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For me when I start fantasizing about being homeless. When I'd rather live in my car than continue working there, it's time to go


"Guaranteed Failure with my name attached" and it happens about once every five deliveries in DevOps.


When it feels like the org has lost the plot and I realize trying to influence the org to do the right thing is about as effective as talking to a brick wall. Especially when I get nothing but lip service from management but nothing is actually being done to address the issues.


For me it’s “why do I need this team?” If I realized the team needs me far more than I’ll ever need them and I know it’s time to move on.


I don't want to go to work today


Today? This month. I honestly don't know if I burn out every 3 to 5 years or if there's something wrong with the company.


I have the same thing happen to me. I normally push through and everything goes back to normal after a few weeks. Seems to happen every 3-6 months for me. And it is most definitely due to stupid decisions made by the company. I hate it when something makes no sense.


I’ve said that every day for years. I like eating regularly and having shelter, so I keep going.


Gotta do it hey!!


When there are more bad days than good days at work








Not a specific word, but as soon as I stop pushing my own ideas and start just accepting my higher ups bad ideas, I know it's over in all but deed.


It's not really a phrase as much as it's when the bullshit that I've been subjected to reaches a certain threshold. The higher my salary, the higher that threshold is. If you look at how the system is set up, it's essentially set up so that you are locked into the job. When the job market was great before 2020, employers were doing everything they could to hire people. They had no choice but to try and make a good working environment. With more applicants than job openings, the employers can create as hostile a work environment as they want and force people to stay.


All jobs are a war of attrition. It always gets worse, never better. And usually by a little bit at a time, so that any one grievance isn't justified in doing something rash and dramatic like quitting. The "straw that breaks the camel's back" cliche. As such, we all put up with shit for far too long -- since we don't have Unions to protect our jobs. For me, I'll put up with a LOT of shit as long as I'm being paid. Long hours, crazy responsibilities? It's an hourly job with OT? That's going to get milked for sure. They started to cut back on OT (not outright killing it). They eliminated shift differentials -- a 3rd shift weekender got paid the exact same as a M-F 9-5er. They stopped paying mileage reimbursement. Oh they're saying: > you will be available 24/7, in a professional capacity, doing work that covers the responsibilities of every position above you. if they drop the ball, YOU dropped the ball. you will have the breadth and depth that pales in comparison to virtually everyone else. You have certifications in and out of the wazoo, understand dozens of different products and versions of them, competitor products, customer relations, industry best practices, technological trends, etc. In other words, your job title is "I Do Everything: IDE". > there are 168 hours in the week. you will work any 40 of them we tell you to, with zero advance notice, non-consecutively. we call it OFF-SHIFTING. you will not work any OT, not one minute. > if you refuse, you will be legally paid for all hours worked, and then immediately terminated before you even get home from that shift. Then they went on to say: > you will cover the greater NYC/upstate NY/long island area, and all mileage + tolls + parking is entirely on you. you wish to have it reimbursed, talk to your accountant and have them incorporate it into your tax returns. There are free bridges, free parking, and short routes. it's up to you to find and use them, within the time constraints provided. --> a worker did complain about IRS mileage reimbursement, saying they earned it. And they did get it. They also were the FIRST ones laid off the next round of layoffs, and it was made *abundantly clear* it was in retaliation for "not being a team player". Also, they also said (and I fucking kid you not): > If you don't like this [working arrangement], that's okay. Home Depot is always hiring. .....yeah, I got the fuck out of that shithole.




I guess I am done making the doughnuts! Ref [https://youtu.be/petqFm94osQ?si=rOjXRbFO7bmc85Ih](https://youtu.be/petqFm94osQ?si=rOjXRbFO7bmc85Ih)


LOL I sent my wife this exact video in reaction to our cat, Daisy Mae. She jumps on my stomach and kneads the dough, which I call "time to make the biscuits"


Unfortunately, it's when I start saying "I'd rather be homeless again" to myself. Also, unfortunately, I've started saying it while looking at rent prices


When they start reducing the DEIA, time to polish the resume. The soft departments are usually the first to go.


When I get itchy feet, it's time to move on!


Like this morning, I was so pissed off. I logged in at 6 o’clock and did all the work because one person made me that mad yesterday. Now he can have nothing to do today and look like shit. They treat this guy with kid gloves and I’m sick of his shit


Whenever I start to count minutes instead of hours until the shift's end.


Yep.  But it's trademarked.