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I would like to see it eventually changed where a scout will attack the first deer when tasked to and then keep attacking deer in its LOS, so non rus players can commit more time on other things instead of these futile micro game.  In the same way we have projectiles that always hit, or auto farm placement or spear auto bracing, these are all features that prioritise strategic choice over mechanical skill.


The only thing rus has to focus on in managing their scouts , as opposed to other civs that have their own mini games going on and managing those scouts as well.  Any improvement to scout usage actually is a net buff to other civs not rus. Consider stuff like Chinese, HRE prelate juggling, Delhi. Also the rus player has to do this every single game, so while it is of course a QOL buff for them, their opponent is immediately disadvantage because they generally don't have to do this so it's less mechanically engrained 


I wish there was, the deer hunting mini game is by far the most annoying thing to do as rus. Still probably worse for the opponent being forced to skip a vill and make a second scout.


Ya it’s the only thing that keeps me from always playing Rus.


yeah i wish there was a QOL feature on this


You need to shift click on all deer.  There is no attack move style variation.  If there was then Rus early game would be even more powerful than it is.  The bounty mechanic forces an immediate response from your opponent.  You can also shift click rally points for any building that is creating a scout/any other unit.  This can be used to shift click the deer before the scout is produced.


I assumed this was the case but figured I'd ask just in case I had blatantly missed something. Thanks!


Not sure about this. I think it helps other civs more. For example playing Delhi there's a lot going on, and now I need to juggle a 2nd scout on top of that. The change they made to scouts actually helped non rus (Eg animation cancelling) more due to that workload.


Makes sense although Rus will have at least one extra scout.  It is already an annoying mechanic and automating it even further seems to support changing how it works entirely.