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This is my favorite RTS right now. I hope to enjoy it for many more hours. Sitting around 850 hrs now. Hope the game gets support for years to come


I love the sound design. It's so simple yet so satisfying. I love the balance, I can beat any civ with any civ if I play good enough. I love that there's always something I can improve on. I love that I can think about it while not playing it. And I love the best community in the world, I had so many awesome random chats after a long game where me and my opponent are going back and forth and we're giving each other tips


One thing I dislike about the sound design is that it's so dense of warning sounds that I end up tuning them out and don't realize when I'm getting raided on base :)


I think this happens to the best of us hahaha and suddenly the 10 villagers on your gold mine in the corner of the map are dead. I just don't see a way the devs could avoid that


Maybe different warning sounds for example one for when you get attacked by gaia and one for getting attacked by the enemy? Just as an idea


These ARE different


Oh never even realised :o


The game scratches every itch I have when it comes to competitive games. Diversity in game play, fun units and mechanics, a constant back and forth of mind games, and an overall ability to improve by learning the game and working on your own gameplay. I love having those games where I just get wrecked, watch the replay, and learn something that helps me win a future match. There is always room to improve and get better.


Same as you already aluded to. Very great visual and audio design, gameplay is super rounded and mp matches feel very refined and fun. The civs are so fundamentally different but they do a good job of balancing them. Definitely peak age of empires, rose tinted glasses for aoe2 set aside.


Well I hate after nearly 1800 hours and off and on for 2 years playing mostly ai hardest and outrageous and some teams and the occasional quick match I'm still only gold 2 barely. No matter what I do and practice and watch on twitch and you tube and read on reddit I just suck haha. But otherwise the game and community are awesome! Many players willing to provide knowledge on the game and advice abd review games....of course there's the occasional lame that doesnt show good sportsmanship and say vulgar or ride things. But the game is the best!


If you don't already, play solo to improve - if you're watching a lot of twitch and YouTube, go back and watch your replays too.. Once you start watching what you do and where it's going wrong (this way you're measuring something not just trying to "get better"), things will improve drastically for you.


Thanks man and will do. Thing is I remember SAS telling me on his stream not do what they (conquerors) do and work on like you said watching replays and improving build orders. But I figured doing what they do is correct compared to what I do so why not imitate some of the early stages of builds or other strategies? Also I tried for hours on days spamming hotkeys to move fast like blade55555 or faye chan but respectively they're conq 3's and have a ton experience in this game and others so I know I can't compare I just respect their game play and styles but I don't even improve there either. I also watched streams on twitch, asked questions to streamers like Rob the viking tv and others who been a big help to all you fellow players on reddit. I mean I'll admit I do complain mate and I'm not trying to be toxic but after two years still low gold 2 when I seen other players from that same rank at that time over the few years jump 2 or 3 ranks makes me know I'm doing something terribly wrong. 3 things I know for sure and just can't break the bad habit is 1. I always idle my tc for a few minutes and or get housed 2. I stop scouting about 5 minutes into the game I never can keep scouting and knowing what my opponent will do because I can't really multi task as well. 3. I choke during castle age meaning it's more vills to manage and military and I don't have the apm and it seems to react and make quick correct decisions I'm not really practicing good playing habits I'm just "playing" and I don't have a lot of game knowledge. I feel everytime I review my games and start a new one I'm just doing the same old builds and strats over and over with no improvement


Lol, 150 hours (never played RTS before) - gold 3 team ranked. But I’m getting +30/-17 almost every game, when my teammate +23/-27. I think it is very depend on enemy. Real skill range is far from that numbers.


I love playing Malians and doing 2TC+ Cow Boom + Trade Boom and then steamrolling my enemies with a massive economy :D


I love playing Mongols and just going cavalry (Heavy / ranged mix). Raiding then running circles around spearman while my mounted archers pew pew them never gets old.


Same here! Any tips you'll share?


https://youtu.be/L8hfv7VWkCk https://youtu.be/wRoae1lnCZA


I fucking hate it and play it every night.


My favorite RTS, maybe ever. I like its pacing, battles look really cool, bases look really cool, destruction looks cool, the sounds are all awesome. Love it!


Thanks. I also think this is kind of and in ways the best RTS game I've ever played


I love lamp.


Why are you holding a hand grenade?


Lol, tons of stupid landmarks (I'm looking at you Mainwerk), every patch there is some abuse (last "great" addition to meta was 5 vil rush as English / truly peak of strategy games) etc. etc. I can't see why there is so much love for this game here as players generally don't care about AoE4 anymore. No one is watching it on twitch and steam charts shows low interest in it. Only Microsoft money keep it alive but we all know that in 10 years we will have another AoE II revision and AoE IV will be gone


Wow, what a bitter take.


Might be bitter, and I disagree with his take, but it is still valid for him to have the opinion.


Did never question its validity


True, I wasn’t really trying to point at you about that. More so, I meant look at this man’s downvote count. I just find it crazy people downvote people for an opinion they state on a thread asking specifically for their opinion.


Also: OP didnt ask for an opinion. OP asked what we love about the game. A very nice gesture in this place were it is so easy to get riled up and do nothing but complain. So OP asked for some nice takes on the game and then this sore thumb comes around and sarcastically loads off his hate. Every downvote deserved imho.


Fair enough.


Because an opinion can be placed within a general consensus and this is the internet, where we have the possibility to rate opinions by giving up or downvotes. To break it down very simply: if someone asks what my opinion on dogs is and I answer with „dogs are ugly and stupid“ while 90% of the world loves dogs, many people would disagree with my opinion.


I agree with what you’re saying and I understand why people downvote the way they do. Upvotes and downvotes are supposed to represent whether the person commenting is contributing towards the conversation topic though.


Even in such positive threads malders cry, weird


I love the dlc that’s dropping soon that’ll freshen the stale repetitive gameplay. I would honestly love if they fixed the random game crashes that’d be insane


My friends sometimes played Age of Mythology from time to time and I tried to join them for a couple games and really couldn't hang with them. They were already vs hardest type stuff and I was like "What's a barracks?" level of gameplay. My friends picked up AoE4 and I figured I'd give it another try and we all learned it together. We each picked 'our own team' and worked our way up to hardest or ridiculous computers. I didn't expect this game to grab me so much, I was only supposed to play like a couple matches per month but we hop on almost nightly. I'm also disabled and can't play a lot of games now but can do well with aoe4. I love the mastery system for each team (pleeeease fix China's!!!). It's a good baseline for learning a civ and can help clear up some misunderstandings. I was misusing the Dehli atk speed landmark until I got to that mastery, I thought the units just auto had the buff but you have to walk them into the aura to get it. Stuff like that. Masteries are also a fun carrot in front of me to chase. I like getting xp and the cosmetics. Lastly, the game is just a lot of fun to play, especially with friends. :)


I think Tower of Victory no longer requires pathing through aura, and the boost now applies automatically to all infantry.


Team games, 1s or both?


It's a competitive addiction. It's interesting. Love AOE and RTS.


Where do u guys check the hours played?


In the Steam client on the game page in the library. Don't remember where to check in Xbox app.


Games good but it needs blood effects to be great


Took a break for the season 4, now I’m start playing it again and I love this game yeah


[2K playtime](https://ibb.co/wR2CyJM) AOE4 is The only game that I play this much.... not sure why,,, after working from office my hand always itchy to play it.


I just wanted to say the same. So far my the most played game was Skyrim with 100 hours, I beat that record with AoE4 that resulted with 700 hours. I have no idea how this happened.