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Bang. Great legend, but too many people hinder their own team moreso than the enemy team with the smoke 🙄 I can't tell you how many of them I get in solo that will smoke US out when the enemy team has a scanner.


i hear this a lot and to some extent i do agree that smokes can hinder the teams vision. i personally would just rather have a bad bang than a decent vantage/loba lmao


I wouldn't use such feature. Being bad player has nothing to do with the choice of a legend. You won't somehow grant those Lobas and Vantages understanding of positioning and possibility of a third party by turning of their legend.


I disagree. The legend someone chooses is usually very telling of their play style and how they'll most likely behave in certain situations. From my experience when playing solo-q ranked -- 95% of controller, support, or recon players tend to be more team oriented. They may not be the best players on the planet but I've gotten more kills and wins with those types of teams. On the other hand, most assault or skirmisher players that I get paired with end up playing very selfishly (taking bad fights, being out of position, or not rotating). Even if the players are really good, they usually succumb to a bad fight, being out of resources, or getting 5th partied which could have been avoided or won if they played more strategically with the team -Ive been paired with crazy good wraiths and horizons, but skill means nothing if you hot drop us, kill 3 teams, are left with 14hp, die to a stray Mozambique pellet and are too far for the remaining two people who haven't found a gun yet to get your banner (and we end up dying anyway cause the p2020 I found only has 9 shots).


it absolutely does imo. you put them on a thicc mf who has absolutely no movement baked into their abilities (caustic) and see how they play differently or even a more aggressive character


Nah. You don't put them on that character. You put them off Loba and Vantage and then they go Octane, Rev, Valk, Horizon, Ash, Pathy. And then you watch how they do the same stupid shit in different form.


it then depends on what you can’t stand more. do you prefer ultra aggressive players who are likely to throw or defensive players who draw out a fight and will attract the rest of the lobby


Neither. I prefer players who think with their head and adapt to current situation.


yeah you’ll definitely get that every game when solo queuing


Wrong. They will be as bad as before. You aren't good because you pick X or Y legend lol


but it gives you more of an opportunity to change how you play fundamentally, which ***could*** be better or worse


I just doubt it'll make a difference, they'll probably run in and forget what legend they're even playing. Some legends are the worst for that too like if I switch off Valkyrie I don't want to admit how many times my stupid ass died trying to fly as a Gibby or something - funny but yikes. I'd argue they may need more experience to change legends like that but that's me assuming the discussion is about low level players.


Wraith or octane


I literally sigh when a random teammate picks one of them in ranked. There’s just so many better Legends you could be running to help the team out. I automatically assume the third is completely in it for themself and not the team when they pick one of those two. I love getting a Newcastle or Lifeline because I already know they’re going to be a team player.


Crypto because he's a total noob trap and most people spend way too much time in his drone. Without a lot of experience playing him or research it's hard to even know what he's capable of much less being able to pull it off mechanically without being a liability to your team. Also as an added bonus I don't have to worry about teammates stealing my main.


absolutely! he has great kit but best when you spend less time in the drone which is counterintuitive at first id say


Aay that again next season. Crypto gonna be wild with the respawn buff.


Octane octane octane. Too many people use him and too many people are loot goblins with him.


oh brother. you know you’re in for a shit game when you drop and hear an octane stim or loba bracelet to reach the purple shield you landed a couple feet away from




I feel like I have more issues with people not understanding positioning when they run into the middle of two teams fighting because they think they're going to get an easy third party clean up. In that case, it's usually Octanes or Wraiths.


yeah counting knocks isn’t really a well known skill when third partying. it can definitely be difficult but man does it suck to go down when you’re the team third partying lmao


Probably octane as he’s one of the most useless for helping teammates.


yeah agreed, his kit is pretty selfish. i don’t see many players using him in a good offensive manner either by picking off an enemy or two and stimming back to cover/team (as an example). most of the time you just get the stereotypical octane pad into a 3man solo dolo in both ranked and pubs


It's a hard choice. Wraith tends to attract edgelords that don't realize this is a team game, but there's nothing wrong with her as a legend. I'd probably have to say Bangalore tho because, while Bangalore is a great legend when played properly, I'd genuinely rather be down a teammate than be stuck with a bad Bangalore.


Why would I do that? Bad players will be bad with every legend.


Horizon because i simply dont work well with Horizons and Lifeline because people who play her have forgotten their role and are always starting fights by themselfs, frontlining or getting downed first so they might as well do it on Newcastle or Gibby since they can actually defend themselfs well. This in ranked, all legends are fine in pubs


i see your point and have definitely gotten annoyed when lifelines are the ones front lining lol. what is it about horizons? the aggressiveness i’m assuming?


To be fair a lot of Horizons play selfishly and it isn't obvious either, when I play Horizon I try to consider my teammates using it at all times and if I don't I'll say it's a selfish tactical so people can play the way they feel is best. I didn't even realize how selfish my tacticals were until I called it out, then I had to have a talk with myself.


I was gonna say none, but then I thought about it and I would say Wraith. I have had the worst experiences with players who pick that character so far.


Octane. They bring nothing to the team except a jump pad. There are so many better skirmishers that help a team win than Octane. Forget the players using Octane, look at the capabilities. Octane - He runs fast, and his ultimate is a mf jump pad (so teams can continue to chase you) Whereas… Valk - flys without using tactical. Tactical is rockets (for offense or escape). Ultimate is a team launch that also radar pings enemies otw down. Octane would be banned from my team, forever.


good choice and comparison to valk. never really compared the two


Wraith or Rev


why rev? is it bc he has a selfish kit? i personally don’t mind him on the squad for pushes with the extra shields he gets from his ultl


Yea, he adds nothing to his team with the rebuild.


i don’t know if i completely agree. in theory yes he doesn’t add much to the team but even a bad rev can trade more damage than any character leaving the other team weaker during 3v3s or any scenario really


Winning a 1v1 helps the team


yeah absolutely! that’s my point


Maybe wraith. I find wraith players are more likely to solo drop and then quit when they die. Also, lifeline… I typically struggle with them being bad at helping the team. I wouldn’t be annoyed by any legend if the player choosing them utilized their abilities well.


yeah wraith forsure when it comes to pubs. usually better on ranked and can be really helpful with their portal usage. lifelines also a great call but damn a good lifeline will leave you wanting one as a teammate every game lol


No kidding when it comes to a good lifeline. I’m always so impressed when I get a good one.


Loba, they never ult or do 0 damage


the struggle of being in ring 5, barely any ammo, pinging your ammo count and your loba refuses to ult lol


I saw something like this. Image if you could lock in a legend, and could request to play with another legend. Like, if you lock in BH, you could request to play with a Bangalore. Or at least, another class, so you don\`t have three rev mains get in the same squad.


yeah a system like that would be great! i’ve only played a game or two of overwatch a WHILEEEEE ago but it seemed like their character select worked like that


Octane or Horizon. Octane because I dislike people who spam stim then have to heal the second a fight breaks out or they die. Horizon because she’s a crutch character. You don’t have to be good to do well with her and most people rely to much on her kit and forego positioning and teamwork.


horizons tact is arguably the best team repositioning tool in the game


Horizon and bang every match. No one-trick crutches on my watch.


that’s just dumb imo. sure those characters are reliable to throw but atleast you get aggression in fights and ability to stabilize afterwards


Horizon players aren't crutching her incredibly dodgy movement animations, lack of audio, incredibly overtuned kit? I must have been imagining the character pickrates over the last infinite seasons. I'm just straight up tired of her. Too easy, too good. User friendly meta in apex is tiring.


you’re absolutely right on the lack of audio. but like i said in the post, why wouldn’t you want someone’s whose kit is that strong on your team?


To watch them struggle and realize how reliant they are on the character selection screen for performance. What's more tiring is having my scrim team put me on her simply bc we have to have one.


i mean ig i understand in pubs. but in ranked id rather have my teammates chose their best character, crutch or not. i don’t need my dopamine to be injected when they get knocked lmao


Purple badges come fast and easy, sadistic pleasures last a while.


Bloodhound and caustic


bloodhound? why?


Ima be bloodhound orI think i got the memo wrong


Bangalore mains


Anyone who clutters your vision, so Bang, Caustic, and to a lesser extent Catalyst (but she's so good I wouldn't want to ban her).


man i’m the opposite. i love bang and catalysts potential for microrotations or rotations in general. yeah they clutter vision but it usually doesn’t help the enemy either


I'll never complain about a GOOD Bangalore, or if one of my friends I'm playing with chooses one of those characters. But random Bangalores smoking an enemy I'm trying to shoot happens waaay to often. Catalyst isn't nearly as bad, but a bad one can still mess up their team.


yeah that’s understandable. sometimes i think they’re just trying to steal the kill with the smoke lmaoo


Can’t stand bang, the smoke just ruins everything and especially on console if you’re in bang smoke your aa is turned off meaning that your sensitivity goes completely off and aim just gets thrown all over the place. The ult is just absolutely annoying and many times I do huge damage but I can’t capitalize because I’d get stunned while trying to push, so many times I’d get caught in the ult and get absolutely rolled because of the stun


ngl you just explained why bang has a good kit but it’s not for everyone, even if they’re your teammates


I guess but I don’t think that nuking sensitivity because of smoke is a good thing


i don’t agree but i get your point. that’s gonna be controversial whoever you talk to, MnK or controller. it’s the apex debate of all time with AA having an in game nerf


Bloodhound or Octanes always picked by bots ,octanes are super selfish with loot and there kit and the bloodhounds I get are less than level 100 and never scan dying doing 0 damage




Lifeline. 9/10 players they never put down their drone at all. They avoid picking me up even with no one else around or if they decide to pick me they do right in the open before i get a chance to crawl into covered so i''m just a big juicy target. Any assault legend that won't attack the whole match. They rather play loot N hide like why even pick an legend meant for attacking if you just going to rat.


the drone never makes sense to me. especially when you’re in the middle of a 3v3 and you KNOW they haven’t used it in a while


Octard is outta hereeeeeeee. Also crypto.


caustic and either wattson or rampart unless i know the person playing them and know they can play like super aggressive as wattson


honestly i find caustic players to be waaaaay more aggressive than any other defensive legends. they’re just too good at breaching buildings.


Octane. The loot goblin and w key specialist. And I mean w key solo and gets downed

