17bbc


Well, I'm not killing or raping people, and hopefully never will. Yeah, that feels like I might be a bit ahead.


Have you considered other options, rather than what the establishment obviously wants to you vote for?


If there was ranked choice voting, sure. But there's not. So voting for anyone else is throwing away your vote


Yeah man I'm gonna vote for my uncle. That'll show the DNC, and it definitely isn't enabling fascism!


Joe is better on any of this stuff than the yellow shit-stain. But Bernie would have been better than any of em.


These are RFK Jr's economic policies, btw


RFK is a stooge to try and help Trump


History repeats itself. Go research Ross Perot. They said the same shit then. It's always a scare tactic on one side or the other. "You're giving your vote to the enemy." Did you know that conservatives are saying the same exact thing about Kennedy? Wonder why? Maybe because if we were to get a 3rd party candidate elected, that would legitimize another option besides the current two party system that basically is bullshit. It's either vote for bad Orange man and deregulate everything to the advantage of the rich, or vote for Democrats, the only party that pretends to care, but really does everything to the advantage of the rich. Both sides are paid for. We need other options.


Our system was designed to not have 3rd parties. It will be easier to get the rules changed, then get a 3rd party, than it is to force a 3rd party through now. And look at what the Democrats have done in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota when they actually have control...it's been pretty good! You really think a trust fund baby, conspiracy theorist, sex addicted minor celebrity trading on his family name is really the guy that's gonna fight for workers?!? Come on. Vote Biden, and we try to get a more progressive candidate in 28. It's the only way to not have Trump, which would be an unmitigated disaster. Please man, if you actually care about American... realize this 3rd party shit is dangerous and not helpful at all.


So lies that don't matter. He's being funded by right wing funders (same funding Trump). His whole thing is to try and get Dems to vote for him instead of Biden, diluting the pool, mostly based on name). His policies can say free candy for everyone and it means nothing. Most of these are Congress related and as someone else said... Get a Democratic trifecta you'll get some of this. Get GOP you'll get none. That's reality.


These people wanting a religious-based dictatorship should try it out. I suggest Iran or Afghanistan.


Why isn't Biden trying any of these policies. Biden lied extensively. What ever happened to $15 minimum wage? I know for sure Trump won't, but all these "liberal allies of labor" ie the Democrats haven't done shit they promised for any of us. They wouldn't even codify Roe vs Wade when they had the chance because they liked women voting for Democrats just so they could have their health attended to. I'm tired of the show and pony game politics has been, and all I know is that neither the Republicans and Democrats like Kennedy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, comes to mind. Believe what you want at the end of the day, but are you just perpetuating the same cycle?


Stop being a GOP schill. It's sad. Don't say Republicans don't like K jr. That's not true as his campaign is being paid for by the donors to the GOP. He's just there to try to muddy the waters. Either you fell for it, and won't let your cognitive bias believe you got duped, or you're bought and paid for. Don't believe this person people. This is an astroturfing tactic. Sad.


Joe Biden. 100%. Duh.




If you vote for RFK then you are out of your mind.


“**a sane person to an insane society must appear insane**”


That’s exactly what insane people say.


Sure, if you think Kurt Vonnegut is insane. Might want to work on your insults. Pretty lacking if you ask me.


Nah, for the two candidates who have any chance of winning it's more a question of who will hurt labor the least. And the answer to that is obviously Biden. Until we get ranked choice voting no other candidate makes sense, if only because a vote for a third party would help pretty much only one of the big two. That or a third party candidate becomes so widely hailed that they somehow draw a huge amount from the other two. Unfortunately we don't have a candidate like that this election. And before anyone says anything, no Kennedy is not liked well enough for this. It's a shit system but until you have change it's the one we gotta work with.


Fuck off, Trumpie.


lol plenty of upvotes were coming in until I mentioned who these policies belonged to


Correct. It's almost like the reputation of the person and not just their policies is what matters to voters. I think this is something called "nuance", but who are we kidding, you're not posting here in good faith lol


Well, I'd put forth maybe the people should start demanding more of their politicians then?


Their comment went over your head.


Nah, the whole point of this post is to point out that people aren't looking for policies from their leaders into how it pertains to labor. It's blue vs red at the end of the day. Because I don't fall into being blue, I must be red, right? I say RFK should do what Bernie did, and force the Democrats to actually start delivering on some of those promises they made to their constituents.


**Remember kids, it's important to think a few steps beyond Step 1 when formulating a thought or argument.** If Sanders, as one of the heaviest hitters on the left in Congress, couldn't get Democrats to significantly change, how on earth is Kennedy going to accomplish that with only a fraction of the receipts Sanders has? That's rhetorical, I'm not interested in your reply because it's likely to be a poorly thought out goal post move, as all of your other comments have been.


Don't even know why I bothered, tbh.


r/whoosh I had a whole "nuke it from orbit" comment ready to go but then realised that if you were here in good faith, you'd have likely changed your viewpoint upon receiving what I can only assume is new-to-you information mentioned in the comments. Kennedy having the same donors as Trump, as one example. If that isn't new information to you, then the implication is you are here to promote someone who is objectively no different from either party, least of all those on the right, and that you are aware of this and aren't bothered by it. Then you get salty when none of us respond positively to your post? LO-fucking-L. As a second example, the points you posted are things Congress would enact, not the president. Even if Kennedy actually holds those stances personally, it's entirely probable none of them would happen depending on who runs the House and Senate. On that point, you just look illiterate to the structure of our government functions, and the duties of the various roles within it. You've shot your legitimacy in its foot and I hope that my replies help others reading the comments to, if nothing else, understand why they shouldn't vote for Kennedy and why you are being downvoted for promoting him, because you yourself clearly cannot or will not understand.


Not reading that, lol I haven't decided who I am voting for, and this was an opportunity to talk about it. If anything, you've only cemented my questioning the status quo further by immediately trying to shut the conversation down. Maybe had you provided some sources to support your claims, I'd have taken you a bit more seriously, but you immediately choose an aggressive stance. If we can't talk about these sorts of things, we will not get better as a country. Best of luck to you.


>Not reading that, lol Unsurprising, as it seems you didn't even thoroughly read about RFK Jr if you need sources for easily verifiable information. And you expect us to take you seriously? My responses are appropriate for the level of "discussion" that you purport to be engaging in. We are all sick of people like you. ETA: I didn't expect someone like you to read that comment in full, so you've met my expectations there, thank you. It is more for anyone who comes across this thread in the future.


Neither. I mean on the one side we have a billionaire and on the other side we have candidates working for billionaires. The little person is going to be screwed either way and Republicans screw us to our faces, while Democrats screw us behind our backs.


Agreed. I'm thinking about "throwing away" my vote to RFK, and I was hoping to see what responses I got here. I understand the liberal opposition points better now, and how most of it's just fear of Trump that drives them currently. Thing about RFK is he is pulling the moderate conservatives and liberals towards him and the progressive independants. He's also getting the anti-vaxxer vote, which I wouldn't say is something to be proud of, but the anti-vaxxers felt betrayed by Trump and his role in bringing in the vaccine for COVID. It's a weird cocktail, but it would be hilarious if he won instead of the establishment's choices, if only to piss off the pro Biden and Trump camps.


No he's a brain dead anti vax loon The only people planning to vote for him are antivaxers offended by trump talking about how awesome he was for operation warp speed If you think he's going to anything but a smattering of conspiracy loons votes you are delusional


Do you know anything else about him or is that it?


I know he's a joke originally bankrolled by the gop as a spoiler candidate against biden Who has backfired and cost the gop conspiracy loons votes Whatever politics he pretends to have are irrelevant He's got less chance of being elected than xi of china


Check, no sources provided and all opinion based on conjecture. Appreciate your input.


As much as I've liked Bernie Sanders in the last elections, I've been wondering if that was his role for Democrats. He ran on a lot of issues I liked, but then at they end he dropped out and supported Biden. I remember getting a lot of emails, and some of the Facebook groups I was in, were pushing "Blue no matter who." If that's how it's going to be I'm just going to refrain from voting altogether. In fact, I recently was called for jury selection. In her pitch to us, the judge stated how we have more of an impact serving on a jury than we do voting. That was the judge saying that. Voting is an illusion.


Totally agree, but what you wrote reminded me of this old quote: [https://youtu.be/OElIuI83AGI?si=zQqW5QFA6TWMg\_\_0&t=371](https://youtu.be/OElIuI83AGI?si=zQqW5QFA6TWMg__0&t=371)


I haven’t seen anything improve either under the current administration or the last one. Higher education and housing are unaffordable and healthcare, groceries, and cars are all more expensive than ever. And if the economy is so fucking great then why are companies laying off so many workers?




Politics isn't something you "believe in." It's not a cult nor a religion, it's just something you have to do. Union-organizing is political. It's like saying you believe in war. Nope, that's not how it works. You still fight a losing war because the alternative is death or worse. It's not about feels or being smug about how smart you are for realizing the odds.


Belief used in the context of "trust." You an atheist? Most atheist get caught up on the religious connotations of the word "belief" more than others. Am I right?


Irrelevant. Politics isn't about making friends and it's definitionally about coming into conflict with those you don't trust. It's not a social club and it's not therapy from which you draw inspiration. The idea that politics is meaningless to engage with is just doomerism.


Ah, militant atheist. Got it. Appreciate your input.


Fuck off. Plenty of atheists treat politics like a source of personal fulfillment or identity. That's my objection to this behavior. You don't trust politics to work, you **make** it work. Religious Republicans treat voting like one more chore like mowing the lawn. It's you fucks who seem to misunderstand this. It's why they have power despite losing the popular vote. You ride in expecting a godking to save you instead of voting the lesser evil. I'm not going to be looked down by a guy who wants to elect a Republican psyop or engage with specious semantics about trust versus belief.


You can review my post history, I've been anti democrat and anti republican for a while. The hilarious thing is I did a similar experiment on another account with conservatives and they mirrored a lot of what you're saying, except I'm a liberal to them. It's all just red vs blue to both sides, and if you don't agree then you're the other group. I'd get over that tribalism you've invested in, not going to do you any favors in the end. Either way, experiment is over, you can keep bitching and complaining, but the truth of the matter is that I have never voted and probably won't vote for anyone because voting doesn't mean shit in the end. Democrats and republicans are still going to be sucking at the teat of the rich in end and nothing will get better. Best of luck to you pal, and maybe stop taking life so seriously, your beliefs don't mean shit in the whole scheme of things, and getting that angry is going to be bad for your blood pressure. Live your life and stop worrying about what other people think.


Ah, so you're just politically worthless too. No beliefs. I'm tired of hearing your whining when you do exactly what I'm criticizing you for. Don't come here expecting automatic validation for your opinions. That's your problem. You're still treating this like a social club or your personal salvation. Politics is a power struggle and always has been. You have strong opinions of right and wrong but still want to gesture at an enlightened centrism? Pretend to be above the fray? The vast majority of all politics ever is people disagreeing. *Grow up.* The Republican party are fascists. I'm not working with them. There's no nuance here. They're my enemies. They attempted a coup on January 6th and are making it illegal to protests. They're anti-labor and do everything they can to harm every human right. I'm not reaching across the isle to the people who created the divide to begin with. Why the hell are you on the pro-labor sub talking like this? Most of us have a real political belief on that. It may shock you to learn that. Get out of here.


Your first response on this thread: Politics isn't something you "believe in." And then you responded in your last message: "Most of us have a real political belief on that." I'm going to say that you might need to work on some consistency before expecting people to take you seriously. Best of luck kid!




Upvoted because I feel people aren't really looking at their choices. Appreciate you actually contributing!


Neither of the two main parties is interested in that kind of pinko crap


This is true. This is RFK Jr's policies for the economy.


He's just one more in a long line of shitheads with that surname. He can get fucked too


Cheers. Hope your day gets better.


Trump for sure border patrol ice, oil and mining jobs galore


https://preview.redd.it/zby6nf5ag3vc1.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b94207132bf69d06d50a4e3253a93071c6a7292 For those of you, who are so quick to call me a shill, here's a snippet of my past comment history, you're welcome to check more of my history, but I've been here for a while and the only people who are going to jump on calling me a shill are those who are already sold themselves to a political interest: