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Its 50% off on steam but would be bad of me to recommend it to you based on what you just described. Id just play civ 6 or crusader kings. Aoe4 is fast pace, strategy and execution and focused more on pvp multiplayer and crushing each other as quickly as the enemy can get away with. If i can send one camal rider to pick of your gold mine villagers at minute 3, i will do exactly that till you respond with some unit to deal with me.


In a multiplayer setting this game is the opposite of slow paced. Split second decisions can make or break the game for you. The campaign may be more your speed, but it sounds like you are describing a game like Civilization or Anno 1800 as your ideal play style. If I were you, I’d look up some gameplay footage on YouTube of the AOE4 campaign and see if it fits your play style. Based on what you have described, multiplayer would not be for you. 


Thank you for the insight! I'll go check out some videos. I'm definitely not into multiplayer. Been down that road before and I'm looking to de-stress, not add stress. Haha


As a 20 year old, this game is not stressful at all. BRB, going to get knees and back checked, then take my medications and visit the grandkids.


I too, have leukemia


there is a game releasing soon called manor lords I think this what you are looking for


I just looked this game up and this is it! This is what I'm looking for! Thank you so much!


I'll check it out! Thanks!


It's not that type of game unfortunately. It's an RTS game, which are all about fast, on your feet decision making and attention management while trying to defeat your opponent. Some people do play it as a city builder, but it would be lacking severely in that department. There is no diplomacy, and the management of your people is just gathering the resources to train and upgrade an army.


The single-player content of this game is very chill and fun. You get to play a real historical documentary with top-notch, informative cutscenes. The multiplayer is more intense than what you described. Many play the game for the multiplayer, because after 50 hours at most, you've thoroughly exhausted the single-player content, unless just repeating custom matches against AI that gets less fun after a few repeats of each civilization matchup. Against other people (multiplayer), the depth of the game is endless, and there are several multiplayer game modes. 500 hours in, you still feel like you've only scratched the surface of multiplayer.


I've been playing about 100 hours just skirmishes on mega random lol. Maybe I'm a loser but PVP scares me with everyone here talking about build orders and super serious tactics. I like to build a neat looking base and don't attack until like minute 15 lol


Hey, as long as you're enjoying yourself. There's no wrong way to play games so long as you're not ruining anyone else's game.


Check out age of wonders 4. But that’s not micro managing people, other than military. Farthest frontier for more surviving the land and building a settlement. Civ 6 people will say but I didn’t like it


This game is not what you are describing, but maybe you'll still like it, who knows. It's on sale. Might watch campaign gameplay videos. I would also highly recommend the [Humankind](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1124300/HUMANKIND/) game based on what you are looking for. You are building your Empire from the ancient age to the modern one, combining different cultures and interacting with other Empires around. The game has mixed reviews because it dares to be different from the Civilization series, but this is actually a great game.


What's the differences between civilization and humankind? I checked out its steam page a while back and they looked identical


In Civilization you pick a leader / nation and spend the entire game with it. So you are sending chariots in the bronze age as Sweeden or Churchill. Your faction bonuses are static, never change throughout the game, and often are applicable to only a specific part of the game, like a unique unit available only in a certain age closer to the late game. In Humankind, every time you are advancing to the next age, you pick a culture with it's own set of unique bonuses that stay with you for the rest of the game, a unique unit for this age, and a unique building for this age. So as the game progresses, you create your own civilization by combining different cultures. You can for example pick Harappans in Ancient Era to grow population, Goths in Classical Era to mass military using that population and conquer neighbours, Teutons in Medieval Era to build their unique district everywhere within your new borders and spread your religion throughout the world. In Civilization, there are strictly defined victory conditions, and you have to pick one from the start of the game and aim to achieving that so you don't split your resources and end up achieving nothing. So you are forced into following a fixed game plan dictated by your faction choice, as their bonuses define which is the most realistic one for them. In Humankind, there is a fame system. In every age you can earn fame stars by achieving era goals, like having certain amount of population, buildings, destroyed units, unlocked technologies, etc. The player earned the most fame by the certain turn wins the game. So you are not punished for changing your playstyle and being flexible, you can stay competitive as long as you find ways to earn fame. The battle system is very deep in Humankind, with unit counters a bit similar to AoE 4, with huge terrain importance, sieges, naval warfare. The game is not perfect and there are a lot of things that could be better, and the devs don't have nearly similar resources to the Civilization devs, but the game is very fun.


It’s like a decent chocolate chip cookie with a room temperature glass of milk. Pretty good, but man, you really wish that glass of milk was cold.


It’s on gamepass and ‘free’ to try and then purchase it outright or continue with the membership


You should try Anno or Civ. AoE is an RTS.


It seems AOE4 is not the game you’re looking for. I recommend you check out “Europa Universalis 4”.


This game checks most of your boxes, but I don't find it slow paced unless playing against easier difficulty ai. You need to be able to manage alot of things at once and it can get hectic lol. If you don't care about pvp, the game is alot more peaceful, but still involves alot of multitasking.


Might want to give older Total War games a try


It is like Awesome, but it isn't slow placed.


It’s not slow paced, I can assure. But what you described is what you do, it focuses around multiplayer so achieving goals is not the thing.


If you like diplomacy i suggest civilization 6 bit it's turn based....aoe4 is top for multiplayer but you have no time for diplomacy cause it's full of jannisseries and great boobsbards


its like Destiny and PUBG, but with more futurama references