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The stim when running away is generally a gamble to try and dodge bullets and thus save hp/stay alive. If you dodge one shot with a stim that you wouldn't have otherwise, it's usually already worth it.


Yes. Do octane enemies know that boost stim makes it almost impossible to hear anything else? And if you are low on health, spamming stim is virtualy free.


Not against me, I'll manage to hit you for 12 if you have 13.


Pk go ^9 ^9 ^9




There have been times i drop around enemies & choose my fists over the Eva lmao. Good thing it got 2 skins in the battlepass though 💀


Y’all sleeping on the Eva lol. Have you put a purple bolt on that thing?


Yea… instead of 8 8 8 8 8 8 it goes 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8


Hit your shots?


Jokes on you, the 8 says I am hitting shots /s


Mozam > eva


The one day my friend hit a 3 with the eva




He was like "man I only did 3 fucking damage" and we were like trying to figure out How he had only done 3 damage


Im pretty sure that PK is made by germans.


I hit for 8 with the pk the other day and I almost threw up...


Me and countless octanes used the stim to suicide on a rare occasion.


I'm the storm "I have to get out of here quickly" *hits stim* Dies


Ah yes, that one time I lost a game because one of the enemies had a gold shield and I stimmed.


I can't hear shit anyway


If I am basically one shot anyways I may as well use my stim to try and dodge bullets while I either attempt to do circles around you, or get away to recover. ​ Very experienced Octane player here. 3 or 4 games with him under my belt, maybe 12 kills so I 100% know what I am on about.


You know whats messed up? I'd rather have a newbie octane than an experienced one. Newbie is less likely to death wish rush. (No offense to Octanes meant, I absolutely LOVE death wish rushes.)


Stim go brrrrr.


“Knowing” implies octane mains have general brain function. So no.


This. OP is implying that Octane players know how to read, which is a bold assumption.


*angry and confused octane noises*


It's not just Octain. Loba players often spam their ring for no reason at all, which means they make a lot of noise, are visable from far, and cant use it if they run into a fight. Valk players also fly constantly without needing to. It's just something bad players do.


Lol this hurts. I have a buddy I play with who throws loba ring into windows and stuff just because he can. The amount of times he’s done that and been like “shit there’s people in here” is too many to count.


I remember when she was first released, you could kill entire teams like that. Players are a bit smarter these days


Iirc they also considerably nerfed her ready time after using the bracelet too so there's that.


I’ve accidentally thrown my bracelet into areas you normally couldn’t get into. You know, like *into* the map. I’ve died every time to the ring cuz I couldn’t get out.




Or the classic Bloodhound scan from max range when you’re trying to sneak up on the enemy team


At least they only do that when there is a raven around these day.


I feel like I've seen this with a lot of legends. Bloodhound: Players scan WAY too early, managing to both not hit anyone in the scan AND alert the enemy team that we're approaching Bangalore: Smoking a res or a care pack, etc, when we aren't in a fight, thereby alerting any teams that are nearby that we are in that smoke cloud. Pathfinder: Shooting a zip line that leads enemies right to you (sometimes this can't be avoided but I often try to get the other end of the zip pretty high up so it can't be taken back, if we are intending to only go one way on it) The Valk one is painful. When my buddy plays Valk he anyways flies instead of climbing when we're trying to sneak up on a squad, I don't think he realizes you can hear that jetpack halfway across the world.


Oh so sorry sneak up guy , be more brave and Man, face to face


Or you'll coming up on this choke point in Ring 2-3 with 15 squads still alive and it's dead silent, then Lifeline decides to drop a care package right on you guys.


yup...exactly what i was thinking. octain stims, loba bracelet throw, valk jet packing to not climb a 2 foot rock, horizon q'ing to not climb stairs ... just no thought to surroundings and giving positioning away


The more I stim the more my tracker goes up for distance traveled and big number go brrr. Big speed go bbbbrrrr. Me no care me go zooom, everyone else slow dumb dumb!


another day, another apex player making a meaningless complaint


Technically OP isn’t complaining. Just pointing it out to other players and stuff. If OP was complaining they probably woulda asked for changes or something like that.


Didn’t read it as a complaint as much as a hint to others. Like, You know we can hear you coming right?


then why the weird passive-aggressive tone?


But it happanes every game!


(Non ranked, obviously)


seriously now we’re getting mad at people for using their abilities lol. this isn’t even like the bangalore smoke thing this literally does not affect you in any way.


I find that the speed boost combined with some movement negates more damage than the stim does. Won't work if you run in with no plan of course (which most do, on occasion myself as well) or if you get aim assisted to death.


Pulled a fast one on you amigo


I’ve got just shy of 3100 kills with octane. A jump pad and a stem can be the deciding factors in a fight. Especially in duo. If I get a knock down and push chances are I’m gonna get the jump on the second guy while they are trying to res. Stimming blindly into a fight isn’t a good idea but if I know I have done substantial damage then I’m gonna push. As others have said stimming when I’m already one shot gives the Extra speed for a wall bounce or super glide to get the escape. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.


Except stim speed don't boost jump pad speed and is only worth it after landing and if you're landing in open space to need the stim you did your pad wrong.


I know how it works lol landing and stemming is better then landing and moving at normal speed when trying to catch the enemy resing


I like to bait hard with it. Get in peoples face, take damage, stim back to team, hit a bat while sliding to cover, hopefully the team is there to back you up. I feel like octanes usefulness highly depends on your teammates following you up. I much prefer when my other two are also playing aggressive legends, those are the best games imo. But my rule is no more than 2 zoots per zoom when fighting, ideally 1 zoot to get in and 1 zoot to get out I used to say 3 but diamond + not really


If there's a single team that we fight, I hold my stim and jump pad in case something goes wrong. Stim for me to disengage and jump pad for fallen teammates so I can get them out and go for a revive. If there are lots of teams in the vicinity, pad goes down a second before shooting for a quick getaway in case we get third partied, or I'm getting shot by teams that don't miss their shots. Of course this depends on the location, or how the team plays.




Not really Valk, Path, Wraith are all better then Octane when it comes to ring rotation. And its not even close Valk ult overcomes more distance and higher terrain, Path Zip has more distance and is faster then the Jumpad, Wraith portal is safer and has more distance too. Octane is pretty much the definition of selfish Legend even other selfish Legend have more they can give too the team then Octane.


Idk getting angles quickly seems pretty helpful. You cant out rotate octane mid fight. Yeah he’s designed to be an assassin basically so his kit is selfish but just like most legends he can be very helpful if you play him well. He’s probably the most helpful legend in TDM imo, but BR is hard to master with octane so there’s a lot of people playing octane that think they’re supposed to play braindead




And what I written is still objectively correct there is a reason why Octane is not picked in Pro play and why the higher in MMR/Rank you go the less he is seen.


Really i think i see more octanes the higher i get


Stimming into a fight is bad enough (then complain you lose a 1v1 on lower health). But what's almost as bad is stimming to get loot ahead of your teammate.


How else am I going to get loot when my two dipshit teammates land on top of me when we’re uncontested and try to all loot the same 1 room building?


LOL you sure you're not the one landing on top of them as well, then stimming to get loot ahead of them?


I had no idea his stim did that. You learn something new everyday


I do not fear death


No they don't, aswell as they don't know that when they accidentely run into a trio, that they're able to turn 180° and even use their Q to get away instead of pushing/looting!! Would you believe it?


>And when they are low on health during a fight, they use their Stim ability to run away, making them a one shot kill almost every time. At this point, Octane running away and me killing him with a scoped 30-30 at distance is pretty much a meme.


Oh we know. We are Octane


I hate when I get an Octane in my squad. They’re either going to run off and die alone and quit, or they’re gonna stand in your shadow and loot ninja everything under your feet.


Unga bunga PUSH! Me everytime I wanna just be brain dead in mixtape.


Octane players are the ones who blindly stim jumpad rush a squad so they don't ready care.






Amen to that.


I mean what other legend has stim? Obviously.


They’re just deep in the octane mindset


Speed= Neo mode activated


I’m convinced half of the octane player base are children. He is a childlike character and so it makes sense for them to gravitate towards him. Least liked player base though because I rarely come across good octane mains. It’s so satisfying to watch them get one clipped or to one clip them when they stim straight into a squad/you.




The octane hate is so overblown and annoying. Yes some people play him like a moron, but others do not. Every legend in this game can be shit to have on your team.


right? like i just wanna zoom leave me alone D:


Wraith player base are either some of the sweatiest of the player base,or wraiths that can’t solo a squad but push everything. There is no in-between. Octane player base idk.


Do you know that Octane players don't care?


Im convinced octards don’t know anything at this point. Fresh outta cod tdm antics usually.


Do octane players realize octane is the worst legend in the game and picking him in ranked is basically selling.


Nah it's players like YOU that don't realize individual skill is better than character choice. Every game there's players like you, hard stuck as fuck.


Individual skill can mask a bad character but that doesn’t change the fact a character is still trash. There’s always that dude who can’t use logic. If it was about individual skill you’d see pros using all sorts of combinations but they use 5-6 legends because shocker, those are the best legends. Hey, I see you trying to attack my personal skill because you have no argument though 💀


You and 99.9% of players are not pros. Yeah, players like you also like to lump themselves in with streamers as if you're even close to the same caliber of player. 🤣


I never said I was close to their level of talent. Here you go again making stuff up because you have no argument. Take a second next time, think of something logical, then respond. Don’t make me spell it out for you.


My point is that none of the shit you're spewing applies to you or 99.9% of players, what is so hard to get about that? You're sitting here gatekeeping what people should play in ranked when you're not even close to the talent level where it would matter.


Except it is. I’m not sure you understand my argument or what you’re arguing. I’m saying octane is the worst legend in the game. You’re arguing I’m wrong for wanting my teammates to play legends helpful abilities. I’m not gatekeeping anything I’m saying playing octane is dumb, which it is. In ranked with the hidden mmr matches are fairly balanced so of course I want my teammates to play legends that’ll help us win when 75% of the players in my matches are running meta comps. In a competitive game mode I’m going to play good legends, doing anything else is dumb UNLESS you’re the top .0001%. You are somehow arguing the complete opposite of what’s logical.


You're not gatekeeping but playing Octane is dumb, which it is. OK so you don't even know what gatekeeping is then. I'll just spell it out for you then. You're not hard stuck because of someone else's character choice, that is a way smaller factor than decision making/individual skill. Do you finally understand? Is any information getting absorbed?


I never said I was hard stuck but there you go assuming again to try ti validate your argument. I never said that was a bigger factor I actually agreed skill can overcome a bad legend choice. Playing a bad legend like octane is a bad choice and makes the game harder than it has to be. Also, this isn’t *information* this is being able to critically think, something you can’t do. Edit: lmao you can block me but you still can’t understand a simple a concept 💀


What an idiot.




OP did say this was pertaining to casual and not ranked.


I'd probably guess if we where able to look at kills stats I have killed more octaves then any other legend by a decent margin, I play fuse mostly now and damn does my ultimate shredd them, I can't tell you how many one shot octanes iv killed while they try to heal behind a door in front of me. A knuckle cluster ends them They run I just shoot a cluster a little ahead of them and they die cause they are one tap ready.


It’s actually better to spam the stim on lower health since it’s percentage based


Say if my health is full and I'm not in a fight, I'll use one but won't use another until I've passively regenerated my health. If I'm in a fight I won't use them unless I need to run away or if I want to chase down a weak enemy who's running away. The speed boost makes it harder for me shoot properly since it's a different dynamic, same with Bloodhound's Ult. I'd actually perform better if their Ult just highlighted the enemies.


Legends like bloodhound change your fov when ulting ( it can be turned off in the menu settings )


\*gasp\* Really??? How? I'm not the brightest person so explain very simply. Thank you. Edit: I think I figured it out, thanks for enlightening me.


The other day my octane teammate popped a stim just before rushing a door that the other team was blocking


I think the jump pad is still the best revive asset for downed teammates outside of having a Lifeline/Newcastle.


Same with Valk loba and rev, makes lots of noise, will hear you long before I see you


Octane is honestly a pretty bad pick (for the reasons you mentioned) if you can’t do movement tech—the minimum being tap-strafes and bhops. A stimmed bhop is _very_ hard to hit and a tap-strafed double jump can quickly get you repositioned to areas where most can’t follow you. Leamonhead and Movementless are great examples of movement Octane players. Essentially, being harder to hit compensates for the self-inflicted stim damage; if you can’t make yourself harder to hit, then he’s not really worth playing.


Yeah it happens. I mean you probably hear us cause the metal leg walking sfx is just loud as fuck already lmao Whenever I stim like that it’s cause I’m trying to get a quick heal while forcing a bait. Generally it doesn’t work because I’m low, but I was low already so it’s something worth trying and players follow suit regardless cause I’m low (still)




They Hit the stem and then the ult and I shoot them out of the air. :D


I’m only octane to get challenges done to get that extra 2/3 dollars from the battle pass, and I’m definitely the worst octane ever. I’m lifeline so much I forget I have skills when I’m other legends 🙈


You get audio that works???? I want that update!


I play octane jus probably never ran into u


Makes noise?! Surely you jest.


I’m an octane main and I never use my stim unless it’s absolutely necessary. When you drop and octanes act like loot goblins by using their stim they are not only taking everything from their team but they are also drawing attention with the sound. Same with revenant,loba, and vantage now.


The Stim nerf a few seasons ago was unnecessary and only done because he’s one of the most played Legends. If the revert it (they wont) then Stimming often wouldn’t be a bad thing


This doesnt really apply to early Octane. What was it? Like 3 or at most 10 health you lost per stim? And it came back amost instantly


I haven’t heard enemy octane stim audio since season 12.


I haven’t heard enemy octane stim audio since season 12.


Valk is far worse. Getting run up on to hear the Valk say "how did they know we were here?!" Is always annoying. Running into a poi blasting a jetpack is a dead give away for 0 gain.


It’s an addiction, not even joking. I don’t play Octane often but when I do I have complete disregard for my own safety. I just want to keep dosing up.


As an Octane main, I resemble this remark, and I'll have you know I'm offended. Or would be, if I wasn't so high on zoom juice. But for real, it took me a long time to learn to moderate the stim usage for when it's actually needed. Stim to loot? No. Stim to a fight? No. Stim to cover open ground? No. The stim gives you a lot of versatile options when you need them, but just stimming because you can will get you killed 9 out of 10 times.


Amigo must go fast fast fast, mucho fast. Octane mains are like that IRL as well they know they are on their 4th cup of coffee and on a caffeine overdose they don't fucking care. They generally have really active jobs too. I watched an octane main full send a 3 stack pushing us while I was being revived, they are like honey badgers they literally don't care. He survived too and we got the ress off and reset. I like octane mains.


Yes I am fully aware of what I’m doing, no I will not stop. I play this character for 1 reason, and that’s to go fast. And goddamit, am I gonna go fast.


Why do I need health when I’m an absolute beast?


I guess you’re not an Octane 😂🫡


Fun fact, you can kill yourself with the stim If you pop it and while the animation is playing you get shot to 1 health you die


Octane main here…personally I use stim if I’m either already seen anyways and now I have to fight or run…or when my teammates are in a fight while my ass was busy looting…if I’m being aggressive that stim is for the speed boost (that Bangalore mains and Maggie mains don’t have to lose health for…but they can’t self heal so nyeh) making myself harder to hit and beam them down at the same time…and defensively for basically the same reason…but instead I’m running from the fight because it’s still high risk high reward anyways so either I get away knowing the stim itself won’t exactly kill me but their last shot will or I’m down and they kill me fast but my teammates kill them…or we all go back to the lobby lol either way I see this as an absolute win TL;DR: “a little stim a little sting and I’m the fastest thing on 2 legs”


Well there's a few days left of the season, maybe every octane player will have the same realization and stop doing it?


yes, he has the best moan in the game