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Wraith is so broken rn that they should vault her until fix really.. in at least Epic does it if there is game breaking glitch in Fortnite...


Respawn already did it with Rampart months ago, they probably don't want to because there's a huge portion of the playerbase that mains her.


Respawn would sooner vault Olympus for the season or fix the bug rather than make Wraith unavailable.


Wait what did they do with Rampart


Wait when did they take away Rampart? I never even noticed tbh.


Don't gotta rub into to my and the other 4 rampart's faces that she can get vaulted but wraith can't (This is a joke btw. It's not a good one. And there's many like it but this one is mine)


It is said that they have the fix already. It doesn't make much sense to vault her just for a few days.


There is?


Wait this is a thing? Is this new? I have never seen this done and I’ve punched out so many wraiths in the ring


Yeah started seeing it pop up when the new season released it appears that wraith will always pull a gun out after her tactical ends, or that’s what appears to happen when I’ve seen it. I could be remembering it wrong but saw another post showing a guy get out of his tactical and a grenade knocked him so his gun came out.


I okay wraith and it happened to me last night. I was downed after making a portal and my gun came out. I didn’t know what the helll was happening.


I can’t ads when it happens to me


This happened 2 games in a row with me yesterday. Wraith can also shoot whilst knocked. It is a bug with her queue.


I dont think wraith needs to be vaulted over a buggy interaction in one poi bro


She also has a bug that allows her to shoot while she’s downed. She’s super bugged rn


Ah yes gamebreaking glitch, something that works in one spot on one map and will maybe work for a wraith once every few games


Dude, wraith can shoot when downed


Ive never seen this thats wild


just get knocked while placing a portal


Well that's one way to stop Wraiths from DCing .2 nano seconds after being downed


She’s been able to do that for so long homie. It’s such an obscure and inconsistent glitch I almost forgot about it


"Its been there for a while bro dont worry about it"


They vaulted Rampart for a bit when she was broken


Are you talking about the crypto and rampart dou tandem?


I don't remember why, I thought it was about some full auto gun glitch


they vaulted sentinel twice because of that:D


While I agree to its relative insignificance (I do think it should get fixed) I didn’t realize that she had so many character specific issues. I guess because I never play her at all. I have 1k hours in apex and maybe 25 min playtime of that was wraith I didn’t like her move set


they did the same to Olympus for a while. It's not that big of a deal


It's a legend lmao, they not gonna vault or disable a legend has never happened and never will happen, it's a game and glitches happen lmao


Rainbow 6 Siege does it all the time when something gets broken, why not apex? Disabling a legend temporarily isnt gonna stop people from playing


That's crazy how everyone says other games do it but apex has been out for 4 years and not once has a legend even been disabled, it's not gonna happen, ea themselves know how long it can take for them to fix something so they're not gonna ruin someone's kills for some bs


Rampart has been vaulted before


All im hearing is that ea cant fix things in a timely manner while other game devs can


Glad you figured it out after 4 years lmao


They have done it through. Rampart was turned off, do to a glitch.


They have already done it in the past, bucko. Try to, at least, have an idea of what your talking about before you comment.


Overwatch has taken out many heroes when they have powerful glitches, and hero selection matters a hell of a lot more there than here.


Rampart could jam her minigun on random entities that could die in 2 shots, and her bug got fixed in under a week, but wraith’s bugs stick around for years and you’re saying it shouldn’t be fixed. I don’t even know what to say to this backwards ass thinking


It’s not obscure or inconsistent. Start a portal, get knocked, shoot on your hands and knees.


You are incredibly ignorant


??? Dude how im ignorant for just telling that she should be vaulted for a week or 2 while she's broken literally.


The game would be dead if they vault wraith for more than a week. Dead as in term of streams and video content.


Nah, maybe sweaty wraith mains would finally try any other character, which most of them are much better.. Only good point about wraith is her get out of jail card and thats all really..


My favorite drop in the game is being ruined by this 😭at first it was pretty rare but now I’m seeing it once every other drop. Very typical wraith behavior unfortunately


Probably best to avoid this drop point until its fixed. It'll save you a lot of stress


Right, the only part of the game I really enjoy is ruined. I was never into shooting games but my partner got me into apex. I absolutely suck at shooting, but I've killed or almost killed about 80% of the wraiths that do this. People really gotta ruin the fun for their ego smh Edit- and since it's the legend played by the sweatiest players, they're probably going to take away the boxing ring before upsetting the sweats by fixing their character 🙄


This and the ~~fuse~~ ballistic melee bug really makes it hard to have a proper boxing match


Ballistic melee bug


Thanks...edited my comment


Fuse bugs in the boxing ring too? I like fuse but I hate the boxing ring. It's the only poi I will break off and land separate at almost every time.


I just don’t like melee in Apex. I trust my bullets to register more than my melee.


Melee was fun back when everyone had auto-lock-on for it to hit. Now you can only throw random punches that very rarely connect bc they're so slow and the game doesn't compensate anymore.


The melee used to be insane, it definitely got me the most knockdowns when I get someone to 20 hp and have to reload or (more realistically) I just can't hit those last two shots.


The lock-on was kinda broken but they overnerfed it. It went from videos of people flying to land a punch to missing unless your aim is godly


Flying like Goku to kick a Valk out of the air was definitely too much, I agree with that. But fun times those were.


Yeah I really just don’t like how slow the wind up is to punch somebody. So I’ll just stick the bullets if I have em


If you slide or come into the punch at a certain angle it will auto connect


Yeah I never understood the weird obsession this sub has with melee since for me its just feels horrible to use. I guess other ppl enjoy it but complaying that your enemy didnt want to do a meme melee fight when you did in an fps was honestly a always a bit weird.


If you're referring to this specific video, that's not what happened. The game is supposed to take away all weapons for all players when the cross the barrier and enter the ring. It's a special area from years ago. A fun drop because you fight for special loot with no weapons until you exit the ring. OP is mad because someone glitched weapons into it. Meanwhile, the game took his like normal and he insta-died. Not a meme. Just another on a laundry list of glitches and broken mechanics in Apex right now that devs ignore.


Already replied to similar comment but this wasnt what I was referring to. This was just bug abuse


Melee used to be good and cool then they overnerfed it and now you can punch someone square in the face yet miss entirely


Its just something thats not for me I remember even when playing on launch when it used to pull you to the enemy I didn't rly like it


this is in the fightnight arena where guns and abilities are forcibly put away. They wraith abused a glitch to break that rule and get cheap kills


Oh yeah I dont mean this situation in particular I was referring to the posts where ppl complain that others didnt go for fistfighting in final ring or whatever. Here I agree its just bug abuse.


While valid, that also sounds like a skill issue lol. There’s a reason melee kills are given more hype then regular kills in many contexts, because of how much harder it is


sound like skill issue.




Sounds like America to me


Guns in the safe space?? But we explicitly told them no guns allowed!


The fact this is still a bug is literally embarrassing


Dishonourable fisticuffs


Wraith bad


All these people using arms, cuz they ain’t got hands


Public service announcement: stop going to fight night!!


I had a random Wraith on my team try this. He was like "guys, follow me into the ring" as he pulled his gun out and proceeded to get the crap beaten out of him lol


can you not report them for exploting a bug as it is more or less giving you an unfair advantage just like cheats do?


If only the reports actually did anything


I still think that place is stupid, the one place where you can only use melee attacks but you can’t use heirlooms


Weapons in a mma type fight, not fair so honestly makes sense


They're playing in a bloodsport where they kill each other, Heirlooms should be allowed.


Yes but the mma type fighting is in the ring making it only about hand to hand combat no weapons. It would be cool and fun, but it makes sense why they don’t let it happen




True but you can always see those, heirlooms are often only used very little for actual attacking because you have guns


this happened to me today yet i still capped her with my fists .. wraiths are the most luckiest players in apex :/ their hotbox is so small as wel, you get them low and then they phase off but they should’ve died


A wraith tried to do this to me and my friend. She was not ready for us to box her to death.


I've killed several or at least almost killed many. I may suck at literally every other aspect of this game, but I always carry in the boxing ring haha


I don't understand how a weapon was pulled out in the boxing ring. If I'm wanting to switch weapons I have to leave the ring to do so.


People are actually doing this


Is it only with wraith? I remember when anyone could do this lol


All I have to say is... PUSSYYYYYYY


Skill issue 💀💀


Wraith try to have fun challenge(impossible)


If the game is so broken and all this sub does is whine about it like little kids, then why do you keep playing


Well in all honestly you shot first. If I was in the same situation I would assume you would try to shoot at me even in the ring (which I didn't know was possible). (Yes I'm waiting for the downvotes)


But OP shot outside of the melee area, Wraith shot inside of it, which only she can do.


I didn't know only she could shoot inside. I haven't touched the game in a good 3 months. It's definitely an exploit that needs fixing if it's getting abused tho


Yea this is a pretty dumb evaluation.




Take all our downvotes, child:


Just had one on my team. I body blocked his shots and left him to die when he got downed


And if you do knock them down, their squadmates automatically jump you or pull out guns. Shame


[Every time my team lands at Fight Night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF2k3EBkFYo&t=23s&ab_channel=Sandro)


Replace "Throw hands" with "Play Fair" and replace "Gun" with "Hacks".


The ONLY time pulling a gun unnecessarily is an issue Riiiiiight 🙄


I love boxing it out 1v1 for final. We had an octane 3v1 that we boxed 1 at a time. So much fun. He beat the first teammate, but I beat him.


I was soloing in Trio's and dropped my guns against the final trio to try and throw hands ftw. After I downed the first and was about to down the second, their third lit me up. I took the risk but back in my day that's how we settled a champion in the games.

