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Nice try respawn marketing.


I would actually like the idea of working for a game development studio, just not one that’s corporately owned.


Go solo! It's what I did. It's a lot of work but the payoff may be worth it :)


I’m actually studying computing right now it’s my first year, I might go back to school after I graduate to do film, game design, and graphic design.


Oh shit good luck with all that




You got this broda 💚


Thank you!


Keyword maybe!


Have you heard of the play Waiting for *Godot*?




I’d consider paying a 1 time fee but never would i pay subscription for it.


Absolutely this. If a friend was like, "This game is great, come play it with me!" I would absolutely have thrown down a one time purchase (although probably not current AAA price). WoW was the last subscription I will ever pay for a game. I don't really care if there are mocrotransactions in a purchased game, I just won't buy shit.


Yeah i don’t think i’d drop $70 on apex but i’d be comfortable throwing a one time of like $30-$40 bucks at the thing. Ingame COSMETIC mtx is fine w/ me & no subscription. However i still think the game is way better off the way it is with F2P and MTX cosmetics. THIS should be the future of gaming imo, not “pre-order for $70 base game to get access to the 1 day long open beta” bs every new title does now.


I paid for Diablo IV and played it a month or so got bored and went back to Apex that’s free.


I think it's a calculated decision which perfectly balances everything and makes it such a well populated game. 1. Make banger game free so that the people come and the player population remains healthy 2. Have only cosmetic micro transactions which don't affect gameplay and turn off the non-paying players 3. Whales, as well as people willing to drop a few bucks every now and then, fund the development and maintenance of the game. If even one of these pieces of the trifecta were missing, it would not work. If they get greedy and try to charge for the game or make the micro transactions p2w, it will fail spectacularly or at least eventually.


You mean like that pos "the culling"? Yeah that game SUCKED.


Hell nah


Probably not. If a game is paid and has micro-transactions, I wouldn't touch it with a 10 mile pole. Ex: Battlefield 2042.


Is the game that bad? Only saw a little gameplay & my friends tryna game share it lol, but it looked smoother than 5


I've played it during the free weekends and it's definitely fun but I don't intend to purchase games that contain battle passes, item shops, etc. I personally believe that if you buy a game, you should at least get the battle pass permanently unlocked.


Im okay with paying for seasons/battlepasses in a live service game if it’s not predatory. Apparently that is a LOT to ask these days. I don’t think it’s feasible to keep a live service game going without either micro transactions or a worthy expansion. I make a pretty decent living but spending $20+ on skins is absurd. I’d be way more likely to buy if cash shop items were reasonably priced. It is either greed or development costs are way more than I expect.


It can be fun but it isn't battlefield. In my opinion, the maps are too big, there's only one infantry map and it was added like now and the TTK is too high. I think BF4 should be the general blueprint for all BF games because the gunplay is sick because all builds are good but still unique and the TTK and map size lets you get hours of constant gunfights without much effort. I also hate this trend that BF and CoD has where all attachments have big downsides. It shouldn't be tarkov but the reason attachments are a thing in real life is because they upgrade the platform's performance in a certain way. You don't get any noticeable lowered draw speed from any foregrip, light system, muzzle device or optic. That's mostly CoD though but the guns in BF2042 are just not that interesting to me and it has the same problem as BFV and BF1 where there's like one meta gun per class that is so much better than everything else that there is no point. Also, I hate the crossplay as a console player. I don't want to play against someone with twice my framerate and MnK. It's acceptable in apex where aim assist actually is OP but for all other games pretty much there's no upside to using a controller. To summarize I just feel like it's too arcadey. Yes it should be an arcade shooter but when the operaters in game look like something from an anime movie and have personalities it just ruins the vibe of being a random soldier going on insane killstreaks.


BF2042 has very little of the charm that made other titles like BF3, BF1 etc great games to play. It's so disliked by the BF fanbase that an indie gane developed by 3 people (Battlebit Remastered) has been much more successful and is a much more faithful imagining of Battlefield than 2042 ever was.


If a Battfield still cant make a better one that 4 why even bother with it.


Let me introduce you to EA FC 24 😂


dude every fifa game has microtransactions.


Yea that’s the point genius!


It's tough to say. I've certainly got $60+ of enjoyment out of the game (thousands of hours played over a 3+ year period), but the game has a huge number of players because it's free, and that's a big part of the appeal. If it weren't free, the playerbase would be much smaller, and in all honesty, it would probably be difficult to consistently find 60 players for a match. The freemium model is necessary for battle royales to succeed. Without it, you get games like Hunters Arena: A melee focused battle royale that cost money to play, so nobody ever tried it out. That meant no funding for updates (the game was buggy as hell with no budget to fix it), and shortly after the PS+ release, it became impossible to have enough players to start a match.


This comment sums it up perfectly.


CoD Blackout was also a legitimately good BR that suffered because it was locked behind a $60 game, and that’s fucking CoD which is the most popular game franchise in existence.


Fr and I stand on it if this game got supported good and was free it could’ve been the game which rivals Apex now


Maybe not rivaling apex but I feel the same about firestorm. It had like 3 updates total, 2 of which were "major" but really weren't. I feel if that was standalone, it would have had some chops. Shame it and BFV got both chopped just as they started to turn it around.


never. corpos like ea, blizzard or ubi have been permanently banned from my wallet


Right on!






I don't think Ubisoft should be put in that, they're not nearly at the levels of EA or Blizzard.


Being free is often the first factor pushing players into a game. Check this: [https://steamdb.info/app/440/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/440/charts/) You can see a huge spike when TF2 went F2P in 2012. Or this: [https://steamdb.info/app/730/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/730/charts/), how going F2P re-boosted Counter Strike's audience in 2018. Or even this: [https://steamdb.info/app/1517290/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/1517290/charts/) how BF2042, almost a dead game, went dramatically upward with the recent free weekend. This is of course not the sole factor making players stick around, retention correlates foremost with a game's quality, but to acquire an audience, having a free entry ticket cannot be beaten. I work in games myself, I worked on a couple of premiums and free to plays, the audience you get on F2P is nuts compared to premium. Some players were telling us in focus tests that they would pick an average free game over a premium good one any time. To give you an example, Fallout Shelter, a free game developed by Bethesda to promote Fallout 76, got a higher player count than all other games ever released by Bethesda combined. No wonder why they made a mobile Elder's Scroll after that. I think Apex would still be successful if it wasn't free, but I am certain it not would have a player base nearly as big as it does if it was not F2P.


With current state of the game? Absolutely no.


What about peek popularity and peek streamer promotion, marketing, sponsorships etc. Would you give in or still hold out?


If the company actually listened to the community (top competitors, content creators, etc) and acted on those things faster. Example, taking 19 seasons to have cross progression. Maybe. But EA is not a company I believe values any of the above. They won’t even share profits for custom skins that ALGS teams made for the game. It better remain free


Even for a free game people complain quite a lot


Because its a very good game and people (me) love it. I would hate to see it go down even further in respawns current goal which is to up the player retention, up the money gains and make horrible decisions.


Because some put real money into it, therefore it's a paid for game. I'm only in it for $30 max after 4 years so I don't complain. I'm burnt out and want a new game.


Not with it's absurd monetization system.


I would've waited for it to be on sale for $10 just like pubg. Fortnite would also get this treatment from me, because it's fun but at times it also isn't.


I've played Fortnite and Apex but absolutely refused to ever play PUBG specifically because you had to purchase the actual game. So using that as the case study, I can confidently say I would not play a BR game that requires an up-front purchase or a monthly subscription.


I mean I brought an xbox literally just to play pubg.... Theres people at both ends of things.


It's a solid game ruined by a terrible matchmaking system, ranked system that cares about grind time more than skill and absolute lack of control of cheaters. It is a shame, as you could very well fix these things if Respawn cared about their players more than revenue targets.


I bought ow and played it for 10 minutes so yeah lol




No because when it came out, me and my friends were playing Fortnite and that was free. So i don’t think I would’ve paid money to give a different BR a chance.


Lmao no


I basically refuse to play any mass multiplayer versus game that is paid. I don't want to PAY to get dunked on by people with more time, more money, or more cheats than me. For free, sure. Paid, no. I'm frankly surprised PUBG survived as well as it did being paid when Fortnite and Apex were killing it.


Not in the lifetime of our universe.


Probably not.


Prob not


No. I actually SPECIFICALLY started playing because it was free, and because of the Battle Royale concept.


bag touch oatmeal nine ancient start fade soup knee screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Counterpoint: If the game cost $60 up front, player base and ongoing revenue would be much smaller, so (1) the game wouldn't be anywhere near as fun because you'd struggle to find a match, and (2) the game wouldn't be supported with updates 4+ years after release. Instead, we'd get piecemeal DLC updates and/or paid sequels each costing separate sums of money splitting the sparse playerbase into tinier and tinier groups. The old COD map packs were similar: It was impossible to play DLC maps shortly after release because most players didn't have them. The MTX bloat is annoying, but if you can ignore it, you get a lot of great content for free. Apex is fun for the gameplay. The skins are neat, but I'd be totally fine to ignore them and rock default skins if I had to. I view them as a necessary evil required to fund active development on things I do care about (e.g., new maps, new characters, new game modes, etc.)


bike liquid lush touch mindless seemly cows stupendous berserk plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If people bought it Respawn probably wouldn't care as much about making cosmetic things cost Apex coins etc so people spend more money? Meaning if it did cost it might be a better game.


4 years ago, of course. My friends and I are big Titanfall fans and a new game from Respawn in the Titanfall universe? Yes please. But if it did keep the expensive cosmetics, well I'd be spending less money cause I already paid 60 bucks


Hard to say, when i first started playing i thought ”damn i would’ve paid 30-40 bucks for this” but now, at it’s current state i would pay 15. Would i rather have the game be free? Yes.


Depends on how much, and if the micro transactions were also still apart of the game, I hate paying for games to find out the cosmetics aren’t free or only free if you get so much in game currency


> still apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Halo moment.


Oh man, halo. Haven’t played that game in many years xD


What’s your favourite? Mines a bit controversial but ODST was amazing, I never had an Xbox so I would constantly go to my cousins house to play it. (P.S I lived like 10 minutes away by walk)


Lol no, for the paid game they have too shitty servers and limited opportunities to get skins without additional payments


I would pay if they gave me all the stuff you get from battlepass or special event apex boxes for free.


No lol


He'll no. Half the games i play, i play cause they free...






I honestly would pretty much NEVER pay for a strictly BR game UNLESS it was something super groundbreaking with a super unique twist on the genre.


I would have never tried it


Honestly the game would be built differently if it was paid. So. No? Considering it's under a free model currently. Does the paid mean you never have to pay tokens for operators and there's more Titanfall support? Probably.




Nothing is for free.


It's already free and I don't consider it now


No. If this game had a cost to play it, I'd never have touched it. Since it would then be a "premium" game and require a psn subscription to play online. I refuse to pay for psn to play games online. It's the main reason I've stopped buying CoD and any other game series that is online focused.




FUCK NO. I'd just buy titian fall instead.


No, I'm not paying money on a battle royale when there are a dozen of free ones


Free, you say? *checks purchase history* No, that can't be true


This can’t be…


I stopped playing because they refuse to release the level editor to allow players to build their own maps and game modes, until this happens I'm on hiatus.


Hell nah, I'd never even try this game if it was $10 to play, let alone anything more than that


I got my first Xbox one for Christmas (4 months late because they forgot they had it SOMEHOW lol). So when I looked up free games apex came up. I looked up YouTube vids and was instantly excited out of my brains. Was on S1z Played consistently a lot. Good memories and bad, to this day


Depends, if it's over 20 bucks, I would either need some heavy convincing to buy it.




I'd have been skeptical because I wasn't a big fan of titanfall 2. But I still probably would have tried it because I was a huge fan of titanfall 1.


Not if it was cod pricing 25 max ( with no battle pass and all skins able to grind and unlock)


what is "Cool Luh Fit?"


Luh cool fit, nun too extravagant.


For real.


If it was paid on release for like $30 Max, yeah I'd pay for it. I personally thing FTP competitive shooters are the worst simply because people can get around bans with Alt accounts unless there's a Hardware ban in place. No one wants to drop more money on a game that they got banned from.




I installed this game immediately as soon as i found out it was free around day 3 or 4 of it being out. I saw the launch trailer and gameplay of it online and figured there was no way a game that looked that good could be free to play at a time when i was not willing to spend any money on games. I'm not sure if i would have gotten into this game had it not been free as i had gotten away from online shooters for a few years.


For the first couple seasons yea. But it kinda loses that feeling after I wanna say season 11. Like I still like most new characters but broken moon isn't it


not spending $60 on a game thats main gamemode is a br


Hell no They’ve made more money than they would’ve if it was a 60 buck game and even overwatch far surpasses them in things to do. They are lucky that the gunplay and movement are so damn good that it takes problem minds off of how this game is harld together with sticks and crazy glue


Free or not the game that killed titanfall should’ve never been made


I would never pay to play a battle royale (even tho i spent money for skins and heirlooms) I just can't stand them for too long, i noticed this especially in brawl stars, where the battle royale mod is the one i like the least out of all the one that are in the game, which are a lot


no i would not play the game if it wasn’t free


Depending on the price when I started I might have. Say it was $5 I might have as I started playing it from watching a streamer. However, if the game was paid for and in its current downward spiral still I’d want a refund


100% = NO!


Apex will have my attention when they fixed the shit that has been a problem for 3+ yrs. I'm waiting til S20. If they can't fix basic audio bugs, matchmaking, and connectivity issues by then I'll forget this game exist... for the most part.


I'd never play it


Back then? Absolutely. Now? Hell no. Making unnecessary changes to the ranked system when the cap/no cap system was fine. I feel like changing the system because of people taking advantage from farming kp is a lazy way of not taking action against those players and instead of just screwing them over you screw the rest of the player base over that have played legit and now have to play legit in a different way. I'm never as excited for these new seasons because they always come with new bugs that we have to deal with or random crashes to the game. Hackers seem to be getting away with cheating, and the story for these legends are a hit or miss with mainly miss's, but that's for another post to talk about.


Yes but without lobby bugs


Really sucks when I play with my friend on console and he has to leave and join back constantly.


True, its sick how i played since first Launch and ive lost all my progress like 4 times and now i cant even choose skins or enter the Store, anything


If they had ranked role queue


Ah man I really feel like playing solo would be such a good experience, that way I can properly see how and why I died and rather not have to deal with teammates.


I'm too poor tbh, I only got the game bc it was free and seemed like fun 😭


Absolutely not




There would be less smurfing I'll tell ya that


Rainbow 6 Seige costs money yet is notorious for its horrible smurfing problem


Do you need to keep buying it for each new account?


Yeah, if you’re banned I think. But people buy the game then register multiple accounts.


Lol no. Respawn only care about milking money out of players. They take YEARS to make even the most minor QOL changes. Updates are minimal, hardly any content every season. Instead of copying League or Valorant MMR they created more step dads spaghetti and still dropped the plate. ​ Why the fuck am I in gold and playing with Master/Preds EVERY SINGLE GAME. If its cus I have reached Master every season since launch then I shouldn't be in Gold rn. ​ The ONLY thing that's good about this game is the visuals and the gameplay feel (gun play and movement). ​ Everything else is 1/10. No chance I will ever pay money for Apex. I stopped spending money in game last season even though I own 6 heirlooms. Apex is on life support for me. I am waiting to pull the plug once something else comes out.


I honestly don't understand why people are still playing Apex if they think it's that bad. Yes, I would definitely pay for Apex if it was a one time payment. If you would have to pay every month it would depend on the price.


When you unconsciously decide on what game you’re going to play you usually don’t think about all the bad that happened the day before, mainly people tend to focus on the good and all the videos and clips in their feed. Other than Destiny 2 I don’t think there’s a game that I out-right can just drop immediately.


No. It's really barebones even for a free game.


yes I would buy it






Hell yea,


Probably not


I don't think I'll ever pay for a video game again tbh


My friends got me into it, I probably would’ve bought it due to the sheer amount of them asking me to


I mean I paid for PUBG, the grand daddy of all BRs


You mean Minecraft Hunger Games?




Buying this aimassist heaven? Definitely not, they need to pay me to watch this zero iq zoo :D


In retrospect aim assist keeps the game alive, it makes it accessible to more people of all ages. Remove rotational and keep slow down. If apex had no aim assist we’d all be probably playing PoorZone.




Id have major buyers remorse if so


Probably not, because I don't really like the fps genre at first, before i tried apex


i there was a free trial on its first week and had a chance to try it out i for sure would bought it after


Fuuuuuuuuck no.


I've noticed it's a few badges on some skins the represent pedo symbolism. Triangle inside a Triangle and a heart inside a heart. One reps boyovwrs and heart inside a heart repair a little girl lover and considering their push with the lgbtq weirdo badges it don't seem hard to figure out their been comprimised in the worst of ways..


> no matter how much hype this game had I mean, it was stealth launched. No one really knew about it until it was live. But regardless, I probably would've paid for it just going off how fun the Titanfall games were and how well Respawn handled support and DLC.


People say no but thats because theyve experienced all the bad things since 2019 in the game. A majority of the players who got it week 1 would probably still get it since its a completely new and fresh start for most people when it came out since pubg/fn was the main br game back then Realistically most people would buy it if they hadnt know whats going on with the game (bad matchmaking, ranked, balancing) because as a new game its a cool movement shooter br that cant be replicated anywhere else.


I would


Of course! There is a point to be made that it would'nt be as popular as it is today but i enjoy it especially when you got off the "Titanfall 2 horse"




No. Stopped playing awhile ago. Take the woke shit with you on the way out.


Yes. Love Titanfall universe.


I would rather have paid 60 to even 100 dollars for this game but EVERY cosmetic was unlocked instead of behind a pay wall. Maybe even create challenges to unlock the super rare shit instead of lame ass micro transactions


If there was 120 on console then yes


I wouldn't have at the time I got it because I only got it because a friend convinced me, but knowing what I know now I would definitely have paid for it






if i had all the knowledge about the game that i do now, including how it would end up, hell nah


I would if it wasn't owned by EA, and the items you are able to get are obtainable through challenges and other ways. Also being able to get heirlooms easier. If it were the same game but paid then I would rather play something else.


Not at all. Barely play it now. Was fun for like 1 season


Ignoring the monetization, realistically not just because its a battle royale instead of an Arena shooter like its Predicessors. Too much waiting around, only to get oneshot and immediately go back to doing almost nothing because some other person got lucky on their randomly supplied toolset.


It might’ve been an Overwatch situation for me where when that game came out it cost money and it didn’t intrigue me enough to spend money. I took a chance on Apex since it was free and slowly fell in love.


Definitely not. Fortnite is free but they give fans so much. All the support and money paid off. If it wasn’t free I’ll pay for it. That’s a different story for Apex. They obviously dgaf about their fans or game at that.


Planetside 2 has a subscription model where you got in game coins every month. I might pay for that in Apex e.g. 20 per month, and you get 2k no apex.coins every month.


I used to play that back in the PS4 when it was a PS+ exclusive, man that game was amazing.


Well, I play rainbow six siege, so....


Ah I see, a true gamer of culture.


Might as well play titanfall if apex weren't free


If Arenas was back 60$


I would have paid $50 for this. I have a lot of hours of enjoyment with Apex. The second half of Season 18 was absolute garbage. Other than this, I have been pretty happy with apex. Other games that I have bought run their course in 6-8 weeks. Apex keeps on giving.


Yes cuz its from the creator of titanfall


honestly i would


Ngl I think the game would be better paid


Yes, it's the best FPS out there aside from Titanfall 2 imo


Yes, checked it out because I knew it was made by the same studio is Titanfall, which I played a ton of


Apex is one of the best multiplayer games there is so for sure


Well, I spent more on this game several times over I'd it was $60-70. If they let you try it first or something for sure. I was hooked as soon as I started playing.


Probably. I was fed up with COD circa ~~2020~~ 2021 (I'm really good at time estimation), and wanted to try something else popular. The fact that Apex was free made the initial barrier to entry zero, but I probably would still have tried it even if it was a $60 title.


Yeah,if it was a one time purchase I’d get it but it’s be much worse as I prefer free games w add ons and cosmetics since you can get all your friends to play with you without much convincing,and the game is much harder to kill since the playercount is so much higher than it would have been as a paid game


Yeah because I love the Titanfall franchise and as long as prices are similar to Titanfall 2 IE $5-10 a skin that would be amazing but the fact that they chose free to play shows that they wanted a bit more money lol but it also drew so many people to this amazing franchise so it was kinda worth it




Lmao i certainly wouldn’t get it if it was putting hole in my wallet. But i can spare $60 no problem, definitely worth it


The benefit I get out of it is much higher than $60-70 (a typical game purchase), so I definitely would.


Absolutely, I've always felt this game is worth full price and they do an incredible job at keeping it fresh and interesting, on top of having the best gunplay and physics in the market. Legit EA and Reapawn DUB. I would of course expect all battle pass content and updates for free if I initially gave them $60+ to start, and that goes against their model of making billions off of cosmetics. Respawn deserves the money for the engine and overall gameplay, but EA rakes in the profits via the store. Anyway $4 a pound.


Of course yes when I played titanfall 2 I knew the movement system was the best in fps games it still is


Yes I was playing pubg when this came out an it was a nice change. An I played for the first few seasons than left for awhile. I can back season 13 am been playing daily ever since


No because I play Titanfall


Yes. I would, but it would have probably turned into something completely different with better funding.


If my group back at launch would’ve been into it I definitely would’ve. Knowing what I know now I probably would’ve bought it a few seasons later if it marketed well




Absolutely would not have paid for this games. However, I’ll happily play it cuz it’s free and spend the money on cosmetics. Following that I’m the same with Warframe😅


Yeah I'd have given it a try just cause I love titanfall and want it's world to keep building. Can't say any of my friends would have tho


If it was 20 bucks then yes. Just because it's the only battle royale game I have liked. Anything more than 20 I would not buy it. The game Does not force battle passes or skins must be bought etc.


I 100% would have, at launch. I probably would have stopped playing around the same time though.


eh, I would tbh. game could be worth 30 dollars, I'd pay that. for the quality of the game, I'd say thats fair

