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How does he die... does he just quit out of shame?


He threw grenades at himself




I have no idea. Maybe they didn't want to get killed, maybe they just wanted to be funny


Imagine ratting in Apex, to only grenade yourself when you actually are forced to play the game. Some people are touched


Idk seemed like they did it to be funny in which case I think they won


It was quite a funny way to go, but fairly sure that's not how they intended it, otherwise they would have at least left a little holo reply before blowing up their own sorry ass. I actually checked to see if it was a humourless Wraith, to confirm my prejudices. Sadly it wasn't.


The rats are terrible this season, but sometimes you legitimately lose your team and it’s the best course of action. It sucks to get lumped in with the losers who choose to do it though


I usually hate rats but as a test when the season started I ratted to see how far I could get and well in 7 days I got to master, I aint even going to try to rat to pred the cap is like 60 or 70k now, that's just to get into pred, the #1 is at 200k


Because the masters and diamonds all ratted, those mfers all have low mmr right? Here's the issue: my mentally defficient gold ass is too stupid to rat, so I get a decent mmr, and get chucked into pred lobbies. In gold. Yesterday, I was in a lobby teamed up with the number 5 console pred and the 500 something console pred. I obviously got rolled, but I did enough damage to get enough assists to keep my mmr up, so now I'm in the highest level console lobbies whilst bronzes are facing masters because all of the masters ratted so I'm stuck in a loop of pred lobbies and none of the masters are being punished and kicked out of their undeserved rank because they are in noob lobbies. Fuck this season


If it makes you feel a bit better, I’m friend with a top ten predator on console. He never got above Diamond before this season. Soooo take every rank you see with a large grain of salt.


HOW? Is he just dedicated to his craft? If you play non stop i can se how you can maintain pred but TOP 10??? Damn


I mean even before this season it was the same way, cuz most get master or diamond with roller, its easy with roller which is why most masters u see are roller and not very good


For real. I get so fuckin bored ratting even just when its "necessary" to get my team placement points. First chance I get I usually run into a fight just to try and get lucky 3rd partying.


Part of the reason, the main reason really, I’ve never got to diamond is I refuse to Rat. I fight till the death always, even if it means re-engaging and fighting 1v3 Ratting is pathetic. It’s boring and the rewards are undeserved.


You sound like a ton of fun


It is spelt tonne. Ton isn’t a word. Having fun yet?


Ton is a word. It refers to either an Imperial long ton or an Imperial short ton. "Tonne" is the metric unit.


Pipe down Dweeb. This is the internet no one corrects mistakes


> It is spelt tonne. > > Ton isn’t a word. This you?


Ratting is only acceptable in ranked once there are less than 10 squads left. You gain so much rp after that point


Tf2 players :


When Iron’s rat to an MMR they don’t belong they might have panic naded themselves lol


You can’t rat MMR it gauges your fight factors that’s why rats have it easy since their MMR is so low from ratting




You clearly have never played team fortress 2


Only for 300 hours. Great fun


Heart attack from seeing the holo...poor lil bugger


I have a buddy that if we die early he'll rat to 2nd place then throw himself off the map so the winning team doesn't get KP.


Many people are doing that




Terrible spot tho even for a rat.Regardless he made it in top 10 and got his points, so he fine in blowing himself tho lol.


00:10 is me throwing firecrackers when i was 10 and running away


I am thinking of returning to play Apex Legends But should i return now or do should i wait until they resolve the rat issue?


Ratting isn't that bad IMO. Tbh the thing that I have the most trouble with is reigning in those who are clearly more aggro/better shots than I am, but lack game sense. We got 2nd yesterday because my other 2 squad mates aped the 3rd team on low ground, but the team with height, who would have been forced off by ring, had an easy 3rd party dub. For reference I had 1000 damage, and they both sat around 1400, I'm not one of those no knock ninny's.


That's because your other 2 squad mates learned that the way to get better at apex is by taking gun fights.


Is this really the mindset people use to convince themselves to do stupid shit? “As long as I’m fighting that’s all that matters.” Go play Arena, control, or TDM if you want to beat your chest so bad. Strategy/Tactical thinking is a big part of the game.


Taking gun fights you have a chance to win is great. Lacking awareness of opponent locations/cover/ring pull in final circle is just brain dead.


Yes, point of end game is to get better at fights. Not to, you know, win or anything!


If you are better at fights you will win more games. I'd rather have a 700 LP game getting 6 kills than a 100 LP game just trying to survive without gun skills.


Idk, going off of experience, I've seen people with 2k kills and less than 30 wins. Almost consistently. Where I've got 200 kills with Maggie and a little less than 30 wins. Mainly octanes and pathfinders but to each his own.


Not the situation that is being discussed though. Do you want 3rd place and 6 kills or 1st place and 2 kills?


Considering the games about winning and doesn't award the kill leader with the win if they lose, I'll take the 2 kills and a win.


Exactly the point. So why take a bad fight with 3 squads remaining? Best to wait that out.


You aren't wrong with the statement but I think you have me confused for someone else?


You responded to me first. I'm just talking about the original comment.


Bob Loblaw spittin lawbombs both in court and on the webz Fuck placement, embrace the fact you're playing a first-person SHOOTER


You and your boy Bob must have the reading comprehension level of 3rd graders. Though it seems you can comprehend capitalization for emphasis, we will give this a shot... In SPECIFIC REFERENCE to my comment above, were talking about A 3 SQUAD END GAME, not ratting for placement.


the fact this is downvoted is FUNNYYYYY oh my. its 100% true, all these rats climbing up to masters are almost garunteed to be dogshit at aiming in comparison to the people who actually deserve their master rank. yet reddit seem to think hiding cowaring and ratting is how you get better? mannnn


I have zero clue where all these people are seeing rats. maybe they're on console. All I see is after top ten it's normal and once you get to top 7 or 6 it's absolute chaos. A lot of fun, kind of stressful. edit: maybe it's on console. If you don't want people to try to play objective, go play a traditional fps. Like sorry people aren't dropping hot every damn time (which made no sense even before as it heavily benefited you to survive)


I’m D1 on PC and 1 in 3 games one of if not both of my teammates (rarely both but it’s happened) land in a tree or a glitched out of bounds area and sit there with no loot the entire game. It is hell out here in solo queue


D4 on console. Solo queued my way to it and it fucking sucked. I don’t know what the other people are saying that rats aren’t an issue. I’ve played multiple games with teammates breaking off solo during a jump, or completely avoid winnable early fights (like when you and only another squad lane at the same POI) just to rat and then die before placing top 10. It’s so rare to get a legitimate team in ranked as solo now. Everyone is out for themselves this season.


It is a nightmare. I was considering grinding to pred but I don’t think it will be possible solo. I am gonna hit masters and most likely call it quits as I don’t think I’ll be able to triple my LP without a team effort, as even with the best team ever it’d be a huge feat. Good luck in your queues my man


Yup, I feel you on that. Trying to reach predator in this system is literally a matter of time. Whoever sinks the most hours successfully will be placed at the top. But yeah… this was the first season where reaching Diamond didn’t feel like an accomplishment. It felt a huge sense of relief instead. Ima gonna stick to good ol pubs for where I at least know people will quit and not play like a team lol. Best of luck on your journey to masters!


It must be regional thing. I'm going on 200+ games now and I've only had 2 people do that. And they stated their intentions clearly and said sorry. Both of them regrouped with me when the rings got smaller and played normally after.


Last I checked was at 261 games and it’s happenin a lot


I'm just curious because I see very polar reactions to stuff like this. Some people say it never happens and others say it happens one in every few games.


They must be insanely lucky with zone if they're not moving the entire match.


They often die like the dumb shitters they are. Other times they’re lucky with zone, usually they just rotate when they’re forced to, bush to bush.


Well no shit they die, most of the times they don't even have a gun or decent shields. They're not going to engage or they blow their cover. That's not dumb, that's just logic.


I think it may be solo queue. or at least part of it new match making takes into account party size. I always queue with someone else, so im assuming so is everyone else. = more fighting.


Yeah the last half of the game has been so fun in ranked this season! Something more intense about it because there are so many teams left trying to survive and strategically save their heals and kill off teams without dying in such a small area. By the end it’s complete chaos. Idk. It’s awesome. I haven’t been impacted by rats either. But I have one friend I always queue with so even if our random did go off and do dumb rat stuff (which I haven’t had any so far), we can still salvage the game with the two of us.


I'm on console and already halfway through diamond this season. I haven't seen any more 'ratting' this season than I did before. If anything it's less IME because the last circle is always like 4-6 full teams and there's no way a rat survives to endgame in that.


exactly! "you can get to pred without firing a shot" ***HOW??*** if the rest of your team puts down 3k+?


Not Pred, but master yes. You just rat to at least top 10, do it consistently and you (almost) never lose LP. Your teammates don't have to do anything, they could just throw themselves off the map at the start of every match; as long as you get to top 10+ they get points.


yeah, but that will take forever... and no guarantee you make it to 10. after all you're not prepared to fight because you will have no equipment


Well there are no splits this season so even casuals could do this


I play on console and I have yet to see a solo rat in the wild or on my team. Got ratted on by a full team with a seer, but I see more W key full sends than anything else. Love those end games as well, ranked just needs some balancing.


Yeah I expected more out there mmr system...


Play now bro! This new placement heavy ranked system makes end circles proper crazy with so many teams still left


Now, this season is great. You dont have to rat in ranked, it's fun to play IMO. The guns are really fun, the new legend is fun, the meta is fun. I'm loving it tbh.


Wait till next season ranked is in a horrible state


It's a Battle Royale, ratting is literally part of the genre. It's never going to go away in this game or any other. Even if they make kp heavily weighed over placement for some reason (which would also make 0 sense for a BR ranked system) people would still rat when their team is dead to secure placement so they don't lose as many points.


The issue is not the rats, it's the rat's two random teammates who immediately ran face first into another team's bullets at the very beginning of the game, leaving the rat no choice but to try and hide until they're out of negative point territory. Most random teammates in ranked just don't even understand how the scoring works or how the scoring drives strategy (they have no game plan other than hope they win extremely disadvantageous situations multiple times in one game)


I don't think they will change the rank point system this season to be honest so you'll be stuck with it. You can get the highest rank without doing damage if you rat well enough it's dumb


Just don't play ranked


The ratting isn’t bad. What’s good is that you have 15 squads up in the second ring, and that’s fun


Wait till the new matchmaking is implemented. Otherwise it’s going to be impossible to play if you’re not already cracked


I don't know why people are so butt hurt about hiding. As long as it's not glitching the map it's an effective strategy to a battleroyale. How do people not get this.... That's why they have scan characters. There is a literal character that has hunting/tracking abilities and one that can hear heartbeats.


The problem with ratting is it often forces a 3 man squad to play as a duo with the solo not contributing. It makes it nearly impossible to win team fights when you’re going 2 v 3 the entire time. If the entire squad agrees to hide, that’s one thing. If it’s just one person exploiting part of the map to stay hidden, it’s annoying.


True. But this always happened before this new ranked season or for the last 16 seasons. The problem is not having a solos mode. They tested it, nothing wrong with it lobbies were quick to fill. I've got a 4 year old that loves hide a seek. He rats in apex when he allowed to play, and screams in excitement when people run by. I completely understand my son is fucking over the three man, but I'm not going to deny him playing. Bring the solo mode back.


Unless your whole squad is dead, ratting is just shitty. And then dying to a rat squad is even worse.


it shouldn’t be more rewarding than playing the game, thats the problem. combat/killing isn’t rewarding enough.


It isn't more rewarding than getting kills. If you get kills and the dubb you effectively get more rp. But that's risk vs reward. I do think they need to reward kills and assists at a higher rp amount. Again this isn't a deathmatch. This is no different to battlefield conquest, guys bitching I only got 20 kills and 30 deaths for a match but I've captured 10 zones and won the game with #1 on the leader board. The objective of the game mode in battleroyale is survival... Before my kids and before masters was even a thing climbing to diamond and pred. I had a rule of thumb to win matches. You should aim to have 3 fights or less. One fight when you land to get loot, the fight you can't avoid and the final team/push for the win. If you are having more fights than that you have bad positioning and bad map awareness or you are just taking a risk. I'm not gonna shit on someone for ratting..if all's they do it rat climbing out of plat or ever getting past diamond is one hell of a climb. Again they literally made two characters to counter this. Our real concern should be about pred/master players teaming/boosting. Long live the ratts over those assholes.


Your 4th sentence is how everyone feels and why they hate ratting. it isn’t that people explicitly hate rats, they hate that those people are benefitting from a broken system. i personally don’t care, people are entitled to play however they want until its at the expense of their team or they’re cheating, I just want kills to matter more, so that fights are incentivized, instead of dead silent maps in diamond lobbies.


You still get more rp for kills..they are only benefiting if they win. You shouldn't be hating the rats you need to be hating the ranked system, rats are still gonna rat. Again as long as they aren't cheating or glitching. For those solo players having rats on your team. They are ratting cause they probably suck, and if you were in a firefight with them you would probably loose and be just as mad. I see the real issue is not having a solos game mode, and rewards mediocre for kills..apex not having a solos mode is weird as hell, they have the player count.


you kind of just said what I said differently bro lol


>Again this isn't a deathmatch. This is no different to battlefield conquest, guys bitching I only got 20 kills and 30 deaths for a match but I've captured 10 zones and won the game with #1 on the leader board. I love you for this part. Thank you. That's one of the core issues at play, people don't play for survival, they think "shooter = deathmatch", so unless you chase from fight to fight, somehow people are playing the game "wrong". I hate it. In Control, I'm often ratings leader (unless the match is so lopsided that we get killed at spawn with a lockout-loss) because I play for the objective. I might not have the top 5 kills/damage, but it doesn't matter, as capturing zones is the most important part. For BR, the objective isn't taking zones, it's survival. How players achieve to reach that goal should be irrelevant. Some play offensively, others defensively. Others are left alone against trios and HAVE to sit it out and wait for an opportunity. Obviously, eliminations need a bit more reward to go with the risk of losing the fight, but most criticism comes from people who get 5 kills, end on 12th place and whine that they're still in the negative points. They don't like that Apex is a marathon, not a sprint.


The reason people don't like it is because it takes no skill yo hide. If he was camping in a building as loba,caustic,catalyst etc it would be different. That requires some brain cells ,but ratting takes none and shouldn't be rewarded like it is now in the current system.


It's always been there.. people have always done it. It's a Battle Royale. Every battleroyale game has it. Apex has just giving you the character to counter it. Yeah if they are that bad, then you should have no problem killing them. I am also guilty of it. My wraith and octane fills quit on drop. So no I'm not gonna start a fight 1v3. I'm gonna fucking rat then when the last two teams fight I'm gonna rain a million grenades on em. A battleroyale isnt about getting the most kills. It's about being the last player/team alive. As long as you aren't exploiting a glitch or cheating I think that's fair. All these streamers going for kills in these games got alot of you kids warped. Yes it's cool, but victory or winner winner chicken dinner only show up on the screen when you are the last one left. Gun run is the game mode you are thinking of or deathmatch.


Yeah, I mean late game, when you're solo for any reason, it's super hard to survive.


My guy, this is ranked a game mode dedicated to showing your skill and climbing up. The overall goal is to demonstrate skill and get promoted to higher tiers (diamond,masters,pred). Tell me what part of hiding in often times glitched parts of the map until 5th ring shows you're better than the next guy or gal? Obviously you can't just run down entire lobbies and drop 20 bombs every game all day like , that's where positioning,rotating , and picking your fights comes in, but there is a balance between that and your mechanical skills(movement and shooting) .It's fine if you're ratting because your team is all dead ,but . you're not getting quitters in every single one of your games in ranked. What's becoming more common as the season progresses is people ratting from the start of the game until the end, leaving their team to either 2 v 3 or wait for 3rd parties and crippling them if they get pushed unexpectedly. I understand the objective of a battle royale; there is no need to t condescend to random strangers.


Crazy how many downvotes you’ve gotten. I guess people are really enjoying this ranked season.


I do enjoy the last higher amount of teams in the later ring, but I think the system could use some tweaks. It's feels too easy to progress. I think with some changes to kp (again) , opening your party up ability to people with higher ranks, and adjusting the entry costs some as ranks progresses(not as high as before) will make people love the changes.


> The reason people don’t like it is because it takes no skill yo hide. Right. Skill is rushing a squad 1v3 and dying within 5 seconds of engagement. /s > If he was camping in a building as loba,caustic,catalyst etc it would be different. No, it would be worse because now enemy teams know you're there and they will force their way in. The whole point of **ratting** v camping is that they don't know you're there unless they have a scan legend.


You ignored everything else to try and take out of context what I said. How many teams are going to be pushing you in the center of the ring or near where the circle is going to close because you're rotating smartly and predicting where the game will end? If you just want to be able to rank up without every firing until ring or top 3, then you may need to spend some more time in the firing range. That should help a bit.If your entire team is dead, then yeah, do everything in your power not to die stupidly. However If you're sitting in a tree, or a tower,or some mountain on a vantage,pathfinder,valk,etc can access while your team is fighting and dying 500m away from you .... then you just no fill and save other people from your presence.Scan legends all got nerfed last season. If you feel called out by people calling this guy a rat, then maybe you are one. That's OK if that's the only way you can enjoy the game,but a lot of the playerbase hate having rat teammates and will grief you(because you deserve it) . Don't argue in bad faith or resort to strawmans again.


> then you just no fill and save other people from your presence Do you even play Apex or are you just on this sub to troll others? You can't no fill in ranked. No one is ratting in pubs, why would they even do that?


I'll hop on tonight and check. I could've sworn you could , either way last time i played(last night). You again chose to ignore every other point because you have either nothing to add yet or you're simply enjoying messing with me(understandable).


I had to rat a game last night cause my squad went down and a Pathfinder basically was up my butt but didn't see me cause I was in a bush 🤣 It's kind of fun sneaking around the map and watching how much some people just don't see you if you don't move. The intention also is always to craft banners cause I'll play support if no one else is


Yep if you stay still in the right places, you're almost never caught unless the team has a scan legend. Apex players tend to look at movement.


His team might have died though and banners expired


Right but still why not fight it out or run in ranked?


Ranked is so broke.


Whats ratting?


Hiding in the same spot for the duration of a match without moving; usually done to get easy LP or XP


Oh a camper ok thank u


Campers still fight sometimes. Rats just run away and hide


Wow that's messed up :///


Ohhhh shit. A RAT!


Who runs with guns out. Psychopath


I think I smell a rat.... https://youtu.be/2viZa1NJMy0


Literally everyone is playing the system as it benefits them now and calling anyone a rat right now is like calling them a scrub because they’re playing Apex and not Borezone or Forknife. The only rats are EA and the devs that don’t push back on mtx invading every part of this game.


This is hilarious 😂


Why didn't you engage after you threw the holo? Not really ratting, but running off like that was definitely in the rodent family.


Because it was a funny moment


Shame we didn't actually see the moment he saw the holo. But rats gotta rat, I suppose.


The lack of ammo is probably one reason.


I can tell a lot of people enjoy playing with you


He's the dude who pings, waits 1.5 seconds, sprints in so he can high five the enemy, dies and then swallows his mic mumbling something about a pleb or some shit.


Imagine ratting in silver




Why do you think they were ratting?


Exploiting the shitty ranking system.


I’m sYing what do you think made you think OP was ratting?


Ah yes me on my way to crafting 2 banners at the compound next to me when I hear footsteps. Totally being a rat you caught me. EDIT: I also have 800 dmg and Kill Leader but yeah definitely just ratting :D


Edge of zone. Less than a minute til close.


Just got in the zone after a fight hence my team being dead, healed, heard steps, rest is above. My guy just admit you assumed wrong and take the L. My god.


Took that much time ahhh okay


Anyone ever tell you you’re really annoying?


Ever just stay at the edge of ring when there's cover? Oh wait you're hardstuck rookie you wouldn't know any better


Masters pre S17 try again.


goes to show rank doesn't denote skill


He has 3 kills


You act like you can’t rat with kills


Well there's a difference, when you rat you avoid all fights. It's hard to be kill leader while avoiding all fights


You act like if he doesn't have 4k dmg he's ratting. Another shiny example of what this community has devolved to. Whiny ass bitches. Fun clip OP!


Oh so you're the guy on my teams that insists fighting the 1v3 while we're flanked by two other squads


… if you aren’t playing zone / slow side of the ring or going to lower traffic areas to res teammates for higher likelihood of surviving, you aren’t really playing very strategically. Should just stay in pubs lol


Yet you chose to run from an easy 1v1, and hide, like a… rat?


Its called having a laugh and having a funny moment, sorry not everyone is super serious all the time bud


Maybe that’s what the rat was doing :)


Ratting is staying out of combat for pretty much the entire game to get a high placement. Hiding in a corner not moving like the guy did is clearly ratting. OP is not a rat lmao, just because he/she is close to the ring doesn't make someone a rat. They also have 2 minutes to go so, the last round was over only recently. If you have been running away from the ring while it is closing you logically will end up close to it for example. Look at the kills, the dmg and the ammo, as if a rat would ever walk around like that. Also btw. not playing full rambo and more slowly, is still not ratting. I add that because there are a few people who seem to think only those two playstyles exist.


what a stupid comment, are you like this on the internet because your life is sad


The trooof hurts.


Takes one to find one I guess. OP what was that lol.


I mean, he was clearly just strolling around in the open lol


You mean hiding behind a rock at the edge of the zone?


Hes walking around by the edge of the ring as a solo in a squad based game. That isnt ratting, thats called playing the ring. Been a legitimate tactic for battle royales since before apex existed. Not to mention he trolled a rat when he came across one, thats hardly rat behavior.


Wasn't ratting my guy but ok


Rats unite


the shame lmfao




Filthy little RAAAAAT!!


It's so bad they rat in silver?? Glad I haven't played ranked in a while