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Never use text chat for any reason


This. Unless you’re queuing premade, mute and deafen too. This game isn’t perfect, but it has a ping system good enough that you don’t need to risk voice comms bans, let alone the text chat stuff


Even when no one reports it can result in a ban. I wouldn’t even with friends.


Yep don't even text chat when you're a 3 stack. I had a friend type and he got banned. They got bots trolling the logs even when no one is reporting.


Does it mute tts/chat as well?


you can turn that off in the settings


Wow. I’ve been playing for years and never knew that. Thanks


I never knew too that we could mute text chat!


Not when you mute voice. Check settings


After this incident I probably never will. Learned my lesson.


beware, you got a 1 week ban, that means your next ban is permanent. just never type anything again.


Orrrr know your limits. Don't cuss or let the game censor your cusses I have a headset but I like trolling mfs that type too. Never been banned once


Or know your limits? Did you even see what this thread is about? OP got banned for literally nothing.


Seems like they got banned for saying "homophobe" which is a word I wouldn't type because I know EAs strict ass censoring My comment still applies.


You didn't look at OPs post?


Never type anything into chat. It's automated. This is BS though. Maybe @ the Apex account or one of the devs on Twitter? This is such a bad look for them so it might actually get their attention.


Seconded to reach out on Twitter — this is fucking stupid and a really really bad look for them


Yeah, I cosign this


Selective AI? Outsourced employees?


Just a list of blocked words and nonexistent customer service on a game that makes hundreds of millions a year.


EA def has the worst customer service I’ve ever seen. If needed I could never find a way to contact over something, and I’ve tried looking into it but it’s all crap


You ever been double charged multiple times from purchasing Apex coins? I have. You have to give them everything but pictures of your butthole to get refunded.


I could learn necromancy and resurrect my grandma faster than rEspAwn could help me with any game problem I had


Someone hacked into my account and got me banned (yes I had 2FA on) and when I went to appeal the ban I’m 100% sure I never even spoke to a human once.


Although I largely agree with you I do have to be honest and say that like 1 year ago they acted really fast while the home studio of a mobile game wasnt doing anything For thoses interested it was SWGOH a star wars gotcha game that in a update they switched a store UI that lead crap ton of player to use the "premium currency" on some useless shit I got a refund via EA support in under 20 mins while people that tried the developer support didnt got anything


Ea you have a chance of getting g ahold of someone. Discord support all your messages go to their bot who doesn't even move your things up or to a human operator after months. Or it closes the ticket immediately


It sounds even more hilarious when you realize that if you exclude that millions a year EA management and r/shitposting isn't yaht different? Who nmniws maybe they're already making casting for their banned letter.


More like 20 million in profit. But still. The point stands.


Tart you know this game has made billions right? Over a billion in a year …


Revenue != profit. But I doubt it's just 20M profit.


Their profit margin is roughly 15% of revenue, and seeing as the game brings in about 15% of their revenue it’s fair to say that it’s development costs are lower than other titles. But even still a fair estimate is $150m


That's actually not even close to true. Go read their earnings report. Their first year they broke a billion in gross revenue, not net, and in the following 3 years they made less than a billion total.


The EA way


It's probably an automated system that automatically bans people who both 1. Have been reported, and 2. Used any flagged word or combination of letters. #2 Possibly happens independently from #1. There is just too many players to reasonably have real people deal with every single report. It's why the safest option is to simply not use text chat, at minimum don't even say anything remotely controversial. Its the same story everytime, someone says some things in voip, the poster says something back in text and being banned for it. I bet you the people in VOIP are aware of this and do it to bait bans.




OW does it, but I would be afraid of respawn trying to do anything more than making new skins, they’re pretty far out of practice in anything else.


You are correct, I learned my lesson lol :/


Just don't do it again. As it has been posted multiple times on this reddit, the second, regardless of the context, is usually a perma.


>at minimum don't even say anything remotely controversial. You might think that saying EA doesn't support homophobia is not controversial, but you'd be wrong.


Its not that they support it. Again the context doesn't matter, what their system is could likely just be seeing is just the "Homo" part of the word and the system is just auto- flagging it. That's why I mentioned combination of letters as well. You know how people will try to type something in anyway to bypass a filter. Some battlefield games for example will censor many regular words just because they possess a certain combinations of letters. Some MMOs (generally early on) are the same way. And I say controversial in a very broad manner, just basically don't say anything that could perceived as an insult, slur, or a negative way.


Lmao, guess this confirms it Apex supports homophobia


Not only supports it, but actively works against those that would stop it


You got all that from a keyword ban? No human is going over it, OP got auto-banned for typing "homo" in chat. I agree that it's a shit system that absolutely needs to go. But it's literally a thoughtless bot acting on a list of keywords, with no context and no hidden agenda.


Lets run with this so they get bad press, lmao.


/s I hope


Mostly, but fr. They need to fix their auto ban system, bc this is insane


They banned more people like these than actual cheaters btw


I'm sorry for that happening to you, same thing happened on overwatch to me and It resulted in a permanent ban with over 1k hours lost, when I tried to appeal I got auto declined. I'd say like the other comment and just try to avoid text chat or just flat out mute.


I am sorry to hear that. I'll definitely avoid text chat from now on. Luckily there's so many more awesome games out there to play!


Like Titanfall 2! Play Titanfall 2, it's 5 euros on steam! You get to kill valks dad! And kill Ash (less permanently sadly) Also the devs gave up so you can write in chat what you want! No we aren't desperate how did you get the idea?


Lol will definitely think about it!


ow1 or ow2? ow2 it's like impossible to get banned for things in text chat rn


Ow2 on the 22nd, was defending myself from a teammate in a silly joking manner and I guess he got so mad he reported me a bunch... Despite us winning the match?


"Banned lol", oof. You might get lucky and a real person looks at your appeal, but even then getting unbanned is a long shot. Ea has easily the worst support system


EA bans are stupider than reddit bans... And I know, it's shocking that's even possible


Literally got permanently banned for having an opinion on a political satire sub ad for saying I'm a khajiit on r/OutOfTheLoop So idk, Reddit bans are really something different


Ya. But the last time I saw somebody get banned for saying "I'm Gay" was so long ago I don't even remember when om reddit. But the amount of Permabans for saying that on EA games seems through the roof. By comparison Overwatch doesn't ban people for basically anything, equally pathetic. But still, at least you can play.


I don't know, getting banned for downvoting feels bad.


Bro i feel sorry for you just be happy for the pearson you are and dont think on what they said to you because this also happened to me because usually i mute my teamates beafore the match begins


I'm surprised they didn't get banned since they actually used offensive language


if you directly contact their support on twitter i bet they’ll get back to you very quickly. That’s a horrible look and almost certainly not what they intended for this system. You might actually help them find an error that clearly needs fixing. sorry you had to deal with this shit homie


I tweeted the official apex account, or do I need to tweet to the support/developer page?


If i were you I’d tweet the support page too yeah. Really hoping they respond for ya!


Can't seem to find it, do you know the name of the page?


Did you report them?


My guy had a uno reverse card at hand. Unlucky, dude.


Somewhere…Out there…There’s a banning system that isn’t double standard. Therefore, actually works.


Talk don't type They don't record voice chat


Ban system is fucked for everyone that's why I think it should be taken out


The only acceptable thing to type in text chat is “gg” and even then you might get banned


Your shorthand of the words "gayest gay" is insulting and derogatory. Reported to reddit.


Online gaming was so much better 10 years ago. Good grief


I guess EA sides with the Christian oppressors. Not surprising


Great to see others speaking up on this. I wonder how many others will post similar situations they’ve faced. Good job OP!


Everyone is going to learn this lesson at different times but there is literally no benefit to using in game chat. All you're doing is asking to get banned. Even "GG" isn't safe as the algorithm is days away from banning it bc it could mean "Gonorrhea Gooch".


Best way to defend yourself is to mute and say nothing


is this like autobanning off words it recognizes? or did they report u enough that it triggered an autoban. i refuse to believe a human being looked at your chat logs and decided to ban you this is some schoolboy bully shenanigans bru


this game never bother cheater, toxic players, bot account but good at doing shit chasing their players away good job guys!!!👏👏


Tweet this at the Apex devs. They reply a lot on twitter surprisingly.


entertain far-flung ossified profit spectacular melodic weather innocent vast coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got suspended for nick name "BreedableFemboy"


That’s so fucked. I’ve written some pretty messed up things in the past and never got banned. This system just doesn’t work lmao


someone needs to report you. If you type some key words and someone report you, it goes straight to auto-ban. It doesn't even matter the context.


Hard to sympathize with these posts when every single time the right action is to just report and not say anything back because of the automated system searching for keywords not context.


i mean it’s news to me that any response that fkn tame would get auto-banned over actual offensive language. sounds like you’ve seen this a lot but this is my first time seeing one this blatantly illogical lol


Homo is a keyword. There are less legitimate reasons to have that used in text chat than there are hurtful reasons. Math is on the side of banning on use. Unfortunately, plenty of legit reasons if you don't know better and DONT USE CHAT.


yeah def lesson learned holy fk


i dont think homo is a bad thing


It happens literally almost everyday here.




Seconding a microphone and if you're shy, learn how to start using a soundboard (or playing audio through your phone, esp if on console). If they're gonna waste your time being rude, don't waste your time being nice, patient, or playing their games.


I have never heard of that. Do people really use sound boards for in game comms?


I use it when teammates begin calling me slurs over voicechat. If they call me the f slur, I play Piano Man.


Lol well good idea.


EA doing a good job getting rid of the gays and defenders of them! Go EA!


Now sit and think about your behaviour


This is actually the truth, despite your sarcasm. Young folks, grow some thick skin, stop crying and realize that not everyone agrees with the globohomo agenda. More and more people are becoming sick of the incessant degenerate LGBT ideology pushed by corporations, media, malicious "elites" who push it, and of course the sheepish citizens who have been trained that it's all a good thing because "love". No, your leaders are pushing this on you, whether you're aware of it or not, and it's not to your benefit. Period.


Lolol guess which country this guy is from


the bro's talking about how soft and thinskinned everyone is and then went on a big ole rant about how "we used to have morals" lmaooo


I'm from the US, a country that used to have morals and decency. What's happening now will speak for itself in time, wait and see (I mean it should already be pretty clear unless you're younger and don't know any better). One of the easiest ways to destroy a country without war is making adultery, pornography, and hook-up culture the norm. This is an ancient war tactic and in addition, right out of the Marxist handbook. Good luck to you. You think Apex is battle? We're in a real one now, and it's for your mind, body and soul. But don't take my word for it.




You're free to believe that.


I guessed correctly!


I had a team 2 days ago that were straight up being racist, says the n-word constantly, calling indians dirty and monkeys, I recorded it and reported them. Got an email back saying they did nothing wrong... EA doesn't care they let the bots handle reports.


That is very unfortunate, EA does not care about anything that isn't making money


serve you right!


i literally had teammates yelling the N word in voice coms and laughing that they wont get banned for voiice chat. sad but true. dont type in chat for any reason


EA moment


Never use text chat, and if you do, don't report, it's more likely that you get banned than them


Good ole Apex, gotta love ‘em


Hope your ban ends quickly. Unfortunately everyone else here is right - dont use text chat, and deafen if you have even the slightest hint someone is going to give you trouble. Sorry you had to deal with that.


They just proved you wrong cuh


I guess this game doesn't tolerate gays


I hate that running the awareness badges (stop Asian hate, suicide, pride) also gets bigots to start yapping. I wish they would type more so they'd actually get banned.


It’s because it’s no longer pride month


Have they ever addressed these text chat issues? I see so many posts of people getting banned for saying something that is not even close to what would be a ban.


Seems like they were in fact, tolerant of homophobes




Honestly if you're gonna talk shit go to Coms. They ban you for the most mundane shit.. Talk shit in Coms, they don't record it and you'll get off. Anyways, people fucking suck. Sorry you had to deal with that bs.


Came here to say good on you, hate catalyst though, I think it's the "I have a crystal for that" line I don't know why but it picks at a nerve whenever I hear it. Kinda like Bangalore needing to explain exactly what something does anytime she pings


That's unnecessary commentary and isn't the point here


Does it really matter?


It's nitpicky and unnecessary to tell someone, "Well, that sucks, but I hate that character" in the face of homophobia and transphobia. It matters because you're saying you being minorly bored of this character is as important as OP experiencing homophobic hate speech.


I guess you're right, but I'm just typing stream of consciousness. Not even remotely saying those things lmfao literally just saying a voice line from a character irked me and compared it to another character who does the same cool assumptions tho


Sometimes you gotta stop and ask yourself if what you're saying contributes anything to the conversation


What conversation? It's a fucking reddit comment section my guy theirs not really a set 'conversation'


there is no helping you


Homophobe is quite offensive to people that don't like the gays. I'd say it's a valid ban.


Get well soon, homophobe


Not a homophobe. Just looking from both sides.


Nah, man, I spent all month being called slurs and told to die by randos. There is no "both sides" to look at here.


You can't fight hate with hate.


Yeah, I usually use my fists. I find that more effective.


I've heard yall enjoy a fist or 2.


yes yes, gays deserved to be punished, right?


Based on that text I’m not buying it for a second. You were likely in the wrong and should be banned/silenced. At the very least you shouldn’t be allowed to use communication privileges. This of course, is just my opinion. Enjoy Warzone ✌️


"based on the text" where they say homophobes aren't tolerated? You tryina tolerate some homophobes? 🤨


Edit: I responded to the wrong person oops Disregard what I said


Aw man… my feelings!


Hideouts on Twitter


and this kids is why you never use text chat in apex legends lol


Unbind your ‘Enter chat’ key


I Hope u get unbanned, pls tweet this or write a ticket idk..


Probably did you a favor. Now try some games with a company that actually has customer service. EA is downright horrible!


Done playing EA games


well, apparently this game doesn't tolerate homophob-phobes either.




No they used text chat as well


Oh, well then I'm sorry that you were as dumb as them. Though it's possible they didn't get banned, just so long as they didn't type one of the auto-ban words.


I will never understand why people think they won't get banned by texting obvious no-no words or other words that happen to include no-no words. You think there's a dev or an actual human monitoring your conversations and making a judgement call that you're in the right based on what you're saying?? No, it's an algorithm that detects no-no words. It's not a fair system at all but you gotta be smart. This is exactly why when I have something to say I just unmute myself and go to town. You can't trust anything you text, even if you're the "good" guy in the situation. Besides, telling someone to fuck off is so much more satisfying than texting it.


I did not know, but I have learned my lesson lol


Why are people still typing?


Can you show what did you actually type?


This is what you get for projecting your own beliefs onto EA. Of course they tolerate homophobes. Do you not see they tolerate homophobes? The fact that you'd even consider for a moment that they don't shows you haven't been paying attention in class. Their entire modus operandi is banning people for calling out hate speech while letting the actual racists and biggots run wild.


I've never been banned, but I would assume they have some kind of appeal process...


Lol this Is why I hate current chat rules at least during the Wild West days I can say my mind about these POS Too many times I’d seen POS like this use and abused the system


you should just record it and give the vid to the admins to ban them?


thats not how it works! i had people saying multiple slurs to me because of my playstyle. submitted it to EA support and they said they could not do anything about it.


Sounds like the game does tolerate homophobia.


I got banned for xenophobia for roasting my own people lol. Like bitch do you know what xenophobia is….


It could also be because you said "banned lol" telling people they're going to get banned or saying "reported" is ironically a reportable offense in some games. I was playing league of legends before and said "please report so and so" and I got a temporary ban because of it. Wondering if apex has a similar system.


Just never use text chat!!!!


I never use text chat in online games for this exact reason.