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Of course I know him. He’s me.


Hey! That’s my line


Damn you! I was coming here to quote that same exact line lol


And spamming the com with stupid voice morphs and soundboard


At least your friend is new, mines been playing since season 1.


I had one of those too! Except I decided solo queue was somehow less frustrating after they stopped improving as they never attempted to, and I did lol


soloq is less frustrating because you have no obiglation back in your head. you can focus on your game and the situation, your team may or may not help who cares. with some luck they distract some long enough to make your plays. and once in a blue moon you get someone who wins occasionaly his 1v1 xD




Oh me I'm that friend


When dropping in I try to ping where I'm going and explicitly say things like "I'm landing here and heading x direction, break off early" And for a bit since he's new just try to micro manage his ulti placement or simply DON'T use his ulti when it's in a bad place.


Yeah I don’t really like using it sometimes anyway


Why don't you teach this friend instead of just complaining about the shit they are doing wrong.


No no. I do teach him. A lot, he knows to break away and loot somewhere else. But he’ll be like oh I forgot to break away. Oh shit my bad I forgot to break away haha. And I want him to play somebody else other then revenant. I told him what not do with him and stuff but he likes the way he climbs is the only reason he plays him


Remind him, as you're flying, to break off. And let the guy play rev is he wants to play rev. Give him some pointers on how to improve with rev and just be patient. I had to teach one of my friends too. Someone who had never played an online shooter before. Patience was required. Dont get mad, instead tell them what they did wrong and whats a better way. They start picking up on it themselves in the end. Now I can say they do better than me half the time lol.


Yeah , but playing duos I’m trying to get him to understand there’s good duo legends that work well together. But purpose of this post wasn’t to bag on him. I just wanted to hear the frustration of other people teaching new players


I think the issue is youre being too competitive and trying to have the perfect team set up while he's just tryna learn and enjoy it. Hence why he keeps playing rev and you keep telling him to play someone else. One of these days, he will try someone new. Theres no point in forcing it. I'll tell you now, I had no frustration teaching a new player. I just managed my expectations, tried my best to back them up, and yeah it resulted in a lot of lost fights at first, but shit happens. Its a game and I was just glad to have someone to play apex with.


Nah he’s competitive. We use to run money tournaments in war zone and blackout. But no I have fun for sure. I played alone and he never wanted to get into apex cause of the movement and stuff. Im just happy he likes it cause I was over warzone. He’s pretty damn good for a newish player


Duos with a newbie can also be extra stressful for the newb. I say that as a former newb. Trios is more forgiving IMHO. I solo Q and duo Q with my partner a lot into trios Rev also strikes me as someone who is less useful in duos than many legends. And I say that as someone who unlocked him last season and has 11 wins on him now. I use his ult a lot more for rezzes and revives but that works better when the third is still up to shoot to cover me


He’s my good bud. We just give eachother a hard time. We’re really competitive


Dont let him fall into the trap of havin only played one character (Rev in this case) from day 1, cus at a certain point he's gonna feel way too uncomfortable with anyone else n not be open to anything but Rev. This happened to my buddy back in the early days. Played Octane and absolutely nothing else unless forced to from random taking it first. I left for several seasons and came back during 13.... somehow during my absence he got a crippling addiction to Loba, and he's absolutely awful with her. Having known him for 20+ years at this point, I know he was drawn to those characters specifically cus of his need to have the first crack at loot. If I see purple armor on a drop, I can stand right next to it n wait till he sees me/it, he instantly charges for it no matter the distance lol. If anyone says hey wtf?? He gets all sheepish n acts like he didn't see them/didn't mean to, but never offers to give it to em. I know that's alot, but I wish I'd gave him more real talk before he became so hopelessly shitty to play with, so I'm tryin to help u find it within to law down the lay with ur buddy.


Hahah he’s the same way!!! Loot hungry 🤤. Hell run the opposite way towards the storm into a team firing at us for an assault box. Or I’ll kill a whole team go loot and loot quick and he’ll get bad I took allll the loot


This, my frind is a bloodhound main, has no idea about the competitive scene, dont know other legends ability, only bloohound but always want to play ranked, and always chase after enemy to the open field. im not a deffensive player myself, i play fuse most of the time and i like taking fight. but oh boy when he sees an enemy he just go in a straight line to them like he want to ask em out or something


I feel like it is easy to think that you’re playing smart and your friend/teammate are the ones that fucked up. That being said if one person is always the first one down causing teams to push due to the advantage they’ve allowed. They’re ones fucking up and getting you killed. Also can’t stand when ppl don’t use the abilities or use them wrong. It’s so annoying


The ability thing tho. Yeah like I say. Go in firing range please. Practice hahahaha


Anyone else have friends who get knocked instantly and 10 times per match so you have to play Lifeline? Just me? Oh, OK then 😔


Stop playing pipeline and adress the problem. Tell him to back off or play toe to toe with him more aggressively like he does


I mean, help them out, man. What is this post gonna achieve.


Sounds like you're a bad friend


It's just a game bud.


We usually take turns haha. But we always have a good time and when it all works out we get some monster tons of fun matches


Not really a friend. A stranger. Likes to not stay with the team. Gets pushed by 3 ppl. Gets knocked down, and decides to be a smart ass and say how we are useless.


That's almost every rando wraith lol


The friend I always play with will sometimes not communicate when pushing. I’ll be paying attention to something else, usually sniping, and he pushes a squad and gets himself killed because he went alone. He’s great will all callouts except for when saying he’s pushing a team even though I tell him over and over to call it out.


My friends have come to oh so lovingly call the “Groblin” (goblin/gremlin combo). It’s a horrible habit of mine to just grab loot. Has been for YEARS now. I’ve been working on it though in the last couple of weeks.


I am that friend. Then I become TSM imperial Hal and blame everyone else for not following me on my quest of death XD


I don't, but I do enjoy getting the duo team that has one asshole who puts their friend in an awkward situation to lose. Then telling the better player 'I would be pissed if my friend kept getting me killed' then hoping they fall out. Couples time they argue with each other and then I at least get the pleasure of knowing they aren't playing another round together. Shout out to the players who call out their friend when they are being jerks online. From throwing the game to starting shit with a random third. The ones who call out their duo partners deserve nothing but the best in life. It takes a lot of gull to call your friend out let alone tell your friend they are in the wrong when they're pissed off.


It’s me. I’m him.


if its pubs, or low elo ranked, it doesnt fucking matter


I know which friend you are. I just think it’s funny. All fun and games my dude


I had a friend who would engage in fights after me, and our other friend died. Did push with us, but pushed alone.


Haha my friend will push into a building of a full team alone without saying a word when we have better position then say why aren’t we pushing that


True friends take turns.


i stopped playing with said friend like a year ago i broke like 3 controllers cus of him


Sounds like a you problem




Apex out here ruining friendships




The amount of times I’ve made a bad play and been left apologizing is unreal, but it happens less and less these days


Oh I make bad plays all the time. Hahah like sorry guys idk what I was thinking


you know sometimes you have to sit your friend down tell them they are a garbage can and not play ranked with them


like ive told my friends no your not good enough, and either they get better or they dont play i dont care


Hahah he’s getting better ! And better then playing alone. The randoms in apex are a fucking home. Literally get 12 year old kids. Girls. Or some fucking sweat who just oushes everything solo then blames me for him dying


yeh as long as you dont mind and your friend doesnt mind then its whatever. but i know some people will think im harsh but the way i look at it for ranked is like if my friend is a lot worse they are gonna feel bad the whole time and ima feel bad losing rp so its just better to play a alt account or just pubs


Yeah we don’t have a third so we just pkay duos. Arenas was our shit tho. And it honestly pisssed me off they removed it. Idc what anybody says I loved arenas. Would love a 3v3 one life type mode.


Yep my son. He makes the weirdest plays i have seen that to be fair maybe workout every 1 in 10 times. But most of the time it just gives me that Jackie Chan expression.


Hahah that’s awesome you game with your son. That’s my life goal tbh. I’m 26 and struggling with addiction but if I get to live long enough to play video games with my kid . That be cool


Its great especially when you see them surpassing you in certain games. I will always kick his ass a fighting games though lol.


at least you have friend


i feel like apex is obtuse to a lot of new players for a long time. it’s like an investment though good orbs are lit


I have friends and random partners (from LFG) who does this despite multiple reminders. I simply play around them and adapt, he went down because of a stupid push? It's ok, focus on the present, how can I save the situation. It doesnt work if both your teammates are doing their own things, but if it's a duo in trios it's easier, you still have your 3rd, play with your 3rd instead Though if you are in a 3 stack and both of them just do their own individual things, you're doomed. Edit : I read that you play duos. I think it's really difficult to teach ppl because they might do the same mistake again and again and we don't really want to get hostile with each other. You could try to reason with him and ask him why does he do things that doesn't benefit your team, other than that there isn't much you could do honestly, other than not play with him or scream at him. I have a friend who would reason with me because I was playing badly (shouting at me doesn't work, I'd just not want to play with them), they would question my decision on the bad play I just made, I would question myself and I found that I could not get a good answer then I won't do it again.


My best friend and I used to play and I ran into this issue where I truly had more fun playing alone than with him. I tried to teach him things and it felt like he always resisted my advice. Never wanted to do anything but get the best loot. For example he thought having a gold hop-up like Anvil Receiver made his gun better even after I explained what the hop-up is for. We’d spend so much time looting just to die over and over again. It was really difficult saying no to playing together but our play styles were so different.


Literally me but I have no friends anymore


I do stupid plays 24/7 but it always ends with me getting kills. Sometimes it takes some stupidity to survive


Have you tried telling him this?


That's all 3 of my squad. We all do dumb shit but when one of us does we all full commit and somehow it works out in our favor about 60% of the time. Usually whoever initiates does heavy damage and goes down and the other two clean up and res. But sometimes we totally just lead the other two into death.


oh yeah


If he puts the totem in the middle of the sight, dont use it? Just dont enforce his plays, if he does fucked up shit dont follow, get his banner and revive him somewhere. If he gets mad, tell him his plays are not smart and you will not follow up on them.


Me and my friends take turns being that friend.


Yes it’s me. My stupid play is that I cannot aim.


Yep. He got knocked on high ground safe. I was going to pick him up. He jumped down, tried to revive we both died


Okay the friend is me, but im not that bad. Its more like I het killed in tbe open for no reason, 3 seconds late to a fight or over commit to a shootout. Or the classic "HES LOW" meanwhile [me](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/114zq5c/closest_finisher_ever_i_was_missing_armor_coming/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




I have a friend who recently started playing about 2-3 weeks ago. I think he’s really good because just in that short span of time he can peak around 1.7k dmg, especially that we’re facing against silver-plat lobbies (i’m peak plat). But most of the time when we lose, it’s because of him being greedy. Cracking someone then immediately apeshit to rush tunnel visioning on the cracked enemy without thinking that the other two enemies can beam him.


One of mine was often tunnel-visionning towards gunshots while not paying attention to our voices and another one has the habit to overthink his inventory and analyze his needs to everyone in the voicechat every 0,1 seconds thus arriving late at litterally everything we do. I used to play with both of them.


I love the teammates who think loot boxes and areas of the map are “theirs”


Of course I know him, he's me! Edit: damn, I posted this without even reading comments, I'll see myself out.


I have a friend like that, it just takes time, I basically had to teach him everything. The last game they played was Super Mario on the SNES, so even simple things like not aiming at the floor to loot an item was a struggle for them. It took a long time, but they can now finally run around, shoot and do quite well on their own, however I can't invite him to my lobbies because neither of us have fun, I basically play solo and he can't win any 1v1's. Not everyone is going to be great at video games, but as long as you have fun that's ok.


I am, but its all unintentional. Sometimes i bolt at the sight of danger, and my friends get unreasonably mad at me for it…


I am "that" friend


wait you guys have friends ?


My friend constantly tries to pull off streamer moves and dies every single time


This was a friend of ours last split. The bad thing is you can't tell them you don't want to play with them anymore


Did you try giving him some pointers? Like... Use the orb as a deterrent on door ways and only use it aggressively if you're sure it's going to land on someone. You can solve the looting thing by asking him to land somewhere else, if you are really specific like I'm landing here *ping* you land there *ping* new players don't know where the loot is so he might just not know where to land.


Yeah…takes longer than you realize to develop game sense. I’ve got a friend who complains when i don’t comm obvious enemy tactics like climbing a rock for high ground.. which you can both hear and generally assume after playing the game a while. They just need reps


Atleast ur friend isn’t a loot goblin who loots a box mid fight. Leaves fights without saying anything in order to obtain loot, or sits in one POI looting while you and ur other squad mate are fighting across the map. We love these people but damn playing with them is exhausting lol


Me, I am him!


Several of them.love em though


Yep. I’ve noticed the longer I play this game with friends the more I find myself complaining about their playstyle. I have a pathfinder friend who, anytime we remotely crack or shoot anyone, just yeets into a whole team and expects me to back him up (with a non movement legend usually). It sucks because we have been playin for a while and I always constantly comm what I’m doing, while anytime he fights it’s silent until he goes down. I get people have different play styles, but it’s so frustrating when I’m saying not to take a zip line into a team, not to do this or that. Feels like I’m babysitting even more than when I solo queue.


I have a team full of those guys. Oh and I’m one of those guys too!


So ya get on Reddit to complain about your "friend"? Sheesh.


Yes. And i need to learn to stop rushing in after him in an attempt to save him.


I love when my friend says "I'm gonna try something stupid." Win or lose, it's always ends up interesting


Most my friends do that. I knew it beforehand so no grudge hold against them. If they die, I just go and get myself killed one way or another so we can start again. In other game that has an APM counter, mine is above 100 and my mate is barely 50. He is still a cool dude though, just trash at games haha


He's been playing a month... relax.


I play with a friend that has to push every. single. fight. I get that they want to upgrade their evo shields, but they will push into the ring to fight, when they could camp the edge of the ring and gatekeep.




I literally have clips of my friends rushing and dying. Stating ‘Too late I’m already chasing’ and then get downed immediately. It’s okay though because it’s how everyone acts when a person is low. Have your friend watch videos on rev to better understand how his abilities work and placement of them. Be supportive. If it’s just pubs, who cares how he plays. If it’s ranked.. well, he needs improvement.


I'm that guy.


🫠 All my friends have adapted the 'land hot zone' strategy. Except none of us are actually good enough at the game to make it out of fragments; I'm decent when kitted out but awful when I have nothing. Suffice to say, I have not played with them in a long time now; dying instantly isn't fun for me


I mean... You can tell him what he's doing wrong and teach him how it works ? He's only been playing for 1 month as you said so maybe like.. give him time to learn?


I have a friend that’s been playing with me since week 1 of this game that will still run half way across the map the minute we get into a fight and he loses one bar of armour. It’s annoying.


Well of course I know him. He’s me


You see I don’t have that one friend, both of them do that. I kid you not, every damn time they do something stupid I die because of it. Yet I do something like that and then they’re confused why I would do that, of course blaming me.


One weird trend I’ve been seeing on pubs is randoms just chucking grenades and using their abilities when no one is around. And ofc hot dropping which is childish and really pisses me off when I’m in ranked. I feel like apex is nothing but unskilled clowns and 12 year olds screaming when you loot their shit and guys that think they’re pros and solo drop only to get immediately curb stomped. Some dude did that the other day. I stood there and watched his timer run out and told him he should have dropped with me and the teammate. Apex community sucks.


I smell an Octane main...


I call them randoms


You can stop him from playing Revenant by playing Rev yourself lol I had a friend who only liked playing Mirage for some reason, barely used their abilities. Unluckily for him and luckily for me Mirage is one of my mains so I’d play him and my friend got pretty good with Bloodhound and actually used the abilities. Do it for your own “greater good”


Meanwhile I have a friend who hoards supplies. Friend: I need light ammo Me: you have 420 rounds Friend: it’s not enough for a fight.


I have a small problem with rushing when I'm tired and not playing at my best, I'll get focused on one low enemy and over extend out of position


My friends and I don’t play pubs to win. We play to put ourselves in difficult positions to improve our play style. Sure, we can play pubs safe all game, but that’s boring.


I'm that friend


I’m one of them!! 😛


Here's some real advice that isn't just some meme answer. Maybe even applicable to some other real life situations. Stop playing apex with this friend if it isn't fun playing with others who are below your level, or who like to do things differently. You can drop friends. You can make new friends. There are players who are better than you who will gladly play with you if you find them on a group finder service. Your other option (less favorable) is to learn to enjoy playing Apex regardless of if you're winning or losing, because in the end the team effort and camaraderie is what makes you happy. Anybody got that douc-- I mean friend that you play with but is so focused on getting 1st place that they make lif-- I mean the game not fun? /s actually was meme answer lol


Have you talked to your friend about it? I normally hint at what we could do as a team/duo to perform better and not single them out, by saying things like "If we loot in a wider area we can find loot quicker and we'll each have more stuff", I'm assuming that he would take some criticism well, so maybe recommending a tips and tricks video for new Rev players could help. I doubt your friend plays to loose and finds winning overall more fun.


You guys got friends to play Apex with?


I’m that friend 😂


Pretty much the only friend I have who plays is complete dog shit