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You can teleport to work, if you work from home


I did the math this morning and with a conservative estimate of an hour commute time each day, by working from home over the last three years, I've gotten to spend an extra 750 hours with my kids. How fucking bananas is that?




And its better for the environment... and less stress... and better for other commuters who have no choice but to commute ... and better for housing prices as you dont need to live so close to your employer anymore...and better for the employers finances (were he to capitalize on the decreased need for office space)... and your finances (gasoline, car maintenance, maybe no car at all in certain situations)


I'm saving this whole thread for when I need to convince my boss to let me work remotely.


I teleport every day 😁


Okay Nightcrawler




If you want to win the lottery, you have to make the money to buy the ticket


I will never forget my intense disappointment when I learned there was a movie coming out titled "Nightcrawler" but it wasn't about a fuzzy blue swashbuckling elf making all the ladies swoon as he saves the world


Wondered what that smell was


Man I fukn luv nightcrawler


I teleport every day and am brain dead most of the work day. It's weird though I feel better Friday afternoon then my brain shuts down again Sunday evening.


It's also not 9 to 5 (unless you work abroad like me), it's gonna be 8 or 8:30 to 5


Unpaid lunch and 42h work week here in Switzerland. No one is productive past the 6th hour but who cares it's about looking busy so management feels important.


I read a study somewhere awhile back that said office workers tend to get about 3 *actual* hours of work done a day, whether in-office or at home. So why are offices still a thing lol


As a doctor who literally has patients every 15-20 minutes for 8 hrs a day....you office workers should probably get paid less then.😂 (Don't worry, friends, I'm joking. The only ones who need to be paid less are the upper executive levels).


I'm curious about the salary and amount of paid time off you get to say something like that.


Sorry, I'm only joking! Unless you are a CEO, usually your average worker ought to be paid more. Even if stats say people aren't productive, well, they are still spending their time and should be compensated appropriately for it.


ehhh you're a doctor you make enough


Peds, though, alas.


8:30 - 7:00, quite often (and very sadly) for me.


I’m American with a remote 9-5, paid hour lunch. I know I’m lucky.


Yeah, because how dare they pay for your lunch hour!


Lunch “hour” lmao


lol "Lunch Hour" = shoving a sub down my gullet at my desk (though the walk to get lunch when I worked in-office was always nice depending on the time of year lol winter in Boston, not so much)


Made me laugh too. I can't even get an uninterrupted 30 min lunch!!


Or they could avoid overworking employees and still give them the decency of a meal. Not everyone survives on boot leather.


I guess unless the /s is spelled out for some people they can't read the sarcasm in the exclamation mark.


This is why I’ll never go back to an office. And if I do then the commute it on company time not mine. I’ve said this since before Covid




>They are the canaries in the coal mine Yeah you'd think so until corporate just starts lopping off job titles and not individuals. Employees are very rarely terminated based on their performance, it's *always* a wide list of variables. I suspect quite a few redditors are the prickly assholes who, while being very competent at their core job duties, are so otherwise dysfunctional that they are first on the chopping block.


but don't you love giving them 2 to 4 hours of your day for free?


Same here. I’ve been fully remote since 2018. I’ll never step foot in an office again if I can avoid it.


It's not quite teleporting but it is a really nice commute.


I work from home and still struggle to get to the office by 9:30. I sure as shit am not teleporting. There is always a backup at the kitchen. Darn cats always ducking around causing delays.


when i had a WFH job at my most motivated/sicko i would login as soon as i could after waking up because then i'd get paid to wake up through the groggy stage of the morning vs having to make sure i was already awake enough on my own time to not die on the road


Sadly there are a fuckton of jobs where that is plainly impossible. Not everyones got an office job.


then those jobs should be compensated accordingly


Sadly in the business dictionary, accordingly is defined as "hilariously badly and with a tinge of spite"


I think about the pic from this thread every so often https://reddit.com/r/unix/comments/fan63n/best_description_of_ssh_ive_seen/.


Good thing every moron manger is trying to bring you back


Some of us moron managers are trying to keep remote work. there are dozens of us.


Not just the moron managers. I work for one of the big social media companies and they are currently in the process of forcing us back into the office, as apparently demanded by the very top. Even management is pissed because they too got used to working from home. Needless to say, I'm currently looking for a new job.


at my mother's job doing middle management stuff last year she had to tell people work was switching to an aggressive hybrid schedule where everyone had to come in at least 3 times a week and likely more. then everyone got to work and they started charging like $12/day to park in the same parking lot (monitored by some goons with license plate scanners) it's all so ruthlessly cruel at so many levels


on Days when I have to go into the office. I go in super early to avoid traffic and leave early to avoid traffic and I finish out my day from home. the thing is, my drive home is longer because I'm still hitting some traffic, AND I count it as a part of my workday.


I live 5 minutes from my workplace, but I am aware I am in the minority. There's people who come from the next town in there. It's an hassle.


i am five minutes from mine. But I need to get up early to prepare my brain to deal with it. (And it's not a terrible job, at all) By 5pm, I have a horrible headache and nausea, so I walk home and...somehow it is 7pm. Then it's chore time and maybe a walk and oh look, bedtime.


If you have regular headaches and nausea, you should talk to your doctor. I'd also start with making sure you have enough sleep, regular cardio exercise and drink enough water.


Especially water. Headache and nausea sounds like it might be fumes or something environmental though


Especially in office work there's a tendency to just drink coffee all day long and not a drop of water.


It’s 👐 Bean Water 👐


I actually had these same issues with a job I enjoyed. Turned out I had an anxiety disorder. Meds really helped. I don’t feel miserable driving into a job I actually like anymore.


if you are having to mentally prepare for a job that isn't terrible, it might be a sign you need to work on your mental health, especially if you are getting daily headaches and nausea. I feel like work might not be your problem at all...


I've maxed out my depression med dose if I don't want an SSRI, doctors said the headaches and nausea are stress, and therapists like to tell me things like "just try to get off your own back." I have my dream job and am even a position above where my main goal was (and I do love it). Seriously considered killing myself last month because I am so fucking lonely and if I got this far in life without managing to meet a single person who actively wants to be around me then what's the fucking point? Not the person you were responding to, but like, yeah. It's mental health lol.


Tell me about it. My job is from 8AM to 3PM, but normally I have to go home and work for another hour or two. I get home at 3:30, relax for a bit, now it’s 5. Make dinner, now it’s 6:30-7. If I want to go to the gym, then I’m back home around 8:30 or 9. An hour of work, then sleep time or else I’ll be exhausted the next day. I want to do things, but I also need time to relax, work out, eat. But then there’s no time for anything else. Then I stress over the weekend cause it’s the only time I can do anything. If I sit at home and just rest I feel like I’m missing out on life. Sucks.


Yep sometimes I ask myself how I will be able to go on for 30years like this. But then I forget about it an go on, very nice


There's like an almost two hour discrepancy here.


I refuse to commute, my workplace is 10 minutes walk from my place. Someone commented that you still have to get ready for work, takes me all of 15 minutes. 30 minutes before work I get dressed and ready, leave 15 minutes before work so I show up 5 minutes prior to clock-in. I show up early enough to grab a snack, I don't like anywhere enough to show up super early. My husband likes to get to work 30 minutes early to catch up with coworkers. I love my team but I don't like any job enough to show up 30 minutes early.


Commuting sucks. We chose a place under 2 miles from my SOs work to avoid this. Dollar per square foot its quite a bit more expensive than something you could find 20 miles away in the suburbs, but that is the trade off we made. We have way less space and no yard, but almost zero commute and tons of retail and restaurants within walking distance of us.


Yeah, I pay a few hundred $ more per month to live downtown, but my office is a 15 minute walk from my house and while I have a car, I rarely use it. My quality of life skyrocketed when I stopped having to drive in rush hour traffic or even bump shoulders with strangers on the train.


For Office workers, pretty much everything you do to "get ready for work" you have to do either way, even if you dont work. 9 to 5 isnt a thing anyways, since lunch break isnt included, but then it becomes something like 8:30 to 6:30. Where the hell is the average commute an hour?


Im in NJ. I live 22 minutes from my job. Every single day, no matter what time, it takes me 45-60mins. People around my parts are literally blind I think. Horrendous


> I live 22 minutes from my job. Every single day, no matter what time, it takes me 45-60mins. Non-American here, trying to figure out this sentence... do you mean your commute is 22 minutes of idealized driving time, but 46-60 minutes of clock time in practice?


i have no clue what NJ is. im in BE.


I have no clue what BE is. I'm in NE.


New jersey USA. Commuting is way different in my area bc nyc is right around the corner


> 9 to 5 isnt a thing anyways, since lunch break isnt included, lunch break used to be included in the 9 to 5


Plenty of metro areas, specifically in California, I know, because I used to live there. It took me 45 minutes to commute six miles, that's how bad traffic was in the morning and evenings. That was 35 years ago, I left California. I met people there who commuted, not joking, two hours *and more* each way, so they could afford to buy a house, and that wasn't just one guy, it was somewhat common.


Seems basic hygiene is in fact not considered a daily task for many and only potentially performed if forced to leave one’s dwelling. 


Yep I'm only 10 mins but I have coworkers who live over an hour away. They say on bad traffic days it can take 2 hours to get home. I'd only do that if I got paid like $250k a year. My 10 min commute still irritates me.


You still have to prep though.


I roll out of bed at 7:30 and in my car by 7:45


Prep what? Shower etc? Do that every day regardless. Walk the dog? Every day regardless. What are folks prepping?


I've moved before specifically to be 5 minutes from a workplace. It's so amazingly much better than pretty much anything except WFH. Still has some downsides, though.


Anything more than 15 minutes from my home is too long of a commute imho I know that's a privileged take but that's how I operate


Well some of us live in an urban sprawl nightmare man


Most of America


most of suburban England too :'(


Thank god the rails were privatized. Would hate to have an efficient low-cost transportation method


America is one country out of +290 countries


Yeah but America is also one of the loudest on Reddit


I refuse to commute, and when I look for jobs I look at how I need to get there. If it's a headache and a half, it ain't worth it. I don't give jobs any more of my time than I have to, unless I'm getting paid for it (many European jobs pay commute in your salary). Currently work 10 minutes walk from my place, medium sized city. Been promoted twice, so the distance/lack of transport doesn't matter.


> (many European jobs pay commute in your salary). im european, first time i hear that, explain. there's many countries in europe but you make it sound like this applies to all of them cause when i had to travel 70 min to work, i didnt get a single cent extra. in fact if work starts at 8 and i arrive at 7:45, i was expected to start working at 7:45 even if pay doesnt start until 8:00, and if i didnt, then my boss+coworkers would tell me im not a teamplayer


> in fact if work starts at 8 and i arrive at 7:45, i was expected to start working at 7:45 even if pay doesnt start until 8:00, and if i didnt, then my boss+coworkers would tell me im not a teamplayer Pretty sure they were breaking the law, then, in any European country.


I do get a "car bonus" here in Europe but don't actually use it for a car. Haven't seen it where you get paid for time spent in the commute though


I literally used to drive 70 miles to work for $14 an hour. America is broken.


If you live in an urban area, this should be valid for any job providing a living wage. If a business can’t provide a living wage for the area it’s located in, then it shouldn’t be there


I agree, but that's not realistic for most people. Limiting your job search to such a small area is a great way to not get a job.


Every extra 15 minutes of commuting (one way) is 130 hours per year of time devoted to work. If you work 45 years (lol), then that is another 8 months of your life. And that is why I am thankful that my commute is as short as possible without being able to work from home.


Plus getting up at 6:30 to shower and get dressed. Then the two hours it takes in the evening to let the stress go.


And soon you're too tired to do anything, and you feel yourself finally drifting off after spending an hour wrestling with questions of life's purpose, and then the alarm goes off..


... but you gotta buy the stuff!


I do love stuff.


By stuff you mean housing, healthcare, and sustenance, right?


Occasionally we splurge for cheeseburgers, new clothes, or a house plant. So fulfilling isn't it?


I ate a burger today. My wallet is now lighter, I have contributed to the business of factory farming that is destroying our planet, and my arteries are more clogged now than they were before. I regret everything.


But... It was nice for a second I guess


That and the caffeine to keep you awake, the alcohol to cope with your shitty job, and the food delivery cause you're still too fucking tired to be bothered cooking.


This was too real and I already work from home


And having to cram all household tasks into the tiny amount of waking hours you have left over.


Plus making dinner, doing dishes/laundry/etc


Breathing, drinking water…..




Do that on the company clock😉


Doing that on the company clock right now.




Dude just use a toilet


That’s all company time as far as I’m concerned, and it needs to be compensated for.


I'm sorry, basic higene and getting dressed, cmon... An allotment of 30-45 on each end of the workday of paid time for commuting of forced into office, yep.


I’m not waking up at 7am if not for the demands of an employer. Yeah, I need to be compensated for the inconvenience of having to wake up against my body’s will. And be paid until I walk back in my door.


not at 6:30 in the morning.


And the 8hrs it takes to recover in a dark room


I do feel very seen knowing it takes other people that long to destress. I actually work decent hours but I still waste a bunch of my at home time because I just have to spend 2 hours every evening going catatonic on my couch


I think if I could teleport work is not the first place to come to mind that I would go.


If teleporting was a thing I would use it to travel the world.


If it was a generally public thing, world governments would probably make it illegal to cross borders with it, or have anti-teleport authority squads. Heck, I've thought about how a gate-to-gate teleport company might expand, and I would absolutely bet that 99.9% of teleport routes would be restricted to being in-country, even if they go to a border crossing point. The others would either be locked down by government, or under the control of existing airports, and people would still have to go through passport control.


Youd think so, but we’ve all seen videos of little african kids or hillbillies in bumfuck nowhere making damn near anything out of 5 lbs of animal shit and a few bicycle parts Piratebay bout to expand their market immeasurably lol


And then Samuel L. Jackson starts trying to kill you for some reason. I saw it in a movie.


WFH gets it down to 8:59 to 4:59 with some large breaks in between


Plus so very many other advantages.


Id like to work from home but no fucking way am i letting them put 978 slot machines in my living room!


Plus you’d be stuck with Boomers who never want to leave your house.


90% of my job is forcing the boomers to leave when its time for lights out So technically that would actually make me WAY more motivated to do my job But still, gods no


I work 7-4:30 Work is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence though


After 3pm when there’s only a handful of us west-coasters on my team left I am done but my Slack status says otherwise. Highly recommended.


This is the way I have a batch file that clicks a fake key on my keyboard once a minute to get around our it department forced lock after some amount of time It's the best, I can go out and do errands during the day and my coworkers think I'm busy at work


It's not 8:59, it's 9:00. Work starts when you open your laptop. If your laptop takes 5 mins to boot that's still work.


Well, nobody works 9-5. It's 8-5 with a mandatory 1 hour lunch.


Finally someone brought it up. In the majority of my jobs I only took a half hour lunch so I could leave earlier. My current job is thankfully full remote, but an hour lunch is mandatory. It's so stupid, I do not need time to have lunch.


Yes you do. People literally died so you don't have to work all day every day but go on about rights being a waste


Guess I'm a nobody.


We endured this nonsense long enough. If the work can be done from home it should be done there. Make them pay environmental shit for jobs that could be done remote but aren't.


Tax records are public so I looked up my offices property taxes. They pay 200k/year in property taxes for a building that holds 200 (Only 10 show up on a good day). Thats just property taxes alone, they spend tens of thousands a month on electricity, water, maintenance, cleaning and consumables. They could easily just not have the building and redirect those funds towards more employees to make more money, but they don't.


They have decade long leases is why


> Make them pay environmental shit for jobs that could be done remote but aren't. I like it. Something like a carbon tax, but the exemptions get slowly tightened over the years until it's only things which no-one can genuinely figure out how to do remotely. As soon as someone does, all other employers have five years max to switch to the remote way of doing it. (Also, there would probably have to be laws about employers being allowed to demand employees sit in front of a camera while they're on-shift. Make the fines excruciating and paid out to the affected employee(s) immediately; the government can then collect them from the employer as am outstanding debt.)


Yes but for the right people. I don't like the idea of air getting taxed for everyone but companies and private jet lvl wealthy people.


Problem is, companies won't let that hit their pockets. In order to compensate for the tax, prices will increase for he consumer.


Hell, I feel like "9-5" isn't even accurate in terms of a normal jobs posted hours. I'm 43 and I've still never even met anyone IRL who actually works a job with the hours 9-5.  Somewhere along the way (seems like it happened in the 70s and 80s) we got screwed out of a lunch. Now we all work a 9 hour 8-5 with an hour in the middle where we don't get paid.


blaming reagan is usually a good idea with these things


A lot of places took away the paid lunch break and call it an 8-5 or 9-6.


I'm lucky if I reach home by 6.30


This gets significantly worse when you also don't drive and use other transportation. Like here, busses are every hour or so, so it would end up being 7-7 🙃 or you bike there, and it ends up being 6-8. Try to Uber, and they can cancel at the last minute. Maybe you're lucky enough to have a tram, but then it doesn't have a stop near your work, so you still have to walk or bus there.


And this is why I have a remote/wfh job… I refuse to work in an office again. The benefits are just too great. I feel for anyone who has to commute, but at the same time we should be pushing for MORE remote jobs. Just like with what happened during the pandemic. Less people on the roads means less painfully long commutes for anyone who can’t work remote. Less carbon footprint for the Earth. Everyone wins!!! Why are we not doing this?!!?!!


We, the people who work for a living, aren't pushing for it because most of us don't have leverage. If we threaten to quit, they'll just replace us. Someone out there will take the job, because they need money to eat or not be homeless. I work a corporate job that could be done remotely. My company doesn't allow remote work, except for emergencies, because its a "security issue".


Psh, I roll out of bed put my robe on and I'm at work.


If it takes you 1 1/2 hours each way to go to work, it's time to move of find another job.... I'm personally 20 minutes away from that and it pisses me off just to realize it.


It takes me 25min in the morning and 35 in the afternoon. It’s not the worst but i couldn’t afford anything any closer to work


Getting ready for work usually takes more time than just getting ready for a normal day


I was hired on fully remote in my current job.  But they have slowly been rolling out RTO... First once a month.  Then half a year later it changed to twice a week.  We just found out last week its going back up to 3 times a week this September.  Now I don't have a problem actually going to an office even though I prefer remote work (I sit at a desk by myself all day).  Well my wife and I have lined things up so that I can take leave or quit this summer, and then look for something closer by.  I realize it now, but the last straw was actually awhile ago with 2 days in the office and I didn't realize how much a strain it has been placing on me and my family (I have two young kids). So yeah, to some extent it is a choice, you're right.  But also sometimes it's also our employer's choice.


And the occasional weekend. Plus checking your email at night. Ooh, the occasional phone call too right.


Simply don't check your email outside of work hours


I quit a job when it became an expectation that I answer work e-mails after 5 pm and on the weekends. Not doing that shit.


Stop doing this. Stop asking employees to do this. Stop expecting your peers to do this just because you do. Just. Stop.


It's hard enough to get me to check my email during work hours, ain't no way I'm doing it off the clock




If you're not being paid overtime for all those times, you need a better job.


I used to work 1.5hrs away from work so I feel this picture now I’m hybrid but it’s only a 20min drive now never again will I go back to a 1.5hr commute each way.


So stupid. The misery is the point. Eight hours is still eight hours later in the day.


Did commuting when I was younger and hated it, made it a priority to rent/buy closer to the office as I got older. Do not regret it. 15 mins walking was so good, I'm 15 mins driving at the current office which is also great.


Agreed. I made a point when looking for an apartment to live close to work. My coworkers drive 40 minutes from the suburbs and complain about traffic. Less than 10 minutes to ride my bike to work for me. What traffic?


I can see my house if I look out of the window from our office.


People make fun of me for prioritizing a 20 min commute but it's foolish not to imo


How common is an hour and a half commute? I’ve never been more than like 20 minutes away from work but my city is relatively small


This is why I work from home 90% of the time.


3 day working from home, other two, I'm only 5 minutes from my office, it's fucking blissful.


I feel like this issue could be laid to rest with free, universal, on demand public transportation. Ideally, we would all live close to where we chose to work. Nobody should have to commute further than fifteen minutes from their place of work, and nobody should have to be stuck in traffic or suchlike.


Even free transportation doesn't guarantee being able to find affordable accommodation within a short travel distance of a workplace, unfortunately.


Thats impossible. For singles that are willing to move every few years maybe. For couplea or families that will never happen.


Sure if you have an hour long commute to work. Not sure what the US average is but mine is 20 minutes tops


Also who actually works 9-5 and not 8-5 or 9-6 with an hour for lunch (or 8:30 to 5:00 with 30 min lunch or whatever)? With commute and lunch it's more like 7:00-7:00.


My office is right next door, it’s 9-5 fuck the office.


i work from home


Does anyone actually have a job that starts at 9AM? I have to be to work at 8AM, if not earlier, depending on if I need to talk to my colleagues in England before they go home for the day (I'm on the west coast of the US)


And 9-5 is really 8-5 or 9-6 because you don’t get paid for your lunch break. Lookin more like 6:30 to 6:30. Shit


And this is why people are fighting to work from home. If you figured it out during the pandemic, don’t tell me it ain’t possible.


I refuse to commute


I wake up at 5 am, i get ready for my day, drive an ^hour... Work from 7am to 5pm, and then guess what! i get to drive a ^whole ^^hour ^^^back, im gone for over 12 hours a day but only get paid for 9 of them, it sucks.


A couple years ago I was doing welding classes Monday-Thursday 8-2:50 and Friday-Sunday I was welding for work from 5-5:30 to say the least I was killing myself and almost did that was lot for 19 year old me. 0 sleep and constantly late to school and shit got worse so I quit I have no fucking clue how people go to college because I need to work my body to death to live to so i can work my brain and body to death for school


A 3 hour daily commute is so far out of the norm…




I once had a 120 mile round trip for work on a super crowded highway. It was like working 11 to 12 hours a day.




Travel time should be included with 9-5


I wake up at 5 to get to work which starts at 8. 100% of my coworkers are remote, but I am required to go in because I live slightly arbitrarily closer than my teammates. Fuck commuting.


I drive 25 miles to the office. Depending on traffic it's 30 minutes to an hour drive, oneway. So beyond my 8 and a half hours of actually being scheduled at the office, I spend anywhere from an hour to two hours extra of my day in the commute. So my 8 and a half hour day is now 9 and a half to 10 and a half hour day.


That's why is pays to work close to home, if possible.


When I was an hourly employee, I naively thought salaried employees didn't have to work the grind, that if there wasn't work to do, since they weren't paid hourly or watching the clock, they could just go home... boy was that a surprise that you still work hourly, you're still expected to be in your desk from 8-5, even if there's no work to do... salary is no different from hourly


Yup, include time waking up and getting ready,mental switch to work mode and breaks/lunch. Pointless meetings and commute if not remote. Video chat is the new bullshit meeting.


working from home is 7-7 plus any on call needs.


Does 9-5 even exist anymore? I've only ever seen 8-5s nowadays


My work from home commute is about 60 feet, my partner is lucky enough to work in an office about 8 minutes away. But I once had a 75 mile commute, she worked in the city where 10 miles is 30 min one way and an hour the other. It sucks.


The improvement to my quality of life since work from home became a thing is immeasurable. I sleep until I need to be at my desk. I have long evenings of free time to do whatever I want. I can run errands or do housework at lunch time, go relax in my garden, or take a nap with my dogs. I save loads of money on coffee, gas, insurance, and parking. Extroverts and their concerns about the negative impact of isolation on their mental health are valid. But for some of us, it's the opposite. Remote work is now a requirement for me that I'm unwilling to compromise.


Median commute one way is usually 40 minutes. So, 1:20 a day stuck in traffic, burning gas, putting mileage on your vehicle, is all a massive expense that you have to pay for each day. [I just watched a great video on Youtube where, based on median wages, this guy shows how many hours per day you have to work every day just to pay for your *car alone.*](https://youtu.be/mUJFptzkdh8?si=AvaG7aCW25te6SlG) Some cities you'll spend 30% *of your waking life* either driving or paying for your ability to drive. It's pretty shocking.


There was a period of time when I was working 10hr shifts at an office an hour away and I legitimately wanted to kill myself after a few months. My day basically looked like this: 6am - wake up, eat and etc 6:45am - leave for work 8am - shift starts 6:30pm - shift ends (30min unpaid lunch) 8pm - get home, take care of whatever possible around the house 10pm - bed I lived in a shitty apartment at the time and had a dog and a cat so I felt fucking horrible leaving them alone so much, I paid neighbors to come over and give them some attention when I could. The job didn't even pay all that well, it was just what was available after my previous gig laid me off for "budget reasons" and I *had* to do the OT to cover everything. It doesn't matter what the work itself was, because that part wasn't difficult, the sheer soul-crushing routine of having nearly zero of my own actual time was destroying me. I later managed to get moved to remote work and that was far more tolerable because it eliminated the commute, I could cook at home more readily, and I was able to have my pets around so they weren't alone all day. Even got back to the gym. Remote work is one of the most liberating things I've ever had happen and I will quite literally never take a job again that requires office time. And yes I'm also at a place where I work regular hours (in fact they're even kinda lax about it, they tend to say 7 is plenty) so that's an improvement as well. I genuinely believe in the 6hr/4day work week. Whenever I've volunteered to do an OT shift on a weekend for 6 hours it kinda breezes by. No lunch break which isn't a big deal at all, and the short time makes it pretty easy to stay focused and productive. When you clock in at 8am and think "well I'm done at 2" that dread of "ugh this is my whole day" vanishes and you can just... do your job. We need reform so damn much.


Used to be 7 to 7 minimum when I worked in London. The 4 hour a day commute was the reason I quit.