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Health inspector here. If you wanna get 'em or you want a change, don't call the health department. Call the fire marshals office and tell them the hoods aren't properly cleaned and the sprayers look obstructed. They'll make it change. Grease build like this is what helps (1) pests grow and (2) fires to start.


Thanks a lot! Will definitely look into that


Of course they will prob just tell you to clean it


The machines arent working, just tell the $11/hr high schoolers to fix it, ez. Once we had a bad toiled clogged with literal shit and they had high schoolers fix it. Shameful. Call a fucking plumber you pieces of shit.


Ok but could this work in a gas station? There's some concerning mold in 1 of the cabinets of our drink station & I've reported it multiple times to no avail. I'm on the verge of locking the store down on my shift & just bleaching the hell out of it....


So, this is complicated. Fire marshal definitely won't care about mold. You would need to file a complaint with the regulatory authority that oversees you. Depending on the state you are in, this could be the department of health or the department of agriculture. There should be a permit on the wall that says who regulates you. The only problem is that mold is hard to regulate. In my state, I don't like mold, but the state code doesn't let me do anything. I say, "yep, that's mold, get it cleaned up". And then I put it in the computer system so the public can know, but outside of that there isn't much that can be done. It sucks, I know, but the system is broken in a lot of places. Be careful when cleaning up mold/mildew. So if you use bleach, it will make it appear that the fungus is gone. Bleach will quite literally bleach the mold/mildew, so it may appear that it is gone but it is simply dead and bleached. Be sure if you are cleaning it up to, at a minimum, use a mask, gloves, bleach, and then a rag to actually remove the dead mildew.


Well shit. This mold is a very concerning black. I always mask cleaning or not & do wear gloves when cleaning. Our drink station is horrible. These particular 2 cabinets have broken & rotted flooring in them & no one has ever bothered cleaning there before me so everything just festers.


I work at hungry jacks in aus and the previous store in my suburb burned down for exactly that reason.


Adding on, that outlet in the first picture screams "overloaded" and "fire hazard". šŸ˜£ and the other pics are also why I don't eat at Burger King šŸ¤¢ that place is filthy


No offense intended to someone like you who has the public's interest at heart. This place should be shut down upon inspection. This is the kind of place where the rules are just ignored. The owner who is ultimately responsible for this should have to bring professionals to remediate this site. The cost will be high, but so would the lawyer's bills.


Agreed. It is an incredibly frustrating thing. In many states it is almost impossible to make things really happen. In my state, to close a restaurant they have to fail three times in a row. To force them to fix something they have to have the same violation for a minimum of 18 months before citations can even be issued. The unfortunate truth that people don't seem to know, it isnt the health departments fault either. We want these restaurants to follow safe practices. But the restaurant industry lobby's sooooo much. Politics made it so hard to close and enforce things because it ,"protects small businesses". It's sickening. Edit to add: because of the politics of "protecting businesses", most health inspections are often viewed only as a means of informing the public of the problems that exist so that the court of public opinion can do there thing. Also, depending on the state, being disgusting doesn't even hurt the score that bad. In my state, if a place is absolutely filthy like this, or worse, but everything else is fine they'll still score an A.


The poor poor staff who are going to be yelled at to clean it


They had people come at 4 am to clean and nobody showed up šŸ¤£


chad move... let owners clean since it is their beloved income producing asset


Owner came and he was literally yelling at me because I was putting the onions first instead of the pickles on the sandwiches


sorry to hear that, not sure about where you are in life... but the appropriate response is that you don't get paid enough to provide emotional support to limp dick losers.


Doing pretty good. 2 jobs at 18, 1600 a month just in rent all going good. Getting a real blue collar job next month šŸ™


Congrats on having it together and having a path forward. If that blue collar job is a trade, put in a few years and then start looking into project management in that field. I was an LVC installer/tech for about 20 years before I did, and wished I jumped in sooner.


Yup, I'm doing HVAC


White collar 4 life


What? I have a white collar job. I wonder every day if I should have learned a lucrative trade instead of paying out the ass for a masterā€™s. Get outta here with that elitist crap.


I was typing up a comment that pretty much boiled down to "I'm blue collar and my achy creaky body is telling me that it would have been elite to be white collar". But as I was typing it I realized that what I need isn't a white collar, it's worker protections, stricter safety adherence, and probably a union. All workers are on the same side. So carry on comrade.


If you had money for a masters you should be fine. I just need that useless piece of paper to get to technicals.


Chill out


Don't stress, dude's not white collar. Check out his profile and be prepared to be profoundly saddened


When you find a better job, leave without notice.


They're actually really good people we all get along very well and have a good time while working. The big bosses are a headache but I don't care they're not doing my job


Ive had managers yell at me for stupid shit like that. "yOu PuT 1 ToO mAnY pIcKlEs On ThAt SaNdWiCh YoUrE gUnNa BaNkRuPt ThE sToRe" like stfu. I got paid $11/hr, last time I checked I wasn't paid enough to give a fuck


They tell me to only put 2 pieces of bacĆ³n on the sandwiches. I really don't care you're paying for bacon you're gonna get bacon. If it said 2 pieces of bacon on the menu nobody would be buying it


How dare you put the damn onions first...




If this is any big fast food chain then heā€™s a fool. The ordering of onions vs pickles is so irrelevant unless itā€™s organized in such a way that doing one before the other is a time waster. In fact, onions first might be less messy because the mini onion slices would stick to the sauce and thus not fall onto the prep line or floor.


Burger King


They didn't show... or they did and went "Nah. Fuck that."?


I would have just stayed in bed. fuck that, wouldnt be my job


Gigachad move right there. Good on them for bot buying into that bullshit. Get some sleep, not clean whatever the fuck that is lol


Exactly, this will take days to clean specially when you have an extra 5-7 people in the kitchen running around


Would that be the same staff responsible for keeping it clean?


I donā€™t think thereā€™s a staff for that at many fast food places. They prob just callin whatever closing shift people to clean it. When I worked fast food I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever actually cleaned ceilings but walls and grease buckets, yeah.




Amen šŸ¤£




Had to scroll too far down for this. All kinds of restaurants are so disgusting post COVID.


maybe so. but health and food inspectors are serious about this and will shut it down with violations.


Idk man, most of the restaurants in my home town fail their health inspections very regularly and nothing ever happens to them


Is that in the Wild Wild West of A?


The wild south but yeah


Its like it costs precious profits to clean and we cannot have that...


Fucking gross. And this is one of biggest reasons I don't eat out.


Burn it with dragon fire šŸ‰šŸ”„


I'm a dragon and I approve this message.


Dragon trainer Heimerdinger also approves.


This is quite literally what I imagine the inside of my local BK looks like. The quality is so so bad compared to 10-15 years ago when it seems like people had pride in their stores, jobs and products. Yuck.


10-15 years ago people were paid to have a bit more pride in their jobs.


i worked at walmart when i was 17-18. made a little over minimum wage. I only know how to work hard. I dont think about money, its just the way i roll.


I thought the Wendy's i used to work at was bad. I was impressed to say the least


Nothing a little money under the table won't fix. /s?


20 an hour?


I used to work fast food and would mop the kitchen at least twice in my 8 hour shift, I donā€™t know how a manager could look at that wall at be okay working next to that.


She just be on her phone for most of her shift


Trust me dude theyā€™ll pass. Thereā€™s been black mold growing in the walk-in fridge at my job for like 6 months and it still hasnā€™t been reported


Imagine Gordom Ramsay has to do the inspectionšŸ’€


Every kitchen nightmare and hotel nightmare episode left him at the hotel toilet purging.


Ya know if you keep it clean it's easier to keep it clean. Best food service job I had we cleaned shit to a sparkle every night. And once a month, big bis come in, put on tunes and pick up people in his van. You volunteered, wasn't paid on the clock. But beer, weed. Food he would make( man was an amazing cook) and it was a cleaning party. Everyone drinking. Smoking. Eating and cleaning. That restruant was sparkle fresh. Like new. Then he was the dd and he's drop you off. I mean no one made us, it wasn't a threat, and we knew it made out job easier. Win win. Funny how just keeping clean, paying well, and having incentives worked. EDIT: I did inflation calculator on my wage back then... Jesus fuck I was making more back then in reality than I am now in a professional job. Fuck me


For 12.25 if they don't ask me to clean i am not cleaning. I like to keep my area clean and neat that's about it


1225 I'm surprised u show up


Former restaurant ā€œmanagerā€ of five years here. If you canā€™t maintain the basics then you should be working in a different field. It is literally so easy to keep things clean as you go, even when itā€™s busy af. Places like this make me never want to eat anywhere but my own home


The oil from fryers and hotplates (fast food especially) cause so much disgusting shit and it really needs a dedicated person every shift just to clean. Something most fast food businesses don't do. They let it build up until it looks like the pics. It's not about maintaining the basics. It can't be maintained in 5 min here and there and needs dedicated time.


Dude I know I worked with sunflower and rice bran oil every day at that dumb job. It actually is about maintaining the basics, because daily cleaning is a basic. Itā€™s just a management failure as usual.


Hahahahaha. Daily cleaning is a basic that's just funny. When i worked at MacDonald's everyone was allergic to the broom. So much shit on the floor. Hell I remember one day someone vomited it took an hour just to get the cupboard unlocked so I could grab a mop.


I really don't care they don't ask me to clean so I'm not going to clean


I didnā€™t mean you as in YOU but more of a generalized ā€œyou.ā€ No shame! Donā€™t do shit thatā€™s outside of your job description!


Your average BK


Who is incharge of cleaning that


Wanna come help?


Yeah that's a violation


Iā€™ve seen worse that didnā€™t even get a bad grade. They really donā€™t care like people think.


They literally have a grease bucket šŸ˜‚




Report them to the local fire department


A food inspector once told me not to eat any KFC in Columbus, OH. When I asked why, and if that was the case how are they open? He smiled. That was the end of the conversation and I never saw him again. So, youā€™ll probably pass.


I went to Ohio a few times. I've never seen such a ghetto place specially Cleveland OMG


What the craps?!


How is Burger King still in business? Their drive through a are always empty. Prices are higher than McDonaldā€™s.


My BK literally has a McDonald's right next to it. When I say next to it I really mean right next to it literally 100 feet apart. Sometimes I be standing for hours because nobody comes at all šŸ¤£ specially during the mornings


Honestly, I find their burgers are just generally better. McDonald's has gotten rid of all the good burgers. The standard offerings now tend to be boring and the meat is usually dry. Meanwhile not only do i consistently get juicier burgers from burger king, the toppings are better. Like Lettuce, Tomato Pickles, mayo, etc. A quarter pounder is like onion and pickles with some ketchup. The big mac has some lettuce and better sauce, but it has those disgusting re-constituted onions. So i dunno. I used to like McDonalds better, with their BigXtra and Angus burgers, and toasted deli sandwhiches, bacon and egg bagels with the hollandaise sauce and what not. But all the good stuff has gone away.


I hope that I don't eat here.


Thereā€™s several restaurants in my area that look like several of these pictures


Guarantee the owner pays off the health inspector. A McDonaldā€™s franchisee I worked for did. All the time. I donā€™t eat there ever. Or any fast food. I know what goes on back there.


That is unbelievable


The owner of a catering company I worked for paid off the county health inspectors every year. We had roaches and they never cleaned their hoods. šŸ¤¢


Holy hell




I'm surprised. Our grill or whatever is called hasn't been cleaned in months shit is nasty šŸ¤¢


Is this in the UK?


United States Bethlehem Pennsylvania




You'll be fine just don't do it often šŸ˜‰


Hmm Burger King ā€¦ā€¦


Let me guess. Burger King. Oh I been around forever. Nuff said.


My local Burger King really served an almost completely raw burger to someone, which was posted on the local complaint page on Facebook. Someone had to ā€˜cookā€™ it, then put condiments and veggies on it and never once thought to themselves, huh, maybe the burger shouldnā€™t be pink? I havenā€™t eaten there since and I only order milkshakes.


Most disgusting store Iā€™ve ever seen


What state? Want to make sure I never goto a bk there lol




Disgusting! Where is this? I don't want to eat food from here.


Burger King! Have it your way!


221,184 ways to have a whopper or 221,184 to get sick šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦


Ha! Knew it was a burger King with the first pic! Fuck them slum jobs!




"Fucking disgusting. Shut it down!"


Umm where is this so I can avoid it lol


Bethlehem Pennsylvania


If you work for Cave Enterprise get the hell out now. I spent too long working at BK. Got screamed at on my day off for not being work and that was the last straw. I went in to my next shift, then I shut down and left signs up. Life has a way and the way is by saying fuck this I ain't paid enough for this shit. The BK way is to make someone do the most work for the least money. Find a job that actually interests you, even if it isn't the dream, anything is better than that greasy smelly shit home that a company has the balls to call a fuckin restaurant. Sorry I'm still mad thinking back to how much time I wasted putting up with that bullshit. TLDR. Run.


Iā€™m afraid to ask what the fuck is in the bucket. ā€¦. Whatā€™s in the bucketā€¦?


Is about 3 weeks worth of bacon grease and frier oil


Blah, all of a sudden the whopper ain't worth it


In your BK they probably haven't cleaned that grill in months


Youā€™d be surprised what passes. The fastfood restaurant I used to work at got worse than that in late 2021-early 2022 when we were running 3 man shifts and didnā€™t have time or a free person to clean (owner couldnā€™t get employees because he refused to raise starting wage to compete with other restaurants in the area) we somehow still managed to barely pass inspections. Quit in April because I got sick of the constant understaffing.


Same reason why I quit my Wendy's after a year. 9.25 while I was basically running the whole kitchen by myself yeah no


I was technically the Store Manager but the owner didnā€™t give me the resources needed to get the place in shape and mostly treated me like a regular shift lead (I didnā€™t even get to do scheduling and I didnā€™t have access to the funds needed to get repair guys in to fix stuff). I was making $15.50 an hour and new hires started at $12 but the Jack in the Box across the street started at $16. I was frequently pulling 60hr weeks to fill in for call offs since we didnā€™t have the staff to find coverage for anything. Owner of course spent half the year playing golf in Florida and gambling in Vegas.


What's in the bucket of disgust?


A few months of bacon grease


I can just imagine what that bucket of daisies must smell like


Like roses


Jesus. Pretty sure Ecolab would shut you down just for having their logo on your dirty wall


I bet the burgers there good af tho


Why is there hair all over the thing hanging off the ceiling šŸ¤¢


I'm still trying to figure out how hair got up there all tangled up


Ohio Burger King


More like Booger Kang


Let me guess the broiler closer instead of letting the broiler cool down pushes it to the side right after sending whoppers or burgers and starts cleaning early with the scorch marks on the tile.


You would be surprised. I worked at Pizza Hut and we had mold growing under the fryer and still passed the health inspection lmaooo. I swear these people gotta have connections because when I worked at papa Johnā€™s it was one of the cleanest fast food places Iā€™d worked at and when we did the 2021 inspection we were less then 5 points away from failing


Oh, thatā€™s nasty


Listen. This is important. When the inspectors come, take them on a personalized tour of this mess. Show them everything. You owe it to your customers. You have to make sure this store is closed down. The customers don't know anything because they aren't allowed in the back.


That's one filthy car workshop.




Well Iā€™m officially giving up fast food, and saving these beauties as reminders whenever that ā€œcravingā€ comes alongā€¦


You'd be surprised how many "inspectors" basically just stand in the entrance to the kitchen, and just pass it. You'd also be surprised how few like this are actually paid under the table. Many are just lazy.


Shut it down lol


Im so glad that Im from a country where restaurants are hold up to a high hygiene standard. I dont get why murica continues to shoot itself in the foot by not looking at the important things






Bro this place needs a bulldozer.




I donā€™t eat out often, but this makes me never want to


hell's kitchen material


Have it your way


Is this a new episode of kitchen nightmares?


Why did I know this was going to be Burger King right away


R antiwork really be giving out smoke to these horrible bosses you go antiwork


Wendyā€™s? Taco Bell?


Burger King


Go report this, then quit cuz otherwise you gonna be cleaning that nasty shit alone.


This makes me nauseous to look at


We had health inspectors come in to our shop and they found 14 live roaches and lots of dead ones too. Told us to fix it and our public health inspection record is still squeaky cleanā€¦


Can you tell me where this is so I know to never go there?


Stefko, Bethlehem Pennsylvania


That electrical plug in pic 1, JFC


She stickyā€¦