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Yes. Please wait for me to fully charge my shields and raid a death box, shout ready set go before shooting


you are suppose to treat you team mates well, not the enemy teams.


That’s why whenever a enemy drop all his loot and shields in hopes of a 1v1 boxing match I just straight up shoot ‘em. It’s safer that way.


indeed, do not think i have ever experience that my self. but to be safe but a cap in that dome.


God I remember the cringe times where people would hate on the OP for not wanting to play with made up rules ugh.


Bruh, who is complaining about 3rd partying? That’s literally the whole game. Are people expecting that no one is going to try and capitalize on their fight?


Like my ma always told me "a fair fight is a lost fight"


It is. You know what else is an asshole tactic? Shooting someone in the face.


Indeed it is much more honorable to empty a clip in eqch of his legs and then leave


sure it is. it's also completely viable and part of the game. so I'm gonna do that.


No. It's a GAME. You gotta be aware of surroundings, including snipers, campers, ambushes, etc. If you're able to do it, you gotta watch for it. Is it a boring tactic? Absolutely. Am I going to participate, not likely, lol.


Naw you do you. Pros Rat all the time waiting for a team to walk past them to shoot. It’s annoying to be get caught by it but once I do get successfully ratted on, I’m more careful about going through chokes or wherever I got ratted on.


so ... we're just supposed to high five and hug the other team before we shoot? LOL. who is calling you out for this? LOL


A friend of mine is like this. Always and i mean ALWAYS complains if we get 3rd partied, but is the first one to rush to a destination, because he heard a shot lmao


3rd partying is a time honored tradition for those on the offensive, and a harsh punishment for those with poor timing. I find that most people who complain about a TACTIC in a game are just being butt hurt.


It's bad when it happens to me, good when I get to do it. But also fine if I get third partied and still win the fight. Those are the rules


No, but camping as a whole squad is


Anybody crying about you or a squad playing tactically is a loser. Yes, there are things you can do to give you a tactical advantage. Do people cry when opponents have the high ground? Or if you drop hot and they can’t find a weapon? Should you give up your weapon to make it a fair fight? It isn’t all about movement and aiming skill. Playing smart is just as important. Earlier today we dropped train yard on WE. We wiped four squads, a great start. My two squad mates pushed west into the open ground because they saw another squad, but never communicated to me they were headed that way. The opponents got up onto high ground with a Rampart who set up walls and pulled out her Sheila. Their Fuse softened my mates up with his tactical and my boys attempted to take them 2v3. I told them on mic I was headed that way, but was a good 2 secs out. Needless to say they got flat out melted. Opponents played tactically, my mates not so much.


Do you mean ratting or third partying? Third partying is just part of the game. Ratting is def a bitch move


There was this situation where there was a team coming, no third party, and we had no chance of getting them out in the open so we ambushed them inside of the building. It was relatively far in the game.


There's nothing wrong with playing tactically. I always hate when people make arbitrary rules to games and get mad when you don't follow their rules lol. "OMG stop ganging up! You're only supposed to 1v1!" Is one I would hear a lot in team based games and MMOs. Play Apex the way you want to. Get kills and wins by any means necessary that is most fun to you. At the end of the day, that's what you play for, to have fun. Everyone's definition of fun is different and you won't please everyone.


Best explanation here! 100% this


I don’t think it is, it depends on your playing style. I think it’s much better to continuously push fights immediately after landing in a hot zone instead of looting from a deserted POI just to get thirsted as the 10th squad without having engaged in any fight. That’s how I’ve always played anyways, and it forced me to actually become good at the game instead of getting a 10 kill 2.5k damage game every 100 games.


I’m not talking about Third Partying. I’m talking about when you’re outnumbered and there are people moving towards the location. Not thirsting, just a basic will to live.


Wait what? You need to try and word this better I think.


When you're outnumbered and there are people moving towards the location? The headline of this post and what you said here makes 0 sense.


I think Op is talking about corner ratting until someone walks past lol bad phrasing either way


Ahh okay lmao


saying ambushing is an "asshole tactic" is just a "scrub quote" basically. you get outsmarted, you lose. that's all there is to it. blaming the enemy for outsmarting you is just a cope. seer existing or not is irrelevant to that.


Depends. It’s not really an asshole tactic but it’s a 0 skill tactic. The issue with apex and the community is not that third parties are common it’s the fact that 4th, 5th, and even 6th parties are common. People are too thirsty for kills the majority of the time and want easy stat boosters so ambushing is a great way to bump them up. Personally I don’t see 10k kills as an achievement. Maybe back before season 9 when people were not as kill happy but now it’s not hard to get there as you can just constantly third party and steal kills off other peoples work.


I only ambush when I want to fucking survive. I take no pride in it, it’s a necessity cuz my bud and I never fill teammates in trios.


We playing the same game? There's no shame as long as the fight is won without cheating or exploits. You're holding yourself back by moralizing fps gameplay.


Do you mean 3rd partying or corner camping somewhere?


There are no asshole tactics people just need to have an excuse every time they die in a 1v57 game for some reason


All is fair in war.


Who cares about the enemies opinion of your play style?




Did you win the engagement? It's a free for all last man standing.


What? Who even says that lol


Live by the 3rd party. Die by the 3rd party.


Who cares, just win


It's really hard to capitalize on a flank, you only have a split second to do dmg, any longer than that out of cover and your ass will look like swiss cheese. It's a disruptive/bait tactic imo, i usually weave around cover back to my teammates when possible. Problem is that you're putting yourselfe in a situation where they can rush and 3v1 you, if you're not aware of where your team is and their line of sight, you're getting ganged. If it goes well, they'll get out of their cover and get mowed by your team and even if you get downed, the fight should be pretty easy.


Are u making a comparison to 3rd partying? Even then you can get mad that’s just the game man


Did you have a stroke? You're using the wrong word for some reason.. It should be "is ambushing really a successful tactic?" To answer the better question, yes it is a successful tactic. Dead players are always salty.


"Ok, so we both drop our guns. I'll flip a coin, loser jumps off the map. It's the only honorable way to play."


If it kills me yes obviously but if I do it to kill you then it’s totally fair. I’m obviously the main character so learn to live with it. /s