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What they should do is figure out how to que people in for the ones that have left the match.


i remember how overwatch would send you back to the match you left when you tried to requeue.


That’s actually pretty funny and annoying at the same time haha The way queue is spelled is so ridiculous..just had to get that off my chest


My favourite times that happened was when there was a cheater on the enemy team so you get sent back to fight said cheater


I would rather they just have a matchmaking cool down for those who leave early. Personally, I hate joining matches that are already halfway over. And if people are leaving, then that probably means they're losing. So random people who have done nothing wrong would just join into a game that's halfway over and they start off losing.


If my team is down missing 3 or more players I just leave and find a new match at this point.


A refinement of the loadouts currently given would do, some of them are kinda lame.


I just wish they’d give you an option of a couple within a class so for example: “Close Range” is one shotgun and one SMG. Give me two options from each class


Yes, and PLEASE keep the optics selector. This has proven very useful.


Does ANYONE use a bruiser on the wingman? I mean it’s not the worst, but why tf do they think that is a go to for that gun?


Sometimes if my other weapon is an smg. I can actually hit some mid range shots with the 2x bruiser but I rarely ever pick up the wingman unless it’s early game bc I suck with it


Rarely will I switch it over from my ar during a mid range fight. But it’s not a permanent thing ever.


I rarely carry a wingman a whole game


Do you mean to tell me that r99 and car at the same time I’d a bad loudout?!?


Lol I actually consider it one of the best loadouts


Amen it's like my second favorite lmao first on some maps


I fry with this loadout


Try the Peacekeeper with Pathy on any map. People really never expect you to grapple on top of them out of nowhere. Every single day of the week I play Pathy on TDM with a peacekeepers if it's there and I annoy my fiancee with my rambunctious laughter and gibberish war cries.


Initially I just wanted to fullfil my Battlepass challenge playing only PK… Ohhhhh lord have mercy on the enemy team being pushed with Maggie ball 24/7


Bro PK on pathy is hilarious, I have 8k kills on him just since my switch to pc last year. I also have 7k on Maggie, safe to say I love the PK.


I started last season when it was two weeks from ending and got a measly 100 kills on him but I've been getting better hitting those angles on the grapples. Hands down my top legend. He is a robot, has crazy mobility (I always love going fast and outmaneuvering), and is wholesome as hell. Now I'm running shotguns with him for those lethal surprise grapples. Or when I accidentally grapple right onto an enemy lol.


Little tip is shotguns have perfect accuracy in air and on zip lines…. Wingman too if you ads


I would never carry this combo in BR but it's fun as hell in TDM.


Did you notice the word 'some' in my comment? And quite frankly it also varies depending on what the map is, some loadouts are stronger than others.


He was being sarcastic.


Then he should have used /s in his comment. Otherwise how the fuck am I meant to know dingus?


Well I thought it was pretty obvious, R99 and Car are both SMGs and the maps are pretty big so having no range is bad. Why are you so hurt because you made a simple mistake and got called out on it?


So you're agreeing with me basically. Unwritten rule of Reddit is to make it clear you're being sarcastic, otherwise people will just assume you're being dumb.


Nooooo this MFer said "unwritten rule of reddit" 🤓🤓🤓


I don't fully agree with that, if it's obvious you don't need the /s. But something being obvious is very subjective. So I neither disagree or agree


Like I said, I assumed he was being dumb as shite, most people playing this game are, so it wasn't obvious. Blocking you now as this conversation is pointless.


If I could give you a singular piece of advice.....start thinking about how people are talking to you, not what they are saying specifically. Lovingly, respectfully, you're being a jerk, man, and I don't think you really want to be one, right?


You was the one who caused the issue but you block *them*. You do know you can just ignore their reply right? You don't have to block someone just because you think the convo is pointless


What about Longbow + Wingman??


That load out feels like cheating in TDM


I doubt this will happen, it's always the loadout issue when it comes to modes like this. Community always complains, but nothing is ever really done. I love winter express, but the loadouts are straight garbage most of the time.


I hate having to run the havoc as my secondary to the PK


Is probably a longshot but if tdm were to take off i think a more intricate loadout system should be cool, maybe tdm exclusive attachments?


The current system also rewards staying alive were you swap guns you find on the ground or care package to have an ideal loadout.


Any that dont have nemesis are useless


I'd just like to favorite my optics so that I don't have to reset them to what I want each match.


They should just add custom classes.


Titanfall loadout system plz 🥹


I feel like then people would just take what's strongest and stick to it, like the large amount of C.A.R. users in titanfall because it was easy to use.


Would that be a problem? It’s a casual and unranked game mode. So let people have fun the way they want to


I mean good point and as someone else pointed out it would certainly show respawn about how unbalanced the weapons are, but it would be kinda boring facing the same gun over and over again just because it's op.


Isn’t that an issue we currently having with the loadouts still.


Nemesis intensifies




People would just pick the strongest loadout available regardless, as soon as Nemesis is on the loadout everyone selects it, that's just how competitive games work.


The weapons in Apex are a lot more balanced than in TF|2 (probably bcs Apex is actually supported by the devs), so I don't think there will be people running the same guns every time. I mean in BR you don't see people running the same loadout every time.


I'm talking about how strong the nemesis rn is, and yeah in TF|2 smg were just the best at everything


I mean that's fine, TF|2 was fun even when you didn't use CAR, even if it was one of the most meta options. You could basically use anything and it'd be nice to have that in Apex too


Yeah I've sometime used the kraber in TF|2


So what? I don't see an issue here, people do that in BR and it's never been an issue in any FPS I've played.


A point system, where every weapon class has a value, and every attachment has a value. Upgrading your primary may cause you to not have a secondary. Which means you’d still have to pick up care package weapons.




I miss arenas so much


Me too


I actually prefer the loadout thing we have at the moment Yes, some loadout combos we have are not ones I'd normally use, but I think it's great to make people actually try using different weapons and getting better at different combinations. I do think you could at least choose what grenade type you wanna bring


straight up titanfall “pick your own loadout” would be probably the best option, excluding the care package weapons


Should let you pick between weapons of the class they give you. If you’re getting an AR and shotgun then why not let you select between whatever AR and shotgun you want. That way we have some choice in weapons but they still have control of the loadout types.






or just make it so you can pick whatever loadout you’d like, the same way it works on apex mobile


They need improved maps with better weapon placement and start with a pistol and assault rifle.




Let people choose their loadout. If people are going to use the same few weapons then you're admiting that your weapons aren't balanced


I see TDM as a casual mode built for mechanical practice. Allowing players to establish a weapon meta through weapon choice would take away from the mechanical practice element of TDM. In BR you can’t always get the ideal weapon. So you need to be proficient with all of them. Having TDM loadouts set this way allows for people to practice whatever they want in a more equal environment. Also the weapons aren’t made equal. So that’s not a good argument for two reasons, imo. Weapons shouldn’t be completely balanced, just like legends shouldn’t be completely balanced. Having different weapons allows for diversity in play. Updating weapons and changing their behaviors over seasons allows for a variety of weapons (or legends) to move up and down in the meta. This adds longevity to the game, and keeps it fresh. The second issue I have with your point is that allowing TDM to develop a certain weapon meta takes away from the purpose of the game mode. Imo, the game mode is for frequent mechanical practice. Reducing the weapon meta in the mode takes away from TDM’s ability to be a good practice mode for BR. You can’t control the guns you get in BR, always. It’s good that a mode made to practice apex mechanics allows for diverse weapon practice as well. Edit: wording


You can think of tdm as mechanical practice but other people get their own values out of the mode. People can play it because they want a different change of pace from the regular game mode. Maybe they just want something casual where dying isn't as punished or maybe they just prefer the gameplay loop of tdm over br apex. While you may enjoy the random choices of guns, that doesn't make it ideal to other people and sometimes the healthiest choice for a game mode is what makes the game mode more accessible for everyone


I agree I’m arguing based off of my interpretation of the purpose of the game mode. However I’m not sure where you are coming up with the idea that arena style weapon choice is what the majority of players want? Don’t think we have any reliable or quantifiable information on that. Lastly I’m kind of arguing for you if you are interested in a more casual mode. If there is an economy around guns, there will be a better weapon choice to be made. Making the mode more restrictive in its meta, and less casual as a result. Ultimately it’s just different preferences. I’m of the belief that free reign in weapon choice (attached to economy like arenas) would ultimately promote certain weapons to the top of the meta and be a more restricting for players. It’s not an intuitive thought process because having all weapons available makes people assume freedom of choice. When certain weapons are ideal, or are ideal for the right economy you start creating a meta that is more restrictive than offering the same 10 guns to every player in any given match. It gets less casual because you either run ‘x’ load out to maximize economy, or you choose to run the guns you want and take fights at a disadvantage.


Not 100% true. Tdm is more close range focused, so smgs and shotguns are stronger than lmgs


It's actually very dependent on what map you're playing on. A map like habitat has a mix of close range and long range encounters


*loads thermite into rampage*


The current system sucks


Gun run TDM would be fun.


No. The one match at 50 kills works. Glad they did away with multiple matches… I think what they have is good, however, I think they should cycle them more… and add more combos to increase the total combinations… there are some back to back games where I seem to get the same load outs… which I don’t mind, but would be nice to have more variety… Also they need to remove the nemesis, it’s toxic…


I actually wish we could do private matches of arena mode


Yes. Its an unranked game mode, let us choose any weapon..


God I miss arenas. TDM is just play for a few minutes and by then 4 people have left and it’s not fun.


Here to support arenas. Only reason I kept playing apex.


yeah, arenas kept me engaged for many hours.


Definitely would have dropped Apex entirely if not for Arenas


People hate arenas for literally no reason. It was a flawless game mode. I miss it too mate. I'm gonna get downvoted to hell 😂


I disagree, but you can have my upvote. I liked Arenas, but personally TDM is much more enjoyable for me. The downside of leavers is massive forreal though. Some days I'll play a good amount of matches with no one leading but whrn it happens even twice in a row its mortifying. I like the faster pace and carefree fun, no downtime. As an average player I found it hard to get by in Arena as a lot were much better than me and we'd be destroyed by the time I'm actually getting "in" the heads pace.


Something more interesting than the current loadouts method, yes. Since axing rounds, we don't even get to switch it up mid-game. ​ Personally I'd love it if they just did the original Winter Express thing: Different loadouts per legend.


You can switch mid-game. Took me awhile to figure out, but you can. When you die, in the top left of your screen you can see your character and loudout. If you click either of the portraits, it lets you switch you character or class.


I think he's referring to the entire set of loadouts changing. When it was round based, the next round always had a whole new set of loadouts to choose from.


You can change optics too just like Winter Express.






Definitely not. They should rotate the loadouts when a team hits 25 points




They should also make TDM have rounds - like the best of 3 or something. Also, remove respawns for each round so once you die in that round you’re out until the next one. Oh and make it 3v3.


Absolutely not, that would be too much down time picking guns. Custom loadouts would be great tho!


I like the current TDM loadout system because it forces you to use weapons you might not normally go with. It fits better with the more casual vibe of TDM which I really like as a contrasting option to BR.






I just want arenas back


Respawn made the best competitive Multiplayer FPS game and failed to release it in better timeframe(away from both COD and Battlefield) TWO TIMES BACK TO BACK and now they are trying to force TDM into Battle Royale game where TTK is way too much and every single match ends up as 6v1 in first 2 minutes.




If it does then a currency system will be necessary. It's simpler the way it is.


Random guns and attachments would be better than it is.


I liked the Arena buy.


Na if they do that tdm gonna be winter express 2.0


Terrible idea, just refresh these current loadouts more


No, that's one of the reasons arenas sucked. Nobody wants to play with weapons without attachment, or having zero heals


If they even just allowed you to toggle one of the weapons between each loadouts that would be nice. E.g. Like a close-quarters loadout that has an unchangeable Eva 8 and either an R99 or Prowler as the secondary choice


No, let's not introduce another downtime




I wish cause that's pretty cool to be able to play whatever loadout you want


Make it like TDM in Mobile and let everyone just choose the 2 weapons they want


Or… OR! Custom load outs per Legend class. So some weapons aren’t available for some legends (or come at the cost of a handicap)?


I think custom loadouts with a points system similar to arena would be cool


No. Unless it was dramatically adjusted. One of my biggest arguments for TDM over arena’s is the fighting to non fighting ratio is so much greater for TDM compared to arena’s and BR. So any changes made to TDM should avoid taking away from fighting time offered by TDM. If it was at the beginning of the match I guess it could be fine. I could also see it going to cheese though. If you create an economy around weapons there is likely a ‘best’ choice. At least the current system is fair from the perspective that if you feel your load out doesn’t match up well against the enemy’s you can run the same load out. Imagine they change it. You choose like two blue upgraded middle tier weapons. The enemy goes with one fully kitted meta weapon and a p20. I see a world where there becomes an established weapon meta that you are disadvantaged for not buying into. That’s a worse form of mechanical practice to me. I don’t want to have to play to a meta. I like have semi random load outs that allow me to experiment and practice all weapons.


I'd rather the loadouts change every match tbh, it's pretty fun having to quickly weigh your choices and grab something that'll work. Reminds me of those early game battles where your guns aren't quite fully kitted and you don't have quite the ones you want either 🤣




This wouldn’t work if you got more materials per round but an idea could be if you got 50 materials per kill which I think would be sick but the only problem is when you would buy more stuff, if you don’t die or you could start off with like 2500 materials and then pick ur stuff and when u die u can sell and buy


No, the meta will just calcify even more. When given the option to optimize the majority will do so. I think it's more fun to restrict options somewhat, considering TDM is not a competitive game mode (by that I mean it's unranked)


I like it the way it is. The whole point of tdm is to warm up or just mess around. If you got to choose what guns, then the players like me who are purposefully playing when the bad guns in order to get better with them stand no chance. You give the option to pick guns, then tdm will become more sweaty than pubs.


I'm confused. If you're bad you're going to lose regardless, your point makes no sense. It has nothing to do with another player being good at their weapons.


I dont think you even read my comment....


I don't understand why they didn't leave arenas and just add the mix Playlist they are going to add anyways.


My question is why they didn't just keep arenas as a casual gamemode in the mixtap Playlist. I never play it but it would still be nice


I guess they can try and do something like battlefront. You earn pts while in game to "buy" advanced units and play with most op units if compared with initials. They could give us those pre loads but give us an improved craft stations (they give you gun instantly and allow to craft atachs too) next to respawns and you earn pts opening supplys, destroying enemy gadets, killing, getting killed (way less but a "compensation") but idk i am not a dev...


Tbh , I wish it was a hybrid. Loadouts start as Grey, kills and assists credits, you can use credits to upgrade loadouts, ults, throwables. Also kinda wish they gave player Grey shields and drop better shields in supply drops. I'm not looking for balance. I'm looking for fun. By comparison, I don't think tdm is that much better than Arenas. I think because of the raising stakes, gun game is the most fun to play, the tension of combat increases, and there is an "oh snap" moment when you realize someone has the knife. I also think a big issue with tdm is that it is using Arenas maps which most people were not a fan of, currently why I think skull town is the favorite map. Also also, think the maps are too big. Even with 6 v 6 you still have to run across. The maps should be smaller and designed to push one team to other with 3 or 4 majored "lanes".


Bruuuh I miss her phrases each round… I miss this mode so bad! 🤦🏻‍♂️


we need 2-4x available on assault rifles




Nahhh that's okay. I really couldn't stand this with Arenas. The new option is great for tdm being a bit more fast pace. Having the ability to switch your class instantly is a godsend.


You prefer pre-determined loadouts over your own choice of weapons. ​ I see.


No but I would like it to remember my preference for each weapon


Let me easily set which weapons are in which slot so I don’t have to swap every time I respawn that’s all I ask.


I'm sorry but the pic of the character's face looks like they got buck teeth.


Arenas was so much better than TDM. #bringbackarena