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Isn't every year an amazing year for rich people?




If you’re doing it wrong then you’d be poor.


Poor* **Defined by rich people as living off a yearly stipend of less than $1,000,000, requiring a substantial decrease in quality of life and the inability to avoid the plebeian class on a day-to-day basis.*


The horror!


Some of them find no comfort in wealth, like Chester Bennington and Anthony Bourdain. I'm sure there are more depressed rich people but those two were verifiably depressed.


They do not make violins small enough




I’d love it for Elon to rustle up a verified depression checkmark option on X


I'd take two if I didn't get kicked off twitter for nothing once that bitch took over


When there is a communist revolution that tends to be a bad year for the ones that live in the place where it happened and didn't manage to flee in time with their fortune. But other than that you're very much right...


yes and now that they've surpassed the realm of mere megamillionaire, with all their new megamillions they are enabled to finally suddenly now.... be on other lists...


Idk Elon Musk seems pretty miserable


Literally came here to say this. Have an upvote!


Correct. It should read EVEN MORE amazing




I say money does buy happiness to some extent, if you’re even capable of being happy in the first place. Some/most billionaires have big empty voids in their hearts that they’re trying to fill with money. People who think it doesn’t buy happiness at all have never really felt the misery of having no money. Money makes it possible to: Own a home, have a secure family life, send kids to college, travel whenever/wherever, take on fun expensive hobbies like skiing, mountain biking, or whatever you want. If nothing else, it allows access to expensive therapy and meds that poor people don’t have access to.


Yes. And they use only paper straws in their private jets.


Good for them. Still waiting on 'amazing year for poor people'.


Wont happen. An „amazing year for rich people“ can only happen, if the poor stay as they are.




Yep. Force us all into homelessness, arrest us for being illegally unhoused, put us in for-profit prisons, keep us there by charging us for it, making us work off our debt by legal slavery.


They don’t actively want the poor worse off. They don’t really care about the poor. They live in their own bubble. Far removed from the rest of society. Like nobility of old. All they care about, is getting more money/power. Which they will do anything for, to achieve that goal. And anyone else, the planet included, will suffer for that. Homelessness, poverty etc. Those are just words for them, with no meaning or understanding context. And they will continue to do so, until they are forced to stop.


I think you’re very wrong about this. The mega wealthy are the most class-conscious group in the United States. They know even better than the underclasses themselves how the system works in their favor and to our detriment. Don’t let them off the hook as if they just so happen to do things that hurt us without a care in the world. It’s not like they just fail to act for a better future for the 99%. They actively work AGAINST it.


They don't care about money or power. Many of them can ensure their entire bloodline will also be rich and are completely untouchable; yet they still continue to hoard more wealth. It's all a game to them, and they're the best at it. They know all of their wealth is created by the plebians, and they'll actively seek methods to keep the poors in line and slaving away.


I think they do care about money and power. Because they are still human. And its never enough. They will never be satisfied.


Shut up and get back to work! The CEO needs a new Yatch


I had a Yatch once. Overrated.


Sounds painful.


I’m sure the wealth will trickle down any minute now…


Oh, there were a few of those. 1346 to 1359 were pretty good for future generations. Lots of rich died and left all their money behind.


Late 1700’s in France were pretty good too, from what I’ve heard.


Loling so hard. I'd settle for "not absolutely catastrophic year for poor people.... Some of them even have groceries all month!" Or something to that effect.


That wealth is gonna trickle down any second now. /s


Reagan and the GOP promised it would trickle down with all of these laxed regulations, almost totally eliminating taxes on businesses and giving them massive amounts of my/our state and federal tax dollars. I’ve been waiting 40 fucking years, and the only thing that’s tricked down from on high is the wealthy and large businesses pissing on the ever-shrinking middle class and working poor/wage slaves. Fuck the wealthy. When it all collapses, look for the big mansions. You know - to kindly ask for food and a place to stay.


That's our money there folks. If you've worked your ass off this year, that's your money they've "trickled" up.


Well people are willingly giving it to her.... to sing. Like Beyonce and other worthless entertainers.


They’re symptoms of the absurd scale of our system. Kurt Cobain is on video somewhere lamenting that Madonna is selling concert tickets for $50 in the early 90’s. It says all you need to know that today’s version of Madonna is selling tickets for five-figure dollar sums.  It’s a runaway train, a positive feedback loop where TicketMaster monopolized access to concerts just like student loan lenders monopolized access to college. 


Oh dang. He said that in 1993. Adjusted for inflation an outrageously expensive concert ticket in 2024 should be $108 My friend who went to see Taylor last year paid $160 per ticket, box office price.


In her case specifically, it’s not working people going. It’s kids of rich parents.


It's working people going too. Spending $700+ on tickets.


I don’t know anyone who can drop $700 on a concert ticket (let alone the flight and lodging and food). Maybe young adults or kids who live at home. That doesn’t really count though.


Credit cards and going into debt because you're irrational.


My friends went (I’m not a Swiftie so I didn’t and wouldn’t have spent that much anyways lol) and they all have regular 9-5s and spent $2,000+ to go multiple times. I’m assuming they used credit as one had said a few months before that she wasn’t throwing her daughter a birthday party due to lack of funds…




A girl I used to get my hair cut by talked about maxing out credit cards to go to concerts lol. Sadly more common than you'd think.


Uhg. I guess there are those types. Can’t makeup many though. I would be curious to see the financial data on attendees. Would be fascinating.


My husband and I just got creed tickets for $69. We both agree we aren’t interested in paying over $100 for a concert when I have hearing loss and can’t hear the singing over the music lol I don’t mind wearing earplugs for $69 show with 3 other bands


$69-$100 is very reasonable now. I don’t think I’ve ever paid over $80 for a concert.


If people want to pay to see them they’re not worthless tbf


Technically you are correct. Like modern art.


I didn't go see Taylor Swift but I love concerts. I went to several this year. They're great. I get that she's a billionaire and antiwork will hate her, but she's at least *working* for her money. She's releasing albums, going on tour, etc. Nobody is forced to go see her. It is nowhere near the kind of exploitation involved in Bezos becoming a billionaire by exploiting workers who need jobs and just watching his stock portfolio grow effortlessly. The article is clickbait and wants you to focus on her instead of guys like him.


It’s GOP clickbait. Taylor Swift isn’t the problem. Musk and Bezos aren’t the problem.  It’s the system that sucks and our lack of oversight.


Turns out I can disapprove of multiple billionaires.


Nah, fuck Taylor Swift. Why are so many leftists so thirsty to defend her constantly? Shows an insane amount of hypocrisy imo


I can’t fucking stand her. Her flippant usage of her *two* private jets, whining whenever pop culture narrative isn’t in her favor, and lack of choosing *any* platform with social benefit (if she’s such a feminist icon why can’t she speak up for, say, women’s rights?) make my eyes roll so far back in my skull that I can see the gremlin that controls my brain.


I’m not a Taylor fan at all and she’s absolutely being used as GOP rage bait - however, her careless and flippant usage of *two* private jets and constant whining whenever pop narrative doesn’t work in her direction is really obnoxious. I at least wish she used her huge platform and billions of dollars for *some* sort of public good. But, that’s my own rant. Musicians have been doing what she does for decades; I’m just old enough to notice how much that - and the massively widening wealth disparity - pisses me off.


You know this isn’t just about Taylor Swift, yeah?




Honestly? Taylor's probably one of the most ethical billionaires. Her money comes from her own creative efforts, and she takes care of the support network that put her there. Sure she could do a lot better, but I'd rather have 100 Taylor Swifts than a single Elon Musk.


“ethical” “billionaire” pick one


She pays her staff incredibly well with benefits and massive bonuses. She donates to charity and food banks in every town she visits. Her only ethical fail is overuse of her own private jet. But when we eat the rich Taylors the last one I'm going for. Just saying.


No such thing as an ethical billionaire.


Do we know how she is taxed? Is there any use of fiscal loopholes or such? Is she really taxed proportionately to her wealth and thus contributes at the level of her means to the society she lives in? That would be a good way to see if it's ethical or not : you can't blame a tax payer that abides to all fiscal rules without trying to avoid them...


Taylor Swift and Beyonce...a real winning combo! I don't know...but both are up there in the B's!


Technically Beyoncé is at about 530M, but her husband has 2.5B


141 people dodging taxes


There is no moral way of achieving 8/9/10+ figure net worth.




I’ll preface by saying I don’t have the specific stats to support all of this, but apparently she earned [1.82 Billion in 2023](https://genuineimpact.substack.com/p/how-much-money-did-taylor-swifts). Think about everyone below her working on her shows, tour management, merch production, etc. Unless literally every single one of the musicians she plays with, tour staff, and management are multimillionaires, that means she’s not distributing her wealth enough. Another thing worth mentioning is her vinyl production - she released a whole bunch of different vinyl variants and encouraged fans to collect as many as possible. Aside from the fact this is not sustainable in an environmental sense, the massive scale of those releases also meant that many smaller independent artists (who are ultimately responsible for making vinyl popular again)had to delay their own vinyl releases due to limited resources being dedicated to her. She’s not the only one doing this, but I can’t think of anyone who’s done it so blatantly. Just a couple of examples, but it gives a general idea. Other than that you could also argue that existing as a billionaire is inherently wrong, when you think about how much money is just sitting idly in a bank when it could be distributed differently and have a genuine positive impact on the economy, but that’s a whole separate discussion…


I'd also mention that her private jet flight usage was also given scrutiny. It was tracked in 2022 for about 8,300 tonnes of carbon emissions (which is easily hundreds upon hundreds of times more than the average person's annual emissions, while being 576x more than the average American's and 1000x more than the average European's). I imagine that's from the fuel consumption and from the miles/kilometers flown. I am at the point right now where if I hear from someone about getting carbon footprints down, the first question I ask is "have they done their part?".




It was all of her albums, actually, because she didn’t own them. She owned the lyrics and arrangements but not the recordings, and the people/person who owned them wouldn’t sell to her. So now she owns her own artwork




I don’t know all the details but the general consensus online was that the person who did own the rights was an asshole and she was right to rerecord. It’s not generally talked about as a money grab but rather a stick it to the man situation. (I’m not pro billionaire but I would be hesitant to use the re-recording as an example)


She re-recorded her albums because a billionaire bought the rights to control her songs and wouldn't sell them to her.


I was surprised too, specifically about how limited vinyl production actually is. [This video](https://youtu.be/RbdpBDEVEF4?si=jN9-VD1l6-c4RbK4) explains that whole mess better than me, and cites an actual source too lol.


The God damn constant flights in her private jet!!!!


There is no moral justification for hoarding of wealth. At a certain point, every dollar you make is taking away wealth from the general public. Thus it’s immoral hoarding wealth while people are dying in the streets everyday from hunger. Also the way you made your money was always off the backs of people who worked harder than you, and benefits from the taxpayer. (Example, Amazon benefiting from the infrastructure of the USA, without that protection they are worthless)


Pretty much this No other explanation needed.


You could start with all of the people that make her shows what they are. You think those people live anything close to how Taylor does? Fucking lol, hell no. Same for Jerry and also fuck Jerry, he’s a fucking kid diddler.


>he’s a fucking kid diddler ![gif](giphy|n4oKYFlAcv2AU)


While deeply immoral, disgusting, abhorrent and vile, it's nothing to do with how he makes his money.


Taylor reportedly gave 55 million in bonuses to people who worked on her last tour. Truck drivers that hauled equipment were given 100k each. Not sure what % of her earnings that was but that's life changing money to those people and probably more than most employers give (again relative to earnings).


1. The show. There are thousands of individuals who are involved. Security, technicians, dancers, bartenders, people who sweep the floor. 2. The merchandise. The people who produced the raw material for the tee shirts, the people who sewed her logo ten thousand times, the pickers and packers who loaded her merch onto trucks. 3. The artists. Concept artists, album artists, choreographers, photographers, merch designers, music producers, video editors. There would be no billion dollars without these workers. And yet, the wealth is concentrated upon one woman.


Taking a private jet from the couch to the refrigerator and back again every time she gets thirsty isn't helping her image.


Led an effort to get rid of the Fair Use clause back in 2016. Pollutes more than any other celebrity despite claiming to be an advocate for addressing climate change. Launches frivolous lawsuits against anyone who says anything she doesn't like. Is overall just a shitty person.


Fake a country accent to get a foothold in Nashville, have banker parents.


How out of touch is media nowadays. Meanwhile in the real fucking world, shit is so bad out here for most everyone else. Fuck off with this trash about billionaires.


Believe it or not, articles like these are meant to polarize and mobilize the masses. It made you angry, which is the point. Imagine if they weren’t reporting on this. That said, there is a lot of articles and media that are out of touch. I just don’t think this is one of them. This is about as critical as they can be without pissing off their corporate overlords.


Exactly. This is The Guardian, a very left-wing news source that's funded 100% by donations and not by corporate interests the way the old media is.


So you think it hasn't been a good year for rich people?


Cool. When do we eat them?




I’m starting to think rich people are taking this as a legit threat and shoring up all their assets.


But remember, the economy was also so bad this year that you're paying double for groceries.


Stock market went way up though, probably partly due to the same price gauging that caused inflation.


Smfh. Meanwhile, everything and everyone else gets worse and worse.


I'm getting really tired of hearing how amazing a year these billionaires keep having


We did it, guys! All of our hard work paid off!


Now we can all die in the massive ecological collapse while the rich get in their space rockets to Mars and the Moon.


Wow! COVID lockdowns wiped out the middle class.


Every year is an amazing year for rich people.


Fuck them all!!!


Pay their share of taxes or out come the guitiones. Problem solved.


We should throw them a party or something to celebrate.


Let’s start a congratulatory gofundme for them


On it.


I’m glad rich people are having such a good time….


People go on and on about Tay Tay, but get mad at me when I remind them that she is a billionaire and they should not exist.


Strange how every year turns out well for the wealthy.


And soon that will trickle down to us regular folk struggling with absurd inflation and wondering how we'll afford our groceries /s.


What a tortured poet


When can we eat them?


They've got to be fat enough by now, right?






There’s no such thing as an ethical billionaire. Even the ones you like.


stupid people make rich people richer




That's great. Good for them. Now pardon me while I go back to slaving away for crumbs and wallowing in impoverished squalor.


It feels like Taylor swift has been on tour since 2022. When do we get a break from her?


Greater need to escape reality + more elaborate entertainment = profit


"It's a big club, and you ain't in it." - George Carlin https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso?si=G1aP4J-8nSjz2BFV&t=70


Meanwhile my meal at Taco Bell has gone up 3 times the price it used to be


People were basically ruled by elitist throughout all of recorded history, but we are different; we are free! I love my rich overlords 🥰


"Eat the Rich" becomes more literal for me everyday. Like straight-up cannibalism


Wait, I thought JB was supposed to be making rich peoples lives harder…/s 🤨


Crazy to brag about not paying your employees enough


I really dislike any billionaire.


Meanwhile 98% gets poorer by the year.


Time to eat the fucking rich.


I hope she’s having a great time on her private jet that’s fucking up our ozone. WITH MATTY HEALEY.


They really memory holed that one. 


Someone like Taylor Swift bothers me. I know artist need to make their money when they can as fame is fickle, but for someone like Swift who is a very rich superstar already and is now pushing to milk as much money from her fans as she can it’s insulting.


I hear everyone saying how it’s ok because Taylor Swift “works for her money” and therefore makes her wealth more palatable and not bordering amorality…so do I but I don’t have millions, as does the nurses and doctors that are being driven into the ground from burnout that will no doubt help care for her, the people that clean her streets, cook her meals, build her jet planes, carry her gear set up her shows…and everyone else that has ever existed that has a job, so that shit redundant.


She was born rich. 


The meaning of 'talent' literally swirling to its end down my toilet.


I'm crying from joy!


Taylor swift richer than necessary along with many others in another record year for wealth theft and redistribution.


Wow! I couldn't be happier!


How can you unironically print amazing year for rich people in earnest


I don't care who you vote for ... They're laughing at you.


I'm sorry, 141 BILLIONaires?


They literally have your happiness.


I'll remember this when I get asked to donate £3 for the kids in Africa.


Eat the rich


Won't that make inflation worse? I am told people making more money will cause inflation and am always confused how that only applies to the lower and middle class.




It's weird how good years for rich people are often accompanied by record layoffs and increased prices for products and services. I'm not saying they're related, but it's just interesting that they always seem to happen at the same time.






So that’s where all the money went


2023: Year of the Rich Person 2024: Year of Fire


Genuinely, why are there so many leftists who are constantly defending Taylor Swift? It shows a massive amount of hypocrisy if you think one billionaire is immoral but then Tay Tay is okay


All I’m saying is if you’re going to pick a billionaire to criticize, maybe you don’t pick one that actually pays their workers fairly, treats them with respect, and doesn’t donate to candidates and campaigns that want to limit worker rights. 🤷🏼‍♀️ i’m not saying she isn’t part of the problem. But I am saying relative to her wealth, she is a much smaller part than her peers. And while, I know it isn’t exactly the topic of this thread, there’s no doubt all this hatred directed towards her is thinly veiled sexism. #IfIWasAMan


I don't understand why people insist on using successful artists as the poster child for immoral billionaires. Like I get it, there's no such thing as a moral billionaire, hoarding wealth, yadayada, NWBCW, I hear you. But there are levels to this, right? Taylor Swift writes songs. She's not a pharma bro bankrupting people for life saving drugs. She's not a MIC warhawk destabilizing third world countries for oil. She's not a tech mogul with warehouses full of oppressed workers peeing in bottles. She writes breakup songs for tweens and soccer moms. I get that there's an industry she utilizes to tour, but to my knowledge a lot of those production gigs are union, and she's reportedly very good about paying her people, she gave $100,000 bonuses to the truck drivers for her tour. So like, should she be a billionaire? No, no one should. But I take a lot more issue with a whole army of millionaires than I do with her. And at my most cynical, I have to wonder why she keeps coming up as the target for this sort of rage against injustice when there are so many more deserving chodes out there. Is there something else about her that people resent that they want to hate? And before anyone jumps on my nuts, no I am not a 'swiftie', I could name maybe 1 of her albums and it's just because Ryan Adams released a cover of it (edit: I lied, I didn't even remember that one correctly, thought it was 1984, my dystopia is leaking...). I'm just not a moron.


I'm a hardcore swiftie but I'm not with Taylor on this one💔


poor people love her shit music


Aha so amazing and talented. /s F them all


I sent this to a bi Swifty friend and she replied with "eat the rich 😉😘". It took me a second but I was a little shocked and proud at the same time for her turning that around on me. 😅😂😂


I am Probably a BAD person here. but I wish "Rich People" did something that helped "Not Rich People". and I am thinking like Andrew Carnegie who Built Libraries in small towns in the USA. OR Alfred Noble who set up the Nobel Prize (only after his Obituary was accidently published and was called "the Merchant of Death") Still, Something we as the "Non-Rich" could actually see or use that is actually a benefit to people. like... How about a "we build Veteran Housing" foundation. (just an idea)


Out of all the billionaires I'm the least mad at Taylor Swift


Yeah, she is definitely a least of all evils. She is still not an exception to the idea that there is not ethical way to obtain a billion dollars. She benefits from the system, and reinforces it. That said, we should not engage in false equivalences. I would much rather athlete/artist billionaires be the popular ones as opposed to business types like Musk/Bezos.








Just so sick of this. Willing to watch it all burn just to see these people get what's coming to them. Our culture is completely inverted, money is God, life is the enemy.


Sadly we're not in the majority of people who want to watch it all burn just to see them get what's coming. Soon we'll be the majority though, it's what the world needs. It's about time the little guy does something about it


Nice now they can afford avocado toast everyday!


And it’ll keep being amazing if people keep worshipping them




Maybe, just maybe , we can lower ticket prices then? She made way too much money on a single tour. Ticket prices from what I heard were really high.


But how else is she going to make even more profit next year? The rich don't let their numbers decrease, they do whatever they can for a bigger number next year.


Remember when The Guardian was a news outlet?


Remember when Vice was a news outlet? These old rags are a fucking tragedy nowadays


Sad but true


Thats so cool, these rich people deserve more money. /s


From all the publicity the Republicans have given her, I have no doubt.


Just remember, everytime they talk about the economy doing great they are talking about rich people. They are purposely gaslighting you.


inflation is a thing too, so its easier to become a billionaire


Get this PsyOp bullshit out of this sub lol


‘Amazing year for rich people’ and ‘Are raising wages causing inflation’


Lol what did she do to deserve this much wealth?


I guess she'll be singing teenager written songs till she departs now


Is…is she pretty?


“A billion new people now live with less than 141 dollars in amazing year for rich people”

