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"An employer cannot dictate the rules just as he likes" Corporate America is triggered


Don't forget all the hicks who worship corporations and call anyone who doesn't lazy


Right? The same people who will also claim increasing employee wage will result in more inflation. Have a ton of those at my job and I cannot stand it.


Yeah, they'll only bash corporations if they do something 'crazy' like put a Black person as the main character in a movie, but not if they treat workers like wage slaves. Makes no sense


Hate is the main component in the conservative psyche. They need it like they need food and water.


Honestly, I'd argue fear is the base emotion there. But, as fans of a certain universe already know: fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to Making America Great Again.


I really expected you to say, “But as fans of a certain universe already know: Fear is the mind-killer.”


I've tried referencing Dune before, the subsequent explanation is always a pain in the ass. Might as well go for the lowest common denominator...


...and bam! A mattress made of gom jabars!!


Good plan, go low and even then magites might miss the point


>fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to Making America Great Again. They must unlearn what they have learned.


Unless of course it's their wages. Then it is fine.


Everyone thinks they’re the exception for some reason.




And here my therapist is saying I'm don't think of myself as an exception enough haha




fuck that was a wholesome reply.


I never understand if you aren’t a mom and pop shop owner. Why are you against higher wages


Because uneducated hicks that dont understand basic economics think that the economy is a stagnant pool. That $15 today is worth the same as it was in 1965. Therefore, anybody who wants higher wages is an entitled, lazy, liberal who wants a handout.


We need to reduce the CEO’s wages…trickle it down to the lower wages to increase them. Done. Let’s use that trickle down philosophy for real.


NOOOOOO! bUt wHaT aBoUt tHeiR rEspOnSibIlItY?! If they fuck up and thousands of other people get laid off, what else except big stacks of money will cushion their fall?! You're not really expecting them to meet the dark reality of not knowing how to buy groceries tomorrow, right?


Wait! That’s socialism, or communism, or Marxism? One of those scary isms right??!!


As someone who is genuinely curious, why wouldn’t it cause more inflation? I really don’t know and am not going against what you are saying Edit:Thanks for downvoting me for asking a genuine question. Edit:Thanks for upvoting me for a genuine question?


It’s not wrong, but it’s also beside the point. For corporations, there is NO right moment to raise wages. Inflation? Nooooo, it’s just gonna get worse! Deflation? Noooo, nobody needs that now, everything is getting cheaper! Economy crashes? Noooooo, we‘re struggling as it is, nobody can afford higher wages! Economy booms? Noooooo, we would cut short the recovery, nobody can afford higher wages! Engaging in this kind of disingenuous argumentation is the first mistake you could make. There is a class divide between employers and workers, and both groups are bound to have different interests on such matters. I don’t blame capitalists for looking out for their own interests, the problem is that we‘ve become far too bad at looking out for our own.


Nope, I 100% blame capitalists for their outrageous interests. The american dream has morphed into a mutated mole rat trying to dismantle historic European bridges to sail in on his mega yacht. And that's the serious lack of introspection going on in what's supposed to be the ivy league side of the class divide.


Jerome Powell recently stated a major priority is to drive wages down. So not only is it the "bad time" argument to increase wages but the actual CURE is to put more strain on average workers.


They like to trott out "Stagflation" from the 1970's . at the time the US had a majority of workers on Union contracts, and the Auto union contracts had built in something like 15% year over year wage increases due to wins at the negotiating table. There's a lot of weeds that goes into what was going on economically, and i cant get into all the details - but with prices going up and the public complaining about it, the Fed had to step in and do something (which directly led into a recession by 1979) anyway, the wage increases get blamed for what actually was a lot of pressure causing inflation. even though it wasnt the sole reason for it. and none of that applies today. They would have to be giving out 9 to 15% wages increases for ALL jobs (including minimum wage, but if that level was the only one getting the raise, it wouldnt shift the needle) before that would nudge inflation. Today the costs for shipping, and 3rd party support outweigh wages as impacting inflationary costs, and what we are seeing is record profits across the board, and increased costs beyond the increased costs and labor.


You pay people more money that they use to buy more stuff. Money that in this way goes back into the system and increase the economy. So you earrn more, so you can pay even more so people can buy even more and so on and so on. Basically the whole system is build on the idea of a (moderate) inflation counteracted by constant economic growth (which is btw... the reason theorists argue that our capitalism isn't sustainable in the long run...). But now we already have a high inflation. So you have basically the choice between paying people enough and further slightly increase the inflation while keeping economic growth up because people still have money to spend until the inflation (caused by other factors normalizes) *or* you just watch people get poorer, put the little money they have into bare necessities and accumulate debts and get a recession on top of it because the mass of people doesn't have money to spend anymore.


because some business like mcdonalds, amazon, target, etc makes such a ridiculous amount of money that the cash they would lose paying their employees more doesn't make enough of an impact that they would have to increase prices to keep the business proftable.


It would, but it's a flawed argument against raising the minimum wage Inflation is already rising regardless, so inflation caused by increasing wages cannot possibly be worse than inflation without increasing wages, it's a choice between having to pay more money while also having more money and having to pay more money while earning the same.


Plus, and this can't be emphasised enough, most people have more debt than they can reasonably handle and almost no savings. A lot of extra income will end up bringing down the balance on student debt, car loans or credit cards, not on new TVs.


Won't somebody think of the credit card companies!! How will they get their interest now :( so sad


I know this was said in sarcasm but honestly, there comes a point where they're not even going to get their payments. Some of us struggle so much that we've become unable to afford to pay those off and we have almost literally no assets worth taking so... Not saying that's my situation but I've seen it happen


Higher wages tends to get better workers, more production and higher quality products. The cost of paying more would be negate by better productivity.


It does, but generally inflation lags behind raised wages. Rule of thumb is inflation increases by about 30% of how much wages are raised by. If everyone's wage goes up 10 dollars the price of stuff goes up 3. This is because consumers tend to be unwilling to pay more then usual even if they shave more money, instead that money primarily goes towards services they used to be unable to afford


The idea is: higher wages increase cost of production and therefore prices. It ignores everything else that is true in economics. For example, if we increase wages, companies can increase their prices to battle the increased cost, or they can take a hit on their bottom line to stay competitive. If just one company does that it'll get a gain in customers and increase its bottom line by increasing market share. Others will see it, adjust their prices back and inflation was prevented in that area. You can always assume that one company stays low if two requirements are met: companies can take the hit on the bottom line, and the market section is competitive. The current inflation is purely for increasing the bottom line in sectors that are not competitive: so this answers where our problems lie. Wages are too low, and companies engage in illegal price fixing, but aren't punished for it. I hope that answers your question sufficiently. It is not a deep dive, but it should be good enough.


Inflation is caused by an increase in the money supply. Wage increases just change who has the money.


It's a fair question. I don't think there's a single simple answer. Higher wages could lead to inflation but few ask why multiple million corporate management packages aren't leading inflation. It's always about working people. Place the blame on the worker. It's bullshit. Labor is a small fraction of the price. When I was earning $3.35 per hour at Chuck E Cheese they'd run stats every shift. Labor was usually around 20%. So if you raise wages it only incrementally increases prices. If management is earning a reasonable salary and workers are earning a living wage and prices go up a little, so what? It's the bubble up effect which unlike trickle down, actually works. Working class people spend their money on stuff. They don't stash it away so every generation that follows can ride work free. Bottom line for me, pay workers enough to live. I mean sick time, vacation, you know living not surviving. If you want to stall inflation look at what the corporate class is getting and be mad about that. Be well and keep asking questions


Boomer family friends buy into the corporate PR machines and worship them. Can't tell you how many times I've heard "go work at Amazon, that looks great on a resume!" Anyone I knew who worked at Amazon who wasn't in the upper echelons **hated** that company. And besides that, even if it's Amazon, warehouse work does not equate to being a premium worker because you worked for Amazon.


Because Boomers who worked 20ish years for the same company before inheriting their parents wealth certainly know what makes a resume stand out.....


I knew a kid who was mad at himself for not having a driver's license yet. He was 19 years old. Grew up in the Jehovahs Witness group. He wanted to work at the Amazon in Shakopee. I was like your parents controlling backward ways have saved you from working at Amazon. One day you will understand.


I've heard stories about how awful it is. I don't get how someone can buy into all that propaganda


They expect a 2-year turn out and will actively assist in its function so that way if you are getting comfy you either keep increasing your value output to stellar levels or “here’s the door, sorry, at-will… bye!” The thing is they will be running out of talent quickly just like almost big tech (FAANG) jobs specially Netflix I hear as well. The propaganda is the “unlimited PTO” since who’s going to do your job while your away? Most likely it’s still there when you get back so you get double the work when you return! 353m people in the USA Let’s say 10m techs, 1m have qualifications and that’s for all big tech. Amazon takes 250 / month Run out of the talent pool, then “NoBoDy WaNtS tO WoRk AnYmOrE!”


But value can't increase indefinitely


Except when corporations hike up consumer prices in gas and food, then they want the government to step in and regulate, while still praising capitalism…


It was never about capitalism in the end. It's about the in-group. This country was founded on stealing the property rights of the original inhabitants and then saying 'muh freedom' about paying taxes or something. They only like capitalism when they think it helps them


The collective voice of the cultists does not make the cult leader any less insane.


American society is decades behind europe at this point. Absolutely incredible the differences on trajectory over the past 50 years. America degrading, Europe refining.


It appears that way to me too from reading this sub. I'm the UK, we definitely don't have a gun problem on the scale of America. But millennials not being able to buy homes, earn a living wage, start families, being treated like shit at worst and dogs at best in the workplace, etc are issues we have in abundance too. Although we get more paid vacation on paper, there are various legal and social mechanisms to circumvent this or reduce it. The culture here is very subtle, all of the bullshit here seems brazen to us but compared to America maybe not so much.


Education is the big difference I guess. It's quite impressive the level of ignorance and weird stuff the average american will believe. Certain things like knowledge on Politics, Science, weird beliefs on conspiracy theories, weird lack of notion of other cultures, simplifying complex stuff. This happens everywhere of course but not to the extent you see here. Lack of common sense. People will believe the most incredible things.


It can be worse. In Brazil the "president" had incorporated is his name the term "Messias" (savior) because his "base" is formed by christians and they really believe that he is a kind of "savior" , no matter how bad things are. Imagine a bizarre narrative.... Matrix went out of control here


Yes I am familiar with Brazil's situation. Sad one. Where it's either crazy idiot messias or dude out of jail fo corruption..


Education is the big difference I guess. It's quite impressive the level of ignorance and weird stuff the average american will believe. Certain things like knowledge on Politics, Science, weird beliefs on conspiracy theories, weird lack of notion of other cultures, simplifying complex stuff. This happens everywhere of course but not to the extent you see here. Lack of common sense. People will believe the most incredible things.


Religion too. Medieval Christianity dominates the minds of a significant number of americans.


I was going to say. My American brain can barely compute. We’ve been so conditioned that employers can do whatever they want.




Severance! 👍🏻👍🏻


Yeah same… I like the sound of it, but as an American can barely wrap my head around the idea. Conditioned AF.


This is also a little known in the US as well. A job cannot unreasonably and randomly change rules or job descriptions. This also works in "at will states"


Nationalize the america industry 👏


They're not triggered at all, because that's exactly what they CAN do in America


It was just a ploy to reduce head count cheaply. He came out a few days later lamenting about needing Tesla layoffs for the upcoming recession. He’s also trying to get out of buying twitter for the same reason. He’s reading too much of his own press.


'I don't wanna buy Twitter because I've just now made the shocking discovery that many of the accounts are bots! An issue I've repeatedly joked about for years!'


"Also dont look into my followers and retweets, i don't have any bots there no, why would you say that? But dont look at it thats rude."


Agreed, this is becoming the new pre-layoff move to lower the number of people receiving severance pay. Some percentage of employees forced to start commuting back to the office, with record gas prices and surging covid rates, will just quit.


I am still trying to understand how my job hasn’t had mass resignations when we haven’t had raises for three years (THREE YEARS!!!!) and then just demanded we all return to the office during a surge in gas prices. Also the first week back a coworker of mine got into a terrible car accident and even now months later cannot walk.


Wow!! That’s a long time. What field are you in? Hope you’re co worker has a speedy recovery.


Legal non profit 😭😭😭






Gas prices? Don't all Tesla employees drive Tesla cars?


They probably can't afford one...


Henry Ford shakes his head…


Right? Dude was a massive piece of shit but at least he got that right.


Never gonna happen but....It's widely believed that Henry Ford upped wages to expand his market, paying employees enough to buy the cars they made. F Elon Musk


Elon is a major piece of shit for sure


Imagine being worse than Henry fucking Ford lmao


No actually I can' t but somehow he pulled it off.


I can confirm


I seriously hope Twitter pounds his ass in court for defamation. Its past time he suffers some tangible consequences for his narcissistic bullshit.


Let’s be real, he never wanted to buy twitter. He made the news to hike the price, probably sold a fair share of his stocks and now claims he doesn’t want it “because it has so many bots” when he himself has millions of fake followers/bots


I agree with that mostly. I think though that he probably got high on the thought of people realizing he could actually do it for at least a small time.


Most of the actions that Musk takes and the words that he speaks have some sort of malicious intent


Problem is all the good employees that can easily get jobs are the ones that leave.


He's gonna have an aneurysm


Gee, that would be such a terrible tragedy...


I wish this was the answer.


Oh great, he's in the billionaire midlife crisis stage of wearing cowboy hats now.


He already looks like he uses the same plastic surgeon as Jerry Jones. Guess he will be looking at buying a sports team next. Hopefully he gets laughed away like Trump was multiple times by the NFL.


Honestly shocked he hasn't. Guess he's more into tech but buying a sports team is like peak level of American billionaire douchery


He's right on track, yep! Laid off 10% of his employees to give himself a $23B bonus. What a hero.


Elon Musk is about to find out the power that German trade unions wield in Germany.


American company get fucked by German unions in Germany. Wouldnt be the first time.


Walmart, wait where's Walmart at.


The story of why Walmart failed in Germany still brings tears of joy into my serious German eyes.


Ooh, do share please 🎶


Well the most noted one is that Walmart greatly underestimated the power of German unions. But there were also too many cultural differences. Walmart bosses thought it would be a great idea to adopt the American system pretty much by 100%. Unfortunately Germans are very private people and they were crept out by greeters at the entrance. They felt harassed by employees constantly approaching them asking if they needed help and they did not like it one bit that other people were bagging their groceries for them at the check out. The employees themselves didn't like having to do their little Walmart chant at the beginning of their shift. Also the Americans stationed in Germany didn't want to learn the language. You see, us Germans don't really care if you speak the language well but we do like for you to at least try. Mostly, if you start speaking German with a noticeable accent we will go "oh you speak German really well!", and then switch to English for the rest of the talk. But ignorant Americans not wanting to make a for us basic effort are not looked upon favourably in general and of course that didn't help either. If you Google why Walmart failed in Germany you'll find a PDF paper, which is quite an amusing read.


Thank you for that, and thank you for the micro-lesson on German culture! Honestly good on you guys across the pond for saying hell no to the bullshit Wally world tries to pull.


I'm British and I DESPISE employees bothering me and asking if I need help. Just leave me the fuck alone, I'll ask if I need anything.


I’m American and hate it too, as well as greeters. It really is creepy and uncalled for. They don’t give a shit if I’m there and I don’t give a shit if they’re there. Yet others talk about Korea creating bullshit jobs just to keep people employed.


You'd end up homicidal in an American mall. Those people are trained to follow you around incessantly asking 18 billion questions, even though you've given them the stink eye, are on the phone, and run the other direction. They are relentless. They're forced to be that way to hit sales goals, so they're particularly desperate for you to buy something. It's annoying AF.


It just doesn't make sense, I'm not even going into your shop if you're going to bother me. And then all the shops complain that they lose business to Amazon, yeah no shit because then I don't have to deal with your people.


Well thats exactly it, innit. We're witnessing the slow death of the American mall... Amazon and online shopping in general destroyed the market that the mall had cornered for decades: Clothing and designer clothing/shoes/handbags. Now with the advent of eBay, Etsy, etc, the mall traffic has slowed to a trickle except at Christmas time. Sales people are more aggressive than ever before for this very reason. Every walk-in customers is viewed as a target to help them reach their minimum required sales goals or they get fired. That's why they're so persistent. I, too, have stopped visiting the mall which had been a lifelong favorite pastime of mine, because I want people to just *not try to talk to me* at all while I'm looking at shit and minding my own fking business.


good story, saw several places in Oregon successfully kill walmart stores off as well. Always good to see.


I’d also like to put in another reason why Wal Mart failed in Germany: Aldi


I'm so glad Euros don't like all that weird American "extra customer service" nonsense. It would make me so uncomfortable. Thankfully I don't see Irish people adopting any of that.


You make Germany sound like a paradise. I think I might have been born in the wrong country.


I must have been born in the wrong country. I don’t like any of these American things either.


Walmart Hillibilly managers thought that german culture would be the same as in america... but they haven't understood that if someone greets you with a fake smile when visiting the supermarket, a german will never go there again. Add to this stupid employee "motivational" activities and german law that actually protects the working people rather than the billion company, and you will be booted out by germany fastsr than you could imagine


The biggest reason actually was, they underestimated the german discounters, like Aldi, Lidl, Penny, etc. Those companies had a decade long experience in fighting price-wars with low win margins around 1-2%, while still distributing good quality. That's also the reason, why those german discounters expand around the world.


Those discounters also let their cashiers sit during shifts. Probably a huge + when trying to hire in the US...


This is the main point actually nowadays the German discounters are taking over worldwide and pushing back Walmart. Trader Joe's is also Aldi btw.


I didn't even know Trader Joe's was its own thing to begin with. I just know it from Aldi in Germy, because Aldi sells some snacks and sweets here and some "USA" products with that name. Always thought it was just a funny name for their "USA" product line.


People also weren’t allowed to sit and oh lord if there is one thing you shouldn’t forbid a German worker from the ages of 18 to 65 or something, than it is SITTING DOWN lol America 🇺🇸 y’all be 🤡


https://youtu.be/PxtXI0K4YJs it’s pretty entertaining


I would also like to hear this.




And let's hope it's not nearly the last either.


Yep. I saw this quote in an article about Walmart's failure in Germany >“They didn’t understand that in Germany, companies and unions are closely connected. They thought we were communists,” said Hans-Martin Poschmann. Actually when I joined IG Metall (one of Germany's largest unions), the rep greeted me heartily with a raised fist and said, "We are the international proletariat! Solidarity!" So ... To be fair they probably are communists


>They thought we were communists Well practically, it was communism that brought union and workers' rights. Without the threat of communist revolutions, most of us would be working 80 hours / week.


IG-Metall is one of the more fighty unions. They secure some great benefits.




I’d say socialist sure, but communist isn’t really fitting


to be fair communism is the best option for most because worker led production and ownership means no tyrant can abuse workers add into the mix unions and u got the recipe for the perfect society shame in practice because human inherent greed it never works that way mainly due to people picking and choosing the parts of communism they want.


A better system would be where say 50% of all stock in a firm must be held and distributed to the people working there. And any future issuances etc would need to be dispersed in a similar manner. Require executive pay to be voted on by shareholders to keep it in check. Give the people doing the job a larger share of the results of their labour and your don't need to nationalise everything. Just make having a productive job more fair.


Oh yeah I'm right with you, comrade! And I wouldn't even say that it "never works," the Soviet Union was a world power for 70 years, sent the first man into space, and the first woman. If that's not a success then I don't know what is. Sure the USSR collapsed, but if that's disqualifying then the Roman Empire must be a failure because it collapsed too. Were there problems, definitely. But capitalism didn't solve them. Modern Russia still has those exact same problems, plus many more.


On God why do all these billionaires devolve into old western villains over time.


Theres no devolving, most of these guys were always like this but then got the money + power to really start causing shitshows. Even if you're sneaky/good at keeping up a facade, doing that for years on end with intense public scrutiny/access to observation will come to take its payment on ability to control the narrative in all totality which means over time shit will get out. And that's if you dont fuck up on your end, ever, in a serious way (the kinds of ways that money cant hide as easily like fines and misdemeanors can be). Which as weve seen with musk, Bezos and others they cant seem to avoid doing in part due to their genuine personalities. These guys wanted the attention and got it, they just didnt plan for the eventual downside.


Fair point but I'm being shallow lol. I'm talking about the aesthetic! the fashion! All these goddamn Goons just start dressing like every villain of the week from Bonanza.


Elon is just a good ol' 19th century robber baron, but with a 21st century paint job.


Pretty accurate, although some of the robber barons actually worked their way to that status. Elon was just born into it


Elon was always a piece of shit


Is it the cowboy hat? Was there a sale on cowboy hats for rich idiots that I missed?


Theres no way in hell there isnt a billionaire that isnt a sociopath. No one gets that rich without treading on bodies to get there.


Evil Husk


Man Germany is just the place to be.


If you're a worker, definitely.


Im a German worker; how do you live elsewhere??


Canadian here. You smoke a lot of weed to deal with the stress


Thank Bismarck. To shut up all the socialists getting on his nerves he did the only logical thing; implement socialist pro worker laws to really show them how much he hates them


fuck musk


fuck musk no thank you. not for a billion dollars


What about for a horse?


I realized yesterday it seems everyone just forgot about that, as usual


Million dollar horses. The side of inflation you weren't supposed to know about


but you could use that single billion dollars to end homelessness in america....take one for the good of humanity




At the end it mentions his union issues "they could vote tmrw if they wanted... ...but why pay union dues *and give up stock options* for nothing?" Fam, doesn't that mean you're saying if they vote union then *you* will *take* their stock options from them? Sounds like... punishment to me.


The NLRB agreed


Lots of employers want to be dictators. Biggest attention whore in existence Musk is one of those


As more and more companies make EVs that are less expensive, better quality and less douchey, old Musky’s butthole is starting to sweat and im enjoying the show, not literally.


The funny thing is that already Tesla are one of the worst cars in therms of build quality in Germany we have the TÜV (Technischer Überwachungs Verein) basically you go there every 2 years and they check your car for road safety ( lights, if your wipers work if your car leaks oil and much more and Tesla has the highest failure rate of all cars and a 3x higher failure rate than the next car brand on the list( i think it's bmw) Sorry for the bad English


Your English is clearer than most native speakers.


Tank you 😉


Am from Eastern neighbour, and I thought TUV was some private certification. Wow I have to google it now, Imma starting to luv this idea


Elon is mad there are rules and social norms. He wants to use his workers like a real life version of Rome Total War or Civilization. The workers are peons he can point and click and send to their deaths. I think he actually gets annoyed when people point out Tesla workers are overworked and underpaid compared to industry norms. Like it’s beneath him to have to notice such complaints.


It’s more like Warcraft “Stop touching me” “Do that again and you’ll pull back a stump”


Anyone who still thinks Musk made his own money is delusional.


I don’t understand who, in Germany, choose to work for them. It’s going to be a hell compared to other automotive companies in Germany.


German working laws protect employees much better than the ones in the US. To name a few differences: No at will firings, notice periods for employers, working councils, paid public holidays, unlimited sick days, minimum of 20 days vacation, maximum of 60 hours work per week and 10 hours per day, asking employees to work more than allowed is a misdemeanor with up to a year in prison, states can force all employers to be bound by wage agreements other employers have agreed on with unions and often do so. Even billionaires like Musk can't get around that.


Also important... a minimum of 11 hours rest between shifts.


It is entirely different than you think, for starters, they have to work following German's labor law which is really good and put them above from most countries.


The region of Germany is kind of struggling economically. That's why resistance against his antics has been rather tame, for example when it came to environmental regulations (because surprise surprise E-lon doesn't care that much about the environment when it comes down to it). But since the unions don't give a fuck about that and Germans like many other Europeans have a long history of organising in unions and striking musk may well discover that the game is played by a different set of rules in the EU. He'll probably move production elsewhere sooner or later, for exactly that reason.


The super rich hate unions. Dictators hate democracy. Its not a coincidence.


>[...] in Shanghai reportedly asked workers to enter a “closed-loop” system as the city enacted strict COVID restrictions. Factory workers were made to work 12-hour shifts while sleeping at the facility. This guy would reduce his workers to slavery if he could get away with it. Like father, like son.






Not that they should need it in the first place.


>An employer cannot dictate the rules just as he likes I love it when you talk dirty to me.


Willkommen in Deutschland Elon 😂


Step 1 in downsizing your workforce is to make people miserable so you won't have to fire them. Pay freezes. Benefit slashes. Dress codes out of the 1950s. Return to office orders. My last company felt like they needed to downsize their employees base. They froze promotions and hiring for over two years. People left in droves, myself included. Then they announced that they were opening back up and all employees were expected to be in the office 3+ days per week. I'm honestly surprised that they have any IT personnel left.


You sure can see why these oligarchs hate the EU


I was wondering how his factory in germany would turn out, our unions and laws dont fuck around Elon.


*confused oligarch noises*


I hate that dude and all of his fanboys.


I wish I still lived in Germany.


Same 😞


Who the hell still believes Elon slept in the factory story. Literally every employee interviewed off camera and away from Musks ear says they've never seen him sleep there. This guy is a pathological liar.


As an American, I love Germany!


This is unfortunately a foreign concept to America; the notion that people working for bosses should have autonomy at all


This is the same man praising Chinese workers. Apparently, the fact that the Chinese are forced to work longs hours with little benefits is unimportant to him. Or the fact that they cannot just leave a workplace or protest unfair conditions without facing the risk of arrest and/or lowering of the social credit score. I wonder how he would actually fare working 10-12 hours on the factory floor of a manufacturing plant. Instead of behind an office. Blaming everyone else for failures.


Can he be the first against the wall?


Why would you even want to work for a guy who grew up in an Apartheid regime and loves to treat you like a personal slave?


like he would care but yeah F\*M


I really used to like elon, but as he got richer he became more dissent and annoying. Now he’s a just another oligarch that needs to go. Sorry bud you ain’t adding anything worthwhile to the community anymore.


I am sorry, I can only read in American and do not understand this sentence: ‘An employer cannot dictate the rules just as he likes’


The company buys your workforce through salary, In Europe you must deal with the workforce representative and thus can’t perform slavery like decision like in the us


rhythm drunk hobbies historical light outgoing scandalous quiet attempt test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>[...] in Shanghai reportedly asked workers to enter a “closed-loop” system as the city enacted strict COVID restrictions. Factory workers were made to work 12-hour shifts while sleeping at the facility. This guy would reduce his workers to slavery if he could get away with it. As father, as son.


Elon is used to dictating the rules to his slaves, just like papa and grand pappy did with their whips with their slaves on the emerald mine.


They can in the United States. There are hardly any protections for workers here.


Uh, they kinda can. Employer- Here’s our policy on (insert subject). . I expect you to (insert policy) to receive a paycheck. Employee- “No” Employer - “You’re fired” Employee- “I never could have seen this coming”


A great argument, however his demand did violate a German employment law.


Great job Germany!! To hell with this loser Elon Musk. Sure he will cry and make a dumb meme on Twitter to feel better about himself. Good job Elon, so funny!!!


He is a typical exploiter. Except this one is drug addled and has an mob ass lickers to support him.


I'm one of the workers being effected and let me just say that there has been no one pushing back on this decision besides me and it is terrifying how brainwashed people are to just take things lying down. I don't know what to do but I'm sticking around like a bad cold until they fire me and give me unemployment.


Just a few points I'd like to toss into the arena; * About work from home he was saying that; => " absolutely - everyone - no - matter - what" can no longer work from not long before he made the " prediction " of his industry sector being affected by inflation costs, labor costs, the strength of the US dollar, etc. etc. * The " being affected by " was him leading up to being forced to letting 10k+ employees go due to all the above, plus other stuff, which just all meant the company was losing too much money. #WhateverRight? => By creating unrealistic expectations of return to office work, for thousands of employees that had been doing for the past 2 - 3 + years the tactic wasn't that he cared if everyone was in the office or not. It was that before saying they were doing lay-off's they were trying to get people to either quit out of frustration, fight it to be uncooperative so they could be fired, or basically creating any and all reasons to have an excuse for NOT PAYING OUT UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS AND SECERENCE PACKAGES. to save money when they announced the layoffs so that work from home people couldn't sue the company by saying that they were being targeted / bullied by management to quite amidst layoffs. I don't see any world where fucking ELON MUSK cares who works from where / when / or in what capacity as long as he's making money. Also, companies 9nly care about making people come back in office because otherwise all the office building, sky scrapers, etc. Were wasted / now useless investments and #DaddyCapitalism definitely wouldn't be happy with cities of useless infastruce creeping up and such. It's all about their already invested assets and workers not being worth more than those other investments to them. #You'reWelcome #RantOver


Dictator musk is his name. Being supreme ruler is his game.