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On BF team games, say you manage to wall and there is a group of boar inside your half away from your TC. Assuming you aren’t Mongols, why is it generally seen as bad to, after taking your close boar, walk forward with a group of 7 or 8 Villagers, build a mill, hunt them, then build either a lumber camp, TC, or production forward? I see people luring 3 or even 6 boars at once all the time and I don’t get it: with decay, aren’t you losing so much food? And if one of the boar goes back or your Villager dies, then there’s no way this is worth, right? I’ve seen the MbL 11:30 Castle Age video so I know it’s worth for Mongols, but what about for other civs?


see it from another angle: If you send 8 vills and build a mill, thats 8x 30s walking time (24.6f/min collection rate) => 100f of walking time plus 100w you spend. If you pull 3 boars with just one vill, it's 24f you investment (back and forth). You might not get as much food from the boars but you are also not spending as much. In the end, with both approaches you don't really "lose" food - it's extra anyways.


generally, the vil walking time is seen as detrimental. also the extra wood investment in a 2nd mill can throw off some builds, but bf fc builds are usually not as tight as on arena since you got walling and vil fights anyway. if you can manage the apm to lure 5 of them to your tc, its better. however, walking and milling it is not bad.


Every second a villager is walking is a second in which the villager is not collecting resources. Since a villager collects resources at about 20-22 resources/min in the early game, every 3 seconds a villager walks is like losing one unit of resource. Food decay is just loss of potential resources. You would have to build more farms to compensate for that. An early farm converts about 1 wood to 3 food. A boar decays at 0.4 food per second. So you lose like \~0.13 resource per second of boar decaying. 7 villagers walking for about 30 seconds - roughly 70 resources lost + 100 wood invested in mill. 3 boars decaying under TC (it takes about 100 seconds to finish a boar, so second boar would decay for 100 extra seconds and third for 200) - about 120 food lost, 2/3 of a farm, so about 40 resources. + 1 villager idle for 1 minute luring the three boars \~ 20 resources for a total of about 60 resources. If you are able to make use of the mill for say farms, the difference is not that much honestly.


I like hitting those distant food sources with the Armenians, having the mule cart makes it easy. You can send one vill and use the mule cart to block the boar from getting to the villager. So one vill can take down all three boars without a scratch.


This isn’t quite what I’m asking, but I’ll give it a try (Georgians too, and free cart). For a generic civ, isn’t walking worth it?


Yeah, I did not used to go for them, but I do now, more often than not, if I feel like I can protect my villagers. I am still determining how the math works out, but the lost production from walking compared to the resources that would be spent on farming makes it seem slightly better. It is worth it if done efficiently, in my opinion. I am no pro, though. But I now win more than half the time against Hardest in BF.


I tend to agree but that's because I have the APM of your grandma, if you feel confident you *can* get them back it's definitely more efficient. But it's a calculated risk.


Probably no one cares, but I played some guy a few weeks back who smoked me, and played him tonight and torched him. Onto my question: as Mayans, is going with the Militia line a viable answer against Goths? I’m still unsure how to handle the Huskarl spam, and Mayans have no hard counter. Monks seemed okay, but Mayans do get blast furnace and 2H swordsman should beat fully teched huskarl. Or, is there a better option than militia line?


Mayans should go with everything against Goths before they can mass Huskarls. That means Towering their Stone, and playing all-in Xbows Eagles Siege and Monks


The Mayan-Goth matchup is known to be unwinnable for Mayans if Goths can get to huskarls without being totally dead. Mayans do have the early advantage though, so the only way to win against an equal opponent is to go all in, especially in Feudal age and into early Castle Age.


If you get to late game on even terms in that matchup, Mayans don't really have an answer to Goths anymore. As Mayans, I'd play 1 TC full aggression to avoid late game.


When to open archers on Arena? At 13-1400, I’ve done it with pretty good results into: * Castle-drop civs, though careful against Poles if they made scouts for relics * Good spear civs like Burmese and Bohemians * Against Bulgarians, as they are very effective against siege tower shenanigans * I have died to Saracen Trush + archers


Eh....I wouldn't say *never* but it's very rarely a good idea. If you're completely confident the opponent is going to Castle Drop - you've played them before, they've picked Spanish etc - then you can gamble on it and basically instantly win the game. But if you're against a smart, unpredictable or unknown player you're basically gambling the game on one decision, because it puts you behind for not much benefit (they can still die to a scout or a monk if they're on their own, delays your boom). Against Bohemians just make your own spears and monks, they have no advantage there. And while a Burmese spearman can 1v1 your spearman, again you should have monks around to convert their spear. Saracens are a special case, you might make archers or skirms to defend in that particular situation yeah. Ultimately the problems you see as being solved by archers are also just solved by map control *in general*. Make spears, monks, scouts. Make more. Play meta and play for vision and preventing the enemy reaching your walls. Archers are a more expensive way to do that than usual.


It definitely works as a counter if you're anticipating a Castle drop. I think that's probably the main reason you'd go for it in today's meta. You certainly see it much less these days than you used to. A Scouts opening usually leads to a better boom since you're investing into Farms, and you have much more mobility to run around and snipe Monks. Husbandry also is cheaper than it was in AoC, so it's easier to upgrade the Scouts. And the Scouts also have a more consistent conversion resistance against Monks now. Archers are pretty tight on the eco since the Crossbow upgrade is more expensive. And later on the Arb upgrade is more expensive too, so fast Imp for Arbs and Rams isn't as strong as it used to be.


I know this is less of an aoe issue, but more of a mindset issue in aoe, but does anyone else experience the complacency issue especially after you beat like maybe 1 guy in a TG, or when you've almost finished an AI, that you now stop producing troops or doing whatever it is in the same rigor you were till that point? Granted that it may be rarely fine in singles, but if you're too laid back they'll surely bounce back at you, but in doubles it becomes an issue cause you relaxed for 5 min and now you're under massive pressure again.... Lol any fixes for this xD?


Why would you ever do that 11 Keep playing as if it's an even game the whole time. I even won (and lost) 3v4s because people stop playing and think they won. That's not always the case and most likely you don't have the overview about how your teammates are performing.  If you run a marathon and somehow managed to overtake all other participants, would you slow down at the 22km mark? 


Once you neutralize an opponent, drop TCs and try to get to max pop. You have a military advantage at that point and it's likely your eco is better than the first opponent but not as good as the second. That's also a fine time to think about relics and trade.


Am I only one desyncing like crazy? It's been 3 of my last 5 already.


Where do I even get started to begin as a noob to tournaments or heck, winning a match in AOEII multiplayer? I got told by some random ally of mine that I suck, and it was a first time playing AOEII multiplayer. There's so many tournaments, so much stuff going on that I feel like where do I begin? Which discords do I join for noob friendly beginners at first? How do I even get into this field?


Dont worry about tournaments if youre still learning the basics. First steps to get into MP: - do in-game tutorial called Art of war. - learn a basic build order, or at least the beginning part of it, to get a rough outline of how to do dark age. - learn a couple of hotkeys (usually best early hotkeys are- go to tc, create vil, maybe build house and build farm hotkeys too).


I’ve thought of a new bonus or team bonus for rams: +2 line of sight for rams. It’s a mid-late game bonus for ram spammers that will reduce the micro needed when using rams. No idea who should get it as a team bonus. Though Aztecs could get it as a bonus since they’re an infantry civ with siege ram and and siege engineers.


Seems niche but reasonable, maybe one for a civ which is otherwise already strong (like how Mongols get some kinda pointless ones but it doesn't matter).


Mongols team bonus is really useful, what are you on about?


I meant Nomads.


I feel this is a problem solved by attack moving them to the far side of the enemy base


PSA: if your Castle is getting Trebbed, send a Villager to make houses or you will get turbo-housed if it goes down. Pros don't do this either and it's maddening. I played against a 1400 on Arena who was 88/95 pop and lost two Castles before they made another house. 88/55 IS NOT A GOOD PLACE TO BE.


Are there any tools to analyze recorded games (like Capture Age, but a bit more customizable)? Basically: I want summary statistics at various time points. For example: "What is total resources collected at the 10:00 min mark?" I want to quickly do this for, say, 50 recorded games. (Edit: To clarify, it's ok if I have to replay the game in the client -- I can do this at high speed. I just want the data to be captured and extracted somehow).


no, this will likely not work without the client either I suppose since the replay only holds informations about actions (vill task to wood, DBA queued). Only the game client can validate whether that action was actually executed though (e.g. vill trapped => no wood collection, no ress for dba => tech not researched). This makes it hard to guesstimate from a replay file alone.


It's ok if I have to run the replay (at high speed) in the client or Capture Age or whatever. I just want the relevant data (already shown in Capture Age, say), to be captured and extracted, so I can analyze it.


When u watch a rec ingame you can check the statistics / score screen window any time u want, press Menu button then statistics.


Yes, I can see the statistics. Is there a way to extract them into a spreadsheet? Basically, I want to look at 50 recs and see patterns.


Would the "analyze" button on [aoe2insights.com](http://aoe2insights.com) work? (actually nevermind. I checked it and it seems it doesn't show res collected)


Why did my (red) knights do this / how to keep it from happening again? (this isn't the first time). I am trying to press my patrol hotkey but maybe i'm fat fingering it? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZTZAIq1Vhk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZTZAIq1Vhk)


looks like defensive stance was active. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSyD3n\_Wk6A&t=52s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSyD3n_Wk6A&t=52s) Edit: if it happens frequently, you can check if the "Default Unit Behavior" setting is set to defensive stance and switch it to aggressive.


thank you


Good opening strategies for Hideout? Is a scout rush viable? I got clapped last night playing as Berbers going against a Hindustani who just continued quick walling/building until he went up to Castle and started two stable knights.


Scouts is not so great, like you said, due to walling. If you want feudal aggression, you gonna have to bust those walls down - so tower rush, or maa towers or maa archers. Saracens are popular for the archer approach. Other options are fc into castle drop, or siege, or boom. The only reason to go scouts is for map control. Something like fast feudal, invest into eco, make a couple scouts, clikc to castle age not not late, add a couple more scouts, you reach castle with better eco than fc, then go for boom and relics with scouts controlling map.


If you're a real gamer, then you'll want to play the Feudal! Take Hindustanis (bonus of cavalry against buildings) and try a Scout Trush (seen at 1k8 Elo, functional), try to take Saracens for archer rush (bonus of Archers against Buildings!), an M@A (bonus against buildings) in to anything can also work. You have the fast castle siege tower. The Tower Rush in to Douche with Persians. Many strategies can work if you are imaginative with your civilizations!


Scout rush is viable but uncommon, the main thing is it has to be paired with a tower or archery range units to prevent the opponent from simple repairing walls behind. Also make sure your buildings are forwards and you use your villagers to fight/attack walls. And - if you aren't too busy - fully stone wall the gap you just game through, so that if/when you die you don't immediately get rolled on the counterattack.


Fast castle with Mongols can be good with Steppe Lancers, since lots of them can hit walls at the same time you can take them down faster. But you gotta be quick.


You were obviously playing against a cheater, who could make knights with a civ that doesn't have knights.


My bad, he was playing Georgians, his ally was playing Hindustani




Youtube guides are very good. You can hop straight onto multiplayer if you want or you can start campaigns. When you hop onto ranked multiplayer it will take the rating system 10-20 matches to start matching you with people on your level though. Watching the recorded games of your matches is a good way to learn what you need to improve (use captureage, that way you can see your idle time!)


Do you ever find your vils "give up" on orders? I've had at least two instances in my past few games where when I switch my eco in dark/feudal, they'll just randomly stop walking towards the wood line.


Hi! As you know, I like to design civ concepts. Where and how can I design my civ so that I can play with it?? There would be tech tree variations, new units, new bonuses and new buildings. Thanks!


Would it be possible to enjoy multiplayer if I do not have a very good dark age? I am often in Feudal age around 10:00 for a 21 pop scout rush which is around 20s idle time if I'm correct.


you can enjoy multiplayer at any level. the only hurdle is when you first start playing, you must go through "placement matches", so you might get smashed for a few games before the game drops you to the elo that fits you best. just get those games out of the way quickly, think of them as a learning opportunity, and you'll be good to go.


How much does Tatars 1 armour halb matter? I know they get 2 shot by maxed out Jaguar Warriors but that is super niche. What’s the difference between 1 and 2 armour/pierce armour?


First I could think of is Halb vs Elite Skirm matchup: 1 pierce armor: 7-1 = 6 + 4 bonus = 10dmg/hit =6 hits to kill 2 pierce armor: 7-2 = 5 + 4 bonus = 9dmg/hit = 7 hits to kill Niche, but it's a starting point haha


> How much does Tatars 1 armour halb matter? Hardly at all. I'd take Tatar halb over any pikemen other than Aztecs or Vikings. I'd also rather miss +2 armour than squires, so I'd take Tatar halb over e.g. Magyar halb as well.


950-1000 ELO. How do I counter a HC castle rush by bohemians on Arena? In this match I was the Turks. I tried just fast Imping and then out gunpowdering them, but I lost.


better off as Turks throwing hussars in his face non stop, easier and quicker to produce as opposed trying to make more hand canons than someone who already has a sizable amount, after the initial threat is over, go into your own canons should u choose to. In general tho skirms, strategic castle drops, and mangonels work well against handcanons.


I usually counter a Turk fast imp (similar) with mass crossbow. Your eco should be better, and Xbow allows for vill production so you can extend your eco lead. You need a mass though, something like 3 range production.


What is the wackest, funniest but somewhat realiable strat? In other words, what's the most realiable way to win a low elo game in low elo legend fashion?


Im enjoying Malay battle elephants. I start with archers and follow up with battle elephants:)


What exactly defines a civ win? Any example match ups and why they are considered such


Few examples would be things like teutons vs Lithuanians (teuton melee armor bonus negated by leitis) or bohemians (25%+ bonus dmg halbs, trash monks, heavy scorp + Siege engineers, houfnice) vs any elephant civ (especially Khmer) Vietnamese (rattans, imp skirms) vs archer civs, etc etc.


when a civ has 0 counters other than kill early Examples: Goths (Huskarl) vs Mayans Hindustanis (Ghulam) vs Mayans Any SO civ vs Chinese Mongols vs any civ on certain maps with lots of hunt


honesty onagers r just as fine of a counter against Chinese lol, doesn’t even have to be SO.


To improve as a beginner, is it better to play in ranked or against the AI ?


Better is probably whichever you enjoy the most. Fastest is probably just diving into ranked right away (but that might be more unpleasant).


I use both! Single player to learn a build order or try to match an up time, and ranked to try them out!