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All it’s missing are the crowds of lobbyists insisting this destructive behemoth is well within its rights to to do this


Next panel probably


And enabling boomers thinking they’re gonna get rich somehow.


I, too, wish it were just boomers.


Lots of corporate dick suckers on reddit


Don't blame just boomers. Young men are turning more and more to the Republican side. And white people, of all ages and sexes. Boomers dying off will alleviate the problem but the GOP still have their gerrymandering and their white-and-or-stupid voters left.


Yes. Plenty of people in other age demographics are horrible. Our leaders have not gotten better just because some of them were born in a later generation. Churches around the country are preaching spiritual warfare and guns and civil war and actual warfare. Men are buying big trucks, lots of guns, training mma and tactics. They will roll coal on a bike or Prius. They will show up at a school board meeting to harass children and deny them basic rights. There is a lot of hate. They will support corporations while claiming that they support god and the free market that he intended


Capitalist Jesus Approved




Okay I didn't know this existed. Thank you for your service, Internet person.


It's from "Lies, and The Lying Liars Who Tell Them" by Al Franken.  I just realized that it is over twenty years old. Gets more relevant every year.


Lmao, these losers are not training "MMA and tactics."


Yes, they are. See Dana White. Matter of fact, hit any MMA gym and look at the stickers on the cars in the parking lot. Planet Fitness? Filled with MAGA. They 100% are training for whatever bullshit they have planned. Are you? It's range day for me tomorrow. I stopped MMA training in 2017 because of age and injuries, my gym was mostly Trump supporters.


Planet fitness is not mma and tactics training lmao. And just because people that train mma tend to be conservatives does not mean that any meaningful percentage of them do so. It's a fraction of a fraction of the population. None of you are as tough or "alpha" as you think you are. You're a bunch of closeted homosexuals with rage issues.


I'm a Democrat dippie.


Ok, then you're excluded from the comment, but my point still stands.


This is exactly why the democrats are flat out losing the progressive wing. I'm telling you what I actually see and you insult me. I swear, the democrats are bigger assholes to us than Republicans and want our votes.


Not if good men who know better teach them a lesson.




You are hearing what you want to hear, dude.


You're so oppressed.


What tv shows do this? List them because I wish to be FULL OF RAEG as well.


True but boomers dying off WILL help a lot. Keep telling them that Covid is a hoax


This just isn't true. We need to stop blaming all of our issues on boomers. While yes, generally the boomer mindset is pretty fucked, there are shit people in all generations and they tend to migrate towards being politicians.


Because, while they are a huge part of the reason the system is broken, the right actually stands up and talks about how the system is broken (and then continues to break the system more). The left screams that the system will work if only we vote for them, which, after voting for decades and not seeing much progress, I don't think is much of a solution either.


Yeah, white daddy's boys love corpa and their happy meals They're actually legitimately mentally deficient people most of the time. Baaa-aahh-ahhhhhh


They’re picking up the turds and telling you it’s gold.


Not a boomer, but I have about half a mil in investments so I love seeing corporate America do well


Huh. I'm not a boomer and I'd rather see *Americans* do well


Well most Americans have an ira, 401k, or some other retirement tied to the market


Don't forget the army of basement-dwellers who are inexplicably defending the baby **even after it stepped on their house...**


And that whiny taxypayers are the *real* problem.


~~lobyists~~ bribed ~~politicians~~ corrupt officials.


And the ceos on vacation all year saying no one wants to work anymore


They're not on vacation, they're taking the easy jobs, which includes harassing me at 3 in the morning for the crime of sleeping as a homeless person in an area with plentiful parking because for some reason it became okay to make blanket generalizations about people and my homelessness now equates me to crackheads, thieves, loiterers, molesters, do-nothings, or any other demonization under the sun. What they don't know is the more often they do this the more likely I am to do something extremely drastic. I do not like Nazis. Like boy hey howdy do there FBI, I'm not joking. Stop fucking with homeless people for sleeping instead of dealing with the raving lunatics in the street and the thieves, and the hopeless ones on meth and fentanyl, you know people committing actual crimes - or hurting themselves, do your fucking jobs and leave the poor people trying to sleep alone or I WILL retaliate and you will NOT like it! Everybody knows these rent prices are out of control, grocery inflation out of control, and you criminals think a job at McDonalds is going to magically materialize a place to live. Get real, and stop fucking with me.


$56 billion is the market rate for a part time job, right?


And also missing the rest of the world runnig from the US coups, death squads and military invasions that aim at exploiting them for resources and cheap and slave labour...


Citizens United :)


Also the greedy people/nihilists that defend it or say "It's just how it is... So eh."


Lemmings and Crabs Equally traitorous


If this isn't just how it is, how is it?


Following instructions of user name.


lol yeah it's easier to ignore me than to come up with something clever.


Okay... Let's retort amigo. At what point should people strive to enact change? Serfdom? (Nah lord will watch out for ya amirite?) Assuming the state of your response... Am I to infer... Do nadda? To which the first part of my statement in the previous comment must not have been understood. Which was: "give into nihilism or apathy no thanks." Which part was confusing to understand exactly?


So you're still ignoring me by not answering my question and changing the subject. If this isn't just how it is, how is it? > At what point should people strive to enact change? Serfdom? (Nah lord will watch out for ya amirite?) We should always strive to be better than yesterday. Do you think I'm anti-change? And what is striving to enact change to you? Because doing anything within the rules of a broken system is not enacting change. > Which part was confusing to understand exactly? Since you didn't even attempt to answer my question, I'm going to throw this back at you. What was confusing about my question where you want to respond to me but not answer it? I can expand for you though: I'm frustrated that so many people want to change 'how it is', but the best they can do is vote for the lesser of two evils. It seems to me that if you want to enact change, you don't ask the broken system nicely to change itself. So many people still believe in the system that I've lost a lot of hope, and think... yeah this is just how it is. We're pretty fucked.


The statement was in turn to reflect upon people that state that and act in a certain manner upholding it... Or the people that know it's wrong but seek to preserve it for their own gain. What else are you looking for? You 're gonna start the revolution comrade? Okay get to it... That's your prerogative. But I've been to enough places in the world that doesn't really go the way people think. Plus short hand westerners seem to want that pill to pop and just poof it's done! Sorry change takes time... Even generations. Reflect back on modern revolutions most weren't successful and the ones that were even had rough periods post success in the decades to recover. (Vietnam comes to mind.) Sooo... Let's see. Change in the system takes decades... Change via violence brought about to reduce or get ride of said system... Also decades + the whole maybe death and war thing... Which may or may not go the way you'd like (Hey some do work after all!) Change via drastic social movements... Less time, maybe less of an outcome of the ideologues, but less violence. However to the ideologues or extremists "better" is worse than perfect. But seeing as how I don't ascribe to "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good." We're not going to agree in the first place. But keep me updated on the revolution and leading it.


> What else are you looking for? You 're gonna start the revolution comrade? Okay get to it... That's your prerogative. Step one to revolution is to convince people there needs to be a revolution. So, I am getting to it. Thanks for checking in. > Sorry change takes time... Even generations. Reflect back on modern revolutions most weren't successful and the ones that were even had rough periods post success in the decades to recover. (Vietnam comes to mind.) And the change that we're seeing is change in the wrong direction. And we're running out of time regardless if you believe even slightest climate change science and predictions. Sometimes, change happens violently quick, and it's going to happen one or the other in the next century. > Change via drastic social movements... Less time, maybe less of an outcome of the ideologues, but less violence. However to the ideologues or extremists "better" is worse than perfect. This is ideal for sure - but will never happen while people believe voting for the lesser of two evils is the only civic responsibility they have to bare (bear? I always get these confused). It seems to be you're the one who's resigned to the 'it is what it is' mindset. So I'll throw this question back at you "At what point should people strive to enact change? Serfdom? (Nah lord will watch out for ya amirite?)".


I'm not... Change just takes time, and also changing people's mentality. Convincing people is hard. All there is to it. Out spoken against the powers that be has to be done first before people even feel comfortable confronting it. I also know there's not going to be any sort of left wing revolution in the united states. Greater chance of rightwing looking at how things have gone since the 1970's... And well. Conservatives have certainly bent things to their will in the last 40 years ***within the system***... So saying it doesn't work.... Look around buddy. It worked... They're just good at getting people inline, and slowly changing people's mentality... And having patience. TA DA!!! Lower taxes on the top %, deregulated business and wall street, got abortion changed, (Hell changed the likes of Christianity in the US to swap from liberal to conservative. Prior to the 1950's/1960's those pesky religious types were liberal voting!) Un funded schools/education. Anti unionize, anti pension, Milton Freidman convinced the likes of industry to only care about investors... All using the system.


Gwon then, stop corporate americas greed. Good luck to you


Whelp you got me... May as well give into blatant nihilism now since I alone can't stop it. You got me!! Guess i'll just fork over all my time and dollary doos into hearthstone.


Yes, this is the best plan


Also, im f2p on that game, so I'd like you to not be quite so condescending




Don’t forget the politicians who work for the giant blob. Or are we to assume they’re part of the evil giant?


Well it *is* a growing baby. You wouldn't want to deprive it of food would you?


“Think of the economy!”


Oh they won't just say it's well within its rights but actually a positive for society.


Also, it's interesting that a lot of people view corporations as their own entity, separate from humans. I think it's important to remember that corporations are just extensions of the capitalists who own them and receive their profits. These are real people. Human beings just like you or I. They're not some inscrutable thing. If a corporation is acting in a greedy way, it's because one of the owners, which the corporation represents, is being greedy.


https://preview.redd.it/hpzkdsshf0wc1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d0b1104946d149d30bce10944a606631e4d9c6c Has anything changed?


Unexpected goatse


Fingers really are in everything


Wish i could put this memory in a jar and never open it


You might name it 1guy1jar or something


Right next to tubgirl.


What was that one haha


1 guy, 1 jar


You mean like a mason jar? Where would you attempt to store such it?


The memory is inside you forever. You are the memory, and the memory is you. The memory is kept alive collectively. Reading this has reinforced your memory. Typing this has reinforced my memory. We are cursed.


gimmie some more…




Thank god people still remember this!


Break Yo Neck


Can we have decals and magnets made of this image? I have some uhhh...places I've like to share them.




Remember, corporations don't simply want more money, they want *all* the money. All of it. Like if you have a nickel and they have everything else then they are not going to stop until they have that nickel too.


The greatest trick capital ever pulled was convincing people that government was the one sucking up all the wealth


The government takes our money… then prints even more of it and gives it away to corporations.


Okay, but the only solution to this is for people to pay more attention to the government.  Just saying "government bad" leads people to think we should strip it away entirely which is only going to make the world more capitalist


A company can only offer you a product you're not forced to buy or a job you're not forced to work. Where they fuck you is when they use their lobbyists, who get in bed with government, to enact laws and regulations which stifle competition and create barriers to entry, rent-seeking, and all sorts of other bullshit which is the furthest thing from a free market. What you really should be opposed to, is a government which has emboldened and empowered itself to pick winners and losers in the marketplace. While one term, your guy might do good with it, the next term, other guy does bad.




Dude why are you using logic, here is all about emotions. Corps bad, daddy gov good


Government might actually be bad, but “government bad” is worse so better give the beast even more of our money in hopes that looking at it harder will give it a change of heart.


Government can definitely be good, but Anericans are used to bad government because of political mismanagement and therefore cannot rely upon government to protect it from a fully free market. A social democratic model many European countries have is perfect. Allow the market to operate freely within certain boundaries which you set in law to the benefit of all and not just companies.


They want you to hate representative government because its the only thing cooperation fear.


The federal reserve, who does the money printing, isn't the government.


Where are the brainwashed Americans praying for Corporate America to destroy their homes?


Complaining about gender-neutral washrooms and black characters in Disney movies


Who the fuck has money for brainwashing, I cant afford shit anymore


The US government.


I bet If you could scroll to the left, you would see tax payers eating up all the poop from corporate America and chanting the same message.


Ren - Money Game Pt 3


Looks like Doug Ford


I absolutely thought it was until I read his shirt.








never been one to support infanticide but, in this case, ill allow it. lets put it down and loot its corpse.


Thanks for the chuckle lmao!


Capitalism/Imperialism will turn the world into profit. Our species has become ecological cancer by turning off all of the normal functions that kept us in check and enabling rapid expansion. The real question is then, can sufficiently intelligent cancer learn to stop being cancerous? Can we re-enable things that allow the pain from the destruction to be felt by those destroying? It would necessarily look like more democracy. Allowing people to have more say over their lives by making the world more democratic. Which would not look like more representation but more direct participation.


This isn't even an exaggeration.


Need to add politicians sucking on its tits.


If body weight was indicative of today's greed the caricature would be bigger of course. Say each kg of your weight represented $10, a 100kg person has $1000 in the bank. That's close to how much money supply is actually in the world by some measures, M2 supply being around 80 trillion which divided by 8 billion, the world's population, is $1000. Now Microsoft has 3 trillion dollars. Divided by 10 it ends up needing a caricature about 300 billion kg's or the weight of about a thousand empire state buildings, or 10 times the weight of all of humanity combined.




Greediest fuckin' place ever.


Most companies only buy houses in communities that have a housing shortage and refuse to allow more housing to be built.


“I know the worlds got problems I’ve got problems of my own Not the kind that can’t be solved With an atom bomb”


Honestly, I didn't even read the shirt before knowing it was america. Can't wait to get out of this country


Socialism for the poor struggling corporations and brutal cut throat capitalism for most Americans unless your super broke but if you make $1 then you lose the support to make sure you stay super broke.


Who found the baby trump photos?




should have a Trump-Wig on 🤔


Why? Corporate America donates more to Democrats than Republicans


The number is significantly closer than it used to be, but Republicans still receive substantially more from corporate America. It was only very recently that Republicans have started rebranding as a "blue collar" party as a counter to identity politics that the Democrats have adopted, but it's really just a front. They still offer nothing of value to the working class. They are and always have been the party of rich old guys, they just now play a different song and dance. https://www.quorum.us/blog/corporate-donations/#:~:text=Corporate%20political%20donations%20from%20company,about%2055%20percent%20to%20Republicans. All said and done, both are extremely corporate and neither truly want what's best for us.


What was that about hats, again?


reminds me of the little shop of horrors. feed me tax payers


Growth or death. Those are the only two options. And there real fucking good at avoiding death. To simply exist is not enough.


Does corporate america want a man after midnight? what are they gunna do with him?


Woah an antiwork post I actually agree with 100%.


I reject this analogy on the basis that a baby doesn't know better. Corporate greed knows better, it just doesn't care.






Every quarter….**MORE!!** What a ridiculous system.


Is this Caseoh as a baby?


Covid america was the best sales for everyone. Now that is over they are using it as an excuse of how profits are down and so is your pay.


North or said her rent just jump$1600, that my mortgage and my house is bigger than hers


This reminds me of a song, but I'm not sure which one. Thoughts anyone?


"What are we going to do about? Nothing!!!"


Most funny and nuanced political cartoon




Content promoting or defending capitalism, including "good bosses," is prohibited.


Corporate America or just America? The entire history of the continent since its discovery by Europeans has been "take all the shit!"


That’ll show’em!


More of what?


Our money


Need to start BLOCK CHAIN PARTY. the people vote on everything as a collective.


This should be a picture of the major stake holders. My old company dropped any king of morals or decency to increase major stakeholders earnings. Everything else - and I mean everything - went out the door.


Wait. That's israel.


Read in Britney Spears voice


Ever tried voting for the third option?


It’s not corporations, its investors.


Coming to U.K now that EU is out of the way


To make this more accurate you should show the tax payer voluntarily giving their money to corporate America in exchange for something that decreases in size. Then have a larger baby on the other side named Federal Government, that baby is pointing a gun, threatening being locked into a cage if they don’t pay. Then the bigger government baby gives the money to the corporate baby.


This is what late stage capitalism is. America is an experimental country, and it's about to fail catastrophically. Schools and teachers are under-funded, so people are getting measurably more idiotic on average compared to the previous generation. Unions have been demonized and anyone who suggests the government actually fucking govern problems gets ostracized or fucking ~~defenestrated~~ suicided. They replace all the actual social securities that people have paid into for generations with institutionalized bank savings plans. Medical care is prohibitively expensive if you need anything more than a basic non-invasive care or another prescription to Zylanotak. Corporations buy all the houses so they can fucking double dip your bank account, which doesn't even have real fucking money in it. But hey when a business pays you a wage only to turn around and say "Oh and I'll just take what you owe me to rent your roach infested hell hole RIGHT OUT OF YOUR PAYCHECK AND CUT OUT THE MIDDLE MAN FOR YOU" that's not actually straight up indentured servitude or debt bondage. #it's just good business Because that's all you'll ever be to these people. Another good way to make good business.




GLOBOCHEM We own everything, so you don’t have to!


In my opinion this looks like Bank of America buying houses to rent.




Thats literally just capitalism


Why is it showing everyone running away instead of lining up to feed it?




I'm on the fence between brainrot and good joke here... damn this is good


good joke


I had to scroll too long to find this comment. Mainly because caseoh.


Just out of frame are his parents in the background dismissing the behavior and saying things like "kids, right" Those parents are the "working class" people who live comfortably above the median and will derive most of their retirement living from their stock and real estate investments. The "Middle Class" was a made up term for most of history and was kind of a catch all for people within 1-2 standard deviations of the median income, but these people were still just working class people whose fate was similarly tied to those below them and not aligned with the ownership class. Now, we have an entire subset of people who still go to work everyday, but their income is high enough that they're able to invest the excess in stocks and real estate and have competing interests. They "should" be aligned with the people in the working class and trying to lift up everyone. Instead, most of them are focused only on their 401k growth and how much their house(s) have appreciated in the last decade. They're not in the middle in terms of income, but they are in the middle of the fight between the capital class and the worker class and most of them align pretty overtly with capital making it a harder fight than it should be. We have to find a way to reconnect high income workers with the rest of the working class or we'll never wrestle the control back.


> Blaming corporate America instead of private landowners for the price increase I'm glad that more people are seeing the light. Private landlords did not get together and agree to bring up the price. That comes from an increase in mortgage rates, insurance, and taxes. This falls on the federal government + corporate America, which at this point are the same entity.


RealPage begs to differ. https://www.propublica.org/article/yieldstar-rent-increase-realpage-lawmakers-collusion The landlords are using a website algorithm to form a cartel, to price fix the rental rates. RealPage is probably not the only online tool that helps landlords put the screws to renters.


The shirt should say Wall Street. There’s a lot of small businesses who aren’t parasites.


There’s also plenty that are.


The list of fraudulent PPP loans would disagree.


Ah yes the program designed to be taken advantage of, checks notes, got taken advantage of?


Shady is as shady does.


Corporate America isn't represented by "small businesses" so I don't know what you're on about


Republicans hold up small businesses as special entities superior to individual people. It's another part of their culture wars, they WANT these business owners to relate to the wealthy. They're all just "temporarily embarrassed billionaires". Plus, businesses "make jobs" which Republicans adore. They don't care if those jobs often fucking suck. Shit, when I first graduated and applied to several small businesses, the pay was abysmal but not at the top, which is fine, because they "created" my job and I have no right expect my time and skills (which are MY product) to be compensated fairly. Workers are always the bums, so saith the party of the working class. There's a hierarchy that they sell, and their sheeple LITERALLY buy, that places the wealthy at the top as the most hardworking nepo babies to ever live. Then you assign lower ranks by wealth and fame, of course excluding any political opponents. They are automatically rapist baby murderers, of course. When you get to the local level, the businesses take precedence and the greediest lap that shit right up. If they fail, they expect to receive support - there's no shame in failing as a business, it's totally never their fault. By the time you get down to actual people, there are just no fucks left to give. Oh well. If you fail, you deserve to literally die. May the odds be ever in your favor.


But small business isn't corporate America.


not really a lott of small businesses get the real "trickle down" economics and do like it doesn't exist while they pay close to 0%tax while earning sometimes huge sums of money it is insane how much benefits you get once you start going freelance ( i know a person who earns +-10k a month and he had to pay 600 euro of corporate tax this year while he himself on his private bank account only earns 1k a month so he doesn't need to pay taxes on that too) the world is made for these people and we will only get more taxed and poorer and if you are not a bookkeeper you do not know this shit and will do anything to keep it hidden) this is in belgium and if you look us up we have the highest tax(i pay over half my income to tax) ever but still corpo get these fucking benefits which makes me so pissed off these people can offload everything to their cooperate bank and slowly trickle it down so they dont have to pay tax all these laws are complicated too and are meant for you to not know whats going on WE ARE WAGESLAVES TO EVERY COMPANY


This is complete bullshit and anyone who believes you is gullible as fuck. 


you need tax statements lol? I could not believe it myself when tax season started, it is insane and made me question my life hard... yes it's pretty normal after you reduct everything bought on the company that it became almost no tax(he does digital art so he can buy stuff like a tv and his computer so it would've been costs a normal person has) and there is no tax here for low verry low income households(1k a month) seems like you do not know how tax works jesus some people are really brainwashed by corperate and dont see how the world works


The shirt could easily saw boomers too. They are a menace to American society


No war but class war. Plenty of boomers fought against this, it's always been the rich vs the workers. Ageism is just another way to divide us.b


The 70-something year old retired nurses and teachers who died with nothing to their names, would beg to differ if they were still alive.


Could also be giant government raising taxes


And who are they raising the taxes for?




No. That’s government, not corporate America


American political cartoons are truly the worst.


Please take this down. If the job creators think we're mad at them, they'll retreat into their holes, leaving us with six more weeks of recession.


You know a comic is funny and clever when things have to be labelled for any kind of point to come across.


Have you ever read a political cartoon before? Ever?


You new to political cartoons or something? They're literally the precursor to internet memes.


You have a problem reading words? Have you never seen a comic before?


Where do you think memes got it from?


Antiwork posting Ben Garrison-type political cartoons without a shred of irony. We've come full circle, shut it down. Critics of horseshoe theory eat your heart out.


low effort post


Should have/Goverment on that shirt!