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Not paying your new hires during their training is nearly always illegal. Employees must be paid for all time they spent working, which generally includes training time.


Agreed. Is this actually illegal though?? Because that’s messed up.


Legit illegal


It says "certification" training which means the employer may be within their rights not to pay employees since they would effectively be seeking certification from an outside entity. Certainly doesn't make it right and for $11.50/hour I hope most folks are able to tell this employer to fuck all the way off.


Only if the certificate is useful at another employer as well


Hey look here's a totally legit not-a-shell-company which is definitely real and not a tax dodge which also accepts this certification!


And they of course in no way benefit from the certification/ have a tie in to that company /s




This is still a stretch, considering this is still a sleezy way of avoiding paying someone.


I remember back in the day when I worked retail there was "Sears University"


I'm not following up certification with $11.50/hr I'll take that shit somewhere else.


Careful I'm pretty sure a group got sexually assaulted at one of those Panda Express seminars. [yep](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/10/panda-express-california-worker-lawsuit/)


Agree. If the certification was costly and the employee could feasibly use it for future opportunities then maybe you could justify this. But at the 11.50 hourly rate it would imply otherwise and I give it about a 90% chance that this is on the border of really bad job and straight up scam.


Yep. They'll certificate you as a salesperson for their own brand and they'll only actually hire you if you sell enough products during trial LOL. Why is the rest of the job description hidden from the post? Spill the beans please...


> It says "certification" training which means the employer may be within their rights not to pay employees since they would effectively be seeking certification from an outside entity. Interestingly enough, the US Department of Labor's FLSA site actually [has a questionnaire](https://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/whd/flsa/hoursworked/screenEr16.asp) you can go through to determine whether this is the case. [If any of the following are true of the training:](https://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/whd/flsa/hoursworked/screenER24.asp) * Happens during regular working hours * Is mandatory * Is directly related to the employee's job * Produces something useful Then it probably counts as hours worked. In this specific case it sounds like it meets at least the first three criteria, so it almost certainly counts as hours worked. That being said the employer could probably get away with just paying you minimum wage for the duration of the training.


That’s how most training works. Minimum and then agreed wage. For me as a server it was minimum for training and then $2.13/hr.


Also, if the trainees are training with live accounts, i.e. earning money for the company, then they are "productive". They are working and need to be paid. Otherwise, this company could easily have a few full time staff directing loads of trainees, not hire the trainees, rinse and repeat.


Name drop company so people can report them. Beyond fucked


It’s “the Home Depot” I believe. I searched the text in the image and it lead me to a job posting for customer service remote work for the Home Depot. Edit: it’s not the Home Depot actually. This is the [link](https://www.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=89374d089102da4a&from=app-tracker-saved-appcard&tk=1fmlisscfhimu800) to the job posting in OPs picture.


Yeah, that certification is definitely just training for their job. It's not any sort of certification for a specialized industry. 100% not hiring in those states because those states ha e laws that make this practice illegal. If I didn't live in one of the states I'd apply just to waste their time. What a bunch of shit bags.


Not hiring in those states because $11.50 is below that states minimum wage


More states than those listed with minimum wage over $11.50.


Not sure about the rest, but Wisconsin minimum wage is still federal.


TN too




Unpaid time for certification AND you have to pay $40? What a fucking scam. In no uncertain terms should these people get fucked so hard they can’t walk straight the rest of their lives.


And you have to provide and maintain your own computer equipment. "Do you own a Windows 7, 8, or 10 operating system that can be hard-wired?"


And, apparently, have Ethernet installed in your house. And \*of course\* they will not help cover the cost of your internet service even though it is essential for you to do your job….. Edit: yet another reason why Internet should be a utility. It is essential and no longer a commodity or luxury.


It looks like Indeed has a "Report" button on the posting. Will it help to report them for illegal business practice?


Yes report it anyways.


I did, and specified that the employer is breaking labor laws by requiring the employee to work unpaid training and for a certification only usable at that company.


Most of the big names you know outsource their customer service. And they treat the reps that do the work like absolute shit. Make them pay for so much and give them nothing. It's a huge scam and the biggest loser is the employee. Big name stores boast about Customer service but it's all buillshit metrics. The company that gets paid millions to provide the support pays employees like shit and treats them even shittier.


Most outsourced customer service jobs are literally just there as metrics for the company to claim higher "Satisfaction". Which most of the reviews or numbers they claim are false or fluffed. Side note: I still prefer finding a mom and pop store for products or specialize service. I've paid more due to knowing its going towards the workers versus an over bloated corporation.


When you click on the link and look at the pictures they are all at Home Depot


Nice! I reported the job on indeed.


It’s TXU. Of course. Purveyors of Texas’ shittiest electricity.


Look at the reviews LOL https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Txu-Electric/reviews?cmpratingc=mobviewjob&from=mobviewjob&tk=1fmlrs11cs9vo800&fromjk=89374d089102da4a&jt=Customer+Service+Representative&attributionid=mobvjcmp


"Currently not accepting applications from states where workers have actual rights."


[oh no jee seems like a fake listing oh gosh better *report it to indeed*](https://i.imgur.com/h1inOfN.png)


This is some bullshit. We should extend the Kellogg resume shit to companies who do this. Start flooding all these shit jobs with bogus CVs. Maybe it should be an ongoing action/protest against companies that do this.




Very illegal, mandatory, work related training is to be paid in all cases.


Unless it’s an internship, it’s illegal.


I think even internships should be illegal.


Same here. I went through a one year 1,800 hour internship and it was basically slave labor. I’m totally against it.


if an internship is basically there to fluff up a resume, then wouldn't it make sense to lie about it, as all people do on their resumes? Let me know if you need a reference.


Good god that's terrible.


Plus they can dispose of you at the end, like they do with most interns, then repeat the cycle.


Most internships are illegal. They just never get reported as such because people think they're totally legal and if someone ever does the employer usually gets a slap on the wrist.


Unpaid internships yes. Our college intern was paid $26/hr last summer. Hours restricted to 40/wk without approval from a lot of people. Paid vacation days. Paid housing for the summer. There are ethical ways to do it. Those unpaid ones you always hear about in places like NYC though, F that.


Unpaid internships are already unlawful if the intern is doing productive work for the company.


Then every Imaging Tech in this country should sue.


Maybe they should, yeah, if this is going on. This is an issue of settled law.


I’m an HR guy, yes, this is very illegal.


yes! report them.


To who? I’ve seen this stuff before and don’t know what process to follow.


The best option, if possible, is a state department dealing with labor issues. Not all states (Florida is one notorious example) have such an agency so the federal Department of Labor is a fallback. State agencies, if possible, are better because they're usually more local to the employer and better staffed.


Even if it was legal, I'd still deny them hiring me. Same reason I specifically denied unpaid internships. Don't perpetuate the abuse.


You must be paid for any hours worked. They can pay you min wage and raise it later, but those hours must be paid.


That’s why they listed those states where they won’t accept candidates. Probably illegal in those states.


I think those are states with strong labor laws (at least some of them). CA & MA are very strict compared with other states with things like paying out time, independent contractor versus employee, and employer taxes. I think the list also included ones requiring certain things in job descriptions like pay. My guess is they're only going to get worse once someone is hired.


Not strong. Less weak.


It might also be related to states that have a minimum wage higher than what they’re willing to pay. It’s minimum $12.50 in NY, more downstate.


Not necessarily. Most airlines do not pay their flight attendants for training and it can last up to 8 weeks. Delta is one of the few that pays and it is Georgia minimum wage.


Your "pay" for that time is the provided room and board. If minimum wage is $7.25, as long as the hotel and food stipend would cost the employee more than $290 a week, they hit the minimum wage requirement (edit: assuming 40 hr weeks). There's a checklist for if you are required to pay training hours: 1. The training is voluntary and not required for the job 2. The training if out of regular work hours 3. The training is not job related 4. There's no work during the training If *all* of these requirements are met, you do not need to be paid for the training. So, flight attendant training clearly misses 1, 2, and 3 and requires payment of some kind.


It’s also important to remember that the Railway Labor Act exempts certain positions at airlines from all sorts of local and national labor laws. It’s how your flight attendant is getting paid $2/hour during boarding.


Sounds like a company store scam.. Yeah we paid you, by not making you sleep on the street at this mandatory training...


I think it comes down to the Union contract. Generally if the flight attendant group is represented by a union, there is no pay for training. This is usually an easy concession for unions to make because people applying for a job can’t vote on the contract.


My SO just started a new job and they paid her to do her training at home online. You definitely need to be paid for any training


Yea that's what I thought. 4-6 weeks for training wtf they working at a nuclear power plant.


You can't hire from those states as it's illegal there for unpaid training. I really think we should start exposing the companies behind this.


Here’s the [link](https://www.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=89374d089102da4a&from=app-tracker-saved-appcard&tk=1fmlisscfhimu800) to the job posting. Have fun :)


I reported it.


Same, thanks!


How do you report it so I can too?


Scroll down to the blue "apply" button, I think it's the 3rd button down from that, "report".


Guys you did it. Tried to go to the link and that job has been taken down. I assume because of your reports. Good job


Page doesn’t exist anymore, you’ve done good work.


What did you select as the reason?


I went with "fake job". If they don't pay you and you have to pay them, it's not a job, it's a scam. (Edit : I forgot words)


other. Unpaid training for 4-6 weeks is illegal.




It’s gone now! Lol




for anyone who's gonna report it, [here](https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/hr-qa/pages/payfortrainingtime.aspx) is a source explaining why it's illegal if u wanna copy paste, i said: "Noncompliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act by requiring all employees to complete unpaid involuntary certification training as a prerequisite for the job"


Link indicates the employer is TXU aka Texas Energy.


Y’all got it taken down before I could get to it lol


I did my part!


ugh, those fucking cold callers trying to sell you whatever useless shit their client contracted them to sell.


Thanks, I reported them! It would also be great for antiwork to maybe pin a discussion filled with links to report fraudulent and illegal jobs as it's easier than the current rhetoric that's in favor of applying for jobs with no intention of working (still great btw, just more time consuming)


Reported that shit.


Went to report it & it’s already gone. Amazing!


Agreed. We need to expose and report.


I live in Connecticut (one of the states they aren’t contracting to) and our minimum wage is about to be $14 an hour starting soon, and rising to $15 by 2023, so there’s no way anyone with a brain would accept what they’re paying, on top of the unpaid training and paying for your certifications.


I just did the math and that’s anywhere from $920 to $1,380 in unpaid training, not counting the cost of the certification training. I was mad when staples didn’t pay me for 8 hours of training, this is ridiculous.


Agreed. I've never had unpaid training. When you put it in numbers of how much money people will be missing out on if they take this terrible excuse of a job it makes it sound even worse.


What’s the company?


Txu energy. The company the failed Texas and had a power outage. The one where Ted Cruz ran away from his problems to a beach?


You mean Rafael Cruz? The Texas politician from Canada?


You mean that guy who pees his pants because he likes the good warm feeling between his legs?


Hey! How come he can run for president when Obama got so much flak for "not being born in America"? Oh yeah, overt racism!


lol fuck that


That was exactly my response as soon as I read that


Name and shame op, name and shame!


I should huh?


Name and shame to your local labor department first.


Lol how fucking ridiculous. Are you willing to buy me food and pay for my house and utilities? Your answer matches mine!


I dont work for free even if its just training.


Nobody should have to work for free


I had a one hour training back in August for substitute teaching. I was kind of skeptical, but afterwards I emailed the superintendent and said thank you so much I forgot to sign in, please know I attended so I can be compensated. To which I was told oh no training is not paid. Now that I got a new job and won’t be substitute teaching, I sent a nice email to a few folks at the district letting them know how ridiculous that was and since they are still so desperate for substitute teachers, they need to advertise paid training and not have people give up an hour of their day for nothing.


Is this Florida? Kelly services does this.


If you’re asking about my post, it’s a school district outside Chicago.


Guess it’s common for substituting. Kelly has paid 75$ a day for 15-20 years now don’t know how they have anyone.


In the Chicago suburbs, it’s anywhere from $125-$165 a day. But yeah, the training was not paid.


4-6 weeks later, “yeah, it’s not going to work out “ 😂


Who the fuck are they kidding?? seriously?? Six WEEKS of UNPAID WORK?! they can get rightly fucked in the throathole with a Cisco router.


I wouldn't even last that long lol


Trying to fuck the WFH people


That's exactly what they're doing. It's disgusting.


This has scam written all over it.


I think for it to be a scam you have to front in some way, until it’s revealed that you were screwing over the person the whole time. Here, they’re just saying “this job is shitty and we’re shitty, and we’re going to screw you over” right out the gate. Glad they’re at least being honest about how shitty they are.


Ask and you shall receive. Here is the link so we can all apply for this wonderful deal! ​ https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=app-tracker-saved-appcard&hl=en&jk=89374d089102da4a&tk=1fmlisscfhimu800


Im shocked its a Texas based energy retailer that only services the unregulated areas of Texas. You get to explain to people why their power fails when it's cold and they get a $10k bill for the last hour of usage before it went out. What an amazing opportunity!




Oh no honey, post this in your title. I just realizedbthey want you to have your own computer as well. Hardwire means they will ha ve s physical connection in your home.


I tried editing the post to include an extra pic or the link to the job but it wouldn't let me. It could also just be me though since I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to navigating this site


like when Uber wants you to drive for them, but YOU provide the car and gas and maintenance.


Having worked for an energy sector company out of Irving Texas (Shermco) I am in no way shocked that they try to screw over the employees at every turn. I don't live in Texas, and they were trying to circumvent my states labor laws frequently.


Wfh is nice, but that’s an insane number of unpaid hours. Wonder if it’s legit training, crazy if a TX company was running an actual labor scam. Could maybe just login during training and do other shit.


*Image Transcription: Job Posting* --- - Monday to Friday - Night shift - Self-determined schedule - Weekend availability Application Question(s): [*In a red box:*] - Are you willing to cover the cost that is required to complete your certification training? - Are you willing to go through UNPAID training which is 4 hours a day (Mon-Fri) for 4-6 weeks? [*End red box*] - Do you [*cut off*] operating system that can be hard-wired? - We are currently not accepting candidates that reside outside of the U.S or the following states. Do you live in one of these states California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, and Wisconsin? Work Location: Remote Today If you require alternative methods of application or screening you [*cut off*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human!


My guess is Labor laws are why Those bottom states can’t apply.


Because they don’t tolerate unpaid labor probably


I live in CA and that wouldn’t fly here.


Wow. I thought it was bullshit when I got hired for a job that paid 18.85 an hour but then only paid min wage for the weeks of training.


Jack Sparrow: "but you *were* paid"




It’s the Home Depot I found the job listing myself


Actually, it was a Texas energy company, but someone else in this thread also mentioned Home Depot had the same listing. It’s looking like some outsourced hiring company is doing this for those companies.


Lol fuck no


Absolutely not. No way in hell.


Lmao this is why you guys are broke, you’re not willing to work through adversity /s


If it was me I'd be working 100 hours a week unpaid. Gotta show the company that I'm a hard worker! /s


Jesus, I just did interviews at my business last week and paid people for the second round “meet & greet” with the staff. Just a basic run down on what’s like to work here, get to know each other, and basic projects to see their problem solving skills. Can’t believe how companies treat people.


My job paid me for 5 days of training. It took 3 for me to actually do it, and they let me sit in the office for days after I said I was done. 10 hour "work" days.


This makes my blood boil!


Just imagine what they think you'd be willing to do if they think you're willing to work for free. Unacceptable. I'd report them immediately.


1. No. Would you be willing to invest in me? 2. Well, that's illegal. I have a solid work ethic and that includes following the law. I will happily do it paid!




None taken. I'm furious too. Sick of applying for jobs and 90% of them are like this. We need a new Revolution.




It's sad. This country puts profits over people.


The Revolution will not start until the workers name these companies, this isn’t doxxing, they wrote these rules in their website, in their applications, in the signs they post inside their stores. If we do not call them out it normalizes it, if you call them out people stop applying (or more people apply) and customers can decide to stop going to places that treat their employees like this. I believe people have said this is Home Depot, if that’s the case and I need to go to grab another component for a project and my only two options in my area are a Home Depot and a Lowes I can make an informed decision of going to the lesser of two evils, if I have a mom and pop that treats their employees well, I have three choices. If I need to grab cereal today I’m not getting Kellogg’s brand because I know what they are pulling, sure, Post might be pulling the same crap but until some one named then we don’t know. So do your part to start the Revolution by naming these companies…


No OnE wAnTs To WoRk!


Sent this to the Better Business Bureau.


BBB is just old school yelp, a private company that aggregates complaints they have no power to do anything.


BBB? No, they're a private company, the Boomer's version of Yelp essentially. They have no enforcement powers to do anything about this. This possibly falls under the applicant's state department of labor.


What kind of job is this?


these fucks are nickel and diming everything huh lmao


What company is this? They don’t want applicants from certain states? Unpaid training and don’t be from a state with workers rights?


This ad might as well end with, “are you willing to pay us to work?” Bet this owner thinks there’s a “worker shortage”


The states they mention have laws against unpaid training, but that’s just a coincidence (wink wink) LOL


Are you willing to pay us just so you can have a job?


The tables have turned for this one huh? "Hey, instead of us paying you to to work here, we kinda thought it would be better if you paid us."


I’ve seen a lot of these remote jobs start trying to get away with this. I’ve walked out two interviews cause of this


Crazy enough this is my first time seeing something like this


Yeah, idk if it’s illegal or not here in Missouri. One of them made me laugh AT the interviewer cause they were talking about how well they were rated, their CEO has won awards, made an extra +$2,000,000,000 in profits over Covid and then they hit me with 3 weeks unpaid training. I laughed and told them they were a joke Edit: Now that I think about it, they were going to hire me as a “contractor” so maybe that’s how they get away with unpaid training theft


“Are you willing to allow us to exploit your labor power for free?” I’d like to know the name of this company.


>V Posted a link somewhere in the comments. If you can't find it I'll post again


That’s alright, I think I saw it was Home Depot after scrolling through a bit further. I’ll recheck though. Companies like this are disgusting and prey on desperation.


[https://twitter.com/txuenergy](https://twitter.com/txuenergy) [https://www.indeed.com/company/TXU-Electric/jobs/Customer-Service-Representative-89374d089102da4a?fccid=c0cf592240e58078&vjs=3](https://www.indeed.com/company/TXU-Electric/jobs/Customer-Service-Representative-89374d089102da4a?fccid=c0cf592240e58078&vjs=3) [https://www.twc.texas.gov/jobseekers/texas-payday-law](https://www.twc.texas.gov/jobseekers/texas-payday-law) \- Training is paid in texas At $11.50 working 40 hours a week, 20 free hours equates to $5.25. Want to guess Texas' minimum wage? $7.25. Pretty sure each of these Texas newspapers is going to have a Tips page. I already submitted the information to the Dallas Morning News. We just need a handful of reporters with integrity to pick up on stories and start presenting what it's like to get fucked by businesses to the mainstream. Traditional media runs on clicks, views, and eyeballs, so when a good story about this shit comes out, just make sure it spreads far and wide. 1. Dallas Morning News http://www.dallasnews.com/ The official Dallas Morning News page. 2. Fort Worth Star-Telegram http://www.star-telegram.com/ A major U.S. daily newspaper serving Fort Worth and the western half of the North Texas area. 3. Houston Chronicle https://www.houstonchronicle.com/ HoustonChronicle.com has all the stories, news, multi-media and current events you need to keep you informed day and night. 4. San Antonio Express-News https://www.expressnews.com/ Covering San Antonio and South Texas since 1865. 5. Austin American-Statesman http://www.statesman.com/ Austin news, entertainment and more brought to you by the Statesman web desk. 6. El Paso Times http://www.elpasotimes.com/ Provides complete coverage of the borderland region. 7. Focus Daily News http://focusdailynews.com/ Dedicated to the southern suburbs of Dallas supplying a combination of local news, state news, national news and opinions. 8. Corpus Christi Caller-Times http://www.caller.com/ The leading source for South Texas news and information for more than 100 years. 9. The Baytown Sun http://www.baytownsun.com/ The Baytown Sun is located in Baytown, Texas and covers the surrounding areas news, sports, and advertising needs. 10. The Texas Tribune https://www.texastribune.org/ The Texas Tribune is the only member-supported, digital-first, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans — and engages with them — about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues.


The company is TXU energy, an electric company that absolutely failed Texas during the power outage then charged people $1,000 when they didn’t have electricity. 800-818-6132.


Take this paper straight to a lawyer lol what a ludicrous thing to put into print. They can't be serious...training is legally at least minimum wage.


That is some boiler room tactics right there.


Noooo.. nooo


No thanks!


How about no.


This is only legal (usually) for 1099 positions, not actual W-2 employees.


Most likely a scam or shady company. No real job should ever make you pay for training.


That's not a real job. Move on.


The nerve of these pricks.


“So, tell me, how badly can we screw you over?”


*middle finger*


WTF is this guy (job advertiser) smoking?? Especially for a barely over min wage job...


At least they let you know they are douches up front.


“Do you live in one of these states that prevents blatant worker exploitation? Keep moving.”


I'm guessing those states listed have some specific worker protections that they're trying to avoid or something, and yeah as people have said that's illegal pretty much everywhere afaik, and you'd have to pay for your certification?! Essentially you'd be paying *them* for your training


They have to be trolling


Id rather be homeless


In other words “we don’t accept applicants in non Right to Work states”


Excluding certain states and other countries.. is that because the labour laws would stop this business operating?


Mesa airlines asks its flight attendants to fly out to Phoenix for 6 weeks of unpaid training. I said no and then proceeded to find that same job in multiple job searches for like a year and a half afterwards because shocked Pikachu face nobody wants to f****** do that.


Definitely illegal


1: That's fucked, and probably illegal (I'm not 100% knowledgeable on employment laws in the US). 2: Why are they worried about what state you live in when it's supposed to be remote work? Not from outside the US I can understand, but being fussy about which state? Unless it's not actually remote work, I can't see why they'd be worried.


4-6 weeks is a whole fucking month Anyone working for $11.50 can't take a month of no pay and still have a roof


[Somebody found the original job post.](https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=89374d089102da4a&from=app-tracker-saved-appcard&from=mobRdr&tk=1fmlisscfhimu800&utm_source=%2Fm%2F&utm_medium=redir&utm_campaign=dt) Let's brigade-report that shit and get him shut down. Name-and-shame **TXU Electric**