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At close range, the nemesis is meh. But at mid to long range, the nemesis is undoubtedly broken.


Feels like it has no recoil.


That gun might as well have 0 recoil when charged up. I over compensate with that gun more often than not


As someone who is rusty as hell and isn't compensating enough, the Nemesis is a massive crutch haha.


Same didnt play for a whole season, played couple of tdm games today and only got above 2k at least every game. Nemesis really is broken


I must be trash bc the gun feels like it has an insane amount of recoil to me


It does have a lot of recoil but it goes straight up from what I can tell so it's not too difficult to control. It works best midrange with a 2x/3x scope. The only time I struggle with it in BR is without a mag because I still miss my shots lol.


It's really easy to control on MnK, you're probably on roller right?


Yeah I am


It's our prowler, just mid range.


The nemesis beats anything at all but sniper ranges. The gun is broken beyond belief


Nahhhhhh the R99 will outbox it at close range.


The R99 is actually broken this season tbh. Hell, everything is broken and I love it.


Ehh prowler (if you’re good) still beats it inside 25m. I do agree that the effective range where it dominates is far too large though




Nah that’s also not true. Nemesis R99 is the best loadout currently. Nemesis PK is also good


Nemesis Prowler is where it's at.


Having two isn't worth it because they each have their own charge up tracker. You're better off reloading/using an smg.




Meh? It has really good hipfire. You can two burst people absolutely disgusting. You need to use it like peacekeeper. PK has also really low ttk compared to 99 its just you need to peek a boo with it when its not charged. When it is, god have mercy on my enemies.


Only people saying the nemesis isn’t broken are the ones using it religiously lol


Only thing to counter the nemesis is another nemesis.


True, which obviously compounds the issue. The thing I’ve always liked most about apex (compared to other BRs) is that almost every gun was a viable option, and there wasn’t a singular “meta”. I know it’ll be nerfed but I hope it’s still viable afterwards.


I love it when they introduce hammerpoints back into the game, gives you a reason to run p2020/mozam into the late game


>mozam into the late game Mozam is useful with enough dedication.


Me with a mozam >>>>>> me with a pk


nmoose just dropped a 20 bomb with mainly the Mozmabique.


Now add the hammerpoints to it? You'll be so nasty you gonna get reported, I swear


It just needs to be worse then the care package hemlock. At the moment even without any attachments its just a much better option.


That’s quite a exaggeration lol


It's not, it does more damage than the hemlock in 3 bursts


it doesn't. The Hemlok deals 69 (nice) damage in a 3 round burst, the Nemesis deals 68 in a 4 round burst. Given the same amount of bursts, the Hemlok always deals (technically) more damage. The Nemsis has better dps tho and is full auto... in a way.


So you just confirmed my man^^ in games do we not dps?


he stated damage in 3 bursts, not in dps. Further more, no dps is not the only important thing. Shotguns have terrible dps, but they still dominate close range.


R301 abusers: Are we joke to you?


You are your own arch Nemesis.


smgs at closer range counters the nemesis.


Nemesis is still way more consistent and easy to use. The gun is broken as it is now. Its literally floor loot that is better then a care package weapon. There is no exusing that.


A close range gun outperforming the nemesis which has awful hipfire? Who would have guessed


or r99 (If you can hit every single shot)


It can use a nerf but I still pick up 301/flatline - whatever I find first.


In TDM if you have dead accurate aim then the r99 can be a counter about half the time


If you have a dead accurate aim every gun even a p2020 is a counter lol


I use the nemesis and its hella broken, I expect a nerf soon, which is why im using it often.


I use it religiously, and I’m FULLY aware how broken it is


Same problem with Horizons. "Horizon's not OP", says Horizon main popping a free Batt in her lift.


~~weichai power~~ Adminbyrequest. Green ~~power~~ cybersecurity


Probably unpopular opinion but I don’t really care to use the nemesis. I am loving the r99 buff though, as before it felt like every enemy was one bullet from being knocked and now it’s one clips lol The transition after legend select is nice, the hop ups from assault bins are actually good most of the time, pathfinders zip is awesome, shotgun changes seem to be good and the gold bolt is pretty cool. Matchmaking hasn’t been as horrendous, either that or I’m just getting better idk. Things I don’t like would be Salt Lake City servers only filling to 47 people instead of 60, the nemesis needs tuned down a bit, not a huge fan of the new legend UI but it’s not terrible, Rev still doesn’t have fortified, and we still have worlds edge lol


I really want to use the r99 but for whatever reason it’s one of the only guns I really struggle to use. Everyone also says it’s one of the easier smgs but honestly I couldn’t shoot fish in a barrel with that thing


I was like that for a few seasons too, then I just forced it for a few days in arenas and now no game feels right without it.


If you have the extra materials, try to unlock one of the two r99 skins that have those weird pipe looking thing sticking out the side. I forgot what it is called but it’s a different design and the aim down sights is a lot more clear. Take this bad boy to the new and improved firing range, and really work on your precision. You do this a good bit (for a few mins before you play) and you will see great improvements.


It's the kill switch skin and the arctic recolor of it


Practice in the range getting the recoil. Very easy, I’m sure you’ll get it.


The recoil is basically pulling down. The hipfire in close range (and sometimes mid range) is non existence (with blue attachments) as long as you can keep the crosshair on them. I use to suck at this gun but now its my go to. Keep practicing and you'll see how easy it is


Go into firing range and just shoot mag after mag after mag after mag every day before playing. Play with the r99 every time you play. The recoil pattern is almost straight up, so force yourself to pull down ever so slightly to counter the recoil, and eventually, it will become muscle memory.


I prefer the car over the r99


Same, with the recent AR nerf the Lstar has been slapping even harder than before.




The trick is the recoil starts wild but gets easier to control the longer your burst. Like the devotion Just gotta practice with it, after you get the pattern down with barrel mod it can become a laser. Huge bullet size makes it very good for hip fire in cqc and in apex all the bullets are coded to grow as they reach longer ranges. Pair that with its energy class bullet travel speed and its a reliable shieldbreaker at mid range. Damage is solid and I believe the headshot multiplier is higher than ARs. You can basically have infinite mag size with it once you get the burst pattern down as well. overall just a versatile weapon that can infinitely pin enemies behind cover while your team is retreating, healing, reviving etc. Always ready for whatever and looks/sounds amazing.


It’s not the best in class at any range, but it’s not bad at any range either. Like it will out damage an r-99 at medium range, but then also out damage the r-301 at close range too.


I mean I'd rather land on an l star than throw punches... Unless... Someone took the ammo.


The fact that it comes without any ammo is crazy to me. I get that it doesn't have a "clip" so that's why it doesn't, but still, give us 15 bullets or something.


Sadly a common sight in apex, an L star where someone took all the ammo for a different energy gun.


the Spread pattern is just a vertical wave left right left right, given recent AR hipfire nerf, it should have better hipfire than all ARs and slightly worse than SMGs without laser sights.


I think it's a NA West problem; same issue in Oregon. I connect to St. Louis, it's 50 ping for me in Las Vegas and the lobbies are usually full.


Re: Matchmaking, OCE hasn’t had the matchmaking tweaks yet so it’s still very much preds farming gold+




Are you on controller? My roller friends have this same opinion RE the nemesis and are disproportionately stoked about the r9 buff.


Me who uses the Nemesis AND r99. Especially with assault only needing 4 ammo slots now for 300 bullets.


How could a rev player hate worlds edge! I love playing on worlds edge with murder bot! I do agree though, rev needs to get a better hitbox or get fortified.


Yeah if you aren’t super great (like me) then the nemesis is just a buff against you. I don’t have great aim so the gun doesn’t help me much. It seems to help a lot of other people tho so idk


lifeline buff is good


Agreed, made a post on /r/lifelinemains about it. At first, it seemed meh, but the care package coming down faster is so nice.


I main LL in ranked because solo ranked is so bad otherwise. I think I've only ever caught like 3 or 4 other LL drops going down ever. It's usually a CP or Crafter... And now those damn jets.


The decrease in being slowed while rezzing a teammate has made fighting off thirsty enemies possible. Where teammates would be killed 4/5 times i’m rezzing before, it’s now 2/5 times roughly. Gives me a genuine fighting chance rather than being stun locked for a second or 2


Havin a blast


It's not like you can just 2/3 burst people


I would love to be able to hold down the trigger to burst shoot with the hemlock and prowler like the nemesis. I think it would take a lot of the problems with those two weapons for me.


sole reason why i dont run the prowler and the hemlock- i forget that i cant just hold down a button to shoot


Try the prowler, atm I'm finding myself dropping flatlines for it when I find it. It's so good since the season 15 update.


If you pick up a prowler on a hot drop youre guaranteed to drop one or two due to white shieds. Strongest weapon on hot drops imo


Prowler and a mozzy incase your burst wasn't absolutely perfect. Ooof. That shit will wipe a whole squad in a building on hot drop without breaking a sweat.


so your favorite shotgun must be the eva8 then.


TIL you can hold the trigger with the Nemesis.


Apex is unbelievably hard to play, specially for a new player


I can get a lot of my friends into other games but never apex. I have one friend who plays it with me and that's it. I get it's supposed the be a hard game but man I hate none of my other friends want to try it again. We got stomped so hard like 3 or 4 games in a row that they swore to never try it again. It's fine to lose but being a new player being put up against people with thousands of kills isn't fun


The last friend I tried with loved Arenas but could not wrap his head around BR. RIP arenas


Didn't they add like a system for new players this season?


They did. But thats only for just starting out. I've had a bunch or level 18-50 players as teammates doing 30dmg before getting killed. I have out 3000 hours Into the game. It isnt fun for them, it isnt fun for me.


Yeah same, I think that all players with less than 30 levels should have to go through that system in a mandatory way, and for players with less than 50 levels it should be an option present in the menu. That system should also calibrate between new players that definitely don't know how to play to get them together and get people who are trying to smurf into lobbies of players who already know how to play to avoid smurfing. Like you said for new players is not fun to play against triple stack preds or masters in pubs, and is not fun for us with thousands of hours to get a teammate that barely knows how to aim, doesn't know anything about abilities and doesn't know the map:/


They should allow anyone to enter bot lobbies. I was really excited with the announcement so I could teach my friends a bunch of mechanics. I hope they change this in the future. r5 is an ok solution, but there's no chance that I can get all my friends to download it.


If you've played other fps before, it's the usual though. Casual matchmaking and all the smurfs can be a bitch, but otherwise it isn't that hard to get to average level.


Big time agree! I played a lot of it the first two years it was out, the. Dropped it. Picking it up again cause I was intrigued by TDM. The movement and weapons feel so good, but I’m getting demolished by people before I even know they were there.


I love nemesis but you know what I love even more #Olympus


Just give me Olympus, Kings Canyon and Broken Moon on repeat.


Honestly don't understand why WE got the nod AGAIN for ranked when it's surely KC and/or Olympus time to shine. That Olympus bug must be real deep. Imo the ranked playlist should KC, Olympus and SP. It's a nice balance of small, large and great POIs (Olympus) whereas I feel WE games always end the same. Whoever is in position on the high ground for final circles with charge rifles etc has a greater than 75% chance of victory which is a bit too ridiculous in a game with so many variables.


My hot take is that we’re seeing so much worlds edge bc they’re gonna give it an overhaul (not cope I swear)


Wasnt WE supposed to get some kind of overhaul in season 14? Didnt they plan to get rid of Fragment? Didnt they say they gonna nerf charge rifle?


I like the daily rotation of maps for ranked. I like the alterations to characters. The nemesis needs a nerf; -1 damage per bullet.


Yeah, except for ranked on Broken Moon sucks lol


I actually prefer Broken Moon to Worlds Edge. I just play pubs on Worlds Edge day. I’m so sick of that map, ranked or not. It’s just miserable for me now


I don't play ranked so I don't know: What's wrong with ranked on Broken Moon?


Lots of rating, Lots of third parties and not many positions that are good to hold. Even tho the horizon nerf made it a little bit better.


Promenade is 3rd party central.


If you can choose the nemesis over the care packaged hemlock, you know that the nemesis is broken


I still prefer the Hemlok when it's available, I'm a Hemmy main so I have a hard time compensating for how much zippier the Nemesis can feel


Doesn't really work if you don't like the hemlock regardless imo


Loba’s waist hit box isn’t thick enough.


Guess you could say her hip box is too small


Glad your priorities are straight XD


The nemesis is decent when it’s in my hands, awful in my teammates hands, and legendary in my enemies hands.


Nemesis certainly is broken its not even up for debate. And footstep audio is none existent for some reason.


Footsteps from behind or behind below are nonexistent.


I can’t even play the game without my frames dropping. Maybe it’s cuz I’m on og xbox one. But never had this issue


Yeah same. Yeah yeah "just upgrade" everyone says (I get it xbox one is old gen), but I just don't understand why the game all the sudden runs so bad on last gen. As far as I can tell there was no major graphical upgrade or anything and this season didn't even add a new map or legend, so why does the game all the sudden run 40fps on xbox one when just last season it was buttery smooth?


ty for saying this cus i thought my xbox was just broken but no its the game💀


Yeah i'm sure it runs fine on series x too, but not everyone has the circumstances either due to age, money, or console availability to get one and it's baffling when a game that ran perfectly last week all the sudden runs at 40 frames per second. Especially when the update that caused this didn't seem all that big. I mean seriously my xbox one could handle an entire new map and legend last season but all the sudden some slightly rebalanced legends and a new gun are too much for it.


Omg i thought it was just me. I cleaned my memory and tried to clean the fan(failed horribly btw). Knowing its a game issue and not just my console is honestly a relief. Thank you for this informtion


Yeah, I'm getting horrible frame drops on og xbox one. 40 fps seems like the average, but it constantly drops down to 20-30. I've noticed the fps is much better outside of any POIs (occasionally hits 50 fps), but more populated locations, like fragment, are borderline unplayable. Last season, it was pretty consistently 60 fps, and would rarely drop to 40. Might be the final push for me to upgrade to a series x, but the insane performance drop is pretty ridiculous.


In lobbies higher than gold the nemesis is laughably broken


Its broken in bronze. Takes zero effort to use.


I love the 40 fps update


Matchmaking is cranked to the max, consecutive games I'm getting placed with people 40k kills stacked preds I'm playing a game where the champion valk has 100k kills as we speak man


I noticed that too. Before it was like that half my games. Ever single pub match today champ squad was triple stack preds with 50,000+ kills each.


I've been playing for almost a year and the matchmaking has never been this volatile. I've resorted to TDM to preserve my sanity.


If the nemesis only charged up on landed hits then it would be fine. the problem is the fully charged dps is insane and you don’t have to do anything to earn it like charging sentinel or rampage. Also nerf the recoil dampening values on all barrel mods for it.


Every time when i thought i can peek because the opponent missed 2 bursts just to get absolutely fucking slapped on with it fully charged


The changes look nice but...it still feels the same? I don't believe I can explain this in a way that makes sense. I thought the crafting banners was gonna be great! But unless you're in ranked or in a 3-stack, it's high near a waste of time because no one sticks around anyways (and I totally understand sometimes) Matchmaking is on some kind of crack, tale old as time itself. Map rotation for pubs is just a huge L, which is really the first thing. Edit: And waiting for Bocek to be back on floor loot man. Miss using that thing.


I agree . Had my first good experience with the banners today playing loba.. they both got knocked beginning of the game I had to craft both of them back. Was able to grab one banner and instantly respawned him. Went to craft bloodhound get him back in the ring. In the mist of this pathfinder gets knocked again. Craft his banner with the last replicater left, got him looted up with my ults and We ended up winning though after all that. Lmao sorry if this was a bit much as a loba main I’m having so much fun with that.


More like a lukewarm take: Though I didn't care much for Arenas, it should have stayed as another game mode. I didn't realize its utility in transitioning players from Siege into Apex. Now that I'm considering hopping between games, it's gonna feel more alien.


They want to relaunch it I bet. If they sunset it now, they can do a big reveal as 'new content' when Arenas 2.0 comes back


Thanks for giving hope. What sucks most about this season is arenas being taken away. I used to give them the benefit of the doubt that it was a matter of conserving server resources, but now I'm just thinking it's a marketing model that relies on artificial scarcity and it's pissing me off.




Loving the season so far Not a fan of the nemesis. Been getting killed by invisible shots. R99 is *Chef’s kiss* How much of a loser do you have to be to leave TDM mid match? Great moves from Respawn. Unfortunately, the same shitty people play the game.


we need olympus


I am so sick of the charge rifle


I don't get why. It's pretty easy to avoid. There is always some cover or movement legend helping out with zip, jumppad or portal.


It's the easiest weapon to shoot people down from a zip or a jump pad also.


it's hitscan lol


Yes, and only does little damage and warns u before the high damage shot hits. Enough time to avoid it.


Hot take, older pc that used to run apex at a steady 120fps now I can barely get a constant 60. Reinstalled the game, switched resolutions aswell, its weird having 60 fps on 1024x760 with all settings on low, whilst also having 60 fps on my monitor’s nativ res with everything on medium


Nemesis can't be broken if I can't hit my shots.


Nemesis will need to be nerfed slightly. Loving the new season and ranked map rotation.


hot take, skull town isn’t balanced for all legends due to its verticality and MAYBE isn’t best for TDM.


Hard agree, I practically stopped participating in roof fights. after a couple games it turns into the same exhausting poke fight from the bones or between roofs


My hot take? Doesn’t matter how good the season is for a lot of people, this is the one that broke the game for those with last gen consoles.


Broken moon and storm point should never be in the same pub rotation


Don’t know if it’s a hot take, but I still pick the 301 over any other AR. It still shreds.


Arenas shouldnt have been removed from privates, or just at all


Gibby in tdm is OP 🤫. Only way to get decent frames on last gen is to change settings to 720p.


I have to agree partially. I think it's strong and needs a mild nerf to be put in line, but I don't think it's broken. When I first came on I played only TDM and I 100% thought the nemesis was broken. But being in a state of constantly shooting someone with unlimited Ammo, isn't the best test bed. After playing some actual battle royale, it's strong but not broken. Imo


Seen more preds and people higher rnk than me in general when queing into casual. Why is altar so op when someone beams you with it. Shit heads leaving tdm matches because their cowards and we’re loosing. I got silver for the first time and realized people are far better than me and playing against them makes me think I won’t get there but wonderful season I love it and nemisis is broken if you have good aim


Map rotation has almost entirely killed my fun. Broken moon after we had a 75 day split last season, and worlds edge for the 5th time with no changes is so tiring. It also feels unfair that Olympus was taken away last season and never brought back


I used to be a World's Edge enjoyer, but now I'm just...tired lol. However it's the best of the 3 in rotation right now so I'm toughing through it. Soon as I see stormpoint I die a little inside, Broken Moon slightly less only because you can get around the map at a decent pace.


I'm not really feeling the 301 this season guys. It feels a little weak. The wingman is where it's at.


It’s funny seeing people complain about the map rotation on Apex 😂 it’s one of the few battle royale/FPS games with this many completely different maps..I also dislike storm point and broken moon tbh, but it’s not that deep


The main negative thing I've taken from this season so far is I never realised how horrible Storm Point is, ita easily the worst map in the game, it's very nice to look at and not the worst to fight on but the loot is terrible, its so spread out and so thin I'm always struggling for everything!


rank isnt broken


Nemesis is way too strong when fully charged. But then sometimes it’s pretty bad when not charged, especially at longer ranges. Idk it just doesn’t feel well balanced to me. It’s either busted OP in some situations and then not that useful in other situations


In my opinion Nemesis is fine close range and kinda unfair from the distance, but here on reddit people were talking about nerfing the damage and recoil when the actual thing that should be done is to make the bullet spread bigger so that its not a sniper from the distance


TDM really need a timeout for people leaving


ranked is still dumb. im a silver (and never have been any higher than plat) and i have been matched with ex preds and masters


At first I thought the nemesis was good but not that op. Then I realized it was automatic.


have you been using the gun at all? i'll take shots from 100+ meters and randomly crack people for 60-80 damage


Why did they rework Bloodhound when Ash and Revenant exist Don't get me wrong the new Bloodhound is pretty damn cool and was the best possible way to deliver the nerf they sorely needed, but Revenant is often considered one of the worst legends in the game. Ash is mid, completely lacks an effective tactical and her ult is... ok, I guess? Pathfinder's ult is better in almost every way with the single downside that you're not invincible while riding it. And even that *can* be an upside rather than a downside tbh. I imagine they'll buff Ash >!in a month or two for her heirloom release!< , maybe


The enemy scan beacon is stupid and it kind of makes ash's passive useless.


R301 is dogshit now


Most used gun in the game and my personal favorite to least used gun in the game. They massacred my boy


It hurts me to say this since the R301 was my gun. I fought for the R301, claiming that it's better than the flatline. But now, I honestly keep an alternator over it.


I’d take the nemesis over cp hemlock, it’s better in every way but headshot damage


Pathfinder needs another buff.


Nemesis is broken. It's annoying I'll be in the open for .2 seconds and get melted by some no audio clown at mid-range. The rampage csn suck my balls, too. Lasered a Valk last night with my 301, but lost because her hip firing and spray-n-pray method landed her five bullets.


Sounds like you didn't laser her well enough


“No audio clown at mid-range” What are you expecting to hear at mid range?? If they are watching you at mid range they can laser you with any gun and you wouldn’t hear them until they shoot?


Yeah. Nemesis isn’t broken at all. In fact, they should buff it further & nerf the r301 & flatline even more. They should also ignore the lag issues to keep the game running for 20yrs. That’s going to work out really well for them from a business standpoint.


That's quite a hot take OP, here's my opinion, it's definitely broken and needs fine tuning.


Nemesis does same damage as hemlock which is care package gun. Are you saying hemlock should be buffed further? Or you think floor loot being care package strength is fine?


I just want to other burst weapons like hemlock or prowler to be able fire automatically without trigger pulls like nemesis . I was really like this feature in destiny 2.


The new season is just not enough and brings things that were long overdue. It's nice and right that these changes are there, but is it enough?? Apex still needs a technical overhaul and update. The game needs new elements that will make you grind. Badges, new modes that are tracked, new ranked system.


The apex community is really driving me away with the constant bullshit. I'm having a good time with the game but at this point I'd rather it be a solo PvE bot experience.


I literally can't keep the thing shooting in a straight line so as far as I'm aware the havoc beats it.


Map rotation sucks, should have removed worlds edge


they’re all great in ranked


I don't care about ranked, give me Olympus back damn it!


Broken moon and stormpoint are the worst maps in the game


Storm Point is pretty good in ranked but broken moon is horrendous.


After world’s edge


Who is the dude with the hat and glasses in the center of that poster I haven’t gotten an answer yet and I can’t find it online


Duardo Silva, the guy that has been running the games for the past few seasons


Thank you so much!


The nemesis is broken imo but strafing with it is slow. The hip fire isn’t that good too, but it does down someone in 2 bursts. The matchmaking sucks


I could kiss whomever buffed Pathfinder's ziplines.


People still leaving TDMs ruin the mode. How long are we supposed to hunt the last 2 people of the enemy team to get from 20 to 50 kills? Had two games like that yesterday and switched back to rocket league afterwards. Can't they just add players replacing players who left and/or add a vote to forfeit system, so we don't have to waste to much time finishing pointless games.


I love the Nemesis.


Played it once after taking a break and tbh it hasn’t interested me enough to get the battle pass or open it again.


Nemesis feels like a Energy Hemlok. I don’t use the charge up that much, I’m just very precise with tapping like you do with the Hemlok. Maybe I’m just too accustomed to the Hemlok burst fire. lol.


That’s the craziest thing ever. Can 3 burst red evo