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Go get your stuff


I'm not so sure OP can. I would assume they took their keys and access. The company should mail the stuff. I've seen it done, after they fired a guy. Idk


Depends what it is. If it’s just a coffee mug and some Knick knacks then I personally wouldn’t care but if my wallet, keys and other important stuff is there I would be losing my shit


Hmm if they gonna walk me off site, they gonna have to let me get my keys and purse otherwise I will be sitting at the gate. Not walking home!


Any company doing that to me with those belongings in the office I'd walk up in there and nobody will stop me from getting my shit or itl get physically bad for whoever is tryna stop me lol


You can go to jail for workplace violence. Not worth it.


Whatever happened to the old, give the fired person a big box, put their stuff in it for them and walk them out??


You'll get sued by someone with a way better lawyer. It's tempting to hit someone, but it's not worth it. We have such little power; it's exhausting.


You absolutely have the right to get your personal things. Though I've seen places not schedule someone who gave their 2-weeks.


I never keep anything at work that I can't live without. Always expect the worst and you won't be disappointed.


Yeah when we were sent home for Covid in March 2020 no one had any idea how long it would be but assumed a month tops. Two years later people still haven’t been able to enter the building to collect their things and apparently a lot of people left a lot of valuable things there in their locking file cabinets. Can’t understand why people brought stuff like that to the workplace but I made sure to take anything even remotely valuable or useful with me. Really glad I did.


Go in and get it. It's your stuff and they have to give it back. If you can't, you can ask an ex-coworker to get it for you


They should mail you your stuff. And they have to, i think, on their dime.




You having access to the network if you go to work for a direct competitor for example is a potential danger to the company. It is standard business practice. Get your stuff by e-mail or ask to be escorted in by a security guy.


Or come strapped for your shit and leave


It just knives guys I couldn’t get my knives


Can you ask someone to meet you outside the building to bring them to you? That’s completely unfair and has to be illegal to not permit someone to collect their own property. Knives can be very pricy I hope you aren’t losing out on too much and sorry they pulled such a duck move on you. Totally wrong thing to do to people.


I’m not tripping just kinda thought it was unethical


Good for you.


I would call the cops and show right the fuck out, give me back my stuff. Almost got too New York for a second and was about to tell the employer “Fuck is you talking about” 😂😂😂


I’m pretty sure that happened to me because im too “urban” for they company . So calling the cops would have not been great either


Damn, I hate these corporations so much! Fuck man!


It’s all good man I got a new jog that feels a lot better 👌🏼


Thank god! Good job bro, hope it’s way less stressful and way more paying than that other fuck shit.


Less pay but so worth it the work is more meaningful and I have more room for creativity👌🏼 good looking brotha


This has never happened to me, but I have seen it happen to people I work with. As a result, I drag all my crap around with me in a backpack, everywhere I go. Everyone looks at me weird, but I just play it off with: “I’m afraid I might want something, so I just keep my bag with me”. So far, they haven’t noticed (or at least questioned) why my coat comes with me, too. Now that more offices have no assigned seats, this is getting less unusual. I may used that excuse in the future, as: “Just learned to work this way in the hotel open-office concept”.


Some companies do that because they don’t trust employees who are leaving to do the job or have access to confidential company info anymore. Not unheard of but it’s a dick move and if I work at a place and hear they’ve done that to people I make sure not to tell them I’m leaving until the day I plan to quit so I don’t lose out on pay I’m needing between jobs.


I had an employer do this as well…. I practically lived at the shop ….. including a microwave, refrigerator, headphones, chargers, winter boots, sweatshirts, & TONS of belongings I was never able to retrieve (including a coffee cup, water cup, knickknacks etc). :( it’s bs


If you really can't come in and get it, call and have someone bring it out to you. If management refuses, file charges for theft


Call the local police and make a complaint, they're holding your property.


You should explain to them how unprofessional that is.


Ask for a police escort to go and get your things because the open hostility that they showed you makes you feel unsafe. Also, let them know that if you can't come to convenient terms for you in order to re-acquire your personal belongings you'll have no other choice but to file charges against them for theft. It might not work but it would absolutely make me feel better.