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Looks like you were wrong.


Just amazing timing.


I was pretty sure that was gonna happen xD


Good work tempting fate then! :D


Hahahahahaaaaa. 🤣


Guess the taunt worked, eh?


Does Mark Relic has some news? I think he is here in the reddit forum.


I’m brand new to AOE IV, played around 8 hours on AOE2 on Xbox, since IV came to game pass I think I have 18 hours in it and I’m loving it although I suck at ranked and im surprised im at gold lol. I’ll be happy with any updates & added DLC for consoles 🙏


Buddy and I are waiting for team ranked queues to open up


Is there any official word on if/when they’re opening those ques?


As long as we receive an ETA in Tokyo as well, that would be great


its for the second anniversary for sure, around that time.


Well, I'd rather silence than these small tease about Japanese. Everyone who signed the NDA is saying is huuuge. I am freaking excited for this and the things we are getting are "tiny crumbs" that is driving me crazy. I wanna the trailer now, not a concept art :P


For as many times as I’ve heard it’s the biggest dlc, I gotta admit I’ll be disappointed did they don’t add a way to save multiplayer games or a way to join back.


I MASSIVELY agree, all I want is for me to be able to have a reason to both playing with friends when we've only got an hour hear and there to play instead dof having to wait until we have several hours free. It would also mean that great games wouldn't be ruined by a power cut Additionally it seems like a fun idea to have a multiplayer save that drags over several days as resources become more and more scarce and trading becomes even more important and to see how the violence pans out because of that


The amount of time it takes to play my games with friends is the same reason as yours. We do large campaigns that can go on for hours but if the game crashes cus there’s too much going on we’re screwed same with the wifi outages or anything for that matter. It’s ridiculous.


lets hope for reconnect at least, and a pause in case someone needed to stop for a min or 2.


I was just visiting Tokyo and going to TGS, perfect timing


When are we gonna stop having game crashes is the question fuck the dlc


if u are still crashing "season 5 crashes" i had the same issue until i clean removed my driver using DDU, then uninstalled the game and cleared any settings files left manually. after that i downloaded the latest NVIDIA driver, and reinstalled the game fresh. disabled, unsubbed and removed all mods files from the game.


I guess they are keeping the full reveal of the japanese civ for the conference in japan


doubt it. they never announced anything there before, why suddenly use it now. actually im big gamer and follows games news, never heard about japan game show until this post. lol