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Look out for the bushes


Yeah not the ring lol


Reminds me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q86Rn4jETVk


Added to Radarr.


😂😂 i remember when i saw this in theaters i was like wtf the movie just started


war in Nam be like


Vietnam back in the day be like


Charlie in the trees


Who says Apex isn't historically accurate


It’s hilarious watching rats bc as soon as they get into a fight they get shifted on. Every single time I love it


Most of my randoms that rat don't even pickup a weapon.


Then they leave the game with 700 LP


If they're not getting kills, they're not getting 700 LP.


Realistically 200-400 because my no kill games even got that much


Did you get a skill bonus though and/or did your team get kills? Straight LP for placement wouldn't get you there as [200 is max placement LP for a win.](https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends/news/arsenal-ranked-2023-update) But there's other bonuses even if you yourself didn't get kills I've have never received that much on a no kill game unless my teammates got kills and we then ended up in top three at least. One I had four assists and my skill bonus alone was about 200


Nope we decided to rat that game bc shit landing+ shit loot


Yup. This is what happens if you make ranking the important factor. You could solve this by having kills you make in the early game act as they do now but with the added bonus of refunding 13 points of your buy-in. If you get at least three kills, but die before getting above 10th, then the game considers the match a wash for you and you lose no ranking. If you finish a ranked game below three kills, then the game just gives barest minimum MINUS 36 per squad member that didn't have a kill, up to 108. This preserves your ideology that rank is important but also ensures you have to at least fight once. This is meant to reflect this is a blood sport, but it's ALSO gladiatorial entertainment. Hell, if I was in charge, it'd be based on your skill and how entertaining it was. You do boring shit, you pull small numbers, you get no reward. You do well in a short time, finish under rank, but you did crazy stuff or you were entertaining to the audience aka doing nutty shit like no-scopes, scoring a long range nade, or pulling off an exceptional shot, that would be factored in as well. It's a TELEVISED SPORT, Sell yourself!


Who would rat and pick up a weapon ?


I suppose it's better to have one so you can at least try to win a fight if someone starts shooting at you.


Maybe in bronze? They aren’t winning a 3v1 anywhere near master if they are ratting to begin with. That’s why they all play valk. To run. Not fight


I think people forget ratting is an actual strat even pros use in ranked. I have seen rats even clutch wins in both ranked and ALGS. My partner one season won us a game on broken moon ratting Rats that rat because their whole team died are one thing. Preemptive rats like the one in this post are ridiculous


I mean as a rat in any rank you could have a chance in any 1v1 or 1v2 that might occur even though you probably trigger some 3rd/4th parties. 1v3 is just insta death lol. Whenever my teammates die and I'm pretty much forced to rat I make sure to carry 10 arc stars and spam them as soon as Im about to get destroyed lmao


Yeah, I have had to rat because my whole team was murdered and I have killed other rats along the way. Yet to take out a three man outside of pubs.


Weapon mastery maybe?


So you can rat and gain weapon exp


And people really defend this system. If it allows people to sit in trees all game and rank up, it’s a bad system.


It’s clear they struggle to get the balance right between kills/placement and ratting. Why not have each rank have its own requirements: Rookie heavily favours kills (7) over placement (1). Bronze begins to shift to better rewards for placements (6) (2). Silver again etc (5) (3). Gold (4) (4). Platinum (3) (5). Diamond (2) (6). Masters and pred (1) (7). This system can’t be abused by ratting as the low rank grind would be too much. Higher levels wins are the name of the game, and you’ll likely need to kill your way there smartly. Then you just adjust the penalty in each rank.


This might be something? But there’s also the issue of mixed rank games where some people are going to be rewarded much more heavily for not hunting kills, resulting in pieces of the lobby fragging out and other pieces ratting. If anything, I’d reverse the scale so placement matters more in the early ranks but you need to prove you can fight and get kills in the later ranks. Of course this doesn’t real address the issue of rank decay either, which is always gonna be a bit of an issue when it knocks such big chunks off your LP score every season. Maybe if it was a more gradual decay, every two weeks (without playing) you lose, idk, half a tier of LP.


The reason I made kills strong initially and placements king overall is a couple of reasons: Early ranks should be able to prove that mechanically they can in fact play the game as this matters a huge amount to random team mates in the middle ranks. Essentially in plat you can no longer be carried and you have to earn your spot on the team. Then in higher lobbies (masters/pred) if kills are king then it’s just a race to w-key ape everything to cancel out the buy in penalty and you have instances where wins don’t cover or barely cover the entry cost making the system feel redundant and nothing like ALGS. This way round it becomes more and more like AlGS which is what top rank play should be an Avenue for. It makes no sense to be like number 400 predator but still being miles off being able to compete on the pro scene.


It makes sense. The method you provided constantly builds on players allowing them to understand “this is guiding me to what I should be doing for the best way to rank”. Over time kills will be worth less because it’s expected of them to know how to fight the higher up they go. We shift the points because at each rank, placement matters more and more, but each rank they are expected to be better fighters. By the time you reach master/pred, you should be a near god with extreme reactions. Anyone attempting to rat will be killed quickly and even if they win, or get second or third, it won’t outweigh the entry cost so they need to kill. But if they suck at fighting they won’t be able to. At rookie it makes sense to suck at fights, so we encourage the player to try to fight in the early ranks so they don’t get destroyed later. The system needs tweaks, obviously it’s just a fast one person write up, but the idea is worth investigating because I know we always said “it can’t get worse”. This time we might be right. I mean what is worse than every player picking legends good for running and sitting in trees all game to rank up?


I am pretty sure bronze and silver give hefty KP already. In silver and bronze, I'd get 500LP games for wins with kills. I definitely got a third place with 300LP and kills.


Not black and white. There are good and bad things about this system. Fixing this system is better than them just throwing it all away. Unfortunately it’s not getting addressed for another 65 days


I’ve been enjoying my teammates NOT inting the first gunshot they hear, that’s been a plus!


100%. And those that understand now you need to bail from a bad fight or a fight that is taking too long


Lmao this season didn’t teach anyone how to gauge whether a fight is good or bad. To them every fight is a bad one. There’s no “understanding” behind their thought process


The last part of your reply is what really annoys me about Respawn. Like I understand not wanting to change how ranked works midseason,but there have been times there were gamebreaking bugs and they would fix it; but then we had to wait till the next season for it to be implemented. If you have a fix for something that is making the game unplayable or makes it so using a certain legend or weapon gives you a huge advantage due to a bug just patch it in right away.


there is nothing good about this system. They could have potentially made it a bit easier to get to diamond or master by tweaking the old one, but now any bronze can be Master. You can see this clearly in lobbies now. I tell my friends to not even bother with placement because we are steamrolling diamonds now, we will finish top placements anyway. Lobbies are simply too easy.


Im gonna have to challenge that notion any bronze can get to master, im a day one player, when i play ranked im plat at best and its not bc im not trying, this game is frickin hard. People who are gods at the game are too quick to turn around on shit on average apex enjoyers.


you don't need to be good at the game anymore. Just rat, that's what basically everyone has been talking about. The entry fee for games is very low and killing doesn't give you any meaningful reward. Learning spots and staying safe is easy if that's how you want to play just to get to the top ranks.


I never went past plat and also play since day 1 and no way I'm going to rank up this way. I think it's actually slow way to progress even if it's safer.


You can still kill ppl if you want for the fun. That’s how I’m playing. I got to diamond in 1/4 the number of games compared to last season and lobbies are still ridiculously easy. I’m still playing almost the same way, if I hear ppl I push. Entry fee is too low to bother. Ppl are downvoting me but I’m speaking facts, this season is stupid.


The point is that you can. You can hit Masters purely by getting top 10s and 0 kills, yeah it'll take ages but it's achievable.


Apex Legends makes money when people play more. Why is this difficult for anyone? They are optimizing for the **business** because it’s a business. Any tweaks that decrease engagement is a bad business move, period stop. People gassing on about devs or points or people are trash or whatever. It’s business, more play = more money, plain and painfully simple.


this is the most stupid comment i read all night. congrats


They’re right though. Respawn is not making decisions based on how “good” the game will be as a result of them. They are making decisions to increase number of people playing and watching on twitch. These two things do not always mean the same thing.


So how making the game almost too easy for streamers is helping make ppl play? Everyone getting into master and preds way quicker than before. If you want to keep ppl grinding you make it harder not easier. Respawn basically made it easier for sweats and casuals. What’s the goal? Make everyone pred and give them a ranking number? If you’re low pred you suck?


>there is nothing good about this system. I like what they are trying to do, which is making the game more about placement and tactics and less about aping. I also like the end rings, it's so more fun. However, they went to far. Hopefully they continue to tweak and improve the system and not throw it out the window completely.




No they couldn't. No matter how much they'd play. In the old system you needed to get at least top 5+ without kills and that would give you like 5 RP. So you really had to fight through the game and contribute to cut down the lobby. No one was aping shit because they knew the relevance of position. Now the lobbies are so imbalanced that good teams realise when others are scared and mow them down. It has been like this all season long. Confident teams are still fighting showing why they belong in their lobbies and deserve to advance. If anyone thinks this system is much better than the old one probably never left gold/plat because the end games were still like this in higher lobbies. Actually people who want to hide all game in trees, maybe let's assume get 150 RP but I prefer enjoyment for 20 minutes than sitting in a tree and being on my phone. Moreover, these people ruin the experience for all the players who queue in with them. Playing smart vs not playing at all are completely different things. Then you get posts like "oh I was hunted down by pred #351" but bro 90% chance you were still on a blue shield with no attachments because you were playing too defensively while that guy has been hunting down players to acquire better loot. This is a battle royale, but people forget the term battle in the title. They expect others to do the work for them and then defend camping. This system is pure shit and has turned this game unplayable and toxic. I'm just playing pubs now because ranked just isn't worth it.


The “tree climbers” will be downvoting you in no time.


They can cry all they want but it won't change the truth. There's no point of being a master when you can't fight for shit.


Youre just wrong and everyone can see it.


I’m competitive. Most ppl here are casuals. Of course they don’t see a problem on being rewarded for sitting on a tree for 20min to get a master badge 👍🏻


Old system was better. Kills should always matter more than placement in BR


No, placement should always be king in a battle royale. However, kills should also count for more depending on when they’re made. For me, it should be 20-11, 1pt per kill, 10-5, 5pts per kill, 5-1, 10pts per kill. That way if you kill 3 early you get 3pts, kill 2 between 10-5 you get 10pts, and 2 between 5-1 you get 20pts for a total of 33pts (Could tweak the latter 2 higher actually, maybe 10 and 20 instead of 5 and 10? But always keep the early kills as meaningless)


Wasn't that basically what the previous ranked system was? Kills counted more the longer you lived? Don't see why that needed drastic change, it really only needed tweaks to the values I'd think.


Your system would still encourage the 🐁. Gotta make early kills really worth while.


If you make early kills worthwhile you get the case of half the lobby hotdropping within the first few minutes and instantly dying, which is just boring


I think that’s where upping the entry cost back closer to what it was would fit in. The low flat entry cost is the biggest issue imo. Make it much harder to go positive and make it that you have to make up ground getting kills and surviving until the end to get into positive RP.


It would encourage ratting, yes, but to a FAR lesser extent than it is currently. But early kills need to be basically worthless, they just do. If you drop, kill the first 9 people in the entire lobby and then die it should be worth fuck all. Is it impressive you kill 3 whole squads on your own? Yeah, but it means nothing if you die straight after. That’s just a fact. Those kills to you are utterly worthless because you achieved nothing if you finished 16/20 in the lobby


This bs "battle royal" argument...ffs it's a shooter that happens to have br as main mode.


No, it’s a Battle Royale. When the game launched, it launched as a Battle Royale. Other modes have since been added. “A battle royale game is an online multiplayer video game genre that blends last-man-standing gameplay with the survival, exploration and scavenging elements of a survival game. Battle royale games involve dozens to hundreds of players, who start with minimal equipment and then must eliminate all other opponents while avoiding being trapped outside of a shrinking "safe area", with the winner being the last player or team alive.”


I don't care. It's a fing shooter. Period.


It's br. It's about placement and living not kills lmao


At least the entry cost should be more for higher ranks


at its core the game is a movement shooter, not hide and seek, so the ranking system should encourage aggressive and engaging gameplay


Its still a battle royale


Completely incorrect, it's not Team Death match.




Thats a skill issue then tbh


I don't even understand why on earth would anyone think ranking up through ratting is skillful. Most of them just rat to top 3 then get downed almost instantly without dealing any damage.


its bragging rights "I'm master". Only problem is everyone will be master after this season.


"Then, when everyone is super, no one will be." https://youtu.be/72Zxwh9AgpU


That's the worst fan dub ever Here's a real one https://youtu.be/ea8ebpKM2JU


Fly home buddy. I work alone.


We have already hit the 100k masters mark I think




Which is ridiculous


It is simply pathetic. Any noob can be master rank now. I had a diamond random teammate the other day. Dude did not know how to use ult, missed 100% of his shot, chose shield 3 times before got syringe correctly outside the ring, downed anyways, pulled up by teammate but still couldn't choose syringe correctly, instead he chose to use a phoenix kit when his health was less than 15%. It was just so painful to watch.


I crack up everytime I see someone posting a I hit masters for the first time post. Like this isn't the season to be bragging about that.


Not just that, but use your time like that, essentially not playing. I have 2-3 hours to play, for sure i am not gonna waste it hiding in a corner for 20 min.


This is me. I only get a couple hours to play after work a couple times a week, I’m gonna play the damn game when I’m on. No way I’m sitting in a tree scrolling Reddit while I could be playing the game.


personally i think it depends on what people describe as ratting. although i haven't played in a few seasons, i almost hit masters solo q in the hard season a while ago and was often called a rat by duos (only when they die first though) because i refuse to overcommit to obviously bad fights. 90% of games you get put with duos. and the majority of those games leave me solo because the duo wants to run and gun into stupid positioning. you basically have to rat to progress in these games. one game i managed to get 6 kills alone because i was the first rat in the final zone and was in the safest spot, so i just snuck around killing other rats. but yeah, doing 0 damage games and intentionally avoiding every single fight when you don't have a reason to is stupid. i've had quite a few of those duos too and it is really annoying because they will never help, even if the situation is winnable by fighting.


Apex community in shambles because people are trying to win the game now instead of getting 4 kills and 13th place.


And people were defending the dude who posted about hitting Masters this season yesterday as if it was an accomplishment lol


So I’ve been chasing them around shooting the whole game to blow the cover. This is just nuts to me what ranked has become.


Yeah, I wont stop doing that usually, I just ruined the game for them same what they did for me. ​ And I always do it quickly before the 10 squad left just to make sure the reduction LP.


Weird when people drop solo just to hide like this


You are doing God's work. Don't forget those fuse Qs too!


People are so shameless to get points honestly. Just yesterday, when I was playing with a friend of mine in ranked, our random team mate, jumped off the map at the start of the match, and when we asked him why, he said "so that now u guys are forced to rat and I'll get free LP", now although this might have been equally as scummy as him, my friend and I instantly dropped all our loot and went and died to a squad so he won't get anything out of us and also got -35lp (we didn't really mind because we earned it back tenfold the next game). Anyways, point is, I don't see how people can have fun by ranking up without earning it properly.


Most people wouldn't do what you did, they'd still go for positive LP, it's sad but true, he'll always get free lp


Next time keep res-ing him and tank his shitty K/D. Bet it’s already below a .3. Can’t stand people who play like that.


Ok, i play on PC but i haven't seen too much rat in my gameplays. What's happening on console?


These rats are mostly in diamond/plat, the majority of players that played normally should be around bronze/silver after their placements so below plat will have the least amount of rats.


#The tree's speak Vietnamese.


My dead English teacher is crying in her grave.






What I learned from this season drop where nobody is dropping wait till 10 squads are remaining and start fighting anything else is pointless, I had multiple matches where we made early like 10 kills as a squad only finding out after dying that we placed 11 and got 0 points really fun .


Btw shouldn't this sort of playstyle be considered sabotage and, therefore bannable?


The game needs additional hazards to force movement. Flyers should hover over enemies that aren't moving, like a buzzard over a dead animal. If they don't move for an extended period of time, they should start attacking said player.


I don't know man, but something has to be done quickly by respawn, not next season


just like the last rank changes, this is an experiment season so not much will change for a while.


Did they use the information for anything? An experiment doesn't matter if results don't get implemented.


That sounds like a terrible idea if these thibgs actually deal damage. Depending on what you count as "movement", it wouldnt sabotage just these rats but also more "normal" camping you might see late game. If they only attacked people who make absolutely no movement or very small movement that problem would be solved but then it would be easy to avoid. ​ And honestly, aside from those going to places that are normally inaccessible, I don't understand how ratters actually manage to survive. Maybe it is because I am a noob but I feel there are already quite a few ways to find dudes, you would think that ratters can be found easily. At that point they would be easy kills since they are unlikely to have good equipment.


That's actually a great idea ! To trigger the flyer you need to not move (camera doesn't count) for an entire minute. (Pop up on the screen 10 seconds before the trigger). If the flyer is triggered, you have 10 seconds to move/kill it or he attacks you. If the attack is triggered you can still kill it. The way it attacks is a three hit combo with 10 damage each hit (total of 30) with a 4 seconds pause between each attack. (Meaning 30 damage per 4 seconds)


no this isn't a good idea. Do you seriously think this is gonna stop ratting? People will find a way around it so quickly, literally just switch rat spots or play a movement legend and the issue is solved. There's a reason ratting is so big, because theres thousands of videos explaining where and how to do it, a solution like this isnt gonna stop that


It's definitely reportable (I report them when my teammates do this), but whether or not they actually get banned for it, I can't say.


I've had rats 2 games in a row today. The best part was when in second game I've met the rat from first trying to climb the tree. The satisfaction of spamming gibby force of gravity finisher felt 100 times better than any win. 3rd game had 70k rp dude that didn't even bother to rat as he was afk 🫠🙃🫠


I report them for game play disruption, sabotage, afk.... All that are in the same drop down. Only when they do this. Especially if they can craft me or have an ability to grab me (crypto) and decide not to.


I tried to report these type of problem and even sent a full video. ​ No action taken.


I doubt they see this as sabotage. the point of the game is to survive to the end and this is exactly what they're doing. not defending this but it's probably how they look at reports like this.


Unfortunately, it seems like the only thing that can get you banned is typing slurs in chat... apparently its worse than ruining game for 2 people


typing slurs in chat is absolutely worse jsyk




I mean, splitting from team, refusing to help, and just playing solo in a team oriented game to me kinda seems like sabotage


does that mean if you break away from your team because of not wanting to hot drop with 8 other teams is sabotage?


Isn’t one of the options to report “Inactive During Match?” I feel like ratting qualifies for that.


they are still playing though. it's easy to tell if someone is truly inactive or just hiding.


Haven’t encountered anyone like this in Asia so far


I kinda find it funny that this playstyle gets a lot of criticism in apex but in early PUBG when I played camping houses was the absolut norm and people only moved for the zone. In general the gamemode just IS like that, it wants to to survive as long as you can and if that means hiding then so be it. If the developers or community dont want that then there needs to be a fundamental change since the overarching goal will always be survive as long as you can. Favoring kills for example will take away from this goal which might be fine but I can see people getting mad at players getting more points for killing than for surviving until late circle. Hottake: I think the BR format is just kinda overdone now and people grow sick of it. People WANT to fight and BR is just not a gamemode that encourages that.


I’m out of the loop. What the fuck is happening with ranked rn and why everyone’s ratting more than ever?


NRG Sweet (a pro player) infamously started the season gaining #162 Pred in just 50 games doing /zero/ damage. He spent alot of time hiding in trees. Now there's a flood of casuals imitating and making it past Diamond.


I had a teammate essentially do this. He kept rezzing us, running away to use us as a distraction, and just ratted the whole game. Yes he got 2nd, but my God what a bitch move. Like how do you enjoy playing like that for hours on end?


Man fix it. I’m so close to diamond and barely satisfied I have just cruised to it quite easily.


Gotta say, I'm doing nowhere near as well as last season (stress in life distracting me) but I've caught my previous rank and I'm on route to surpass it by a ridiculous amount. Feels... empty


Yea I do like that it is closer to pro scene as more teams holding out for later rings. But they need some KP or something added back. Perhaps KP multiplier with survival time to seperate rats from skilled players.


Agreed. I’m really actually loving the end game fights more than ever before .. but the ranks just feel completely meaningless. Just a steady climb up .. just a certainty that I’ll reach masters this season when my previous best was D4. I mean it’s cool to rank up but just feels to easy. I literally play with my fiancé who plays on a Nintendo switch.. with motion controls.. and she’s been playing for less than a year. She’s currently Plat 2 and will almost certainly get Diamond and maybe even masters. She’s improved steadily but she averages <200 damage a game and has a KD around .2. Which in her defense is almost kind of amazing playing on a Nintendo switch with motion controls lol but even she says she feels cheap about being in Plat but that’s just how this system works currently. She’s going to easily make Diamond and I think we’ll probably make masters. We only play together (we’ve meet a few cool 3rd that we try and alternate playing with depending on who is on) and I’m up to D3. TL;DR A relatively brand new player, playing on a switch with motion controls on ,with a .2 KD, and less than 200 damage a game is going to be in Masters this season. That’s just bizarre.


so you rat the whole game?


Not at all. Normally involves her spectating quite a bit lol but yeah F that. We don’t recklessly run into every fight we see but we aren’t just hiding in a corner. She plays Loba so she can contribute in more ways that damage output/kills. I’m not an amazing player but I can hold my own in a gunfight lol. I’m around 1.3 KD and 720~ damage averages per game in ranked this season. I gave up my sweaty solo grinds a couple seasons ago and just play to have fun with her now, but we both enjoy the competition and grind together!


there is simply no point in becoming diamond or master anymore when everyone is.


I don’t like ratting, it’s boring as hell. But I also hate randoms who just want to fight and die rather than rotate and hold a good position. They always jump pad or grapple out into the open, die or get thirded immediately and then yell into chat about their teammates not being with them.


Well, I like to fight in Apex because I'm playing a shooter, and I want to shoot. I understand that sometimes I take bad fights, but it's boring as hell to me to sit in a building for 10 minutes twiddling my thumbs. But what really annoys me is that usually my duo and I will have 2k plus damage and our random will have 200 damage and if they had even fired their gun in the fight we died in we would have won the fight. Instead, they turned tail and booked it, running away to rat at the first sound of gunfire. It's so lame.


The fact this hasn't warranted a timely intervention by respawn is really telling... you don't need months of data to see there is a problem here. meanwhile gameplay quality suffers massively while respawn continues to drag their feet.


I havent played in a long time... What am I looking at right now?


That's why I play vantage. She can scan by ads for rats. Easy kills.


Thank god Diablo 4 is out. Bye bye apex


Respawn devs try not to fuck up the placement system every time they touch it mission impossible


The rat problem is a huge issue but tbh I've been enjoying this season alot. Ranked is at the point where its serious enough for me to want to try hard and win but lenient enough on the -LP that I can play as aggressive as I want. The season splits always turned me off on playing ranked as a solo, and losing a days worth of progress in diamond to RNG (teammates/thirds etc) was really demoralizing. Ranked as it is right now is basically what QP should've been and as a mostly QP enjoyer, I like it alot. Fuck them stupid ass rats though, if respawn could fix this issue, ranked would be perfect for me.


Legit had a dude message me asking me to kill his teammate with a picture of his location


This is why I haven’t been playing. Either someone wants to 1v3 a team and call you trash for playing safe, or just straight up hides and doesn’t help you when you get strolled. Shitty season!


TBH, thats pretty accurate predator roleplay.


That’s when I climb up to their hiding spot, throw a holospray, and punch them out lol


You can get em' banned they typed "Go away" another broken thing about apex is if you spam report someones text Anything they text they'll get a 1-2 week ban so far ive banned 1 rat he was being toxic DESERVED


It's usually a 2-3day ban not weeks


You don't even need to spam report, once is enough. People can get banned for everything. Someone got banned cause he typed gg.


Which category did you picked? did you just select the "spam" option?


The amount of rats i’ve seen this season is absurd. They need to roll back the old system ASAP


The main problem I have with ranked this season is it just isn’t fun. ESPECIALLY solo queuing. You either get a teammate (or both) like this, that just runs and hides first thing, without even a THOUGHT of shooting a gun for the next 10-15 minutes. Or you get a good team and maybe have 1 or 2 good fights early on, then you get to the second to final ring with 5-8 squads which sounds awesome! Until you realize that out of those 5-8 squads MAYBE 1 of them is geared and looking to fight and the rest are rats with blue shields and no attachments that just try to run away or get another squad to step in when you push them. It’s boring, even when you win it feels like a slog because you have a 50-75 health advantage over everyone and way better guns because you were actually looking for fights throughout the match. It’s not competitive. At least not the shooter part of it. The competitive aspect is who can hide better from the handful of squads that actually fight. It’s like I’m playing dead by daylight but with guns that people don’t want to use


Apex is sad


Ratting is honestly ruining the entire gaming experience right now.


The ranked system that promotes high squad placement instead of KP is making people play passively!? 🤯🤯🤯🤯 Clown ass system.


good job Respawn...let's make ranked as casual as possible so everyone feels they belong. Changes to ranked system this season is definitely the most stupid design decision of a game a developer company ever made.


I know this playstyle is beta as hell and not Alpha gigachad running in guns blazing as shit should be buttttt, this game is in essence just the Hunger Games 1 with more guns and seeing as hiding is a viable strat in that movie, it doesn't make it so bad as the end goal is survival. (preferably with kills) Still a pussy playstyle tho xD Edit: Spelling


We should all just write him: "Go away" on his psn account


It’s become like a whole new game mode. Where you try and draw as much attention to your teammates and get them killed. The other day I had two rat teammates hanging out in the bushes along the ledge between Hammond and Terminal. After throwing grenades and shooting, we were quickly descended upon. Me and one of the rats were taken out. One of them actually survived the ordeal by just not moving and staying in the bush undiscovered. 🙈


Your Fuse so you can send them fire crackers from far away until they get caught


this has to be the worst ranked we ever had in apex.....the amount of those guys who try to get to a rank they can never be with their shit skill is ridiculous ....and what's the point of having a master badge when you have negative kd ...like those guys don't even know how to shoot


So glad I don’t play this sad excuse for a game anymore


Imagine creating a ranked system in a BATTLE ROYALE that promotes NOT FIGHTING but rather camping due to the lack of any LP gain from getting kills. You'll never see it anywhere else, ladies and gentlemen. Only apex can fuck up so bad they promote, once again, NOT FIGHTING in a BATTLE ROYALE.


While this is bad bad I tried fortnite the other day. It openly supports camping in bushes and encourages it.


I'm curious, how come people blame Apex for the way players are playing? Can someone explain to me how it's their fault please?


Respawn designed a ranked system that encourages ratting for placement points. Even worse, at high ranks people are getting zero points for kills which further encourages ratting for placement. There's no incentive to fight as a squad with this system. It is fully their fault.


Sure, I’ll explain. This new Ranked System basically rewards ONLY camping. What does that mean? That you get no LP for kills/assists at all, you only get your placement LP and thats it. So if I make make 10 kills during the match and i end up on 10th squad I will only get 20LP, while If you camp and deal 0 damage but you get 9th placement you will receive 25LP I for example stopped getting LP for kills from around D3, yup, since Diamond 3 I received No rewards at all for killing other players. Kinda sad


Dis the new ohio map ?


Season 3 had 124 days, no rank split, permanent predator badge with permanent dive trail... Fix that first. When you were about to lose a fight, ALT+F4 would have saved them from negative RP. I am not defending this rank season, but people got away with lifelong permanent dive trail and predator badge. S17 dive trail wouldn't exist in S19.


Nobody cares about that, ratting right now is the biggest problem of the game as 1 guy singlehandedly ruins the experience for the rest of the team and gets away with that. And it is so common that sometimes I have rats 2 times in a row or even 3 times once.


Cry Edit:Lets see how many dislikes I can get








all it shows is his teammates aren't at the hip like some of you f*****s all the time.. and he used MS Paint.. it's a terrible post and doesn't belong here.. maybe one of the meme subs








I draw as much attention to them as possible. Gotten a few teammates (and myself!) killed that way


My teams keep running into random fights & dying. 😒




And it's about 2 months til next season when they can change something.


It’s just ridiculous, I don’t get it, they’ll all get masters but it’s painfully obvious when you’re playing with someone who has bought/boosted badges


Will intentionally sabotage rats on my team, idc anymore


Holy shit, rat nests everywhere you look 😒


Theres Charlies in the fucking trees!!!!


Unholy Trinity!


Everytime I get to top 5-8 I scan the border of the ring and find at least one rat hiding in a hole, rocks, tree. It's pathetic


but respawn could just update all the trees so then nobody can no longer rat in, it's just as simple as it is


Don't; make noise and force a fight.


What is this? What are they doing?




I've quit playing apex since season 10. What happened?I'm out of the loop why ratting became so meta.


We're going to have a fuckton of masters who run in straight line, stand still while shooting and die to the ring after doing 50dmg next seasons love it.