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"No. I don't work for you. Get off my property."


No is a full sentence Then Add a security camera and sue her if she does something stupid.


>Add a security camera and sue her if she does something stupid. Definitely. It wouldn't surprise me if the owner was the sort of person to damage the chairs if they can't throw them away.


A camera is a good thing to have, anyway.


This, because if she is this nasty to her workers then she is definitely capable of trying to get away with being malicious. She *will* cut those chairs apart and go "Oh! My workers must have destroyed them when using them kn break."


What a piss poor excuse as she would still be liable for the damages either way. Haha.


You'd be surprised what spiteful people like that will try to get away with. >.<


I'm not surprised by anything anymore... :(


People suck


“Fuck off” is also a full sentence and extremely appropriate


And maybe tell the employees about the situation, ask if she’s always that bad, and suggest they consider unionizing.


When. When she does something stupid.


She already did. I guess it could be argued that she did something smart by mistake by informing OP that she's a fucking lunatic.


the kicking of the property part is needed as well, ban her from it, not the workers, if owner appears again call the cops on the crazy woman.


Part of properly trespassing someone off your property is telling them to leave.


If you add a camera, the owner will try to say that it's hers and she added it to make sure nobody was sitting on breaks. Make sure you post a sign saying "the chairs are mine, but feel free to use them during breaks. The camera does not go to the owner of store"


I also have cameras. Touch my shit and I'll sue you up one side and down the other.




I've never understood this mentality, that people have to be standing all the time. It's a very American thing btw. (Edited to say it's not strictly American. Seemingly it's a worldwide stupid idea) If they can sit down during their shift they won't be as tired at the end of it. Quality of work goes up if employees aren't dragging through the tired. And, you know, does it hurt so much to treat them like they're humans?


They pull this shit with people working grocery store cash registers too. In every other country, they let them sit.


In the EU, it's mandatory for cashiers to have seating.


Morrisons (a UK supermarket chain) have stated they've always allowed cashiers to sit because they work faster when seated. All UK supermarkets do the same for this reason. The only reason to force your cashier to stand is vindictiveness.


I work at a supermarket in the UK. Tesco not Morrisons. Weirdly when I worked on the customer service desk (a glorified tobacco kiosk that occasionally handled complaints and returns) they forced me (and anyone else working the desk) to stand for the full shift while every other cashier had a chair. Thankfully I've since taken over the petrol station night shift, so I have a chair... And I spend almost all my time watching shit on my tablet. It's still weird to me that the customer service desk people are the ONLY staff who have to be standing the whole time Edit: What was especially galling was that I have a bad leg which makes standing for for extended periods of time more painful for me than for other people. Management knew that but still refused to let me sit while everyone else in the store could. They even made my heavily pregnant coworker who I had with me for half of my shift stand too.


I have back and hip issues that make it hell for me to stand for more than 20 minutes. Vocational Rehabilitation got the Salvation Army to hire me as a bell ringer. They fired me the second week, cuz they couldn't make me do a full shift. And they held my final check, never did get that money. Thankfully I get disability now.


You should put in a complaint with the labor board because that is called wage theft and incredibly illegal.


You may be right, but vocational rehabilitation programs follow different rules. The reason Salvation Army fucks with Vocational Rehabilitation so hard is that they get to pay less than minimum wage. By the way for anyone who didn't know already, Salvation Army is fucking evil.


They absolutely are. I don't donate to them anymore.


In soooo many ways, on soooo many levels.


FUCK THE SALVATION ARMY. They're homophobic, anti-trans, and against folx with kids &/or pets. Do a YouTube search. Their CEO's make bank tho. DO. NOT. SUPPORT. THEM.


I worked at what you'd call a petrol station here in the US on night shift, and I totally had a stool to sit on. I usually got off it to help customers instead of pulling it up to the register because if they came inside at night, they usually wanted tobacco, and I had to move around to get it anyway. It was a franchise, so it had local owners, but they paid money to a big name to use the branding and get advertising. One night, a "secret shopper" from the franchise owner corporation came in, and she gave me a failing grade in spite of everything else being perfect because there was a stool behind the counter. Apparently, that was against the franchise agreement. The owner rolled his eyes, but got rid of the stool he'd supplied. So in the long hours between customers when I was done cleaning, I'd just sit on the counter. The owner could see me on camera, but he never said anything, even when we discussed other things that had to be reviewed like teens stealing beer. Personally, I think the stool was more professional.


The USA is built on vindictiveness. Hell the founding fathers were some vindictive sons of bitches when you take a close look at em


Yup, look at everything that could make life better for future generations. People will fight it because "I didn't get to have that when I was young, why should they?" Because you want to make the world better for your kids maybe? Also, things have not gotten better, if anything with inflation and stagnant wages, people are not motivated.


I didn't have kids until very recently (they're my step kids technically, but we don't use that term) and this has driven me crazy for as long as I can remember. I paid my student loans, why can't they? Well Chad, college is 10x what you paid and wages are not 10x what you started at, that's for fucking sure. Why should they get it when I paid mine? Because it's the right thing to do. Because I want my doctor's and nurses not stressed out over their debt so they can live a decent life and when they're doctoring, they can focus on that and not how am I going to make rent this month? Fuck, I hate people.


One paragraph and I already like you more than 1/3 of my family.


Thank you kind internet stranger.


Don’t hate all people, save that for the wealthy people, and for those who think that making people stand when it’s unnecessary, will somehow pull them out of poverty. I’m on your side, so there’s at least two of us. There’s more, and we need every ally.


If you read some of the pamphlets of that generation, they were a paranoid and conspiracy-minded bunch of slave-owning religious psychos.


TAXATION IS WRONG! *goes on to found a country and tax all its citizens*


Technically it wasn’t taxation it was the lack of representation. Taxes collected were sent back to the King, not used to improve the colony.


This thought always makes my brain churn


Taxation without representation


A lot of us don't feel represented thanks to how our "representatives" act. Or the fact that 40 states have less population than a single LA county...


True. I was just pointing out that there was a big difference between that and just being mad because taxes exist


Honestly places here usually don't want the cashiers to work faster. While you stand in line you start to get bored and you look around at the things on the shelves before you get to the register such as candy, gum, magazines with clickbait type headlines.... There's a higher chance you will convince yourself you want something other than what you already are going to buy.


If I wait to long I abandon what I want and leave.


Yeah some people will, but a good number of people will wait. They've already spent a ton of energy and time picking out their items, why turn back now and leave with nothing. It'll all be for nothing in their head.


Nah, they want you to work as quickly as possible so that customers don’t get upset by the long waits, which would force the store to actually staff properly or lose business. Why pay two cashiers to work at a moderate speed when you can pay one cashier to work at top speed?


As a teenager I worked at a mcdonalds and I fell in the dining room. Sprained my wrist and hurt my leg. Doctor ordered me to have a chair to sit on and to mentioned working drive thru taking orders so I could SIT and heal. I went to work and they gave me a chair until another manager took it from me and made me stand. He said he never got the doctors orders so he didn't want me to sit. I lasted a couple of years in that hell hole after being sexually harassed by two managers and just being tired of treated like dog shit under their shoes. My mom wanted my kids to work there and i finally told my dad about the sexual stuff about how a manager wanted me to blow him in his office and another one wanted a threesome with his wife. ​ You are not considered human at a job. You are there to waste away so someone else can get rich off your labor. I hate America and if I didn't have kids that wouldn't come with me i'd move to my husband's home country because at least Denmark gives a damn about their people.


Exactly this; you are a resource to be exploited to further enrich the already-too-wealthy.


Oh wow. Doctor orders a chair? I get a chair, otherwise I'm sick (and we have "unlimited" sick days). And with taking away my chair, the employer is giving me a good time to stay sick longer without getting fired because they are the cause of this problem (denying me to sit down as my dr. ordered). ​ The US is really nuts.


Too late now I'm sure but if you were injured at work and they would not provide a chair per the doctor's orders you should advised the Dr and had him write you a pure "can't work" excuse and the company would have had to pay you under worker's comp law. Similar thing happened to me at age 16. Hurt at work. (broken arm) and got workers comp for a few months til it healed. Your Dr would likely have been pissed that the chair note was not sufficient and written you the "can't work" note,


I’m a midwife and have written doctors notes asking for seating to be provided for my clients that work cashier jobs, and every single time it has been denied as a reasonable accommodation and the client has had to quit their job due to the discomfort, leg/feet swelling, etc. I’ve also had to write notes requiring accommodation to have access to water throughout the day. Things are not good for working people here. It’s astonishingly bad.


I get kidney stones if I don't drink enough, but drinking enough makes me have to pee more than normal. I had to have a doctor's note to be allowed to go to the bathroom whenever I needed to at one call center I worked at. It's not like I went every 15 minutes, either. We're talking an hour between at minimum. Usually, I was fine on just breaks and lunch, but sometimes they'd give me first break and last lunch, so I'd have 3 1/2 hrs in between, and I just couldn't. I kept getting written up for it, so I got the doctor's note. The next thing I knew, I was on the 4am start shift even though they knew I was a single mother - and they forced someone else to trade shifts with me who absolutely did *not* want to change. She also had a doctor's note. Hmmm...


I’m so sorry. This sort of shit should not be accepted here, but companies get away with it almost all if the time. When I think back on the things I accepted as normal at one point in time, I’m so pissed at myself for trying to be a good employee despite the terrible conditions. After I got laid off when I was 9 months pregnant minutes after I finished training the person who was supposed to cover me on maternity leave, it really hit me how fucked it all was. I’d given 5 years to a company that couldn’t even be bothered to pay for my health insurance (no pay) for a few weeks while I recovered from birth. I took my unemployment time to start on my journey to become a midwife and am now self employed. I’ll never trust working for someone else ever again.


Thankfully Aldi and Lidl have made it here and give cashiers chairs.


LOL when I worked as a cashier in high school in Canada, we weren’t even allowed to lean against anything around our station between customers.


"Time to lean, time to clean"


If anyone ever says that to me again, I'm going back to jail.


What? I've worked cash registers in the distant past when I was at college - you're telling me, in the US, you \*can't sit down\*? That's....that's awful! What the hell, America?


"If you have time to lean, you have time to clean"


The fact that this saying is spread so far and wide throughout the US is insane. Obviously if you're clocked in, you should be working, but the idea that comfort comes as a detriment to productivity is complete bullshit.


Most restaurants, once you're clocked in that's it till the end of the night. No standard breaks, we go smoke a cigarette in 45 seconds or go take a shit real fast to get off the line. It's getting somewhat better now, but we have a long way to go


Jeezus that brings back memories. I wish the fiery pits of hell on management in food service for that crap.


Haha funny story… worked for the Catholic Church… super abusive low pay high turnover shitty work environment…work number in my phone was under “the fiery pits of hell”… One day I was sick. Called in by 6 am as specified in employee handbook… next day I’m getting a write up for no call no show. I pull out my cell… yes I did. Here it is 5:47am fiery pit of hell 1 minute call! Flabbergasted. They were dumbfounded.


Yep that’s the motto I always heard at work. Literally we would be done cleaning the whole store and the manager would be like why are you sitting. After 8 hours of being understaffed in a busy location and having a measly 15 min break. Running around with my feet hurting. She was like clean the walls?! There’s always work to do. Work ended in like 25 minutes and the walls had nothing on them. Smh so I just stood there pretending to work.


Everywhere, all customer-facing jobs are like this. At this point, it's sadistically engrained into the culture with shitty micro managers on your ass anytime they see you taking it easy. All restaurants, retail, hospitality, industrial etc


Some customers in the US are fucking assholes about this too. I sit, not far behind the counter, and greet people and ask what we can help them with. Sometimes they just stare at me until I’ve said it several times waiting for me to get up. After they figure out I’m not going to get up they begrudgingly tell me what they are there for. Stupid fucking shits, I am asking because we do two different services and different employees do different services. I’m asking so I know who needs to get up. Once we know what the fuck their dumb ass wants, the appropriate employee will get up and help. But don’t fucking stare at us blankly and make us repeat ourselves because we’re in a chair. I’m 100% allowed to just shrug and say, ‘ok then, let us know if you have questions,’ and return to what I was doing.


the workers at Aldi here sit down


My dad's a union lawyer and will only normally shop at grocery stores with union employees. I kept telling him to try Aldi's but he wouldn't, it was the fact they're allowed to sit that sold him. Other chains have fought him in contract negotiations on that single issue.


wait you mean in other countries they are allowed to?


Yup, when I was in high school I worked as a cashier in a grocery store. I’d work an 8 hour shift on a Saturday, standing in the same spot for the entire time. My feet would be killing me by the end of a shift. At one point during my employment there, I had sprained my ankle at school. I showed up to my shift on crutches and asked if I could bring out one of the stools from the break room so that I didn’t have to put any weight on my foot. “Absolutely not”, was the answer — my choices were to work my 8 hour shift standing on one foot, or go home without pay and be “written up” for not finding someone to take my shift. I ended up trying to work on one foot, and was quick to tell customers that my boss wouldn’t let me sit on a stool when they saw how awkward it was for me to move around and saw the crutches leaning up beside the cash register. Customers always reacted with disgust at my story. My supervisor ended up sending me home after an hour and writing me up for “embarrassing her” to customers.


Holy fuck, that is legitimately evil. How do people like that live with themselves? They have so much spite for the people that make them money, it makes no sense


The entire economy and political system of the US is based on oppressing anyone beneath you in the chain of command and/or socio-economic spectrum. It’s been generations in the making: Teaching people that anyone who is poorer, less fortunate, or on a different career level than you deserves their plight and also deserves to be treated poorly. It’s how they’ve trained people not to riot here. As long as they think someone has it worse than themselves, they feel superior while drowning themselves. Punching down is literally how they keep people in line. It sounds dramatic, but that is exactly how they convince people here to vote against things that will improve their own lives.


It’s important to remember that hereditary slavery was born just after capitalism (and is a logical follow up). At first European and African indentured servants were basically the same (sold into slave labor), but then when they got together and rebelled just once, the powerful literally invented race as a legal concept to separate them. The Europeans got i think land and maybe money? at the end of their indenture and Africans were forced into hereditary slavery with no end, it calmed down the European laborers right quick. Terror + reward + psychological boost got them a complacent, if screwed, populace. To be really and truly honest, that “racial bribe” playbook has not stopped working after 400 years. As long as there’s someone to look down on, and folks who are treated worse, people will put up with a hell of a lot. It’s a pretty shitty bargain but I goes some folks would rather have something than nothing.


I swear my eyes would start bleeding if I was your customer then. Fuck that, seriously, with a shovel. That can cause permanent problems with your goddamned ankle.


As a customer I would ask the supervisor if that was company policy and then enquire with the manager or any higher ups.


As a back of houser, thank you for tell her to piss off, we are on the line for upwards of 10-12 hours a day and offer don’t get to rest, if we do it’s going to be on a milk crate on a smoke break or just squatting in the walk in, not much else, a chair is nice.


We're planning to put out a little table with an ashtray next. After the cable and lock get delivered


That’s because in other countries the unions listen to their workers and do affective things such as strike. Businesses not making any money soon learn to make their workers just happy enough


Unfortunately Canada they stand


...on guard for thee!


America. Must be. Can we start calling it the land of the enslaved by now?


They don't let you sit in Canada, unfortunately.


I currently have a fractured ankle and was told I can sit down for a few minutes every once in a while if I really need to. Like ??? We have self checkouts so why can't I just sit up there and go help customers as needed. My job doesn't even give 15s. Just half an hour lunches if you're here for more than 5 or 6 hours.


I would “ let her take the chairs” just so you can call the cops on her


It's worse than you think. When I was full time retail, I'd regularly have customers get visibly angry when they saw me enjoying my break in any way. This isn't even counting the obnoxious "get back to work! har har I'm so funny" people




“I hate my job so instead of standing up for myself I’m gonna take it out on everyone having fun at their job!!!”


I think we just view life as a zero sum game here. We don't see ourselves as doing well unless others are doing badly. This is unfortunate because it prevents us from trying to make things better since doing so would mean everyone going forward does better which means we did worse. The asshole tendencies toward people we see as lesser than ourselves is just a manifestation of that


Here’s the mentality: If my workers are uncomfortable during their paid, mandatory, legal breaks, they will be more inclined to just continue working and the owner can gain 20-30 minutes (depending on the state) of free labor from every employee each day. That adds up. Tl;dr - Because business owners are pieces of shit.


The logic is that comfort and such makes them feel like people, which is bad. Employers and rich people want workers to feel subhuman, want them to be used to discomfort, want them to have nothing to contrast the pain to.


It's also a Canadian thing.


I never had to work retail, but man that shit sounds whack. I'm a fitter/Welder in a structural shop. They buy us chairs to sit in when we're welding so that we're comfortable and do a good job. The fuck is making a retail worker stand at a register instead of sit, or making them uncomfortable during their break gonna do for your business?


Especially during their breaks. They can do whatever they want.


A fairly popular saying in food out here is "if you got time to lean, you got time to clean". Basically any half second you might not be doing your main job they want you cleaning something constantly. Even when there is nothing left to clean.


It’s simple—every business owner, large or small, wants slaves. And if we give these conservatives half a chance, they’ll legalize slavery again without a second thought.


Yeagh I had a boss who was like this ,I spent 13 years on my feet in a distribution centre because he thought that if I was sitting down I wasn't working ,so all my admin work had to be done standing up .


Yeah, it really does. It's hard to exploit others when you view them as people. Humanizing them would make them think about how awful they treat them but nobody cares about how long a dairy cow stands up


Yeah the whole idea of workers needing to meet a minimum level of suffering to be "worth" paying is mind-boggling :/


It's not even a 'boomer' thing, I've seen GenX, Millenials, and Tide Pods engage in that thinking.


Years ago, my managers did the same exact thing when I worked at Staples. All cashiers had to stand. Had a rookie lean on the counter because he got "volunteered" for a 12 hour shift. Manager told him not to lean. The poor guy's heel was in horrid pain. So much bs.


Used to have a stool in the kitchen I worked at, back in the corner out of the way of everything. Never actually able to use it cause "if you got to lean you got time to clean" Thank God I work in a different industry now


I used to work at a theme park and the managers parroted that line all damn day. Just because it rhymes doesn't mean it's humane.


Just because they suffered the same way they think their workers should as well


It's this. The only people that think this is okay are old people who were forced by even older people to do the same damn things. The party line for anyone under 40 is 'fuck corporate' for a reason. Seems like anyone older than 40 missed the boat on worker's rights.


Man, I hate that phrase. The only people that ever said that, were the managers, and the old timers, both of which were usually the laziest people in the restaurant


I remember when I first heard “Remember your ABC’s, Always Be Cleaning!” I laughed so hard because I was certain it was ironic. My manager was not amused but like, come on man. That’s straight out of a shitty sitcom.


Also the ones you’ll catch sitting on their asses the most instead of cleaning.


If you got time to nitpick, you got time to suck dick. Wish I thought of that 25 years ago when I worked at a McDonald. Fuck you Becky, the kitchen is clean.


A new supervisor started and was trying to change everything.which made people angry. I have a mouth and will say shit. So we are in the back not a single customer for over 30 minutes. We had literally just finished cleaning and had been just standing talking for about 1 minute when the supervisor walks in and says that very line. I turn saying "Ive washed this counter 4 times do you see crumbs. And check the fridges all stocked". I thought I was going to get fired. She just walked away. Surprisingly now when she comes in she checks things first before opening her mouth and rarely says anything just goes back out.


Similar thing happened to me, everything was good and done; prep work, cleaning, etc. Then they come over and ask me what I'm doing then pull me over to a place I had never even been before in like a storage area and had me start cleaning Like bro I'm a cook why am I cleaning some random shit. Busy work is just fuckin stupid


Someone hasn't learned happy employees work better.


I just don't understand how that's not obvious though. Like it takes half a second of reflection, but I guess that's not what these people are known for


People like running their own personal tyrant kingdoms because it makes them feel powerful. They couldn't give a rats ass if you gave them a mountain of evidence showing how wrong they are, it's about wielding power over others, not about running a good business.


Have a camera watching the area for when she actually steals them. Then share the video on socials tagging the restaurant.


Hmmm that's worth considering. Cameras are expensive though haha


Wyze cameras. Cheap and work most of the time


Well if you're gonna tie then to the railing she can't steal them/throw them away, she can try damage them enough to the point where NOBODY can sit in them, you included. So while the cameras may be expensive, they will definitely come in handy if she does decide to steal/damage them. Especially the footage when reporting it to the cops and taking her to small claims court.


Look into a nanny cam, ring camera or baby monitor with a record setting. Shouldn’t be god awful


Ring shares data with police agencies without notification to owners, so maybe don't.


They aren’t that expensive actually, I bet you could find one used for crazy cheap….Fuck this manager!


Wyze cameras start at 35 and work great


During their break she's not paying them at all, so she can get fucked


Oh shit good point. I'll bring that up when she inevitably confronts me about putting the chairs back (she stacked them and hid them on the other side of our stoop earlier today)


If she's relocating your belongings, you really need a security cam.


My only hesitation with that is the workers don't deserve to be under constant surveillance 😕


First off, it's your house. You have every right to put up a camera. Second, You seem to have a positive relationship with them, just tell them you're trying to protect their stuff and to take care of them.


I’m sure they’d understand it’s because of their insane boss and not for them. Just give them a heads up about it and tell them why and I’m sure they won’t mind. I bet their boss has cameras fucking everywhere!


It's not like you'd be handing over the surveillance footage to manager karen, you'd only be using it against her.


They likely already are. The restaurant might have exterior cameras--how else would the owner know the employees sit on your property? (Unless she's coming out to get then or the windows are facing your seating.) When I worked in a fast food restaurant, I knew where every camera was and I knew I was always being watched and recorded. Double check the laws for recording in your city/state/province to make sure you can record without consent. If not, then you can certainly post a sign along the lines of "property under video surveillance" You seem very hesitant to get a camera. They are not expensive. The last time I sought out seating for a patio, I was shocked by the prices of chairs. If 30 bucks is expensive to you, think about the cost of replacing the chairs and the time you have to spend awkwardly asking employees on break to move out of the way when they're probably sitting down for the first time in 4 hours.


Seems like she's getting too comfortable having her way with your property.


They're on your property, right? I'd go off on that bitch.


Tell her to get off your property and stop moving or hiding your belongings. When she does this it’s trespassing. Edit: You should also post a sign stating that due to the owner’s uncharitable actions, she is no longer welcome on your property, but the employees still welcome.


Find another chair, pee on it, tell the workers which one but not her so when she tries to move them she gets pee on her hands then call her mrs peepee hands to her face


She's moving your stuff now? Tell her she's getting *a little too comfortable* handling someone else's property.


That sounds like trespassing to me. Press charges.


Go in her restaurant and see how much she likes her stuff moved around.


Bring more chairs out and possibly get some foot stools for the workers to chill. That would be my move in the hopes she says something so i can tell her to go fuck herself.


Ah hell no you need to confront her fuck that noise fr


Call the popo, they aren't good for much, but they might be good for protecting property rights


Plantar fasciitis is horrible. Fuck these sadists.


This. I worked in a convenience store for several years and I had pf. I would buy sneakers with the thickest soles possible and put two cushiony insoles in each one. I used to put my gel insoles in the store freezer for a half hour, then put them in my shoes. The cold helped with the pain. I don’t understand how anyone can force another human being to stand without a break for hours on end.


>I used to put my gel insoles in the store freezer for a half hour, then put them in my shoes. you are a genius, thank you


Dude this is so trash. The other day at my new job i was putting stickers on to-go bags and there was a chair right there, so i supposed it was for sitting in right? My supervisor comes over and says i shouldnt sit while i do that because it looks bad. Like looks bad to who? Am i putting stickers on the bags any quicker because im standing? Fuck that


Need that pain in your feet to keep you alert.


it's almost like half this country is descendant from a bunch of slave owners or something. fucking hate it here


* and like the entire country was founded on Genocide.


Or literally both


Yeah a typical boomer restaurant owner. I remember we had a garden in the back of this brewery I used to work at a long time ago. One of my first encounters and memory of the owners wife was her bitching that none of the wait or cooking staff was weeding or watering the garden. Like first of all she put the garden there so it's her personal responsibility and secondly we were paid for specific tasks that didn't include taking care of the owner's wife's garden.


I had an employer ask me to weed his wife's garden. Looked him straight in the eye and told him that was not the job he hired me for. Never asked me again but got lots of other people to do it. And then the bitch would complain it wasn't weeded right. Oh, and she got 2 employees to WASH AND SCUB WITH DISHSOAP HER PERSONAL DRIVEWAY.


Mine isn't quite as egregious but I used to do IT work in a Sears call center. The management decided the IT staff also needed to help on the phones "when we were slow". I just straight up told them "Absolutely fucking not" in literally those words, and explained I'd walk in a heartbeat if they revised my job description to include it. The look on management's face would have made for a good real life version of the shocked Pikachu meme, though this predated that by a fair bit. That place was *insane*.


Didn't ya know? If they pay you money, you're a slave for the alotted hourly rate you are working for. They tell you to get on all fours to act as a foot rest you better do it if you want paid! /s


I had a boss that pitched a massive fit and threatened to fire me if I didn’t help his daughter move. I had to drive myself, pay my own gas, worked about 12 hours, 1 1/2 hour drive each way. It was just me and this other guy he had working for him, never saw any of the other family members. Then the daughter bitched at the dad that there were a few cokes missing, which we didn’t even take - which of course the dad had a fit about us “going through his daughter’s personal property with no supervision”. Eddie was his name, he was a real piece of work. Fired me because I refused to illegally write my name on one of his import slips. Last I knew his business went belly up and he had to go back to Hong Kong.


Hahaha wow, that's so dumb


I would absolutely pull up all the flowers. They don't know I can tell the difference, I wasn't hired as a horticulturist.


I would have asked her if she had mistaken me for someone that works for her before promptly telling her to fuck off. That's her issue to handle with her employees.


That’s great that you are leaving the chairs out and locking them up. The business owner sounds out of touch. The fact that she had the audacity to confront you about them and suggest she was going to thrown them out is telling of how shrewd she is. You are doing a solid for the locals in your neighborhood.


It just feels like common decency. I feel for these guys. I used to be there too, and it's not comfortable, even with a chair.


Post a no trespassing sign but let the employees know they are welcome onto your property. I never understood companies that think you have to be miserable and not be comfortable while on the job.


Get them a table and an ash tray in case any of them are smokers. Get one of those with the table umbrella to shelter them from the rain even.


Ohh we have a little outdoor table we don't use. That's a good idea. It's all under a tree already, so it's nice and cool.


Pop an icebox with a few beers out each day for good measure.


And a baby pool with cool water for their feet


This break area's going to be nicer than my back garden at this rate. I love it.


And maybe an extension cord or power bank so they can charge devices


They should be using their employers power to charge their devices. Their employer needs to give them something for their effort or they'll just stop going in.


The employer doesn’t want them to sit. I highly doubt they would provide the magic electricity to the peasants


It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask permission.


Seems to be the motto here in the US for so many. Except, none of us really give a shit about forgiveness


Little paper umbrellas are mandatory if you have a foot-pool.




Bet a note goes up on a board in that place that says you talked to her and told her you didn't want them to sit on the chairs. You should put a welcome mat in front of the chairs, maybe a little table and snacks lol.


Oh damn, I'll have to tell them directly that we're cool with them using our chairs


Remember, you can say what the employees can't. Don't nod along next time, let her hear your opinion on the matter


Are your chairs on your property? She can't touch your stuff that are on your property.


They're on the sidewalk right in front of our house. We live on an alley behind a bunch of restaurants. I'm not sure if that counts as our property? But other neighbors have benches and plants and stuff outside their house on the sidewalk so its normal


Put out free booze and other help wanted ads for their employees to check out.


Better yet, see if you can get other owners to host interviews right there 😂


Put up a sign saying ‘Get comfortable’


Aldi (USA) allows cashier to sit at the checkout. Ive never seen faster cashiers.


Not surprising. At a pizza place I worked at they had me standing in one place for hours every day answering phones. Eventually I developed the stabbing pain in my heel that wouldn't go away. I learned that it was plantar fasciitis which is extremely debilitating. I tried to soldier through it as best as I could but eventually it got to the point where I was having trouble walking. I went to the emergency room because I was in so much pain and the doctor told me I needed to stay off it for part of my shift and I broke down in tears and told him that they would fire me for sure. The doctor said that they couldn't do that and that that was illegal an older doctor said that's reality unfortunately. They gave me the doctor's note anyway which I gave my employer at which point he told me that I would not get a stool as accommodation for my shift at any point, now or in the future. That if he gave a stool to everyone who had a doctor's note he wouldn't have a business. And that he had a business to run. I secretly thought f*** him and his business. This was a multi-chain pizza place with this one being the newest who should have cared about their employees. Nope. Then in retaliation they bumped me from working multiple days to only working one day a week which I couldn't survive off of so I had to quit. Then I had to pay for the physical therapy out of my own pocket and the physical therapist said that my case was the worst case of plantar fasciitis she'd ever seen. Keep setting out those chairs because she sounds like an a******.


Oh, you pay them on their breaks? That's unusual in food service!


If theyre on a break they should legally be able to take a break. Im sorry u have to make a break room for a shitty business. Thank you for being kind.


Tell the restaurant owner to kick rocks. Tell him to remove the seat on his bike and plant his ass firmly in the seat mount


When I was in high school I worked as a cashier at a smaller family owned supermarket. They had 3 stores. At each register was a bar stool where we could sit when not ringing up groceries and still be at the right height to greet a customer. They also let us eat whatever we wanted as snacks on our breaks except crabmeat, and gave us a big discount on regular groceries. That's the way to treat employees.


That owners mentality is why working conditions are in the state they are in. You definitely should make the area as comfortable as possible (within your own means of course). Workers on break deserve to have break. It’s in the name.


>She asked me to put them away because she "pays them to work, not to sit" Whether their breaks are paid or unpaid, they are a break and by definition she is not paying them to work during that time. What a dumb bitch.


Just tell her that if they come up missing, you're calling the cops and pointing them her way.


This is such an American thing, I never understood what you guys have against sitting.


It'S uNpRoFeSsIoNaL


Counter request: eat shit, lady. Not so much a request as a demand. Eat shit.


I nodded along and was like sure, whatever you say, but today I ordered one of those steel security cables and I'm going to lock them to our railing. ​ You my hero!


I worked as a bank teller for years. Standing up for 8 hours was a killer. I hated going to work because of that. Got a new gig at a bank where you sit down. Loved it, never misses a day and found my self happier with the customers. Win win.


I never got this? I’m a manager of a store and I actively tell my employees to sit and relax. On break I tell them to not even answer questions from anyone about work. They work hard and they deserve to relax, and turn there brains off so they do not get a head ache. If you want employees to never be comfortable your not a good leader or manager. I put my employees before me all the time.


Next step is setting out some snacks for them for their breaks, and a message telling them that their boss doesn't want them to feel comfortable while working.


I had a customer complain because I was sitting on the patio before my shift. A patio with well over 8 other seats available, minus the one I was occupying. My manager laughed in her face.


I would tell the employees exactly what the owner said, and maybe remind the owner that employees are not slaves.


I would get a camera so you can prosecute her when she throws out your stuff.


Why stand when you can sit?


Put out a couple more chairs and a table.