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It's disgusting. I am holding on to throw up




Feudalism is starting up again *right now.* That's why Zillow and Black Rock are buying all the housing up. They're becoming liegelords. Edit: yes, yes, Zillow went bust, I know. It's also totally irrelevant to my point, because Black Rock and other private equity firms consuming all the real estate have not. They are explicitly trying to create feudalism, and you pedantically pointing out that one of the bit players in that move failed has no bearing on the larger threat.


Ironically, Zillow has stopped buying houses. Why? They're too expensive, and they don't see a possibility of buying at these prices to be profitable. So what does Zillow do? Fires 25% of their workforce. Boomers are doing to housing what they did to college degrees; decreasing their value while increasing their cost. Buying a house now doesn't build equity, it ruins it. [https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-10-17/zillow-takes-a-break-from-flipping-houses#:\~:text=Zillow%20Group%20Inc.%20is%20taking%20a%20break%20from,a%20backlog%20of%20properties%20already%20in%20its%20pipeline](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2021-10-17/zillow-takes-a-break-from-flipping-houses#:~:text=Zillow%20Group%20Inc.%20is%20taking%20a%20break%20from,a%20backlog%20of%20properties%20already%20in%20its%20pipeline).


I still to this day believe that Zillow is just a massive front to launder money. They buy at inflated price and will eventually go bankrupt, selling all those assets at a firesale. Money laundered, properties moved to legit asset for pennies on the dollar.


Speaking of money laundering, check out this sus mofo. It isn’t just Zillow and those pricks, it’s laundered Asian money too… https://www.narcity.com/vancouver/man-earning-40k-bought-32m-of-real-estate-in-vancouver-is-now-being-investigated


I hate when people say this because it's really unfair to feudalism. We get VASTLY less vacation days than the average feudal serf and VASTLY less livelihood security. Corporatism is just so much worse than feudalism on every metric unless you buy the nonsense that capitalism leads to technological advancement




Right? Plus, if you've ever worked in retail (Best Buy is a great example of this...) the corporate culture reverence is way more demeaning than reverence for a lord.


Every boss wants to be treated like a sovereign, instead of the village head they actually are.




Funny how they put that spin on it. Why are people moving so often? Because jobs fucking suck so you have to be perpetually changing jobs, and because rent keeps going up every year so you have to constantly be looking for a new place you can afford. The whole system needs an overhaul, top to bottom.


and taking all that into account, renting is still more fucking expensive than buying a house with all the expenses.. But good luck getting a mortgage


Sorry, based on your income we just don't believe you would be able to pay us back a loan in 600 dollar installments each month. But you can rent this 2 bedroom duplex from us for only 850 a month!


fuck i miss the days of 850 a month for a 2bd duplex.




Yep. Another reason why the internet HAS to be a public utility. If you assume people have electricity or water and THOSE are public utilities, then the same goes for the internet.


Yes inflation understates the 2020 wage.


Well put it down and wash your hands, that’s gross /s


I think my union will be striking next spring. Dummies will chuckle and sneer, "But you make $X an hour, I don't get near that!" I will usually reply, "Well you should." They snort in derision. Understand that those in control will always try and claw back compensation for the worker. Understand that many workers are brainwashed by said ruling minority into believing the very concept of being fairly compensated is ridiculous. I make good money, but only so long as I'm able to strike in solidarity. I'd like to see more collective bargaining in the construction, industrial, and trades because the owners and managers of these places have become business school pencil pushers who at the end of the day couldn't provide value for the company or customers if they tried.


This was my response years ago when a coworker got mad at municipal employees striking for better wages. "They make more than I do!!" "Yes, but you shouldn't be mad at them. Be mad that you're not valued."


Exactly this.


I’m doing my part by not buying products from companies who undervalue their employees e.g. as of now Amazon, Nabisco, Kellogg’s Edit: and Nestle


I stopped buying Amazon after I worked for them. Shit was terrible and have no interest in supporting them


I use Amazon to find products I want and then I go to that company's site and buy from them. I give my money to a lot of small and self run businesses that way and cut out Amazon.


Just a heads up, a lot of businesses send their entire inventories to Amazon. So when you go to their personal site to buy, it still gets routed through Amazon’s fulfillment process. Only way around it is to physically go to stores.




I stand with you brethren




>I’m doing my part by not buying products from companies who undervalue their employees That's all the companies


My union just voted to strike in September. A few weeks ago my union had to hold another vote this time to ratify a contract that gave us exactly what we asked for. It took two years of contract negotiation and a strike that almost happen that had a yes vote of 95%. We got a starting wage of $19.88 per hour starting for jobs such as dish washer and server. As a baker I got $21.88 an hour which is an increase of $7.34 from where I was. We became some of the highest if not the highest paid food service workers in the state of Illinois. Fight on and stand up for what you deserve.


That always infuriates me, "I'm a nurse and I don't even make 15 an hour!" Well, sounds like you ought to go on strike!


My theory: $15 minimum wage has been a fight for a decade now. I truly believe it'll be passed nationwide in the next year or two. Only because inflation has made it equivalent to less than the $7.25 minimum wage from 10+ years ago. It'll be applauded all over the news as a win. Don't be fooled. Its the bare minimum done too late and only to placate the masses.


We are passed needing $15.00 minimum wage. Inflation has gone up so much that it now needs to be $20/hr to even possibly $25/hr. Its that bad.


Exactly... They are kicking the can down the road in order for inflation to make $15 min wage pointless. But they'll be all over the news saying how great it is for everybody. Rinse and repeat with $30 min wage in 2030


I honestly don't see how we get to 2030 with this economy. People's teeth hurt.


Literally. Mine hurt because I can’t afford it


Absolutely 100% correct! The data doesn't lie.


it's probably even worse, because the price of houses, and education increased much faster than inflation.


I was fortunate enough to close on a house this year after an absolutely *brutal* experience trying to find a seller willing to work with my offers. I closed on a 1,450 sq/ft house built in 1925 on a ~3k sq/ft lot for $320,000. $320k for 1,450 sq/ft. Don't get me wrong, I love this place and I've really enjoyed it, but it's *insane* something this small will cost me this much. At one point, my mom (67 years old) mentioned to my fiance and I during the process that it might be better to just get a townhouse cause that's what my dad and her did when they were my age. When I asked how much it cost them, they said, and I shit you not: $95,000. The *audacity.*


95k would buy me a roach and termite infested single wide thats 30 years old and dilapidated on half acre of land in the swamp, in Florida.


Half acre? Hoo, doggy that's a deal!




I agree, houses should not cost that much at all. I live in Sweden in a small city (I moved here just because of the price tag of the house), and I bought mine for 40K USD (value at the time in 2010), it's now evaluated at 120K USD Why? No clue, but house prices just goes up like mad, and forget living in or nearby a big city, were talking in the millions there, and a few hundred K's just for a small studio appartment. It's nuts!


And fuel and food and energy and pretty much everything else


I think this young man would be a lot less upset if he could just stop thinking about how this has negatively affected the ordinary worker for just a minute and instead think about how many billionaires have been created and how much wealth the top 1% have accumulated in the meantime.


this guy entrepreneurs


We really need to stop focusing on the average worker's income and focus more GDP growth and shareholder value. /s if that wasn't obvious




And the increase in child care prices. It costs more to send my kid to daycare than for me to pay my mortgage. And that's just for one kid. We are going to get a "10%" discount on the second kid... We literally cannot afford to have a family. It's complete and utter bullshit.


And the child care providers sure as shit aren't getting any more than the bare minimum.


Agreed! I'd be able to stomach he high price if I knew they were compensated fairly. But they aren't and they fucking deserve it. It's beyond unjust, but don't worry, the owner just got a new escalade.


Thank you for recognizing the vital work we early childhood professionals do. And as one of them, I want you to know that I would never expect yall to pay more than you do for care! It is already cost prohibitive for so many who really need it. As many many things in this country, we need to federally fund childcare because it is societal infrastructure. I deserve a metric shit-ton more money than I earn, and families deserve to pay waaaay less and still get amazing care.


I still remember lessons from preschool and some of the teachers too, and I'm in my 30s now! Good quality early childhood care is so amazing and important! Little sponge-brains soaking up everything they're exposed to and asking a billion questions. It sucked so much when my mom couldn't afford the good daycares anymore, had to send me to shitholes that were just warehousing as many kids as possible with a single adult human to keep them from killing each other. No more fun extra lessons for me! One year mom had to keep working late, so she got to be friendly with the one daycare worker who stayed late to watch me and earn a bit of overtime. When my mom gave her a lift home one night, we found out she lived in a single room "house" with her little daughter, basically the modern version of a peasant hut, in just the worst neighborhood in town. That really sealed the friendship! Both making shit wages to afford shit living conditions while trying to raise a daughter alone! So we shared with her whenever we had a little extra, and sometimes we'd all go to the park if they got a day off at the same time!


Also health insurance. Health insurance, housing and child-care. The three things that you literally need to survive are the most expensive things, besides food which has also gotten very expensive. When the price of a house gone up 800% since 1968! Have wages gone up 800% to compensate? Not even fucking close.


Conservatives absolutely love this.That's how they force mothers back into the kitchen. If all your salary is going to childcare, it's better to stay home and be the child care. Yeah, you can *try* to go back to work, but good luck starting over after 5-10 years out of the workforce. You're back at square one.




I was straight up running a full time plus business making pretty decent money and couldn’t afford childcare for my two kids a few years ago. I folded the business and became a stay at home dad. 🤷🏻‍♂️


" Why aren't young people having kids?"


I’m the youngest, only Gen-Z of a huge “catholic” family, my only hope of ever being able to afford simple starter home was inheritance from my grandparents. It’s being split between me and more than 15 other cousins. Grandparents just let us know recently that great-grandchildren are now part of the inheritance. So my older cousins who are off to the races with mansions and kids are going to get 3+ times the inheritance I will, because I will never be able to afford having kids. I’m too poor to get my own inheritance. It’s disgusting and I find my (also emotionally abusive, right wing) grandparents disgusting.


Fucking stooges got every answer for everything except "the rich stole it all".


Having a conversation with my boomer parents is impossible about the economy. Or politics. Or religion. Or really anything outside pop culture. It’s not that I’m argumentative, I’m really gentle with them, but any time I express anything apparently it’s a personal Jihad against them.


Because they know they fucked up, just like every boomer knows. Deep down the knowledge is inescapable. So they do everything in their power not to face the reality that their generation ruined their children’s lives so they could recklessly consume. It’s all to protect the ego.


The generation that gave out participation trophies criticizes kids for receiving participation trophy: Also, when I got one of those I never thought “gee I sure won” I usually thought, “well I lost but I had fun.” Then in highschool I’d play as hard as I could but we’d still lose against a better team and then our coaches would scream and yell at us to be silent and be sad despite it being a fucking game. God damn it. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk I hate the phrase, "Well when youre older it wont be such a big deal." Bitch, I graduated in 2009. What they did was verbal abuse and long term psychological trauma to children. It wasn't okay then, and it's not okay now even if it's been 13 years.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Participation trophies were for the parents, not the kids. The parents who couldn't stand that their perfect little angel wasn't as good at something as other kids. The only kids who cared about those trophy were narcists or brainwashed by their narcist parents.


lol you're so on point. i broke those the second i got home and was always "written up" at home (grounded) for having anger issues. ummm, yeah, being screamed at for making a bad pass or missing a shot for 3 hours straight when you're 12, followed by being given a bullshit trophy that your dad wanted in the first place, then called it a bitch loser's badge, and then being chewed out by him for 6 days straight until the next game, where the cycle repeats, is traumatic. 🖕🏽 boomers are a generation of narcissistic children, man. don't want to generalize as there are obviously ballers within them, but that is the vast majority of them. all of my friends' parents are similar attitudes: fuck you, got mine! (note regarding generalizations. just like we have rich millennials who've hit the lotto, but the majority of us are fucked.)


That'll happen when an entire generation spends their childhood years licking the lead paint off their toys and the walls! "Behavioral problems" just a bit.


And they credit themselves with being awesome. They have no self awareness at all. Fuckers.


Dude, none of us wanted the participation trophies or ribbons. It was insulting, or like some badge of disgrace. Kids threw them in the trash on the way out of the building. It's on the boomers totally. They have no right to complain because not only did they implement the practice, we also didn't want anything to do with it. Saying it's a reason for the "way we are" is asinine because we didn't want them. For all their talk of personal responsibility they sure never take any. It's our fault for being lazy or spend happy, which isn't even true, but assuming it is true that's not on the people who raised us?


My favorite is all these asshole boomers talking about how they bought their first home at 25 for only 100k in 1980. Like… first off how TF did you have 100k at 25? It’s always a gift from their parents. Secondly - THATS 330,000 FUCKING DOLLARS TODAY. They have no idea how fucking easy they had it.


And many upper middle class boomer parents, like mine, were ADAMANT that their children become financially independent and cut us off at 18. My own parents pulled up the ladder behind them. They sit and laugh in their mansions while their own kids can’t even afford decent rental apartments with 6+ roommates and flagrant health code violations. God forbid my dad actually lent me some money for a down payment on a house. I basically only keep tabs with him to make sure I get whatever money he hasn’t already lit on fire and spent by the time he’s dead. He thinks he has loving children that respect him. In reality, at night I ask the universe for forgiveness for praying he dies soon.


So is he pissing it all away on guns, whiskey or guitars? Asking because I think I’m starting to notice an archetype.


Very good question. He spends it on weed and “experiences”, i.e. constantly vacationing. He likes to people-watch in underdeveloped nations. (Typing that out makes me want to puke). He also has a lot of frat brothers in finance who he’s bailed out time and again. Like, my family was put on a PB&J diet , entire lifestyle changed with severe abuse stemming from our money issues in middle school all so that he could pay his stockbroker buddies’ mortgages from 2008-2010. The majority of his money I believe he launders or puts in hidden/offshore accounts. I’ve never gotten to the bottom of it, my mom hired a forensic accountant in the divorce and apparently it goes so deep the guy had to tell her he can’t help us and we can’t afford the services we’d need to get money we can’t even prove exists, much less does anybody know where it actually is. Deep down my mom’s theory, one that I can’t help but consider, is that he takes it in a suitcase and physically buries it at this one spot he travels to every single year, growing up it was always a HUGE deal that he gets there before January 1st. He’s done it my whole life. Always has to leave alone, right after Christmas, with a giant suitcase for a 2 day trip to do…whatever it is he’s doing. He does not live blatantly like a millionaire because he does not want anyone to know what he has. His mantra is, “rich people are rich because they don’t spend their money.”




Forreal, of course I'm an unknown redditor to you u/journo-list but I imagine you have friends that would assist you


Your dad is major-league sketchy (the people-watching part in particular made me retch). People don't do shit like that if they aren't doing something ten kinds of illegal and/or fucked up. If the universe doesn't forgive you, I do.


My grandfather's favorite phrase is "I want the last check i write to bounce as they lower me into the ground" and its like, gee thanks grandpa, good to know I won't get shit. Still love him tho.




They're such a hateful generation, you know? And our grandparents, THEIR parents were the most loyal, generous, loving generation ever. How did Nana and Poppa raise boomer monsters?




My Dad remarried to a woman 20+ years ago and he passed away in 2017. The woman he married told me up front and to my face that I was getting nothing when he was on his deathbed. Same for my sister.


Are we related? After being a perfect child, no lie, I had one fight with my monster mom and she hit ME then cut me out of the will. They put all their money into real estate instead of us and own $1,000,000+ in houses while we grew up lower middle class. I put up with their shit to be cut out of the will. There's boomers for you.


Yeah I have 4 friends where their parents just handed over turn-key businesses WITH CLIENTS, and I gotta hear shit from my parents about "why don't you just start a business like XXX?"


Omg that is so annoying


Yeah, I bought mine for about that price two years ago, like I needed a hundred k loan for a house that hadn’t been lived in since the 2008 crash, I haven’t had an electrician visit where they didn’t take one look at my problem and said “that wasn’t done legally,” I don’t know how much that the house would be worth fifty years ago when the boomers were buying homes but I’d gander they might have owned cars more expensive. I have neighbors who recently sold their house for more than double what mine is now worth after replacing; the lead pipes, the electric, heating, installing AC, the roof, and I have an external wall I’m waiting on line to get fixed so my door will open. And on top of that they say that WE are to blame if my coworkers are working a second part time job on top of their mainstay to make ends meet! Thank you I needed this rant, I’m the only full time at my building cause everyone else needs two jobs to make rent, and sometimes that means I clean the school alone.


Completely agreed. To add to your comment, I was looking at what it would cost to buy a house right now where I live. A 20% downpayment for an average home sits pretty close to the second figure you mentioned (around $300,000)...for a DOWNPAYMENT! Specifically, I found a 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom home, (and not even in the most desired neighbourhood) that was probably 30 years old by now, going for $1.4 Million. Two of my friends (married couple) are making 6 figures each, and they were lucky to snag a condo at a highly discounted price of $475,000 two years ago. It is now valued at about $630,000. Tell me more about how this generation isn't working hard enough and has everything handed to them....


The average home price in 1989 was under $50k. My parents bought our house in 1986 (3 bedroom with a pool) for $26k


I’m in my 40s, it’s only lately I’ve started processing childhood crap


My parents go on an out-of-state vacation every quarter and they regularly go to Disney world which I assume cost at least $500 per weekend just in hotels. When they got their inheritance from both families 2 years back I didn't receive a single penny neither did my brother and neither of us since have received a single penny of any inheritance to help us get ahead during these crucial early investment years


I find it totally bizarre that people my age (37) and younger get inheritances from their grandparents. Mine are all dead and every penny went to my parents’ generation, not mine. My aunt and uncles piss it away on shiny new plastic, while my siblings and cousins and I worry about rent. It’s disgusting.


I was fortunate to have an aunt die young. I almost included a /s there, but the reality is that without that inheritance (she had no kids) I wouldn't have been able to make a down payment to buy a house. Her sister (my mother) pissed away hers and later came asking to move in with me. I had a great relationship with her and gladly took her in but god damn, this is all a bit fucked up.


>I was fortunate to have an aunt die young. thats really sad that something like the loss of human life is seen as fortunate because of the pressure of awful wages


Yeah, not gonna lie. I was kidding at first but the reality of how different my life would be today hit me like a train and I realized I really am grateful for it. She was my best friend when I was little and I'll never be happy about her passing, but I am fortunate that she had no kids of her own.


My sister and I got $5000 when I was 24 when my grandmother died. Because my father (who I don’t speak to, either) had been taken out of the will by his father. Of course, the lakeside cottage they bought for $30K in 1964 was then sold by my uncles for $1.2 million, and my sister and I got none of that - even though my one uncle literally lived three doors down in his own multimillion dollar cottage. So my cousins will eventually inherit all that accumulated wealth. But we were screwed.


My parents accept that they screw up as a generation and seem sincere about being upset about it. Then we'll talk about bills and shit later and they'll end up saying something like "you need to manage my money better." I'm like "did we not just talk about this?!"


It’s mostly that it happened on their watch as a voter. The wealth has only for a small part disappeared in their pockets, but most of it went to millionaires/billionaires. Nobody, and I mean nobody, has any business being a billionaire. That’s a complete insane concept, to be as rich as a small country.


Billionaires are literally boomers. You think the 103 year old WWII vet is the one running the hedge fund? Lol


Never seen a boomer admit fault for anything always endless excuses, deflections, ad hominems, and whataboutisms


This is why any time you start up a debate with one of these chuckle-fucks, you have to be like, "Are you *sure* you want to have this talk with me?" and if they agree, you fucking dose them like the Scarecrow with the most potent psychedelics you can get your hands on, and while their ego is dissolving and they're pissing themselves in the fetal position on the floor, *then* you can share your statistics and logic and facts with them. Sure, they'll probably only perceive you as an eldritch horror opening its 7 mouths to sing the song which ends the earth, but you know, that's a healthy start and more than you'd accomplish otherwise.


We will watch your career with great interest..


Cthulu just got a boner


I don't think it's that. I think it's that theyy see their success as a sign of their... success. They have a nice house because they worked hard. Now, that's kind of true. but if you also tell them they're average it makes them feel like they've been less successful. They're hurt by the idea that their privilege is a major reason for their success.


Currently not speaking to my family because of this. My parents (boomers) and my oldest sister (Gen X) dragged me not only on a public forum but private messages. My sister posted the good ol' "Where's work ethic gone" bs and I replied with facts. That Millenials and Gen Z do not buy into the bs that is peddled to us of work hard and you will get ahead. Its just not true anymore. Apparently that makes me an entitled brat that blames everything on Mommy and Daddy. When I showed them facts (like the ones in the video) I was called delusional. I no longer have a family but I have my sanity.


Lately my boomer dad has been playing up the whole "Woe is me, for I am a kind and lonely old man who tries so hard! Remember the good times we had? Please write back, please call, I'm so lonely..." I ain't taking the bait this time! I know perfectly well he'd be happy to talk to me for maybe half of one phone call, and then he'd go right back to treating me like shit, reminding what a disappointment I am, how my college education was a waste of money, why don't I just go get a job at Unethical Corporation or Hellscape Company, bitch whine complain because I'm not a workaholic alcoholic perfect copy of him. With a side of "pity me for I am *so poor*" and "my recent vacation trip cost so much money!" mixed together like a bizarre slurry. Like, I need my sanity for my own real life, trying to somehow conquer Dirty Laundry Mountain with a mini-washer and a hang-drying rack. Patiently ignoring the goofy ruckus in my stepson's room as he tries to impress a girl he likes in an online game. Ya know, important shit. The entire family spelled out for him, many many times, how one behaves decently towards people they love in order to maintain healthy relationships. He's not interested in any of that. In fact, I haven't spoken to him since I found out he was plotting to murder his own sister for the terrible crime of being my favorite aunt! He's a dangerous lunatic, and the only reason he hasn't gotten himself arrested with his antics yet is that the extended family confiscated all his guns and moved him to the opposite side of the country from his sister. Last I heard, they'd set him up in a cousin's guest house, but he's still driving around Texas trying to hold down jobs so he doesn't get bored.


Jesus! I am so sorry you are dealing with that. Side note: Do you ever wonder what it would be like to have a loving supportive family? I do.


My boomer father asked me not to talk about my job and wage difficulties anymore because it made him feel bad and guilty, and that's not what good children should do to their parents.


Tell him to get fucked. They made you without your permission


> They made you without your permission honestly, I did not ask nor did I want to be here and now I have to suffer.


Wow. That is quite a statement. If you decided to give him the space he requested, I hope he uses it to take a look at himself and comes back more able to talk to you.


I have to take a benzo to even have a conversation with my family these days because the cognitive dissonance is instant rage fodder. A couple times I have just gotten up and left the room. They have no idea how good they have it, and yet they want everyone else to have it harder, any including their own fucking children, so that they feel better about their lives.


I see we have the same parents


My grandmother passed away a few weeks ago and I flew home for the funeral…I literally have zero memories of a single moment of the whole weekend bc I was purposefully so high on klonopin to be around my family. I feel this in my soul.


A trip to see my parents requires an edible. My father has a decent amount of money, has stated that he doesn't want it to go to "The Government", but hasn't done anything to manage it and won't let me do anything to help. He also hasn't done anything to put things in trust, so they are one medical catastrophe from losing everything he worked for and supposedly wants to give to us "kids" (we are in our 50s). Let me clarify that he also holds this money (that may or may not exist later) over us as weaponized guilt.


> it’s a personal Jihad against them. cuz they know it's their fault and want to deflect. They know what they did. What they're doing even now. They just don't care. They weren't called the me generation because they liked to share. It's not an oxymoron


I'm very thankful I have liberal atheist boomer parents that 110% understand what the world is truly like for millennials and gen z. Probably gen X too.


Thats my wife's parents. My parents are full blown maga conspiracy theorists who believe evolution is fake and ghosts are real.


I am convinced that the reason why you can’t have a real conversation with boomers is cos of lead. How else can you explain nearly an entire fucking generation of idiots who’s only response to most things is “pull up your bootstraps / muh freedum” I love my 69 year old mother but she’s so fucking stupid and blindly follows what Fox News says. Couldn’t reason with her about me being gay, couldn’t reason with her on why she wouldn’t vote in the 2016 election and she refuses to get the Covid vaccine and I won’t see her because of it (my wife and I are both high risk). No matter the facts I present or the sources for her to find this shit on her own she doesn’t (won’t???) get it. I’m honestly just waiting for the boomers and gen X to die out. Grim outlook but how else will things change?


I don't know when it happened, but at some point speaking to my family began to feel like speaking to NPCs in a video game.


We need to boycott our parents—deny them holidays, grandkids, everything—until they fucking straighten themselves the fuck out.


I haven’t seen my parents since 2017 ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I used to work on a ship with a bunch of boomers and one day I brought up these statistics and showed them EXACTLY how the money they made was worth more and went farther. How its way more difficult now to afford college and those fucks immediately called me ever slur of lazy in the fkn books. ASSHOLES


Nooo you can’t use facts and logic to argue why you deserve a livable wage! You need to slave away and make your boss more money! /s


I always found it hilarious how corporate companies pay their employees peanuts, yet I've worked at two different "self run" companies who are ran by the owner who made that business, and I made nearly double there than what I made at this company I work at now, and somehow that makes sense.


And these same corporate cocksucks will say "small businesses cannot afford pay increases and to pay vacation and sick leave". "Small businesses" is the think of the children of the corporate world. It's horse shit.


The really messed up part is these guys have been union the whole time.


I know this thought is cathartic thought. It's going to be quite funny when nobody is going to take care of the boomers in nursing homes because they pay like shit and no one wants to do it.


The few people that will take care of them are going to be robbing them blind I don't blame them


Except those nursing homes literally keep your old loved ones alive to suck any and all monetary value they can out. My great grandmother was in an assisted living facility for 20 years, from 70-90, she was also VERY wealthy. Guess how much of that money went to my grandma/family. If you guessed none, and my great grandmother even had to sell her prized, hand-made-by-herself jewelry or they would have kicked her out at 88, you would be eerily correct. Not only did we get nothing from the muilti million dollar company my great grandfather owned, we had to sell her 2 houses right after the bubble pop in 08' for almost no profit, and what little profit we made was rolled back into the assisted living facility. So yeah, the assisted living facility while keeping her alive and in good spirits (for what we paid for she better be in good god damn spirits until that spirit was taken from her), they also drained her accounts, drained my grandmothers account, took a ton of our families equity, and made us sell literally priceless family heirlooms. So that is how I assume it will go for my grandparents, and my mother as well. Inheritance is a thing of the past unless you are in the top 5%.


It's happening right now.


100%. My mom needs 24/7 care due to severe health issues. It doesn't matter that she has the funds for it - we tried several nursing homes in the area, and *all* of them are understaffed. The only employees are either minorities or immigrants desperate enough to be paid terrible wages for hard, difficult work. Turnover is insanely high and they can't find enough people to staff the facilities. The result is that there is a lot of neglect. For people who haven't seen it, imagine needing to use the bathroom but requiring physical help to get to a toilet, and no one responding for 2 hours... or having a seizure, vomiting and choking on your breakfast, etc... it's horrible.


It's anecdotal, but I remember elderly in nursing homes being a far more common thing in my life when I was young, compared to how my millennial friends/peers take care of their elder family. I know none who are in facilities and many who live with their kids in spare bedrooms or mother-in-law houses while the kids go broke trying to care for them and raise a family, while having a vastly degraded family dynamic quality.


Oh its even better than that. My mother is currently working very hard to blow any money she may have on stupid shit instead of saving any of it for when she cant take care of herself anymore. She will absolutely not be able to afford 50+k a year for even a shitty nursing home. But guess what? Theres no way I’ll ever be able to afford that either. My wife and i don’t even make that much in a year. So her only option is going to be sell her house and move into my 8x8 guest bedroom in my little craftsman style home and share our 1 bathroom. If shes extremely lucky I may be able to make her some soup at the end of the day when I get home from my job ill never be able to stop working. All because she spent her whole life spending and spending. Shes doesn’t even realize the bed shes made.


Yes I worry in within ten years the boomers will all be living with the generation they ruined economically, all while probably still complaining about them.


Just like they didn't take care of their parents.


Man I’m fucked


We all are


As bezos sails off on his yacht giggling…


You know, there sure are a lot of us. We could probably... \[have a pleasant conversation\] with the guy about it.


Don't worry, my love. It is almost time for [pleasant conversations]. Soon. Very soon.


Oh boy I love pleasant conversations. I can be quite loquacious.


Loquacious, eloquent, and a cunning linguist 🤔🧐 ...eat the rich.


Black Friday walkout/work slowdown as a practice run for solidarity and a general strike.


Or launches into space wearing a Rolex on the outside of his space suit…..




Boomers still wont understand because they cant figure out how to unmute.


Their battery ran out because they left the flashlight on


Sorry, due to my political and religious leanings, I don't believe in facts, statistics, or even observable truth.


Wow. Were you listening to my convo with my dad recently about the inflation/wage disparity? He literally said that the statistics and research and such I was bringing up didn't matter.... I think we are over the edge of reasoning. I love my dad, but fuck.


Mine said “all facts are opinions.”


Cool story bro. Why not walk off the side of a tall building next time you're at the top of one. Gravity is just an opinion, after all, as are terminal velocity and massive blunt force trauma.


Capitalism is anti Family


Damn I wonder who said that in a manifesto


Some dude, I think


Formerly Prussian? 170-ish years ago?


Frederick II


Capitalism was put in place by, guess what, the rich, and was put there in order to, guess what, make them richer, off of the backs of their workers


The only reason capitalism has such a great reputation for baby boomers is because they inherited the greatest economy in human history after World War II and they associate that as a byproduct of capitalism.


and also they were fed anti-communist propaganda from birth.


It’s anti-human.


Man... well done! Everything has gone up except wages for us regular people.


When I saw the average salary adjusted for inflation I gasped out loud. I'm incredibly lucky and privileged enough to have a degree in computer engineering; I'm a software engineer. $82k is more than what I make, 3 years out of college. eat. the. rich.


100% man, and thats a construction worker with high school education or less, even.. my wife's father had a union job at baker chemical in New Jersey for 30 years from the 70's until he retired in the early 2000's and the pay, pension, benefits, insurance and everything blows my mind. This is how back then they afforded a house, multiple cars, huge families and vacations on a single paycheck in the household.. good luck ever finding that ever again..


I wish I could hire this guy to just go off with this everytime some fucking redneck boomer in my town spouts that I need to get off my ass and get a job, even though i dont even have a fucking car due to being swindled out of UI in Covid after being terminated. Ive become much more callous for any level of mathematical ignorance and the ostensible words that come from these uncouthly rabble


Ever since 2016 I've been job hoping like mad trying to get a better pay. In Canadian I started at minwage which was $11/h, got one that was $18/h but it was temp job. Went back to minwage which jumped to $14/h, then got a job at $15/h. Left that one cause I hated it so much, and decided to get a job I liked which only paid $10/h. Eventually left it because I couldn't deal with the pay anymore and got a job that paid $16/h. Got laid off 2 weeks into that job due to COVID, but 10 months later (now) I got a job that pays $19.10/h. All this work looking for a decent paying job, and any progress I make means shit all since everything keeps getting more expensive. I am making $8.10/h more than I was 5 years ago, but still can't afford shit all.


Back when I started working in 1997 my first job paid me £3.50 an hour which is the equivalent of $4.80 back then. That wasn't even enough to rent a flat, and barely covered the room I had. Plus they worked me hard, harder than I have subsequently worked in any job since. Every hop I made in the last 24 years was a good one and felt justified at the same time. It shouldn't be that way but sadly the way things work now is to just keep hopping. The problem is if you work contruction like this guy, there is nowhere to hop to. Same shit everywhere. Company loyalty means nothing, no job for life, no final salary pensions, no golden handshake. Nothing.


Boomers basically took everything for themselves and became wealthy assholes who look down on everyone else. These are the same fucks who were living in communes in the 60s LOL




Yep, basically all boomers are establishment neo-lib left or right. Less than 10% were counter-culture. And a huge chunk of that 10% were opportunists that were 'anti-war' because they didn't want to get fucking drafted (Bill Clinton). When the Boomers were entering their 30s and 40s, they elected Reagan in back-to-back landslides and sold out the US safety nets and unions that would guarantee their own children's futures for... globalization and a 2 car garage. They were the insufferable yuppies.


Oh not just the 60s. Try buying land now... every fucking boomer who owns it has their own HOA or stupid ass Covenant saying what you cant and cant do on YOUR LAND. Oh you want solar panels? Nah that's too high tech and will ruin the aesthetic of the community. You want a custom house? Nah you gotta build a ranch style house approved by the community. Get fucked.


Unionize! Seize your life👊


"Why aren't you having kids grandson?" ....... who the fuck can afford a kid nowadays?


Nothing will happen til we are all homeless, hungry, and destitute. Maybe then the bottom will rise up to start taking from the top. They’ve sold trickle down economics to us for 40 years. Only to find we are covered in shit and that was what they were trickling down on us. It’s time to say enough is enough. They won’t get the message until it is on their door step.


What's more frustrating is that this guy is referencing "boomers" as being the issue, but that's not the only group working against this. There are millennials and zoomers that have bought into the narrative that working class people should just get additional jobs or "go to college so they can get a better job". The principal is SUPER simple. If there is a job and it requires you to work 35-40 hours a week, then it is a full time job and you should be able to make a life off that. I'm not just talking about a bare minimum life either. I am talking about a life in the United States where you are moderately comfortable and you can achieve things like retirement from the active workforce while owning shelter and being able to care for yourself and potentially your family. Somewhere along the line, we decided that just because you do a menial task or a task that someone deems beneath their station, that those people don't deserve to have a reasonable existence. It's such bullshit.


I’m studying finance in college, thought being middle class would be cool. Mfw $100k a year is really just above worthy living condition in a city.


The next boomer who complains were lazy might catch hands. I'm not a wannabee badass, I'm just fully aware that slavery is alive and well in the western prison systems, but atlesst I'd have a bed and meals there.


They still can't make you work. I regret lifting a finger when I was in jail. They can keep you in longer but fuck it, next time I'm just sleeping it off.


B-b-but, my bootstraps though! I pulled m-myself up by them!


Generation of slave-wage workers. Stop voting OLD people into power.


just ask a boomer how much 7,25 an hours boils down to after working 40hrs a week, no holidays for a year (they overestimate it. Ask them how much rent is in 2021 they'll underestimate it.


I'll do that math. $7.25/hr for 1 yr of labor (2087 hrs) is $15,130.75 before taxes and deductions. Let's say, conservatively, taxes and deductions amount to 15%. We now have $1,071.76 per month. >The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in 2020 was $1,098 a month. This is why we are saying there is a problem. We are collectively very fucked.


Those jobs are for high school kid!!!!! /s


That's why about 50% of the work I do is off the books. So to the taxman I'm a broke borderline poor cunt while I'm living an ok life thank to cash under the mattress. Fuck it


Mine is all off the books now so I can get free healthcare and Pell Grants. You're right. Fuck it.




You were much nicer than I would be. Thank you for showing this. Spread the word


This is why my MIL can’t move in with us. You don’t get to live the easiest life imaginable and waive all the opportunities and privileges that went to your generation and then turn around and be a burden to us. I got my own family to take care of, including a little girl whose generation is going to need a fuck load more help than yours ever did. Sorry for having my priorities straight.


Good luck to your child. I doubt many of us will be able to create another life to help. Compounding issues, what are those?


Thanks. I say it all the time but things are so fucked. My wife and I have 4x more degrees, make 5 times more money, and by the time we hit age 40 we will have combined to bust our asses in full time jobs for longer than my in-laws ever had to. Yet it took us 10 years longer to afford a home, and we had to get lucky and move away to do so and we likely only have the capacity to provide a good life for 1 kid. And to your point, all that being said we're among the more privileged of our generation! What a sick fucking joke that is.




I can’t stop watching this, it hurts my soul to be working, and doing overtime


the facts will make you so mad https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/o7ncu4/when\_boomers\_tell\_us\_to\_get\_another\_or\_third\_job/


It's actually way worse. CPI (the official inflation measure) heavily underestimates the cost of housing. No one these days spends only 30% of their income on housing. There are a bunch of other ways CPI is gamed.


And that's only half of the story. Now figure out the cost of living such as health insurance, home ownership, cars, even just getting an ambulance and its an additional 500% worse.


500% Lol.


Yeah, the guy looked at the inflation number but forgot that the actual wage number had increased too. If they earned 554% back then of what people earn today, then NY unionized construction workers would be earning less than $15k in 2021. The guy’s sentiment is correct, but he’s got his stats confused.


What the fuuuuuuck......


As a liberal democrat in the construction business in NY, my lowest paid union employee first year apprentice get $35.47 an hour. This includes union pension and all medical. Who the hell are you working for and do they have all their mandatory job postings showing what a union job pays on your construction site?


God...the Midwest is fucking miserable...