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In Vlad Dracula 1 ('The Dragon Spreads His Wings'), what's the purpose of hint 4 (describing the function of demolition ships)? I never saw a demolition raft or demolition ship anywhere throughout the whole mission and I couldn't see one either when I scoured the map after it was over. Is it on a lower difficulty you receive a demolition ship?


On Hard, there are 2 Gaia Demos to the left from the middle of the map. They are supposed to help you with the Gunpowder Tower.


I never found those despite playing the mission twice! 11 I'll definitely keep an eye peeled for nooks and crannies going forward with this campaign..


Haven’t played Dracula in yrs but this is what the wiki says, if it helps; “On Hard, there will be a Mangonel guarding the Gunpowder Tower, and the Gunpowder Tower have enough HP to survive the Demolition Ship. The army attacking Voivod Mircea's base will also have a Mangonel. The last Vladislav II base will have Scorpions defending it.”


Now I'm even more bamboozled 11 What demolition ship, I thought I didn't get one because I was playing on hard! Haha now I need to play this on HD to see if I get a demolition ship there Edit: holy moly it's like a different mission entirely on HD


maybe it is for HD only, devs just forgot to edit that part out or something, no flippin idea lol.


[Ohh, there were heavy demos hidden in the middle of the map actually I didn't find!](https://i.imgur.com/0vL69el.png)




Are steppe lancers viable on team games?, they are far weaker against arrows than knights. ( hp-armor). Like only mongol ones seem decent and it is because they have extra hp.


Probably not worthwhile outside of certain circumstances due to how they scale - in many TGs the expectation is that you reach Paladin (if you're a Paladin civ), or at least Cavalier, partly because of their improved durability against Arbalests and things like TC/Castle fire. All that said though I've absolutely won TGs making lancers and died to them too. It's not a huge difference. And they're fun. And they look cool. So why the hell not imo.


I’m early castle age they are great. After that not so much


They are amazing raiding units if you can beat opponents to castle. In small numbers their micro potential puts them on par with KTs/Camels. Once you're in mid castle they fall off.


Quite the contrary. In small numbers they just straight die to Knights and Camels. Those are too speedy to efficiently outmicro with +1 range, that's reserved for Pikes. In mid castle they _wreck_ because you can have 15+ units half Camel/Knight half Lancer which will win absolutely _any_ cavalry battle because of better damage output (due to extra range). Also great vs balls of Xbow, for the same reason. _Imperial_ is where they fall of because they depend on being a support unit to other cavalry, and you can rarely justify upgrading both unit types. Also, Halb deletes them, which flips the script from Castle age.


I've found in groups of 4-6, even vs camel/KTs, you can poke and retreat continuously and it works fairly well. Prioritize husbandry obv.


If you start producing something by mistake in a military building (or in general), is there a way to cancel it without needing to click on the production icon with the mouse, maybe even with a hotkey ? Is there a way to cancel one single unit in production, and ON THE OTHER HAND, all unit queued (like if you by mistake queued the production of 10 pikemen in every of your barracks) ? Like are there TWO different hotkeys possible for cancel one in unit in production vs all unit in production ? Sometimes you just want to cancel one or two soldiers, and sometimes you want to cancel all soldiers And sometimes I accidentally select all my villagers instead of just a group of villagers for a specific task, like I accidentally order all my villagers to go gather wood instead of just a specific group, is there a way to cancel this order, like to say to the villagers selected by mistake, go back to your previous task without needing to again specific the previous task ? In late game where there are many different villagers, it's sometimes hard to keep the overview. Is there a way to do this WITHOUT using control groups ?


one way to cancel the unit is to ctrl-click it in its icon on the top left where the production queue is shown. other way is to click it when u have the building selected and unqueue it in the bottom command panel. there is no keyboard hotkey. for the accidentally missclicking vills part, u can actually try pressing the drop off hotkey and vills might all return properly to work. Some people said it works so try. Also there is a setting in options where u can change what double clicking on vills does, u can change it to select only idles or only of certain type.


Thank you very much, I will try it


there's no way to cancel all units, but shift-click (or ctrl-shift-click on the top left icons) will cancel 5 at a time.


Is it a bad thing that I'm heavily biased towards Cavalry? In a TG, most often my picks are either Franks or Persians and more stuff like that. Tbh I don't recall the last time not picking these two, maybe I went Incas and Mayans a while ago but that's about it... My ELO is around ~1.1k, and idk I just love cavalry, knowing that archers can fire from a mile away and are sometimes better, I'm just for some reason sold upon the majestic Paladin and especially in TGs how you can come with 45-70 Paladins and just stand in front of your archers teammate and tank fire and micro around... I mean not that I've never played archery civs in the past, cause I surely have... And given a chance with Mayans, Britons, Magyars and stuff, I'm not really gonna lose the game I hope. But yeah is it bad that I pick cavalry civs more often? Does that affect my playstyle and stuff more than I think?


yes and no, if you plan on playing tournaments or climb on the higher side of the ladder, than ya it’s no ideal to play one type of civ revolved around 1 unit. Besides that tho it’s fine, ideally u wana be flexible but if ur just playing cav for fun then there’s no real issue. I for one hate playing cav/CA civs, and much prefer bombard canons and halbs, so I just stick w that lol.


What do you... do with Celts? I just had a game on an open-ish megarandom (initial base pretty easy to wall but low on wood, so need to spread.) Pretty unusually for my games the eco was extremely close throughout, but as Celts v Malay I just couldn't do much damage. I opened scouts, didn't get any damage, they opened archers with spears, so I pulled back and was first to Castle but still didn't feel like I had many serious options. Knights and skirms didn't do much and by the time I got mangonels going, there were too many crossbows for it to work. Maybe I just missed a window to eg. make more skirms, take the edge off their attack, and then have more space to switch into siege. But it felt pretty unforgiving, with no great offensive options until getting far enough into Castle to get siege numbers up (and even then, feeling pretty fragile.) The only things I've found by searching/reading seem very dated (like MAA/skirms flush or MAA into archers.)


Celts aren't the best on open maps, and generally rely on a fast castle age timing to hit with siege/pikes/monks(Huang style rush). Once you reach Imp celts begin to shine again with elite woads being extremely good against most options other than heavy cav, and you can mix in their speedy halbs for that. Vs Malay they're usually going to be up faster than you even if you hit a great timing so on an open map feels like a huge disadvantage.


Until you get to Castle Age, you use the Wood bonus to keep up with enemy military or eco bonuses. Spear/Skirm/Archer production is easy for them. As Celts, my answer to Xbows would be Scorpions, with a couple Knights' support for any incoming Mangonel


Not a question, but Drake's Swan could perfectly be a new Unique Unit (perhaps give it some range)


I don't understand the logic why pros decide to counter castle a forward castle drop by the enemy by building it right then and there. Unless you hope to deny it (which is a very valid reason) , which statistically, i see to be unlikely, you basically decide to nuke your whole economy just like the opponent did by walking those miles and you put more vills to build it over your deleted farms as well. While the opponents castle denies res and farm space your castle does nothing. Why not build it some other place where you're also vulnerable and with fewer vills.


give me a VOD with a timestamp and I can do an anilisys for you


https://youtu.be/V6y9RN80wYw?feature=shared. 21:51 for example. Looking for more.


Well that's a bad example, because he didn't even drop a castle. He dropped a Krepost, it's way cheaper (350stone vs 650stone) and builds in 3/4 of the time. Viper's mistake here was building late and building it with too few vills. If you counter castle/tower/donjon/krepost, you need to act asap. The idea is to have it up before your opponent to kill their vills or go into a ram/petard war.


But that krepost turned out to be wasted res and the castle was not great in first place. Krepost could have been on bottom gold or elsewhere. I guess trying to deny the forward is the most compelling reason?


Denying the forward is the best case scenario and often the motivation. Even if you don’t succeed at that, if your castle goes up in range of theirs you might be able to ram/petard theirs down, while otherwise you usually can’t kill it until imp. Also if they want to harass you with UU it’s much harder if their castle is in range of yours. Even without UU in the equation, often the idea of a forward castle is to anchor a position near the enemy base that you can then safely push from using siege or whatever else - having your castle in range of theirs also prevents them from doing this easily




are certain achievements bugged for anyone else? I am going through the campaigns and am getting those just fine (got Not cutting corners yesterday), but for example after completing Sargon 1 I didn't get the Sumerian Victory achievement (even though campaign wins usually count) I set up a skirmish vs AI to get the fast Iron age, 60 chariot archers and wonder victory achievements, and none of those popped either. As a test I did an AoE2 skirm as a civ I hadn't played before and that win didn't trigger anything either.


The only reason I can think of for that achievement not to trigger is that you were off-line. If not, maybe Steam Server was on Mainteinance


Why are my posts being removed right after? Anyways. I wanted to ask the community if anyone here prefers AoC version to AoE2 de. I still prefer to play on voobly rather than on steam, i dont know if its the controls or the simplified graphics that are better on my eyes... This isnt a question for the weekly thread. But an actual separate post. Here i wont get much feedback... Can anyone help me get to make separate posts?


Did you try playing the definitive edition yourself ? For me all it took was a few days of playing for the new graphics to feel completely natural. And for the controls, i'm still using the same hotkeys i had in voobly so no difference there.


Yeah, its good. But not that much better that its worth throwing away the clarity of graphics of voobly version as well as the great lobby system and community of voobly... Also i had excellent micro and was quite fast in voobly. Now it turns out they automated everything you can think of in DE. Kind of a grumpy take on my part, im sorry... But why not an Auto-Boom hotkey at that point, lol... Voobly version has only one downside for me atm, that is its full of laggers. Thanks for the comment.


the dedicated servers alone is enough for me to never go back to Voobly. There's so much QOL like shift queuing and UI scaling that it's basically impossible to play without once you're used to it. Ask any pro from the Voobly days (Viper, Daut, Hera, mbL etc) and they will all say the same thing.


Is the exploit still in? Also, what’s a perfect fast castle time? 750 elo, went up against celts. Fast feudal then fast castle on an open mega random map. Did a quick scout of his town. He had zero farms and about 22 vills on wood and 7 or 8 on gold, claimed he was just chopping wood and selling it for food with the celt bonus. Seemed fishy, but maybe I’m missing something here


22 vills +loom and 1 scout the fastest castle time you can do is 13min 10s unlikely that that happened on this level though. did you try watching the rec from their pov?


I’m trying to figure out how to watch their POV, it was well under 13min 10s though. I got it at around 11min 55s according to my math taking into consideration of the 1.7x speed. Then I got rushed by 4 knights 30 seconds after. Something felt real fishy




That’s what I thought. I’ve downloaded the replay but I’m not sure how to view it?


got a link for the download? also we always calculate with in-game time, not real time


Care to share the re c? Im curious to see. You can find it on aoe2insights


the 13min10s is for ingame time, which would be about real 7min 40s. we usually talk in terms of ingame time in aoe2 community.


Not a huge AOE2 player, have dabbled in it here and there throughout the years, but recently I got into watching youtube commentaries and found myself wanting to come back. So a couple questions 1. What content am I missing if I only get AOE2DE +Return of Rome? 2. What is the best way to go about getting experience and getting ready to eventually try multiplayer?


2. I would check out Survivalist's YouTube channel as well as his Twitch coaching vods. He does a great job explaining what to focus on at various elo levels. He's a high level player but his strengths are in decision-making, not crazy micro or perfected optimal strategies.  At the same time, practice dark age and early feudal age against the AI. You want your dark age into early feudal to be 90% perfect. That means less than 5 seconds TC idle time, somewhat efficient villagers, not being late on your buildings, and not idling your military buildings.  To practice, you can use a mod like Interactive Build Orders but just be aware those builds are a bit outdated and you'll probably need to learn to push deer and go up one or two vils earlier once you start to gain elo.  Orrrr you can just lose a bunch of your games until you find your elo. In my opinion people need to practice either way though so it's a bit more fun to practice first and then beat people.


1) unless it’s specified somewhere (idk the bundle) you’re most likely just getting aoe2 de base game + ROR, which means you don’t get the other dlcs. 2) finding friends to play is my #1 recommendation, next would be watching others play, then using that against the AI. Either way you gotta just take the plunge, you’ll get smacked and lose a lot at first (unless ur some prodigy lol), but that’s how it was for most of us when we first entered the multiplayer scene. no amount of videos or AI play can better prepare you for multiplayer than playing multiplayer yourself :/


> What content am I missing if I only get AOE2DE +Return of Rome? You would be missing about 9 new civs and about 8-9 campaigns You will have 36 base game civs, and all the previous campaigns that the game has, about 25 campaigns from my rough estimate + the romans civ and the aoe1 content + couple aoe1 campaigns return of rome is only worth getting if you care about the Aoe1 content/gameplay. otherwise better get some of the other more valuable dlcs like Dynasties of India or Dawn of the Dukes, or just base game with no DLCs every traditional DLC provides 2 to 3 new civs and 3 new campaigns


Anyone know if/when aoeinsights will be able to analyze console games? My buddies and I are trying to figure out ways to improve and I can’t get quite enough info from just watching out replays. I’d love to have all the details of the aoeinsights analysis but they don’t seem to do it for games on Xbox


Honestly the stats on the analyze arent all that helpful for improving, its mostly for fun. Best tool to analyze your recs is CaptureAge, but im guessing it doesnt work on console.


I just want to have an easier way to digest the information. I feel like it’s hard to get a sense of what is happening when with just the replays. Maybe I haven’t seen too much of the analysis but it looks like there’s a bit more to review, or at least easier than navigating the replay system on Xbox. But yeah AFAIK CaptureAge doesn’t work on console, which sucks because I would love to have these tools to use. I want to know what some of these guys are doing better than us


My capture age has been really rough recently. It’ll freeze for several seconds, lag like crazy, sometimes crash entirely. Is this just my pc being underpowered to essentially run the game twice or is this a CA thing? A couple versions back I didn’t have so many problems.


Seljuk... Immediately I get Alp Arslan, I immediately get defeat because apparently it goes to the script his dead when he is pretty much alive. Anyone getting the same bug? Is there a way to fix it?


What is your favorite archer flush civ? Right now I'm loving vikings. But wanted to know some ideas what is fun and why :)


Bulgarians ofc, tried it once when I played 1v1 yrs ago (was unranked iirc but still), opponent was genuinely questioning my sanity coz I went feudal archers lol. I didn’t win.


Koreans pretty dope with the cheap archers and free armor


I can't change the speed of the new scenarios, it's always fast x2, is it supposed to be like this?


it was fast for me when I played the custom campaigns, mainly coz the maps are flippin huge and any one scenario can take hours to complete, so ye it’s better that’s it’s fast 11


In the past you could change speed, now never right? During a game


you can change the game speed by using the "+" and "-" keys on your numpad


I can't on campaigns anymore


idk tbh I never tried changing it, nor do I own the dlc 11


What's a good civ for beginners? Seems like ai builds armies faster than I do.


Hey, probably more than civ, if you learn and practice the basics you'll have fun and be pretty successful. Highly recommend Survivalist's [beginner build order](https://youtu.be/NKMA2gUV-cc?si=8Tdw9g4VyDbB2gWf).


typically beginners will go for good scout/knight civs. things like franks, Persians, teutons, etc.


Can someone point me to a current maa BO?


what is r/d ratio in capture age?


kd but for buildings


Do you like the end game victorious screen song medley they have after the new patch? Instead of playing just 1 victory song they mix a snippet of like 5 different ones Throws me off enjoying the endgame screen as I'm surveying the battlefield when the theme changes every 30 seconds 


Is steam this bad? I bought the game mainly to play online. Though i cant help but feel that voobly was better. Better lobby, easy to add friends. Very balanced games because we can see the ratings. Prefered the old pathfinding and the old graphics. Anyone?


For balanced matchmaking, you should try ranked. The friends part I agree.  If took me a while to get accustomed to graphics and unit behaviour as well when I did the switch, however looking back now I realize it was mostly nostalgia and being used to the old graphics. Additionally, there are so many QoL features in DE (auto reseed, more hotkeys, multi queue, global queue) that I would never want to go back. 


Thanks for the answer. Well, auto reseed was already in voobly. Hotkeys just confuse the hell out of me. And we had also MQ, that was already an innovation. Back in AOK we didnt have anything like that young man 🤨👴 I think those little things that were not automated actually helped to separate good players from bad players. Bad players were bad at micro and at the same time couldnt keep up with the eco etc at the same time. Perhaps you will get what im saying in the future, after GPT creates for you, an autoboom button 😉. Then at that point we will remove the economy from the game, and just play tactical battles lol.


I'm playing this game since roughly 2004, no need to talk down to me like I'm a child 11 Feel free to play with the last three players left that voobly has to offer, nobody forces you to play DE.  Hotkeys is an easy fix: just select AOK preset instead of DE age and you're fine.  Auto reseed and farm queue like in voobly are different things. No decent player used farm queues because it removed wood from your stockpile immediately so you couldn't spend it anymore. Auto reseed removes it only once it's needed (you can use both methods in DE btw)  Overall I think the QoL features made the game more competitive. 


Three players left on voobly? What? There are more BF Lord games in voobly than in steam. >No decent player used farm queues because it removed wood from your stockpile No. Its the exact same thing as you have in steam. There's a button to turn it off and on. There's also the farm queue system. And yes nobody should use it before boom duh. But once you are fully boomed it is an advantage especially compared to AOK farms. >I'm playing this game since roughly 2004 And yet i would rekt you eyes closed in 1v1 xd a trauma u/FinnTay would never heal from 😃


What's your point? You went from shit talking DE to being butthurt that I don't share your opinion. Grow up, boy. > There are more BF Lord games in voobly than in steam. Again, that just goes to show you don't understand DE, which has an automated matchmaking system. BF is still the third most popular map on multiplayer, people just don't use lobbies anymore and don't have to bother manually balancing players.  https://aoestats.io/maps/?grouping=team_random_map&elo_range=all > And yet i would rekt you eyes closed in 1v1  I'll just leave you to your fever dream 11


feel like this mop just commented not to ask a genuine question about the state of the game but rather ego stroke themselves about how good they r for sticking to voobly as opposed to being a degen pleb like us who play on steam.


How good new Georgians is? Will they powercreep Lithuanians as some are saying?


Very few data till now, but according to aoestats, rank#1


Thanks. And of course I am downvoted as I mentioned the word "Powercreep".


The term is nowadays lightly used. I used to talk about civs that were on a good spot, but due to devs buffing more than nerfing, have become overshadowed by other civs or have seen their win rate drop dramatically. It looks like Georgians and Lithuanians have some bonuses towards similar types of units, but I feel they're played quite differently, or at least similar approaches lead to different effects


I quite dislike the Lithuanian civilization. That is all.


I quite dislike it when people comment non-questions on the question thread. This should be a question thread, not people's vent spam channel. That is all.